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The Exeter Times, 1884-11-13, Page 1
• 12 Just t "Reee vf3E YAR OU" 1 BLO.t .`'ERS, FAE811, T'Riza BULK OYtifkiR$ (Corn I FRUIT lit SEASON At G. A. ND TO THE LINE TEE MIPS . FALL WE BTElt, ONT. r Tgu s ►4,y MORNING) NOV. 13, /884. `—" ALL, -HATTIES ITO Irl! iON +rs ° s,rtd°avPs'iw,irseae• 4anaata4n, Q� elndetvor6112. tto irii�ak ���ale epraaQ 1 Th t Brantford,..• dmeyth,oQueen's coui,eel, lien a great uuooasa, fed the seeralar to be at to g tieri:f and the editor. o a aotix+i y to its was instructed to �n4uauraicatie whir ltiir. died rt,jfanRday, fortyfirat year. several prominent nion and invite while a Toe Dowiniou rereuue decreased Them to antsrtaip Iliac zaaemb.ra will I * $280,848 rash month a4 aomoparac 'assays upon the itppor alit matter. Ileo Ars Willi Oetubse, 1888. pertairg to dairying in Oetario. impz At Q*ebso, on . Sunday, a. woman After bis aequlitial on the onus. of Dr. soled, Fitilomens Liberate, age4 4E15 , sworder, Cfeergt McCabe stopped for i np flied aaddonly of ooneestiou of the = a while a , the -t;a,, brain. Wm. Haamiltoo lb* 10 041 manager ie under iinopiinnion,init st petition for hie f,•insIINtti,ttt in :I tiog riurmarowity r,rA " AB$0LIIT'Aa ' la le:wa. resi4ts;r ro bony tka /sited State; VIII 0.. ad a B ion., no • arttPlilntuoclrttp+�tilrir.i .• .at.tiMto L to ou Case and address rale im WA -4D, World aalldapt;, I:isP New'York. ;o: BERM. ILVISMAN,DENTIST. D. r�. - -'-' l Ti1Nil3t!] S fly & Su or Il � Jips & As a7insasa.ny adeno in the world. For Map Pu411e o ,568BichmOud•et,. R� n t. t+au [AN. ARO atRuren. Unice, e,etaweter. BROWNING- lit. 't ., L 0 e P.ii,Gradnatevictoriatinisersity OfJje' reei8aucu Dominior,4aboratorr,Exeter. A. OLLINS, H: O. FSS .' Pace, Malt 8t -E xuter«0dt.Ite•ldence' Icoutly oceupled by F. McPtriillps, nog. el 74.1.p "Z, U. D. 0111ceathiereaidithe Etcetor. OR R.IRVING, GRADTI `Tr ,II:NI ransitrx ew44litpelregnus1 std r004" Ooikton Eli#tX BILBER, Licensed --,.- tia2toerfor.. y,8topheu and.Iliafilllvray, Townsitia,r. Salt sondnetea atmo3erate ratan. Claus—&t ,P`oet•olilae.Oredlton, Ont. • ONaEY TO LOAN' ON REAL ES.. tato tor thoHurond Erie Germ ,aSavings. Sooioty..Lvw rates of Interest. .a.4+jply to John Spaokumn.Exoter," d. CLAR$, Agent for the Uo.. 1•boaneendHibbert IfutualF,ta✓eI�neuraneo Company, Residence—Farquhar, Prdere ,.bv otailprompitl t attended to. Conte TOS. $UD8ON, COM IssloNEE Wills nrth of Common Pions -beads Wont's ortga aee,,I,eases,and all forms of agree - meets nd Centennaccording eiltlookw sell,Outentio ,$on. 1V t}N7uY TO LOAN A. 6k• par. oeut.scaorclinR toAT6 forma. PriND�'at. Rads. in the Apply to OCtohorlg,sAO H• IY.ELi,Re , Solicitor,. Exeter .I. ea iam0 t .curIt at un of Money enter= uloid air T tliiT OR Serif, OR ' 'O REAIT.--.A storeyyand a half frame dwellsnaven the ak or William and Waterloo street', to• one let or laud. There lire a nnm- er'o time*, good well eaudcistern, Outdwelling Image and atablo to after with 3 late en the opposite corner for sale Far full particulars, apply to ISAAC BA15`l±',ri;l. Exeter ,P., curt. 1. Par Sale.; weriiitKahedand convenient Dwelling Renee cdoniititan Street, Ra•t,ef Alatuatrcot Y* FarticWare apply to UR, O :Y ELT.i;rT, Solicitor,#o, Esotor Lf©x sluderareued t !matt on bis promisee, d.con, 4, Township of Ueborne, a alaoro`bred Twee Tor the immprovement� of Stock dcTi de taistetonatefoilrbi•eas iOwe.batehetriMr0. E.Cres•well,cSoafort. Torras, 75.3. Irebeetio,.Oct SOth.ltSt. L1CQRh,RA