The Exeter Times, 1884-11-27, Page 5• 1R.A,.r.�3...te� 2 of Potter's Best Electric Batteries for Medical use, 1 Mereur. lab Barometer for foretelling tile Weather. Fielienzie#&'Inhalers for Catarrh, Bronehitie, c 4aieiZ, BEi SOLI) C=E ESP.., —AT TEL-^ hAbQxAtOryi J,Y. 23 + OWVTTO s, P.Qp HOLIDAY n�ata. Somal acts about t111R dish* Al\TZNOITN(EIf1I [T t< Planes. These Peanos have established their excel - Ladies and gentlemen seeking it choice selection of CIMI8'ANEAS GIFTS 'Will find juts't what they wish in our now and rich assort- ment of ARTISTIC JI\VELIi4Y, carefully selected and especially desirable Its most, appropriate Holiday Gifts, Watches in Elegant Cases lexica in timely oorxununaty where they have been introduced, and the most eminent per. formers have given them the, moat unqualifi- ed ed approval. Their appreeeaton, however, is not confined to the class known as profession al artista,but they are as highly prized in the parlor as in the school room or upo* the stage, The fact is, they are as perfect as any instruments of the kind that have yet been made, and possess Arany qualitieswhich strike the critical ear as superior to all other pianos. This is the,whole secret of their great popularity and tete high appreciation in v;hicFi they are held 11 bath f4m3eum and professionals. EVery bottle of Amite a Qli Liniments old is warranted by tete proprietors to give sails. r 1"11""'"'Y w111 be refunded, :handsomely chase=d, with Chains, Seals Pencils, Etc,, Mod - styles, 'ma guaraeteetl of llasF quelitlr SILVER WARE New andelegant styles. Justin the The Seagraller rim! ADVERTISE s. rovvEzzat Having decided to close his present stook of IN T EETIMES. the aboxe°plows, will sell FOR $13 CASi, and $I4 Qn TIE. FOR 30 DAYS. The plow can be seen at the building oppos its Btu 1llfuble ,;hop. (A few door ., seta th of the nlarket,j Points,aud repairs always kept in stock, (Corrected s. t5 o'clock p.m. Wednesday./ wn#,'T Wuttt ANG4 a t O Ga to 0 70 ties , «. 0 43 la 0 70 White Wheet lino ., 0 00 to 0 70 Rod Wheat tiew O ilii to 0 70 Fran*¢ wiles% Vita (new) LATEST TY4S IN GOLD JEWELRY taxa) .. . Clover rloe4 ., TImottty Of Standard quality, for ladies' and gentlemen's wear. corn IRIta PRIG EG LOW. Watches, Clocks and yezvelly repaired and short notice, add. Guaranteed to give Satisfaction. Stand ane door north of ?etc rash Office, 1t aini•st',, Exe ROBERT HICKS. The Tate or a San Vrane�isco Cat. In the store of Castle Brothers, on n*, +'Good Morning.•' It is astonishing, safe the Cincinnati : Front street, WAS n eat, 'fids cat is Enquirer, how o�'il this salutation is, and how it differs, says a contemporary, among various races, The Greeks wished a man to bo of 44a good cheer." Tho Romans trusted that tlieir friends might that day find themselves in a death on rats and such small deer, and ir,therefore, treated with distinguished consideration by the proprietors and their employes. When the cat game into the ofiieo ono morning with a very melancholy look on her face, and otata of health and safety. The 0085011 mournfully erica as if in deep distress, explains itself. The Greek was "a gay the human brotherhood wercmuch dog" and happiness at any cost was turbod. The bookkeeper determined his ideal. Bence be of "good cheer"— t to follow her and see what was the mat- ke the most of the moment. Tho ter, and she led him to where some Eintte1 „ ,,. >•:lour}ert.1.1.... --- ••• Pot+ttoea,per brig Popular 0rbag . Drtedarldttapr b ,., ,• Boers perlb. ... Turkey per ib •., •• pucka Per pr ,,. "' (�bickeus ter pr ,,. llo„ tl,.lreaeedker100 .,, Beef ,., Hides roubh ••• •' ma 1 bolas were overturned. Upon lifting them un he discovered throe small kits Boman, however, surrounded by the cares of a vast empire threatened now by one foe and again by another, used tens crushed beneath them and dying.. a more solemn greeting. "Health" Tho cat saw them die, widener mourn - Was his first wish, because his idolized. 