HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1884-11-13, Page 2E1 JNO VOLA,
100 IA . ';Hot
1u zt' .sena
rx ; exf 1oepaugg
�n tuba aR hundred
here. `1'ha very lirat
tis after ` We get to
humanity seems bent
h 4eagle
there, esiides,one eau putheavier goat at night, if neett•be. Kc
Donafat't boxy, Nothi Carrytate atm. . is. gained byl
r Rrominenr hatoiag the greatest medical dis ,
a eovories, by the many cures it has affected,
as cool as they. feel, They leek pietur- flounced in the Fifth District of l'd
esquely cosh. "`Tiley gear suits of hien alssippi,
er thin silk, of light weight white duok A Jacksonville, Fle., man has mad
Q,r drill, with light, Iow=out `shoes, silk *42;0 front ' a single rose bush this
er Ilsle-thread hose and ulsdergar- season.
seats; hats' made of fine straw or The 'United States hale become th
Qunce. 1 cannotthat de teve to a gentleman atear weigh aua fourth lamest beedrinking nation
� � the world.
clearer er idea of how cool they must feel Air Sur oo
than by saying that there fa not such a P 1, n, the greatudon
thin" to be bad in Cuba 4s a shirt with preacher, 'who is not yet 59is cols-
a separate collar, Telt say gist such pb rely broken in health,
suits of clothing as I describe, look The daughter of Bov. Dr. Kdward
unshupel sial coeur unsigktly. Se E b ton, tlru weI kkuown-authorw a
they do, use; our tailors do net marvel. at wood"carvvng.,
seem to l no• how to vaake thorn. n. atoi A German citizen near Newburg, N.
our laumiresses starch them too still+ y.. hoe invented At machine that menu-
Experience And. practice would sooat factures serillty-twQ pretzels a utitzute,
overcome that•, Havana 14 a ver" It would take a strip of arable laud
dressy attd fasisiela lteariag city, T#tel overfour hundered feat wide alongside
tailors make these thin gartt►euta as1 et chert/� railroad itz that ceutttry,c ov-
st lishly rind as shapely as our sults, end wits trees, tilt)to furnish ties neo.
The wattle% there do sat. dross so Teir5r essar to keep the roads to tm credos,
unlike our, own women; that is to say y P
that American dress suers sem• The Indianapolis Sentinel Mentions
ably iu summer than Aruericsu nen as am tens titan •'re'la " of a. tesiderst. at
do. In both countries the ireault is that city a place of.'leather zuadt3 _ram
reaches by lcsseriug the nuruber anal t47skin A a1 liouthuru desperado who
weight of the undergarments aad don;", tuts 1llbQll la. a fight twenty-three years
ping summer silks or almost gossamer age,
geode for summer wear. Canon Farrar is a total ttbstailuer
Tine f: rabaus have a hot weather way He heard, in earl • life, a horrible story
of managing their business affairs, Let of a man atilleted with, delirium tram•
iia one run away with the idea lhat ens, and was thereby inspired with an
business to Havana does net anlauut to i utter loathiug for all intoxicatiu
mueh. Havana has lona. been ono of drinks.
