HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1884-11-13, Page 73'n a Pbees S1anctt4'azr. A winter twilight and a g g.ulden ailertett 'Through all the glutting, Arc-ltt tooth Acer to Enthroned th. URI kt abate o>: state A1C rIter Isar• rounde De efradot�j� Irrrettts-wlxbvnsshe world hails- . APeet. et,7Qday long he'stS o ht i With sept urOvearte4 att a Verg of rt�1atdu t.• Forth front leer tired, by�, npir ion fist �tLitt o batee, has dim een tv i easter #find tilts of Crude matter ith her silver sled ge IM shapeliness bas beaten rough edge:: Mounded to perfect cadeoee enob ianperieot' measure. Mitts to himself afforded turret pleasure- As each bravo stroke has tet her anvil ring 7'o the sweet song ills Ord soul has beees singing Luta- herself while round his head halt flashed and scintillated A brilliant aureole of fancies. self created. Denotes until twilight belle have runt{ the ctrri>Iitt down Upon tr:e:chtangetul drama of tho day, lite ta,atrerowood house, so lit{t.tty all have fiunn1 Nor may he bid them star - Since last to embers are hitt forge tttee 1.0' ing. And 1'teach, her handmaids has withdrawn. re't_ t, ea, undue endeavor. est:ttng iibSupp» ch, to bojourO'in unatlter dawn le emote real world. With eareFehtg b894s Each lightly touches him, breathing' "Rood night"- Gather In haste their poteatt. urge wends. Thea yanfsee# otlt et Nii*ht. Iyow, at his panel Domes the gentle tap 01 am blier Angers -enters another guest, A ehl;d, with atritt feet, throtlgb the ibadotro Ittiith cls oltur o his * sod rore•red lfpp, vena 1f out to love and rest. -same J autse Morris. wassisowsweesseresee WEL 42iR 111,11110M li) the social circles of the chlckeTt- ytard the lines are distinctly drawn, fee each hen has her own set. Snoring is a common complaint,. though elotb,ea-plus can be tltattnfect- erect at the rate of 25 for a scat. Angloauaaiaos may not care mruch. for A royal cup of coffee, but they are fond of royal -ewe -Philadelphia tai, "I've got my-lay-rIa aglow," winkled Xi herr as Shia looked down on an egg its the nest she bad just left. --Cal, si Tarsier, The cultured runitian froni. Boston wrote to her friend that she bad juat Steen tet hear Mr. Joseph Emmett aing "Figue-tt bout," Yes, a boy may bo a. messceager boy and still possess lots of that sterling quality called sand. But it is not quicksand. --.Wreck, "1 always keep my weather rye handy," as the Ulan said when he 0X - posed � tate little bleak bottle in his coat.-•-searaTon .independent. David thought ho was doing a big "thing when he slew tiro giant +Gentili, with a sling. ,''Bat's nothin a Tbe utodern sling, of American gin. has killed he thousands. "What does Good Friday' mean?" asked out: Halsted street urchin of leis companion. "You'd bettor go home and read your 'Robinson, Crusoe,' " 'was the withering .reels. it le a'oenputea that a tlnsdl of light. ning lasts only one millionth part of a second. This is the some period of time that is required by :l Louisville editor to accept an iuvitutduu •w take a drink, ":..41y, daughter, vols ought to have soiue Iola In life,'° said a Burlington falter to his thoughtless 16-year-oltl. •'O, 1 are going to. papa," was thu en-, thus,astie reply. "1 have got my beau