HUNTER FRESH MEATS .! The undersigned wish to announce to the inhabitenta of Exeter aad.riciuity that they hare opened out a ,Butcher Shop! in the building formerly *coupled by hemp's Tob•ceo Store, where all Linde of Freah Meat out he Lad, Ton will do 1701 to call, as all meat sold by thers.ie Fresh Aad Tender, SNE14,1 t 00ED, Propiertore. J. D�upe& Co fel PriyteFmnndszev oialtyt'Cha g smed era e OUTSTRIPS EVERVTrlaes4 FOR GLIAii1' E AG1E1TiC, W 84LTi,13arrister,EXetet.. //�� iaLlt)T, REAL' ESTATE cit EAp 11o�ey to Ivan Olt. Farm & Town ?operty As lowestrates et interest, and on terms to, suit • borrowers, A. number of drat -class Farms for axle. Mortgages b-ught and sold. Otho' in 'anson'sBlock Exeter J. CLARK. COMMISSIONER tgagee,•Leasee and all f ' • futile Court cf Cowman Pleas -Deeds' Wolfe Aro. forms of manta drawn and executed accorling to laay.. 31010/7 VO LOA27 OR? -SEAL nSTATE. Parties wish- ing to borrow Money on account of rodent pur- chases a and'or.to pay off existingmortgagse great sawing by giving me a nail, Can lend money ate and di per cent according to terms. If.J.0LARK. OR SALE.-TWO•STOBYFRAME nwnuraw4.• SE:andotaeacreoflabd, situatedon the Tha Road2Jimiles east of Exeter. 0 diax o foram ions! Lrf you want the Lestvsiluefor BUTTER & EGGS --aoTo— tri x flag trent, •w hit mind, seed a�Iad JtrBtiasrttla►Ilral�l�. '1'he tatesi tetuindaar,f rice voling on. the Scott Aet in'ilae County ofca- frewto768ivaroaee tate l jOrity to it• favor . Gilbert W. Hazeltine, who murder, ed Mamie Thorpe. .of the :,Toronto demimonde, has 'been' sentenced to sight year'.' imprisonment by a Balti- more jury. ' raw weake ago, S. 1?. Walker, of Hannah street west, Hamilton, broke an ankle. Despite all the *looters couldchilddo be•died on Fatorday of look jaw.; lie .le married and leaves one . Arrangautente are balog made to Put in, machinery and otherplian- eet for meet canning by the Ontario Canning Companyat Hainilton, and s raps was at anon they intend running their utabliab. cut and the mown removed'. An mens during the winter. 'inquest is to be held. Dec,aeed frau' A. moa named Menard fell oA the about 60 years old, toad leaves a wid• railway track at Routh Quebec and oar sad oue child at bonze, but the broke hie thigh and nearly loot bio ;rest of his family are ell grown up Ilfe by wear approaching outline, whioh and settled elsewhere. Latterly h woo' brought to a standstill but few ' bite heal, peddling AA, in the eillai e Inohe from biro. blit hal- boon the victim of various. re. Ata meeting of depositors of the ! verses and ill eucoese; in life. Indul. Fawcett-Liyingeloge Bank, hold ee enoe ' Saturday at Dresden, trueteee were coutribil to hie troubles uor haa *leo, it is mae appointed to wind up the estate. it hie ,bouae moot agreeable. is expected that a good dividend will be realized. AnnerlOau.: The amount stolen by the bank oeorke, Yarwuodand Seed, now foots Edward Wilmot, a stable hob frpmq up to �i9,60&, end if 'a believed that a Taronto','itoie $1,200 °from bre 'em- rite is all, as it mares with a state. player and fled to tide city. He tae. ment which Scott left behind him. of arrested; laeit night while slaking a the names of those who deposited the tour of the Bowery. He had $160 stoleu money and the amounts of their in Canadian money iu life posseseiou. deposits. Gophers kava become Muth a nui- Hon. Alexander litackenaie a, now in New York, Be is a$jicte'd with partial paaralyaia of the left arm,'lint his pbyeiciana entortaiu