HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1884-11-20, Page 52 of Potter's Best Electric Batteries. for Medical use,
1 Mercurial Barometer for foretelling the Weather.
The See aai lex ?'tows.! ADVERTISE
0. yowls=
iga>rinp 4eoide4 to °lose hie present stook of ..`I T TIMES.
the above plows. will 011
Ye $1a CASH, and $14 OIi TIME
The plow can be seep, at the building oppos
McKenzie' &Inhalers for Catarrh, Bronco t%s, , e a to � south
chap. (.) fewPor
Doxntxa4,O . Laboratory, 3. W. laztow N:I aCC, drop
Bureau, or Industries. ironing. Wihite flying around the
The :sport of the urea° of indue, oornero be don't know whether be is
teres for November dent* chiefly with in the "neer eeat of klla.lteltori wsg.
the grain and,:root °reps ot the pro- on or in the Air.
vivae, and gives tables of produce The trotter D. S. C,�who recently
based en 1.,250 returns. math: to the 4°4" iu tba "amid 2:40 ei&39e5 in
bureau on the 25th oC Oc'19
tuber, ros9 t •singoll, Ifs„ and'got a record of
tabled show tit?t: the harvest of grain 2:26 , woo grsdnnted from a wood
°rope has been even rnora bountiful °art 11114 the priCe paid for him wile°
than appeared by the estiluxte ; r•.f the he was taken out of the shorts is said
last of ngnst, and farm a gratif,} ink' t4 have beats '111`10.
contract to the. towel of hot yuftr'a The single cella mise for $5C0 n.
harvest, The q+paltry of the grain,
between Peter H. 0aoly, cif Dos•
too, is generally excellent. being ton, and do/in 'roomer, which was to
have taken place at McKeesport ou
ptutpp.ilatrd. anti i,eavy, L'•►rlay,how•
ever, was badly disoolkred by the mile (Saturday, wn+r tleelared nit Team.
of the ltrtrYcst aellson, aud tato bulk of era bucker° have forfeited X1.00 stake
it doe* not rank higher than second Irlagey, belitla.t $150 given Coolyfor
grade. Wner t i ► remerkably free elcpeltsee,
from defeNwed. of Anwed. Toe grain r1Yal of the nufortuwate Capt,
is above the standard weight. and the Webb, ntttatl W. J. Webster, from
leverage yield of the Spring and 'fall Boston, and represented to be a eel -
varieties ie 22,5 bunhels per acre, or °treated slvimmor, has arrived in Que.
0 more than past year. Oats ciao bee for the purpose of toting the
show a large yield although in the P
Some Facts about the ]finale
These Pianos have e)tablished their exee1.
tepee in every community where they hive
been iutrod I0ed, and the most eminent per.
formers have given them the most unqualifi.
ed approval. Their appreclaten, however, is
not eortfiped to the °lass known as profeesion
al artists,but they Are as highly prizedin the
parlor as in the school room or upon the
stage. The fact is, they are as perfect se any
instruments of the kind that have yet been
made, and Peels many tluatities whish
strike the critical ear as superior to all other
piano°: Thia is theiwhole seeret 0 their greet
popularity and the high appreciation in
whichthey are held by both amateurs and I
Every battle of Arnica ck Oil Liniments oli
is warranted by the proprietors to give 8ati3
faction or money will be refunded.
Points and repairs always kept I:7, stock.
Parties intending analog a ptrehase will do
well to call early.
Apri110. S. POWELL..
STOP *49°41 /1131w4a1)4 afil). • i
a...... a .t.r$µ.. Tho blah rep*
T 1 E1* exempt A .•... a.l..lr
Ow.r...► awR
for . O. o'1 Os, (MO,A.th.t. coa414m01,414
411413o° rtes°•sturiettcomresaes, 1•40100$1134ise/k Fr,bx.W.
...a afoul* Conk U1..r 430
atr.eaa r Os., sole roe:Users, c».. .
as 1�..
t..trontgerr,vtaImpodt1cn potions the bottle sett see
twit toe dame of F. tri xtnvt.s.. AntalSt. 411044001114.
fa blots hl, the eau or tito bottle, of
.1a i. eresod Sac a letter.cta.t.. we she o .reward
"(Ocoee te„'e the .J.• ! yolociso cum. emtioaz and "Log%
ou:ssi to tW NM. .pbt of atm.. Por..1. by at! no
-e^taLte ,1tceglito .ad ..oc9:tr, We14r.. Moo. 1a 44435
D0olootle... *3.15 per d..lo 4,44,.. 1043404 W6.%
:;t 0.4.t Rl. s.,1nsets/..s..t. fee tenses.
