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The Exeter Times, 1884-11-6, Page 2
Getting a Pass of Dean. Richmond. noe=s the grave, but it Was "afterwited ve eeii The .bones, wieft thoseoe "I've a story about DeanRichmoht3," several other chiefs, now lie liermeti- sand a railroad man to a Globe -Demo- call, emeled its as vault of the Western *rat reporter the other day:, "that I Savings Baank- It is proposed to inter know is true, because I was there. I these remains in the lot sectored for have never seen it is print,. butt think ° that pairposel et Forest Lawn. The It is as good a; ono as teras over told on ° serf ices proposed for this •oeeasion will the old man, It Happened° u in New ,be very eltaborate, and, among otherYork in let ` nae see,, ---'80, 1 believe, ;thin as. it is intended to invite a .tum Dean Riehluanrd had an ofd,ec inBatffelo her of Indian chiefs to the ceremony, then, in a Little se'ren-by-nine building,•la another ancient picture Red that he held sole possession of, Well, :Jacket is represent its pioading his Moe day While the sold man wits scribe cause for reinstatement to the rank of • bling away—you know he wrote a hand chief, whielt had been taken from hem in comparison with which Horace owiug to his opposition tocivilization Greeley's writing was like print—a fel- and Iiia habits of igteia eranrrye, low, that hada lot of shingles piled up urged his claim mita elneuence aided at a etagere fifty or sixty miles down prayer was `.granted- There is a large the Central, walked in. Dean looked copy of this painting owned in Detrol. np and asked: "" 'What d'ye Want?' whiele Stas been. oiferod.z* ft;20•Q00 with •, ,I've got eonie shingles dawn here $feebis; est. e1osea of the I want to sell yogi,' "Revolutionary War,, when tha, United ",Weil; yon go back. bongo and wheat Staten made a treaty with the Si ;33a - I want 'eta I'll send for 'em,' and the ileac, Red jacket distinguished himself old man commenced scribbling. main- , by the eloqueut oppoeitron lo the pro- "`About three months afterward the . yowl, General Lafayette WWI tereeent o oratory—so mum set that when to ttietwo sing fora In a dayd Buffalo be askedn for ' t 5 ha zeelsite w h a le tterabouteightwords the youngg Indian who so eloquently long, written on plain note paper end opposed the burlai of the toniahawi.- sianed "Dean Richm,nd.' Thera was The old OWthe el y F a re, butn mreunsaed lima identity with pride.. Dean's way of making oat a pass, 10 gepeobj„ sod ,ttgnlber a futorastia he took the train for ,Alban and S Seated it to the conductor, who glanced Denis ]x ste;vens 'w& at acid, s1f 10Ie mag ranted to go to Albany and was ilrepressod bar the Indian's gift P tea"" for soniethtn or other, and wrote €oral h R a was among. a crow naat a Man in the town that could Make round ace The forma riaater.'tlnd out any of it exeept diet si nattl the shu►glo speouletor supposed it was lie was wermly gt ted by the drench Albany pre-remitagoonc ea were tecallei4 by •each. at it, said "AIl right,' and banded it was one of the first women n 13tdt'alo, Pad; to o;im. Well, sir,. he traveled for visited ti te seciety'a roome recently. Isecis on that piece of paper, until ono •and, seeing the 'picture of Red Jacket, day he landed in Buffalo again. Paan reooemis the diicatti+as with evident lag Richmond's oifleo be thought he leaaure, ntatiz than- wbpo ih,ee ulnas. A would drop is a moment eta thfank little girl theciuc1 bed often 'dandled' the old lean for his courtesy. He said: her in his arms' 'Mx: Richmond, I am very much Another famous' picture, "The Trial obliged; to you for that pass.' of Red jacket:" is is seeoion of no on "'What pates?' was the gruff re- we. Stanleyeft Detroit, Itis t