HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1884-11-6, Page 4'fly' E i'efir t les, eleetore, and in the interest of the Member* of the different councils me • The Returiue. vanaulan. = well, if the 'be faithfully performing The followluq are the returns for THURSDAY, NOV. 6, 1884. ; their duties. We never refused to publish tits minutes of any oeuucil 'NUT .011.4l OS. meeting, but we do object to having copies mailed us so late that they nen Stephen, Nov 3, saes only be published a week later that f To John Vifhite, of the Exeter Theme. another paper in the sante village 'as DEAR Sta.—The following motion has been publisbeu them. We max adi1 that �+F passed in the Stephen Commit for your quid- we have only received a cop! of the 476 aloe ; Moved t1Y 0. 33ylta$'tepheu miuutes once or twice ounce aroxioN, lest February. Of course if the coon. se bye Jahn iiysll,tllat ae Mr, White, l;ditor of the. Exeter Times ctl and tate electors are satisfied vie Mae aaaade a charge against one of the officers have no cause to complain. of this township, we as a Connell think in 150 justice to ourselves as well as to aur Clerk that said Editor of Um Times be and is here. TER Ontario Legislature, it is un by requested to attend neat meeting Wolin- derstood, will be called together for oft and lay his slisfee atgainet said officer be - We the Connell and have said ehsrgee fully the despatch of business, an January $25 investigated, and in case Air. White -fail to 27th, appear that the matter be referred forthwith 377 to the County Judge for investigation. -^-^^ I certify the above to bo a true copy of a Tula official return of the voting ou motion as passed on said 8rd day of Novena -(his Scott Aet its 13ruoe give@ a total `298 .Jeer 1583. C, Prouty. Should you feel disposed to withdraw your majority of 1,312 in favor of the o‘tt the voting on the Scott Act in this county, as neer A,9 can be aeoertaiued: 79 195 first charge against me regarding the mien- weAsnre. The ppsjority in Rulon is wand let me know at once, I will take the 1,659, and in Dufferin 8(151, 420 foregoing motion ant o! the minutes that it ' ' *ay not appear in print,1 here frepuently requested you to have i Another attempt is,beiug made to 568 this ,natter settled but yon have treated, my „,,tato;„!, the fiat that the retort► of proposals with contempt. 1 bee. in (eouse. ; 566 'menses of our disegreenient) that you are i a Liberal to ;ttegantio is a triumph, losing considerable cuetow. I have no desire tbecause lino. Mr. Irvine was once a to hnrlyou in your business and therefore! . 688 ,xtpgtlest a settlement. I bare not taught tree Conservative. The additional foot ;s inmates of Council to the Reflector office but not mentioned that his last el- 543 will do so before leaQial;; town, las; if i'an ale- 00414n w a claimed as a treat tri - aide t:l recall your ttherge you will Lev(' au .alpportimity of doing ao before I leave town. utnph for the Liberal party. EVNu 584 yours, to., now cue of the most uncompromising C. Prouty. t.bove we reproduce for the benefit Liberal papers says that the eleotiou 522 of another Liberal the other day "rep. of our Stel4heu tal) ,arib erx a copy of reseals the triumph." 826 a letter left by their "Towuship CONSIDERABLE exottemeet was cane• 868 Clerk" in our office on Tuesday, ern., ed throughout this o 4uuty ou Mon-- , bodying an alleged eatpy of a resulu- day by the report that a large num, 080 tion, which he says was classed at lis bar of the ballot boxes had been etol• Iasi sitting by ch„ Council. ut that 4 (i8 muulclpality. mu from fire court locusts in Gaderieh• The utter puerility of the whole Liter in the day, however, it was as. h 385 business 1s evident, and would be certatned that only three boxes were treated with merited contempt were it ! stolen. The boxes were placed in the ` 370 not the animus of the waving spirit court room ou the first floor, sold en. 1n the affair. who has thus ounniugly' trauce was made through the win- " 857 trapped a majority of the Stephen dow, the glass of whoop was brokeu. t, Council intoaidiag auto abetting himTile theft will not afloat the elect2bu,' 289 in hie object ---equally