alrcndyd" A conundrum friend asks: "What is the atillureneu between Italy anti .t -•boy who has a penchant for 'shinning' up trees?" As if we didn't know Out one is It sunny clime and the other a climb -y son! A man out in I%ntncky ]las found that tobacco shortens human life. A hogshead of the weed fell on hits venal crushed him out of existence, This proves that tobacco, in large quantities, is very injurious. What is the difference between a wo- man who decks herself in many knots .of ribband, and one who patiently en- dures misfortune? One wears her bows and the other bears her woes.- l'oekers'Gelrreti:. A sporting journal says: "•Ifothiun teen well iee.iti worse than one horse dragging Jive or s,x people." It will ,occur to sotne persons tont one horse dragrin:r ten or a dozen people would look • twice as worse." A whittling Yankee Lias cut, with a• tick -knife, from a single pine block, a are e, self -like group of figures repre- senting a span .of Horses attached to a Carriage, in which are two sten. It is the most wonderful piece of carving ever seen in New Haven, and is true to We. He has been at work for mouths ani it. Even the spokes of the wheels are perfect, and the wheels• re volve ort their axles freely:` Pte har- ness is complete in every detail, and can be moved on the horses. Several months more will be rd geired to per- feet the ,+rout) in minor •.etnils. It is viewed by ne.ny poop:e daily. "The movement led by Mohammed Ahmed, the Malitli," says Mr. 'Kelly, the Soudan correspondeut of the Lon- don Hews, ''Is a Curious admix) lire of, eliious, politieal and social fanlrti- ' eism. It is at once a waragalust the Turk, the infidel, and that 'common enemy of disinherited humanity -the man of property. Under the new dis- pensation there are :to be no poor and no rich. Every one is to have a, little and no one too much. 'lite central idea of the movement may be described with sufficient' accuracy as an effort to redistribute surplus property. The pew formula would then run -all sur- plus property is robbery; and with this amendment the . new champion of. ' Islam might strike hands with the French, and - German Socialists as a man after their own hearts, only some- what more thorough." !POle*. " '•Wall," began the.d Mans "k'x •d mmy'opinions "bout dis hero •ohickeaa hut 1 ain't say numb., I jh' UG ler? and. watch de ease. wink! I, Brudedeer Dick bin a powerful Iran' oa de stealing gitesfiglt, and I don't sea es how hie One('prove hips •sty, So T Zia' 1~Sfe trey ^p Qn his n=Ptionase. , d5' now•, ,vas 3 passu itis house I hear a tttighttpy staging ;inti patting ab ate feet, like Brudder Dick feel monstrous hap- py, Den I peeps fro' de creek, and, der, hews God, I seed de old sinner jos' taring de Udders oaten dat puller" Den I walked back A few steps and sot up a ,signal, too; and when 1 gets to his house 1 hollers out: 'Brudder Diet. is you dare' ',Den he answers up, ekeert like; •Ise Ire. Brudeler .dies What s yet pledget;?' "I'se cumin' in to sit rip/idle,' says 1, and 1 elutfiles about li there is f4 powerful situ o' mud onfseer 'feet, keno I was boon' fur to hub a tootle f, and I wanted to gib. de ole mete hide de pullet, "-When 1 goes is Brudder Tick WAS Ole a shovin' a basket ob ledders ceder de lied.. 41ab a, cheer, brudder,' says he. powerful erlite; Tse sure &lad far ter lee yet; ]Ting dot cheer higher to Ile Halt, "Den we tellies and talks, and while I were lovl;hi roue' 1 sees a piano ob slat pallet a etiekin' outea his pocket. F'13rndder Disk,' says I. 