HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1884-10-30, Page 3WIT ""Vat? Yon /cavo never been France, Meessl Zen 'ow orb yousr- ,. rived, at sQ TOeakiug ze FrenchP 'Oh, wgltt„3= o lenri at: 400)01, you lntw., 004o�2' a who saI. rte411 to mo at diniger nett to, eat any fat. and I used to taibar itch exercises ler her; so T got los oilpreeticei" Telemachus, don't let me hear you laughing at a woman again because she Can't sharpen a peneil. When you want something in that line to laugh do you just contemplate a man cutting out a paper pattern with a pair of scissors by the united efforts of his right-hand, lower jaw and two-thirds of his tongue. --Burlington Hazokeye. "Yes," he said, "we were out salting and noticed a yacht some distanoo off flying signals of distress, and when we name up with her we found affairs in a fearful state," "'What was the trouble?" asked his friend; "was she sinking?" "Worse than that—all the. Neer had given out." "Indeed! Well, that was terrible."—Boston Post The chemist is. happy. He hasn't time tosleep nights, so busy is he ex- tracting, the pure essence of lemon, orange. strawberry, and other dello. ions fruits from ooal tar for the soda .rater fountain, And thefruit grower, who bas the real thing, feels blue Iles cruise he can't sell it at a paying price. This is how nature gets lett sot ietines. There is a story told of Lord Hard- castle meeting Poole on the ebainpier et Brighton, Be stopped hint and said; "Look hero, Toole, 1 got this coot of you, and see bow badly it fits." Poole took a bit of chalkk out of his waistcoat pocket, and narked His Lordship's coat all over, and said "Take that coat to niy cutter, My Lord, and he will make the necessary alterations." A German gontiemaa of aesthetic proclivities recently sat In a London restaurant where Oscar Willie occupied s table. Oscar called for a bunch of io1ets. stuck kris loose into them, In. haled their perfume, and remarking, at have dined," paid his bili and passed out. The German testhete re- tloeted for a moment and then ordered a cake of Limburger cheese. After in- haling the perfume he ecelalmod, also baf mittag gohaben," and followed Wilde,—Pittsburg C'hronicic-Herald, Col. Yerger has a son named Leoni- das, whom ho is le ring taught music; but he is the laziest boy In Austin, and prefers lounging on the sofa reeding dime novels and the Texas SIings to practicing on the piano. A visitor re- cently overheard. Col. Yerger remark: "Yon miserable whelp, 1f you don't get to that piano and play 'Beautiful Dreams' over ten tinges I'll make the neighbors think somebody Is sawing you in two with a dull saw. Get at them "Beautiful Dreams,' will von?" Plantation philosophy: Do lazy man. is er man o' judgment. He anus picks out de easiest pines. I've afeerd o' a stump -tail dog, case, habin' nothin' ter wa_, I down know whudder or not he is in er good humor. Sometimes yer meets er wise man dat looks like er fool, but more often yer meets a fool dat looks like er wise man. De Ionian whut .is keen ter get married Joan often make or good wife. De little fish is more ap' ter bite den do big one. I duan like fur a man ter pectens ter be sick a frien'. Bilin' water, flung up on a cold day, will freeze quicker den cold water.—eirkansaw Traveller. Sam Kalleton, a member of the Arkansas Legislature, was very fond of offering amendments to bills intro- duced. That was the limit of his Leg- islative capacity. One morning after a night's hilarity, .he entered the legis- lative hall just as the chaplain was ask- ing divine aid. The old man took a chew of tobacco, and listened atten- tively until the chaplainclosed his peti- tion with an effective recitation of the Lord's prayer. "Mr. Speaker," said 1 the old man, arising, "I move to strike out the words 'daily bread' and insert 'as much bread as may be found necessary for twenty days.' We have already done; enough for the flood sufferers." English Girls and Women. In all physical exercise, writes a cor- respondent, the English lass is not to be surpassed. I noticed two young girls walking in the park