HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1884-11-6, Page 3The Great Water-liuika of Adie, The famous Aden trenig, tankeerie** rain -water I found to be baud ned One tirely as A source of water supply, in favor id tshe condensed sea -brine. When the reinz do come dare, aiteete, tenth of several years they emit wi}h ; vete, geenoe,: As a resat. these ,i: ,,ua oth banks are filled with many tons o w.ud and the. proeess of cleansing the liquid has proved too laborious. But the government melanges to turn these washings from the hills to some .ac_ count for fertilizingur.poses, It is found that they are rich in manurial properties, and the so called a,ricultu• lists pay well for ta. few loads each. Last year I.ion told $•,.000 was earned in this liar.-- 'or. Clticaue Inter +Or,ean, 'Pt.ry$et;, to slake, a Cineinuati k`aai4ity. "'The obtusity of some. people iso more obtuse than that of other people," said to bright young man to a friend. "What is the matter stow?" •N01). I was out to dinner down on the shore the other day- with a capias! ist'e family, and the ladies land three great,. long,telegraph:-pole vinaigrettes,. and 1 was . expressing Ivy dislike for • a, new out doorgame for ladies and ltitrremen ,called enchantment, is be- coming fashionable in England. ,Et is played with small, light lumps, thrown with wands, something after the man. nor of grace hoops, though the wand is of a novel eonstruetien, involving a peculiar method of casting the hoop. A inoderately large piece o1 ground is astireLle The present average of speaking in the United States Senate is about 150 words per minute, though there are several speakers who utter =core than interesting 'tome. Bueklef}'s Arnica Satre.. The Beat Salve in the world for Guts, Breis - ea, Sores. Dicers, Salt Rheum. Fever Serer, Tetter, Vhapped heads. Vhilblains,eorns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively Cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Ppiee 25 cents per hoz, For sale by all drug- gists. leer. W. Barr, ofilarrietsvtlle,recevtly thresh, - oil 200 bushels of spring wheat froiq five acres anarerage of forty bushels to the acre, FLUID LWIlTNIN(1. Fluid Lightning is tho only eure for Tooth- ache, lieadaclio, Earache and rltenialigie. It does not take a day or our to cure it, but in 2Q°" Among the fastest spaaakors fit less than a minute all pale is gone. Thous. present are Senators Beck, llawley, ands have tested,its nestles within the last. numb. and morgan, Heal: leads the year,Rheumatism, Fluid Lightning is also a positive eure list. Senator Ge"r; of I4iississippi, or euw wsui Tho turret in one casks is rens the slowest.. Daniel base been Perulanently cured in one weak.. p Prick 2'i cents nit J. W. Brosrning'a Drug iYobeter was, a very slow taller, scat leo Store. s WQttld nOt a,Trerahr0 oxer 100 words, a, minute, Iia erg Cl:iy sucks much ' i pa t Reward. abov faster, redline, out a[wut 150 words.,a, I rte" We will pap the above reward for any rrtt , Casa of Itivercoiaplawt. Dyspepsia, sick head- rninnte- CaflOnrl w:rs '413'1 slow until ahs, Indigestion, Constipation or Costiveness hdt beenrne roused up with ttnthusiesm ice•. cannot eerowitll West's+ Vegetable Liver Ws ee hie subject, when a ► fiords would Pills, when the directions are strieklyeeme led !law more rapidly. --+Y: a Macs Vernewith. 'L`Itoy are purely Feeetablo, and never arae, lied Weave satielaotion. Sugar coated. Wee boxes, containing 30 Ville, 25 eents. For sale by all Aruggiets. Beware of counterfeits and imitations. The Genuine manufactured only by J0fLN C. WEST S 00., "The POI wak- ere," 81 ce 83 Xing street hast Toronto, Out. Free trial package sent by mail prepaired on receipt of a three cent stamp, The People's Bank at Cantor, Ill., owned by 0. 3), Cobett,, 3iaa anspendeli. Liabilities $10,. 000. ri'tat pewee that hon esty is the best policy iii medicine as well as in other thiugs. Ayer's Sarsaparilla is a givaine preparation. an un. equalled blood purifier, decidedly superior to all others, • ASUCCESS vi .; RESULT. Failing Recollection. theist. 