'due you carry a rebirth foot for good leek?' And gin a grab far de chicken, ;Out no, bress de Lord, the ole man lama too peert for me, and he Clap fie hen' tip Ms pocket and hes holler crest; 'Dni)?t Leach my rabbit plot, kase spite ail .twit luck.' "-Dot's the trut 'says II 'den 'I sot to t'ihktug how 1 was gwine to get dat pullet outeu tint pocket. "Arter awhile says It 'Rreader Glick I'se dun los' dal One d'iy*mouth Bock pullet what 1 sot so much atone by,' 'You ain't tell out so,' he 'plias. innercent like as a dove; "!tory dot dun happen, btudder?' 'I can't iia no wise tt' l;' lays I, 'but I bress de nope gait 'what eats dat chicken. kxse.I is duel put de sbil spell on it, and It is conjured clar to de back bane. 1 in shute seen dat pullet store new steel en hs !wetland walk on its t>«it.' "'Melt ain't. say so,' be'seleims, and his eyes look like dey wus gwine to pop outeu boa head, and I see tom bitch back hie coat like be was skcert fur de pucker to touch hint. ',!'fake I. Die man, you`se all right now, and 1 tells tdm wood nits and leabtl. Den 1 hIdes behold lw< tree fur to sea what he gwine fur to do nes', and binteby he comea to the door and peep out; lie atu`t seen nobody and ho gin s run and Ilung the chicken iater my yard. Den 1 hear he say to ldsself, "It slat dere cnickon is cots, ured 1 is dun rived up ole luau Abe's dog. kase Cash. is bout,' fur to at it afore mornlu'. Don he slips in de house and 1 gets to eat puttee In a hurry and .here it is, now ready for de cooking, ole 'ornate Ila! ha Ira:" laughed the negro. ells onftuin' ns a coon; it is therd to ketch wilt dis niggeh.'"-Philudclpkia .'Limes. The Itlegturetnent hill On. You bare beard of papa's trouble at the b to :, George dear?" she asked frombeneath teeinp.el.ef els cont. •'1au papa's trouble at the bank," extenenteti G 'ar._*r, turtlingnvihite.-"G;er- tainil aut1 What is it?" '•Why. he is $4.0010,00 behind in his :weenies and un iuvestigatie)n is to be flat's," -In that easle," replied 'George, coul- ly, a tue;.r",lite to release himself, "our en ye: ,went tett t•----�' -And, tuamma got a dispatch from him to-diiy front Canticle," interrupted the girl, holding hire down .by main strens'th. •'He reached there only. this 1utprniirn•, :Iasi is wi11ingsto settle mat- ters at 3 cents ort tile dollar." "Oiti" said George, returning her head to his shoulder and stroking her ringlets fondly. Fond Parent --Well, Johnny, tbew aro on ;setting along at school?" Jettnny-"Oh, first -rata" I started oa tit it'd, but I'm on fitnow." Fond parent-- -Gltd to hear its My son. Al- ways try to be ntst. There is:50 cents for your industry." Johnny -"Ain't than ate eel I',1 try to get higher yet." Fees i,ttrent- Iii,rberrt' Hew can yes :ee nigher tient hrs.?" Johnna► -"Easy t,neiti;li, I eon trot to be short stop Ar pitcher." -Hula(!, Z dtia Ora. Asthma in a Birds' Hoarding House. -.Yes," said the girl who is the mis- tress of a