HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1884-11-13, Page 3I3ofore 3atilIras. ; .;
Lean'oleser, darling, let til neralen be,tart
ileac against mine tbab'ao et itis '14eltyy
i wo. 1
Drop thy quack woman'¢ lean! to'soothe thy
y smart. se n4y e
At. ma! that I could e e or�'
ro sot '
But men must work, sweetheart, and women
woei>w ,.
>30 Fill 4ho 'song, so• sutra aha wRrl4's be -
q. �
Yet 1 er Will Pose fuel tended e,itiirtertccreep
WIpe in eouapaa unto the bre et,
Noweere we part while yeterrilp!stt eheele
°leen lei B lin er, clingltai,, `pase€anate,
There 11$4 Ifarewe11 word love sew would
A tender thought love labors to translate
In earnest words, whose memory through the
TO SISIOl . c7•GA tETVEIS. • Interesting items.
4 Tobacconist Instructs a Customer Aar: le, f1, hunter head: waster of \y$tet•-
in the Art -.-Inhaling the Srnolcee down Iiig1.► Bole*, bas received the ern ,igt-
• "I always prefer to make my own
;efgarettes . and then I know they con-
tain no opiu}n or other poisonous arm
redients," saki a gentleman rester -
ay as he stood 'in a cigar -store door
mint of ' heua toaster of Wet astock High
Asa purifier, Ayes Sarsaparilla acts direct- i
ly and promptly, & single • bottle will prove
its merite. Many tbousauds of I,eopple are
yearly saved from dangerous fevers by sire ex. I
and delicately twirled same tobacco excise of a little t niely care he properly cleans-
and a small piece of rice paper between Mg the system by the use of this remedy,
his fingers:, l3ucklen'I+Arnica Salve.
"That's where yon nand 'differ," said The Best Salvo in the world for Out Breis.
the dealer, takinm up the ,thread of eel Sores. Ulcers, Salt Piletknw, FCvcr Sores,
conversation, *tr,. man can of all the letter, lukp_aetl hands. Chilblains Corea, awl 1
Shall calm th " soul, and dry thy dropping g g' a An `Skin 1lrnptione, and pari• sty cares Pile
y pp ci arettee he wants and there'weA t bo
tearG, p Opium or too ua re uired. It is guaranteed to give I
a. particle of opium in them, �" q o
! perfect alatrsfaactlora or m,ano refunds
Or by the.ahelter of thine evening fire, , being used in a elgaarette, a ackago of price '.5 Debts per box, per sale by alt dru-t
If an winter 1 l n o p * Mete
7f in tbe gerden when the roses blow. -is too expeesive a drug to allow of its y d
r erg still va summer glow, wlliGh will CQSt 14 dents, ?arid the Pub-
%o,zal soNlfloats seaward with afgnd desire g , , � FLUID LIGHTNING. "�
rails seem to be a breeiatin ''ill' i
1 er nd stronger Haan to p tender use). lao enc
yt,ttrk thou °Ott 'ions r c sa the ' ei p 'quid Lightning s the only cunt for Tooth=
o a Ro me gro fiats fact,' ,O inns is ut kn corarett s
Fero P C,i
And if, t;wect falling like the eveuin; dem;
A. special t.eaco enfolds thine heart and
When say tbou, boar. with softly bated
desire that kind of a eetnoke. You ask
but it isn't every den lar who will han„
die them. The are higher priced,
and are only caped•, for by those who
colts, Eieadache, Et raehe and eeearaifgie. it
does uet take a day or 'sour to cure it. lint in
lees than a minute an pain is goue, Thous.
ends have tested its merits within the last
year- Fluid Lightning is n1, n at positive cur
•"In some tone wilderness beyond the sea, how it is put in. Well,, it is giver- i for Itlaeotii:atisrn. ."rite 'worst possible cases
nether in light of life, or gloom of de . tb,.
" teed As have bean VeriQaneutiy cured in Dire week,
My lover's Epirit speaks to God for met" , and scattered in that tvay.
