HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1884-10-30, Page 1Vol..ail., No.10 "HEW TO TSE LINE, LET THE ORIPS FALL WHERE THEY MAY." EXETER, ONT., THURSDAY MORNING, OCT. 30 1884, JOHN wmmle A sore PabllsherI and. 1'r.p* 1etore. --Just Received "YARMOUTH BLOATERS, FRESH FINN. H FRESH. BULK OYSTERS (Quart or Dull,) ALL KINDS OF FRUIT IN SEASON At G. A. fl .i,.A.1..��. N'S. home to giveyour reader;few soles ratsing of stock, at rvb.oh lmweuse running its whole length, navigable A T*ip to the reasisVoalft. ADDIESz I Hesse wain ! homn sg ain ! trrOt4 a distant shore, And Ohl it (tile my heart with toy To grest my friends t►nce more. 1 o Niter of the Bwaaer• IY'trnee, Diktats, from the Red. River at the east, to the Missouri is one great plain, admirably adopted to the rata- ing of wheat; bub west of the Miseouri River tbo burnt lands commence and all agriculture ceases, Montana is *head farmers were to go into the, Williamette Valley ant work as herd to they do here they would soon amassa fortune, The valley hoe all the requirements of future greatneee, for, besides the great fertility et its next, restated. This Immense term. soil and its beautiful olimeee• baring But rowwstid you ere lttarin tett' is almost wholly adapted to the the wet --it hes it rgagnifioaut river P 4 LEGAL. W. iiALL, fro ►r1T diary. AL#,1tst tiuii 1 tttougllr{ herds can be seen dotting the rocky for ships and teeming with It Pias oleo a line of reilwity ou each side of the river, while ite uuuleroui towns are both beautiful and thrifty. We here eujayed ourselvee for a few days under the hospitable outer teinment of Mr. Jamee limiter, ori etlbauy. Mr. H, sed family aro jnet• one Test in the valley, pityingemi- grated there from Iowa He le an old Ontario Irian, at one time a LAM. et in Huron comely. Mr. IL, aocom. paaied by his eetionabie lady, drove uE out aQme 61x miter to "Peterson's Butte," one of the want' dome shaped mountains which rile abru,tly from, the plain. After a very tonicme aad (abetting travel, we reach the top of the Butte, but our teil was amply re. warded with the ulagnifioeut view which met our gaze. Far ee the eye could reach was spread out boforo ue this most beautiful valley, allowing many of its towns and villages eoat- tered ever, the beautiful houses and wooded grovee adding; to the charm. Before leaving the Butte I noticed 4 muuud of eiouee which reminded me Wet it was customary for visitors to contribute thereto ; I accordingly de. posited mine ou the top before de- aeending. Alter tatting leave of our worthy hose and bo-tess we prepared for our journey lute California, where, Mr. Editor, I will take leave ot your readers, promising to resume my &soourse iu a future issue. N. J. CLARE. Cannell an. 1J1F Ulk4iiq eBsnauenoasOR p,sorsid thrugh the United States and Canada er deoKtiQ two- euptortAntempetanca araetw ineoaspati,ih't7, ate. Advice trim State ossroaaesadOdrass ATTORNEY WARD, World Banding, one 1 11A11RISTER SOLIvITORI etc :01100 irrSanaw*u'aHleet, E,aeter, DENTAL. 11 I IN SDMAN, DENT T. te. D.8 Hsaremor ed to Post, Mee e Block. Teeth ex- traetedwith out pain. MEDICAL, A -,R. HYNDMAN3.--CORON.ERFOR the CauutyotHuron, iriltco.apposit. to IXr.t.riarli n g'sstore,Exeter • A W. BROWNING M. D., M. C • P.S..Iraduatel•ietortarssiversits• Onle. andrealdeaca Don;°dor r.aborstorv. Exeter. R. J. A. ROLLINS, M. C. P. S 0. Ayre. Hain St.Exetor.Ont. Residence lrouserecently occupied by P, 7dcl'htllipe,Eeq. LUTZ, M. D., N.! • nIceat his residence Exeter. Bror♦dway, New York. I would bevel been stile to eantribute *Short sketch new awl thea during illy journey ; but. really I found it utterly irgposvibis tie+write while tree- elliog, ea that I bed to postpone the ANTI) � AGSN7:a duty until my retard. `IY "10u 1 doom it a. pleasure to give your "4"°°41'' reader. a few ezaraots concerning the JeW & Superior Candi bps & Charts many plaeee in the far-off land which As paying at any nettqr to the world. For visited, aid my ,impre*eiime or the full p artitni 1 F. free. addrsas,.11.C.TUNISON ?dap Publisher988Rioir ond•at..Loadop,Ont, States tliran$h wiiawh I travelled. First allow me to carry the found ItOPERTZz I,InT at the reser over tate route traversed. 