only sponse "W hy, that Hasa you sent me ai~ auieARe at > interest, t pThe :►iritr month or two ago,' orieel I John. M. S ey, was a oaths of ","Ididn't , I e shingle loan, producing the paper.. !emit homes, -and eventually received l t 'U tl Dean col" i studied ed civ t cr it-►gg , minute. got lir le' in the face, and thytweed the "indiart platen*, A. purple , l colle aticnl, of life works..aon- shouteil au at voice trembling with wined in the Snuthsonien Institute, anger: "Why, you ------ . fool. you. ,tae wmfortunately destroyed itt the fire that ain't no pass.' And then, shaking li occurred there several years at in his visitor's face, he pointed et it send you Igo pas', Canandeignaaaad spent a large ortien "Yes, you did, here 't is.' aid the of ilia lila aamon; the Ittfti>wns in their whit/ and added, with a all: `That says: "go. The scene which the artist de - *aid S • feta occurred at Buffalo Creek, which "Why in b•---1 don't you send them la the site of the present city. Red. shingles? Dean Richmond," Dye ua- Jatcket. bein tried for aorcery and dcretaiid that, you idiot? "Che shingle man beat a hasty retreat and it took the old man a week to cool deswn."—St. Louis Globe -Democrat. RED JACKET. Some Piottues and Peotdlarlties at the Great Chieftain. A correspondent of the New York Telegram, writing from Waterloo, says: The movement looking toward the erection of a monument to Rod Jacket is creating considerable inter- est here. Many strangers also visit the house of Mr. Frederick H. Furniss, ,I where the model of the monument is on exhibition. Amon_ the relies of Red Jacket that 351r. I:'urniss has in his pos- session is a life-size painting of him done in oil, It was made by the artist, F. I. Hart, from the original painting by the noted artist ""Weir," of New York, in 1828. Iced Jacket was on a visit to New York then, and was per- suaded by his friend, Dr. Francis, to allow his portrait to be painted. Dr. Francis says: The chief dressed him- self with great Care in a costume he thought the most becoming and appro- priate, decorated with his brilliant war dress, tomahawk and Washington medal. While around him groups of Indians were reclining upon the floor, he stood erect and firm, his lofty and capacious forehead, his piercing black eye. his eaently curved lips, fine cheek and aquiline nose all marked the great man. Efforts were frequently made prior to this time to induce Red Jacket to sit for his portrait, but he always refused, and frequently remarked, "when Red Jacket dies all that belongs to him shall die too." Dr. Francis, I however, reasoned with the Indian t and finally succeeded. The base of the monument to be erected here consists of a granite boulder in its natural shape. • A marble shaft over six feet in hight surmounts the base and -is cut in the shape of an Indian arrowhead, pointing upward. , Suitable inscriptions are on the two medallions sunxen, one into each of the stones; On the top of the boulder, just over 'the medallion, will be fasten- ed an iron tomahawk and a pipe, crossed 'When Red Jacket died his remains were buried in one of the Indianceme=- teries which were located 111 the reser- vations on the outskirts of Buffalo. For some time no stone marked his grave. However, in the year 1840 or there- , to her children.