last week. One was perhaps 19, the other 12. At least they looked these ages, although I find that an English girl's age isnot to bo ascertained from her appearance. I don't attempt to explain the matter, but certain it is that when girls here look 12 and 19 they are tuore apt to be 15 and 23. When they are 25 and 30 they look 30 and 35, while with singu- lar compensation matrons of 50 and 60 .often look as young as their grown daughters. In onerespect the English another is more sensible than her American cousin. She keeps her girls in the nursery limits, as it were, as lona, as possible. This is as it should be. The years speed, away fast enough without forcing the girls into woman- hood too soon. In America there are too few genuine little girls. They are little old women, with haggard little, dissipated doll faces, with tight stays and abbreviated skirts. An English' :girl remains one until long after the time that her sister on the other side of the Atlantic is married. VERY REMARKABLE RECOVERY. Mr. Geo. V. Willing, of Manchester, Mich 'writes "My wife has been almost helplesefhr Five years, so helpless that she could not turn ewer in bed alone. ' She used two Bottles' of Eleetrie Bitters, rind is so much improved, that she is able now to do )ser own work.” Electric Bitters will do all that is claimed for them. Hundreds of testimonials attest tbeirgreat curative powers. Only fifty cents a bottie,at C. Lutz's Drug Store. A Swindled perky. "Sandy" Jim, as he is called, is one cd the most quarrelsome negroes in. Austin, but he always gets the worst of every fight and invariably gets thrashed, Soso days ago he was fined $10 for not eomplyins with some sanitary ordinance that required him to clean up his back yard. As he paid over the money he sighed and groaned as if he was sick, and shaking his head said to the justice: "Dis heap money am Jose as good as (rowed away, Hit don't do rile no good. When I bad dat furse wid Jim, Webster and got lily arm broke I Dully had ter pay $5, and I was laid up a whole week. I don't mean nuffu pussonal, Jedge, but hit don't seem to tale I was gettin' de wufrob my money." "bat's not my fault, Jim," respond- ed the justice. "lf you don't clown up youryard, you will Have to pay for it." "gut,, jedge, foals God, von isasking'. too much. Ten dollars; Whew! Down fn Galbeston 1 only had ter pay ten dollars for de furse I had avid a white man. who frowed a handful ob buck. shot inter ine, and put me in the bospit- til for six meals. If I bad been busted ober de head mid a pistol by de p'lico matt who 'rested me for not eleanrng up datyard, 1 wouldn' bah Bald sword; but for put down tea dollars for puffin, when I hasn't Oben been kicked, or called a black scoundrel, why, jectge, 1 bit's pufffectly ridicklis," and ho went off grumbling and shaking his head satisfied that he bad been deprived of his constitutional rights. ---Texas Sif% ]Ii to neveinSteeping. Cara, An observing person who bas reason to travel much in sleeping cars roust have been frequently moved by the lack of reasonableness on the part of travelers and officials, In some meas- ure to repair this defieiency and render mummer touringmore restful and Dom, tortable the folowing hints are thrown out; To the conductor; Sell the acme berth to several persons, and let them fight It out as to who shall occupy it. Be noisy,important, supercilious. incon- siderete; sot as if you owned the car: a This w111 make everybody feel happy AD Safe, To the porter; Keep the toilet -rooms unclean and do not supply more titan no towel for three persons. If a •pas- aenger departs from the coach during the small hours at night, call bim up so loudly and repeatedly that no one will remain asleep. If the weather be warm, keep the fere going lively. If it be cold, see to it that the Are goes out. If there bo a good supplyof dust and cinders, arras o the ventiators so as to let in as mue as possible. In summer be scrupulously carefulnot to lee the drinking nater. If a party of Boston teachers, coming out to see the great West for the first time, get up at 4 