evideut. as the law provides for such oriwltlal So the Times has already been, in acts. The saute taetios were resort -1 66 consequence of disagreeing with this ed t•1 in Dufferin, where five boss* goutleman,made to "lose eousiderable wale stoleu. The boxes att.lea iu t 433 auatotn," and may expect in the fu- Huron belonged as follows : sue to tore, if we do not bow to ilia diction, No, 3, W. \Yawauosh ; one to No. 4, 9928 to be still more seriously "hurt in Grey, and one to No. 7, M,ioKillop. its bueiuess." Aud why ? The reeo- In ion does not tall us, and had it not Tun Scott Ant has been endorsed Net majority for the Act. 3650 been for the "conllneutat'y" attached at the polls;'4 Prince County, P. B. we might have died iu iguorince of I., Yarmouth, N. S., Oxford, Ont., 1!a Editor o the t�.xtttr Times. a 297 ASIIFIELD.. •a^ 179 118 BAYFIELD, 19 60 ..� BLY'.6LL 80 70 10 .BRUSSELS. 126 69 57 CLINTON. 199 126 73 COLBORNE. 221 156 65 EXETER. 165 183 82 GODER1OR TOWN. 228 192 36 GOOERIOI TOWNSHIP. 208 157 121 GREY. 886 182 204 HAY. 266 295 JIOW'ICK. 420 208 152 MILLETT. 305 288 67 M1uKibLUi'. 24.5 839 .,• MORRIS, 378 149 2'34 S1 A. PORI 174 142 32 STANLEY. 230 138 92 S'TLPH N, 318 362 .•, TUCKIRSM1TII, 264 224 40 TUR. BERRY. 274 113. 163 L. \VAWANMSllt. 279 91 118 W. WAWANOSI, 225 182 93 WIN OUAM. 128 111 17 WRON,.ETElt 49 17 82 USIA/EN bi. 212 191 51 • 1867/ 208 our offense "Ur. White editor of 1911 The Middlesex Scott Act petition measures 220 yards iu lougth, and some parts of it wore to 80011 xu 6I, CNA that it has bad to be baa;; `d, A well attended meeting of Middle•. sea Scott A.otor•i was held in Thorn, dale on Friday last to organize the palling subdivisions ir4 Ni.souri mail. ship. A Wonting Oomtnittee wee sp. While Jarnee lluuharn of Westuile. @ter was driving a thresa:iug engine on the Warteclifl'a n.laai, utoar Loudon, eta Saturday after14uu4,, he collided with a load of hay Mr. Duulmnt was thrown front bks scan, i he angios overturued in 1118 di:oh a d „allalahed, and the horses ran away. breaking dowu the telegraph line stud doing other daargage. ANION IIROT11�RS SALE IiECidSTEbi. 1 , Taw so. x,Nov. 6,--1'arnn Stack, Implements, sec., the property of John Brock, ,jr.. lot ' Il.. coo, 8, To vuslnp of Uaborue. Sale at 1 o'clock, bleary laru.r'n, auctioneer. 29 I1alt�l. C. ni,tso.--Ie. (limon, ou the 22ua1 ult., tl4o wife of Mr. T, Catling of a slaughter. DIED. Wesecorr.-1U Exeter. ou the 4th inat, tieu4ge Westcott, a14t4 5 NOUS' 94 burvira4! of that lila s . Down'e 1•411Z15 bas ought to See their Black Bol]' outlive,! every oilier ct uglt remedy simply Trimmings. Why we never because it is the hest I saw anything like them. Blk ... JUMI•E1 SINGERS. Fur Trimmings from one inch The most interesting feature of the recent ., exhibition at Montreal was t e•-lupat y or cot til three -quarter's of ` a foot ' orod Jubilee Singers eligegetl to manufacturing • tl:/` CC�.'t.: �t i r„•t:l t'.•in 'l',i. ,ren :MI at the wide, awl all new in this sea .sure time delighting the crowds of spectators Be••• with es.lna,ita suutheruu,ei. dlo:. r geld toed, Sort—Query and of 1116111. 3 at en.t n apeeas1,lia•loma were nwar,led to Ibis 1>,�puler nesse; of showing tehnecn. and the 81116 you She 1116111 At 41 tiutukeof tltlteo:lunitvee tco lured to the Ad' au4s Tobacco ell. for their attractive,° ]lihit,, What is it the Ladies ar talking about ? Why 1 those Iatalasse Cloalsaugs, llTautle Cloths, Ulsteriugs, Acolous, &c., at RANTON BROS, All say they are Ruch nice goods, and so cheap. Aud then you \i1'. F. n o is. I''1 t:reit 10 a,it�o ivatructi411. +.• nA 1'1N1:( tlr,lan. \.