hope that the use of the arra will be fully re. stored` and .that • the ir..ttble about his voice oan also be removed. The stout' of the late Hon. George Brown has arrived o Toronto in bond where it will remainiponding the de- cision of the Customs authorities at at Ottawa as to the payment of. duty on this .work of art. The, duty if ex acted, would probably amount la $1,- 000. and tbel .r*l>xl Ku g etre . as the tries , limn aaulbised tv tb au shook of as. thine and fent#ot anew, liminess' b peraoos trying to tri bteh bite 0,, Thursday eight, brought o ,. /14 of wire!' c;tfi« s't'ir. L'larlf rriAitilutnq,xtce an epileptic darn:,'. �«,ft, wa,0 :pretty ongaygag with trial atet,Irl tliraatll.ar rteair serious,"'replied Dr. Wilson, who ill Nile, the boiler tatpind attending bawl, ""*nd might ban° krill irlalaiioe► 'huriicag .bis, G'far eft biro o1I', but fie doing nicely; mooing it liieusel , fully tura rotfit sigea I laud him removed to the boo., iritraf, end throttles the engine *Saha' itat, `t the Bern three rode off. Mr, Clark Wag plaited up llnconsoione. With * severe out over.bie .left eye, requiring eavesd stilohee and otherwise badly burr. Pia of boors lttarwards a ',salt Tl ee 0ontraot for making a cut 10 wrhWa- o entered the building WMe iii riled wits big hos booIld n e let. n► This t time at awaking the discovery of a suicide• it goer to Mr. Toll. It lie expecte4 The old in en's body was dangliug At that the work will be completed in the end of a rope, 44d wait Already direr weeks from the time of com- culd in death.The xneticerneut. Mr. J. T. harrow, of t odericb,. Lai left for Ottawa whit at pstitiou praying for the cothulutetion of sent. tutu parsed an Ii'anry,d'►alta' Bo -swish end his father at the recent assize court for Ibis county. The petition was nmaaitnauely signed by the jure that tried the !rase, and it. Is eap4atea their' unanimity will have the effect of considerably rodnoiog the aenteuoell made sreeaatly' peeled upon the prisoners. I not Dig. endif"'ot hie whteb'were • e$ 4. ba Isiil. 14- h w hwith ter fly after 7 o'clock ea .b'w'iday morning an old men named Wm. Martinson, residitig in Iiorooke. was ol�.erved going towards ti etable-on fhs patinae* of which he is st teneot. A e o 01176. *oEnrae,h bMeigi!eaha1s6ol14dthIaconrinf Holiest, to Mr, (, Bryant, , n, gh bar, for something over $,1, e: llir. t *sf Kerr. baa a d Iiia farm of 5C acreer being n ,battof lot 16, con 18,'. to ,T. Bringbam and Adams Elliott' for the sunt of $8,100. ,.A, ttmeeranee hotel will be shortly opened on the corner of Hamilton sauce in Bomaparts of Dakota that An 'Victoria streets, Goderictl, op - the rasal authorities in Many couatied poste S. Sloetiei's, where meals and make a atanding ofter of five cents for atabling will b. furnished at i`eason- ever gophers :tallable raw; y $ p This has led to , + . gephent oppers tails bait a'u'ra to currently. Saaforth goter.on l hta batvrener two of calico ; topers go into bar -monis s rare f woe day last ,'eget .and bad to nar- and throw darn enough tails for a row 'escape from having his arm drink ; and it is said that tails have 1 broken. He is under a doctor's etre, even been put on '.rico oolIeohon plates 1 We interviewer] lUi r._ Flagg with ref - at religious meetings. At 5.80 Friday night a pistol. shot startled the neighborhood of 506 G. R. avenue Detroit. Persona in the vicinity hurried` to rhe spot and eaw the body of *Matt lying in the door- way ofJoeeph Haire," store. By his side lay