HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1884-11-6, Page 52 of Potter's Best Electric Batteries for Medical use, 1 Mercurial Barometer for foretelling the Weather. . cEenziettuhalers for Catarrh, Bronchitis, &c . TO BE SLD 0230EA.P. TTE1-- Dorairs,io2a. IsabQratoxys J. W )311,0177147.NC, Prop Not FRlc'ror>a Some, 88......_,,.1,110A4411 , , `"-•----� wows Vondeus d t 1.884. . --A Teaober in h ;vonuty of Bruce wilt be tried at the coming assizes in ,—TH OLD-- misconduct Walkerton for punishing a pupil for wl�ooaadact after school hours.E }fir, b, (riffle, au otaployeo in Eft. ST BL1SH 0 HOUSE iott corner Ptore Wtuglta n was bneily To the rron.'t as Vi nal. engaged on Tueedav of Met week in heading a barrel of dried apples "lieu With a First Claes stock. and at prices that DEFY COMMIT 011. the chisel he ware tieing broke a emelt , piece penetrating in diose' proximity to the treat itis. G. went toTnrotl, TAILORING DEPARTMENT an for treatment, On Thursday of laet week a ,,8ltaot• ing affray nogurred near Mildruuy, W. Full of alltIe Latest designs in Berry, who reetdee at lot 27, coil., 9, -`Vorstecl V�1'G'C�c`11 11 Carrick was uiarrieti on that day ulna. Ttiveecl Etc., tioued, and in the evening the young And merle upiu First•elase style, and at prices that cannot fail to please. Ad Goode of the neighborhood assembled to alfa- MAIMED IN PLAIN FIGURES. rivarh him with tin pots, cowbells,�+ TWO of the gang well armed with allot iso Trouble to Show G'ood.ss guile. Durhug the time the disturb• 1 awed wail going on a noise was heard Bring along your Farm Produce, for which among the items in the :stbale, and the Highest Prices will be paid, Mr. Berry pro .esded from the lhouae to quiet thein. On his s with he we JAMES .PICKARD, EXETER. slant to the calf of tholes tYhtlh a ppeta- 'ble. A. mai named Clubino la alleged to have fired the ohm. and on friday SEPT. 22nd, 1133k. left for parte unknown. q — -.. _...., A A lire brake out about nine o'clock A eau accident occurred on Wed- I3mma Abbott; spoaltiug prcaumablg Tuesday evenin4 of last week in the nudity of la ,t weak in Somerville, at : fro[n azporieuco, tolls 11ow' to powder 1.+ietnwell Reinter printing building, i a piece known as Bolton's oro a ug, ; your face without ruining your akin, which we. totally destroyed. 18cane of on the Victoria Railway. Robert First, never use powder With any lead the preemie and contents were mimed, l English arae out hunting and was in it. Before you apply the powder Tl[o origin of the fire ie unknown.1looki[;g for a bear. At the eamo time I; anoint yanrface with glycerine. Wipe The iuourttuce on the building was i au Indian named Spaniard was also the gl3cer no all oil then put the 1powder on in an artistic manuor. $•10(1 in the Oalhamercirtl Union, $400 it out bunting, dressed in a blank coat.. After you are done with your complex- i. the Citizens, on the etUBk and plaut Ho , ban set some traps acid was ion tale it off by rubbing vaselino on. 00 in e Norwich Uni x0the on, and $1, stooping over one of them when Mr. It, then wash thoroughly in soap and 000 in the Queboo; The urobeble Luglialt cavae tihruugh the woods. writ loss abavtt insaranee,",on. the building is Seting enmotbing black he levelled t The city of Ilarubur; isaboutto erect ;�H00, and on stock and plant $2,000. his rise and tired. The hall entered t a museum of natunat history at au es 'Poring . the past two woke' anya Slumlord's tide and tapas qua near 1 tjmated cost of 900.000 marks. Plans It 1 p lu competition have been solicited the 'f;Mt of that village, 'Winghum the shoulder, 13,e gave one cry, fell 1 from urehiteets, and rlpward of 1uO are has gained an unenviable reputataon to the around and died in abou' 401 likely to be received. on account of the lawless cauduct (Its- aim tee: 1 -�- played by rowdies towartla the Lora's Army. Not content with saluting ;lir. l't[otlit[d Whether. of West.CATARRH—A NEW TREATMENT. them with a volley ofe s duringtheir glister, has grown some of the larg- Forhapnthe most extraordinary y xuicinethas Y g8 est sized field carrots ever eeeu in item boon mellowed iu modern medicine has march on the etreete, a raid was made :teen attained by the Dixcn treatment toren- on their barracks the windows broken en - Western Ontario tarrh. Oat of2,000pationtstreated during the last eix months, fully ninety per cont. have Anil hills filled with paint hurled Oro- The British, (intim '1'1'fh(1(:. 