The Exeter Times, 1884-11-27, Page 1"H.EW TO THE LINE, LET THE CHIPS FALL WHERE THEY MA.
Vol, XII. No. 1a
PUblishers and Proprietors.
Raisins, New Currants'
New Figs, New Dates,
FreshPrunes, resh Oysters,Oranges, Lemons, Sisooes
Herrings, Yarmoth Bloaters, Fresh Baddies,
Uvetere by qt., can or dish.:'a gOo4 810040f 'k'obao-
°os, and k'ipes attest►.'
!Nt A -'
TEE, SQL LfI ` , et
"0 act tily9lstrtwormier*, * iOklrr
nnrpp t ARSRI.I7TR DIVpggl h3 Fon
UL! twines es.eses reitaleg thro`t hunt ape'
Vetted State* anis Canada for deeer tioA non-
anpport.,ureas@crane,ornelty;iecompatibl ttt,
eta. Advice free, State Qurcone andaddrete,
ATTORNEY WARD. 'orld nuiidtng. 1907
.1,::CarLrltiT S
tQ $eti„.
. a & Slarial~ Canada Maps 4_ Ws
He stereos
lid to Poet
Cruise Bleak.
Teeth ex-- 1
thoConntyof Huron. Vince. opposite to (
. ,Carling'sstore,Exaster
P, ti,tlrad/tate VietOrIIWJ,tivernite• Qflc
dyeable/nee. DOM:aiopl•auoriatoiv.Emiter.
J. A. ROLLINS, M. Q. 1'.
O, omen, .retain Sf.I iater.Ont. Reeidonce
erecently occupied by P. arePh111ipeaEee.
re LUT?, M. D
Oreeat hiaresidevee Exeter.
rreit, IRVING,GRADUATR ONE silagtcptaeeirto
;tuvtic e ' t Trinity
EN11Y +'IL1311iR, Licensed Auc
tionoerforllpy,Stopheu.and ]vicatilvray
'rownehi1is. Seleacouduatcd at moderate ratan.
•e)mce-dt i ostwtR.e, Crediton, Ont.
lit& tato forthe Huron tt: ErieLosaiSavings
:ianiaty. Low ratetof interest, Aamlyto,Tobli.
a J. CLARK, Agent for the Us -
Let *born oaudtiibbert d 1tualriralusurancc
Company, Residence -Farquhar. Orders by
'tnailisrampilt attended to.
iu the Court of Common Pleas-laaede,l
1Yi11s,Mortgages, Leanes ,aaid sal forme of agree-
ments drawnand ex ectetedaecording to law: 1
OFFICE -Tuttle Centeunin1 tuts+ lockitten-'
per cent. rtccoreing to terms. Private
Funds. At ,ply to
ectoberl5,'80 Snlioitor. F,zatal
11paying**az.n,f ree ttncioc res , C tine N1SAN:
nprub3i ber9a18uietrutond•tt,.t,oadon,Qnt,
'or Sale.
A woilflntthe4end convenient Dwelling Renee
end .L.0i 0q Huron Street, least of 3-titan/neat
tar 1
tEart onlarlaapplytf►
US, 11 V 1LT,IJT,.
Solicitor do.
ARI FOR SALE. The under
started offers for ;Meade farua,eonehding
etane hundred acres, bsiut lot 4, con. S. Toown•
ship of Unborn., The farm is all cleaved and
ins. good state of cultivation, and well un ler-
drelued. There aro on the premises a good
framo bnru, log stable and dwelling house and
s. largo bearing orchard of grafted fruit, also I
cti rrios,.pplulns,pearss,and grapes, also three
ever -Wile g wolia of water, 10 acres of fail
wheat iothe ground and 2oacres fall plow-
+ing done. Shia fares ie aituatod4 miles from
Exeter and two frost. Centralia. Thera lea
school housaQuadlotuiuSxarat, ands ><fatho-,
dietchurclt. Thu so,.00fthe beet forme in
thetowuehtp and will be sold °+coal+, One.
Balt uurcltaaanrouoy down; nalanco nay roe
znain ou mortgage roe reasonalltd length of
,;true' For furthserparticulars, apply to John
'tlamesey on rho promisee or b letter to Bee
'tor p. o., or to derma Oka, auctioneer, Exeter.