- ice al.,I Testers- of Mu/4e.” For terns seen at d 1'. l•1*;kt ti Store. or at *„ fir. ltruw n, allAtl Exeter. mJjp(� 1�i� n}, CNE��Rs�I(,3,�J,�,,IAMI INQ,1t��,�i •,, 111let 1 relit 'or 1t1alls p&D iallliity. •, WIL71.rectf 1RIVABE & CO. Naw. and:aRA wast Baltimore $treat, Warner* "'— No 112 ElfthAvonue, New Yorlc l '2t)B BUY i r ^ . A PIEPER LOADING ' CUM. R L L ' j -. t • Arthabaska, Westmoreland, N. Dash 3m :—It appears from yrflr TfleMOST GUNrortboteastmoney So reads the resolution—but what B., Halton, Ont., Stanstead, Q., remarks oil my last that rot do 110t aver ofrerett to the cur' °' the Eeeter'"Iur:„ leas tnado ,,char o " ' charge it does not stator However Charlottetown P. E. I.. Simone and oontradlal illy etatoulent about tete 1 or sale By a nri by (sends ea Gun Dealers. when in the note below the text he Glengarry, Huron, Dufferin, Bruce At the commentator relieves our multi Parry Sound, Dundee. Stormont and aro vil t it t't1vlDotniMian fof Canaldaa SCHOVERLING, DALY & GALES says : "Should you feel disposed to and Fork, N. B. A sin la Scott Act I all. you tbie quoetlou : Is there en- a 84 & 86 Chambers St', New York. r g h d gra el! 1 tui o e ono made for sacramental l a 1 p a s. al'Ild Tlsituts krn,t for a.ur select list of withdraw your first charge agaioat me regarding the minutes," acd GO on, and so forth, what blessings are to follow, and what evils we ate to be shielded from, and when we read that production we oonf?as to nearly faint- ing, and had we been threatened with having the matter brought before the Privy commit we should doubtless have swooned outright. In our issue of February 7th we published the fol- lowing, and repeat now, that we were justified in doing so : "If the Clerk of the township of Stephen would hand us the minutes of the Council proceedings the same time as he does the other offices, and not keep them a week later, we would be much obliged, Whether it is want of time, or done on purpose, we ,.cannot say, but he sends in a printed slip. We would not object to the printed slip if it were handed in in time, but we do when a week behind others. 11 we mistake not, he is instructed by the Council to furnish no the minutes." victory freugently represents a victory lu two and three parliamentary rid. ings. The ponntiee in which it has been endorsed this year have 25 par liamentary representatives, exclusive of Dufferin, which does not exist for Dominiou election purposes ; and the counties won before this year, ex- clusive of those renewed since Now Year's day last, have a parliamentary representation of ,25, or at present Scott not constiuencies havo fifty members, or one.fourth the' eutire membership. In considering the Scott Act as a political factor, this should not be overlooked. subject. A heatlreu writer says : 11 appears there is not, as the officials I.oc I 'w, ntr.ers. (Teo N.1tuwc11 d: CO,. (/'�t lOSl.ruavells�. vatic sToiRE of some churches have to purchase 9 '----^--- foreign wines thefrolicensed Agricultural retetu ra. LO 0 It is stated in the A ricultural returns ' to the Onttuio Bureau of 1udnetries for November, 1888, tiaitt "grapes are I lililiTilM OEN VIAL a poor crop'; they failet1 to ripen. owing to frost and mildew." How, then, could wine be. made from them? The sum and eubetanoe of clause 7, section 99 of the Scutt Act 'amounts to this : It allows an imps esibility to' e �I free it from Bible censure. What a farce ; what a delusion ! This Read R. HICKS, N • ends my controversy with you on the And don't bewalsaeringal.out the streets not knowing where to buy your SPECIALISTS. Oh l never withthe man thou lov'at contend, But bear a thousand frailties from thy friend. —_ DISEASES OF THE THROAT AND Yours, &e., LUNGS CONQUERED AT LAST. PROTESTANT. Kirkton, Nov. 3, '84. To the Editor of the 7 i►nes. Sic :—In your issue of the. 30th ult., referring to the question of Leg- islative biennial sessions, you quote from the Parkhill Gazette, at the same time styling that journal Independent. For the information of your readers Isere, would you be kind enough to state upon what grounds you class the Gazette or its sapient editor as an "Independent." 