1 riotieett the gentleuian'a wife had a pretty little one tilt a chain, so to Old lien, who on account of old age be funny and puny, I remarked, ,Ah, and a general miidnese of disposition madam. you haven nice little ono there fora scent. "..nd Mill't they catch on?" inter- rupted iii i friend said: "Diet tlu'v? Weil it the husband chimed "Yas. sail* in ilia hero wore' it's eb- man's duty ter he hones'. It doan is ,greatly respected by the `vhMMo pee- plc, went tato a grocery store. and dor- Ina a conversation with the proprietor. ba awl said: . 11111C11 li er ascent, my young friend; ilia smeller cot $15 net. it bruise flee ail till so I haven't had the courage since to challenge any- body's wit with a pun,'. }When lie. sighed and they went out to chew ii 111e:,t] of »:.� : `• Cooled AM "l;isl how hot it lel" ex al a dolly lade; as, eutering the e L liar The old rano leaned. on the counter. u n the stove. "What an +• ar anile. d bays X Maul' I ea. Aday 'press on all p afro OLilian 72 3'somultie Stent Def Make no difference how black ho is. he kiu be jes ez hones' es dough he wuz ez whits es de dribhen snow; Now eberybody knows dat I is hones'; an, w'y. salt? 'Case I is, dat's w y, et er inset is haves' be% gwine ter get dat ae sooner or later, en' %%then lie gita w'y, it'll stick ter hint jes' ez long he keeps up dat lick." V4T,iTIA B A,YDE tO EVERY- L .DY The Meat Frenal Latin :Beautifying the Face. It coticeels the evidence of ace. cativo, wilt raalca the most stui,borul red:ane; rough bands beautifully sort and sr'nte. Re. member that" ?LAY DieV" is not a paint: or powder that Ale up the pore& of the skiu, au•1 that is injurious to the okin buts. new and Erase dlscvvnry. a veget•,i.•le linurd, thateaust e the cheek to glow whit health. the neck arta& aud to mss to rival the 1,411' 113144144s1144414. Ilr- possilale to detect in the beauty it confers any artificial ebaraeter. It cares Greawy Skin, Irreckles, wrinkles, l'impaea. Renck Reads,.. Crow 'i Feet, lltotebes. voice Grubs., Sun Burn Tan. Ringworm. Chapped Hands. Sore or Chap Ped ides, J3atbeee Itch. Tetter. ? c. It farces the pores, oil el ,ndc, and tubes from the &tiler- toes elIr ct% of 1. ler& anal ooametio washes, BY its Use all redness end roushne s gra pre- vouted; 1t h'ea.itifes the skip, andwill make it soft, s iiootti an4 nliUUe t imparting a delicious softness:.producing a perfectly healthy, natter- *l.aiitl youthful sp ietrance. The best face lotion than the world ever produced. we will semi"' at LAh .5 iiCi ries " to rosy aaterevs on re- ceipt of ericr.at. whenorderlug mention *hi pa per. address all Leases to the af.tl• DEW AOPIN(OT, 7l Yaueg•.treer, Torn,i.lo, l)nt I':trlor and Iteeeptinn Boron ire' 1.a ties. Mr. Bloomer, of Hamilton, Ont., suffered for 11a,tny years with n painful taming sure upon one of his lebs,whieh baffled all attempts to heal until be used Burdock li:ood Bitters ; wldeh speedily worked a perfc�ctcule. 0,105 felllm Fit 1 lead li r REMArtli Ai1LE RESTORATION. r lire such n as this. What .s a o' 'em de ortanca fa' " is the world are you thinking of?" bain' .bones'." filo, wits supposed pposi',t to be dying with eousuatp- Aaad she shoves up the window and j The old man iet Itis arm lie on tbo : tient aid abaudouid by bt*r positive. She fans Herself' line all possessed, counter snmitecd terribly and WAS ri.duced in lienee td+ An elderly gentleman next enters. "Yes," replied the grocer. raking up ulnae. pounds. In tints i•outtitiun bho rei.Orti"d Ile sits down to read his newspaper, i a few grains of coffee and putting theta tit Runlet]; Bleed I3itters, and new enjoys per- tirat glancing at the open window in in n barrel, "wo should all be honest. feet health and weighs ane hundred and forty - an offended sort of way. Aa his oyes q While Ms Paco was turned away, old move around from the open window to I Ben's eland closed on a piece of cheese. his