HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1884-11-20, Page 41 he Muter gimes. THI/RSDAY.eNOV. 02, 1884. TUE CZAR, OF STEPHEN. A. certain writer has, ekid that re public's are, as a rule,ja st s =oh EDITORIAL NOTES, "Bum' i°1"°61 10 the ma" stay of this country above all thInge else. Many fermate have a mistaked idea Acoomnea to the officiat returns aa regards hoiding back their groin or the Toting on the Sot& Act iu the for sn &awes it, the price. As the 00111191 of Harm), there w*r0 10e706 harveee4as good all over, Cher is but ; votes east 5,957 for the .Aet, 4,804 slight hope that the pri:te will ad. agaivat, and there were 135 rejected Y4000, The farmer will vein nothing ballots. by nolding hio grain this year, but under oue-men :power ae the most the chances ate that he will lot.. deeeotically ruled nations of the j. T. Mumma, of the Wiughata Farmers, market your grin now and earth. We remember well it wee , too when Vedette, bee a libel snit Pending eteetre the prices that prevail. the custom of certain &midi - An politicel writers to look upon our against him for Publishing an article .A. Cemparlson. eel musieipal institution, as so mare gr. Marlyn. The writer of the al. Below will be found A statement of "ieoking republioe," and emember- leged article le in the same the votes oast for and, egreieet 'the r ing these two propel:Maus and seeing fix. Soott Act iu Heron:- , the shape things are taking in Stepla• htit. 11. NicGir.Mener, editor of the roam:rues tea, en, has auggested to us the question Goderioll Signal, is in trouble. He whether our naienioipat neighbor .to and a ,1r. Bali are having a warm the west of us has not even eters at its Ereest an unweaned Czar. tb alleged to have made during We have heard that under thet des. the tt Act p Muniaipalitiee when mn&gJ by lo. in hie mar, winott was written bv a time about some statement thatM. notism of Raub% the Our, through his officers, does exerciee a censor. ship over the public press, dictating what ehall aud what shall not be published iu 1;$ editorials, but even then we believe the proeeediugs of its Tneliersinith 38 East 'WaNveuosh 188 Cotlerich town 35 Stanley 9.1 Hullett Alt•• 67 Seecatnaign. Notwith BlYak•a tft“ m• ik• •• 0.411,t0Olk It 415 10 Colborne standing all its trouble -boycotting, Sea.folth '' .. t (35 32 &o., the Signal dill comes to band. Herrick . 151 — afTtournribezry 163 Bmtn c:in be bought here for fiveGrer, 224 canto per loaf, The free,tradere are novo weeriku; ter 1110 farmers becau-e .riee33 .. . 57 IttLblittobe.,iti.ic.c,Itrott,uptiaitedreedoort milli: of the low priceof wheat. whoil . ,,,iroiteor- ......... .... - - 02 f." In' gt'Whe'o,"ho'yr"evor:the per wheat and bleed' are high theett *nett r .h II. ....... ....... ....... 6 731 t.,:,,fooritt Wingbalatem 1,4*.t. • ...... It* ....IQ 17 )4, Exeter Butcher Shop R. DAVIS, RIVEN Butcher & General Dealer BROT1116 st.z. Ittuos or— • III I I A. 7' IS Customers supplied TITESDAT8, TRIMS, DAYS AHD SAMITBDAYS•at tbeiv residence. ORDERS LEFT AT THE SHOP WILL RH GENE PROMPT A.TTENTION, LIGHT HEALTHY BREAD 017/Co NVY04, YEASTGEMS The ho east let world, Bread 214.1.1c4 jautualts4124....„..........„....‘t, white and imbote- ow' jazargt124s1talet...41411: GROCERS SELL THEM. sun who wooly:tee to Le the ehiet revere() teeir synat:athy aud feel for etiieel 117 ruler is ready--takiug hit: own word the!l'euselee'r* 11'1'144 Lb have it , Exeter ........ . ...... .. • - ,,,.. itl, tioilerieb....- , Price Baking Powder Co., PREPERID RP INC :bread cheap and wheat dear ? .. 93 for It -to mutilate and expunge any BiTa of Dr. Ilice'a Sputal rlatonat4 BMA part ef the Ininutee of proceedinge ofWawauosh hie Council -0r realer the coi-nil of Tee Toroeto demonetretion in , • he people--upen the shorteut noticee hauor - sir Jowl m,todotteid wilt mexilh,p rzenuneteo etetuster. poseible. Some tirne since when wo 1.1.1,1•Tre,pir Tozal tuniorities tor 1,864 Chkoao. ill. St. LOWS. MO. ,+. -•--. -V- -• Sus r ival of the Meet. Down's Elixir hos outlived every other cough remedy simply 94 beCAUSO it iii tho best. take place on the 17th and 18th of B3vililil• • 41 procnred our minutee of that couned Stephen JUBILEE se:earns. from another scarce (became we 1 the next mouth- The Preeeedill8e etee........ .... ......... t••..t 29 (souk not get them in proper time will cemprtee a reception at the -- from him) we were told by the Czar Omni, Opera House,when an address i Twat majorities aettheet 2009 . will be delivered by the Premier, and majority for.- - ... - .,.,-. 1,505 have been published tint they were a banquet will be held the followiug veteran: day le ae large a building as eau be that some parte of them should not net intended for the public ; mid "ow he toile us regarding what he says was a 8010U111 resolution of that cow all that "should WO feel disposed to withdraw our firet charge against him regarding the minutea and let him kuowett once HE would take the fore , gotug reeelation out Df the nainuteeirespourient say e thee it is believel ter the icon Act, and the number in that it might not appear in ptiut,"- that Cleveland wilt reaigu the guy- each municipality at the political elect ' or as he falsely puts it it: Mr last cruorehip u, tow January he, e, ne tion it: 1888. There were ten eleven letter to:our cetem...-"I suggested to to let Governor Hill page upon 1110 Lilo (4 the "eq." vet" l'°"ted• in him that if he would cousent to N work of the noire cession of the 1882. the vote polled at the Dentin tend the council at its next sittiug on Legit:14(mo. It is understood that lot: elec:i in wee lada 111311 11,000 : the firat, Monday in December, aud Cleveland will not consider tea met.. let me Anon, 1 would riot put the said ter of his cabinet until atter be resigns Tnekersteitb motion in the unnutee flr publica• the geberoaterial office, The gore 7221orne tiou. ernor's staff wt11 probably tosiga at 'st.4,114:1 This might jnetify the question the Beale awe as he does. It w Hay. Y •• • • •• • - • - ••• • - • •• 503 s 54 thought the loading membere of the Golorieh, township ..... ..,.. 502 337 present end will be reappointed, aud ,,,S''ar."' th• 317 303 that Hill trill only put in a few tier- x„yeay '.' ....... ''''''•'-'1 807 1.04 aoutti frit title as aides. thsJerivh town-- . ... 438 560 — Colborne. 412 THNRE was a call° decided at the A811field. 687 owner of a cow, which had faller, ov. Clinton couuctls all ever the country The Brussels, . Blyta .... ....197 tett, 511 153 327 174 594 476965 215 278 868 W 1W . 1 . - 387 of his offer before that terrible retie , last Division Court .in Kincardine it waivauesh ...... „ .„ „ 387,43 493 Which is of importance to township Turnberry 521 lotion saw light , but the truth is, Hullett Witightun . .939 Grey 750 749 Morris 522 585 MeEillop P88 657 Wroxeter afi 74 we have neither part ner lot in the accident had ever happened there be- meek,. ,693 822 matter. They must settle that be- fore. The owner of the cow gut his tweeu themselves, aud the attempt damages, however. There are but Total 10,896 11,585 to draw us into the melee will do few bridges on oouutry roads which no good. are relied, but tine decision will likely — 10,396 We might say in conclusion 0011- have the effect of causing councils to °taming the envelope in our posses- make their bridges lawful in this re. Lists of 1888 and 1884 were used Edon that the penmanship upon it is aped, by different municipalities respectiv• as little likely to be mistaken for that — ely. Some parties claim that if a of Sir J. A. Macdonald as any of our By the official count Cleveland's compulacry vote bad been taken the friend's compositions aro to be attri- majority in the State of New York Act would doubtless have been de- buted to the same source, feated. The vote as compared with has been found to be over 1,000, and that of 1882, shows differently -the MORE ilONOR. Blaine has surrendered with the bet Act would than claim over 500 of a T110 mast 1/1t07€01ting Nature of the recent . exbibitiou at Montreal:mks a cmpany ()tem, ored Jullikie Sit:gets einiageil in inalmfacturing the celebiated Gold Coin Tobacco anti at the I sometime delighting the erowili of spectators ' 31'1!1' Ixrigetalalggin-'ifit lia(.