HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1884-11-20, Page 2aeiee Trade Mark. L RAA Tb ebestproparation knowuto soleucoferbeautifying thew O LEXIO ONE SINGLE APPLICATION is warranted to. Beautify the race end give to the Traded or Sallow Corp - ',lesion a Nerfectly 3 althv. Natural,_and 'Xouihtut atpperance. It Conceals 'Wrinkles, ecltlee. Crow's Feat, and the Evidence of ,Ago, leaving the. Shia Soft, Smooth. and INI ire, ?lt!CE-te e4 iitn. Sent to ens address. Postage ataxups taken. Address tit letters to CREME D' OR, Drawer 2,673, Toronto sat Askyonr s � tor it. Wholesale by all whole - TIMES until 1st Jan'�� , 85, 20 eta. 1 'alre't Di; '-'ne4s, fir $? M A(priCt`C', In4lig.sfceat, �aiCiQltmess,. D $pepsta, ,,T„4.titr, ke, Nee, the Liver' anti, i:Lnc3rsi. Pimple. ; . tots" les, %•Ri . I_ temors, Srt Rheum, Sercf.1 . Trystpettzs, cad U elezeetses arising from Jin *itre . 3toa r' Veranyed S'Fz',Fru c +. or irregulez ac' -tion GI ricer Dowers. fik,F:d?ItY A religious 'tract, yelled -rut Nett Your Trust in Prins sr was tll]Own iii• to ;he C 'tele. of til n s" old Crsrrroail, Ile read the title eotiloquizedt "Fell.I don't'put'eo : - rinse In prince es, lees re st-,eyel�' n 't in din el`op viitest tier „ t• lie• is , 111 ens.' A moth al A"' mai sn v s tliata window *ti FZ Sleeping eearaher: ,IIUit1Cl'always %r'£i, :et ti) iia few ."I hes at the top, &Veil in the cteid:st weather, in order to ad- mit x'lat'tle „fresh ride; t.ut it is not a1- sv sea',,e'.tofollowtheadviitaofRInd- "ea/journal. .A little fresh heir has been known to I,ee,, a, man awake all night. and transform him into a mod- ern nerve -teleney. w! a eemege, fir, James E. Murdoch, the veteran ^c:tkr red reader, tells this,l'emitiise nce Ca. b;ielkrelre '"In the testier,," Ire ea}s, "*1. as mi the Western r,4t'tlltier, and :tonic of tits,settlers asked me to tell the= tit, it the comet *The comet?' said. I; ktow ^ *lung pet:tiwtil ;r about it:'t,ton t knowuoa it* �e n il t 1t, CC" .n:le it one of the. settneee !thea rare * elle ei tb do felts: call eon a star?'" "Mt•. i3oz„s Mrs. Parse ns has fallen ore the bridge into the creep, end side tilted to plc to brills her ecaut, succor e"r"a d;ly or she ':v,inh drown," s;4;alittle teteme,':i;:Je, eel 1 o. breath, "Well, 'lstty :oLz t >uu Ru i;, ;heti?" *Ifiay, 1: ,l -eerie e ntee•r you. fur tU Perkins ,., O ," eiest ae they pe.et•cflisa that *" " • ^ t to , ver eiDA"ml Tout were the C"»ee ete" k,, i left in the villaiee." is. iii -n Swho.ventteres l port the istUdy of r e.e•w after "<S tlnrviR-tr,N i'i apt to wind i iTert:•ii; li innnn eget .eeirl"•+°eels that do riot preterite mese Teem t , rat - tidy a. young ilrowel it " s e e ee till t , " t.'}'rd hti f. d ttt7.'.n (' e•.. tet tt tt oft Gee get*lct' ' before < „ e ,• the dear.I - , aerie tet tlzc s acietl ep. %xis is e, c -:d frit Qrio:Clad of Foal.� A aorta; man with a elided watch. ehrti;t time weeiel eio to tk» un ;< shored elepbaut, ewe tate Deliver the other dao from the Feet on the Jlllesheig Sea;: fill e, end ;old ;tip hood tier k that he blas: just retarded. from Europe. anti A-240uta leis nay soros.; lint con inept with th". me it<tat of 1111blishin-" R ItOok tetee tet a ie • zaxar n atliin. He head- ed tin l.,vtts 4. rep across the counter; rem ster: el in t r, o'.d. bad war, and with a :lat.rleli that eeattered the ink all ever tete clerk's traits .;hart front, He wee assigned to as, quiet rut+rat On the tilts floor that bad boon dauz cd by wee= ;i few wreke +:afore by the fire eley linlent. after an hour or two spent in riding- ;u and claewn the eleva- tor