HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1884-10-30, Page 2she (1Fxefer iM'S.
THURSDAY. OCT. 30, 1884
The majority spinet the Sootl Aot
in Peel last Saturday was 198.
TIM price perlobby "tor bread 1140
bean lowered to five dente, on ate
count of the low price for wheat.
Temne will be no more what are
known as "intermediate" examine
lions in the High Soboole sifter this
,year, There zasofulness is gone.
Tim MOwdl Government lots isened
a proclamation prohibiting the out--
prooureble bas been secured. It is
•xpeeled /bat 10,000 delegates will
be present--(ncl to attend an exhib-
tion)—but to do honor to a worthy
statesman, calla late done so **nob
for the welfare of the country. It is
not yet known, positively when he
will return.
Teems is a very important scheme
on foot in railway °"roles, wbioh, if
carried into afoot. will no doubt be
au incslouleble beuefll to Canada.
til ie proposed to construct s railer*
from Sl. Paul, Minn., to Sault Ste
Marie a diatomite of 420 utiles, to con
Loot with the Canadian Pacific eye -
tem. All that is necessary on the
Cauitdian side is to build *breech
from Algoma Mills to the Sault, e
distance of about ninety miles. The
Ling of timber in the raoeut disputed eonetruo. lio n of this line would not
t 't Tl "Il b t ti d only open tip a °gutty ooutslatnQ
errs ory. taw ea grew ar ,
ship upnn a another of trill -owners.
who have made great preperatioue for
a brisk winter's work. Macy of them
are Iieformerit, and they feel aggriev.
Striker, the petition was not filed, Libit the Bale of wine for any purpose. -
This plane, Mr, Mowat; in a bed po. Protestant. seal Last week : 'The S.
sition, se he toque bbs offence of A. if made law Bays it (wine). wast.
bribery, and bought a mem. bor's vote not be drunk except for sacramental
by influencing Striker to abandon the or medicinal Purposes, by forbidding
petition. After those re velatione blas sale of it," 'Pbie weak he adlniie
that it can be sold for other replies
what confidence sen Dir. Herb's ooh•
atituents have la his honesty, or the
people of Ontario io the uptigbtnees
of their Premier ? Ask yourselves
the question.
TheJt tit alb., w'
sod oornpleine that it la allowed to. be 1
Gold in too large quilutltiea. Our obs
jestt in quoting the tootle* was simply
to ate. Protectant right in tins per -
ocular, not to disonee whettne the
quantity allowed to be sold is too
Let Campslga we snactunced thin too' high, or the aodeptabiilty of the
,A t the oorumenosenent et the Sued large, the price oh:trl;ed by dealers
Tse Tomes would ooaapy en "odes Canadian Clinntte for growing grapes
eendent position in regard. to this eta: We were wrong in braying tole
e 'on n
will agree with ns when we say we
have kept that promise. During the
campaign we have published reports
of meetings held by both parts, and
comwuuicatione an favor of sue
against the Act. We leave allowed
!,urge tramp of farm and timber lands, freo disoneeion of the merits and de -
which aro also nob in minerale, but anerite of the weesure, knowing that
world be s great convthat eleOtOr at Homo woenience 10 ship- d on polling
hors, on account of lie shortness, its dee, record their votes for the Act if
a1 present IN bulk of holdout, is die. the burden of proof showed "hart it
ed that the Ontario premier did not p*tobed from SI. Paul to Montreal would be to their beet "metas" to give
direot hie nttaok upon the DouainGh
ioe v1a tcago. The prepared mate it * "tial, and against A if they were
Government, who had sold thane the , would ;ba the eborteet in existence 001Pin0ld that A would be no m
limits. by over 200 miles. The C. P. R. provement, Tiley have beard the
qtr sit , a d we ibtnkr our readers clause could be found sn the 70th
chapter of the Act. We should have
said the 18th chapter of the stelgtes
of 1878.1
teases -
A., fatal *evident occurred at Kite..
endive on Monday moruwg, by
wbioh a youug wan named John
McLeod lost his life. While attend- ,
ing to his dniiee in the, engine. i
rosin of Rigbtlaoeyer's salt works, be What is it the Ladies are
tea.rle in cont001 with the deletes 1
wheel and was inetently killed.
milt oo•oper.tto with any line built to evidence on each side, and today
Stn Jobe ueedenald, who has been two Sault, in order to tap the 'United they were called upon to siva their
Eueleod now several .dile. has Statce. verdict. They have decided ,list the
Ooott Act ellali have a tried in Thio
oeitsulted Sir Andrew Cleric, the dist- "The voting on the Scott leer in the county
tiognieleel Leaden pip/idolise, and the oountieri of Perth and Kent will not -�• e.-- _ ' - '.
result of lois diagnoaie of the Premier's take IsQe for some time. The eti• I rides entered into it wzsb a determi•
•oondltlaa wilt relieve the anxiety of pP Ration to win, but iu a battle only
hie hoot of friends =ud can:deers. Dr,
(ijlark decleree 'that the right hon.