paper, they fall upon the stove. which he quickly conveyed to a hiding •'txreat Seuttt" he mutter*. "Doplace nndorbis coat. they want to roast a fellow alive?" "Yes, sal. We sin' got tangier lib six. bite will gladly *newer enquiring soiree - are on receipt of V. S. Postage sunup. $ixkdate bootmalker has this startling an- ttouuevaluit in hit siudow : "tomties will be uu d i BI88STT i its low as 7 ebilhugs a twit." -p Anda "roes lits window.m die wore' and It s3on wve'sc bones' Are you ttoublcd with Balt Rheum. Ranh.LJ►aa ' Each new cooler sits down quietly, it'll far' might!: i11 wid us when wap Houde. or Ohl Sores of nut kind that cannot lool..s at the t toxo and then cries, goes ter do • kingdom. whut is tor lit &ted .Frau t3tuugh it be of pals ,tau- "How hot it pal" "What an awful come," ousts or something of the kind, ,tail each opens a window, Ono geutluman going so far as to open all the ventl- lators, while another opens both doors. "Conductor'," ery a dozen voiees, ns that official makes his appearanee, and a dozen forefingers point to the stove. 1 The conductor looks at the cause of all tate commotion, its mica window lowing like a furnace seven times otter than it is wont to be heated. lie takes off his hat and mops his brow. Then he takes a long poker, and, standing as far away from the stove as possible, throws open tete door. He falls back to avoid the beat, then steps forward, looks into the empty cylinder, and remarks, with a laugh: ""Sold, by mighty! That boy's gone and painted them winders red!" Instantly the doors aro closed, every window comes down with a bang, and a little man in the end seat asks tho conductor if he won't please shut the ventilators,—Boston Transcript. ding �Ie(iregor .k Parke's Carbolic ('crate+ will fire they've got!" '*1sn't it ridieul- euro it. 1leymod the shadow of a doubt it is y g _ h© grocer Untied. looked at tho the lest boabug et mpuuutl everkuowu. none, sountltr a moment, anti 't',b d:, 33('teiin.l:rose Riess. 33nrus ,n. any Shall , "Ben. what became ef that piece 0f ?. 7:ronble, rano alike cured by it. tio;d et 25 cheese?" . , cents by J. W. Browning, Druggist. •i "tipeakin' ter me, boss?" NO t1AT'rElt. "Yes, I am speaking Mime" No !natter where pain 1412/CUMor soleness: "I'se Sorter thick 01 nearin', an I exists, tlneyar,l's renter Oil taken or applied didn't'zactly grab do'nlulgntiou whut will 4410 i1n*k4.difl*0 relief, and a *oaitiye enn' ser proeiormatod, sah." quickly follows its use. 1 ani ;caked what had become of that oonannes aeherr, the German critic, insists that "in the wide world there are perhaps' hardly three women who know, honor and love Shakespeare. Why? Because he calls things by their name; because he is natural, like nature." Coal is cheaper in Boston, 854 miles from tbe coal fields, than it is atPhila- delphia, only 90 miles from the fields. Bostonians pay $5.25 per ton of 2,000 pounds and Philadelphians $6.50 per long ton of 2,240 pounds, or $5.90 for 2,000 pounds. The story of a North Carolina ruby is thus set forth by the Asheville Citi- zen: "Mr. Daniel Salford found a co of cheese?" Dfdn' yer put hit in de bare, dar?" "I don't think 1 did," , "Look all' sale." Tho grocer turned around and look- ed into the barrel. Old Ben quickly placed the cheese on the counter and covered it with a newspaper. ""The cheese is not in the barrel, Look here, old man, I don't want to accuse you wrongfully. but I believe you've got that cheese." The old man was shocked. He started in open-oyed astonishment, and said "Ef I didn' think yer wuz er jokin., sail, I wouldn' like dis er tall." In making a gesture he struck the news- paper. "Dar's yer Cheese, sah. Ef yer'd recolleck whar yer put things yer wouldn' be so s'picious o' ebery man what comes inter your oto'." "My memory is failing me," the grocer replied. "Yas, an' it's failin' yer powerful bad when yer fergits for recollect: dat I is er hones' man." "1 was only joking, Uncle Ben. I knew where the cheese was all the time." • "Oh, well den, it's all right. Well, I mus't bo gwine. Good day. sah." Turning a corner and taking a piece of bacon from under his Boat, he mus- ed: "I wonders ef lie porzackly knows whir he put dis. 011, de rocolieektion ruby in Clay county which he sold for o' dese heah white folks is er failin' $15. It next sold for $3,000, then for powerful fas'."