HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1884-11-27, Page 3poctor" . N , ^,1a(tt { Istme'11i'ovel Work. The Ind I , dam tS $> going to give i i.to the genr. 11 � 3' � era pit lie iP an taker ml stow. The work of the dime novel Is being h: bu ms coders- performed with even more than the the victim of a cleluo usual success. Tho other du three )1 please every 'boys robbed th parents. mad started stades in Tho for the bouudiesdWest. ltiiore.xeeently h t It's ati ,' �fvhn up' 'to the enc €t lad in t Fhiloidelphin public: ,echQQl ettotr,a ,tltd ta., rtes not yet drew a revolver on his teeeher, and e _zr boleti l edrt+Jr' in particular examination showed that seven otbe' '; soon xun'kes liar `cllseQvory. the eler- boys present were ertued with revel- yyivatt, s,1so, knows their there are vers and bowie -knives, They had people in his `cougret atien who are formed a seere$ brotherhood, their ,never satisfied with what he does, or leader, the box vtl'to pulled the pistol,, eaves undone; ' -Tito doctor it another Navies taken the a�c�rror,iuspiring mune professional mate who has a hard row of .",�+ yli ill Jack" They meant to to hoe;, set Off in s little while for the West al - If a doctor dresses well and wears 5 so, being consumed with a ftno ainbi- high hat, people say that he is :t nnedi- tion to lseeome cowboys. "This sort of eel dude. If, on the other hand, he escapade is becoming common, and pays little or no attention to his toilet, while no doubt there are many absurd. thea he is accused of Ink of dignity,foetures about such boyish, outbreaks, If bo goes into society. :tact bels .they furnish cause for uneasiness too. slid parties, then the impression i<s :tit he class of literature which is mainly Ile is #fishing far popularity. '` responsible for all ibis folly isdistribu-- If the physician visite his patients ted all over the country to immense while they are in good health, be is aecused of attempting to sponge. lie come to the house in order to he rutile- heroes of ttao dame novels no shiest* ed to dinner. If, on the other hand- always thieves. robners and immoral he never comes unless he is called, tbo� el:erecters. and the heroines aro no inference Is that; the only use he biat butter, The stories abound with de - forcruelty end s. for his patients is to amine money mita scriptionts of brutality, c ue ty (U of tI?oni when they aro sick. If thee honesty, when they do not go further tloetor Attends eintreh, Of eotstso he's arta far wares, Bayeg;itherIrons thein a► hypocrite, who is trying to work ori the idea that violence and trickery and the religious feelings of the eommunl,, immorality ere airily, and that the ty. If; he does not attend. eliureib, character to be admired is the bully irething cart be plainer than. that ho itt , and. ruffian who knocks everybody' an infidel, or a socialist, If the Bloc- i.alient, :cud cots threats right and left, and plunders successfully, :ani is bed- fellow with the thieves and dangerous classes generally. `,fhrongh reading this peitiient stuff fi great many boys are undoubtedly itit fairly in the road to ruin,. They nsensibly ACT** a crooked moral trlstee. They begin to deteriorate in their assoelations. '.Cite} pine for op. portunities to eraaulatQ tete heroes they are reading about. Presently they are tempted to steal from their parents, friends or employers, to prepare for t amo preposterous raid, and then, tough they may be saved for the time, heir characters have sustained a shock whish is liable to weaken. them per- meuently. It is difficult. to deal aide- strong constitution, or to the care that eeeatt;ly� with this evil becansc of the was taken of him during his illness. absence of uniform legislation..A_gcod In no caste is the doetoa" ~untitled. tri any ; dead can no doubt be done" byviiiltucea credit for the recovery. If the patient and local preventive organazatlons, dies. he was undoubtedly murdered by such as me at work in i!7ety York, but his physicians. If the medical man 39 Iprolasbly the most e"ff"ective rentedies �!ttiPTeeting ]asems.. We take pleastare iii recotrtmendiig Hall's Hair ltonewer to our readers. It' Restores gray hair to its original color, prevents baldness, wakes the beir,sett and glossy, does »ei. Altair* the skin, tied is altogether the best *avian ?rd- medy for all hair and sealer disesseu,, --Jack Burke 4i ftr.toototd tQ spat him . ' oant, A HOLDEN OPINION, bfYe. Wm. Anise, of Action, declares that flegyard'a Xellew Oil is the hest boueeholil re - reedy in the world for colds. Graup,sare threat, barneaecalda and other painful complaaat ..Her opinion ie well foundticl, .