—Calhoun Courier., comedian of that day. was playing at the 'Buffalo Theater,', a.: play -house Mr. Spurgeon was recently asked if then situated on the south=west corner' he thought the world had grown:better of South Division and Washington or worse since he came into it ',fifty streets: Learning 'pat 'no monument years ago. Ile replied that,he, thought marked the ,grave' of` the rioted chief m's`onie respects'°it`was worse. ''"Ihe :Placide ordered a slab erected (struge"1e for llfei," lie said,' '"le harder' and an inscriptiote eliiselled'on it. The now, itis .mbre"difficult "to Make a liv- stone is at present among the relics of ing, ,and the destitution is' more appall - the society. It is of marble, about ing, I think ,• than 't hese ever been." half an inch in thickness and twenty On the other hand,;, thee had been inches wide. It would stand, when many improvements, especially in the placed in position, about ;two feet direction Of intemperance. class of above the ground. The' top of the men,'•who were ° dery nunfe qus when stone' containing the name of the In[ he -first *came to London; liait:now be- dian has been broken off. The remain conte.extinct- ehostegooti'-=find respect der of the inscription is: able gentlenian who, never got drunk, Friend and Protector of hiePeople. t but who were in the habit of rgtturg e thinks there 16 • Aged 78 years. • also sn improvement in the attitude of witch -craft, i speaking is bis own de- fense, and the effect of his eloquence upon the council is presented with ad. minable -skill. The picture contains nearly IGO figures, In varied posture, and tawny of them. are correct portraits of bietorie chiefs. TIM canvas is aix feet by mine, and the artist was en- gaged five years in the work, which he considered his masterpiece, San Francisco seems` to be on. the verge of a business collapse.. A private letter from there from an old resident and shrewd observer, says: "This city is getting. worse and worse for busi- ness. 'too many railroads have killed it. All the Oregon, Washington Ter- ritory .and Montana business has gond to the Northern Pacific road, and all the Atizoua and Southern California trade Lure Est instead of in San Fran- cisee. Toe Oregon steamers all go to Portland crowded with Celiforniane looking. for ousiness and new openings te ar etno from thio Thomas Chancey -has started °a novel business at Hawkinsville, Ho has gone into the 'possum business on an ex- tensive scale and proposes to raise these much sought ivarnxints for the market. His ranch. is located about a mile from town, and is inclosed with wire fencing. This was' done in order to keep Calvin Brown from trailing. them off into the swamp with his pack of hounds. He has commenced with. ten, but will greatly increase the num- ber during the year. As the average piney woods 'possum finds ready sale at 40 cent a piece, a one, fat, stall -fed 'possum would, of course, bring double that amount, and500, at -SO Bents apiece amounts to $400, which is nothing to be laughed at.—Savanaaic News.. Robert Adams, of Baker county. a gentleman whose veracity is of the dy- ed-in-the-wool kind, was in to see ns this week and related,an occurrence which we are forced to call a clear case of adoption on the part of the eat at his house. The cat was the mother of three kittens, whose existence proved a source of inexpressible delight to the smaller members of his .flock, whose appreciation and affection were so'lav- ish towards the kittens that it proved death to one of them. The old cat, in this dire moment of distress, was de- termined the family circle should be numerically the same, and suiting the action to the thought, immediately me- andered forth into the woods, `Bitched on to a ,young rabbit and carried it in Prominent a,mong:thhe greateet medical die; cowries, by the many cures it has affected; afcGreeer's Speedy cure leads the van, Sub jeeted to the minutest cliewical analysis, it has been Netted to containbonu of those in-! jurious ii ietlts•e ifiiit h9 Werth.