o'clock In the morning, make up their sections with so, much fuss and such desperate slamming and banging as t0 awaken all the other passers ers. This will insure that their waking thoughts shall be prayerful, especially after you toll them, that the train will be four hours late reach`hg its destine- tion. To travelers, especially from "tbe cultured East" to "the rowdy West": Act as if you owned the car from the start. Your superior breeding will thus bo established, and no one will question it thereafter. Talk loudly, especially about the private and per- sonal affairs of absent and unknown people. Be sure to use slang so as to escape the suspicion of being intellect- ual dudes. Monopolize the toilet- roonis. Give orders to the conductor and porter in such style as will demon- strate that the emancipation proclama- tion had no reference to white trash or to colored folks whom you may happen to command. Put your feet up on the cushions of the seats, especially if you have a pretty boot. It will not be seen otherwise. If you cannot sleep during the night complain so noisily as to halve plenty of company. Get up at 3i30 in the morning, "just to sec the wild West" and arouse your traveling companions. Maintain an incessant and boisterous conversation so as to compel all the other passengers to get up, or at least to lie awake when they I should be all asleep. Sneer at every- thing you cannot laugh at. Demon - 1 strata in all these ways the superiority of the "cultured East" over the "rowdy West," and you will . add inestimably to the enjoyment and happiness of sum- mer travelers. All who happen to be in the same car will gaze upon your 1 departing figure when . the ttain pulls into the station with the emotions Aus- tin Dobson describes when standing- before tandingbefore a certain grave: * a * In letters sharp and clear • You read -0, irony austere— ante lost to sight to memory dear." —Chicago Herald. 1.•a Alexander Ross, in an interesting communication in the Prairie Farmer; vas some experiences in draining up - finds in Seotlands A nest wane niaatue: on two acres. of ground, otheavise alike,; with rye. The drained acre yielded 611 busbels, and the undrained 181 bush- els. ¥orq peeolile, adults and children. aretronb Holloway's 'Pills.—Enfeebled • Existence.-- 1ed with costiveness • than with any other ■ Thi medicine embraces.every attribute requii; ailme it . Dr, 11 pry. Baxter's 11�anrlrake Bit- s+. ' ed rrt a general domestic remedy. It ov. tars will eats eoafiveness -'and prbyent t$3 diseases which result from it. fectiertuve theoandfouii impure a ofdiseaselaidbuy de- fectfve food and air. In obstructions interesting items. •' Bucil;..len's#ArnIea Sa►Xe• The Best Salve iu the world for Cuts, Bruis- es, Sores, Liloers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores. Tetter Chapped bands, suds, Clailblains,Gaxns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Pikes. gisor ts. no pay required, it. is guarauteed to give' perfect satisfaction, or money refunded, Pride 25 cents per box. For sale by all drug. A GOOD TEST. For over sixteen years G. MaaBeerest, of Forest, has sold Hagyard'a Pectoral Balsall and its sales are steadily inereasing. It cures e n bs, colds, and all lung complaints ; is pleasant to take and always reliable. 9 REJSARKABIE RECOVERY. A'eouncil of doctors declared Mrs, Adelaide, O'Brien , of 372 Exchange street, Buffalo, jral eatable. Her liver was badly disordered ; she vomited green Mascuus • could retain. n.4 food skin yellow and full of humors. She was rap- idly sinking, but Burdock Blood Bitters cured ber. An elastic step, buoyant spirits. and clear oomplexions, sre among the Many desirable resulti of pure blood. The possessor of healthy' blood has his faculties et command. and en- joys shale wbe at to blooduick is heavtiony ane slu b with. itupuritiep. Ayer's Sarsaparilla is the best blood purifier and vitalizer known. Ms. David Dement, a Idontreal boat age shoe dealer dropped dead un the street after itdeeding rho funeral of a tate friend ou Wed- uosdsy. Heart disease is bell( red to ba the cause, FLUID LIGHTNING. Fluid Lightning is th.