1 ing their untimely fate, she went about Rome was surrounded by fogs. her usual ;avocation of eliminating the "Safety" was his second wish, for at rodent. In a few weeks sho appeared moment the fateful end of all things ! in the oi3lce looking more laeltrynlose might comp. In China "good morn- 1 than ever, and her plaintive cries again ing almost grows comic. It moans awoke the echoes of the store. This there, "have you eaten your rice, and time less time was wasted on blandish - is your stomach working well?" Fancy . ments, and the bookkeeper followed tti g those hrases to an English- ' her again. She took him up stairs and manl Yet, after all, there is a good dual of wisdom in his salutation. A good appetite for breakfast, bo it a broad -and -butter meal or be it a repast on rice, means, as a rule, a good day, and, following a good day, a good night, and with a good night, pleasant sleep and renewed strength for the morning ao ain. A man whose stomach, too, is working well is a man whose temper is equable, and who will there- fore, generally speaking, be happy and sunny -minded. Upon these considers, - tions therefore, it would almost seem that pigtailed John's "good morning" is the wisest of those named. i nice place for some more kittens, and --+ •+-- if she did not reason the " thing out, There are 11,000,000 people within a what do you call it?—San Francisco radius of 300 miles of Louisville, Ky. [ Post. to the furthest corner of the store and. mounting some extra boxes, drew his attentloh by scr:ttchin„ and mewing to the fact that one empty box, :it the bot- tom of which was a lot of old matting, was full of loose boards standing on edge, which interfered with her com- fort. He removed the boards and she thanked him by rubbing herself against him and purring The next day there were some soft, fat little kittens in her box. If that oat didn't tell that book- keeper that her kittens were being crushed, and afterwards the boards in the box prevented her from having a • 079to075 045 to 954 ▪ 027 Ge0Se 700,9740 • 1 5GO2(IQ 0fato0Go • aoetoo'.;$ .., 017t0018� 15 GO 0 10 500to040: a+ to 0 40 ▪ 040 to0SO ... 000%0008 • 005to004 ... 007to0OS ,.. 0 50 to 0 E5 ,., 02ato0"a0 ,,. 7 00 to 750 • 500toa00 • 5Oato000 dreamed .. 000 Go 0 75 ghee1lrkens,on,alf ,. 000 to 1 e0 Gaitsktna 0 b0 to 0 70 Wool per lit ,., n 10 tit 0 0 If ay per ton ... ., i 00 t0 8 n0 eln(oncnorhush .. 110 to 0 75 Woo per cord. .. 904 to 3 r0 TIESSAI,T, Mitloce1'S. Fall wheat Por bbl .. r' 0 7S t4,-; 0 7J Sums " .., 0 71 0 80 Barley (Itriebtl 0 51 to 0 Go Barley (feeding) ..> ,,• 0 44 to 0 •.t0 White Oat, 0 28: to (1 of ll10ck ()eta .. 0 27 to 0 30 +.pools per bbl. .. ... k 00 to 10n Potatoes perbli 0 25 to 0 ?ardes intondiog shaking a ptrohase will do well to call early. April 10. S. POWELL., STOP $5Q00 UEW.