HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1884-10-23, Page 8A Wonderful Find. i A Badger Batting, Interesting items.
A carter named Dore 'was run over by a
Some weeks ago, says the PittsburgAn amusing iuoident in the unwritten street oar in Montzeal ort Wednesday teat of
Dispatch. a lady riding in a car on the 1 history of Abraham Lincoln is told by last week, and tiled trans bis injuries in the
Pennsylvania railroad` between this city i the Hon. Warci, H. Lemon of this city. hospital.
and 'Harrisburg had the misfortune to! While the gentletuee were lazy -part. The Best Buskin's
e she orld a Cute, l3xuis-
1 s zt very va uablo bracelet jVhile triers in Illinois, attd before Lincoln was es, Sorea. Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores,.
put „np the window of the par it be- i thought of for President of the United Tetter, Chapped hands. Chilblains, Corns. and
cae'uu asked and fell out. The loss. ;?fates. they heppexicil to visit an Agri- ' nil Skin Eruption#+, and positively cures Piles,
Was reported to the conductor who Cultural fair in an inland town of or no nay requited. It is guaranteed to give
took the name and address of the lady. Tennessee.
Lincoln was in high spirits and seem-
ed bent on fun. While casting about
for such amusement as the exposition
and in four days afterwards she had
the satisfaction of having the bracelet
returned to her. How was it done?
By a very simple process. Oa arriving afforded Lincoln discovered an attrace S, e'er over sixteen years G. IL Byerest, of
in this city, the conductor telegraphed tion in the shape of a turneddown flour- , Forest, hes sold Pagyasni's Pectoral Balsam
the loss to the various station masters barrel containing a badger. and its satea are steadily increasing. It cares
near where it occurred; the station "Fifty. dollars for a dog that will coughs, colds, and all lung complaints ; is
master of each station placed the facts haul the badger out of tete barrel," pleasant to take and always reliable.
M possession of the track walkers, and shouted the .red-faced man who owned Bieglate made their way into C. Beck tt
the track walkers were, given orders to the outfit. -Fifty dollars I say, to the Cc, and Myers da Co. stores, Penetangnishene,
keep their eyes open on tbeir rounds do that can haul out the badger." on Wednesday night of last week, and drilled
for the bracelet; These men go over ' `here were a few takers of the bad- the sates in both places, but only got about 85,
the track every day, their business be- ger mentis oiler, but the luckless dog- { If you would have e.ppetite, Flesh Color,
in to see that no obstructions are on owners who invested 25 cents in the t Strength and Vigor, take Ayer's Sarsaparilla,
the road. In this way one of these experiment invariably lost in the specu- t which will router there upon you in rapid sue -
walkers discow:ered this piece of jewel- tattoo, for the badger's teeth were cession.
try. It was returned to the station mss- sharp, and every dog that entered its Why go about with that aching head ? Try
ter with the report of the track walker; , strouohold eame out in a jiffy. while Ayer's Pills. They will relieve the stomach.
then it went to the conductor with a the ferocious animal inside held the restore the digestive organs to healthy action,
report, and in due time fatted its way ort and grinned ali otter.remove the obstructions that depress nerves
to headquarters. where the various re' his, Lincoln hit upon a happy ; and braiu, and thus cure your headache per -
ports were placed on tile, and finally : thought. Taking. Ward to one side manently.
returned to tee owner, whose receipt they found lane, countryman with ;a lili\lAlifiAt3L11tEC0�'lllli.
therefor Closed up the account, ; still lani:er mastiff. A council of doctors declared Sirs. Adelnide,
---^ltt>''-a at *C.m...-- ---
_ _
(tnnes. Van to make e� with that dogse O'Brien , of 372 Exchange street, lluffalo,in.
Aasked Lincoln.Lincoln." curtble. tier titer was badly disordered t site
*'Course I do," replied the hayseed.
All the world drives about in the; Tile clog was bartered for, and es
afternoon—the carriage either follow- ll,incoln a reached the badger u an,
ie the winding coast roads to east orl.elbowingphis way through the crowd,
we't or ambito., the c trrou 1'n hill FI i'11) I IGHT:IMO
perfect satisfaction, or stoney refunded.