�rrc$,1ef.'s &rnICat Sa*TTe, The Best Salve in the world fur Gats, I3rxtiq• es, laoree. 'Ulcers, Salt Bi1e m. Fet<er 8oraa. Tetter, (;`happen Rands. CLiiblainsComo.aud all Skin Bruptions, sed positixety :Gums files, or no nay required. It is snatranteed to giro perfect aati+s1aetiou, or money eoteedesi M ce -25 Bents per box. For vale by all drug- gists, FI,IJSB LIGbIT$O. quantities! told in is tttstin elle 'oviThe L?itlid Lightning ie the only entre:or-'1'ootts- its teaclt_na.. end tendo t relic, headache, z;areoite and iicuratieie, It aces uvt. take $ day or boor to eure it, bot in less then a mitonte all -pain la gone. Time - ands have tested ,ts merits wattle the leak Year. Plaid Lightning is else a positivo eure for Rheumatism. The worst possible cases have been permanently cured in one week. Price 2a menta at J. W. Drowzn:ties Brtmg Store. „ S $500 ROWArtt, Re rrill,itar the above reward. for anY vereowplaiut, Dyspepsia, ;"rick bead- digestiau. Voustipetion str Costiveness ne"cannot care -with fi'est'a Vegetable Liver tis t k4 ave the u t coli •1- lr a rlela ' d d pus a t cu Ile with, They are purely Vegetable, auemtiever fail to give eati%arsetitet. Sear coated, Ionize boxes, containing 30 Villa, 25 cents. For We by all Drtiggiate. leware Qf eeuuterrits sett lmitetleute The Geuuiato manufactured oils by JOAN C.' WEST 4 CO., "Tlio file male ere," 8l k 8ll lasing street Beet Toronto, Oat. Free trial paetize°sent by mail pre aired oar receiptofa three :mut stamp. GOOD FOR aI,I,. tor's wife does not return the oells that the other lades Melte on her, then she is putting CU airs, turniipe lapp her nose at her betters, etc.If site does return: the calls, then she is plucking patients for her husband to shoot art, 1( the doctor's horse is fat, thzti:isr A sure sign that ho has not got mu*bto do. if lire animal is Ctirtteiatod, tee le a brute for not lakhng better nate of hitt horse. if he drives fast, he is trying to create the false impresseoa that be hue been called to the bedetdo of sone important patient. If he drives slowly be does not care a Rent whether or noe his patleuU die before he germ to thorn. If the patient recovers his"tealth, he Bi indebted to a kind Providence, or a efts Itoatmeal; theovideocsofago. Qu@shut egtlen will aaeka #l,amost atulrboraalg re4,sucx rough iian as beautlfuU soft and wattle. Be. raamb rer shat" AX Diss" la note a pslat or powder the 'novae At the aKiti, end tlt,at teinirzrtori t+a shO �+ktu.buta seer onex rrO iif,tanrasr . x Cet.st�la llslutd, tluytYtu+r1 u ob ac:ta:�ioA i�ii+ri pemt#i, Xbtr neck. arrs}e e d u a slv t tiro Lila in wlattenese. Ire- tkOtk.tb to4,et et tit the b iankr- Ateterders any a rgi'aaracsvin�tran•. It cnrag Gra* .y talFtu, Is ea, bW:nri clea. 1'innplea. Brick 3ieia4Q, Ora2w'a to arra, RtotO1 ,sa„reaca 0n bs, SWt Iruru Te ri. Rtnag>rrgrAi, Chap7,ed IN act,. gore or Cbap tzedl,t R, ilatirer's Iter,, Tatter. &G. IC fseee C1tSfi jK+;4k,tlil calk tober; from t to ar. tells etlftacta ot� alAxe and o011n30ttc wasbea, %it;sfi+aow<Il nit sii+iaaaid roughnei* are pre. vetatiad ;lit 3tlttt,e thio a ak,and rvial lurks ft atutrt.rsrnootlla tft+i,inpartiegainw;elictQua aoftrres4t;,p iPaf ra pearl4pfty health) ,natur- al.saxrtl oatnng a xence. The been face toitott that the o heir produeect. Wo will corral'” aatiTrr to any any address on re coetf ofprfco,dt. wtasnorderlugmeuttontiat address 1» letterasotine fa. Voriatg•atxeet, Toronto. Out, ler rand Iieaopt toat Ilc,ein nor l,ad For ail diseases of the bloat liver, laid. fs"pu and vegetable, Burdett dons berm. and its al ways