HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1884-11-27, Page 4Pe 'vier ler r>les. THURSDAY, NOV, 27, 1884. coxsER.V.42/V i&, Al TRNTJOY. A general meeting of the Oonaervile bees s (Exeter will be field in Farteou's Hill on Tuesday evening *text, Dec. • 2nd, At Half past 7 o'clock *harp, for geeteral organization and selecting delegates to atte:id the detnonsti $tion in Toronto. A fuli rtttendeuee is speciallyregneeted. RIATORiAt NOTtt:S. We would call the atteirtiest of the Coueervailiese of Stephen and borne to the feet that they should bake some notion in selecticg delegate: to attend the deWonetratiou et re, Tux Qounty Bosrd of Canvassers for New Yortl, on Thursday evening .aeolared the official vote of the County to be as follows, :_Ctevelaud's plug, *,lily, 43,180 ; Butler electors, 3.490; $1. John otaototst 1,031. There were 822 defective electoral ballots end 1,277 blanks. The ' tantren.l Witness discusses the question of whether a newpaper man should give away sources of in foamatiou. That depends. Ortlinsr. wily, and w#ext the iuferfua.tion is. given iu good faith, we do hot believe arty reputable uewrpaper would ex- pos its information agaivat his whit: ee. Rut where a begs: auuounoe; anent is *lade with the sole purpose of giving annoyance or perpertreting a hoax, it is otearly the duly of a newt paper to protec• Itself by snaking know;, the person upon whose vac runic. Lia up and doing *oiitstiritig, city it rested. A. judicious person would have no dtfhculty iu deciding "here iia draw tate Hue" a 1 *t Ica deprilsatloti in the various kinds ,. of trades iu the States ha, a.tgtsed the Tun Deputy Minister g.f A, rioultare i dismissal of aeverdl tit rtt.rr<uds of etc- fur 3lauitobta has 1.3600.1. 111.3 ployees. Such is riot the csao in or,,p rep«art for 1884. This. Canada, yet the ttitti Catnaslitrlr press 8034 nasi aoreri We'te plan- a4vootttaa lt3unlgretiou to that tiouo• tcy. If there have been any en fooheh as to listen t, naval gabble and ttay. goua lo tun States ou the strength of *they *ill doubtless regret it, 1 Whose etemetelr es. As tnv receut lettere on "A Trlp to the P,acd iia Coast" .corttainad illu- sions to the beautiful cemeteries of San E,rauoiMcr, buil 041414i141. many of my friends suggested slat 1 would give them a nice: vivid i'ortr lances of Onto of the dead,"1 thought perhaps the f ,llowaug, linea woalti not be inalxpr•oariate N. J. 01.aliK, Bright Sol, anis° in splendor o'er eastern hills of gold ; The floral leaflets tender, stilt pearly dew- drops held; Along through Sylvan valliea the orient zephyrs play, And slumbering nature rallies' to beautify the day. Aanbrostal air enaieel us it.i fragrance to in- nate ; The scenery rejoiced u3 of Sacramento's vale; Along its flowery pathways we walked with noiseless tread, To view this silent, sad place --those ":itis* of the dead - \each shady tree, realm') g ru wo.udermeit we view The seulptured tumble shining in every la lett hole, t The ;listening sunbeams glancing through leafy em:.rra d sprays.; `hese sublime scenes en -miming, repay 4 poet's gaze.. SOM4 3OI lint been making c.tlttul• staa,$'iu ,,i Va under wheat in the province ---au morose to the are% of lb per out over leo year. Lest ,year the aver• atl41 yteld was 21,80 aar6beIs per sore. If the yield this year lied averaged 20 bushels the aggregate would be 8,205,- 620 bushels, out of Ithloh 4,740,058 would be used fur exportation. not• atielts beeed ou V„nderbilt'e wealth, withetaudtug all seid to the CCIAtrlary .11e line discovered teat if uouverle4 by the Auti•Canadiau press. It is into solid gold, it wvi:ld rnnke a bar said that where a1'110at was ao vn eatrly foot long. Fifty men giving it away it was not injured in the least by tate in dollars at le ra e o , V. 5 1,07 0"9 b h 1sf ll' t1 f ling out"for eleven year* before It stat, --*tie 6.301 eowu and the sea rage frost or rain. Of oats the yield wee would have to oontiune giving "4411.• ° , i a$ a -- a 4 trig o rum would ba exhausted. Ilia subjdot is retueu were smaller, liiarley also palatal one—except for 'Vanderbilt Calve short ---the average wee 20,000 84 tl tc3. Tutt crop of roots was eitonlleat. As the b$bei . lits in cud his relatives.n s a' lau ii 1 We watch the ivy °revving, we hoar the wtl• lows sigh, We see ;heir taaave3 atilt weepitte with tears front s'uture's eye; With each soft breeze that's blowing, the I filly proudly waves, As tenderly 'tie: growing o'er auneglected grays$. And here we can disouver the blue torbat- eiteuot— P erhaps some maiden's lover hen buried ',oath this spot, ,1Iaydict bapscraveit was the dower his tlyiug bout , That she shouts pluck tLia flower awl plantit on his grave, Olt h when this earth's receding 1xou3 out our dying gaze, Who eau resist car ploadi0ga, though puerile our ways? Thea blame ye not the hirer whe urmwi through 'treaty yearn, • line gravy with deems to auver, aunt tlwse Flt 1858 Canada expurlet only $1r returns for both .1iauitob t and Ou' i bedew with teles. 