1'BG' Taking fl1, Paul, Mina., as a uu- R SALE UR 7.'O RENT.— 41""'bur lonrnev. extended weal over ct9ray3'►ndahait trace a.rellinrou the the track of the Northern Pioifio corner of Wiliam and Waterloo streets. to- B. R, to Portland, orogen, oroeinug ggebur wtW oho lot ut laud. There area Tag- weltandoittern. Also tile elate of Mtnueeote end the Terri - n dwelling house and stable together with a tories of Dakota, Montana, Idaho and lots on the oineette corner for sal. Fry ion Particulars. apply to ISAAC li WDEN,Exeter Washington ; thence south, by rail P.O., Ont. and stage, through Oregou and For or Sale. Northern California, to the city of San Frauoieoo. The return trip was A, well an1ahedaadaonesnisntDwelling House 1by way of the Great Southern or and lift on Huron Street, East ot *am StXOOt Texas 1'aeifio route. through South. Rx For particulareappls to ern California, Arizen«t, New Mezioo )4R, s v r r.raor. and Texae to Texareane ; thence • northerly via the Iron Idouutain It, acmes Arkeusae to the city of St. Ram for Service. Louis ; aud the Wabash Paaifio to Solicitor Exeter ' Detroit. Our trip tasted seven• weeks, during which time we travelled over i s n l sins 9t100m1a o#U Uncle Sam's dem Aidonce xe er. Ttla.utideratonedwitl Kte) on his igra noes. n w o 'ague a tharo'b ed __ .... „- ... �- ., K„'._,_-., Int i,c n, 9, Township t L r .' Ronthdownitaru,tosnrvealimtteduumber of R, IRVING, GRADUATE (3NI l:cros.fer rho itupraronaant or St,'ck, This and passed through ireventeeu Stator VFIt.4ITYTrinity Cellos WernherCollege animal has taken ist'prire at near?v all the and '1'ertitaries. IIi order not to Physician s$ad surge O121 On t..0ilioel{ irkton fairs Oda season. It was pinchased from 3Sr. G. E. Cresswell, of see.fortb. Terms, 740 .1 weary your readers with minute de - mile of ell we saw and heard, I will simply narrate anythlug I eau call to mind whiioh may prove both tutereet- HENItY EILBER, Licensed Auc• FRESH MEATS ! 'lug and edifying. Vena leas, p 1 ay I Arriving at St. Prod on the morn. The urldt rsigued wish to announce to the Ing of the Iftli of September, and inhabitants of Exeter and vicinity that they having some eight hours at our dis- haveopened oat a 1 poral. we proceeded to visit the great I �t metropalie. Butcher St hop About 40 sears ago St. eau' noll- e singed of a oolleotion of log shanties, in the building formerly ooctipied by Eemp's built swan eminence overlooking the Tobacco Store, where all kinds of fresh bleat mighty Miseiraippi, inhabited by can be has, white men in search of adventure and gain ; but by far the greater portion of the population was of the untutored savages, whose tepee., nail wigwams occupied the hills and val- lies that uow constitute the city, Since that time a generation has not passed away, and behold what man bath wrought: public schools of briok and etoue, filled with 7,000 children, at a yearly cost of $120,000; threehospitals, two orphan esylams, a dozen banks, besides many other public and private buildings. The wholesale trade of St. Paul IMPORTAz,z riOTIO1C,S. Usborne, Oct 80th,188 t. L1tONAitA HUNTER' i a r for Ste hen and McGil yr Towuships. Sales conducteds. moderate ranee. Ofllce—At Post -chine, Crediton, Ont, ONEYTO LOAN ON REAL ES - tate for the Huron & Erie Loan Savings Sudety. Low rates of interest. Apply to John Spackmaa,Exetor. L' J. CLARK, Agent for the Us- .