tetrikiclel, handsome property in Ireland. �-4 gnag „t boys congregate noialttly on the 4,1,te yen troubled with Salt Abauio,' Rongba Rands, or Ohl nice of any knell that cannot' be healed, ?Even tbou,tlt it Le +.21 .,Fata stoo- ling Atetlre�,or tC 1 lrt:e"a Carlene 4'a=rate seta cure it. Br -end the shadow of a doubt it is the beat treeingcearseoundever beau. Boils., Br, leesteringe, #Frost Bites, Barna or stay Stitt sociable anti talkative, the reopie say 1 aro its the hands of parents and rein- proubte. aro auto curi,4 ,. by it.. ere, ut 'Ju we do not want a doctor who tale tivers, who. If they will only take the eents by 3. W. Br�aazniug, Draagbict. 4 tiVerythin"• he knows. le he is a silent 1 trouble, certainly must be able to cut 1' t t i m ere ;1 HaRyattl's . i e till,. if or tales ,l�tiliY*es thee', ' aThe habit of relying upon the State ,.cruor a ware as a oeme., y ur tlirtadt,bron• tl tloetor should 'Mire Ito politics;+l,ttiiti if 1in snieh matters is in fact :t bad one; chid mi Z wag complaintss it is ala:ays reliable I CI' I he does net talk `politics, thee }1, is tt and il, is already far,. too 1arovalent. aatd positively Fafe. a +r+t Sneak and a time -server, 'tulle Z q thee Tho State onrlrt not to be called upon earner of 1.iel,rnond untt Sint eae ete., London,' hue no tal�itrinnn, or le erred to cern u io do ani3+thing which can be better or and iusult passers by. r really • .., l o li * private an©r"T • and af- � , , , - .. . a cwncernin „ the Imre ly nearly all Tug Vor..rarta Briar Co., 5furebell, etlel: .,wit conal Dn.Dru'aCr,Tr:nnd3Fp 1:nsgrne.Vov*'afa 13t ars An. Eezera.te b�remeecns on trialfor Miry da} a to omen (Serrate ort u1g'1 tubo aro al. tlloted wills nervont d£bUfIy, Ast vitality and kit:dr-aa trochlea, ,guartanteeing speedy and complete of health and manly vigor, Address as Above. N. B. -.leo risk is in mud, as thirty days' trial Mellowed d'esuvga Time QOE8DXGY. Why do so many people we sea ground us,seenr to prefer to suf ter and be made mieorable .by indifesttou,con- stipation, disrliness, loss of appetite, coming up of the foop, yellow slain. when for 75 cents, we will soli thein Shiloh's Vitelizor, euerantc ed t• .cure them, Sold by 3'. W. Browning, Exeter. E o, w, THE CHEAPEST AND BEST. On account of its purity and concentrated man then they say a doctor ehoulsl eu nil` lily supply ton large number ot eonra�n' WI patients of a.ce,l nna ea+1'c:t , . NO HARtt IN IT. 1do Ita>m eau ronin faomi nein 1'• -'1I31 'l°3 ETT BROS. , +�..a .,! E B l P' ` Spades, Hoes, Fr., Scythes, and steel strip fe .w n s. ,i i TO what, lira politics r a.,i 4 ane. t on y p energy ON THIRTY Dr1.k:r Pt.LLL. the doctor does not run, lits Morse to i:... death When be is called* tali Ss not telt.-- come within tuns category. IVlren, boys are being corrupted by inn suilleient interest in the ease. It Cher, ;helloes net Bend he his bili, ills object the le novel influences, it is in, order ;helloes prevent the petientfrOMengaging to ingpiro what their parents have been another doctor. If he floes send In his doing to protect them against this bill, he is: in a hurry for bis money. vicious agency, arid the parents ought and so uu to the tea: of the chapter.-- net to bo encouraged to look to Home - 2 a•, .cij6ar:eja. ,body o for relict from their ltnarlis- t$otnxtt Dectrine. Eileenphviioian and e' eaty Scitiiness, tnkab ' duties.-.. I.. Tribune, actress- -,4I See you bane man - who has xtt tdo it study af the pliy*siem aged tet attract. attention bey* having and mental organization of man will Your anrorrds stolen again. ' Second toll hint that no arra eau violate any of ; herr "Olt, you think it wn'S only an the laws of nature without tatting nv e vo ntmtlge old a on no We lv I something from himself somethin y . g wltieh Ito can never got back. ribs iga the kitia." f rust ratios~ --"1L x were true of the physical, mental and zncral plug ' try that game I should Invent streufith and great power aver disase, )aur. r something new. tliaviu ; diamonds dook BIQad Bitters is the ebeapeat aue't blood ansa, No mutter what n mauls xolS - stolen i rather