and ringione for tbtnge that didn't. coat anythzng, he oiled his hair and strolled into the dining rot,w with a severe air and sat down opposite a lig cattle man who never Jotted his heir or atuCk his nolo into other people's bum- nee.a. The European traveler entered into eonvcrsatiou with the cattle man. He told him all about Paris and the conti- nent, meanwhile polishing, his hands on the tablecloth and eating everything within reach. While he tate another man's dessert he chatted on gaily about Cologne and pitied. the Battle man who had no stay out on the bleak plains and watch the cows while others paddled around Venice and acquired informa- tion nfor,nation in a foreign land. At first the cattle nun showed some interest in Europe, lint after awhile ho ow quiet and didn't seem to enjoy it. Later on the Euronean tourist, with soiled cuff1 and auburn plane, ordered the waiters arounel in a majestic way to impress people with his greatness, tipped over the vinegar cruet into the salt, and ate a slice of boiled egg ontof another roan'. salad- Casually', n tall Kansas man, strolled in, and asked the European tourist wliat be was doing in Denver. The cattle man, who. by t1u way, bas been abroad live or six tunes and is as much. •t home in Pa:'t. AS be is in Ornaha, in- vestigated the matter, and learned that the fresh French tourist had been herd- ing hens on a chidden ranch in Kansas for six years, and had never seen blue water. He then took a few personal friends to the dining -room door, and they watched the alleged traveler. He had just taken a long refreshing drink from the finer bowl of his neighbor on the left and was at that moment trying to scoop up a lump of sugar with the wrong end of the tongs. There area good many fools who drift around through the world and dodge the authorities, but the most dis- astrous ass that I know is the man who goes West with two dollars and forty cents in his pocket, without brains enough to soil the most delicate cam- bric handerchief and tries to play him- self for a, savant with so much knowl- edge that he has to ,shed information all the time to . keep his abnormal knoipledge from hurting him.—Bill Nye. • '•Grail Me Johnnie." The editor_ of the Enquirer is famil- iarly known as Mac, as might naturally be expected. . It is related. some time a o •a flip young ,man for an out of town paper was employedon the .En- quirer. He soon put himself on a more familiar footing with the editor than had been gained even by old and faith- ful attaches. One day he walked into the sanctum of the great .head of the paper with: ' "I say, Mae, how do you like my de- partment in this morning's paper?" It is related that Mr. eLean looked at him with a withering look, ane said: "'Mister`- El an emphasizing the Mister, "please don't can 'me Mac. Nobody calls„me that. t„tll•;,,Toe John- nie. Everybody, , alls t e Johnnie.” Not taken hack a bit, the' flip young man answered "Oh, I beg pardon. Well, Johnnie, didn't I give 'em a snorter to -days!" • eeneereuiti 41.0rltta, Altecdote. "I reeo11ecteit,one000sien, in &tottx_t Own in .r1Ttt'iaatn(ii we hada, great crowd to to see the ' ntternoon performance. meetly negroes. 1' bed gone to the ho - tot, and teas lying down an my room be-. (wee tea, when a Colored boy employed in the place called. nun and laid there was a lady in the hall whoo was very Y ;;ioi s see tris. ,all t to ltd.. n (*fl t p o 111' a iilmd went. out. You can inarmginc my surprise when 1 found waitingfor lxle a greet, fat rtegTre woman, from away ba-eir on some of the plantations." •.Phis is the f entlemau,'" said the boy pre ei•utine her to Inc 1eSim never said ;a word, but stood looking at lute in perfect amazement. Tier eves seemed to grow larger as she placed, her areas akimbo, and stared at zue. The positioa beeeme a little um - not amts, :mei I said '*Do you want to ee rale?' `No, saki I never axed. 