-' less $pe pnb"lic. y t> i s lase s tt )pecgbsd^ itdblitsz Ever in • r "+'ipplt has bediree pouieded, and ite GAgy'tabfeintg t establlshe3 by teetihnonials hourly'' received, WO are therefore confident that we have a - preperatiOn ehiolt we can offer to the public - with the assurance that it will be found not' exile, a relief but an abrelate curs for Dyspep 1 pia, 'Ayer (ompla;nt, Indigestion, Constipat. 'unit ct Impure Mood. Free Wel bottles at ro yniee"s eiruq Stove. 4 1.STA. stroco1:iBOB,TTO T1ISi'I FI RING ""I;rowre'a Iougeholdranacea" has no equal forrelievingpaln,both internal and external It cures pain in the Side, back or bowels,sorotkroat, T' Bttetunati9"u, Toattinche,r,urebago and any kind of a pa nor eelto, "It wilt mess surely quicken OOLOEN CREAM, •, . I "s-:# IfOR , Thebes tprcparatien known tozclence forbeauttffving the CQM- LEXION 91•11t SINGLE '.APPLI04*Jl' R" is warranted. to Beautify the Face and give to the Fadedor Sallow Com- plexten a Perfectler Meitner. Natural) and Youthful Appearance, It Conceals 'Wrinkles. Freckles„ Crow'': Feet,. and the Evidence of .Age, leaving the Skin Soft, Smooth.'And White. i'ItICE-50 cents. Sent to any address, Postage stamps taken, Address all letters to CREME le' OR, Drawer 2,678, Toroato P.O. Ask your druggist for it, Wholesale by all whole- sale druggists - - t ebbed and beal.asttaactixlgPower iswonder-. 80.'"'Brown's Hoxzseitoid Panacea' being ack.- owled edas thegreat a- Ile i .v . ofd R e 6 tlaPain . w 1 e ar.and on ble thertreneth of Any other Mlizir or r4oiment l intim world,abothld be in every family "sandy for 4110 wleeitvfgxit04. "asitreall),ia titetlaeat remedy in the world for tlrttmuain-the Stomach And Panus andAcb®# of all kinds." and is for rata by all Druggists ut25 cents a bottle. • $i000 Forfeit, Having the utmost confidence in it snperi• levity o' sr all others, and after thousands of tsatw of the most complicated and severest °area we could fed, the feel jeatified it* offering to forfeit One xhousquel Pollan for :any OW of coughs, calds, sora throat, iaflueuva, hbarse- ne's; bronchitis, consumption in its early' stages, t<lteo tog cough, and ell alewives of: the threat and lunga, except Asthuia,for which we only Ofillu, rebel, that we sea,'; euro with. Weet'e teough Syrup, *lieu taken According to directions, Sample bottles 25 and 00 cents; Into botttea filo ileelar. GOi Wiae wrappers only la blue. Sold by all drnggists, or went, by mail en receipt of price, JOO11 ti. WEST' ttCO., 814 83 King'St. Fast,Teronto.Ont, Toung lady, do not despair, Dr. B. C. West's Nerve and Brain Treatment 'will care Hysteria and all nervous troubles, lioldat J, W, Drowniog'a, Dreg Store. 5 ILr LIORTii1NQ. Thera are but few that have never suffered i slmeet intolerable pain from Toothache, Neer - eight, t, at like sense pains. To them much an umlaut relief as Fluid I,iglituing is au untold blessing in time of 'trouble. No diagusting of. fenaive medicine.: to be where for days, One Application of Fluid. Lightning curet/. Sold at J. W. Bromnhng'e Drag Store 1 The Died J 2(i 1832 tolerably melIoyv , Il "The year '1832 is not the correct respectable ,"people toward licentious date of death. le should read. 1830. _ literature. ' Otic grandhothers, he stiid. - "rend books which our daughters STEALING THE REMAINS. - , woui,d bi; ashanied fie open '',+ A wandering phreno'-kt `on o' - asiol. .v;e it,o rite., to ;;:;, 't +t4 Ofr}t,Y role 1 .4 of i., ctt, - iv... ;.''',v3,f, {,Sou ,:d.,, .. !"I.1,:1ai uaa:ltiduna::a, il Sick Bleadacha and B i,lousnc3s, 'r.:her, n.