anebint," Second ac- elrttnsitrt toile known for all disordered corn - inns belief may be, there axe contain , . tress --':'invent something new? Well, ditious of bload,liver and kidneys,, rules of morais 'which, if he violates, he pays the penalty for, ;and 1ilD n atter you zui �,tt start a report that a burglar John Sheridan, tylia is serving a term in what his ideas of physical life may bo had go^ late your room and rim oil' Anil at Worehester, lifass., hits fallen liei 9lo a there are, rules' ov'e ming just as in- with yen new win and false teeth. Wife-What,s the znattter now, John t Husband -Oh that neutalga and too flexible, the violation of which - brings „ tooth- ache Qystex to the Strawberry. ache near kilts ]elle, The ind mi a• certain. Tlt a t penalty just as e -- ' ngo z Wile -Why don't Ton to J. W. The sn. ble ambition and the wonderful will of A. dig ipated oyster, that had just ing's Drug Store and get a bottle of Fluid For Sore Thronis. 73ronahftis, Coughs, Caolds, Glundriar Swellings, anal all skin dfseas Napoleon impelled hien to labor when l completed" a winter's round of orcied at Ligbtning ? You know it cures all aneh it iiag 4o rival and for contracted and stilt joints it acts a charm. he should hare slept, and he died l ehereh Malt`s and Sunday -~shoal sup- things as 'Toothache, Neni^algia, Headache.. 343440 VIZIggy BISSETT BROS. BNO NEN REMEDIES. THE PILLS Purify the Ifcod„carreas all Disorders of the LIVER, STOMACH, KIDNEYS, A ] ( 'tae EL1�, They invigorate and restore to health Debilitated Constitutions, and are invalnu1tleeen alt 'Complaints inoitlental to Penrales of all.ngas. For ehiidren and the aged they are priceless THE OINTMENT Is an infallible remedy for Bad Legs, Bad Breasts, Old Wounds, Sores and ulcers. It is famous for Gout and Rheumatism. • TOR D14atiDEIIS or THE CHEST 1T HAS 1\0 EQUAL. young An nett tinny strong oonstitn p y p instant ielief, m+n 2oM s fiazzow 'z s Establishment, tion ma enable a man to eat or drinl>;, � ors„ b t yonngftrstrip nsfromsticate Lumbi �a. Earache, Sore Throat etc, It Ives The Pills an$ Otntreentaresold - on its too mac ti for years, but he pays the Ivo an eye on you,,, lid the oys- 78 I`lEW •OXFORD -STREET hate pas, OXFOBD-STP.EETJ, LONDON ; penalty in a shortened life and a prem- ter leoriasg tit the strtirvberry in a way -'inc steamer Lake ilihnitoba, at Liverpool attire old. ane. A man man may drink that madd it blush. "Come up to 'tend from Montreal, Inst 105 sheep on the voyage. THE BEST -JET. so much beer a day and live to bo 100 - without it ho ,would have lived to bo 150.. -Toledo Blade. A. Grand Stairway. Baron de Thomsen to a New York in- terviewer: The Calvario Hill, just west the springfestivals, T snpposo?” "I thought of so doing, sir," modest- ly replied the straw be rrv. "Going to`'take in Cnatauqua Lake, Ocean Grote, and so on, mebbeP" "Yes, sir." '"You're`. the short -cake feller that of,.thecity. of Caraccas, the scene of goes around with his face tied up in the battle, between the Spaniards and swear and cream, .ain't yon?" the patriots in" June, 1821, has been - "Really, sir, 'I have seen but little of mad' into- n bentixiful park.: Going up the world as yet, but—„ the mount is what I believe to be the "That's all right. Now ` just ,you tnbstunagniftcent stairway in the world.take the advice of an aid rounder: Z ve I have never seen anything approach- been through this festival racket.' It ing it in stateliness and beauty m Eu- doesn't pay. It gets people down on rope. It is of sandstone, 100 feet wide yearend • ruins your reputation. S ort - and eighty feet high. The park cost. cakes are frauds. Yon keep away $2;000;000: The c.test'is.G00feet higher from them ;DQn't go, near cram. than the level of the city, and is sur -It's the w'orst•thi'ng you can bet cream. mounted , by,.a.;statue ot the •"Great: President," Guzman Blanco, the " Il lustrious ,American" as he is called, who has done"SO much to pacify and build up the country. He may have made money dui iug this working, but the pebple' certainly ltav-e the improve- ments. He is worth about $15,000,- 000. In