HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1884-11-6, Page 8Wholesolied Retail laQo xt `4 -N1?- " lC 9 OS DEEP ETER, ANT, areerareeree Tee CENTR Per eeetor vestinsartiola. And Fttl;FitC�NT6parlivafor�cbsubsequent n- sertto willd+e cizarx,ealfar matinee appearing iu this col+.3=n. West TRURSDAY,'NOV, 61h, 1884. &2041. ;!"El .5,--- Ws shalt tit happy to re- ceive atoll bezel;, frau Rey port of the County, items of Zosixt segs. asicls ds as. cisirrta,er any meters+bate incicteata�hat- st:er. frect any of our subsy'ikrs or read. ere generoli;; for tive purpose "of public - salon. ai Aad iutellieeut heat to learn tate art of relining. feast hare a fair education *rely personally to Tisrai Office, Exeter lac:la#nl. 0. Cartwright, Dentist, bate silken the palatal room tarinerly coupled by Dr, Abbott, over O'Neil'a Hank, Exeter, where he will be prepared to perform all dental operatieue with eests And skill. Gall "Filling a 004. thy. Office open Wednesday and Thereby, November 19th and 20th. Chargee moderate and tenets oast. Card, of thanks. We bove pleasure in stating that the Cosafederatioa. Iaife Aasoolatioa oft Marl- Toronto, through Mr. Richard aw- ning, District Agent, Exeter, made a most prom t and satisfactory settle mens of all. eI;uns under policy No.1 8,408, on the life of the lato tlr'illlam :Peniaele, of Stephen, paying the full amount of plait i without soy delay and without any cost whatever. dolls Poems ;E, Geo, Parineee, Executors of the late Wi n. Penbate. Steplen, Nov. 1, tel. Wes. 3issett has slain another deer. Time is one case of typhoid fever in toen at present. The nouolueiou of "A. 'Trip tQ the Nellie Coast" is published this week. We have bud another foretaste of winter, The boys observed Halloween by piling boxes in front of people's doors an playing other triols. Mr. and Mrs. A. McPherson re.' turned last week from an extended wedding trip through the States. Mr. Coulson, of Stonffville, visited his brother, Jr.;W. H. Coulson, .of Exeter, lest week. Aspirants for municipal honors will soon begin to shake hand's with every person they meet, and enquire after the health of their family. A farmer's horse ran away from Samwell & Pickard's, store the other day. Yesterday was the 5th of Novem- ber, the 279th anniversary of the Gunpowder Plot. Orangemen in various parte of the Dominion cele- brated it. Handy package. Mrs. Freemau's Union and Diamond package Dyes, and all kinds of Dye Staffs as the Central Drug Store. C. Lutz, Prop. A. union thanksgiving service will be held in the Main -street Methodist church to -day, commencing' at ten o'clock a. m. - A. collection will be taken in aid of the poor. We have received a communioation concerning the punishment of chil- dren for laughing In school, but as it bears no signature whatever, we most respectfully decline publishing it. Auction Sale of the Drew Bankrupt Stook on Saturday afternoon next at 2 o'clock p. in. and 7 at night,and every Saturday at the same hours till all is disposed of. Premises for sale or to let. Religious.gnarterly meeting services were held in the Main -Street Metho- dist church last Sabbath. Rev. Mr. Pascoe conducted the evening aero toe. The business quarterly meeting was held on Monday evening. C. Eaorett has got the cheapest lines of Boots and Shoes now in towu. Call and see ladies' shoes_ at $1.25, usual prieo $1.60 ; also Rubbers and Overshoes of the best Amerioan make, men's Felt Boots, extra good quality ; also Harness of every description con- stantly an hand. Call nod see for yourselves. The funeral of the late Willi+tin Hunter, sea of Ur. John $anter, of thborns took place " last Friday, and, notwtih*tanding the very 'wet, disagreeable weather, was attended by a targe concourse of people, flfc, Hanker died very auddeuly, having been ill only cue day. On Tuesday eveniug late constable Grill, on the strength of a telegram from the .BraR4ela constable, arrested *young roan named John MoDouell, on the sonthern-bound train and put heal in the lookosp, where be remai.. ed until yealterday, when the Bruesele officer took him. The peiaoner said be beds been into a little fracas iu Brussels. 3. We Braderiok. , will epee vat on Saturday neat, 8th inst., in Panton"a. 131oc1., tixetet, two large 1.ankrupt Stooks—out Dry -Goode end one Groeery *tock. Both. stooks are fresh and new, and are the beat bankrupt 'Woke the enbecriber has ever offered in I xeter and having bought them at tabont half price. dig bargains Tiny ire expected. Sngaa,re will be of - fared, by•the barrel and tea by We chest, All must be sold. Give the cheap seta a citlll. 