Esse bre, beloved, without doubt or dread, far as my ,custom saes, Gigare;ites are Price 2 cents at J. Zti . Iiroavnaug,s D:rig
We are not sundered, tl:pugh farewell he Store. 3 •
said, more popular now than they were ttvo
years ago„" �. e
'I don't see hew people can. smoke Poauds so (!acre said itis. puIgi' iuc� Uernes,ault
A Detroiter who put in zpart of the; theta. and it is like tifttn that muck use of Ayers 4rathartae • in; which •sic rnttd
P rand eut.e vet ttroroit h Qui eeaacui g ars
t, Avoid the harsh irritptiii griping coax.
ssuconea�tn„ litooushe(L v correct kiln sere ultrz.na a of tho taaaart,a b; the
the things, There is no sttetagth to . ,p
winter in a Tonaesseo town made a I vapor," said a listener Wwho was en- . d ' ' 1f r ► '
Fhair aetlgn.
number of friends among whom was r, ` gaged :u vigorously (*axing' the<ereege p Sullivan nue Greeuteld inave algurd articles
gentleman Willed Coienel, and another through a, big 5•eent cigar. to box four rounds alt Madison Square Ger-
known es Judge, Ruth were recent "'That is beeause yon don't know jdose, New rort, "on the evening ami Nem.%Tali.
.;arrivals in the plave, and no ono knew ; how tQ smoke a cigarette," answered - s, Toth gewl+,rtt,,
just bow they came by their titles or by the dealer, as he drew forth Duo anti er ee it will pay tee above nestle it.x ins'
What right they wore them. The tat'uCei:ded to light it, "Now. lff you ceee of i+i+e► a:agnelaiut: 1ky'etapeia, his k head-
Colonel and the Judge were good " was to smoke a cigarette you would ache, it.tligeetiosa, t.`vuatiparit'u er Gestate roe s
friends for awhile, but at length they' put it ht your mouth and allow the we,,isticnut elite with 1Fe Si Vegetable Liver
had as ;falling out over politio, and the saliva 1Q moisten the end cis it before Mite, when the direetions are strields complied
lie was passed. This brought a ebaI-) you had token two pulls, and thee you with. 'I bey are purely Vegetable, cart never i
lenge, which was duly accepted. In the would bet=ompefled to bite off little fail togive setiefa etiou Sugar coated Large
course tai a couple of honey the Colonel 1 outs of tobacco, which makes it very t,s r it Ietntaiuitaf; 5u foals, xc5 reeks, -Pei' sate
called on the Detroiter and said: outlaying. Well, . in the first place you gfityts I)e,ttarC cif cuuuterfc•ite anal
"Tlto.iudgo is a good fellow at heart, must learn to overt:One that and hold i i iaitatact►s. Ila° (ie+stuitre> 1/ 1411111°411" tansy
and l: Bate to kid haiku, Maybe you lino I it between your lips. Then, to add tbest go Q
will appear on the grouto the nddtinithe arn-and he 8 of unpleasantness
, }ou woti would proceed would smoke itt its
hag and interfere.'" t if you were smoking a pipe—that is.
by JOtiti 0, \fib's ,S. 00.. "The 1:111 lualt-
ere, ' 81 K a•i • leiag etret•t East Toronto. tent.
Free trial pr.ckaQe sent lay mail propaired en
xt'ccit-t of a tltreta cent stamp.
A taG44ESS,Clt Itieell'I,J'.
The Colonel had scara"ely tlis;appear.. take a draw and blow it out of your jr. ittutatuer, ul iiaauittou, out.,sicerc�.l
cd when the Judge tante in and said: youth, A eigaretti is not worth the /or years with a t'aiofut miming wit
'"o been elm/longed by the Col -1 smoking thatl way. But if ,you should iq+alta susof fico+ Delta ,aatil baflleal all dtt.•ta+tats
laorsovere aa( Dura to iamo e t s tvay to it 4.1 lana Syrcl l ardu It 1kuaal _Meth
y Att would find oaaa�lt;it a oigatette is widen fievady wtarke t a }terfccteuee.