Pride 25 eeuta per box. Per sale by all drug-
A 0001) TEST,
vomited green mucous ; could retain aro food
skiu yellow and full of humors, She was rap.
idC,y sinking, but Burdock Blood Bitters tared
b r, - t n(. i g hills 118 said; ' " ''
by a succession of sweeps and zigzags, t ..till 1uvt.'st a quarter in your ]:e Lightning is the only eure far Tooth -
each of them opening up iresh glimpses i sir." S game»tthe, t iul elle. Earache arty N. nraligie. It
of the scenery --purling up in some , The badger operator looked et Lin- does nut take a day ardour to cure it. but iu
rugged gorge orsome quiet sylvan vale p less than a minute all twain to gaup. Mute.
q 3 coon s the sliver
y dog tend stalled as oto ands Have testate its merits within the last
ley. Thence you may scramble up „tool: slyer quarter. 1 .
y ear. k laid Lightning is oleo a positive cure
for Rheumatism. The worst possible cases
have been perntaneutly eared in one week..
Price25 cents at J. W. l ie.•ning's Aug.
Store. 3
$5QO Reward,
t ' We will pay the above reward for any
case of Livereoulplaiut. Dyspepsia, Sick heeds
Rehr, Indigestion. Constipation or Costiveness
wte mullet cure with Wt:st'a Vegetable Liver
rho steep banks bynarrow fo°t-tracks, . Lincoln caught the dogand led it u
winding through the thickets of fra-to the barrel. Hastily grabbiug the
grant scrub that grows breast l: gh. ori mastiff, he threw it Tutu the opening
through the thick fir woods that clothe i'tother end first. There was a pause only
the sides of tiro rocky dolls. withthe l of a second, and then followed a lively
streetulets murwuriug somewhere out scram iuside the barrel.
of sight in there coming outt tato and ad here and en ...Fair "hold on there" cried the =eager.deuce, where hey fall In tin''sheets of lila)*• t
I311t tie w+as too I(t with hi
silver over the faces of the lichen -cove ; Mance, Oats/Tune- tit( badly #rinittened 1'illa, +when the directinus are strickly complied
ered eliiPw. Thou, emerging from the 1 di; with the badger sticltrna to his 1"."1. They are purely Vegetable, rind never : Hoes,
thickets of fir, where rho dwarfed trees 4 hindquarters Tits crowd parted, and fall to live nativtaetion, tingar coated. L+uge
have begun to struggle and die down, ':away went th(i doe rid bag i boxes, contaiuing 30 Pills, ' ,t cents. For sale
by all Draggists.. Beware of ceunterfetts and
linatatiouv. The lieuuifte niannfaeturt d only ,
by JOHN C. WEST .t CO.. "The Pill Teak.
ars." 81 fi 83 Eiugstreet East Toronto, Out.
The Groat French Lotion. for Beautifying
the Face.
It onnceals the evidence of age. (leo ai+pli•
cation wilt matte' the most etabbernly rettNiel'
rough hands beaotifunV soft and rotate. rte•
member that" kttY Dk,W" is net a paint er
powder that fila up tits pores of the aklu, and
that is iujurioua to the skin but a new and
lieacha k tal o ow with #health, the thatcausesarmy
and hands to rival the Lily in whiteness. lir-
uosssible to detect is the beauty it confers arty
artificial cl-•araeter. It curia (irenay Skin,
Freckles, Wrinkloa. Pimples. Mick Beads,
Crain s Feat, lilostohee, de ace Grubs, Sun Burn
Tan. I;iti, ronin. Chapped Hands. Sora or ('hall
ped Li,' . Bather's Itch, Tetter, .kc. It frees
tho pores, oil glands, and tubes ruin the I)slur.
toss effects of powders and cosmetic washes.
