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The Exeter Times, 1884-11-13, Page 5
...IR,ARE01-1A1WE. 2 of Potter's Best Electric Batteries for 'Medical use, 1 Mercurial Barometer for foretelling the Weather. AND r ' Mc ;enz e's`lnhalers for Catarrh, Brouel itis,cte ALL TO BS SOLD CZ E4r. —AT TEC+— _, Loaxtin .oxo. Laboratory, J. W. BEOWinNG, Prop Fatku C Liwsl.la's SW DAY: i sGAZINt .- Looking for z l4Tet ooation. The :Deoerllber number closes the During the height of the freshet sixteenth volume of this admirable" In the Ohio River a'relief steam. publication, and 13veau More tha,p etc approaching Portsmouth discovered usually interesting. Now is the time a family of five floating dawn on the to subscribe, and the new vol,arne . roof a their house. The seamer until the cap. promises to be of abrilliant charne- ' tain could call out that he would toer ter. In the present ►►urnbsr "4Ratfs- a boat, but the headof the family re. been able to make certain. operators ally Sanalo f)ti Urbino," ^'� he flapt to, plied: believe that the moon is made of greens City of fleorgi:a, 4iSeltiller, the poet "You needn't go to any trouble cheers. of Freedom,- etb., are pxoluiyent ar- about it." It strikes ono as odd that the appall. Heise, beautifully iilc➢strated,Ali-rotor Dont you want to he taken oar, mg list of weekly failures, crop fall. Ilerrey countless the ieletTellipg "ro&'d•better come aboard," taken by bull speculatera as Wadi/Roe Some Odd Things. It strikes one es odd that the dis, coverer of a silver mind worth at least a million dollars is always ready to self out for $500 in cash, and a barrel et whisky. It strikes, one as odd that the Oregon 4 Transcontinental, people have so long "Wall, tvae dent feel oueasy ' teres, lcekouts, and onerai outloek,15 sketches, "Sacred Musicians of - the "NO, 'guess not. We've "rot plenty , that stooka loo51, go up. t� tit (Antes); ; the salter. Dr, Tal to east and drink, and the oil \Montan image, has a chareeterietio amit les, i and children are *gitting used to the "`Z`,ie �'lilitionlia of Swindle," sad a i slant o tho'roof." 13ut cant 1 do anythiu: for you?" sertuon ire the Bowe t'ulpit, ""Tho 1 ""X -c -s, p'raps you Iieight. 1t looks Dumb Prayer Anowered," There are 1 as if we \ver' bounce to kind on file also serial and short stories, sltetal es, 1�eutuGky shore within the next ten curve and poems by favorite writer?, Wailes, anti, if you know auy thio; of the and a wiseell'ny abundant and en. j pto'owpption laws of that state you tertaitung The illustrations: aro 11u Might drop us ,t hint as to the best Site quarterly aiivialaends. It strikes one its odd that Dakota wants ally Inore railroads, unless to freight the snow and ice out of the cenntry, and bdug in some J4111117 i The Seegmiller 'Ems, S. POWEL L Raving decided to close his present stook .of the above plows,. will sell FOR $13 CASH, and $14 OH Tin POR 30 DAYS, The plow can be seen et the building oppos to Beealtns Marble khop. (A few door south of the market.) pointe end repairs always kept In stook; Pardee, intending malting a ptrchase will do well to call early, April 10, S. POWELL .ADVERTISE 1884, which won't be homesick inside Qf THE CkLiD twelve hours. s It strikes one as odd thatrailroad t s haven't enough cash: the bank to ds sT pay employes aro loudly talking - 1884. BLISHED iIonsi which. maratia and fiao specimens of art. fuse a squat. -Wall Sena News, Tice price is only 25 oants t4 trtueber,In a suitfor sa arationthecounselfor or $2 50 per year, poet -paid. Nine. f Cousin or toe sates nesse .names, the wife pleaded, other motives, l'ia�ti1 Ir1i81rF., Publisher, 53, 55 and The other day a big, greasy, stout, the incompatibility of temper, and be - 57 Pant Place, Nosy York. healthy -looking beggar entered one of (ran to trace a portrait of her husband; SALE REGISTER, , the leadiu(r establishments on koui•th "UMW, violent, anger—" The law - treat, St. Lout<, The