'em fur to " See you. want ant tet see dC cto?vll. 1°.o' d ideas vote ell )iuuT. Ihoney,h he tions bast me all tip; deeety he did. I jute' keep' I /gam" till eberyteag'bout•reedoae name l loons, all' I must see him once moat, i hero' I kin go bank. for I nebber . go; another shades, tl tt'a Sttgh," *I „dreg 1 tmtn t«e }1�rsen yent're look, lug for, auntie,' mitt i, ".l)cc d'tt deed you isn't. You can't ¢glut lttiton.zne,•,• vou'se;rme , an' I went ! fur to a4=+male clown,' 444 oo fit)7ltient of .+rguimuent wonlit couylnee her that the cic)wu ane enytdaiiIg more then a man. so she went away terr'ibly dissatisfied l Hint she had not closely seen the Animal IUn.t nerd neau.ed her with his capers in the ring." . ' areph of Pa. scan watt laueily engaged in paste leg patent reedic1no e l erteeements on the goats suppartina the awnings iia front of a block. of stereo in Eightth. oroeue et 1 o'clos,k the other morn- 1 Ing, ' Why do you work at tide time ot night?" he was asked.• "So's the owners of, the attires won't, tato rale. A geed man; of taunt object ° to our eieekiug bills upon their proper- ty. In the clay time we have to ask permietione In the night nobody eves I us. There was an old fellow in Tenth avenue whop had sonic bis porta in front of hie grocery. Iwaxmt��*.t to stick up somas Lilly for a, variety ,show, end went and asked him If I ne;g,ht. He WAS a pious old ehap—a deacon, I've beard --and he got awful land when I told bind what the bills were. He creme as near swearing as a deacon could—said •by Godfrey.' if I remem- ber rightly—and said .I ought' to be ashented of myself to be pasting up such tbtno , fie talked pretty tnaan, and 1 not diad. Thinks 1, old feliowe I'll stuck up these bine on your old shebang if I died for it; He had heavy board shutters on the, windows, and, of Course. they were swung back in the daytime. 1 ell sped; aroudad when there wasn't anybody looking ant pasted one of the best pictures on the back ot every shutter. When night cause they pulled the shutters to from the inside and went away without noticing the bills. The next day was Sunday, and if it wasn't a circus to see the boys around that building Tool, in; at the pictures. There wasn't another bnild. ing like it anywhere in the neighbor- hood, and it drew well all day. 1 hoard the deacon nearly burst a blood vessel when he got around the next morning. ie hard to.hzwo the shutters all taken off anti soaked in hot water before the bills would peel off. Dry work talking, ain't it?" IVO Cards for .Phil.. "Card room, eh?" remarked a ro- porter as he glanced into Phil Milli- gans little office under the stairway. "Well, I should say not," replied the genial manager with considerable em- phasis. "I fairly hate the sight of a card. I should rather have a rattle- snake in my hand than a card, for I could take the rattlesnake up to the museum and make hint of some use to me, but I've no use for cards." "You must have played 'em up high some night when, the other fellow held the best hand," said the reporter in- quiringly. "No, it wasn't poker that made me hate cards, but only a quiet game of seven-up. Shortly after the close of the war my partner and myself had a nice place in Philadelphia and were do- ing a big business. We had a habit, Whenever