500 worth of ebee.e ; so 1883 the tereso are in, it will the et' eldsaL iu w we can diaoaver, whore word iu Dea,h tereatiug to compare xielda of eaoft rep060 amount was $0,500,000, The ahem province, which will be found iu lite. The leteg orv.er am tate ftru, the pause. alga industry was unprotected until 1868, !following schedule ; the rose; when a duly of three anuli per lb. The violote aro bl„amine iu magus a crystal Qntario. ,tfanitoba was platted upon it. ll.'rom that 11030 1, Wheat, per acre, fall .24 1 20 the praduot and export have lumens-) .r .. p a ran ..20 ed. The freearadere tell ue that ? Oats............ ..38.9 39.67 protection creates monopolies, in: Earley... .............24.8 32.333 I'otataee ., 1631 .201 t creases prices, and cute oil exp Aga. !•uenips.,.....,...,.16 392 Arranged a graad confusion with mown- tiitri. Where has !hero beet:.tuy ,tangolda 356 menti fart, v,ittug wrong WitIt tits three canna per )Carrots...............392 333 The tinuty ohieelstl auarblu p30511im the pound duty on cheese ? porting Brevities. — vase,. The atmosphere perfuming, which purities the place. Her beauties itr prufu,ieu, Dame Mutate does itn at artist`s skill, But nature is a marvel sublimely grand atilt. Maud S. wilt make no father rtit- 1Vhi1st the inscriptions readi» g English navy will be ,treugihet ed, tempt to boat her record this season. It is generally conceded that the tonlbatonea wrought, and to do so tate amount of £25,000,- At the repeat of the mayor the Each foreign name repeating, 000 Will be required to be raised forNon' York patios aammiesiot ars have with the thought decided to prohibit git.ve fights in the future. The Scottish Fancier states that tate rough. witted 01.1130, Rethland. bas been sold for £250, the highest price over paid for a dog of this b.eed. the purpose. There is difference of opinion as to the best method of raising the amount, sotne suggesting one way azJ some another. It is most probable that the required amount will be raised ou c ellort.time loan. The etreugtbeniug of the navy ie an importaut scheme and all par- ties in England are agreed to it. Tam difficulty with the House of Lords on the Franchise 13i1l is iu a lair way cf being harmoniously ad. usted. On condition of the Upper ..Hoarse paseiug the bitl the Govern - anent pledge themselves to pass the redistribution hill at th.i next session. *Thus the peers have heed let lightly elowu, Had they persisted in their 'ppoeition to such a popular measure as the ex ensiou of the Franchise, there is very little doubt the eud would have beau dis',atrous to the House of Lords. RUMOR has it that after the passage .of the Franchise Bill Mr. Gladstone will acoept the peerage which is to be offered him. This is 'quite proba- ble, and the aged Premier will step .from his seat in the Commons to the Upper house at the alone of the ses- eiou. Mr. Gladstone has kept free .from the agitutiou against the peers, which is au indication that he appro. soiates the value of a title as a reoog- •niliou of political services. His re• quest to have the G. C. B. Peerage conferred ou Sir John A. Macdonald ..s also evidence of his appreciation of these honors. upon these supplies ut That men frim every nation lie buried in this piaoe, A grand representation of all the huwnu race. Though these denominations aro untueran•,ly signed, Yet Sctiptural quotations more varied still Sutlivsn, hie manager, Speedy, and we find. Alf. Greenfield,and his manager, l ox, Methinks it is no libel, were theyj in order land, were in Court at New York, on Scar A lithographic Bible weld thou be quiokty day, for examination on a clump of made, intending to,engage iu a prize fight. Could I in proper metro arrange myth°atghta The case was adjourned, fn rhyme, Duncan C. Bose issuea a challenge 1'd sing, than Virgil sweeter, than Homer to all comers for wrestliug or a gen- more sublime, errl athletic competition. He offers But though. my heart is eager pectis sparks to go to Australia to meet Donald to latae, Diunia if the latter raise $5,000. He My talent is too meagre those cemeteries to eye. Dr... Smith was serif fox and' dressed the wooed, arra he will eoun be able to resume work again, Ur. Aaron Menet, of Aileia. Craig, died very suddenly on Thursday