IIsborne,Itor,.12, l(9}.
VartaiRtistt, The earthquake at Henniker, N. H. i when she was seized with an !M-
on Sunday displaced the foundation 1 poke to jump from the train. Kind.
of a boiler in Gages manufactory. nese front the paseengere end a wet -
The shock was extensively felt in the coming telegram from liar father
,neighborhood of Contootacoak. cheered up the unfortunate woman..
Paul and Eddie:eon. of Wm, Creed,' A t the convention of 7,laapti•t min-,
l or Mitchell, Beals., aged respect :xel, f ,eters on -bloodily, Rev„ Dr. Pslulagte
16 crud 11, fell through thin ice on the delivered nth address on evolution.
Jim, river Sunday, sand, were drowned. Ttlere la no contest, said Talmage,be-
Their father Went there from Chicago Sewn science end religion. Who
i year ago« UM us the telegraph ? Morse s,
A, soots&, consisting of 81 prQtnt. ohrietata. 10Vha sating the cattle f
'P,H safe in the Nevr ' York Hetet
Montreal, wee broken tato Suuday
night and $8,100, belonging to 241r.
D. Melvin. the proprietor, carried off.
The. etorreh of ward SSuuday night
and Monet! et iyloittretll caused son-
siderehle dainiage to property, The
velocity of the want. ata reported by
the Ohotvetory.we i G (tile s
pet bops'.
A Lloyd, of Boyd Brea., wholesale
drygouda inerchaute. Toronto has
tauedd a writ aafainet the Journal of
Uonitnstce for $10,000 slant Igo* for
an alleged libelous ertcile which ala -
peered in its oo1umue last week con-
car'iiug Boyd.* cc,uueation ' wits the
failure of Wetsrru, Young tk Co. of
The aeooudt1, tr of the Custom
house et Wow* fell' ou Saturday eve-
uing there being several hutidred bar,
rete of apples placed there. Oil the
lower floor were gilt and brandy mike
and other articles. whi4i were etnitah
ed so pieeer. The loss will be up-
ward+, of $2,OCO, As the geode were
in bond the Ouvernmeut will be the
,jrr. Jattuee Rae, a wellknown loctei
trapper, who lives act lot 2,0, eau» 5,
Emmett, hail * Moet: Unpleasant ex-
Iterieuae the other rl,iv. He
h rd Iter
a bear trap in a swamp on hid ferret,
and woe engagedin eearchlug farZthe
eanlo when he fell Into it. The eprnag
came down upon hie legs holding Bial
feet, and at the same time it:flitting
painful bruises. His enoute,however,
soon brought essietauoe, and the pris-
oner was immediately relieved. Mr.
Rae flat vino : been confined to the
house.. le is very fortunate that no
bones were broken.
The eteatner t ',ba, of Hamilton,
Ontario, from Toronto to Ogdensburg
struck a shoal on the St. Lawerenco
river opposite Alexandria Bay, Satur-
day moruingt and sunk. The vessel
was loaded with 28,000 bushels of
barley, 800 bags of floor, 40 (iarrele
of -whiskey and other merchandise.
The whiskey and: merohautiee were
on the deck and were savod,and about
6,000 bushels of the barley will be
taken out of the hold uninjured. The
vessel was awned by Haggerty Sc' Co.,
of Toronto, and with the cargo wee
valued at $50,000, } approach he fled and escaped in the
The city of Belleville Board of, darkness, The girl was rescued just
Health contrttdiot the rumor that a a, she was about to relinquish her
The Undersigned wish to aunouuoe to the
inhabitants of Exeter and vicinity that they
Lave opened out n
Butcher Shop !
in tate building formerly ocoapie& by Kemp'e
Tobacco Store, where all kinds of Fresh Mose*
ran be had.
You will do wall to call. as all cleat sold by
them is Fresh and Tonder.
.L P EALU T VO• a»dolj YI'RAME - IT Q A'
PSVBLLXNti i10TSSE audone aura oiiand:
situated an the Thameslhoad,2lniiles east of
Exeter. Goodlarge frame stable and driving
shed; splendid orchard of choice fruit -bearing
trees; good wall and cistern. Suitable far are-
•tiredfarmer. Will besold cheap for cash, Are
ply to THOMAS; Etoter8 0 iv' 19:tf
IA • :iutileCourt of Common Pleas -Deeds;
Wiils,diorlgagee, Loasos,and all forms ofagree-
menta drawn and executed according to law.