sitting w n t l business was slunk, of sittlno down in the oMee and playing a game of old sledge for the beer or cigars. I used to drink beer in those days, but 1 quit it long ago. One; day he and and a man who. worked for us were playing a game for the cigars—three for a quar- ter, It was very close, and at the end I had it in my power to give the game to either one of them. '. (thought my part- ner could stand it better ulna the fel- low who was wonkitig on a salary, and ' "Well,, sir, he; got mad and abused me so that I got mad and chucked the cards into the stove. That made him madder still, and' before night we had dissolved partnership I paying him a big bonus to get out. ;t'hen he went and rented a place next door, and. started ,in opposition to me, and. we went to running each: other. • He. thought he could run ine out, and I thought I' could `run him out,' and we kept thinking ' so until we both ~vent broke. The; sheriff sold me out—didn't ' even •have the mermaid left. I haven't played ti' card since I played that game. in Phila- delphia. They're altogether tee ex' pensive t luxury-."--Detroi6 Free Preis. Prominent a' Qa g U gret+te$ naeaieat dint.: coveries, by the ease t eeueres < *bits •titteeted,; ., 2IfeGra��e�` J r � a lth jeoted top 4t' lx}illsat44 bit nail has beeta jurioneir aiee �'tai°"is, T. a4 '111.1e leset..spsei:tc drt)j' -offered ^ to other' littblio, tk `Ever/ in6�eclieat,lrosseseee a peculiar, edepta. f bitdtr io the various comphosts for winch it., has been oonapounded, and dte efficacy la being i es ablisbel by testimonials hourly received. Wo are 'there ore conhave f fltleut that re ha. a pzeperatior, which we can _offer to the public with the s nranco thot it will be found not cul. a relief but an akcoiute cure for Dysi•r,•- sia,'Ayer eorepialat, Indigestion, Oon,tient-. iou and impure Brood, Free trial bettln at `l J. W. Browning's i)rttg $tete.: 4 LEST AND CO:tr> ORT TO Tl3F,SDI: t i:i:.. Brown'sgous0#o2dPanacea• tausu.:.... forrelievingldasu,bothintartialand eaterre • It our-asp:On iu the Side, back. orhowele,scrcr<•• -at Ubounietismi Toothache, Lumbago alttlat , ."'t. eta ',miner ache. "It wilt mos~ surely q•i •ods the talood rani heal, as Its acting Dower is ev ere fat:•'+•rarebit's IIOu$3ho1d 1'anacea.' beii; ,ck. naw do t• i d s C e G to lie"^ at i 1 ver aT-' great I'u id R to . k blethestrcuatiiQfenyother t;tLzkfiortam•t -.rut lathe woi•kim,chouldbeinevery 'faun?'' tut' •oa gee whoawantced,"ee it realty. la the he•t .•••• nay in the world for Cramps in the StQreee! Ari eche and Ades of all kinds. "°sad is tun ell Druggist sc t25 eon t$ sboit1e. *1.000 Forf'eice /1 lug the eluleet cQntideuee in it bite ri• ority ov.r all othere, and after Teinest of test' of the tweet complicated au re• "et oases t'e conle nue, we feel jost'tied in at'. ;,"t• to forfeit Osie: Thoneane Dollars for ,en. .•, . of coughs',eelde, sore throat, iaf uensen, + . net's; bronchitis, cenantnption . in it'4 stages, whoopnig (tough, and alt divaas:ea of J time throat mid Nese, exeept Asthesa,fer wide)) we only claim relief, that we Can't eint• „'itis West's tough S,Irsep, when taken aaws .Thr d directions. Sample bottles. Re and d4 ct large bottles one dollar . Genuine ri on17 in blue, Scold by all druggists. t"t -' by mail on receipt of pros, JOHN 4. W .a2' re CO., 81 ce e3 King St, East, Teronto, )lit. Young lady, do not despair. It*, 1 • West's Nerve autl Main Treatment t•.it: Hysteria inid Rml nervous trod ble«. g• • .1. W.l eretnitl;e's, Drag Store. 5 .l!'1.t.11T) I,1G1'RTYIIIt,. Fluid l:.'„htuiug ;tot enl,yy'��Tootheehe instant. 