his coat and vest, collar and necktie, and a reyulyer. The man wad dead. A. doctor, who chanced to be passing, examined the body, and pronounced life extinct. The bullet hole was just over the hart, and the ball probably passed through that vital organ. The dead man Was re, oogoized es George Franc, employee of Thomas tIaGrath, brewer. A aor- elder, was,:euinnionod, end after em- panelling ii jury proceeded to search the poekete of the. garments b'ranc an utter inppoesibility to again get had taken oft:' In the vest pocket was the requisite number of signatures, so found a ticket to England' via the:that as far as Perth ie concerned the White Star Line, and an euvalope on Scott Act is doomed.—Mt Advo. wlieh was written :-'"I will die before cats. my beloved ,° her devoted ` George At a meeting of the friends of the Rano. It is hard. I oau'1 stand it Scott Ace held at Seaforth on Tneea- amy rangers. My aiveetileart. is now day, the 4th inst., the following rest) -- Rev. Farther ' Ohiniquy• preached Sunday evening in the flaming Street Presbyterian Church, M3utreal. Bev eral thousand people resembled around the church and indulged in stone throwing: The police made no effoet to oto,, the disturbance, and no arrests were made. ' A sad acotdent took plane at God- erieh on Monday morning, While Oapt. Wal. S. McKay, of the schoon- er Garibaldi, was upon the oreasirees of hie veseoi. he fell landing an the DoupeCo's •deck, awed received such injuries that he died in a few Lours. He was well, KIIRKTON. known on the takes. 1 No. 8' express train on the. Canada Clea�i�g Sale Southern railway, which left - St. Thomas for Detroit at five o'clock on Friday morning, collided with` the special American Express, bound s ble and driving w east, 'at Tilbury station. One engine of orae' fruit -bearing Bae$ she ; splendid orchard Gid St trees; goectwel2 and cistern Suitable was slightly wreaked. The cause Of oors north of Post Office) the-obfieon has not been arrived at for a re• .6144d -farmer. r Will bo.avld't:heri,p for h A ply to THOMAS•ALL;L21. Exeter 0 R9iv 19-tf (z D standingon the Central Shaving Parlor For Cleat, and easy ahaving, fasbionable hair cutting &e,. 1� Clean towel lor every eustomer,-*z ' Next doorto Central Hote 9-1 Et WAP'EIIt l ' L FIRE A. IltSURANCEi Establt'. 863. HED OFFICE re TERLOO, ONT. • xanv has been oven-Eightteen years asuccesefui operation in Western Ontario,and ' continues to insure against loss or damage by. Fire ,Buildinge,Mero1iaiidise,Manuff�atoriee,and all other desoriptiouaritinsurable pr'opei•ty. Yn tendinginsurors bavo the option of insuring on the Premium Note or Cash System. ' • During tlie,past ton years this Company has slued 57,098 Policies.covering'property to the amount of $40,872,088 and paid in losses alone 3709,752,00 A'sset9, 80176,160.00; consisting of Cash in Bank, Government Deposit, and the unassessed PremiumNotes onhandandInterco J,W Wit, Dn ,!M 1J. Preside'.t. a. Ai. TAYLOma, Secretary 3 B. HIIoaas,Inspector. •OHARIiES1.SNELIJ,� Agout to 1 inter and Vicinity, 2 --..r ---.......a.. was Butter aril Ejg s Wanter main track west of the ;green signal • a,.d was' being held for orders. xn. :Exchange for .Goods:. ' A Chatham despatch says : A boy named Tucker, 10 'years old, and his, We have just received. a large consignment of goods direct from wholesale houses, whish we will sell at very cloge prima. • Splendid 'value in Cashmeres, Velveteens, Grey, Scar- let, Canton and Homemade Flannels, A nine lot of table