HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1884-11-27, Page 2WIT A l D HUIIIQUe STL DENT MIJELS.
A band of Italian brigands captured rho Urutali Combats Carried On in
a wee.,
puke recently and hold lenfar thirty heel4u t'es of Gerxuany,
days: Auy American heiress on 4{o , I' • le" .'
that,, and hold hits ion ger. s St t an.
The facility with ;'t7dich, Akiertn Ge
girls are caughaby foreleataf9 ll, . kr
after being eneert:iineO ttdthh al of d
marria"*e pre abandoned, is marvelous. du ; anoteinar is the ""sable mensur.l,
.Prominent among the, greatest medical die
coveries, by the many cures it,has affected,l
McGregar's Speedy Cure leads the w u. Sub,'
jeoted to the minutest chemical analysis, it
nd to cont ne of those
Earatogan Dr. W. has been
' s the student duels of ituriou
y. t are, he writes, three lessr
of d l�pown to German stu- y
One #• called the American tnii.tY
marriage. 'and the third is the ordinary mensur, a eliht 3-tf3r e4elohl►oaisla' irer'iy ieeeiped.
In ed Philadelphia etiquette a newly- 'in w the ail the person is protected ex- Wear.: therefore confident. that we have a.
married lady ceases to become a bride kept the face gad head;• which are preperatien wbieh we eau offer to the public)
when she has sewed a button on her with the aseuraure toot it wilt be leauct, i; int
husband's clothes, mad is then siingly bladed away at The eyes are l safe behind i bon siale � Iaiyer y a relief
et. Indigestion Cbet ale absolute cure for o st'p t.1
the Wife. spetatae1es, and there . is rea11y almost ion and ltupure Blood. Free trial bottles at
Such. % the .advaneemextt of science ;no danger, ° ea the first kind, one mast e. ee. J3roweiug'0 Brun Store. '4
that vegetablea and frult+s can now be die. Lots are thrown and 011e must
grvwn without the light of the sant, 'destroy himself. In the secoud the
Money made without beds,, and butter idangeris midway between the two. nth -
without cows, ,"•ors. Three of the principal arteries on
""Ko," said the man who looked on either aide of the body are • liroteeted.
with unconcern at a fight at the Phila. . likewise the eyes. but the chest, arms.
delphia board of aldermen "that r head and face are left to the mercy of
seems nothing to me; I've run an , the Heavy, villainous -looking sabre
opera company." One blow through the unprotected heart
The report that a mei-boat Gaptaiu and a mate's dueling days would terwi-
bought a United States mateed-war nate. The different kinds of dueling
with a view to using it on the canals, represent as many grades of insult. 9.'o
is not true. He did not buy it; he said call a fellow student an "ignoramus"
it was uncanalworthy. is all that is rewired to demand the
second kind. The first is largely re-
Mrs. Platt has written. a poem to
Show that the only happy woman is served to settle precedence in love af.
dead. It may be possible that the only 14i/13e tnaiden
never th°40' of Marmite the survivor.tI was in-
happ}- man living is lien husband, but vited to Attend a "scale mensur," re.
we shall not write a poem to prove it, Gently, in Borl;m, as a guest of one et
The varnish on the heads of cheapthe corps. Taking an elevated road to
canes isdepopulatingthe east of dudes. the outskirts of the city, we found the
They suck it off, get sick, and pine clans assembled in a quiet "bier local„
away. Let a subscription ltat be start- Qna..reat squuare. Representatives of
ed at once to furnish these eastee free.
"Why did. you put that nickel with a
bole in it in the contribution box?"
asked one nlau of another. -"Because
I couldn't put the hale in without the
nickel, and I had to put in something."
all the studaut corps in the university
were there ---red caps, blue caps, green
caps and black caps. Our arrival teas
none too earl, for no sooner had our
coats been buil aside than the assort.
bled students and guests solontuty
"Yes, my dear," said Mrs, Baas, arose, took their beer Mugs in their
bothom, speaking of her invalid uncle, hands, and filed in stately procession:
,the poor old gentleman has had .a i past the bar and into the long adjacent
stroke of parenthesis. and when I loot I room, called by courtesy a ball,
saw him he was in a state of c neves," whish .is hired by the corps together
Little Jenny belonged to a faskion- I for dueling purposes. It was Patriot'
able set. •'Here. Jenny." said her
father, ""here's a new doll." "Oh,
father% that's no good; take it arrai:
They haven't worn those things for a
The sareastie paragraphist of the
New York Commercial Advertiser re-
marks: "Several young ladies in Chi.
cavo are studying law in order that
they may attend to their own divorce
cases is after life,
A. missionary nays the tallest people
on the globe are to bo found on the
northeastern island of Terra del Fuego.