—Ar"kansawv Traveler. $6,000, and a lapidary bought it, and -.-� Tho greatest whispering "gallery" in the world is that of the Grand Can- on, Colorado. For years this chasm has been a matter of surprise to pros- pectors and miners on account of its wonderful transmissions of sound,and it has only been since the advent of the railroad that anydefniteidea has been entertained of the great distance it travels within its walls: .A. train of cars crossing the bridge at the Needles can be plainly heard on a quiet day at Cottonwood Island, a distance of eighty-four miles. "fele fife and drum at Fort Mojave 1s distinctly ,heard' At sa Bull's } d, a distanceof eighty-four miles. The report,of the sunrise gun at Fort Mojave can behoard at EI Do- rado Canon, a distance of ninety-six t piles. More pontile, earths and children area oub led 3yfth<egstitenese .than; with any, othc't ailment: Dr, Henry Baxter's Mandrake Bit. ters will cure costiveness and, prevent the diseases which result from it. These are Solei. The best loodpurifier and systemregelator ever placed Within the reach of suffering lin. rarity, truly is Electric 'Where. Inactivity o thLiver, biliousness,jaunclice, constipation weak kidneys, or any disease of the tummy 'ork.ans,or whoever requires:in appetizer,tonic orqmild stimulant, will always find Electric Ttiters eure'knosve hey sot surely and quickly, every bottle grearanteed to giveentiretatitfaction ormuney refunded. Sold at fifty cents a bottle bye. after working upon it, sold It for $18,- 000." A peculiar reptile is the horned rattlesnake now on exhibition in Los Angeles. It is about fifteen inches to length, and has two horns which pro - kat from its head just above the eyes.' He has only five rattles and .a button, and was captured at Indio Station, on the Colorado Desert. Between .the ages of . fifteen and forty-five a. woman can ;row about seven crops of hair. It averages about four ounces to the -crop, and when of the prevailing popular color brings a handsome price. The: total annual crop is estimated at 100 tons, giithered from 800,000 heads. Mr..Evatts tells:. of t utw3 t r. being often interrupted in a difficult case, stopped, ant f loin' the bench, said: "I have told your honors that this is a puzzling' case, and I am afraid it will be made even more so if your honors put questiious; snore . puzzling than the facts themselves." VERY REMARKABLE .RECOVERY. Mr, (neo T. -Willing, of Manchexter,, l4fieh; writes : "My wife has been almost lielplestlfa r five Tears, so helpless th..t she coutd not turn. over in bed `alone She used two,Bottles, f:. Electric Bitters, and is so mnoh improved, that she is able note 40 do her own Electric BANTA will do all that is claimed• for -them. Hundreds ';of 'testimonials attest their great curative:powers. Only fifty cents a bottle at C. Lutz's Drug. Store. ON TIIIRTY DAYS' TRIAL. 'res Vorrare BELT Co., Marshall, 41ioh.,wi3 solid i)rd.Drn's tenni ran Er,ECTno-VOLTAIC 31a r,Ts AND 118.Mcrnlc Arrr,IASOEC On Walter hirty days to men (Teen: or ol.t) who are ar- flicted with nervous debility, lost vitality ante kiudrea troubles, gnaranteeiug speedy and eotuplete restoration of health and manly vigor, Address as above. N. I3, --.No risk is in lured, as thirty days" trial is allowed AN AW.IEEABLE SURPRISE. Those who try Murdock Blood Bitters as a regulator of the bowels, or to purify the blood aid digestion, regulate the liver and kidneys,or str earthen tired nature, are agreeably ser- ve sed at the prompt benefit derived. PRO MPT 144E 5St'i11ES. Prompt means should be used to break up sadden colds and cure coughs in their early stages. Hagyard's Pectoral Balsam does this most speedily and effectually. teem= T1s:a QtlesnoN.