•getitleniou bas no chronic or manta
disease, and drat hie malady is teem
perativeiy trifling. He has preaorib•
wit for Sir tJohu Itlacdenald, and al-
ready the health of the patient is al-
most entirely restored.
Tat: contemplated publls demon -
titration in Honor of Ste John A. Mac•
donald's forty years of publio life will
take plaoo an his return from Eng- been secured hi good Guth, and at the 1
tions Neve 'been objected to on the
grouod that a sufficient number of
diose who signed them nava oianged
ane party oan trio, and the side that
has been routed :lbouid aub�nit with
geed grace, feeling that they did their
their miude end wish their names best to seoure the victory. This we
withdrewu, to reduce the number of hope will be the fouling of the de-
signatures to lose than the required
25 per clout. el all the votes 013 the Tor' majurlttea1u elle mautoPT;. Beard
P,rola aro es folluwa a Exeter, 3 . iYinfi•
aesesoment roll. The Scott Aat rep- ham. 17; wands, 57 . Blyth, .0 doderioh
ton, orW. 8t1; �vrox-
82 ;'8tanley. 8s3; Uabarae. til; Aahftald,
; `rnrnbarry, ltt8 ; Atonia. R41 ;
the law to permit ebeee unmet, to be E.
footed patty in this campaign.
resentatiye olaiined that the obieo. J town 36 Olin73 t3oaf
lion was rsieee iu order to detain the Mar
vote, Ise there was no provision iu gaUett Tr b wawanosb 93 E wawa
nosh. 189 • Tuekorami.i. 41 ; 0 deems 65;
etraok off ; also that 1110 na111e0 lead Howlett 95 with places to hear from Grey
laud. Montreal topic tti. leaf and is t
Scott's Emulsion of Vitro
VOA mum oil, with, IJypopbospbltea.
is Afore Nutritiow alai ,Strangrherrir+g k say they are such nice goods,
than any other ooiiibinee or single remedy. and so cheap. And thea you
The. Medical Profession uui.Gomny attest t)il ht to see their Blaen Fur
this fact aha prescribe it in aonsaruptiol7, g
and all wa6ting eonllitione, with splendid re- Trimmings, why we Lever
66 saw anything• like therm. Blk
Fur Trimmings from one inch
to three-quarters of a foot
Juslx,>ci: sING "wide,. and all new in this sea
The meat interesting feature of the res nt ! son—eve aro of them. Be
exhibition at hnoutreslwss acumranl• otool yaro
rm rumtnring sure you see them at
the eeleb:abed note Coin Tobaocc, anu at brie
RS 14 time delighting tiiw crowds of speetatars
with axquiute eoutberninelodies. ,t Snidmad•
stands stotstdio1olnw wary sxarded to tills
Uxuke obread the omm, tie tendered to the the �r�s Tobaer°Co. for their attractive exhibit.
.Zr. F. BUNS is prepared to pre instruction* .
on Pie ao,orran.1'vaoeand Theory of Music.
For terws spats ar d 1', Clinke'a Store, or At
Aix, it rawu"ri, either, l;xcter.
'-alking about ? Why f those
Matalasse Cloakiugs, Mantle
Cloths, lJlsterixlgs, Moltona,
&c., at BANTON BROS. All
Survival. of the Ates,. Down's Whir has
outlived every other Bough remedy simply
because itis the best.
78; Qodeneb TP., Ma, N
ems tor Gliu many more names
The majority in favor of the Act will be
8 Yever Jetta wlt'u alt returns *rein.
followed b Toronto At a meeting could have been obtiduse had this pd B h
y - u au voce oar t e Act by 694
t objeetiou been autioipated There and BtHI reflpoct Yol tl f 1 t li
in the latter oily a few days ago grog • i y m t a uw p aae�e a car
entbutiaam was manifested, cud. it 140V baso a farther objection made to from in eaob county. I'riaoe Edward county'
the forth petition that it was illegal cefeate the Act
by aed majority
125. York
was resolved to tender Canada's great ha acoaun► of not bruin boon depot;tee
eletoeman a great banquet and public tl , p vete by s tuaj,�rityai31J, returns incomplete.
till -
reception. This will far auperoeds l "tad in the aherif 'e office, The Gov Drew a nail is at thn time of writing the Mowat Demnnetration, as in Sir
John they will have a steteewen
worth of honoring.