%;441471‘linfit ;4:-.1ar drauil of chewing tcdiacco. and ril.. , thanks of the committee tendered to the Ail- , 5.957 ono; Tohaoce Co. (or their atitactiveet Whit. i secured. The Attend:wee will.r..tat again * • g• .• as It •••14. 413Vi MVSICO I largo, aud the dernonetratiou Alto. Teed reieetel 185 gather enthusiastic. Total votes --• Mr.F. nese i•ir'ep3reti to give instruction:: . pollee_ ...„.., „„ .„ _melee Ion 1143/0aOrgml, Viace and Tncery of Musie. Tun New York Times Albany oar- ,` The following, is a cot:at:arisen of 1 terr, grr,;;IetIllaileeett,1.4.'''"'" Stur"` or at J the votes lolled in ench mnitici slily — 4 3PI.A.INTGAilanC103ELIM0213$9. innttATIALLIM IN Scott Mt, 1803. Taile, Tonob1Wort 8118114) & Durability. .. wir.ramar sucAnr. d* CO. 50 5Y Ilea 201 and 200 West Baltimore Street. butimorei. t 439 560 Ne.112 Fifth Avenue. NewTork. • .... 690 099 ,.. A PIEPER BREECH LOADING 1 GUN, 1 were we ratepayes of Stepheu.- How much and wnat park of the minutes of their council do the cleat: ors:really get ? aunpase wo should be duly greteful fur that ronsitleratton /or our feelings, which prompted tbe making the resolution of .he council only ex- cited a quiet smile on our part, while his letters and the resolution cam - bitted made us laugh outright. As for any grievance existing be tweeu him and "Fred" is concerned, er an ueratled bridge, sued the 11111 nicepality for damages. The council iu defence showea that the bridge had a log lying along it, and that CO More polled in 1883.. 1,189 The news respecting the addition al honor which the Queen has con- ferred on Sir John A. Macdonald will be received with the greatest gratifi oation all over this country. 11 was speoially stated that it was given at the request of Mr. Gladstoue, who appears to have a muco higher ap• invitation of merit than those who lay claim to the name of Liberals in this country. They have kept up a fire of continual diseazisfaction, and have tried (but happily in vain) to make the people belieye that their trust had been grossly abused. Bat Mr, Gladstone has been able to see that Sir John has had a difficult road to travel, and the Reformers who have done so much to belittle Sir John's character and ability must enrely recognize Mr. Gladstone's ac- tion in this matter as nothing lees than a rebuke to themselves. He has heard and knows all the charges that have been brought against Canada's Premier, and now he has expressed his opinion regarding them. There is no doubt that those whose sole work is is to decry the Premier and all who are not willing to do their bidding raise a great cry on amount of this renewed token of confidence:, but the public generally will lake it wide- ly different view of the matter. Two Reform statesmen have been unseated for corruption in as many days. The corrupt praolicee were bad irtotigh, bat the hypocrisy was two -fold worse. grace. Cleveland is a free-trader, but his sense of good government will compel him to not meddle with the protective policy. The House of Representatives in the next congress will consiet of 184 Democrats and 141 Republicans, while the Senate will have 41 Republican and 35 Democratic members. This is a, great change, and will result in turn. ing out of office from 50,000 to 100, - government servants, many of whom have held their positions for over 20 years. AN abstraci of the report of the Provincial Bureau of Industries for the month of November, which we publish elsewhere in this issue, shows the state of affairs in regard to this season's productiou of grain and roots to.be tnost encouraging. The grain.yield is greatly in excess of last year's clop, and the duality is excel- lent. There is a vast contraat be- tween the quantities of wheat grown the Iasi two years. there beiug in 1888 11,656,987 bushels, and