• as good as a cigar."
`Yes. 1 know."
• "And I've aeespted."
".tad. 111. certainly kill him, for 1'
a deadshot."
"Well, he must take his chances,'"
Then the dealer took;a draw and ale REMARKABLE itl:STO1tATi(A.
Towed the smoke to pass out through ; :Mr e 1.0 Bait at.; 2 l,selta:tn•0 titled. Rot..
aI to nostrils in two gossamer streaks, a flak'. oat: eupt.uteo to be tieing milli cut:en:up
;anal followed this ey inhaling the titan and eleuel4,a.eot l+y, her taut' eleian. elle
'•Yes, but he's a good fellow and 1 sutoke atact allowing it to till his lungs , eu 'elea terriWy stud seaa rvileeccd iii alt dt tat �-•_
bate to slaughter him. You might and then pass out with the regular A tytm i.- F'+a^.r why, lie dais eouditiun ars(' t'ty,artarol , 1 f?
drop quietly around to the Sheriff' ;and: respiration. Then he took other le- t"'11"0"eh 14 '4 litters, anal u"w a•itgoys 141.
give ltitu the wink, and of course he'll ' ealntious mut sensed the smote 10 ma ' t eat ht'.5l +i ;Hillaei hs (me lee udie Aiwa rt'Ycw,
be saved the duel and the Colonel's life, tsar u:;h tiut of ne nostrils findouth be
ethic lung,, ; i'rs coat r, ca�11'4 ,d L. l�. t'a sta;;e staM'.
ir, yen itoub.td with Snit Menus, Rowel Both. prinrip:alp understood Haat the only to Pns4 out again through tho tiiQ ;13:,i.al�,•.. (111$..rr ,.r any l.,h4 atilt a:(uaaw+t
Sheriff was to be notified, but that month, Ile kshe ed tial, by sending�l':04W.:liven than h • 1-''' c•f -:,it a�tan•
official did not receive the slightest a tit reaths of smoke lluatin • across tihe Q tiro1,1:""i:atct,r�por tS: hat lb Pfie't:raatr will
hint of the (affair. On the contrary, loons, and then by browing rim ,3 7 s105. -s, ii, lic•oi.I.�l ilia•. habitee . f,. .taanlat it. ire
1' VA.T,1T,T!.
The Great French Lotion for Beautify ng
the .Face.
It. O, ucectltatheevidence of axs+. (a.iotat'pli;
sou will make the most stebaaernly red. cad
.11110,04F 1,04011#1111Y Fort, and 000 e. l e
her that" MAY lig'. w"not a paint ee
owder that file up the pores of the skin. tore
thee isiuju►zeas to tete okiar but a nese O,ra•f
great lis ove)y, e. veaetctle liquid, theteauats
the ebeek to stow wane uealtb. the nee:4. arlus
anal'muds to mill the Lily inwhateeesa- tar
oesrib)„te detect in the beauty iteonfe,s wan
0,810491 era, a«ter. It tures Greasy Skin,
lrrecidee, Wriulclea. I'ticrk'les. Iilrek heeds.
Crow srFee:, Blotches, :Face GrubF, Sun liana
red L s, l aambor s Itch,'letter a&c r0 flees
th4l,oree.oal gl.iuds,au l tapes from the sellar.
tots biretta cof 11,1' 1crs and cosmetic dashes.