the great seaports and commercial •eon* Bertha Clear, the Philadeaphia girl
tens of the world, the head of the sugar • who was divorced from the �elivlug
and to6aaeco trades, and the seat el an siceletau" seen after marrying bias,
immense miscellaneous shipping Indus. didn't know talon she Was well off, He
try There' are ntauy UWZi rand firsts as riled the other day anti left a fertune
busily etigeged in making; feirtuues of $54,000,
there as everywhere else. To begin: ' The Naonal mulles
Library of Franco can
with once basiaes:i houses are built to boast about :t mare books than
provide coolness by means of Abode : that of Englund, but than it had a
and ;air, They are more opens than g
what we CAU an "open ear." yet can be t*rt of :titout a century As early as
dosed. a3 tight as any Wali street bank, •:141'1 a decrca veal, 'mads couupvlliusg
It is delightful to visit them. it is ,, pit 11,ttuli 1o,`farward to it every book
amazing to see how veoi the men who
work in then: keep themselves. The humility and children go together in
merchants and their clerks quit their ° Girrin.env- l,im usual !ermine for ad -
beds at :,:SQ o'clock, perhaps earlie ,, t e rtisw s births in the papers is as fol -
enjoy a bath, dress in a leisurely way, •r larvae "11 a most humbly announce
take eolXee., and reach their counters ,, tn° birth of a hardy boy." ''Wo most
and desks at G:SQ o'elee . It is cool at ; numbly anuounee the birth of t fine
that time in the streets. and they are dol• ;uzd a lively girl,"
net half eco exhausted when they begin To e:a:ir and strengthen the voice,
wort: as wU are. At 10:130 or 11 o'clock, the hest method h it; vogue among al
under t► sunshade or ina cab or oar, 1istittt;stiseted rueteli ts, v.z.; swallow
they go home again. to breakfast. i the yo'k of ae raw egg, whole, every
Notiaiag short of the explosion of a ; scorning on rises also avoid pastry,
powder magazine, which made them laud spume the threat and chest wel
for'ret,st�atmpelves a few weeks ago, ; with cold waster eery.
coneld int/ma a man or boy among therm. Signor Cols° Quo Moreno, who
to hurry. The only two hasty or ex- I undertook le "rnu" line K atakttzlh
cited tnocelneuts I saw in Cuba were ;rind got into Hot water in tike Saud
oa the part of a young Woman and a wich !elands thereby, has urrnerd up in
boy. Tho vonne worsen was a ballet- ` this country amain with a scheme for a
dancer in n cool open-air theater, and 1 trat:s-l'„ t.ii;c t•.tirut front Caiiforuia to
was engaged in to -too -tutu ruovenients, l u Sand wieu la.:teas au t L'Hi ha.
lasting only a few moments each night;
for a large salary. The boy actually "late trustees nae" the utmost conn.
ran in the open sunshine—but he had dance in their treasurer's iriturrity," is
stolen z sugar cane in the market and ; the stereotyped phrase tele+rraphed in
was afraid he would be caught. No- t connection With- ailothi r defitlentiou iu
body ran after him, you may ,bo sure.' 1'lhiladelphin. o matter luny trusted
On the way to breakfast trio Havana{ sen employe is who handles' your cash
merchant and clerk do not drink throe i it is common sense to continually. over
beers and a cocktail, and at breakfast look his accounts, and then his oppor-
they do not demolish a heavy beefsteak rarities for theft will be lessened. --
or plate of ehu}is,or of liver abd bacon, Bevins G1ubc.
as we do the year around. Ou the con One of Mexico's crudities is its Post
trary they ere very partial to fruit; fish, office. Having entered the Postal
boiled, broiled or baked; broiled goal- Union, •letters pass between it and
other countries in the union for .5 cents
a half -ounce; bet between towns wits; -
in its own border the rate.; are a great
deal higher. It is the custonm along
the Bio Grande, therefore, for Mexi-
cans to cross the river and use the
American post, thus saving money in
corresponding, with their own country-
,11-.cGregor's Speedy Cure leads the van. Sub.
jeoted to the minutest chemical analysis, it
V" hes bfoo fecund to` suds none of those in-
uriuus him radiants obatafiterialelf the' .1sfli.
,is ge`t c,S r, +406 .00,4 • t4 00. Melillo.,
ae tlixtmf sSe s;a t+eei)linr ; adapta-
,VOty, e t to atieiat'2 1pphiints iltr Which it
lit baa;, n altaaenaded, triad leaatiiegoy to taeiag
' aaanamitaa-ayatesl,tniaittarelour:y received.
Qt We are therefore confident airier we have a
prel'eration'whielt we era offer to the public:-
ublicwith the assarauee toot it will'be found not
A eititi• a relief ho au absolute curd for - ,Dyspep.