first ,person he encountered after enterinf,, the portals of the store vas ' a► wa,l-diesseai yer for the husband, in his turn, painted the wife; ""Wicked violent, peevish." Tram% Nov. 25. --Valuable Real Estate in yams "Excuse me," said the Jude, inter - the Tutwusbill of Stouheu, near ('reditou, a man of affable and pleasant manners. ruining the advocate,"gentlemeu,where the property of the late .Tulips itorioek. The .mendicant proceeded to narrate a do you. foul the incompatibility of tem tela at 4retittnu, at one n'clunk t'• )l. Fell concocted story four and a half per?" flerret Either, aactioneer.. ? yards long. Ho was cut short by the , y:seeeruY, Nov. 15. -.Farm Steck, the prop. 9 salesman, who curtly remarked that ho vrty of Jana:>> a aatioe, let, 15, eon. lb. , had nothing to waste on big, l:urly beg- _ ARXB"T RIt£'ATLTS, Township of yletrillisray. Sale at one f gars. _ ___ , revise:: p. i1➢. Henry Either, at➢cts' neer.tGorreatodat5o'aloci irese.Vedneaday,l '� Eyeing file }91➢A"(*, um event lleaai. to t"ALI.iVlti„�T T, .6+,t1;. Nov, 1' .--•Farm Stocte anti lmlale, ° foot, and.giviog Will a yap-are-eertaiu- 1Phit(Who aI ... ... 07o to 0 7i molt!, the property et Thomas pmice, f ly-not-rola;-to-rl."fss a -use loot;, the ben IleaWhite Wheat 'New ... ••• (1 ^.ti to 0 70 to l sa 16,6. ft&i yvray, Sale at 12 R gar endeavored to shame the young ,Roel Wheat' Now ... ... 0 7'4 to o Ili tat 5, cola lfrtiiliivra . ' `, iit➢e, salesmaninto contributing something, +f.pnlYG t5 tlaa,tr itr asos ', Nov. �etaii.- l'loneehold, furunirra', "If L was as well dressed. ,T and tiros- kratc ,:est 1 .,. anal house ae➢d loft inn Haran greet, porous looking us you are, sairl tiro II: 04 ... ... ... ... Exeter, the property of the late mendicant, ""I would be asha ped, to Oita Westeett. Salo at 10 o'cleek. John refuse a dime t0 aa, poor Wean like my- i Tin; t1, bcr, d self. Look at that line diamond. pin Foss (illi, `itis. there1 . Loo et that yeti nasi chain Corn WA.:p.;l<,pn �i,u t,tia.- Farm Stott and there and cutawayelcpthes1 Oh, I'd bo ep i of ••` ..` fmpl,'menti, the property of 30)111 Wade ashamed, I would." Plum. pert, 1,1.::: — b t. 3, con 11,Stel.lnn. Sale at 11 o'clock, "Now, here," said the Salesman, {i'etatoes,por bar •,. HenryEither, Lop "when 1 (rive to mono awa • I want Apples Por bag ,,, - - to know that it" es for some worthy pe©niojaionib int b `: cl parity and not into �the brier saloon." iii.ep �lirejpri' Every b,,' Arnim tea i •1 ini bottle (Aro a"t:Ai C,uiw )' � .. Y entered Chase remarks delivered, he posited <lhichensperor is warranted by the proprietors to f;ive Retie, the beggar out of the way, whereupon loCettlressedpor100 faeti•In or anoney will be rcfuudcd, the latter said slowly, but in a dotorm. iloof fiidoarouhg, Ind the manner, Iris oyes meanwhile rivet•, sb" cilia asci. ... 'repo � oIunto'fad Come. i yman, "Don't crowd 3boehokl mc. I m a second cousin to the lata Jesse James." The salesman's blood was now at the New Yorker who was up iu the hill country a week or so ago shooting rab- bits bad occasion to call at a country store for scudo phot. "Yes, I've gotowder," replied the little old rnen behind the counter. "How much did ye want?" "1'11 take a p0und." "What, a Trull pound?" "Yes, sir." Tho merchant eamo from baliidd hi7 bunter, slowly adjusted his steel bowed spectacles, and for a long min ute looked the New Yorker over as one might read a circus bill. Finally he said: "A hull pound, and you aro going to pay cash down?" "Yes, sir." "Well-um-e•welll Mister, for the last fifteen years I've been contending that the volume of floating currency was not large enough to do the busi- ness of the country, and 1 never ex- peeted to live to see this day. Cash down for a hull pound of powder! A French chemist has discovered by Wait a minute till I go to the back door a process of inoculation a preveaitive and whoop." -Wali Street News. of hydrophobia. A Norristown man