A collector says the "shortest" people
on the globe may be found right here
at home when a bill is presented.
"Your fare, young lady," said the
stage driver, as a paotty miss stopped
from his vehicle, and was about trip-
ping; away. "Ob, thank you:" respond -
ea the absent-minded little beauty; "I
think your mustache becomes you real
well, too." She got her ride free.
The bar -room loafers are, to credit
their talk, the most broad-minded and
comprehensive financiers we have.
They pay the national debt daily lean-
ite against lamp -posts, and settle
tariffs and other great problems with
great ease sitting on dry goods boxes.
"Do you think your horse has a
Soul?"•a Somerville philhippistasked >A
brother hippologist the other day as
the two inet in Union Square. "I don't
know whether he's got a soul or not,"
`vac the reply, ""but I'm pretty certain
he's got the heaves." many giblets. The pale student puts
Tho. Henderson (Ky.) Times longs the most science—his antagonist the
for the time when every man will tell most force—into his blows, Tho for -
the truth because it is richt, be honest mer is cool and clever :the blood of
because it is right, and live soberly
because it is right. It strikes us that
for a Kentucky editor this is asking a
really decorate with German slags on
the walls, and rugisistieaiiv with saw.
dust on the floor, which bad been
cleared, . teither end of the room was
it stalwart young gladiator, with Teu-
tonic features, preparing for the mu-
test. On the ehairs, close at hand,
were lint, surgical instruments and
sponges. Around were medical atu-
dents, seconds, officials, sympathizers
and. lookers-on. Everybody was ex-
pectant, and the garcons passed around
the beer.
Presently the combatants were
brought up facing each othor,and their
sword arms held aloft by attendants.
The seconds took their planes, and the
biro cap from the head of the tall stu-
dent, who looked mad, and the red cap
froth the ;pale student who looked calm.
They were dressed only in shirts, trot;
sers and shoos, and stood in position
with one brand held behind. The points
of the duelists were discussed and the
garcons passed around the beer.
Everything was ready. The sabres
were crossed. Tito word was given
and the seconds cried "loose." The
blades flashed. There was a success-
ion of clashes and a vigorou' whirling
of sharp stool through the air. Suit.
denly a loud cry of "halt" is given.
There is a pause and the student who
looked mad has lost a piece of his skin
and shirt sleeve together. .A. surgeon
staunches the flow of blood and the
garcons pass round the beer.
With the same formalities the eontest
begins. The atmosphere is cut iuto
the latter is mounting. The fencing is
done with increasing energy. Again a
shout. They stor. The pale man has
good deal.—Bosiot Fast. a scratch on the right cheek—the tall
A country newspaper's weekly mark- I man is losing some of his angry blood
et report contains the item: "Ther, from a deep cut in the left side of his
has not been enough country butter in face. Again more sponging—this time
a gimlet," longer—and again more beer. This
town this week to grease
These country newspaper people have sort of thing must be kept up fifteen
odd ways about them. Now, what in minutes, actual fighting time, or until
the world do they want to grease their
gimlets with, butter for?
She Eept it Ont or the Paper.
There is an old lady by the name of
Cushing residing'in that portion of the
city bounded by Walnut, Hunter and
Wellington streets who is a living con-
tradiction to the assertion that a wo- dent revolves with the speed and pre -
man cannot hold her tongue. p P
The old lady in question is a widow,
and supports herself and family by the
sale of the milk from four cows. She
is not ambitious to shine in the social
world. Her chief objects in life are to
live contentedly and keep her name
out of the papers, and this she has gen-
erally managed to do.
A few weeks,ago, while attending to
'lier duties in the stable,shewas attacked
"''tarone 'of her cattle, an angry bull,.
`knocked down and trampled upon
Two of her ribs were broken, and she.
was severely bruised withal. Para-
mount to every other consideration,
however,at this time came the thought
that if the accident became known the
sanctity of her home would be invaded
by newspaper prowlers, and her pri-
vate affairs paraded before the world.