� only calk' for Tooth- ache, Headache, Earache and :Ncuraligie.. It does nut take a day or hour to cure it. but in leas than a minute all pain is gone. Thous- ands have tented its merits within the last year. Fluid Lightning is also a positive cure for Rheumetistu, The worst possible' cases have beau permanently cured in ono week. Price 25 cents at 3, W. Browning's Drug Store. $500 Reward. t'We will pay the above reward for any case of Liverootnplaiut. Dyspepsia, Hick head- ache, Indigestion, Constipation or Coativeuess we;caunot cure with West's Vegetable Liver Pills, when the directions are ttrickly complied with. They are purely Vegetable, and uevee fail melee satisfaction. Sugar coated. Large boxes, containiug 80 rills, 211 cents. For sale by all Druggists. Beware of couuterfeits and ]Imitations. The Genuine uranufsetured ouly by JON C. WEST k CO., ".The Pill mak- era," 81 & 83 Fang street E"Rst Toronto, Out. Free trial package sent by mail prepairrd en receipt at a three sent etawp. ItEAIARKABLE (RESTORATION. Mrs. A O"Srim,872 Exchanges St-eet, Buf- falo, was supposed to 1"e dying with oousutup- tion and abandoned by her pbysicisn, She suffered terribly and was reduced in flesh to etinety venues. In Ibis condition she resorted to Burdock Blood Bitters, and now enjoys per - feet health and weighs one hundred and forty six. She willgladly answer euquiriug sew . era on receipt of 13. fit. Postage stamp. ;;A tiirkdale bootmalier has this startling an- ts,uneement in hdlg sindow: eLadies will be sold as low as 7 drillings a pair." Are you ttoabled with Salt Rheum. Bough Hands, or Old Sores of any kind that catuaot be healed ?Even though it be of yeses stn - ding McGregor d I'arke's Carbolic Cerate will cure it. Beyond the shadow of a doubt it is the best healing compound ever kuowu. Iloilo, Festeriugs, Frost Bites, Bnrna or any Skin Trouble, are alike cured by it. Sold at 25 cents by J. W. Browning, Druggist. 4 INHUMAN CRUELTY, It isa barbaric cruelty to torture the weak stomachs of invalids with barsh purgatives' and sial:ening drugs, when Burdock Blood Bitters will regulate the stomach, bowels, liver and kidneys in so agreeable and effectual a manner. ON THIRTY DAYS' TitIAL. Tint VOLTAIC BELT GC., Marshall, diich.,wil send Dh.Drx's QETEnnATED ELECTrio-VOLTAIC BELTS AND ELECi*io APPLIANCES en trialfor hirty days to men (young or ole) who are af- flicted with nervous debility,. lost vitality and kindred troubles, guaranteeing speedy and complete restoration of health and manly vigor. Address as above. N. B.—No risk is in urred. as thirty days' trial is allowed A GOOD RECORD. Among the many thousand bottles of Hag - yard's Yellow Oil sold annually in Canada not one has ever failed to give satisfaction. It cures rheumatism, colds and all painful com- plaints and injuries. AaswEn Tar:s onEsrrox.--Why do so many people we see around us.seem to prefer to suf fer and be made mieerable by indigestion, con- stipation, dizziness, loss of appetite, coming up of the foop, yellow skin, when for 75 cents, we will sell them Shiloh's Vitalizer, guaranto ed t' cure them, Sold by 3. W. Browning, Exeter. E o w, "I am surprised, John," said an old lady, when she found the butler helping himself to some of hor finest port. "So am I, ma'am," was the calm reply, "I thought yon was gone out." Wife—Whet,s the mattter now, John ? Husband—Oh, that neuralgia and tooth- ache near kills me. Wile --Why don't you go to 3, W. Bio 'r- ing's Drug -Store and get a bottle of Fluid Lightning ? You know it cures ail such things as Toctbache, Neuralgia, Headache. Lumbago. Earache, Sore Throat, etc. It gives instant relief.. 