last' sit the residence of hik.3tep-son, Chas, Lynn, bioGiilivary. For several yenta Mr. Marra, baa been ,n a feeble heath from the effect of paralysis, Or lho day of tris death he hard gone, Isith his :life to Mr. Lytn's piece, with the intention of remaining there for the winter. He had but newly errivod when he seized be 6 fresh shock, nod expired lar $,few hotti';t. The deceased weseeliely known and highly esteem• ad in the o,rwwuuity, in which he had resided so tolrg. He Web 63 years of age. Since the Scott Arlt was eaaried in throe, the hotelkeeperr of Gerrie, l+ave placed notices ois their elleds io the effeot that parties uetag the shed in future will pay fol ktugle horse, 10o., for team, 15e. The teiuperence people, thinking ,Lid too high a charge, aaited on the hotel keepers to sen it they reould not lower the rate$, tt-tlir.g them if they dist not do ao a free abed would be built, for the ac. commodation of teams; They took two or three days to outsider over the clatter, and xeports4 that the rattle would tint tae lowered. At a meeting Stttur4tkr night a aoxtttnitteo was ap p011310d 10 find gerund to build a pub lia *tied. Threats have been mado that the sheds would be burned as fest no Soots Act aleft could build 31.041, but title panty makes ;hem more determined. 'elle exoitewnut over Sena Act tils not abated there yet., has deposited $150 forfeit with the mayor of Clevelaud. One of New York'a female betters is said to have cleared $30,000 this year,and we are told that at Brighton beach there can be seen scores of plungers in petticoats risking their hundreds in as cool a style as if they were merely paying the butcher or baker his long looked for bill. Ttie English amateur Chambers, says it is the clear American air that makes it possible to make fast time, and he predicts that America will leave England far 'behind in records at a very early date. He tells the TVorld that after a hard race in Eng- land, be is completely "done up" but that in America he teals it only in his legs. Mrs. Hanlan has received a letter from Ned giving an account of his race with Beach and the way in which it was lost. He states that the won. der was not that he lost the race but that he was not .killed. Beach cat fairly acrois his boat, and Hanlan THE unveiling of the mounment ofsays that only a -tremendous pull with the right oar, which partially sprain - elle late Hon, George Brown at To t ed his wrist, saved him from being .ronto on Tuesday was not a ceremony, I run-down, As it was his boat be- ef a party character, but rather an dame fairly waterlogged, and it was egenl of considerable national inter- only with great difficulty that he could keep afloat long enough to cross the Hue. Even then, he says, he be- lieves he would havewon bad he not begin forced about a quarter of a mile prime. Farewell, sweet floral bower, my task is now expired ; Farewell, each lively flower, by whieh I was inspired; Farewell, ye dead, who slnmberin each ter- reous donne, When we are of your number, may Heaven be our home. est. An exceedingly large crowd .was in attendance, and Conservatives awl Reformers alike manifested much iiaterest in connection with the of out of his course from one cause and fair, Mr. Brown's lite was otre another. Ruddiek, of Boston, has oodtinuat assault upon the principles ijust shipped two;new boatreto Hanlon, of the ,Coneervative party ; but dot- p who will not probably row another withstanding this no set of people race until the new boats reach him. cath set as a judge againab tb'o nude - The shells are . of same pattern as serving deed. H. has 'fought ramie those be has been using lately, and 0 good fight a000rdiug to his own 1 Dost $125 eaeb, " light. Not Far From Houle. News Condensed Mr. Duncan Graham, of the village of Nairo,butoheted a cow,whioh whet. dressed, weighed sometbi ag over one- half too. Bishop Baldwiu will this week visit several parishes in Huron. He peach- ed in Seafot th Sunday and will ofli ciate iu Goderich next Sunday. Farmers' Clubs.. We ,alit' the following from tate Hulot' Sipa! tri order that the fart* ate of this dt•ariot may know the Moe a brother farmer 10 Catborat/. It eaalb township had a Fanners Glob, the reanit would no doubt he beot'{iatrrl RROTKERs What is it the Ladies are talking about ? Why ! those Matalasse Cloaking*, Mantle Cloths, Ulsteriugs, Meltonsi &O., at RANTON BROS. Ali say they are Guth nice goods, and so cheap. And them you ought to see their Black Fur Trimmings. Why we never saw al,ything like them. B1k Fur Trimmings from one inch to three-quarters of a foot wide, and all new in this sea son --every yard