The Parkhill (tttetie (Independent)
says : While we are etroog in our ap-
prectetiou of the usefulness of a legis.
latera, we believe Weenie! *miens
would prove more advantageous than
the annual ones. We gaffer more
from too frequent tinkering with the
laws thus from apportuuities to re.
form bad one+. The requiem o4 each
session is very oousiderabbe. As the
experimeut of biennial sessions has
been satisfactorily tried by many of ed in the sheriffs office of the county.
the State legislatures ou the "other The voting in Perth will, iu all prob•
side," we hope to see a determined ability, not take place for same time.
movement made hero in that direction. In the Kent ease it was decided that
-- the petition was correct.]
THE Scott Act is weekly becoming
more popular. The vote in the Bev- FACTS •have recently been made
eral counties duriug the past few known in connection with Mr. Mow -
weeks show large majorities in 118 at's purobaso of the support of Mr.
favor. Tbie, it appears, has caused Hart, M. P. for Prince Edward,whioh
the brewers and distillers to decide to
save their dollars and fight the tent -
eminent in this case have referred
the question to the Supremo Court
for decision. It is not known when
the court will decide or whether or
not oouueol be heard, so that there is
t.d with a erowd of rejoicing people singing
praises to f:od and listening to addresses
from m"u"tters. :1 rejoieiva meeting will be
held in the eawes•etrt at lefetbodist, church
to -Morrow iFridm) evening,
Toto, Toaol,WorkmaashiD& Darahility,
Nos. ON aannd SWc t Baltimore Strreetor.t,, 8attluwrs.
.No.112 Y101r Avenue. New York.
The S. A, vs. the Bible. �e C 11 N.
no telling whoa Perth will enjoy the To the Editor of the E:xeler Times.
excitement incident t0 a Scott Act been SIn :—lu a note antler my
campaign. letter which appeared in the TIMES of TheMOST GUN
[Noxi:.-Sinoe the above has been last week it is stated that I have mis- forth° least Money
put in type we have reamed word that interpreted or misunderstood the 8. Ivor ofrerea to. ilia public.
the Perth petition case has had a l For aa]o by aI] t]raao]aas dtor ata10 ur.
hearing, and from 1}1e evidence given re. The person who wrote the note At Wholesale only by tsendforeatalogue)
the Color; forms a deoiaicn of the pe• hoe made a tar greater mtatake. 1 8CHDYERLING, DALY GALES,
titian beiug invalid ou the ground fail to find in the o. A. the portion 84 tit: 86 Chambers St,,,NewYork.
that the proceeding* were informal, of chap. 10ou refer . �1Perianps tit ishe t�hea7th use AD Loc 1New p pers. for
P itunelilaCo.
the ounditlone not being fulfilled, na clause of sen. 99 to which reference is le Spruoo SL., N, ,
the petitiou should have been deposit- made. It agrees with the words of
paretic* question in Parliament. It is
difficult to understand ho., they are
going to gain auythiug by the change
of tactics. if the Government see
that the people are in favor of a pro-
hibitory measure, they wilt See that
their opinions are parried into effect.
The brewers are probably using this
as au excuse for giving up the light.
THERE ilia been a alight fallinkt off
in the emigration to Canada this year.
This is not surprising. Last Fear
was an exceptionally had year for crops
all over Canada. Newcomers Were
disheartened, and sent bank gloomy
reports of the condition of things in
Ibis couutry. Of course, people who
oontemplated emigrating to Canada
were not encouragedbythese reports,
esp:oially as many believed the people
of Manitoba were prepariug to rebel
against the Dominion government..
But this year the crops are magnifi•
cent, glowing reports will be Sent
back to Europe, sod tt large 'iiiflus
may be expected next year.;
Tan Reform press is invariably at
a lose to know why Sir John ahoutd
go to Eaglaud. Some have it that
he evidently went in order to equal
the Reformers in the Mowat demon.
elratiou. We fail to see any evidence
to warrant such Statement, but the
demonstratien,to'be;tendered our,na.
liontl statesman'8ti hie? leturn 'will
by ,10. per pent, supeeeedo„ that of
Mowat. Preparati6lnii are now being,
made in Toronto fora are,
dial oily, for which the Iaraeal ' hell
plane him in a eourvy light in the
eyes of the people—more in partion•
lar after nis exhibition over the Bal
four -McKim conspiracy. Mr. Hart
was nominated as an Independant
Conservative by the Conservatives of
Prince Edward to oppose Mr. Striker,
who had for mauy years been a sup-
porter of the Mowat Government,aud
was elected by a small majority. A
recount was asked for by the Reform
couvontion, which, on being taken,
gave Mr. Hart a majority of 30. Mr.