~..Tp rbottle. Sall by all Druggists. MANHOOD ANHVVD How Lost, Haw estosedd. Wm have recently published t new edition o DE. e]IDLVE1lWELL'il CELEBRATED OSSAY on the radical and perm anutcure (without rea- diaine)of Nervous D ability, hien tal and physical Incapacity impedimenta to 1ftriirtgo, etc., re.. suiting from excesses. Price, in sealed envelope, only 6 cents, or two pTheceleb altedenthorofthid admtreble osea y clearly demonstrate s,from thirty years' aucce,'a- ulpractice, thetalar=ing consequences may be radically cured -without the dangerous use et inout amode of cure at once simple certain and of - to atu ai,by ism an s of wb len every until Ist Jan'y,' 85, 2.0 Gts. But dock BLOOD Bin Efis Cures .Ui.;. cows, .Los$ of Appetite, Imli estion, Biliausltess, Dyspepsia, jaundice, 41feetions of the Iiit'er unci J Jneys,. , 1 Oro is -f` Rumors', f l F It , ., kTllp eS, . Qt'c' ,S`, Doile, ?Ila , ► 41i ` 18it iy ► , Wrrrsipelas, and all diseases arising from Impure I31o e d Deranged Stomach, or irre,wtar"action of the „bowels. NOTICE usnxc. 500 Good Watches For Sale Cheap for Cash .gT. riTTOr: Old Aeua6le Esla6lishmea! tcrrtalmedicinesorthe u o of the knife oint- terwhatLis condition may be.n;ay curelhimself ' ch)aply,privately and radically. ()lij , ,a j.— "Here; Mother Earth these Eclipses and a Thi lecture should be in the ha>idsofevery , p youth and every man in the laud. ,. . Address ' Spots have about used me up. Regulate your movements THE CULVERWELLMEDIUAL•Co1 '-tereni`ter' by this, and tlon't deneltrl on me." 41 .CYN T..14 ENV TORE rout office. Box 450 REMOVAL ! REMOVAL I THE GENERAL QUESTION Agitating the Public mind at present as where can tney get the best Bread, but this matter can be settled to theentare satisfaction of the people of Exeter and surrounding country, by calling en. .. J©IIYv BZLLL, the oldestablisbed and reliable bakery, where they will find just. what they want. A Superior quality of Bread Always on Rand Also a: first-class stoek$•o BcsCdrts,' buns, Gloms dc ; CoxrzcrxoaAar, which' °will be sold cheap. While opeenents-have started busi nese and sold out, andleft the place, r4r: Bell has been found at his putt,:' during tie past eight years, read'y'toattend to 'the wants of the 'u'blie. ", artooznxxe A t-ZIG OFF h ELGIN, WALTI.AM, HAMPDEN, and ROCKFORD WATCHES, KEY & STEM-WINDERS, ALL THE LATEST IMPROVEMENTS AT GR • FATLY REDUCED PRICES The above Watches are all Good and Reliable Time -keepers, -and are warranted in every respect to bo equal to any watch in the Market. We specially invite intending purcbasers to inspect our ftook, .by so doing they can save money, as we guarantee our, prices' 10 per. 'cent: below the Grance. 17 -Zi VeryIto Large Assortment, of Clocks', to be g , sold .. .. at Close rrices, • , JEWELRY—A full and completelete stock of the choicest latest designs.,'• and NECKLACES &. LOCKETS—A very fine assortment and at Owingtoincrea Alar e -stock of WEDDIN,G'RINGS always it necessary to . g , • ' t 1'd , r ,,. ... ?t ... prions. loon sing business, M . Bell ha Y d remove to more con modiouspremises and. has added ; iar el - ,, a 41 g Y to, 171,cLde t0 01 • de]'.! hiseeick•of Groceries and will keep on., 011 hand and. Sugars, Teas "Coffee BYrunt and ever e t de ,. ; Quit Silver-plated Wate'and.Spoons ,we are selling off at Wholesale Prices -going to make'• usually found in, a first class Grocer' Stoe 't a.doe 'sweep of it. SPECTACLES to gait all sights. It is veryiniportant that spectacle a " wearers should be properly suited. We'fit'all;our spectacles by the Optometer wliieh'is the only way of being properiy fitted to suit the sight. So come along and secure the bargains Come One,' Come_ All. Will be happy to see you, Clocks, Watches, and Jewelry Cleaned and "Iepatir;ed, in Alt kinds of Farau'YrOirtne tak- en in exchange forGoods, REMEMBER T$E. STANd :—SbUthCbWs Biock',. Four doors North Post Office. , ,;•.c JOHN BELL, ' the best manner:, and gat reasonable -prices. Dronrie toA', 'THOS.' FTTTON, Watchmaker & Jeweller,