She therefore resolved to keep the se-
cret locked in her own breast, and not
even to her own daughter did she tell
the particulars of the accident. To the
doctor who attended her she merely
stated briefly that she had slipped and
None but those of her own sex can
appreciate the heroism of the old lady.
Friends visited her and inquired for
particulars of how it happened; not a
word. Her own children were solicit-
`nus, but their questions elicited not a
8 � ,Arord.
;6m ,o s mom,• AV r".3ere is nothing hidden which shall
r vy .� a •m,y be.'revealed, but of the manner in
one is killed or disablec2. On the whole
I had rather see an amateur does fight.
Again they are at it, still more earnest-
ly. Again the blue cap gets a gash,
and his shirt front is covered with
This is not sericus enough to stop
the brutal nonsense, and the final bout
is begun. The sabre of the pale stu
' °t"1a m o vq 1 , '1s story came to be known, de -
ve ~ 14:". ' o w ere, • n et not. --Hamilton Se)ortrttor.
y' ,Ua �:▪ u #as.00e•ir
iQm�°m�ti'W v
A .dtf
�+ 44 °dy,d) i;
cp• m
*° O'[yyp•' aro s+A14
,A � 6
1 (14$4
ate ✓� a ° d 4, r 4i "'v i •i;• • i°+Is
a la it
,talon of a fly -wheel. They come so
close that the hilts of the swords hit.
The tall man is angry and in pain—the
other steady and watchful. Suddenly
there is a horrible moment when the
sabres miss their contact and sweep
hissing through the air, and you expect
to see a head decapitated. A step for-
ward. A shout. The seconds knock
the blades up. The head of the tall
man drops upon his chest, and shows
a ghastly gash through scalp and fore-
head, and the blood trickles down on
the' sawdust. Some one cries ""luny
minuten," and the ""sable mensur" is
at an end. You heave, a sigh of relief
and are thankful that no one was killed
outright, and the garcon passes round'
the. beer.
When a Cottage Hill little girl was
taken to a dentist to have a tooth 'er-
tracted, she noticed, that her mother
referred to the operation as "pulling"
and the dentist as "extracting," and
she, fearing` a double torture, inquired
plaintively of the dentist: • "Doctor,
shall" I have to have my tooth extracted
after it is ppelled?"---Oil City Derrick.
"What is a pharmaceutical associ-
ation?" asked a little damsel who . had
carefully spelled out the long name in
the paper, and the old gentleman,
aroused from a perusal of the'stock
fist, answered: "Farmers' cuticle as-
sociation? Some of those fellows,who
go around skinning the farmer, I sup-
pose. Why don't` you read something
easier„ my dear." -Boston Commercial
,i Erewn'ti$onsehold Pans eea" has no equal
rogrelieviugpain,bothinterualawl external 0
vnresraisr in the Side, book or bowels, vorethroat
Itheumatiam, Teethe che,l umbrgoop any kind
of e, pain or AO.. "It will gloat surety gu{eken
the blood Awl heal, as its acting newer is -wonder -
tui. "'Brotru t; hoesshold f'ans.eoa' being ack,-
gowled i as Cho great Pain he] iever,a ne of dou
Lletitestrcu tI of any other Elixir orltnianent
Lathe worki,shouldbe in every familg!dandy for
Bata their w!tnteti,"as It teelly is the best remedy
in the woris for Cranips ire the Stomach, and
Pains and Mhos of all kinds," and is for sale by
all laruggiste att$ cents abottle.
$1000 For,Tejt,
Having the utmost ooufidenae in it sup«ri.
erity orsr ell others, and after thountuds of
tests of the meet oomplionted and severest
oases we could find, we feel jnetiflad in offering
to forfeit One Thousand I)oltare for tidy CPO
of eouglts, cobie, sore throat, ieftuenze, hearse-
nese; bronchitis, consumption in its early:.
stages, whopping cough, and alt diseases of
the throat and lunge, except tstltwa,for which
we only claim relief, that we oau'i cure, with
West's lough 8yrap, when taken aoeordiug to.
direetious. Sample bottles 26 and 40 oents;;
large bottled ops dollar . Geuuine wrappers
only in bine. Sold by all druggists. er sent
by mail on reeeipt of pace. JOHN V. t1 ESL
d" CO,. 81 8S Kin; Si. Fast, Teronto,Qnt.
Toung lady, do not despair. Dr, ],, C.