birds' boarding hoose in 13rookirn to the New York Sun,"cauae- ries suffer much !rent asthma. • If you will listen to that one you can hear its wheezy, choking respiration. They frequently die from the malady. They also have consumption and heart dis- ease. You can't tell the latter. The bird, will be active and energetic, and seemingly 'ittgood health. when in a fewminutes it will drop dead. We know it is heart disease by:examination Afterward A.mosl, all domestic pets suffer froth consumption. Monkeys generltl.y die from, it and when they have it'they look just like a• human. being, haying a distressing cough and an emaciated ince. Wo have more birds now then u=sual, .because so many people eve gone out of town and. left theta with tis. . We charge 25 cents a «seek, and make uodifference whether!' it is; sick or wet:. In .most eases: we Cau cure it. Here les, parrot that is nearly web," putting her finger into n; esge end stroking the bird.. "When it came off ship it w*s.00t web, and we had to attend to sl a great deal." • LT is l'.', y t {'Fpr TOULD 1 a" 'l i L,tose *Si intend Frnrcltas:t.t to.t. so'faron tea 'natau1 etRerer. The deafer who bars tit sell again must aeotesorritr• have a ,prett, W' ^I•ptnl to givet Ire t treha.surs the benefit, which cannot fall to roost the views of the Grangers„ Our AToenasa are Jess tha n W,'usa of Rice toanutadt1neatcausation t wecpu seli:beaurr 0. 4W • GI DI.E ST. T•► .'i Ix°ti Mit 3'6.' illi kK'tt];'t'' M W OULi still specia)atttentio 0005 unclertakingdept.rl alent,witich to room, corn i'latetitanever,na we have Addedsovera 1 new dein u at late The 'best collas ` osskete ei,4Tbods:and eyer}. utters] ratnu,sitt at Lire 1011, OM Pit,' , Our nee Hearse is mono:It competent jilAge^ to Of seoond to pros. an tits rnblet4 .- of ail t,10 1r irtillERTAIMI AND .f'unerslei hiruidlierf F. e, eatelttcted vt1 the very tow u t r:st.•F' 31v Stuck o1 tiutiet'ta;uistg goodsla targe, complete end we assorre,l. mM ens pc..;ou, nap: lying tnytltlex to thialioe will ilodit to theirxtiva/stageto sive me 0st1 and es.totiva fr, themselves. gement-he) Bil?...1.4.rcrsrusr EABWRT-MWRt,R. Tie IRMO" ft f tGtr ^o..r.+.'w, v.,I er5e stock stu.et au Ue*swod4 ("timate; tit e 9t1iux of every 5, rte' tion. A coutplets star of iktites epos rri;ntx», r, a +rrlr O:thtad, The latest rttles .• Chambers d Parlor slut %U kttntfti of Fartlitnra attl.la"reai rats', a %ti 't'kf lr. ['C1tiDliTY plesee-WereeeoppestteReuJp'e Nouse /tt,Sd��tore, X:taiteslreet. s>•Ser. + 73,23:14, T .b1e. 14af f,R -• - Mirk.cru,'u'oodhatn.Witt .ittJdsd3s and Eliruvittr ,.. - 416 a•to •d, I r1t , sonttt.eata and wet.°tttdut..ti) ;B 5,e+udoe 1).111.010 ti. Toie,.te . s uhrt.ttaited stat re. t•,u-itatt a ,• Sid lltteatl, shi=ft st d# rr esti Ixtxiitt •...• salt x. mama 1 south, assts nd •weat ,.. North and estst,iaelatdingtie teltit•h. tit Stlttfartel,Toronte, Montreal.*tld North flay RIM Awns, f(iev4444iIn4I40a sUpaittts ;rialatty o*tuf,tlla t,nt:C+, aael paid ori Yodttr. m wait I*.Farr e)rder(1 ti,•a ret tOe'► 5 ai•,+iwl "t Cana tel+ ;4,ilrltiall 1rl.tilt, 3iieit i ntAlitud,t1ermtuy.Austrio, ,telt. 1440.