• ala, Liyex Qoumplaiatt. Zthdigestima, Gonstipat.
v ion and Impure Mood. Free triol bodies at
is- l J. W Browaing's ,)rug Store, 4
There are $46 anthracite collierieaE
Meissonier's onlyfamily Oensists
and everything Is di his gratzdeld Brett,
o t s s end. We strau;ers in attorney CZ'4ura1:, Brewster las
cloth garments are the only ones very fb 6 oollecthon of china,
who are hot there, The natives Iook Five candidates for Congress are an
*t W
caB o p, Household laanacea'"has iso equal.
torrelievingpain,teotb internal and external It
eureapatw in the Side, back or bcwals,soretturoat
e uhsoroatisxa, Pootbaclte,Taunebegoandeenykiuri
A Iofatraie oraobe, "it will most surely ueieken
telae blood u ud heel. poi its acttual power is wonder,
reit-'",Rrowz!s gone:bold l,'anaceaa" being auk.
uowledged its the great fain Roller r,oltd of dot
blethcstreugth of any other F lizir orl,iuinitoat
fat o d be lex
#ei when ally httbebestreym dy
t'•tiaq asciAche tor
alt kinps ds," aned le Zoorsate by
ailI)ruggiste at3Scentsttbottle.
$1OOQ Forfeit,
flavin;; the utmost.contrleuee in it seperi-
ority ovsramll others,• and after thousands of
teats of the most complicated and severest
Mee eaulil tiudrwe feel jesttt1 d ittod'ering
to fotfe+lt One Thohmeantl •Dotlara for Buy casts
of coughs, cord", sore throat, influenza, hoarse -
;was; bronchitis, consumption iu its early
stages, whooping cough, and alt diseases' of
the tthront and lungs, except Asthtna,for whish
we duly claim; rettef.'.1tat we oau't auto with,
Vest's trough Syne, wizen t*keu aeeording to
directions. Sample betties «s and 50 Cents;
large Ihuttles etre dollar . (ieannint wrappers
only in blue. Sold by all druggist*, or Fero
by mail on receipt of peee. JQiUI 1.,, NIMBI;
fi CO., 814 83 King St. last,.Tersento,Oub,
Young lady, do rot despair, Dr, B. C.
west's Sierra and !Drain Treatment will erre
Hysteria .nett ail nervous troubles. Soltlat
a.. W. $rowu'ut's, Drug Store. .5
Fluid 1,"ghtniu,g raid only Toothache instant-
ly, hat tmiso Neuralgia, Headache. Remelt,
lthaumuatisur, Luutbage, unci &ate It n, Pain of
any 1�Ihul cannot remain one minute oris: rt itis
applied. ,Chen you Bear of Fiaitl Light:dog
you hear of one of the greatest morels ever
knr wu in the way of a ntediciue, as it uevtr
fail to cure. and not in a week or :a «lay, but
the instant it is applied to the affected part.
Said, at J. W. Browning's Drug Stare. t
try, or small birds, salads, omelets, oat
meal or rice, urine thinned down with
seltzer; coffee or tea. They take it ea-
sy at the tnlde.
At 4:311 or 5 o'clock, when the heat of
the day is pat and the delightful, cool
lours of the evening are at hand. the
,merchant ;end the clerk close the places
(all but the little retail stores) and go
r.•:omc or to the restamaant for dinner
And do they eat the solid merit, the
stews, the gravies, the puddings and
pies of our bills of fare of July in New
Yorke Oh, not They wish to be cool
and healthy anti' comfortable. They
suck the juice of an orange or two, and
take.a little thin broth or consomme
soup a little wine thinned down witch
cold seiter or water, some nice fresh
fish broiled bird of some kind and sal
ad, or a slier, sof sonic sort of treat. well
done, and thiin guava paste, or felly,
or fruit and cheese and tinff•e. (1 ad-
mit that tilt Sweetmeats anti cheese .is
bad and there is too much.soiree--but
no one is perfect.