West's Nerre and Brain Treatment will cure
Bysteritt and all nervous troubles. Soidet
J. W, Brown'ng's, Drug Store, S
Fluid LKlituing not onlyTootbaebe instant-
ly". but also ;Neuralgia, Headache, Basch,
Illtenrualisre, Lumbago, and J3oiaties. Pain of
any kind eaunot retrain one mints wborsitis
applied. Whim. yon hear of Fluid Lightning
you hear of cue of the greatest marvels ever
gown in the way of a medictue, as it never
rail to cure, and not in a week or a day. but
the iustaut it is sppUcd to the effected part.
Sold at J. W, llrownint s Drug Store. 6
:"a el* tr,.pct.tt,
fb:r..n I raadacho and Di:ionsness.
- -porbett,c. S-sti byatl breggtW.
How Lost, How Restosed.
Trod .ta Mai
Beautify the Face and give to the Padedor Sallow Com-
plexion a Perfectly healthy. Natur and Youthful
,Appearance, It Conceals. 'Wrinkles. Erecklee, Crow's
Feet, and the Evidence of .Age, leaving the Skra, Soft,
Smooth, and White,
k'It1GE--50 cents. Sent to any address. Postage
stantpS taken. Address all letters to
CREME D' OR, Drawer 22,678, Toronto P.O.
Ask yourdrgggiat for it, Wholesale by all whole-
sale diaisgi�fa,
TIMES until lst Jan'y)' 85, 20 cts.
Btu dOlk
Cures Diwness, Lassof Appetite, Indigestion, Biliousness,.
.Pyspepsia, Jaundice, 4• ectians of the Liver and Kidneys,
Pimples, Blotchos, Baily I.luluors, Salt Rheum, Scrofula,
Erysipelas, and all diseases arising from impure Blood,
Derange Stomach, or irregul ss- action of the .lolcels.
ain St, Ezctcr�
We have recently published a new edition o
ontboratlioalandpormanentoure (without me-
dieine)of Nervous Dobility,Mental and physical
incapacity impediments to dfarrlago, oto.,ro,
suiting from excesses.
Prico,iu coaled onvolone,only 6 cents, or two
posters() stamps.
The celebrated author of WS admirableessay
olearlydemonstratea,from thirty years' success-
ful practice, that alarm ing consequences maybe
radically ourodwithouttbe dangerona use ef in
ternalmedioines or the use of the knife ; Point -
out amode of euro at once simple certain and ef-
[ectual,bymeau s of which every sufferer,lnomat-
terwhat his condition may be. may cur ehimBel f�
ehaaply,privately and radically.
rL'Thi lecture should be in the handsof every
youth and every man in the land.
Address .
41 ANN r.,NEW YoitK�
o nt Office Bos 450
Agitating the Public mind at present is where
can they get the best Bread, but this matter
can be settled to the entire satisfaction of the
people of Exeter and surrounding country, by
calling on
the old established and reliable bakery, where
they will find just what they want.
A Superior quality of Bread always on Rand
Also a first-class stock • of BusovrTs, • Buxs,
CARES & Co1FncTioxeaz, which will be sold
cheap. While opponents have started busi-
ness, and soldout, andleft the place, Mr. Bell
has been found at his post, during the past
eight years, ready to attend to . the wants of
the Public.
And are warranted Cornet for
Tire, Tide, or Railroad Train and
to 'please the most fastidious.
That is Rich, Rare, Sparkling and
Substantial, suitable for Romans,
Friends, and Countrymen., Lovers,
Brides, Bridegrooms, Loving and
Lovely Wives, Children, Husbands,
Etc., Etc. .
Scotch and Brazilian Pebble—soft, easy and
pleasant to the, eye and suitable for youth or
Owing to increasing business, Mr. Bell Ha
found it necessary to remove to more eom o Trouble to Show Coods
modions premises; and has added 'largely ,to ; , ,
Sugars, Teas, Coffee, Syrup, and clerything
usually found in a first-class: Grocery. Store,
his stook of Groceries, and will keep • on hand
All kinds of Fdrin Yroduce task -
en in exchange for "Goods.`
REMEMBER mss STAND :-Sonthcott's 131ook,
Four doors North Post Office. '
Watches and Clocks ` Repaired and
Brought to Time.,.
THOS. FI'�"�'�T, 1�Vatellmaker c'Jeweller