%Itn' THIEFL� E B•wara er o4aut,rreltt, Tba blah repo. ., ebpe.orAdeaso'ttl.la.tat ata bfeitaa*. for the ttitzq or.., ebbe. polde. Ai1be a ie GGntampnca haettleetetestA urtreaseeteleehde, Thertheteeadra. attire Uateele awe* Nah•ea to prorired naly by Freak, W. Inneteea t Ch., eels proprietors, gu,4utt% mates, o pro- deet tourseir front trePee tion era ntle the bottle fad toe Awl ShlYnsnse PIF, W. ittnamaa, Drugrift, Augeste, Ar..,. *1 Vont 14 the glue or the bolo*. A reward or Boot In 4+5111 orrored,fer a bettor ergoto. we Otto otter a moron k' r hop oo ***fib pro 1, Rr of any reeeo47 *bowleg half ss, ,nr teatimont.k 0 tPeei.• sures of A*tbfui and Lung 'fact to too tame leeggtttt or time lo* talo by ohm.. ••.xblo Ontatatit .nd oonutry toeelers, rr1r.. 10 tad Sr. -.•.netts, VY,7kper daFtodtalrra, 0Abesomoe4,- eh-t. l<, a,. Ateoletateakutte for fogad*. may Ifs f"otintl"oro THIS PAPER file at %WIT Newspaper mee*Utt Roost 1 rco.., �treetl.wherrta#(yts� n8'�rreata (Io Sorties ler $n NEWYOKJ An Intelligent Goat. • The San Diego (Cal.) Herald relates • an incident displaying remarkable in- [ telligenee on the part of a goat. A , citizen of the place has two goats, and to pre vent their doing,injury to the gardens of the neighborhood' 0710 is usually picketed out, the other never . leaving its mate. The other day one was picketed some distance from home, and at evening the loose goat came running to the house, making a bleat- ing noise of distress and scratching' against the gate, and after drawing at- tention would run off in the direction where the other one was picketed. This operation was repeated three times, when the owner 'concluded that something was the matter, and started in the direction. indicated. ' Nothing could exceed mem- fesd by jumpingand frisking y of the � ng t about, and it led the way tothe spot where the other one was. Here the picketed be �lII a s precarious u animal was found topre position. Ithad climbedbe a tree stump, and the picket rope was caught in a broken limb, and the goat's fore feet were held entirely off. the ground. He was quickly released, when the goat that gave the alarm repeated its de - Exeter Butcher? Shop R. DAVIS, Butcher & General Dealer —tar sLn mNDS ox ---- 1E I M I .A- i" I S k GREAT DISCOVERY. Mr. Wm. Thomas,of Newtou,Ia„says : •My wife has been seriously affected with a cough for twettt}'•five years and, this spring more severely tivtnever before. She hat Used many remedies without relief,and being urged to try Dr. King's New Discovery. did so, with most gratifying results. The first bottle relieved mr very lona , su: � solntely cured her Sha has lint had such Customers supplied TUESDAYS, DAYS .isn SATURDAYS at their residence. ORDERS LEFT AT THE SHOP WILL 1 E CEIVE PROMPT ATTENTION. 884 -THE OLD - 884. -T 884.. ESTABLISHED HOUSETo tr..b.e rzion't as 'Usual. With a P`irst Class stock, %dal, prices that DEFY' (=PETITION. TAILORING DEPARTMENT Full of alt tits Latest desigua en '\\Tor tee ;`, Oyerco lting�" i. weed .s Etc-, Ault nuo'e np iu Firt,t.clase styli, and at prices that cannot fail to please. AAI Goods• 31ABWI D� IN PLAIN FIGURES, No Trouble to Show Goods. Bring along your Farp Produce, for which. the Taighest Prices will be paid, 'AIVIES PICK,ARD, EXETER :ISM 22nd, 1884. EII 1892. L SAMWELL AND PICKARD Desire to call the attention of their customers to, and ask their inspection of their large and TRUES. Complete assortm't of Dray Good, CATARRH— A NEW TREATMENT, Perhaps the most extraordinary aucceee that Jean uttuinedbythe s been achieved tDixonotreatrn mment1 a e ca- tarrh. Out of 2,000 patients treated during the last six months, fully ninety per cent. hnyo boeu cured of this stubborn malady. This is none the less startling when it is remembered that not five per cent. of patients presenting themselves to