* au rl the titans* sitar@a. IIsposttswill tie o* flem:rat'8 special tx+rrtil rt.1e.to 4p. wt. rtSTo1' tc5: 8:WINOS t,1141,. «le,Dte-Ilyal.ivant it°Olec,from 3t to Sans. Ilerp„titan, entlttntne the Postmaster. +lspu*tt 43000. 1)eposl;ton Savings /tank sera:tut received Iron Ottleshoursf.oln741e4.sn,ta? p,ru. betters iniru.letifervesst,tltiolt turret ho posted b minutes hetoto tits .tustegt.r earit matt. $ tt...ttin psrtlextlari•regtte*ted that the seeders of matter will kindly add the ttltueeal t1; {:0untiee to the a k.tcraoe, I1:J01INli, Postmaster . i roam; PU[,1ls -. $!'lift )114 tNI 1 RYA, The 44ytttllt.ltu, aq. 15tits)r. li';+ r+'.,i* 'ttitni. intrnw) 1tsllln. i tt' ,1'.1111 It' • 1'111 1. 1 1; 'err 411M 5 41,41 i) , particular .t' id .Ii::5 4414 a. 113te.15,1140. 15054' tx1i*i 1* Tit 1tt'ttr'. tit, ..eetIto, 1130 private party at e 1r art di it 4 i=' .. 1 )4 i'ud. If allotee.l to ela'stn.• veor:,'ri tt• 54.• tilts nay f ihasc. ' $4.4llt:i'NS 1111 Mil t'•• lel,. It'.tl';•tit, i11':t u.� g i tl t 'i 4 ire. It 1 f 1' ':: a . �I .. liitIlieVe (tell. f;l`tt3110,4„1l41'4't;t.',.1.: i:; t 1 I fps*east's.. i3 •s. by mail, 1) .,ty.; a 10, $.1.3I. t A'idre•t:s, 1)11SW.A.INE 67,•St)N, Phil*.. P,s. ;.),.11 Iv 1114f)gei.tt. t , A1)9ZC1:.TU )LG mufti. t •8 you di+turLctl at n410, still larokeu of your toothy wish eltil,t sutTerint awl crying atth I griit of cutting 'teeth? If so, send ot 0018 and i 1,t , a ittls 01 5(118 WiN1.41.0W.F. SOOTl1INIi i j 1.111” Its vara.) i•, ineelt;ulahle. It will ru• .: 1 to., poen little sufferer ieuut8dtately. De- i • +ad Ile In ii, in others,. t1ernlsn.o valet Iceuhont y t Itc tree dpsratnr)• avd dtnlriuten, regulates I+ to et* mics= and bowels, cures 'cine relic • a: ,n+ : 1 , en, 14'I, r43.1110. cud tato/sant, and i 10 tilt. !Chole systole. 1 \tW+ r ry. Mtn 31,1'+ Sr't,NG ti1ta3? lama ;Ba ens fa:are :v.1 la 1.1•'•t43ut 13 ere 1,1,fe, iii 118 1 ' 1 +,t •= +a'ipt: tit .It t'a' .1J' th 1 ohlc4t nut) host 1 • t ti ,14,'5 ht a•i•t 141.yliel tat it. the Un=ited l :•e en t i f tr ttt he '114ru,;tata through- 1 t .1 •1•eV'eel1 Pei.: 115 tc+r.. c. bottle. Ito, Dave or f .- the treat 1 minostir Art street. Idxe. rp •NNENT & TiiNNENT, Voter. nary surgeons, Gr'dttntes of 5.to outarto College ,Tnron erred an Deice ?tent of all itnat,.,uu Lala ter. Calls from AL dist/wee • •..•13roe••rtly tet { en.ie.ltn. 5tedici los tor •iitrsess, (isttle, Ca t,lt ass on hand. He'itj1 irk t•J3U. CW4 k. 1 , l•-: Bit • , rt.0„.• . Pep - 4 .- peepst_''. 1 C.`4` , . '• iiatat.74•44 i.'h Lir Glp.,: A ie ...4r. ARNICA and CI iF LAMENT CURES ALL Pains and Aches AND IS THE MOST PERFECT } Fruit nit in V:W 7:11.3 3 SOLO BY ALL 17Cn' estS. PRICE, 25 AND 53 c:17 , .. KING'S EVIL 'I tis the name formerly given to Scrof .flap because of a =postmen stmt itcoultt be eared by a plug's touch,, Tate world is wiser now•, and Ihaaows that CRO ran mile be Cured by a thorouiJi T s tion of the Mose If this i,. rte_.,, thee,dr4.7ti} ptrpewuns it:t taint till..' , geserltioa ulster g ue.raiton, it► :rr. earlier. myllr,ts.,n ..te tt4 1•t torrents Eezetnn, f:utaneeps r wit' :,. snore, 'sons, (,erbnneles, #•:. ll'u.ruient Vicars, I.ei•s,•ous a steal Collapse, ete. it al:utr , i. tim, itheurntatiStp■ Lceroftil r s 3 +,. ttarrlt,e$ions stud it ircr• S r ' •, *Tubercular Consumption, •t_1 Hari. pus ether este In Wel