.Meow TO LOAN ON REAL E STATE. Parties wee$•'
ing'to borrovr money on account of recon t pur-
hoses otland,or to pay off existing mortgagee
willfind a great saving by giving me a call, Can,
tend money +at6 and 61 per cent. acaordingto
terns. x.J.CLABE.
C. 112,a'►,ITZTiNG's J• Doup
Central Shavitg•' Parlor;'
For Crean. and easy shaving, ;f'asbionable hair
cutting &c.
t Clean towel for evory customer,'rt e
_ . Next door to Central Rote Clearin g Sale
I can lend any amount of Stoney on farm se-
curity at 6, Of 7 per cent. according to terms
Private Funds a specialty. Charges moderate
g * HALL,Barrister,Exeter
neat young sten of Trenton Qo., Ariz
INS sent a representativs to lbs
east to aeleot suitable .pauses for its
The Treasury Department has al-
ready furniebed $7,000,000 for the
payment of pensions during the cur, -
rent %setter, .and estimates have bean
received that $10,000,000 more will
be required.. A.bont $17,000,000 to
be pald oat on :this ace not before
Jahn. 1.
Lu a douse. fog fiatatrday morning
two Gaulden ferryboats laden deem
with paseengere, ran aground on the
Jersey aside of the Delewere River op.
posits Philedelphiti. All of the 0,000
passangeru were knocked down by the
terrible erecb, end the unman excite:
merit prevailed. So far as known only
three persona were injured.
Edward B. Caae, of the well-known
i:neurtauce firm of C. H. Cue,* 00.,
of Chicago, lca,a found the other night
iu the besetmut of his house with hie
skull *tulle() ire two places, Prom
incoherent words the supposition is
that the wounda ware inflicted 'by ai,
man named Roach, e. watohmau tlis
charged by Case.. It is believed he
cannot live.
The boiler of the tux Ilelkiahou ex-
ploded Saturday night off Sands
Point, hong Island, N. Y. Bur-
roughs, the captain, and hie brother
Glide., were lost.. The foreman,
Lyons, was fatally injured. The boat
sank tee quickly that the cook, bed. not
time to escape from his bunk, nor ;the.
engineer from his room before they
were under water. The imprieoneda
men floated to tete surface with the
debria and were rescued.
At Scrauton,Pa., on Sunday even-
ing, a ruffian was about to push Nei -
lie Colton, a pretty 18 -year-old girl,
off a bridge into a oar of molten slate,
on the lraoktbelow, but seeing men
Cyrus W. Field, another .olixisliatn.
Evolution ie out stud out iiltidelity.
Paine and Mime and Voltaire did' no
more disbelieve the Holy Scripture
than those wile believe .in evolution.
There its one dealer* of evoltuion
which we are'particularly asked to
adopt. viz,,thh survival of the fittest;
But do the fittest survive ? C1Rrfield
died in June and Guitean was alive
nearly a year afterward=. (Applause.)
The origin of the dootrine of Evolu-
titan i$ attributed to Herbert Spencer.
and a few others. but ?voltitlaniete
exieleti bef rre Spencer Gegen to
evolve. (Leniiitter'.) It is an 014
heathen corpse set up in a morgue,
And .Darwin hud Spenser have been.
trying to galvanizeit. (Rears or
laught,tr.) If a paeir:of apes bad a
MAC for their descendant why should
not all apes have that honor 2 Ac:.
cording to Evolutionists ai Man is t►
bankrupt monkey. Talmage review-
ed Derwins theories and said they:
wore brrttuiizmng,
Two e,U8tlere while hunting in the
words on the bum of E. C. Cockey,
inBaltimore county, ty da
Iasi rel, e c u! , on Sunday,
came acmes the dead body of a
young wowau, in whose +arms we*
clasped the living, yet terribly ernes,-
;ted form of her six months old babe.