15, but ako Neurelgis, Headache, Earech, IillAillUfllistte, l utoneeo,anti Sciatica. Pain. of may kind cannot reunton One minute where it is appll44. when Tan hear: of Fluid Ligltuieg yen near cf out. of the eee"ateet mated:4 orae known in the way of a *m diems, as it netwrI. fait to cure, end not in a Work or et day. beti the instant it la applied to the affected, port. Sold at J. W. ;iirowuing's Thug Store, 5 a + . ^ "* x : l►f erg. r.1.....,:.11::. r wet « (w; Rf,. ,w w,il' 7";...en t',VW» M i+.,--r*t,. *" .r+_ 1.' et ,;ar; res ale,. _- .an..r . t, r� ,.e..t,r.,.." ��� -' 1^ s ;:PCUtt ix .., .43,.::r ,e,.,.. . i i , ..i..E. .i ♦� , t . 'i , t" ' ,‘i.:14'. ♦t r4 S.,4,7 te4'",10 and art,te i :, t ries to F:' tat °�"' e.,q ritNi°�. 5ai+11ya' ♦ ,U.I.iyN" ti } How Lost, !low Restosed. We Wive recently published new edition o lilt. OfiLVzItWELL'S CEI.BnIttT]rD ESSAY.. anthoradical an permanent cure (without mo- tiicinolofNervous iJabillty,Mental and. physical Incapacity impediments to Marxisge, etc.,ro. suttiugtrom excesses. Price, in sealedenvolopo,ouly^ 6 cents, or two liostare stamps. The celebrated author cfthis admirableessaT cle"arlydemonstrates,from thirty years' suceers- ful practice, that alarm ingconsoquepees maybe radically cured without the dengeroue use et in ternal medicines or the use of the knife; Point - ant amode of sure at once simple certain and, et- tectua 1,bymeans of which every aufforor,lnoinat- terwhat liis condition may bo.may curebintself chaapiy,privatelyand radically. Thi lecture should be in the handsel evert' youth and every man in the lend. Attdre;s THE 0ULVM1WELL Im1EDFGAL•Co It ti1iV .r.,NEW YORK oat Office Boz 450 fEMVMO A.L ! REMOVAL it THE GEN !ti1 AL QUESTION Agitating the Public mind at present is where eau they get the best Bread, but this matter can be settled to the entire satisfaction of the people of Exeter and surrounding country, by calling ou JO N LL the old established and reliable balcery, where they will find -just what they want. A Superior quality of Brea,d always on Rand Also a first-class stock of, Buscut'rs, BUNS, OAitli6 & CONFita:.tWNARri, whieb will. be sold cheap. While opponents have started busi- ness, and sold r,ut, and left the piaco, Mr. Bali has beep found at'itis ,l vat, during the past eight years. ready to attend: to Lite wants of the Public. eeneetee i.. Wain Nmater T. FI'.i'7 11. ELI$ ATCHES TIIAT ARE WATCHES, And are warranted Oorr sct for Time, Tide, or Railroad Train and to please the most fastidious, JEWLLaY! That is Rich, Rare, Sparkling and Substantial, suitable for Romans. Friends, and. Countrymen, Lovers,, Brides, Bridegrooms, Loving and Lovely Wives, Children, Husbands, Etc., Etc. PECTACLE�i s 'y Scotch and Brazilian Pebble -soft, easy ands pleasant to the:eye and suitat le for :: youth or age: GIVE HIM THE FIRST CALL Owing to increasing busint'ss, 14Ir: 'Bell lea, , o Trouble to,. GINY found it necessary to remove to moue. tom �e inodious premises, and has ad{ied largely to his itoc] ,of Groceries, and Will keep .,on; hAnd Sugars, Tess, Coffee, Syrap, Auer "rive ytiiing tumally found in a first elas's' ixs'oce.v Store. • „ • Ali "rinds ort Farni 1ei�odtece tak. The favorite tipple in Washington l8. ; en in exchange t'or tC3,00ds. ,hot apple toddy, a' beverage composed of baited :Hippie, hot water. sugar atld Rait>;nuatt THE STAND :-SOuthCott'S Black, eierscy electritiiy_ Fourdoors North Post Office. 7'i.r»rv{I$1}eft JOf3S3 BELL, C gds. Watches and Clocks epaered and Brought to Time: old r.t Wcdding 4 i 1 THOS. jFIT 2O , Witte ollnttker 'JtweLGLt