At night conies the recreation; the
hilhards, cards, cigars. theatres, par-
ties, carriage- rides, promenades, idle
hours in the parks listening to the nhu-
si( of a band, courtship, companion-
ship, :sociability. At 10 o'clock or 11
coffee rand becd,for some; bed without'
coffee for others 'nut- do they not,
tihlni,, you deed. 'I'liey.
are addicted td socia water, lemonade,
cocoanut water, lime-on ade, tamarind
water, mineral waterand all other bev-
ev-er ages that. cool the body by cooling
the blood, and that are slightly laxtet. DOES NOT •CO TAIN A1IIIIIO IA.
tire. . Amon„ strong' ctrihks Vermouth its tlsuarlat'Lerss'ius NEVER sass .gr;us•ttotr•
is popular. Spanish mules and French In n11111116 hounkc re -77-n. quarter of n, century It nus
Clarets are in demand,.. and the . ltabor steed the conenieurs. ,!doable test
in, people drink.gin. Note the nature THE TEST ;OF THE Ova
of these drinks, . you who understand
Vile subject. 'There is reason in all of PRICE DIKING :POWDER
tl1ein. All exgept brandy. , 1 forgot : hiiaiina et CO.,
that. At night, itt'the oaf es, I saw a v
art al persons drink brandy. That is Doe •Simla) °bale bind's
sontrazy to everything else they' do. It °b"""°°u°r.'""`4:1140"1,1"1"1,111;040001.0.4
ie most unwise. Ira Prlcs's, R, in odd' S
There are many hints.: in this above "or't-;eti, aea1etiy arena, The yteet Dry rep
general observations of life under a x,a,at;ta the 1To=•la
'taut:ing sun. Dress for the season. It i Fon SALE SAYGROCERS.
.c_.Yi be done here as well as there Malt 0Hta4Po, 41. n.oUrs.
trends adrertt,e,h., aLNotntely pure
rts, e (ifs coverandi:anell �iA chemist twill not behrs-
....,ed to detect the presence of amnrontit,
:a tttZ G iLY
+ ... L. .. v:".9...1
•.r 4 ,rd .
t a` t•x.....4,.1.. t::..41 ^•`•'
..4,IJ r
t� :mc'�iae.::.1.efret'.. :'9b ail Dm:giron. ie
How Lost, ,Pow Restosed,
Wehave recently published a new edition
loathe radical Ana perm alma to uro (withoat me -
(Heine) o f rieryouslidellity, Mental and physical
,,Incapacity impediments to Ma/ii.tge, etc„ re.
suttlugirout excesses.
Price, in sealed envelope, only 6 cents, or two
restarts stamps.
l The celebrated authorcfthis main irableessay
olearlydetuonstnates,from thirty years' succoos.
ful practice, that alarm ingoousequencos May be
iradiaallycutrodwlthouttho dangerone use of in
ternalmodfoinesorthd•uso of ilio knife; Point -
1 n'it amoii a of cure at once simple certain end et-
, tectuni,4ymeensof which every sufforer,lnoaniit-
ter whathas condition may be.may enrel/tinsel1
ch aunty, privately and-adicalkl•
tOseasneefel bttn ;•tyittkthe
QNR.'S111ltaLE &PPLIC.A,TION is. warAntest to
Beautify the Fame and give to the FadeclerSailew Como-
prions Perfectly'Ifealtlrv. Nattral and Youthful
Appearance, It Conceals Wrinkles. Freckles. Crow's,.
Feet and the Evidence of Age, leaving the Ski* Soft,
Smooth. and White.
stamps taken. Address all letters
address. Postage
PRICE-54conts. Sent to
rs to
CREME p' OR, Drawer 2670, Toronto' P.O.
Ask your „druggist for it, Wholesale by all tw hole.
ark sale druggists.
85, 2 op.'s.
Cures ala„zzg.ne.i, '� f r rt'fteM, I,tc1 holm, 1�'.+sliousne,4s,
' .•Dyspepsuz, Jizuric,eice, 4feeeivns(f the ,Curer and Kidnap,
elm .l fUZ• Boils, � G L
Pimples, . cite Xi' l ! lit Salt cr t la.
. , $, � ✓r, tf ors, � � Rheum, tit
,Ergsipelt ,•>^o sill diseaseo arising from Impure Blood,
.Deran fi d ` tuxlczs lt, or irregular ezetiomt of the Bowels.