•borneand IIibbert MutualFireI-nsuranco Company, Residence -Farquhar . Orders by mailpromptiv attended to. TOS. HUDSON, COMMISSIONER in the Court of Common Pleas -needs, Wills, 5fortcages,Leasos,and all forms of agree• moots drawn and executed according to iaw. oFFIon-Intro CentennialHotelBiook,Hon- sali, Ontario itIONEY TO LOAN AT 6 AND 61 per cent. according to terms. Private Fande. Apply to B. v.ELLIOT, Ootoberl5,'80 Solicitor, Exeter MONEY"?? You will do well to call, as allmeat sold by them is.Grosh and Tender. SNELL & FORD, Proplortors. J. Doupe & Co )OF(- Icon lend any amount ofMoney onfarm se- im m i� T o N cnrity at 6,6i sad 7 per cent. according to terms Private Funds a specialty, Chargee moderate H W HALL,Barrister,Exeter.• G AGENT, CHEAP GOODS OUTSTRIPS EVERYTHING FOR LINN ELLIOT, REAL ESTATE Money to Loan on Farm & Town Property If you want the best value for As lowest races of interest, dna on terms to snit borrowers. A number of first-class Farms for sale. Mortgages b-ught and sold. Mee in Fansou'sBlock Exeter 1 billeidee and numerous glens along the route, Soule of the oettle king. of Montana are immensely wealthy, all acquired he a for years. and the IMO euo0e4e awaits many others. who, having guy kuowledga of the bueinese, are willing to embark in it, as there is abundance of room; in feat there is no auob word as fait in the aloak-rauohing bueineer, on so - count of the aatisfaotory prices ob-- taitted, and the great yearly lnorease. 1 iuterviewed one rancher, who told in he went into the territory eight years ago with just enough inmey to buy 150 head. and uow his stook numbers ever 50,000. ".phis ie only one case of the many I heard of whose euaoess was equally good. There is very little farming done In MQntrtna. and what le done is by meal; of irri- gation; but the results .aro very sat- isfactory, as far as quantity and cuddy are concerned. At While Horse Plains our attentinu was drawn to a inaguifiaent display of roots and cereals grown in the neighborhood. Average turnips weighed from 12 to 15 ponude ; potatoes of extraordinary size ; onions measuring 6 inches in diameter; a squash weighed 125 Ibs ; the heads of wheat and oats were the fioeet I ever saw, but of course all this was the result of irrigation, ro- f which is o(teu a cantly wily op dnoing crops. THE RoCRIES• In passing tli:ough Montana we have the most picturesque scenery imaginable. As we leave the head waters of the Missouri we are ap- proaching the summit of the Rockies, sod by the panting and puffing of the iron horse one eau tell that the grade is heavy. The air becomes cooler, and snow-oapped mountains are all around, while the clouds seeui to be benesth Ra. The declivity is now commenced, and the head waters of the Columbia appear in view : we aro on the Nei- l fid elope, and yet no perceptible change takes plaee.in the atmosphere, neither does the country lose say of its piotureegeness. WASHINGTON AND OREGON. We had formed golden opinions of this vast part of the Pacific coast country, and after eeeing it we cannot endorse the much vaunted praise that has been bestowed thereon. In fact, this whole country is very moon over- estimated in the interest of railroad h iu 1888 amounted to over 80 millions. ! companies and speoulators. I ave The twin sister of St. Paul -Min no doubt in the world but this coon - try ells ie twelve miles dlat:.nt on try zein; yet become of much value, the Mississippi, and will ler the uear both for agriculture and •stook -raising. future be connected therewith, so the vast timbered country on Pujet BUTTER & g" ot great is the prosperity of both. Sound, the .inexhaustible coal depos- EGGS The topography of the bis groat- Its, and grand fisheries are beyond raw