—Why doso: many people we see :round ns,seem to prefer to suf ter and be made miserable by indigestion, con. stipation, dizziness, loss of appetite, coming up of the foop, yellow skin, when for 75 cents, we will sell them Shiloh's Vitalizer, guaraute ed t• cure them; Sold by J. W. browning, Exeter. e w, airs. D. Blair,.an aged women, while walk - lug on the C. P. 0.. track near Riverdale June. tion, was struck by an express train and hill. ed. Wife—WIrit,s the mettles now, John Husband—Oh. that nem algia and tooth- ache near kills` rue. . Wife --Why don't you go to J, W. Bo +n-. ing's Drug Store and get a bottle of Fluid Lightning ? You know it cures all such things as Toothache, Neuralgia, Headache. Lumbago. Earache, Sore Throat, etc. It gives instant relief. a 4 A SAFE INVESTMENT. Investing twenty-five cents for a bottle of Hagyards Pectoral Balsam, the hest throat and lung healer known. Cures coughs. bronchitis. asthma. and alt pulmonary complaints.. Hundreds of letters from those using Ayer's Hair Vigor attest its value as a restorer of gray hairto its natural color. As a .stimulant and tonic, preventing and often ,curing baldness, and cleansing and soothing the scalp, its use, cannot be too stroiizly recommended. It is said that Wilbur F. Storey left several wills. There wiIl probably be a contest over the estate and for the control of the Chicago Times. Holloivap'r;Pitls.--Change$ of temperature and weather frequently upset persons who are most careful of their health,- and :particular in their diet. These corrective, purifying, and gentle aperient Pills arc the best ;remedy for till defective action of the digs alive organs. They augment tbe appetite, strengthen the stomach, correct biliousness, and carry off all; that is noxious 'from 'the system. Holloway's Pills are composed of rare balsams, unmixed withbaser mattes, , 5114 011 that account are peculiarly well adapted Virile young, delicate, ,and aged. As this. peerleseinediciue has gain. ed fame 3n the,past, so will it preserve it in the future by its renovating and invigorating qualities, and the impossibility of its doing. harm. A DECIDED HIT. 'Hagyard's Yellow' 011 "nineties 'the right spot every time w3ien: applied for rheuinatiem,u@rir- algia, pain, soreness or lameness and internal- ly for colds, sore throat, etc., it is equally 'in- fallible. 4 .. BIOS. HEADQUARTERS I POR�„ ware, Spades, Hoes, Forks, Scythes, wire andsteel strip fenoin s. CELEAP AT BISSETT BROS. Luta. RENO rI�Ti;I.I IUs ME Ik�S. THE PILLS Purify the lilt tali correct all Disorders of Ilse L1vi±±it, STOMAOH, KTD,NEYS, A 1'] (t ELS. They invigorate and restore to health Debilitated Coustitatious, and are iuvaluable in all Complaints incidental to Females of ail ages. For ebildren and the aged they are priceless THE OINTMENT Is an infallible remedy for Bad Legs, Bud Breasts, Old Wounds, Sores and Ulcers. It is famous for Grout and Rheumatism. FOR DISORDERS OF THE CHEST re nes NO EQUAL. For Sore Throats. Bronchitis; Oe.ughr, Colds, Glandt'lnr Swellings. and all skin ;lima it has no rival ; trod for contracted and stiff joints it acts like a charm. The Pills and Ointmentaresold at Tsrteas Eosr.owxs's Establishment, 78 NEW OXFORD -STREET Late (533, OXFORD -STREET), LONDON also by nearly every respectable Vendor of Medicine, in Boxes and Pots. at le. lid., 2s. 9d., 4s. 6d., lis.. 22s., and 33s. each. The 2s. 94, size contains three times the quantity of the is lid, size ; the 4s. 6d. size six ; the lis. size sixteen ; the 22s size thirty-three ; and the 33s size fifty-two timew the quantity of the smallest Boxes aria Pots. Full printed directions ate affixed to raeh Box and Pot, and can be ha.t in any language 1. Purchasers should look to the Label on the Pots and Bones. If the address is not 533 Oxford Street. London, they are spurious. • WILLIAM DREW • I` rider t�'l�e ON • 1)001 NUl�r� 3 ` c i"SON'S BA!�t