the regular practitioner are be- nefitted. while the ,,stent menicines and other advert°.sod cures never record a cute at all. Starting with the claim now generally believed by the most SCieniiflc men that disease is duo to the presence of living narasitesir. the tissue, llir.11ixtm at once adapted his euro to their extermination—this accomplished, he claims the Cutar''11is'practically cured, and th„ per- manency =questioned, as eines effected by bolio ellrn four se kiss attempteears d to euro Catarrh in aro cures still. tais manuer,aud no other treatment ever cured Catarrh. Thi application of the remedy is simple, said can be done at home, enc,' t he I present season of the year is the most favo `able for a speedy and permanent cure, i majority of cases being cured at ono treat trent Suiaorers should correspond with ,liossrs. A. H-DIXON & SON, S0:>tring street west, Toronto,Canada, and enclose stamp for their treatise on Catarrh.-7ifentrea7 Star, Nov. 17.1881. Etc., for the fall trade of 7.88.1. Our stock is, we believe, well assorted and carefully selected. It consists in part of the following All -Wool_ Dress Goods, Plain. and Fancy Dress Goods, Black and Col'd Cashmere, Black and Col'd Silks, Ottoman Cord Silxs, Staple Department. 1 Shirtings, Denims, Cottonades, Table' Linens, Table Napkins, Grey and White Cottons, Shirtings (plain and twilled), CQtgo�t�ton. Bags, lie 'MACE ANL/ COL'D Y i:d�d tl �. EE b3 and: cnariety of shades 1 h 1 the second bottl l has ab. good health for thirty years.” Trial bottles floe a; C. Lutz's Drug Store. Large size $1.00. LIGHT HEALTHY BREAD leRICEf y1111/a �� *Aso Wishes to announce to the inhabitants of Exeter and vicinity, that he has opened out a 8001 5,11i Shoe Shull in the' Corner St01"o Nortel of Samwell do Pickard's,•where ho is prepared to make alt kinds o: ordiered 'vork. ' GE S S Y�® The best dry hop yeast in; the work]. Breajewed.work a speciality. raised by chis ye15t Is light, whlte'and whole- delicious bread. • like ourgrandmother's' , rom tly attetlth d to. sone RejlRltlnt, promptly jt monstration9 • of boy, - and showed its GROCERS SELL THEM. PIItPA„[D or TNt affection for its mate byrubbing g ;,. GEO. MA.NSON; Price Biking Powder 06., agbinrlt It and licking it. . aptP[S OI D[. PIlCB'S Spacial F13Y01111g Extracts, Late Manager 0. Eacrett's Boot and Shoe Chicano. 111. st. Louls.•,'tAo. I Establishment, May 14th 84. Your inspection of these goods and prices, will convince you they are right, as they have been Importeddl for this season's trade. Our Millinery Department is still under the care of our NITS MoINTIRE, and the stock in this department will -if possible—be more attractive than ever this season, embracing- all t g he latest'Americau. En 1isl and French styles of Shapes, the ls.test shades in Silks, Satins,, Ribbons, Flowers, Plumes, Tips, &c., &c. In OUR TVV+'ED and GENTS' I.1.1'RNISHINGS we show choice lines of English, Scotch, Iri'sh,. French and Canadian Tweeds English, Scotch, and French Suitings, English and French Trowserings. Fiats, Caps,.Scer[S„Ties Shi-is, Braces, Hosiery, Etc., We have a good cutter on the premises, and guarantee a fit in every ease. , Our stook of .Blankets is very extensive in white, In Furs out stock is complete (g ey and brown) in Boas, Capes, Sets Am., RC,, also Bobs in Buffalo aril wolf. Our Boot and Shoo department will be found Hilly 80 - sorted in Ladics',•Gents' and' Children's wear, also a full assortmei,t of Trunrs, Valises, and Satchels. GROCERIES . °NEW AND FRESH, PICKARD.