of them. Be sure you see them at Colborne:Nov,19, lase. Ta the Editor of the Huron Signal. "Drava Sus; --1 aro bold to ask rpaoe iu your radiable paper for the following nom- naunieatiuu. I think that the faernera at Iiuron are very backward in the matter of Farness' clubs. As far as I know of there is net a farmers' club in the whole county, though Huron one of the most important counties it; the ptuviuce. There is no douot Mat Mare is great room for improvement both in onr farms and (arming. Our farms do not produce nearly as much as they could he made to. Our dusk is not nearly as valuable as it might bu ; thousands of ea,tie have bean ehipyedand sold this fall in 1 Buffalo for and dente per pound, when our cattle should be mirth 5 and 6 outs per pound at least, Ther is room for improve - meat in the dairy, the ('rehnrd, and in fast 1 evert -department of the facer. And, air, I do cut think there is any way we could work a chaugo for the better than throng!). a good. farmers' club in eachtewusl.ip„ where mat- ters of interest and protit could be discussed. 'lho ministor of Agricaltnro has made ar- raugements with filo professors of the Onta- rio college to give a aeries of lectures in Ja- nuary on agriculture in places whole they ate wanted. If NYC land a farmers' doh in Colborne, we could make arrangements to secure one lecture in our townalbip, and thus reap soca: benefit from the government's lib - end polioy. 1 Hope that some of aur loading Imams will take this matter up. Our es. teemed reeve (a retired farmers might take it up. and thus plats° the people of Colborne nyder another obligation to him. Hoping to see this thing taken up iu earnest, and. carried to a successful conclusion, I remain, yours truly, A CoLnoass F.tnursa. The St. Mary's"Journal" and "Argus" say r The St. Mary's Carriage Manufacturing Com- parry not nerving sold tho whole 100,000 shares orhud full returns from agents have deemed it advisible to postpone the division of profits, amounting to $106,000 to Wednesday, December 3114,1884, when the same will positively take place. Shares aro 1.2.00 each, and can be scour- ed from F1. A. L. White, Secretary. 8t, Mary's, tint. Survival of the fitest. Down's Elixir has outlived every other cough remedy simply because it is the best. JUBILEE SINGERS. The most interesting feature of the recent exhibition at Montreal was a conipany of col orad Tubilee Singers engaged in manufacturing the coleb=atoll Gold, Coin Tobacco, and at the sometime delighting the crowds of spectators with exquisite aonthernmelodies. A gold med- al and a spocialdinloma were awarded to this popular brand of chewing tobacco, and the thanks of the committee tendered to the Ad- ams Tobacco d o. for their attractive exhibit. The Salvation Army at Qrorri"e heti a bauquat, then quarrelled over ih,+ receipts, and left the village. The citizens hope they will never return. Fleury Smith, of 4th con., Howlett, has sold his farm of 150 sores to ,: Mr. Henry, of Oxford county, for tht SUM of $7,200. Mr. Smith inte'ude moving his fatuity to the ,Northwoa• in the spring. Detective Schram proceeded to Lu• on and arrested Chas. Douglass auto F. Hodgius 0n a peace warrant, issu. ed at the instance of S. Kelly. ant chargiug theta ;with threatening t, take his life and destroy hie prupert) with fire. A very serious accident occurred t IVturty. Keogh, a young blac.cauiiti of Offa, on Sunday evening last. 1 appears+ he was but walking with ht fair cue and he met bis rival on 11e. road about a mile north of this village where they started quarrelling,, ani''; his rival struck him with a stone, iu' fiicting a severe wound over the left' FSTRAY.—Oame to the premises J of the aubsoriber, lot 10, con. 11, Town - hip of Stephen, ou or about the last of Octo- ber. 1884, 6Lambs, The owner can have them bit provingproperty and paying expenses. THE EXETER Planing Mill SASH, DOOR, and. BUD !CTORT 1 ALL 1KIhIDS OF NING Done to order. • Bemetnberrthe place.. 1/ver I3ov card. STATION -ST. RROTNR CEN T'RAL DRUC STORE A full stock of all kinds of Dye -stuffs and package Dyes, constantly on hand. Winan's Condition Powd- ers the best in the mark- et and always fresh. Family recip- es carefully prepared at the Cr • `r•a,l Drug Store Exeter C. LUTZ Foothill Numerics. 325 ACRES. 325 ACRES. THE LARGEST IN THE DOMINION Salesmen Wanted. To begin work at ouco on Fall Sales, Steady employment atfixed .salaries to all who are ,willing to work. MEN AND WOMEN can have pleasant WORK TIlE YEAR ROUND. Good Agents are earning from $40 to 67 per month and eXpotses. larTermsando utfit free. Address STONE it WELLINGTON, Toro uto