►y its nee ell 're.tnese and rou,bnees aro pre•
voirteai ;lit ben atitles the skin, owl will m ore it
sort, smooth end white imparting delicious
seetuese; preduefrs a portr.tty healthy, name
el.srad youthtial ap eaararce. lite best farce
lotion titiat the worild ever larodnced. We will
beetle A. i Altar 007:5LE'" to 0/iy address On re-
ceipe et f're'est. Wherrorderina mention thf
l'a iarr•
A ddresa all letters to
st.ty r)TIi\ Ai
;acap� treat Tor,on.tea,
„a at t:<,ss plan ai f'r fora lire
every efiert was ramie to keep any through pelf other, until the man with :Ila, hest Ise -line ee tuierm i ever Mimeo I:'4ls,
knowledge from him, and morning the cigar Was amazed, • 7a'`eeterin s, Fleet Bites, linrnas or uk r Skin
carie to lied the then on the ground and "%Vou't that injure the lun s?" ho Trouble. are Mike cured by it. :Meld cat :.' 5
be a great state of anxiety. Things nakeds in au'exeited wayy, centra by. J. W. Br+twnina , Drugged. .4
were delayed its long as possible, and "I: surest) the doctors would say ,o•
finally, When It was realized that the' but so t key would say that it would I No abutter where ra' avant, lurent"as or Doane ^ :.
Sheriff would not show up, the Colonel kill man to snznke edgers or ehew to- (•aa.as, iiag4nad'. l'elluw Oil taken en• itepliocl
apologized, the Judge said he was tem °, or Rio anything that there is any Will give irnnle,liate relief, and a t esitivc rave
sorry, and the duel was declared off. pleasatro in. , For t y pert, I deleteare .gnieklyft'Ib•ave its nye'.
Neither of the men would afterwards what they •rayl 1 benefit i:t wilt injure
walk. on the same side of the street the lungs no mere than it does to in- ON 111I1t'1'i BATS* TI1U.L. ,
with the Detroiter. --Detroit Fro .Pres:. t halo the stench from the Chicago river, Tut: Var.r ata Inas. Co., Marshall, slsall, SI ieb.,wll
—�" or the caval ymu1 e from the trousandsemiI)a.... e 0, s n. ri:n l,ri,creo.V OLTAie a
Indian Test for a Mail Dog. and one buildingor the dust and dirt t Betas stn. 1.1.130xmc .\s'PLt,tseas ou trial for
that floats in the atmosphere, or tho hirtydacys to rare {your; ur o14 who are af-
ebility, lost vitelity
instructAn tiivo commentarythe onAthe ntime ew poison
numerous arises other fromhfstttwh chstreets,
the 'tied
kindredrautroubles, guaranteeing
loeal self-government policy in India
is afforded by the following resolution,
recently issued by a municipal• com-
mittee in the northwest provinces. The
subject is tate destruction of mad dons.
doctors stay nothing :about." speedy anal romp let(r ro tointlon Ct hetrltlr auri
•.That's tio," answered the man as he wanly vigor. Aaldrees as above. N. B. --No
throw his cigar -stump into the street risk iain urn:d,asthirty days'trial is3110)5i'd
Loug Nand Railroad woes variablen for the
and w alked nwcay, Ikea" year taudiu " September 30, t�2,?51i,'3t+8 ; They reneger:de anti ret.tore to lat�alili 1li'biliirattd C'otrstitlati,nmA, Au.a Ari` f ter01111
., " ' `— iucra't es, i+iTa', N. 1 Complaints ineideutal to Fouldes of all ages. For eitildren and the• shod they are
Itis no doubt impossi3ale to ascertain Geologists report the existence, in a AN Ati•itE1:,113LL Si'I1PRISE,
the degree of .madness of a dog killed,
and the only possible way of deter-
mining the question is,thet whenever
the sweepers notice any dog of serial
madness such as has begun to bite
dsteel tri feu
**4 uo, 13invy
ISSET1' Ras.
I'atify tht'Ilioml, cesste•; all I$64ra'
L1 'EIt, STOMACH, iiT1)N11.;17*, i.