is trying to secure some of the virus" He says that everytime he goes home late at, night he finds his wife mad. • Wool per lb flayy r Orton Omens Dori) u,) :. per cord O CO to 0 75i • • 072 too 75 0'13 to 0 07 o to 0t .t0Go7 1 aesto!e6aa01 0 ;b to 004 0GOto0v5, 017 to la G16to016 50eto4at} 030 to 040 0 10 to 0 50 000 to 000 003 to 000 0 07 to 0 OS 060 to 030 005 to0an 70t0te700 000to600 000 to 600 050 to 075 000 to 100 000 to 070 010 to 0 20 700 to 800 n boiling point and the second cousin of Woon 3 00 to 3 so SesseJamas lost no time in (renin(r FilalrsAT,r,nraltliSTS, ea o l all Wheat 1,or bh .,, $ 0 73 to 0 75 Out doors. ---.Sl. Louis .PPepub1t:can. sprint "" 0 71 to 0 30 .. + - 13ar1oY ichtl 0 61 to 0 GO It is a mistake to suppose malt tree 13,40,06* foo' incl ,,, .: 0 44 to 0 40 Princess of Wales is the leader of fash- Mesal: Oats' ., ;,, ;;, 802387 to o so ion in. London. Were she so, crino- Applca per Ohl. 1 00 to 1 00 lettes, high shoulders, and inordinately Potatoes nor bh .. ,r. 0 20 to 0 02 high heels would never have been seen, nor loud. combinations of col, r and elaborate head gear. The Princess is celebrated for being nlweye dressed in quiet and perfect taste. She goes in for a rather severe article of tailor- made garments just now. t)f -course she is imitated. If she appears in a gray or pink hat, many aro the gray and pink heads to be seen; but for one who will follow the Princess' quiet, lady -like style, twenty will follow the 1eati of some eccentric or celell"lsatod y,lraaa Oharauter. The only drawback to enthusiasm in any good cause is that it may so ab- sorb us as to prevent us from recogniz- ing something else equally needful. We were large enough to include both; the more zeal we possessed the better; but, as we are limited in power, we should beware of exhausting it in a single direction. It may considered at least questionable whether, , in our rightful desire to promote intellectual education among our people, we are notin some danger of forgetting the education of character. We do not, because we cannot, overrate the impor- tance of the former, but We may, and probably do, greatly underrate the value of the latter.` -1A pretty Boston schoolma'am and a youth of mien' sedate, Were parting in the evening beside the garden gate; His hand and heart he'd offered her in a grave and sober way, And she, with quiet dignity, had 'named the happy day; He lingered at the gate with her, and, said in accents low: "There' is a littlafavor I would ask before I go; A favor never asked before; sweet maid - sen, it is this -A lover's privilege, that 'is all -a sweet betrothal kiss." "11 you'll wait," the maiden whispered, with her color risings high, "Till. I re - A Texas man has invented a ma- chine for washing dishes.. If it doesn't demand five nights a weak out, not surreptitiously borrow its mistress'• best bonnet for au afternoon promen- ade, the probabilities are that it will bo in demand. "Are you - familiar with Bryant?" asked a young lady of a timid young man. whom she was trying to draw out. "Ola, yes," he replied proudly, brightening up. "I, graduated at one of his business colleges." . Ono thing to the credit of Kansas City is that she is the only city in this country of 100,000 population that has no professronaal •l base -ball club. The 870 grown people of this metropolis are too CATARRH -A NEW TREATMENT. Perhaps the moat extraordinary success thatn has beeachieved in modern medicine has Seen attained by the Dixon treatment for aa- tarrh. Oat of 2,000 patients treated during the Iastsix, months, fully ninety per cont. have been euredof this stubborn malady. 