4 USEFUL TO KNOW. Everyone should know that llagyard's Yel- Iow Oil will giye prompt relief ; applied exter- nally will stop any pain ; and taken internally cures Colds, asthma, croup, sore throat and most inflammatory complaints. WEATNp!R ,PROBAB1LITIES. Fortelling the weather is a useful science. but ;releiving the effects of its sudden changes is a better one. Eagyard's Pectoral Balsam euree coughs and collie, incident to "sudden change's. These are Solid. The best loodpnrifier and systemregulator eyer.placed within the reach of suffering hu- manity, truly if'Electric Bitters. Inactivity io+ the Liver, bliousness,jaundice, constipation, weak kidneys, or any disease of the enemyorgans,or whoever requiresan appetizer,tonio or mild stimulane,will .always find Electric Ilsilr....I' T'T., .BLE TO EVERY' LA IJY IIVIAYDEW, The great French Lotion lar Beautifying the Face. Itooueealsthe evidence of age., oueapplt- cation wilt make the most stubbornly red.and rough bands beautifully soft and white, Re• dneueber that" MAY pk1a4" is nota paint or powder that fill up the pores of the akin, wed that iainjurious to the skin buts new and areas discovery, a veget the ti(iud,. tbatcamiee the cheek to glow with health. the neck, areas and halide to rival the Lily in whiteness. In•- nos. ible to detect in the beauty it confers any artificial character. It aures Greasy Wein, Freckles, Wrinkles, Pimples, Black Heads. Groom's Foot, Blotobea, Vitae Grubs, Sun Biome Tan. Ringworm, Chapped .$ ands, Sore or Chep red Lipp. Bather's Itch, Tetter. fie. It frees the pores, oil glands, and tabes from the tnjur- lobs eftacks of powders and ooametiv w'aabo . By its use all redness end rousbness are pre, vented : R4 bee,.itittee the akin, and will mske it soft, smooth and white; imparting a deliciot e sof tausa;producing it perfectly healthy. n,ttur. al, and youthful appearance. The best face lotion that the world ever produced. We will send" A r.Anaa noxrra "to any a9dresa on re- ceipt Afprice,Vit, ti'heuertiaringtgontianthi paper,. Andrew all letters to the Alla DF.W AnR ci'Y, 7t Xoung'street, Toronto, Ont d Reception Rome for Ladies. Peeler atiORIMMI BISSETT BIOS. HEADQUARTERS O arctwar'e, Spades, Hoes, Forks, Scythes, Barb wire and steel strip fencings *vial lino ot 13negy Ups CHEBP AT BISSETT BROS. RENOWNED REMEDIES. H�LLOWAY3 PILLS&OINTMENT THE PILLS Purily the Diced, correct all Disorders of the LIVER, STONIAOH, IKIDNEYS, A l` 1 (V ELS. They invigorate and restore to health Debilitated Coustitutions, and are "iuvaluable in all Complaiute incidental to Females of .all ages. For dahlia and the aged they are priceless THE .OINTMENT Is an infallible remedy for End Legs, Bad Breasts, Old Wounds, Sores and Ulcers. It is famous for Gout and Rheumatism. FOR DISORDERS Or THE CHEST 1T lieu xo For Sore Throats. Bronchitis, Coughs, Colds, Glandrilar Swellings. anal all skin diseas it has no rival ; and for contracted and stiff joints it aetslike a charm. The Pills and Ointment are sold at Tnoius EoILow4Y's Establishment, 78 NEW OXFORD-STREET1ate.(033, OXFORD -STREET), LONDON ; also by nearly every respectable Vendor of Medicine, in Boxes and Pots, at Is.14d., 2s.„9d., 4s. 6d., lis., 22s., and 33s. each. The 2s. 9d. size coutains three times the quantity of the is 1}d, size ; the 4s. 6d. size six ; the lis, size sixteen ; the 22s size thirty-three ; and the 338 size fifty-two times the quantity of the smallest Boxes and Pots. Full printed directions are affixed to each Box anti Pot, and can be hart in any language is- Purchasers should look to the Label on the Pots and Boxes. If the address is not 533 Oxford Street. London, they awe spurious. e or congest: ,... ot•the liver, lunge ',bowels or 1 W ILLIA1YI DREW other organs, these pills are especially ser; . vicable and eminently successful. They should 1 be kept in.readiness in every :family, being a medicine Of incomparable utility for,` young persons, especially those of feeble . conshtn:, tions. They never cause pain or Irritate the .. moat ,sensitive nerves or most tender bowels. . Bitters tbe best andonly certain mire known. Holloway's Pilia,are"the;, best known,,purffiers of theblood. the meld active promotera of ab- , +' They net sureleatind quickly, evezy bottletion All guaranteed to giveentire satisfaction' ormoney and ebnoxidut pard les m a ebmoved from from I-. refunded. Sold. at fifty cents a bottle byC. both solid and finide. , i Lutz. ertaker itta' ret , m per. ONE''. DOOR NORTH MOLSON'S DANK