1(Z ELS.
slue across (Antral Alstbama and Miss= Those alae try Burdock Bleed Bitters .es a
issip ri, of strata of green sand beds regulator of the bowels, or to purify the blond
and iiecompo.,ed sandy oalcarotaus beds, aid digestion, regulate the hyaenakidneys,or
in :til
some twenty feet in thickness, str engtben tired nature, are agreeably sur -
and assault lessons, they shouldro ort whleii are iiuprugnatod With phos- pknecd at the prompt benefit derived,
it to the munrafim, who will issue photic acid. 1'houglk the gcolo;tical PROMPT MEa t: S.
proper orders for killing the dog; and
position is tfiiierent, the ukai r tf tune- Prompt metras should be used to break up
after it has been examined by the atter of timber phosphate heels is much sadden colds and cure coughs in their early
native doctor, the person who will kill like that of the booth Ctarolina phos.
hates and their commercial value
it shall bo rewarded annals eight for p '
may prove t o be equally great,
each of such dogs. The symptoms of
usual madness in a dog are -first, at A Man May Smile.
tacks on people; second, not recogniz-
ing his master; third senselessness in—
The man 'what tells er joke an'
general. When these symptoms be laughs at it eider tries ter make hisse'f
proved to have been truly shown by mihty'greeblo er is powerful fond o'
a dog, such a dog will be taken its madla r hin'. Nine times (mem tin when
and unscupulously killed on the spot, " a pian Iaughs at eberything yer say an'
and the person entitled will be awarded
annas four for each of"such dogs." his eve
on y timer e a meets Ser, ore got
This almost rivals Mm. Grant Duffy's worked once furrde laugher nes' man I
story of the country station -master who a '
cher seed. While de Drop was �rotvin
telegraphed up to headquarters: "Tiger he wool' come erroun', lean on de fence
jumping about platform. Please tele- an' laugh. "Dot's de bos' man I ober
graph orders."—Se ctntes's Gazette. seed," thinks I, "an' he gwineter do
An old tract .sa s- '•The jury of'ores;
de squar' thing by me." When de
I went ter
twelve was adopted because thpsoph- h by settlem wuz all n.t he metered mein de yard
ets were twelve, the apostles numbered an' laughed, Airter erwhilo hewent
twelve, there were twelve Jewish into de house and sot down. Do haw
Judges, twelve pillars of the temple, haw wa'n't no longer heard; do smile
tweivc patriarchs, twelve tribes of was all gone, an' blame me of he didn't
Israel, twelve stones in Aaron's breasts cheat me outen two bales o' cotton ---
plate, twelve Otos of.Jernialem , twelve 4a•kansaw Traveler.
months in the year and' twelve signs' in •
the zodiac. When juries ,were first A poison being asked what, was
established, the Judge took the jurors meant by realities of life, anstgt l`eti .,
about with item : in n cart :inti `alley '..Real estate, real money, and a Teal
agreed. If they didn't'i agree, they good dinner, none of which can be re-
. were fined and imprisoned. alizod without real hard work.''
r.,an•is gaining. During 1583 the
births in that country numbered 453,-
000 and the deaths 418;000. . r •
The Nation receives about $150,000,-
000 a year; from. the New Yorl. Custom
stages. Hagyard's Pectoral Balsam does tins
most specdilyand effectually.
people we see around us,seem to prefer to suf
ler and be made miserable by indigestron,cou-
stipation, dizziness, loss of appetite, coming
up of the loop, yellow skin, when for 75 gents,
we will sell theta. Shiloh's Vitalizer, guaraute
ed t' cure theme Sold by J. W.. Browning,
Exeter. E o w,
Wile—\Vhat,s the mattier now, John 7
Husband—Oh. that nems algei. and tooth.
ache near kills me.
Wile--\Vhy don't you go to J, W. Bra n-
ing's Drug Store and get a bottle a Fluid,
Lightning ? You know it cures all such
things as Toothache, Neuralgia, Headache.
Lumbago. Earache, Sore Throat, etc, It gives
instant relief. 4
Mr. Wm, Evart has received the appoint-
ment of agent at Ingersoll for the Dominion
Express Company.
Investing twenty -filo cents fot• a bottle of
Iiagyards PietoreT B'alsani, the Vett throat and
lung healer lsnewn. Cures couphe. bronchitis.
asthma, and all •pulinouary oontplirints.