18 been cured.born tiebooheeastarinwhenis remembered `„ gh theta. ruining Ilia dresses of eeiveral that not live per cont, of patients presenting ladies. On Sudday night nil the armyi The Mark Lane Express, October 20, says: themselves totho regular practitioner are be- $ • '+Tho English "hent• Mower and the foreign ""fitted, while the natant mouiciuty and other were mare • mg out, balls Cf paint ' gg invert.sod cures not°er record a rune nt ail. were again hurled at then one of grower are competing for ready money with starting with the plaint now generally believed g , the readiest article at command, which is try the most scientific men that disease is duo them striking Lieut.\Vilsou in the face wheat. At rho same time the United States to the Vixen atca of living t is is cursin rho ttheir Mr, ttixan once adapted itis euro to'thoir Cutting him and covering his clothes miller is underselling both with his mann- extermination --this accomplished, he claims with paint. And on 14londay a pont- faoturedprodnet—fiour. And so the trade the Catarrh ia'praoticatiycured, and the per. mnnioation was raciemed by the pas• goes from bad to worse ; and there is nevi.tuaueney nrquostionodt as miles effected by in absolutel nothing—to to show the worst hint four years oxo aro cores still. No one ois tor of the Minnie `Street Methodist gr y g mashes aulno ofd to curt Catarrhntw in red has Dame. `Thera is once mato a huge vial- manner, and no other treatment aver cured ohurchthreatening to bombard that blo supply acenmulating in the elevators of Catarrh. Th s application of the remedy is the UnitedStatea, representing wheat virtu- A, and ttson nbe eedyoneiatthomee, and the edifice if the army were allowed to present hold anymore services there. It i9 ally in the control of the banks. This 1n• able fora speedy and permanent euro, the secure and altogether unsafe reservoir may majority of cases being cured at one troat- a dittgraoe to the town that such law- burst at any time, and flood our already de- rSufferers nrersrrspondrtesa A. feshould SON, street leas proceedings are allowed t3 go on moralized market. west, Toronto,Canada, and enclose stamp for "The harvest in Russia has been greatly their treatise on Catarrb.-3foutrrat Star, Nov. week after week unclheeked, and we Tdamaged by the unfavorable weather, the 17•188e. hope now that prompt measures will' provinces in the east having suffered espe- be taken to put down this rowdyismn dully. In the Baltic provinces the harvest and bring the perpetrators to justice. has to a very large extent been lost, and in consequence of the frost, potatoes have given ouly a third of their usual yield. This, it is Canadian. .main, will have a great effect on Russian ex- ports, although at present they have not felt -- it, the export trade being brisk, especially A Quebec deepatob says :—A. break frm Southern Russia. occurred on:Sunday in the main water pipe from Loriette, The pity has been without water all of Sunday night and Monday morning. All st• tempts failed to discover the location of the leak, . Wm. Oliver St, George, 71 years of MARKET REPORTS. age, died at Ottawa on Saturday. St. George was a son of the late Sir Richard Blyth St. George, Bart., and. last M. .P., for Athlone before the union, and a .property owner of 2,000 twain Rogooinmou.' . . ' Among the peseengers of.tho etean wife(neBarley w) ... •.• ship Parisian, which arrived tt oats • .. :.. Quebec or, Sunday, were Miss Rye's °Tim1"°"°"' party of fifty.seven children under Peas _. charge of Miss fleabag, for "Our eggs- Western Home," Niagara. Miss Ed. Butter wards nes in charge four orphans, from Cardinal Manning's Home. They. pro- ceed to Ottawa. Mrs. Thomas Appleton, of James street, Hamilton, rose from her bed about 9 o'clock Monday morning, first having transferred her three weeks' old infant from her arm (where it had been sleeping all night) to the pillow. As the little one was sound asleep she thought no more of it, until she hall performed some necessary; hnuseb3ld duty. A quarter of an hour after- wards when the mother went back to the bed she found the infant dead. 1t had rolled face downward into a hol- low in the bed, `OT GREAT BARGAINS, SELLING OUT, GIVING UP BUSINESS As we have decided to close up our business in EXETER NORTH, we will on the tat of Qetober, commence to offer the whole of our entire Stock of Dry -goods, Groceries, Crockery, Boats 8e Shoes, bats & Caps, Ready-made Clothing, 5 Hardware, Patent Medicines, &c AT A GREAT REDUCTION. Eyery bottle of Arnica & Oil Liniments old is warranted by the proprietors to give satis- faction or money will be refunded. VIINOtallINININOMMIN (Corrected at 5 o'clock p.m. Wednesday.) ' BALL WBEAT Whit eWhaal ,., Ned. «. White , Wheat New •., .