Hart was then charged with bribery,
and Mr. Striker proceeded to Toronto
to file a petition to that effect. On
reaching the city he was persuaded
by Dlr. Mowat to drop the petition
and on the following day it . was an.
noticed that the petition had not been
filed on account of representations
by Mr. Mowat to the effeoi that Mr.
Hart had oonseuted to support his
Government. Thio proved to be true,
although the corruption:praotisel to
metre such support wasnot known
and in Alt want of coniidetroe motions
it was observed that the' Independent
Conservative voted to sustain the
Govotnment. A Reform organ of
Prince. Edward' county lately gave
the public an insight as to the man-
ner in which the corruption was
dope. After, the recount (named
above) was inade,,and'jads before Mr.
Striker departed for Toronto to file
the petition, Mr. Hart signed a mem.,
orendum' prepared by the Reform
Police Magistrate of the town of Bel-
ton, in wbioh he agreed to support
the Government in every want of
oonfidence, Motion. ,'Through' this
agreement,' which wail nide - known
to Mr. Mowat in time to intercept
the clause you publish. I beg to dif-
fer from ibe remarks made about my a
misunderstanding the 8. A. The
sale of 11l1 foreign wines is indirectly
forbidden by the same clause, and
every one who knows anything about
wines will say they are the best. The
clause only ailaws the' manufacture
and sale of pure native wines made
front grapes grown in the Dominion
of Canada, by the manufacturer, at
the plaoe of making, in not less than Read R. RICKS' Nev Advertisement
ten gallons, except for Sacramental And don't be wandering at out the streets not
purposes. 11 is a well-known fact knowing whereto buy your
that the climate of Cauaia is not
suited to growiug grapes on account
of its severity. I think I may safely
say what wiuo is made in Canada
yearly is not sufficient to supply ono
person with ten gallons in every mu-
uicipality in the Dominion of Cauada;
hence the remainiug population in HIS STOCK OF CLOCKS IS SPLENDID
each municipality is prohibited the representing all the leading American
use of wine, oue of the blessings given maea.
to man by his Creator. Another proof:
I have lately seen a sample of wine Prices Lower this Season than ever before
b iught from a retailer—not a tavern••
keeper or hotel keeper ---which oust at
the rate of $10 a gallon. Now, if.lhe
lioonsed manufacturers charge at the
same rate (and 1 see nothing in the
Soots Act to prevent them) the pur-
chaser of ten gallons (the least quan-
tity allowed to be said by the S. A.)
will have to pay a wine bill of $100
for every purchase he makes. None
but the wealthiest oan do so. The
great majority will be prohibited. A
third reason is the great distance a
purohaser may be from the manu-
facturer he ,nay be hundreds, per-
haps thousands of miles away from
the place of making, Auy person nen
roe plainly from what is staid that
this "cunningly devised" S. A. if
made law does actually prohibit the
sale of wine to all excepta few weal-
thy people, hence it is .opposed to
Divine law, and must be wrong. Let
me 00e whas the note under' this trill
say.. Yours respectfully,,,
Kirkton, Ooi. 25, '84. ; -
[The note under Protestant's _ooni,4,
` ®r Scow acrd.
munioalion last week was simply 'to
show that the Scott' Act dia nob pro. STATION -IT.
Watches, Clocks & Jewelry
His Stock is New and Complete.
No trouble to show you through, or set your
Watch to the right time—if you have oue ; if
not he will be most happy to supply you.
Send in your sick watcher while there is room.
Ica Eemember the Stand-OanDoon NORTH
Ere ter27 n4th, 1884.
Planing Mill!
818q DOOR, and
Done to order.
Rememberjthe place.
A. full stock of all kinds of
Dye -stuffs and package
Dyes, constantly on
hand. Winan's
the best
in the mark-
et and always
fresh. Family recip-
es carefully prepared at
the Cr - ral Drug Store Exeter
Fonthill Nurseries.
325 ACRES.
325 ACRES.
Salesmen Wanted..
To begin work at once on Fall Sales. Steady
employment at tiled: salaries to all who are
;willing to work.
can have pleasant
Good Agents aro Darning from 340 to e75
per month and expenses4
larTcrmeando utfit freo. Address
STONE ce`eP`l3LLINOTOE.Torestte,