Byted It alleast nes the skid au ! will nnnkeeit
soft, sntootC and white ; imparting a delicious
softness; producing a perfectly healthy, nater-
synod youthful appearance. File best face.
lotion that the world ever produced- We will
send" A Lange, nOTrt,R"to any flatirons on re.
eeipt et price, .t. y411eictdeitna mention till
A,idres a all It• tei tato the
NAY I)I+tit' Ari FNL Y,
71 Your;, -street, Toronto, Ont.
Parlor and Reeeutinti Boom for Ladies.
you cornu on some hrewvnhiil-shoulder, a a ,or
which shows you a broad panorama of The badger stunner ckllike brother,ad co the teams
the rolling ranges of hill and dale that Iran, away. women fainted, and the
sink sato shadow -V. plains in On iniddio l; crowd roared. Lincoln fairly went Free trial package vent by until prepaired en
biek m untai tiro}, rias into nil Illus. ±into s enjoyable.
of mirth, ilio Sun was so Barb Wlrc and steel strip•
f4�' �G� ]
black distance mountains skirting the northern 1 receipt of a three cent #,tamp. 1 U
horizon. Butof all the, abjecta that fit , lh .L"
1 e countrymen owning the dog was )Jr..;A 0lrien,372 Exehauge Street, ltnf»
the foregrounds of th(t� lows, Cannes ^ Paralyzed, as WAS the 'badger -owner, talo, was eu t osetr to be dying with consum i-
itsolf is the most striking and ari,inal, d who setup a groat howl and was mad d bpd oil h by physician. Sl
You see fine scenery a sewhore--• on tion su a au un y her
. ie
y enough to fight. seemed terribly nn,i was reduced in !le•.lr to
may sea loose agglomerations of Band-' +.giadttc(t" sour wdo,"' said Lincoln to airier wauitds. Iu this cnntlitiun rliu re .ort+til aal . +
some houses iu their gardens --but tate bad er-keeper. to BurdockyBleed Bitters, and new enjoyw per• t lift w
certain -
nowhere on this soda of elm Atlantic �e,4►
other. do you soo such a collection of „
d g 1 i '• onto h service-
W. Payne,deafer,
nor, indeed, its We believe, ori the, "'Feu play, foul play," cried the feet health anti weighs one ]uundred. and forty. ,
chagrined gamester, "and. I'll nt ver Aix• She will gladly answer enquiring suttee,
enormous hotels monopolizing the most "reit"
whore Lemon
a i ; era a1 lie t a (a Slndlrottaro cate tle
iy donotuu to the proportions of theable. Catchiug the badger's friend by was murdered by cowboys tit Denver, Col,.
tl k lr I
monster establishments in Newport or re`nec , 0 erlet.
Saratoga, yet the biggestGive up tate *50 or I'll w:tllupyou.
Qa, are big Lemon's herculean proportions were
enough in all c themn Vie, and there are too argumentary to be trilled with, and
y more of - There are over tlio mono w't3 lin did t Air L'
y • • •n t o . met/ it, euro it. Beyond the shadow of a doubt It is
sixty of them now—there were only
two small posting -houses when Lord who in tura gave it to the countryman. the best boiling compound e.vurkuowvu, lsttils,
Brougham pdiscovered Cannes — of 'The dog was well paid for, and the Festerings, Frost Bites. Brume or any tithe
badger business closed up for want of t'iouble, are alike cured by it. Sold et 3S
which a third or so are said to be a badger. —lJcn •.r 2'ribune. cents by J. W., Browning, Druggist. •f:
night last week.
Are yon troubled with Halt Rheum. hough
Mande, or O1,1 Sures of any kind that cannot
be healed ?elven though it be of yeas t•tmr-
ding McGregor A; Parke's Carbolic Cerate will
first rate; all have sprung up in the
last five -and -twenty years, and all are
said to be fairly prosperous.--Bleck-
wood's 11a2azine.
-- '+ •-�'----- INHU,IIAN C1ii:1:LTY.
Tin Knew 'When the Bride was horn. It is a barbaric cruelty to torture the weak
A rather et io i ede t e d etonnttbe of invalids With harsh purgatives
n i n o surto
lately mottle Recorder's aloe. An old, anti sickening drugs, wilco Burduek Blood
Fishing With Dynamite.white-haired Barky, loaning on bis Bitters ww)liregulate the stomach, bowels, liver
In England the use—or rather the cane, poked his Tread in the door of Reauner.
abuse—of dynamite at sea lreoedod.its the marriage license department and, ON THIRTY DAIS' TitIAL.