'CPAs is nonethe less startling when itis remembered that not five. per cont. of patients presenting themselves to the regular practitioner are be- aefltted, while the patent meaictites and other advertised cures never record•a curoc.at all. Starting with the claim now generally believed by the most scientific men that disease is duo to the presence of living parasites in Old tissue, Air, l.)ixon at once adapted hie cure to their extermivation—this accomplished, he olaints' the Catarrh is practically cured, and the per= manoucyunquestioned. as cm es effected by him four years ago are cure. still. No one else has attempted to cure Catarrh in tills manner,andno other treatment ever cured Catarrh. The application of the. remedy is simple, and can be done at home, end the, present season of the year is the most favor- able for a speedy and permanent cure, the majority of cases being cured at ono treat- ment. Sufferers should correspond with Messrs. A. Ii: !AXON er SON, 3051ring street wast, Toronto, Canada, and enclose stamp for their treatise on Catarrh,-Moletreat Shre, Nov. 17,1862, CCOrto 41404.34 Wishes to announce to the inhabitants of Exeter and vicinity, that he has opened out a busy to sit in the sun an ' listen 'to This Is the season when the hitches out his fish yarn or his story of the sea serpent. One of the local pa- pers has' been doing itself proud by. publishing a coletinn or so of these yarns, but not one of them has as- sumed the' proportions of a good healthy lie. The writers don't seem to Repairing promptly attended to. have acquired that ease and grabs` ,essential to' the' success of a leviathan GEO. MA.NSON, fish story. They seem to be haliipered by the bonds of truth and a too close Late:Manager 0, Eacrett'e Boot and Shoe Wool Boa oe a�op in the uo''nex' Store North of Saiuwell do Pickard's, where he ie prdpared to make all kinds o. ordered work, Sewe'd work a speciality shove my spectacles, .I'll willingly corn• adberenae° to facts.lBaitfmore Eticry Establishment. �- ;ply."-SomefuilZe Journal.' .�": "' ,. Ma7 i4th 84" To the rroszt as tis a2. With a First Class stock, end at prices that DEFY 0O11FETITICN. TAILORING DEPARTMENT Pell of elitbs Lstest alesigns in '\ orste(t,,, Oyeroofttizi s, Tweed', etc :i std mak up iii I'iret,elass r tyle, anti et prices that cannot fail to please.. Ad floods MAIMED IN PLAIN FIGURES. No Trouble to Show Goods, Bring along your Farm. Produce, for which the Highest Prices will be paid, ANES PICKARD, EXETER e SEI T. 22m1, ESTABLISHED D [872 SAMWELL AND PICKARD Desire to call the attention of their , customers to, and ask their inspection of their large and Complete assortm't of Dry Goods Etc., for the fall trade of 1884. Our stock is: We believe, well assorted and carefully selected, It consists in part of the following : All -Wool Dress Goods, Plain and Fancy Dress Goods, Black and Col'd Cashmere Black and Cold Silks, J Otto San. Cord Silas. Staple Department. Shirting ?Denims, Cottonades, Table Linens, Table Napkins, Grey and White Cottons, Shirtiugs (plain and twilled), Cotton Bags, 'LACE AND COL'D VELVETEENS Inantrpeilteeyfiety of shades Your inspection of these goods and prices will convince you they are right, as they have been Imported for this season's trade. Our Millinery Deportment is still under the care of our MISS McINTIRE, and the stock in this department will—if possible—be more attractive, than ever this season, embracing all the latest American. English. and. French styles of Shapes, the l8.test°shades in Silks, Satins, Ribbons, Flowers, Plumes; Tips, cc,, &o. In OUR TWEED>and GENTS' FURNISHINGS we show choice lines of Fiiglish, Scotch, Irish, French and Canadian Tweeds, English, Scotch, and French Suitings, English 'and French Trowserings. Eats, Caps, Scarfs, Ties Shirts, Braces, Hosiery, Etc. We have a good cutter on the premises,and guarantee a fit in every case. Our stook of Blankets is very extensive, in white.In •Furs our stook is complete (gpey"and brown) in Boal, Capes, Sets_lec., den„ also.Robes in. Buffalo and Wolf. Our Boot and Shoe department will be found fully as- sorted in Ladies', Mehta' and Children's wear, also ti full assortmei.t of Trunks, Valises, and Satchels. GROG .:mz NEW"'AND FRESi