Wurtembnrc girls under sixteen years of age ae nolonger allowed to dance round dances. ,AN ANSWER WANTED. Can any one bring us a ease of Kidney or Liyer Complaint; that .Electric Bitters will. not speedily cure? ; We say..thdy,',cannot, as thousands of eases already permanently cur- ed and who are; dni1y°recomanendia Fleotrid Bitters will prove.' Bright'satl setase, betes,.Weak Back, or any ,niin ry,counpisanti quickly cured. They purify the blooa"regtt -, ate the bowels, • and act directly on the .die, eased parts. Every bottle guaranteed.' For sale at 50e. a bottle by C. Lutz. op,with in warm weather. Just 1 you watt until you, isee 4, faller With ` a' big dtanto d on h sus�i r d a tomb tone on'liis"littio"'fiinger-thinking' up' ome sherry and sugar, in a glass. cep your 'vest•on. until yon see him paton top of the sherry` a piece of pinea ple, a preop- of lemon; a chip of oriinTe and 0, peep - of mint; and then,yon;get fight. in ambne there and pass' the! i'au mast manhood,' and in old age, in gooa society. Yon hear - ',twit.. -"Phe Parkhill foo"tba11 plub' are anxious to terP"--Pittsburg Obronicle-Telearatals, playa ketch ell their grounds there, with any team who will come fo that town. Ayer's Sarsaparilla thoroughly cleanses the, blood, stimulates the yitak fuhctions, and restores .the health and strength Ido one whose blood is inpare ia,e, feel well There is a weary, Idttignxd feeling, and often :a`" dense 'of 'discouragement despondency,, Perseus bevies" this,feeling should take Ayer's Slime - most parilla to nitrify and, vitalize',the'blood. iia aU "b • The best blood cleanser known to medical science is Burdock ]Hood Bitters. It purifies the blood of all intimaters and gives strength to the weak. THE FORCES STRENGTHENED, The vital forces are strengthened and the entire system renovated and built up by Bur- dock Blood Bitters. It, acts on the bowels,. Haar, kidneys and blood. Holloway's Pills. -Dysentery, l)iarrhg a and. Disoadered Bowels. These maladies an ever present,and if left unattenrrded frequently term- inatefatally.' It should be everywhere known.. that all these complaints originate in tine pre- sence of some undigested substance in the sto- mach or bowels, orof some' deleterious matter, matter in the blood, and. that Holloway's Pills; can eliminate either with Base and expedition. They combine in a surprising degree purifying, alterative, regulating,,• and`strengthening puri ities, and thus exert aver gory internal organ ;the wholesomely controllieg influence so ne ceasaiy for subduing excessive action in the human frame. Holloway's medicine may be advantageously taken as a means of keeping the blood pure and the body , coo] the only practicable plan.of maintaining health in A. GREAT DISCOVERY. ,- � oma~of Newton,Ia.,sajs wife has been seriouely': affected with for twenty-five years, and tbis sprin severely than :eller before. Shelled us remedies without relief,and being urg% Dy Xing's New -Discovery, did so, Mr. Wm:Th , :'My cough More i many zd totry also by nearly everyrespeotable Vendor of Medicine, in Boxes and Pot$,at is. ljd., 28. 0d., 4s. Gd., lis., 22s., and 33s. each. The 2s. 3d. size contains three times the quantity of the is 1:td, size ; the 4s. ed. size six the its, size sixteen ; the 22s size thirty-three ; and the 33s size fifty-two times the quantity of the smallest Boxes and Pots. Full printed directions are affixed to each Box and Pot, and eau he bait in -any language tom- Purchasers should look to. the Label on the Pots and Boxes. If the oldness is not 333 Oxford. Street. London, they are spurious. WILLIA DREW ift in reaufts. The first bottle eileved More p-:e,¢ple, adults and children: aretroub o#x4er�a-mut}l,.and" the;:s'dcouL�;;h"ottl s sty led `tvitli `lcostiveness than ' With suy other' butely cured her. She has not h such ailments • .Dr: Henry Baxter's Mandrake Bit - good health for: thirsty years." Tri ottles tern'. Will mire costiveness and prevent the free at 0 . Lutz's Drug Store. Large sire diseases which result from it. 3U to �, y��a p1 `7Cy: . ., !Yl 'L"7 Q.lV'S BAN1 . ONE DOOR NO�Tff� , 0 .