3. W. Bttoez..azcrx. Exeter, Nov. Mb, 1984, sborn+a, SunzawN D ATII,* 1t is our painful duty thio Sveelc to oltrenicln the death of'Wil'iata. Hunter, youngest awn of John limeter, Fsq,, at the early age of 23 yrs, 9 Mos, A fel* years ago deceased received severe luterual in juries by being thrown from a horse, but to all appearances bait almost outlived the effeota of those Injuries. yet it seams such WS* nut the ogee, and his early and very alidfieu death uo doubt resulted therefrom. On the day praoedzng his death. Willie work- ed u usual awl retired to rest at night in hie casual health, but doriug the night Inas suddeuly seized with violent pains and in spite of all that medical skill oouid devise to relieve his intens° suffering, be continued In paraxyelne of pow tush shoitly be fore Ins death, which took plane a few minutes after five o'clook on Wednes• day afternoon, Oot 29th. During his short but tarriblo illness, he bore the pain with Christian patiouoe and her- oic fortitude and when death came to hie rolesf ho passed peacefully away, leaving a bright testimony behind him of a firm hope in a glorious resurrect tion, Deeeaeeed was of rather a retir- ng disposition, a universal favorite, and his sudden deeth"Itiaa;'tias1 a deep gloom over the entire neighborhood. The tuners,' procession was very large thus testifying the esteem in which the deceased was held.. The eorrowing family have the sympathy of the en. tire community in this their sore be- reavement, They mourn not as those without hope. A otranir.--Mr. Geo, Godbolt, sou., while on hie way to attend the funer- al of William Hunter met a loaded waggon at which his horse took fright jumped into a deep ditch throwing I Mr. G. under the wbeele 011ie buggy. I Although be received aeverai cuts and brnisee about the head we are happy to state that no serious injury resulted therefrom: y� Daborne Council. The.Counoil met on the 1st Inst parsuent- .to adjournment. All the members ''present, Minutes of pre- vious meeting read and confirmed. Moved by -H.- Horsey, seconded by J. Halls, that the account of White le Sons for printing amounting to $89.10 be paid. -Carried. ' Moyed by J. Halls, seconded by J. Hackney, that Thomas Wilson.reoeive $1fi to provide Joseph Hewitt and wife with pruyteions and clothing.— Carried. Moved. by J. Shier sea by J. Hack- ney, that Win Johns receive $4 for relief.—Carried. Moved by IL Horsey, sec by 3. Shier, that Thomas Bennett receive $4 for relief.—Carried. Moved by H. Horsey, sec by J. Hells, that the Council adjourn till Saturday the 6th day of December prox at 11 o'clock a. m.—Carried. iV. 3. CLARE,• Clerk. FROM LESLIE'S. POPULAR Metal/Li.— There aro three articles in the Nov- ember nititnber whieh render it one of the most interesting yet issued. "Money Panics," try Richard B. Kim- ball, L. L. D., traces the history of panicsfrom that of 1866 in London, to that of May 1884, in Naw York; and Charles Gayarre relates the par - Heelers of "Washington's Surrender at Fort Necessity," in 1754—both ar- ticles are finely illustrated. The third feature is the commencement of a thrilling serial story by Mr: Garrett Walker, of New Orleans,entitled "The Death -Mark." The author is both blind and baralized, and yet with beautiful cheerfulness and energy sup- ports himself upon his writings,whicb Thera ere, also, the coned variety of choice reading matter in the 128 quarto ethos, and the ewbelliehnaente number ever 100, `.phis ie. uuquea- ttougbly the oheaposi magazine in ex,, iirten ie:=the pr ee is only 25 cents a number, or $2.50 a year postpaid. Mao, lisinazc LE$LIE, Xnblieher, 58, f 5, 'and 57 Perk Place, New York. e. 1 Li ,I1H 6INTLE11111 I Jreattelr 1irOm Cleveland. (Received too late for last issue.) To the Editor of the Exeter Theles. Darals 'tart :—The Tates finds a few eager minders iu this big and bad city.' Ae you, may guess, 20 Renrystreet Lea euro of uatnad1en nees egepoy and resort for Oenucks generally. We aro all the more interested just now beoeuae of your stand on the temper-.- *nee question, for you know me are all St. Johne men (prohibitionzetI) 'cud sympathize with every effort. 