}3a gyred's Yellow pil tonpbes theright spot,
every time when applied for l lraumatisin,neur-.
algia, pain, soreness. pr laupsness,aud internal-
ly for colds, cote throat,, ate., it is egnally; in
Holloway's, Pills--In;hgest.iian..and Liver
Complaints. -;- The :(ageratum pelmet be am nor-.
Yore lienple,(adulti grid children. aretrdtb' 'feet or seriously :disotderee witbont the effects
led with lcostivtittiess than isitli any dtbei• of tush deraugrneit beoopgtng visible en. the
,ailment,' De;I3edee textor•'s Mandrake leis o rant• nanoe .Those Pills, at once remove the
ter will cure' elottirene9a laud` proyent:ilii 'aihor'dei and its. ulaplelasaut ememebeftees.
diseases which result from it. They stimulate the digestive and assireilatiye
functions, and-ooneequeutly. promote 'that
A GREAT DISOO'VERY. great blassitig i hremod appetite Holloway's 1
Piliemeet setiefecteraly eteneye all deranged',
or'diseased action of themeny, orstaus engaged
Is annful
ilibhs remedy for Bad Legs, Ihnl Breasts, OId W0111 ala, Sore'/+ nutl flee
fatuous for Gout and Itheumntisnr.
e in all
V' On Disonnens ora 'rn s' CHEST 1T H4: Ni) ]ttattal..
For Sore Threats, Bronchitis, -Coughs, Colds, Glandelnr• Seeelliugs, and all skin distal;
it has no rival ; and for contracted and stiff joints it actslike a chant'.
The Pills and Ointment unsold at nooses Renown's Establishment,
also by nearly eery respectable Vendor of efedicine, in poxes and Pots, at 1s, sed., !s. Od.,
4s. 6d., lis., 22s., and 33s, each. The 2s. Od. size contains three times the quantity of the
1s lid, size ; the 4s. 6d. size six ; the Iis, size sixteen ; the 22a size thirty-three ; and the
33s size fifty.tavo times the quantity of the smallest Boxes and Pots.
Pull printed directions ate ssflixed to each Ildx and Pot, and can be Lae in any language
t Purchasers should look to the Label on the Pots and Boxes. If the address to not
533 Oxford Street, London, they are spuribus.
AN ANSWER W9NTD. Mr. Wm. Tbomas,of Newton In.,says: •Aly
' wife bas kwon seriouely aff€ deed with, a cough
Cau anv one briut( us a ease of Kidney 0r for twenty4iveKy'ears, and Om spring more
Liver Complaint that Electric Bitters will severely than ever before. She had used mane-
anenkat speedily cure ? .We sltiytthev cannot, ae emedies without relief,and'being nrgedtatry
thousands of cages alreadypeemanentiv cur-
ed end who are daily reeomeionding E1ectrip
Bitters will prove. Bright'saDisease, Die
betas. ,VVcak Back, or any ricin ry oompinint
quietly cured. They purify ttae blood, rcgui
ate the bowels, a n l , act directly on the dis-
eased parts. Every bottle gruneteteed. For
sale at 50c.,a'bottle by C. Lutz.
r.`tiing'e New Discovery, did so, with most
;gratifying ,results, The fleet bottle,. relieved
,hea.very much,and the second'bottle has ab
eolutely cured her., She. hail ]sot :had.' each..
.gekid''health fof•thirtq y`ecit.'' • Trial bottles,
free at C Lutz'e Drug Store., -Large size
100, 6
In extrecting,Taaoierishmentfoe giu llodies from
"our various drete-as Ue' hvter, stemaoh and
bowe1s,ovei' iaqof sthealltlie escereierr the roost
saluture,'edttrol: $yeeeeortinfl .s't an .otirly'
stage of the"nielady tb theee perelelirk and lair-
etive Pills, the nrelaneholy`;;4l4deele.diead Hys
peptic is speedily restored to, health and
strength, and his ealloetnese gradually vanish -
e .