THIS PAPER ra>.. • as tc t, a
fiat at GtIV. It".
Rows Cos t
Newspaper A.dviertle Bureau 110 sprncq
Street).ec.Iitntcte niaT
bin t
ea diktit1
MM. -Valuable Beal Estate in
Town, Nov.
the Township of Stephen, nearCretliteu
the property of the late Julius Merlock
Sale at Crediton, at one o'clock p. JI.
eriloue feat of going over the MountHenry. Either, aticliot)cler, with
northern and north western cetuttlee Moroney Fath 'ill a baleen Called with Tilresr r, Nov. 20th.-- 73ouat•tioi4 tnrpiture
tins aud other spring gran:* suffered °.atnprerse t nit f')r a wager of $2,000, aud house and lot on Huron street.June
pp, a l 0 l d Teta expubt,a.-.i L7 ttttlUtiHC tt fir l�aetec, the property of fhe lMo George
Com (the 1. wtti,ht elf hart/ crud Jelly,
Compare(] wtth the harvest of 1888
Tharada atternoalh, The
al1tho1'it LLcatsett. Salo at 10 o'clock. John
lea Ree likely to iltto fare. Gill, Aue.
the eggrenttit f and averag yield of Tito Attempt of ,'1,le,ud S. to lower LL ISPNkanAT, Nov 2301. -Fart° Stock aud
cereals ie eo folpowo
Ag4re*ate AtaraGr• 'her record. at YteSingt'a11, Ky., on Fri. llnplemauts, the property ofJtll tt Wade
day drew out a large crowd of Ppeeta lot 8 yen R. Stephen.. Sale at11 °'desk.
teat teen int 14.E1 fI° nr f;it'i, t r, nut;,
hush. hush. hush.busll.; tors, including; a renin:her car clergy. ,
10411 wlta:tt . . '?..:' d8 11r fi!r:;, 01'1 tt•.fi iR)a11. No batting 41119 ail tial
h 2 7,td era dal , 18 s
Tile total yield of tome 1115,091,007 lug to the etretoll for the tidal effort ^ rR>+>. VITA AT
buallela, or 8,000.0:10 ltueliele were, nodded for the worts. The mare olid" tvnitttVb.ar
than I3.4t year, while the average per not make a single mistake. Shea 1 use witeat iter, ,.1 . ...
acro is 24 bushels, or 4.8 barbels reached the quarter in 82 secouda lied whoa New
more than lint ya tt The quality ie the half in 1:01 ; the three tluerterN Fite su®w1 ••
of uuvar^ti Csedbete>, little or lie in 1:87. Here sale was joined bye F1,1?"3 :
To the Irront as 'Usual.
First Class stock, and at prices that DEFY COMPETITION.
Full of ell.thr Latest .lcslt l) is
Worsteds, Qy ei' eating.•• Tweeds, �, Etc.,.
d mottle up in First-elsss i t}Ir, and 0 prier's that canna fail to please. All Goods
Nog wheat l4 r#I fea , ' r�liliaYlT REPORTS.,
1: wee, ta.11)'+1t 1'a 4;4 137 t ,'1.a neanrao, Bele gAytl telt! f�191tt°n"' 1rATroub7A���/�I1w�!
bitty �i.i r . 1, . 7s ,i 1 1..51
V i V Show Goods.
1:ye i(Ski:,a .t')41.1a tt, (Ge tvartuirlg up a anile in 2:201 and cam.,erre ete+latSi',"C1tl.ktt.Al,SPl�,lnsi+<1Nti'.i
oca tee :,1 Pring along your :Fal: u�. Produce, for which
— UfytotlSrl
o co rG e ;u the $ighest Prices will be paid.
•i, ,,: tfu U :,, JANES PICKARD, EXETER.
el f:, to 4 , :,
$8P 1. aana, ld3.t.
damage baring boon done by the runner in a sulky tied male a strong net*
bug. Beane aud cern, which were in finidh 1n 2:09}, lOsretlgg het' 1Pcitr.1 1 ill., by u+1
0.11 Unpromising condition at the end half a becond. The majority of tilt"1'14"
of July, made ailurpriringly gaud re• entente watches wade the Bette •' 119 r,;;,l
eocery in .tnguet aud splenius im• 'The scone at the finish wag indeaerlb. dlryli xoat,l,l... .,.