'f'heTemee•brought no news of rho Halton victor+,, and next reek we. WWI it will bring us word of the. nron triumph. If a good many of our frtenda could les tate evils from our standpoint, as wa look over ilii* city, they would not bo long in throttling the monitor. There is as saleroom for every forty enths,, and ten times as many as there are otlurallea. A young friend *tad myself ,00ttottal, sixty saloons witliiai a gun shot of our otlarch and ou one of the thoraughferee there were for the distanoe of a quarter of a mite twenty families and tea e* mono or beer•gareent. Notwithetaud ng the crusade and the reoeut gtorioue oaespeigu on the "second aweudruent"-•-for it wall a sietory out of which we chore cheated by a "eouutitag our of 50,000 votes' in its favor --we are to day in it noes plight than ever, The constitution of Ohio nays "There shalt be no license granted for tha sale or motor/actors of intoxfcatin9 liquors. The liquor party said : t" WM) wants a license r leo every Matt old rum free and the court of law sustained tate tot. Thee the constl•' Wien intended to be prohibitory woe violated in its spirit Them Dr. Scott'. grave ue the "Scott Law," which coin• palled all de dere selling bear, etc., to pay an riuuual tax of $100, while all who sold ardent quits pain $200. The County Treasurer in enforceng; the eollectien of this tax by seizure was resisted, and yesterday the Su- preme Court, by oouourrepoe of three judges against two, decided that the Scott laity Wait Only cane form of Li. cense Aot therefore unconstitutonat,so to.day we have "free ruga" again. The liquor party are out with brooms and tin horns rejoin ng over a Olean sweep. Not °illy do they sell without let or !Underseas but open on $auday after 2 o'clock and with the allnremoute of music stud pretty bar- maids entice thousands to ruin. 1 have been in places while doing mission work where beggary and want and dirt and vioe, the direct re - suit of drunkenese fearfully abounded The poorest of Exeter's famtiliea are riohoompared with the best of some living an Broadway, Hill or Oonmier- cial and Groan streets, the first and last of which lie in the Parish of oar Oharoh. A. poor woman who was a lady born and well educatod, said to me, "Sir, 1 have not always known this misery, it began with drink tend ended with murder, hus- band sons and daughter died in drunk- en quarrels or delerium, within the last five years. Another said this is a frightful place to live, no Sabbath is regarded, men think a dozen glasses of lager is but a taste, many take 25 and 80 per day ; children when even babies are taught toldrink it, and to many it is as necessary as bread. There are hundreds that would be sober, kind, and Christians—but temptation is right at their door, and they fail like the sniw flakes, scan to bo trampled in theinud. ' This basinese has no ponscienoe and don t want any ; it is as greedy as the fabled monster of old, always ready to take advantage and: neves for a mo- ment showing- mercy. It defies the law, violates the'Sabbath, curses re- ligion, hates 'lie minister, ignores the Constitution and is an acknowledged and baneful faot•or in all. our po it cal affairs. It certainly has not the hold ou the Do! inlun:fiat it haft here and these few thiuge area said to •. indicate bow meroileds it beeomea.wben it gets the upper hand. ' As to our hope;* I think now we will go to work again and try to ease a Prohibitory ' lahv, Americans are not long in originatingsomething ; here every movement is respected for the amount of stir it can create, so our life depeuds on our kicking hard. But least any one might think our big and beautiful pity the worst in the Union let me tell you of how tempta- tion Dame to a young man in the quiet Village of Exeter. Ten years ago he was visiting, and though only a week in the plane knew the resorts of young men like himself where liquor might. be dictates to an arnanueneir. b e had slyly, without disclosing to the You will do well by °ailing and inspecting our LARGE AND VARIED STOCK .0 - GQ0DSJ iF YOU WANT Carpets, Fine Clothing, Fashionable iLtiue>�.y, . ilks, Dress -goods„ Dress Trimmings, Lases, Hosiery, Gloves, 'Prints, Cottons, elks Table Linens, and Napkins, Blankets, Flannels, Hats & Caps, Boots & Shoes, Go to CAR iING',S.,. IF YOU WANT ngs To get value far your money and see What you a buying, go to CARLIN'S, as we have the best Lighted Store in the village. NO TROUBLE TO SHOW GOODS. L CABLING public sihelr "iudulgeuoo ; three times that week what wear recently known