atuiauk., 1li1JII Z5Adtleed b Ayers Sarsaparilla Lt atCesar nicety It Card a,'arna rte" -•',I4 btocd-pvrtj sg medicine. : 1.'4% • ct- ulat sn altettstv�e 1thsat St craw '1 t:oM the sv d Hereditary Scrofula, raft the tried. ed poWOee of t tttttti-lochs• eh es-4e.4ttad rnereure'. At the Bann' iit;me 1t ter. riches a94 Vita11744 the Wood! rt-torirt hezlihful sedan Lit ttto Vital Mania ; elltvcttatillg *Am*, system. This gnat, Regenerative Medicine fe composed of the eine Honduras l&itrsgraelf e, with 7! tRow hock. ; ti li>ayia, the Ialiedear o.f Potosatwna aztd Iron, and otl•er Ingre ients 01 test re f Ft tarttfttii�' x,►d. Ixirutiii•env rill. slued, Its forrettle,11; f;dutt) °i} fate ars Ittr metlieat protesatoie stet the e11'tt pphv*t.',tns constantly pre oribo AYR5:a F+ftDt'AP.411.1,1•1 at as errs Absolute Cure Far till (Ramses caused by the t: it' a of the blood. It fa vnncentratctt to t'." t,:•;h- est practicable t' eree, tar beep t;tt soy other prepsratlon for wldclt lt.a c rig Si fi Classed, anal is tbcrefore the the::, , *•„, Sts 'f(tU AS the best 41sa0d 14144 iii 14'41, 1€lltfr, in the world, Ayer's Sarsaparilla r*trmserD ;Iv Di'. ei C Ayer At Co.,, iewsje Mss. ft drat Choszirissi Sold by sit Deb ts: price $1; six. lx)Wes for Iias steed the ;est for FIFzv.r,nu r P 1't.ta and has peeved: itself the lee apt remedy I:nrpwn for the cure .=f i Consumption, Coughs :; Colds,Whoopin Calx^'x l Lung Di;tW.azw.ti • ''l V,;., ” i .!.., ''REENtr$ WORM POWD E th. Are pleasant totake. Contain their Oen ]Purgative. es a Nate, semm, tired electss elibekroyer of worms in, Children :orA.dulti. WILL CURE OR RELIEVE LIL10U5'NESS, DIZZINESS, I '! r�SIA, DROPSY, 1 ',)ICESTION, FLUTiER/NO JAUNDICE. OF THE HEART, ERYSIPELAS, ACIDITY OF SALT RHEUM, THE STOMACH, HEARTBURN, DRYNESS HEADACHE, OF THE .SKIN, And every species of dtse us artsttrg frog .soraeeed LIVER, KIDNEYS, STOMAOH, BOWELS oft BLOOD, i. MILBURtN. & GU., Propr etbrs 9T,' Iii NSA1 L PORK PACK/A'Gt ''4fOUSE 1514111. 1' 3 , .l tj, e:lJ t'11d 0111111$.). hop 11.10 �a ,l ,ilk. tinter . e. rl;e I:.1 e',re,$ret ¢Cali bt r 1 Y' io las l0.11tlf;. of fusi.. 4.1r1jeC.i t,' 41)t ; s.l,l.vl V ',„nIntjnpss- Wee.volr •t..t•11(441., o•e°twit`.•s.1.03di.1.3oi! 111•;1•. Lsn.l : 1J0v^ 1414)4x.w:.Wsft -1', 1..•.x•1•1 4.,11}8 • t tvc pstl -ti' 4 t;'rUCh. 14''41) t l,rtt ;14,5 gilts 3.1i Itlft i.1,1soN•fln.i51i1 i.• i, lrtotr�. � Na; A1ViC Fvif 1 CP !3ien?7t q t an, price ; ij .4'3ri11. r set a U TO FARMERS! GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES, NOAH FRIED, —or xxr 4 gash wood Flouring, Mill Wishes to return thanks to his numerous customers, for the past liberal patronage giveu him, and since making 'im- provements, whish is it large saving on fuel, will do ' "*C..1HOP.PING--. ti i ii farther notice, at the following. ---rates 1 !ATS, SIR CENTS PER RAO, And far all other grains (Peas excepted), SEVEN CENTS Po' 13 UAll; i` TUESDAY,' 7`HURsDAY Sg7fJRDA'Y'• Are my regtl'sar grinding days TERMS = , : _ . Strictly Case. in. Don't for et dRn.t nel.Ise n:11111�, W4 4111 011 1141144 U.1trnIpi.g`11 1hroui^l, (-.di.c: a' - y 1�,'?•w•-_.•@ F retreat tr;t” 1. AG:drl F'l1,1- er:i :;;)1." 'ru;1).1'111 l,t'p iiu tail • Deahaood;'Beb>2'aOIyE .yNam 7tla., Y3ei