napkins .and. covers. Splendid Wineey, Grey and White Cotton—verycheapAlso Tweeds and 'Clothing.Beady-niadeA lot of groceries to be sold cheap. In Boots & Shoes we have added some new lines, and are prepared to sell the best gooda«at close prices.. Farre for Sale or Rent. Farm bl 1!'00 acres, 70 cleared ; Bank Barn 60x40 • Good .Souse: and Orchard. Brice„ $,4,50(); $1,000' down: 4' Rent, ; _ Apply td JOHN MATHESON. Maty 29th. giXeter stepsister of about 22 y` ' we ears re having words, -which resulted iu: a serious quarrel. Tho young woman's name is Maggie Alley. The boy ran at her, put his arm around her, and stabbed. her with a, jaclini'fe about one inch and "a half below the heart. For- tunately the blade was arrested by a rib, otherwise the consequences might have been serious, if indeed,: not fa. Wee ng.c Ilia Boards of Direct- ors of `the Western Ontario Dairy- men's,, Association was hold at the Teouuaeeh H.ouse,'London, on 'Satur day, to make arrangements` ' for' the" '.nmol meeting, which is to 'he held °ranee to the Scutt Act in Perth. He kindly .informed us that he applied to the Minister of State for Lila return of the petition, and that he received an answer lhat his application would be considered. In the -event of the pe- titions doming .back,thev will be plac- ed in .the sheriff's office, and a vote. taken as soon as possible, : but of course in any event, the law could not coma into force before the 'year 1886. If we unneratand elle reading of the Act right, the petitiode cannot be returned. .Having gone before the Supreme court, too petitions are' the property of the court, and nailer no oiroumetances can be given up. It tale is correct, new petitions will have to be circulated, and we consider it gone. The onal.!two& -so faithfylly lotion was unanimously- adopted -_.,- denies me Another nits iii goy place, i "Resolved that in the event of thea He ldassrobbeef .me." Frans was a young Germao':aged' 24, who carie to Detroit a. year ago '.froin Ypeilauti: Mr. 1tfeGraith, his employer, speaks an We highest.terms of him. Not Fay, Prom Roane., News Condensed The Ontario Branch of the Royal OaledonianCurling dub, in their ar- •rangement of matches for nzedale dur- ing the co,n►ing season, have pitted clubs of thaw county as follows Fer gas vs. Wroxeter; Goderich .vs. Luck -, n , Harrisonvs gu'i'ow ; i B w le Wing - haw vs Elora ; Soaforth vs. Waterloo In the. grouping 'of clubs for'thenope to hear ofleis success in busi- Ontario todkard and prism ooiupeti.:I naso at an earlyday. tions pcomposed'" of then ' The aesigy• ,.. grow N o 5 . as t was made to Mr. L. E. Dewey,, } Lueknow, Kinearine, '"'Wtugbam, -barrister' who ' at Stratford on yanuar'< 141h 15th Uodericli, ;deal rtti Brussei rt'ri i , 1 e oo� o t ndf dis 3 , • }� s, arid, .tribtlto tbeeetate fcr the benefit of. hotel keepers enforcing - their threats of increasing their rates to, exorbitant or unreasonable prices, wee prooeed at once to make arrange- ments whereby farmers and others doing business in town can. get ac- commodation. at fair and . reasonable prices. We regret to Learn 'that ear es- teemed townsman, Mr. Lewis Thorx,e, Lae been compelled t0 4uopend his business here, owing to financial dif•, Realty with wholesale ,houses. This, will surprise, many, - as Mr. Thorne hail been a careful aid hard-working lousiness man and 'apparently did a good trade. Wetrust he will anon recover frou,this present trouble and Wroxeter 'clubs. the creditor',--6'eaforrk,,' ,ta • ;z,