'Tia true that at times when there are no questions of an election issue on the tapie he oc- casionally throws off a squib after the pray good Lord good. Devil style, as a sort of sop to the few Coaserva• tives whose paatronage he looks tor ; but upon all other occasions who ever knew him or his paper to take any other stand than one of the moat cringing and servile in obedienoe to oast -iron rule of the party at whose shrine he bows the knee 2 I ask again would you kindly en. lighten us on this gneetlon of nude. pendenoe, and 1 for one, after being convinced, will give the Gazette credit for the Independeuoe it is entitled to. Yours truly, Surgeons from the Toronto Throat The next issue of our village ootem. and Long Institute will be at the brought a aolumu or more of froth Central Hotel, Exeter, on Friday and and wind, wild assertions and denials, Saturday, November 14 and 15, for which the gentleman expressed him. self ready to bank up with his affi- davit. In our next issue we regained hon to make affidavit to the following, which he had expressed the t eadineas to do : "let, That we positively refused to pub- lish she minutes,and the day and date of such refusal." "2nd. The day and date upon which he or any other person, left.'at our office a printed copy of the minutes in less than ocE nous AFTER HE WENT T9 THE Reflector Orrice TO GET THEM PRINTED or after they wnav PRINTED at the Reflector office." From that day ,to the present the affidavit„ have not been forthcoming, though we have , had column after columu of Cowardly abuse, and now we will just tell him that ws are in possession of the printed slip and the envelope blearing the. Exeter post- mark stamped day and date to prove our ground of complaint correct, and if he or any member of the Council, or any elector interacted wishes to see the same they are heartily wet. come by calling at this office. We publish the minutes of Stephen Council as we do the meetingsfdNt# municipal bodies, for the benefit 'o our readers in the several municipal, Me, It is in the ;pnblic,ttaterest,lhasI ioh. information should be giyan the the diseases m which Cod Civet ie useful." the Special treatment of all diseases of the Throat and Lunge, the moat common of which are Catarrh, Ca. tarrhal Deafness, Asthma, Bronchitis, Consumption and weak Lungs, We are strictly specialists and are curing a larger percentage of those diseases than any other system of treatment that has ever been adopted. After an experience of oyer 20 years we are fully oonviuoed that in order to obtain satisfactory results we must apply our medicines. directly to the diseased surfaces and not irri- tate the stomach with frauseating drugs. This is what we claim to do by the Spirome,ter,aninstrument well-known to the medical profession and to hundreds of sufferers. Afflicted ones should call and be examined. They will be kindly treat.. ad 'and receive a candid opinion. Best of refereuoes given. CoNsuLTA:ION FREE. • Seott's Emulsion of Pure Cod Mei Old: with Hypophosphltes, Is very Pdlatabte and agrees with the Stowach Ds.; WOBRRING, of Newark, Ohio. says : "I have used Scott's Emulsion \ ia; compari- son with the plain Oil and sold emulsions and find it to agree; much better with the statea01 ,end glee..11luch better ,repotis in DUPLEX. Parkbill Nov. 8, 1884. , Mr. T. Miller,. of the 12111 con., of W. Wawanosh,•had his leg amputated by Dr. Bethuue, of Wiugham, on Tu Direr At IDovra rd. emday of lest week. STATION•ST. ew Advertisement Watches, Clccks & Jewelry His Stock is New Ana Complete. LADIES GIVE I31M A CALL I No trouble to show you through, or sot your Watch to the right time—if you bavo one ; if not he will bo most happy to supply you. HIS STOCK OF CLOCKS iS SPLENDID representing all the leading American makes. Prices Lower this Season than ever before REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. Bend in your sick watcher while there is room. r•Remember the Stand—ONS Loon NORTH OF TELEGRAPH OFFICE R. HICKS. Exeter, Ang,27th 1884. THE EXETER Planing Mill! SASH, DOOR, and BLIIiD !COM! ALL tKINDS OF T R. NING Done to order. Bemeniberithe place. A full stock of all kinds of Dye -stuffs and package Dyes, constantly on hand. Winan's Condition Powd- ers the best in the mark- et and always fresh.. Family recip- es carefully prepared at the Cr ' `rat Drug Store Exeter C. LUTZ • • Fonthill Nurseries. 325 ACRES. 325 ACRES. . THE 'LARGEST IN THE DOMINION Srilesrnen Wanted. To begin work at once on Fall Sales. Steady employment at Axed salaries to all who are ,willing to work. MEN AND WOMEN can have pleasant •WORK THE YEAR ROUND. Good Agents are earning from i0 to 375. per month and expenses.' ora 'Termsaando ntfit free. Address STONE & WELLINGTON,Toronta