abuse on laud; and severalyears be- taking, ofi°liis hat, said; Tule. VOLTAIC BELT 00.,Marshall, llioh„wii
fore the worshipers at the shrine of "Souse me, boss, but I'se looking stud I)1t.Drn'aOETEnnAT1iD ELECTRO.VOLTATa
O'Donovan Rossi had forced the End for de place whar day git a license to Boors sere EiascTnrc ArrLUxCEs on trial for
lisp parliament to prohibit the Glandes- marry." hirty days to men (young or ol:t) who are at -
tine manufacture and possession of ex- ••'Como in, then," replied theclerk; dieted with nervous debility, lost vitality
plosive, an act had been passed for- "you've struck it the first time."
and kindred troubles, guaranteeing
bidding the use of dynamite as a "Come on hyar, chitin," tireold speedy and complete restoration of health and
"mode of fishing." en Spain, on tho man said, beckon in_ to some one on manly vigor, Address as above. N. B.—No
contrary, the idea of blowing up fish tore outside. «Tuese ere two wants to trek is in urred. as thirty days' trial is allowed
appears to have dawned upon the pec- getmarried. boss, and I came 'long A GOOD RECORD.
ple as a development of the racticd of wid, em kase this gal ain't gotnofather Among the many thousand bottles of Hag.
and kidneys in so agreeable and effectual a
exploding bombs in the public streets. nor mother ce;ittn me.
At any rate, the "employment of ��"How old is she?" asked the" clerk.
dynamite in fishing operations," to "She's berry nigh nineteen.
adopt the euphemism of the Spanish Where's her father?
government, has become so general off "Dead, boss."
the coast of the Iberian peninsula that "And her mother?"
a law is about to be passed to put an "Dead, too."
end to it. Whether the food supply of "How dy
you know she is nineteen?
the sea is "inexhaustible" or not,the She looks ounger,
use of dynamite is most certainly ota "How'd I "ltnow? I .know kase I
legitimate mode of fishin+r. The ex- brung her up.
yard's Yellow Oil sold annually in Canada not
one has ever failed to give satisfaction. It
cures rheumatism, colds and ell painful com-
plaints and injuries.
Au5WEf Tits ooasxrox.—Why do so many
people we see around ua,seem to prefer to suf
fer and be made miserable by indigestion, Con-
stipation, dizziness, lose of appetite, coming
up of the foop, yellow skin, when for 75 cents,
we will sell these Shiloh's Vitalizer, guaraute
ed t cure thein, Sold by J. W. Browning,
Exeter. now,
plosion absolutely destroys more fishWhere was she born?" Hinckley, the atssconding teller of the New
than it enables the fishermen to se- "Now, lemmo see; her father died York West Side Bank. has been seen in ?Jon -
cure, while those that aro captured are befo de war, and elle was, born just
rendered unfit for food. In the evi- after Itlarst'•Lineoln was shot."
deuce given before the commissioners "Why, that was four years after her
Wife—Wbat,s the matttor now, John ?
Husband—Oh. that neuralgia and tooth -
appointed to inquire into this practice in father's de" th#" ache Lear kills me.
I know it, dot's right, boss, she was Wile --Why don't yon go to J, W. Bio n-.
England, six or seven years ago, it was
stated that the fish in the immediate born four years after her father died." ing's Drug Store and get a bottle .1 Fluid
"011, that can't bel" Lightning ? You know it cures all such
*Silt I tell you boss, I knows it.
Her mother war living' wid my folks
at de time, and it war just four years
after her old mag died."
The clerk was stumped, so he called
up Recorder Family to know what he
should do. 'The old darky failed to be
shaken . in his statement, and as it was
certain that she had a father at some
time the license was granted and the
three sailed out to find a preacher.--,
tat. Louis Post -Dispatch.
neighborhood are so shattered and
bruised by the violence of the shock
chat they are rendered flavorless and
rapidly petrify; while those further
:rsvey have their air -bladders broken,
and struggle away to die a lingering
death. In the case of greg:trio-es fish
like :the mackerel and herring, the ef-
fect of an explosion is to break up the
shoal and effectually drive the fish off
the coast. A few days of unrestricted
"dynamiting," may spoil the fishing
for weeks afterward.—St. Tantes's Ga
A doctor,, writing to, a New York pa-
per, deprecates the publishing by the
press of eases of hydtophobia, as, he
said, in nine cases out of len the fear
of the disease brought it on.