proved to )uaturtty. The yield of the able. The crowd cheered lnetiiy, L' t*to pecf"brag
former is 693,044 bushole, and of the .3auner was congratulated on every ur eaapl,lFl._�spy ;:: ::
latter 12,9985,889 buahele, being an ride. `While the loges was o1aliug 00 lrlrl 1;';'lla ..•
average of 23.8 anal 74 buahele per the lawn, scores of ladies gathered naoki`p9•e i•r
acre reapeotively Lriat year both around and ;asked the privilege to (T 1e ,11 11 111
crops were del,tr0ciel try the early touch her nose. The Keutueky Trot.
feast. lug Horse As000iatiou preeeote i the 1If lesrrou oil
... .::OP 0
it 17 Li, iN
1 r, to',
' A t.'+
1.1 :ii 40 0 0
0 ,to t., t, ;44
ti tell tea
Al l4, t o 11 019
0 07 to 0 Ota
.#; S i ADLISH D 1072.
The root crop is generally an ex- mare with a cup. She now gae9 11113 heepskin. i 1
celient nue es 6cilrjpy otatoos,map i winter darters, ask n. "e! c., .. :,. o to U +qtr Desire to call the; attention of their customers to, and ask
l' p g- q Wool per lb a 79 to 0 20
olds and carrots. Turnips suffered to
t)atons tier bushuaTl?rlrtun 7 00 to 8 00
0 40 to 0 75 their insinspection of their large and
80119 extent from the A.aguet drought 3lon are grappling fur the rerna n9 woo per cord ., . 3 00 to 8 5a
▪ but they are of good quality. The of the four men drowned on Thursday 1114 rsALI, 1tIAlthtETS.
• a re ate and average yield for 1.85$ meruiug at I*inse�tou. A boat hits Fallwhcat perbh .) +or a
Sit ld
gBoring 0 .� tri Complete assani• '
and 1884 is as follows :— been fouud mashed. on Carleton Ie. ::: G 61 to ti sal,
Aggregate Avorago. land. Horne, oue of the viotirna,
1884 18883 1831 a saved many lives, going to rescue in
bush. bush. boils. bush, a skiff.
Potatoes 27,546;481 18,408,782 103.8 08
Mattgolda, 8.855,184 6;2:2,015 471.0 303 The Toronto magistrate .Friday got
Carrots, 4,147,210 4,881,486 9830 384
Turnips, l4,4os,s6s 39,879,814 4 a,s eoa rid of another old penitentiary bird
The clever midge has been very whosoname has generally been known
destructive on all fields from which a
first crop of Waver was taken, but
where fields were pastured until tbo
beginning or middle of June the seed
was uuhartned.
Fruit trees are in a healthy ooudi-
tion, and have made a good growth of
new wood, but with the exception of
apples,the crop of the season has been
1e88 than an average. Apples are
plentiful and of good quality.
The area of fall rudest sown this
year appears to be somewhat less
than last year, but the land at seed
time was in a much bettor state of
tilth aud the young wheat has made a
vigorous growth.
Henry Bergh says Maud S. is being
cruelly treated.
Mand Messenger who has a record
of 1:16 -, was sold as a yearling for
twelve doliars and a half.
Harriman, of Owen Sound, defetlt•
ed Case of Hamilton by ten yarda in
their half mile race the other day.
Harry Hutohine,the English sprint.
er; who arrived a few days ago, wiil
allow H. M. Johllaton, who is probab-
ly the fastest man in America, 21
yards in a 100 yards dash.
George Fryer,the Nottingham ama-
teur boxing champion. is coming to
This country. He is 24 years old,
stands 5 feet 9a inobee high, and
weighs about 75 pounds.
Harding of Tennessee, looks ' upon,
Blackburn as the best sire on his
great farm. Thespring sate of
thoroughbreds from '.the General's
farm average about $30.000.
John Murphy esys that the sensa-
tion of riding behind a team cif their'
brads at a 1:54 gait lit decidedly exit
Barley tbriebtl
Barley (feeding)
White Cats, ...
Black Oats
Apples per bbl.
Potatoes per bh
,,, 0 44 to 0 49
,.. 008 to 0 :if'
o 27 to o so Etc,, for the fall trade of 1884. Our
1 90 o to o 1. a2 well assorted and carefully selected.