material finds its way to be con . ahead altogether too fast, thereby -.oxo- ( virulently converted into flour and producing a stagnation of business, and consequently general depression, accompanied by the usual ory, "bard times," At the ptosent writing there are hundreds of laborers, mechanics and artizaue walking around Portland looking for work. Many would gladly leave the plane had they only the means to do so. We leave Portland, and taking the rook -faced, and laid in courses to the Oregon and California R. R. visit the (2 Doors north of Post Office) height of 'aepen stories. , I.leide the basement is a stone wall 125 feet Butter and Eggs. Wanted long. 15 feet high, which hells the water from the canal after its passage In Exchange tor Goods. from the fella -before it descends to --- the wheels.. 17,000 cubic feat of J. CLARK.. COMMISSIONER N • inthe Court of Common Pleas—Deeds, Wills, Mortgages, Leases, and all forms ofagree. 1 manta drawn and oxecufedaccorling to law. j bfo?fEY'To LOAN ON nEALEBTATB. Parties 'Melo ing to borrow money on account ofrecent pur- chases ofland,or to pay off existingmortgagse willtind a great saving by giving me a pall, lean lend money at6 and 8} per cent. according to terms. N.J.CLARB. FOR SALE.-TWO-STORYFRAME DWELLING HOUSE audoue sore eland.situated on the Thames Road.24 miles east .of Exeter. Goodlarge frame stable and driving shed ; splendid orchard . of choice fruit -bearing trees; good well and cistern. Suitable for a re- tired farmer. Will be sold cheap for cash. A p ply to THOMAS ALLIN, Exeter 0 ty 19-tf ---TRY- 0. MANNINO'S Central Shaving Parlor For Clean and easy shaving, fashionable hair cutting &c. t� Clean towel for every customer,' Next door to Central Hote THE WATERLOO MUTUAL FIRE INSIIRt4NO E CO.• Established in 1883. HEAD OFFICE - - WATERLOO, ONT. This coral, any has been over Eightteen'years &successful operation in 'Western Ontario ,and continues to insure against loss ordamage by Fire ,Buildin gs,Merchan dice, Manufaotori ee,and all other descriptions of insurable property. In- tendinlsinsurers have the option of insuring on the Premium Note or Cash System. During the past ten years this Company has ssued 57,096 Pblieies.covertng property to the amount of $40.872,088; and paid in losses alone 5709,782,00 AssotS, H176,100,00, consisting o1 Cash in' dank, Government Deposit, and the unassessed Premium Notes on hand and in force 3, W Wet DEN,M D. Preside'at. C. M. TAYLOR, Secretary J li.Hoeing ,Inspector, OHARLEEtSNELL, Agent for Exeter and vicinity= ly in its favor. Here the wealth of compare ; but the country is rushing . Doupe & Co's KIRKTON. Clearing Sale ..i Back's Old Stand'. lumber,by'the use of the great water power, whose estimated capacity is 120,000 horse power. THE PILLSBURG "A' MILL. In order that some idea of a large flouring mill may be obtained, 1 will give a few facts concerning the Pills - burg "a" mill. • Length 180 feet ; width 115 feel ; built of limestone, We have just receive('' a large consignment water rush down each ,flume every of goods direct from wholesale houses, which minute, the combined force being we will sell at very close prices. Splendid 2,400 horse power. The machinery Value in Oashmeres, Velveteens, Grey, Scar- driven by ,this . power viols 1,000 let, Canton and Homemade Flannels. A 11108 of lot of tablebushels' of wheat per hour, napkins and covers. Splendid Leaving St. Paul at 8 p. 01., we Winoey, Grey and White Cotton -very cheap. Also Tweeds and Ready-made Clothing.: , A arrive at the crossing on the Red lot of grocoriea to be sold cheap. ' In Boots River at 6 a. m., and luring the next & Shoes we have added some pew lines, and twelve bouts we bad our eyes filled aro prepared to sell the ;beet goods at close .with wonder and