Gan any nue bring us a ease of Kidney or
Lister Compliant that 'Electric Bitters will
not speedily euro ? We sea they cannot, as
thousands of eases already pe' manently eur.
ed and who are daily.recomuseiw d•ng TiAectric
13itts'is will prove. Bright'ft Disease, Di•,.
butes. Weak Buck, or any nriisnry complaint
quickly csueel. They purify Ilse b'ossd,regul-
ate the bowels'. and act 1iset+tly on the
eased parts, rLvtiry bottle „nal ants'ed. For
sale at 50c. abottle by C. Luiz.
More people, min lt## and children. aretranb
led with costiveness than with any otherHolloways pills can be confidently recommend-
ailment. Dr. Henry liaxter's Manrlralc0 Bit- ed to all persona suffering from disordered
tars will cure costiveness and pr.iyent the or worried by nervous fancies, or neuralgic
diseases which result from it.
things as Toothache, Neuralgia, Headache.
Lumbago. Earache, Sore Throat, etc. It gives
instant relief. 4
Everyone should know that Itigyard's Yel-
low Oil will give prompt relief ; applied exter-
nally' will stop any pain ; and taken internally
cures colds, asthuna, °reap, sore throat and
most inflammatory complaints,
Holloway's Piife.—P.ure Blood.—When the
Blood is pare, its. circulation ealm and equable
and the nerves well strung, we are well. These
Piffle possess a marvellous power in securing
these essentials of health by purifying, regula-
ting, and strengthening the fluids and solids:
Mr, Win. Thomas,oi Ns wton,Ia ,says: •11fy
wife has been acr ionely atf,•c:ted with a cough
for tw0.1'1tv-five years, and this spring more
severely than aver before. She had used many
i-osnelies without relief.and being urged totry
Dr.leing's New Discovery, did so, tvith:most
gratifying results. i'he first bottle. relieved
her very much,aud the second bottle has ab Retelling the weather is a• useful' Science i
RR Nowgiib 1 DIES
Parity the Mcod, correct all Disorder% el the
They invigorate and resters to health Debilitated Constitutions, and are invaluable in all
Complaints incidental to Females of all ages. For childrtu and the 58011 they are priceless
Is an infallible remedy for Dad Legs, Bad Breasts, OM Wounds, Sores and ricers. It is
famous for Gout and Rheumatism.
For Soto Threats. Bronchitis, Coughs, Colds, Clnndrlar Swellings. and all skin diseas
it has no rival ; and for coutrected and stili joints it acts like a ehatui.
The Pills and Ointment nresold at TnouAs Hex LOUT'S Establishment,
also by nearly every respectable Vendor of Medicine, iu Boxes and Pots, at is. lid., 2s. 9d„
4s. 6d., lis., 22s., and 33s. each. The 2s. 9d. size coutaius three times the quantity of the
is lad, size ; the 4s. Gd. size six ; the lis. size sixteen ; the 22s size thirty-three ; and the
33: size fifty.two times the quantity of the smallest Boxes and Pots.
Full printed directions as e affixed to each Box and Pot, and can be ha.i in any lauguage
tom• Purchasers should look to the Label on the Pots and Boxes. If the address is not
533 Oxford Street. Loudon, they are spurious.
pains. They correct acidityand heart=burn,
dispel sick, headache quicken the aetion'of the
ever. and act a: alteratives and may
tale appri-' ► l rt 'ke
cuts. The weak and delicate logy take them c i e
without fear. Holloway's :Pills are eminently
serviceable to invalids of irritable constitntiop,
as they. ]'alae the action of every organ to its
natural standard, and universally exercise a
calming and sedative influence.
health for ter She hat not had • sach but roleivin the effects of its sudden changes
goodohelntely health
her. >; M=-E.--Tri-imp, ONTA.R2Q:
thirty years." Trial bottles is a bettor ono. Haggard s Pectoral Balsam -!
free alt C . Lutz's Drag Store. Large size enre4 coughs and colds, incident to sudden
1,00 6 changes. 0.v E I)00R NORTH' .MOLSON'S BANK.