From appearances. the mother must
have been dead two days when found,
and the babe exposed to the weather
and without food or nourishment for
that length a
t t i g h of tune, The tatter ora
wrapped iu a heavy shawl. , The mo-
ther was attired` in a handsome
bleak silk dress, wore valuable Jewel-
y2.andA. ring n a upon be finurse in her ger was iocket n -
wilted, "Frank to Gertrude, May 1,
1888." "Afizpah. No cue has been
found who knows either mother or.
child. A. tollgate keeper stated that
just before the heavy rain on Wed-
nesday of last week, the young wo-
man and babe passed him and went
up the road, It is therefore sur,
raised' that they sought the wood* for
shorter. Cloee beside the dead body
(lase of email pox lta:s oeenrra4l t here, hold on the railway. She said the
and state that they char% taken all
necessary means to prevent the intro-
duction of the disease there. ` They
advise all the inhabitants who fear
the disease to have themselves vac.
citiated. In Elaeiver no additional
eases have occurred beyond the one
already reported. .Iu Hungerferd the
strictest precautions have been taken,
the sohoola being closed and Sabbath
Beryline in the various churches pro.
hibited for the time being. It is re.
`ported that the Roman Catholic priest
at Stoco has been attacked by the con -
if .'onwant the bestvaluefor
y tng%on. Tutee more, deaths are re-
ported to have takeu place in Hunger.
tiy "ams . Farmers in Essex county have for
— o O.--1-the past six mouths peen missing
a T cattle which were enclosed iu their
spastures. - Thursday morning a than
named Sullivan was:arres.ted in Wind=
dor by the police on suspicion of hav-
KIRIi'1lON: - ing a hand in the steeling of the earl-
male; About three months ago a
man answering : the description of
Sullivan drove a herd of twelve head
of fat cattle to Stantou's slaughter
house, a short distance fro.n Windsor
and had them slaughtered. None of
the meat was sold in Windsorbut
was taken to Detroit. A de3orilition
of the cattle slaughtered tallies with;
a herd of cattle that a farmer in' the
southern part of the county was fat -
In Exchange fbr Goods, teeing. Sullivan is known in Detroit
au a butcher. Re is now confined in
Sandwich jail- Offlcert will endeavor
to obtain evidence against ` him.
' bava: a positive remedy for the above, disease; by Its use
thousands of cases et- the :worst kind and of•loor .standing
have been cored. • Indeed' so strong loamy fsith?Iu''lts. *00107,
teat l w111 Bend TWO BOTTLER FUER, ;together with • VAL
vABLA. TREATISE on ablo4'disesse,to my angerer:: Oise 9r.-
pbe,spnd?.O. ,ddreee. RE. T.A. SLOCI:a4; 181 road 8t„ 1.T
T0 ADVERTISERS --Lowest Rates forad-
dvertising in 1182 good newspapers free ad•`
rens GEO P ROWELT, ,5 CO, 10 Spruce -street,
N Y,
11E W11'ERLOO 14i:U'1'UAL FIRE
Established in 1863.
This comIaux has boon over Eightterm.yeare
Aeuecessful operation in Western.Ontario,and
continues to insure againatiose ea -damage 13V
Fire ,Buildings,Merchandise,llanufaotorie ,and
all other descriptions of insurable property. In-
tondinginsurers have the option of insuring on
the Premium Note or.Cash System.
1,,uringthe:paast ten• years Ibis Company has
• 9siaed:Y7;O06 Policies.oOvering property ter the
a mountof$4O.872,088; and paid,in losses alone
AsaetS, 8176,100.00, -consisting of Cash in
dank, Government Deposit, d thewitnessed
Back's Old Stand.
;(2 Doose north of Post Office)
Butterand Eggs Wanted
We have just received. a large consignment
of goods direct from wholesale houses, which
we .will sell at very close prices. v Splendid
yalue in Cashmeres, Velveteeus, Grey, Soar -
let, Canton and Homemade Flannels. A. nice
lot of table'napkins and 'covers, - Splendid'
W,yxcey,Gleyan White Coitolt-yery cheap
Also Tweedsand`Ready-made Clothing.. •A
lotgfgrocerie,s to be sold cheap.. 'In Boots
&c'Shoes;we have added.. some new lines, and
are 'prepared toaell the. best .goodsiat close
Farni for Sale or R{fnt.