�....:. ... _. the following :
as James Thom neon. in 187511e was- Perhaps the most extraordinary succesathat
sent to jail for Rix months for larceny has been achieved in modern medicine has
of Dry Qoods
and two years later:he was sent to the
penitentiary for Iwo years for the same
offence. lie had been out of prison
about a month when ho was sent hack
to jail for a month, and in the follow.
iug year he was sent back to the pen-
:leen attained by the Dixon treatment fur ca-
tarrh. Out of 3,0011 patients treated during the
last six months, fully ninety per cont. have
been cured of this stubborn malady. This is
none the less startling when itis remembered
that not are per cont of patients presenting
tbcm$etves to the regular practitioner aro be-
nefitted, while the natant mocioinos and other
advert'- -sod curds never record a cure at all,
Starting with
y for three years, Iia had by the most
/tort lair, LH:von at once adapted his cure to their
h the claim now generally believed
scientific mon that disease ie due
been oat Of that instltntic'n a s' to the presence of livi
time, but his long terms had evident- extermination --this accomplished, he claims
the Catarrh is practically cured, and the 1ior-
ly done him rho good. Last week he maueucy negnoslionod, as cures effected by
T. him four years apo are cures still. No ono
stole buffalo robes from Wm Tay- else has at emote
ng parasites in the tissue.
tot t d to euro Catarrh in tnis
for and Win. Spinks,:the articles hay. manner,audno other treatment ever cured
Oatarrh. Th, application of the, remedy is
ing been takeu from buggies on the simple ancan be done at home, and the
present season of the year Is the most favor-
able for a speedy and permanent cure, the
majority of cases being cured at ono treat-
ment Sufferers should correspond with
Messrs. A. H.DITON& SON, 805'King street
west, Toronto, Canada, and enclose stamp for
their treatise ou Catarrh.-Afontreal Stav, Nov.
street, and after he had disposed of
them he stole a tub of fifty pounds of
butter from Wm. Hannah, Frances
steel. Tho evidence iu the naso was
quite clear,and the magistrate sent the
prisoner to the penitentiary for two
Mr. Wm. Thomas,of Newton,Ia„says : 'My
wife has been seriously affected with a cough
for twenty-five years and this spring more wishes to announce to the inhabitants of
severely than ever before. She had used many
remedies without roliet,and being urged to try Exeter and vicinity, that helms opened out a
Dr. King's New Discovery, did so, with most
gratifying results. The first bottle relieved
her very much, and the second bottle has ab-
solutely cared her. She has not had suck
good health for thirty years.” Trial bottles'
free at C. Lutz's Drug Store. Large size
stock is, we believe,
It consists in part of
All -Wool Dress Goods,
Plain and Fancy Dress Goods,
Black and Col'd Cashmere,
Black and Col'd Silks,
Ottoman Cord Silxs.
Staple Department.
Shirtings, Denims, Cottonades, Table Linens,
Table Napkins, Grey and White Cottons,
Shirtings (plain and twilled). Cotton. Bags,
LAC AN COLD V �LVETE�NS and pr cesLriety of shades
Your inspection of these goods and prices will convince
you they are right, as they have been Imjborted for this seasons
o Our Millinery Department is still underthe care
of our MISS McINTIRE, and the stock in this department
will—if possible—be more attractive than ever this season,
Mr. T. Matsdaira,..a Japartesee hat
beep elected to the office ot chief en-
gineer of the city of Bradford, Pa. He
28 probably the first representative of
Japan ever elected to any civil office iu
the United States.
The-fir..t copper- cent was coined in I Repairing promptly attended to.
New Haven in 1687. GEO. MANSON,
British Columbia lands are open >q' '
men an ao e. Late Manager C. Eaerett'e Boot aud Shoe
May 14th 84.
embracing all the latest American. English and French styles
of Shapes, the latest shades in. Silks, Satins, Ribbons, Flowers,
Plumes, Tips, &c., &c.
Boo4 and ShAe a
choice lines of English, Scotch, Irish, French and Canadian
Tweeds, English, Scotch, and French Suitings, English and
French Trowserings.
Hats, Caps, Scarfs, Ties Shits, Braces, Hosiery, Etc. We have a good cutter on the
premises, and guaiantee a fit in every ease. Our stook of Blankets is very extensive in
white. ,• In Furs our stock is complete (gi ey and brown) in Boas, Capes, Sets &,o., .&e„„
also Robes in Buffalo ar'd Wolf m
• ,Our Boot and Shoe department will be found fully as-
sorted in Ladies', Geula' and Children's wear, also a full assortmei,t of Trunks, Valises,
and Satchels.
in the corner Store North of Barnwell
dc Piokard'e, where he is prepared to make
all kinds o: ordered work.
Sewed,work a speciality.
settlement at $1i '
ill k, e! .,