500 Good Watehes,
For Sale Cheap for Cash
FITRON'S Old k Reiia6fe lighiniont
Oaf ,>nr--- "Here, Mother Earth, these Eclipses and
:a'Tlui lecture should be in the hand sof everi • Snot~ }lave' ttllGUt 17sed` pie up. Regulate your movements
youthandefver•y pian in the land., i ,,
<1.ldresc 4ereafter 115' this,. a•nd` r7t l► F depend en me;
',THE cULvlaRc�=ELLIsiEI)Yt1AL•Co INL..T �'�`{tt \Vv •r..NEW YORE�J'I -�-Yo,ctrtrlhco ]lox Qi>U l`_ J� (---)-F,-FiE
` can they get the best Bread, but this matter ALL THE LATEST
can be settled to the entire satisfactionof the IMPROVE M EN T
people of Exeter and surrounding counl,ry, by AT--
calling on
Agitating the. Public mind at present is where
the Old established and reliable bakery; where; The above Watenos are1/11 hold and ,Reliable Tin-keepers,and are warranted in overy
' they will find just what they tvaiit,<
respeet'to be veinal to any \latch 114 The market. We' specially invite intending pnrchasers '.;
to inspect uta• lock. by so doing they, eausave mercy; as we guarantee our prices 10 pot.
A. uperior quality of Broad always an Hand . :cent. below the Grange.
Alsp a first-class sting of 13oSoorrs, PUNK, Very ge. 'Lar`Ass�orfrnent of Clocks. to be
CAhttS ct: CONFEeSIONdnY, which will . be sold •
cheap. While opponents have .started busi- l S��.sCi.,. ��5� Prices., �'��eS,
nes:, taut hold -,..tit, ancileft the place,kr. Boll
has been found at his, post, dining- the past
eight years, ready to, the. wants: of 1J.ii,WE L1 Y-Afull aiit� ('Oil] yle e stock of the !'t7OTC,P.St attd
the.Public• I 1
lfltesf itesnt]s.
•' N1��f KLACE' c ; LOCKETS -A very fine assortment and at
, . �' ]a .re`'stockof " 'E )IHI T
Owingto ilii ine*'i' A, .. 13, 'hn: lY(' PINGS fi1SV.tlyS
t. � ru , ?s Bel
found it hhecessaiy t4rrehnore to ic'mdr&-co ',bade t()•order.
modioiis, l s' . t . �.,,, .,
.inn rn..nrrcitthae nctde<l hargcty tb ,
Itis i�toek of Cirocerhes,.and w/,11kcle r 'on. ;tinuclr,,, Our 4ilvct':plated Ware sari Spoons we are :seliiv off t wh' e,sl`e !'rices •- n'
.r „ : 1 r ,,,, , A .? • going to inttkw
began, Teas, Oofftti,,s i. tp, ,and everything `arc ratl,ewe..p of :,i. SF(,7ACLyS to snit all Mats. - It re very"tmportant tawe'•e, r•,
:ihually 1ennd in a first-clnsrl;''(rrocery Store. 're 7w a'sbilulit La- properly suited. We fit all ou4' -s eotaeled by the:Optoirt 1� '1 .'a.filo'•
� 4P tea �F a.4 i.I.
,j tidily way of being ph•ulretiy fitted to snit the si6ba. .:9, eo a sling and'Seclure the, bargain
All kind`s otJ'artit Prentice talc.; •
be �C•en il1exchange 'tor�aoods,
',RE1Ediiltrrsn lenv0 ,-�rBotttheott's13lhh, • ;locks V�' itchhOitbil(`J�veliy L7ezlecb�d IZe ell0
d iii•Fuiu icrc North Post 0*line. , .r b• ,
•. 1ne st, Il:iiile'1' 1l1 ii'ewaolii4r'riaaa.
• X031N BELL,b.•:
"renriete. THOS. FITTON ., W,ttzvailn&heir A .3ewelleF.:
OL (laid