asT'aylor'a,was frequented and drink- ing indulged in. What the resulte of that or the career of /hose you_ar� Men we no further disclose. Too many live teeley to speak too personally' but to the paint partiao arty, The fathers nor friends had not the elhgbtest knowledge of the conduct; supposed the bays R?'ero without any taste or desire, lead they known doublloss each had walked' their lade home in haste and reproved them sharply as welt. Row many suppose Exeter or Exeter boys>to differ materially from those of ten years ago ? How many parents wbo are con- tented to•.iay c' noerning their sons have auanle cause to be dieturbed, be MOO en ,successfully deceived ; and how many boys boar in their bosoms the knowledge of guilt in bath deoeiv- log and being deceived by strong drink ? All Ruroe'e viilages are alike planet of temptation and many who when foolish and youthful are Ied into evil. would if prohibited from lie use grow in wisdom and in few years pass all probability of coining io dishonored grave. Fathers save year boys. Prohibi- lion is safety. Some day again we may say some. thing of the oily and its attractions, we add only this that we have become as church and• pastor Congregational and are well satisfied with the change. We have sent ooeasionallysome copies of our city paper but suppose they came too late or not at all. For the present, We remain, 120 Henry St. Yours. Cleveland. F. M. WHITLOCK. laporting Brevittes. Wallace Roes thinkie of going England with hie wifo. It is expected that eleotrio .tricycles will soon be in common use in Eng- land. During the past nine years the feat of retiring* club nine innings with- out a safe hit has been accomplished thirty five times. Pittsburg men are willing to bet $1,000 to`rj6,000 that John Teemer can give any mat in ,the world one length .start in a five mile single 'sonll rape: a. A Swiss mountaineer made a bel with an Englishman that he can make the tour d Europe on ;,toot, visiting every separate country, inside' jof' 12 months to start on Jan. 1 1885. The wager is for a thousand ;a ounJs, with expenses. Ina bop step and jurats match , be. tween'Thomas Burrows, champion of England, and a Charleston Mase., lawyer, for, $250 a aide, Burrows won easily, covering 48efeet `8 inohes on his first irial-thus beating or pre- vious reeorde. • The,propositlou of Mr,lDuryea to give a purse of $6.000 for x race in to this country botwei u Eiaulau, Beach and lour others has been cabled to Auetralia and it will .probably result in a meeting;at New Fork of the great sauliers, of the world in August , or September, Profassorthfarguie Biber* is coming to the U. S- next month with the view of ~leaking arrangements to,eirits the whirlpool et. Niagara. lie will be in hand of of Mr. Fax, to whom he has written ooneerning the way in which he will go about the feat. He pro- poees before taking any chances to make several, tests withidummios. Aletter written in Sydney, Austra- lia, after the HaoleneBeach race. hue the following; -,Here is something that looks very fishy. One of the obiefsporting men here who made the match between Hanlan and Lay000k ou the Nepean an Friday night seat a oommisson of 41,000 to eI500 on Iranian. Ou Saturday morning he withdrew this, and backed Beach to the same amount. He said he had heard' that lanlan was not fit. Han- lan did not seem to care to make him self fit. At four o'clock just before the rasa started, he was drinking beer in is room fell of men smoking, A friend told me this who himself hand- ed Hanlan the beer. ' LARDINE ACHINE OIL. FARMERS, THRESHERS', 'ANI) Mill men will save meney, and save their Maohinery by using Lardine. LA.RDINE Has been victorious; at all the leading ;exhib tions and industrial fairs since 1878, carryin goi first prises and medals in every instance.: It has now no equal as a lubricator, and will out- wear lard, seal or castor oil, and warra. ted not to clog or, gum the finest machinery-. You will save money by using this Oil. Try it and you will 'rashly in its.favor. Beware of imitationrs ALANIIFACTIIIlED ONLY BY— DtCco11 Bros. t Co., -Toronto. —Fon BALE BY- BISSETT BROS., .Exeter 3. EILBER & SON, Crediton MdDONE LL & W AUGH. Hensel' Exeter Butcher) Shop R• DAVIS, /hitcher &ever , . C , a,l dealer ---IN ALL KINDS OF—. M Ar. IT15 Customers supplied TUESDAYS, THURS- DAYS Arm SATURDAYS at their residence. ORDERS LEFT AT THE SHOP WILL RE OEIVEPROMPT ATTENTION. 1