in '84 20, 722,288 bushels, the average per sore beteg 24 bushels thia year against 10.6.1asi year. The increase in all kinds of cereals is great. We might add that the root crop has. bden equally as geed. Notwithstaud ing the low prices and the somewhat depressed state of business, the fig- ure' furnish good ground for encour. agemouL Wheiethe winter sets in and money is put in eirouldtion by She general marketing of the harvest I good results will follow, as the agri- majority. Scott Act Notes. The voting on the Seen Act in Lanark will take place to -day. The Anti Swett men have submit- ted a counter petition to the Secretary cf State, claiming that the petition of the temperance people praying for the submission of the Act is itivelid. The objections and the original pete tion in reeerd to submitting the Scott Act in Carleton are now placed be- fore the Meister of Justice for his opinion. 11 is maintained by the op. portents of the Act that 275 names on the petitiou were obtained by mis- representation and frand and it was asked that the same be struck off. It is conteeded that 250 0 those signing the petition were not voters, as ap- peared by the affidavit of Hiirkiu, and it is held that the conditions of the statute have not been complied with. 1; is understood thee the day for tale- ing a vote on the Acta the objection's are not swanned, will be appointed about the rood of January. The St. Mary's"journal" and "Argus" say : The St. Mary's Carriage Manufacturing Com- l.:Till/ tveitliig:I tot' 1:vgle:Ites 100,000aebaras it advisthle to postpone the divielon .p,f Frees, amounting to 5100, to Wednesday,—ecemner Met, 1884, when the same will positively take ed Prt'n), 8111,1rA.8.13Lalit Itfi, egg eatigy°,101),e3ggre; Ont. DIED. Bowprarn.-In Debora°, on the 12th hut., Bereheba Roweliffe, aged 16 years. Cruno.-In Hay, on the 17th ins., beloved wife of Mr. %horns thing, aged 55 BUY ThoMOST GUN for the lout money ever oltercd to the public. For mile Wall thrat.clan invut Dealers. At Wholesale only by (sen0lOr Catalogue) 80110VERLING, DALY & GALES, 81 & 86 Chambers St., New York. 1 " - A.DTL"ngt7;',(g' 7t4,'.' 10 Spruce -St- N.' • What is it the Ladies are talking about ? Why ! those Matalasse Cloakings, Afaantle Cloths Ulsterings, lkfeltons, 47c., atsRANTON BROS, All 0. say they are Ruch nice goods, and so cheap. And then you ought to see their Black Fur Trimmings. Why we never saw aoything them. 131k Fur Trimmings from one inch to three-quarters of a foot wide, and all new in this sea- sou—every yard of them. Be sine you. see them at 1111111 11110111it GEN TRA1 LOOK HERE! DRUC STORE Read R. RICKS' New 'Advertisement And don't be wandering ad cut the streets not knowing where to buy your Watches, ClcckE Si, Jewelry His Stock is Now And Complete. LADIES GIVE B1111 A CALL! No trouble to show you through, or sot your Watch to the light time—if you have one ; if not he will he most happy to supply you. HIS STOCK OF CLOCKS IS SPLENDID representing all the leading American makes. Prices Lower this Season than ever before REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. Send in ychr sick watcher while there is room. far Hem emb er the Stand—ONE Doon NORTH Or TELEGRAPH OFFEEEL: R. HICKS. Exeter, Aug,27th 1684. THE EXETER Planing Mill! SASH, DOOR, and BLIND MOM! ALL 1KINDS OF T U R .N I N G Done to order. Beniemberjbe place. Dyer novrard. STATION -ET. A full stock of all kinds of Dye -stuffs and package Dyes, constantly on hand. Winan's Condition Powd- ers the best in the mark- et and always fresh. Family recip- es carefully prepared at the Cr tral Drug Store Exeter C. LUTZ. ronthill Nurseries. 325 ACRES. 325 ACRES. THE LARGEST IN THE DOM1NION Salesmen Wanted. To begin work at once on Fall Sales. Steady, employment at fixed salaries to all who are ;willing to work. MEN AND WOMEN ' can have pleasant WORK THE YEAR ROUND. Good Agents are earning from 540 to '57e per month and expenses., InarTermsandt; utfit free. Address 'ATONE & wELLIN9Tox.Torolw, ..e 1 ij '1