Farm of:100'acres, 70 cleared ;: ltank Bern
60x40 , Goad House and. Orchard. Price,
$4,500'; $1,000 down: -"Rent, $240.
A.pply to
An earthquake shock 'wits
Boston en Monday.
Over S00 persons signed the pledge
at Paaeaio, N. J., within u week. The
Town council have decided to graut
no more licences.
It is stated that Arthur has invited
Cleveland to; uiako the White House
hia, houne wt, le preps iug Inc the in-
augurMlon eeremonhes.
Tl1e only remaining liquor saloon
oat an unease a in Bloudensburg, Ohio, was wrecked
NremiuriNotesonhandandinterne J. w.WAL JOHN MATHESON. by prohibitionists Saturday.night.
" B. D. PreInsp r. tr. Lumen, Secretary The proprietor was struck by a stone
J 1S. HIIoixtearInaveotor. CRARLEt3lt1NELL, p p
Agony for Exeter end vicinity, I May 29th.,, Footer
Qa and died from his injuries.
felt iu
man made iudeeeut proposals, giving
her the alternative of being burned to was found a bloody handkerohief,and
death. 1 a physician who examined the re -
Six' persons were drowned in the
Tennessee river on Sunday, by the
capsizing of a boat. Nine persons
were in a skiff. including Thomas,
Key, the ferryman, hie son, two ne.
gro women -named Lane and McCurdy
and two obildren, a white man nam.
ed Short, and two negrcee. Key was
drowned trying to save his son, who,
with the two negro women and their
children, were drowned. Mrs. • Key
witnessed the drowning of her lis
band and son from the opposite bank
aud wentmad, -
About five weeks ago Jerome Mo-
Intosb, a well-to-do and prominent
citizen of Glenville, W. V,a., . (Heap -
peered from hie home, and despite
careful and extended search no trade
of him could be build. A few days
age, however, it club was found in the
donee forest in the mountains, near
Malotoeh'a residence, the weapon be-
ing partially 'covered with clotted
blood, hair and brains. A. farther
Search in the vicinity revealed some
human hones t;cattered about .'the
ground, It is oonjeotured..thttt ;Mo-
Intosh was murdered by some tin -
'known 'person, and his body after-
wards devoured by panthers
Mains says that in his opinion the
deceased was attacked with a hems-
morrhage and died from exposure..
There were no evidences of vrolence.
Who the deceased is or what -is her -
destination is a mystery. A theory
advanced by some -is to the effect
that the body is that of Mies Get trade:
Turner, who disappeared from her
home iu Baltimore pity last January -
under singular circumstances. Ow-
ing to the indefinite desoripti m of
the deceased it oanuot be - said • that
the body is -really that of Mise 'burn-
er, There is no doubt that deceased
was well connected. She wee a
pretty young woman aged about 30 'a
The December number, closing the
eighteenth volume,fully maintains the
meritorious character of this favorite
magazine, and will doubtless secure a.
large subscription for the neat vci?
umes. The publication is remarkable
for its oomprehensiveueee and cheap-
ness. Among the prominent "illus-
t'rated articles are the "Dramatists of'
To -day," •'A:Ramble Through the is-
land of Jersey," "Forms of • Saluta-
tion," "The Great:Elector of Brand.
enburgOn Thursday '•night' last, Mary ey .Egltand' ry"eat tieenotabysof pop tar
Newcomb, a passenger ou the . 'Gan. authors. • eerier,.
non Ball" train,' bound for 'I anesa "Tile Dee nd
City, sprang from a oar 'while the there are
train' was at fall speed between es, taw
!Moberly, Mo., and 13runawiok, car
rytng two babies with her," The train
was stopped, and the mother found
stunned and u000u'ecious, with the.
babies Coddling around her unhurt.
The mother, when reatored, said she
was the only daughter of :a weal-
thy citizen' of Leavenworth, Ke.,
ass that her maiden name was Mag-
gie, Ferrell In 1881 she eloped with.
her musts teaoher.:Augustus New
comb. Hor fattier cast her off, an.
her husband failed to support hr
She left him in Mississippi, and c
on her way home, and was broo+'
over the unoertainty of her reeep
are al
the, •