delight at beholding prices. the great wheat belt of Dakota. We Farm for Sale or Rent. passed through, the great Dalrymple farm of 75,06,0 acres, where was seen Farm of 100 acres, 70 cleara'd.; BankBnrn,, 60x40 ; Good Hoose and Orchard. price, the No, 1 hard in suety stage of hay - $4,500 ;:$1,000 down Rent, $24O eating. Scores of reaping machines could be counted at once moving like Apply to a grand :army •across the plain, while the circling smoke, near and far, JOHN MATHESON. May 29th. - - Exeter far-famed' Willianiette Valley, and Southern Oregon. ':This is the garden spot of Oregon, and were it not for a eueerabundance ot rainy days in winter,' would be counted the finest spot on earth. As it is, the people there seem contented and happy, as well as'prosperons, and no wonder, for excepting the wet season they en• joy the most Aafubrioue and delight- ful cline tte imaginable. Wheat eau be sown every month in the year but one, so that the farmers are never hurried with their work':' there is none of the bustle and excitement incident to seeding and harvesting tikein this country. Everything there awaits the "whims of the tardy husbandmau, ti.s` may be expected, the people become leubargic in their habits, consequently the land is not half tilled, the result ..beiug noxious weeds in great profusion, , wild oats largely predominating. SViuuipog rate of sesesetneat thie year Lias been struck at 16.88 :miles. Canada will probably he repreented at the Belgium Universal Exhibition in May, 1885. The customs reeeipte for the Ottawa port are said to bo,i$9,000 in advance of last month. It is stated thatthe Scott Aot t:leo- tion in the United Counties of Duu- das, Stormont and Gleugarry will be protested, but on what grouude is not mentioned, Mrs. Elinor. Kitts, wife of a pro- minent politiolan of summit township - Erie shot and killed herself in bsdd on Monday. She used a shot gun• and pulled the trigger with a etiok... Her mind had been shattered by: grief. Monday evening a serious accident noourred at the Grand Truck station Hamilton. As the Toronto train was ooming to a atop an Italian jumped off while the train was in motion,jand falliog, got under the wheels of the train, crushing one of his legs to a jelly, Tnesday morning while Clarence Walsh, sou of Jas Walsh, of Niagara, was getting into a wagon at Mr. Oe - mend's, Lake Road, Niagara town- ship, with a loaded gun, i accident- ally discharges and the contents en- tered his thigh, making an ugly' wound. On Monday last Mr. Daniel Shee- han, perhaps the oldest man in On-• tario, died at his residence, Douro. - He had passed thecentury by threw years, and had lived a generation beyond the scriptural three-ecore- and4ten. He was born in the oonnty of Cork, Ireland, in 1781: He was, therefore; 17 years old a1 the time of the Irish Rebehio , and when that great, Iribhmaan,' Lord Nelsen, won the battle of the Nile. • A nein named Edward' Brady, aged abort "twenty-five years, formerly porter.inallaCrawford ;Howie, Wind-• sor„Wag drowned' al that place on Sunday while fishing off the Great Western freight alit)'doolt. ' The un - taken, man had' cauelit a 'lizard. taken, it off his hook, and stood up to. kion loto;the' water . again, : when he missed, hte;footing and fell in. Mr. Denote, of ' the: G. W. freight office, came to the rescue 'and jumped into the `water at oboe, bet was unable to reaob'the drowning man iu time. A despatch ;from Port Arthur says that lis rneu were killed Thursday, by falhag rook an McLeod'"'s contract at Red. Stickel -Cove; 'about 200 miles east of Port Arthur, ou the Canadian Pacific. Also three inen were killed ' by a premature blast farther east. told of the preaenoe of the thresher. If a number of our thrifty and go- The names could not be learned.