•• ,.. Red Wheat New ., aPnSNG WHEAT Flourperbbl. Potatoes,per bag Apples, per bag DriedAppleapr b (*eeee ,per lb. Turkey per lb Ducks per pr Chickens per pr hiogs,dressedperi00' Beef Ridesrouhg, ... ... " dressed. 8heepskins,eeel Calfskin, Wool per lb • The Seegmiller Plows. S. PODiTELL Having decided to close hispresent stock of the above plows. will sell FOR $13 CASH, and $14 OI TIME FOR 30 DAYS. The plow can be seen at the building oppos i to Baadcns Nimble 'hop. (A few door south of the market.) Points and repairs always kept in stock. Parties intending making a ptrchase will do 0 70 to 0 72 well to call early. 0 70 to 0 72 April 10. S. POWELL. 0 72 to 0 76 072to076 072 to 075 045 to 057 026 to 028 700 to 740 125 to 200 058 to 065 060 to05J 017 to 018 risto036 50bt0560 ••• 035to040 040to050 006to008 005to006 007to006 0 60 to 0 65 025to030 ... 700to750 500 (o600 500 to600 650to675 ,. 0 90 to 100 0'50 to 070 a i9to020 Hay porton.. 7 00 to 8 00 Onions ner bush' .., 0 B0 to 0 75 Woo per oord... 300 to 3'50 EEN.SALL MARX. BITS - Fall Wheat' per bh $ 0 73 to 0 75 Suring " 0 74 to 0 80 Barley (b•ieht) 0 51 to 0 60 Barley (feeding) '0. 44 to 0 40 White Oats, .,.. 0 28 to 0 3C Black' Oats .., 0 27 to 0 80 Apples per bbl• 1 00 to 1 00 Potatoes per bh ,r ... . 0 25 to 0 52 acct. We take this opportunity to tender our thanks to our numerous Customers for their liberal patronage during the as Eleven years, and hope to see yo: alt again soon, to secure some of the Wishes to announce to the Inhabitants of Exeter and vicinity, that he has opened out a Eaci ani Shoe Shop Special Bargains which we are Oiing Aa our Stock must be disp4ied of in a shortill time, it will be sold rt•paldless of cost. This wbe in the Horner Store North of Samwell & Pickard's, where he is prepared to make all kinds o: ordered Work. Sewedwork a speciality. Repairing promptly attended to. GEO. MANSON, Late Manager O. Eacrett's Boot and Shoe Establishment. May 14th 84. A RARE CHANCE TO MAKE MONEY BY LATINO IN A, GOAD STACK OF ----- FALL & WINTER GOODS Aa our Stock is well selected and principally Staples, it will be to your inters st to a amine the t.ioiirlil ;ore pureharaiui; visewhere. chic One, Coin() All, and bring your friend` along. Bitter and Eggs taken as usual. ty party (lesiring to lease the store can get immediate pos- session by purchasing the Stock. CURIZELLEY & CO 0etober :and, 184,1. ESTABLISHED 1892. SAMWELL AND PICKARD Desire to call the attention of their customers to, and ask their inspection of their large au(1 Complete assortm.'t of Dry Goods 4 Etc., for the fall trade of 1884. Our stock is, we believe, well assorted and carefully selected. It consists in part of the following : All -Wool Dress Goods, Plain and Fancy Dress Goods, Black and Col'd Cashmere, Black and Col'd Silks, Ottoman Cord Sills. StaDle Department. Shirtings, Denims, Cottonades, Table Linens, Table Napkins, Grey and White Cottons, Shirtings (plain and twilled), Cotton. Bags, '7 LACK AN, COL'D VELVETEENS In and prices.liety of shades Your inspection of these goods and prices will convince you they are right, as they have bee,i Imported for this season's trade. Our Millinery Department is still under the care of our MISS McINTIRE, and the stock in this department will—if possible—be more attractive than ever this season, embracing all the latest American. English and French styles of Shapes, the latest shades in Silks, Satins, Ribbons, Flowers, Plumes, Tips, &c., &c. In OUR TWEED and GENTS' FURNISHINGS we show choice lines of English, Scotch, Irish, French and Canadian Tweeds, English, Scotch, and French Suitings, English and French Trowserings. Hats, Gaps, Scarfs, Ties Shirts, Braces, Hosiery, Etc. We have a good cutter on the premises, and gua,antoe a fit in every ease. Our stook of Blankets is very extensive in white. In Furs our stock is complete (gt ey and brown) in Boas, Gapes, Sets &c,, &e„ also Robes in Buffalo nrd Wolf. Our Boot and Shoe department will be found tally as- edrted in Ladies', Gents' and f)hildren's wear, also a full assortme'.t of Trunks, Valise*, and Satchels. GROCERIES NES` ` AND FRESH. SAIVIWELL I I�14R