HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1884-10-23, Page 7J, GRIGG Wholesale and; Retail 13001ESEZ•ZIER FANCY GOODS DEALER 'EXETER, ONT. TEN0ENTR Per line for Brat insertion, and ROCS rttiioa will be chargefor for notices $appee.rinl in this admen. Ott 'xoe: Mmes. THURSDAY, OCT, 23rd, 1884. LOCAL NWS. --We shalt be happy to re- ceive at all timer, from any part of the (Jaunty, items of Total news, such as ac, cidents,or any'iNferaattnyl ineideat wkat• ever, from; any of our subscribers or read- ers generally far the purpose of public- ation, Local Eappenin's. Wanted A Ebert aid ietethgent 44 to lora the art of printing, Lint Iran A fair education Apply perianally to TOM office, Exeter' Teacher.. Assoclatiou. Reepeoting the attendance of teach ers at the oonventione of the Teach - ere' A8sooiatione. a circular from th- }h-inietor of Education has the followe ing : "It shah be the duty of every teeoher to attend oontinuouely all the meatiuge of the Aeooietion held in bit county or inspectorial divlaion itwo daye in each half year to spent to be counted as visiting days) and in the event of hie inability to do eo, to report to bis Inspector, giving rias. one for hie abeence." Scarcity of Buffalo Renee The time ie rapidly ooiniug when the buffalo robe will be curiosity. It is destined to disappear from the libel. vas of the furriers as the buffalo is disappearing from the plains. Tho let of the buffaloem estimated at a few thousand, have crossed the bonn- dary liue into the Dominion of Oen edit. A few small herds are occasion ally seen in the United. States, but ildey a,re:ditappeariog rapidly. Last year but 10,000 buffalo robes were se- cured, This year the number will go down to a nominal number: Wanted. . The Army. The Salvation Army is meeting with but little sueoee as far as seeing sinner's seeking salvation is concern- ed, but they saw some "fruit" of their labor the other night, if getting pelt- a ed with apples be accepted as euoh. One of the soldiers while praying an the street was struck on the side of the head with a hard apple, wbiob some one in the crowd threw with terrific force. Other aoldieru narrow- ly escaped being bit. The captain of the army also complains that the boys kick up too muck racket at the outside door of the herraaks. Lots•of work for the army here. They anti- cipate a severe fight this winter, and expect to wave the palm of victory: ervil,le, ou the evening of the earn day, and hes since been ;eon by di ferent parties, It is said, but no ou has killed him. though in Untarlo end the lava lake regions and St. Lawrence vett the season will probably be mild, th exoose above the average wilt b greater in the Weetorn States, whit) may with good reason took for exoep genially mild weather during tb greater pirtof the winter, and, not withstanding any early autumn (told which not improbably will be experi enced shortly.. e To -morrow avenins( a public meet- ing will be held under the auspices of o the Band of Hope ig connection with the Main•utreet Methodist. church; The programme will ooasiet of mueio, dialogues, readings, and "addresses. tie Rev. Mr. Gane, of Elimville, Revs. er Messrs. Bali end 'nouveau of Hen' >i Ball, will address the meeting, and - Rev. Mr. Torrence is also expected. w Good 011140 will be provided. Every n perei'n should attend this meeting. at The XETIllt Tions wants a corns. pondent in every village in the sur 1 rounding country. Dozens of events • great sad small—are loot sight of y every week for want of some one to • report them to the press. Are there f visitors in your neighborhood? Send' – their names to the prase. "Tell ue r about the changees, churoh socials or ey meetings? Write an account fat the e paper. Races, fires, floods, deaths, e weddings, aceouele, and interesting Moses Oates, Prophecy, Moses Oates ttiiuks that the c'�ur of sten of high and low baromet Mr the country and other indication favor the occurrence of a mild win Lerner at. least a wiateriu which sue will not lie in this section more the two os three week., There are present no indications of 4 old 108 eon, exoepe it be perhaps *be mums flow of ioeberge from the polar re stone, and that outflow will probabl have little effeotin produoiag cold ex oept along the Atlantic coast north o Boston and along Labrador. Al !.E* zg=s s h items? Send them to the paper and - the editor will thank you and return e the favor some day. Write only what you can vouch for en honor, and , *bona all try to please rather then to • annoy anybody. Itis an honor to be a contributor to the preen. It moose: One week from to -day the vote wit be **ken in this oounty on the Scott Act, Bev. Mr. Martin will give a diecourse en the Soot Acl in the Presbyterian eburch'next Sunday afternoon. To a newspaper titan brevity is the soul of wit: to Jawyer a brief is the soul of wealth. The Clear Grit base ball club have been trying to arrange a match with the Lam boys, but they will pot play. Leat,• ---On or about the Otlt met., between Exeter and Lake South, a waterproof coal tied up in a `coon skin. Finder will ohlige by loaning same at this office. Rey. 31r. Gane, of Eli:twillo. oc copied the pulpit iu the James -street' Methodist ohurob on Sunday evening Int. Itev. Mr. Pascoe preached in the Bethesda church.. The duration of a kiss has been found to be from half a eeoond to cue and a quarter minutes, Recording to whether you are kiseing your wife or htrod girl, The fall wheat is making programs Slums the recent rains, many farmers were becoming uneasy, tbrukiue that the plant would get too large and strong before winter. het arrived at 0. Eaarett's anoth. or large stock of boats and shoes for fall and winter wear. Boots and shoes made to order, and repairing prompt- ly attended to as usual. The foliage of the different kinds of trees now present a grand eight to those who can appreciate it. The color,' are varied, and beautifully blended. Mr. Wilson, who has been engaged s clerk is the Motions Bank here for soma time past has gone to Lon- don to fill the position of cashier in a branch of the same bank in that city. l U1sboruer. Abundance of Game. Reports from the favorite haunts of game in the vicinity of Grand Bend say that there is mors than an aver age number of flocks of wild geese, ducks, partridge, quail, woodcock, player, &a., this year. Several of our local sports returned home on Satur day night with well filled bags of duck. On Wednesday of last ;week Messrs. Wes. and 'Man. Bissett shot two fine specimens of deer at the sand Mlle. Wes. also shot another ou Monday last at the same place, which, when dressed, weighed nearly 200 pounds. It is considered to be one of the largest that has been captured in this section for some time. Re- ports also say that deer are plentiful around the sand hills, and numbers are being shot by sports from other planet. ' Bear Hunt, On Thursday last word reached town that a fine large blaok bear was seen in the township of Stephen, about half a mile from .Exeter, and at about ten o'clock in the forenoon several of the crack shote of the town started out to chase and capture the animal. Before they got to the place where bruin had been observed be had made good time and got cut of sight of the hunters, who, although they traversed the country for two or three miles around, returned home about four o'clock without hav ing had a glimpse at his bearahip. H. was seen crossing the road into Us borne a short distance south of Rodg. The old M. E. Church property St. Marys which was+offered for sale some time ago was sold on Wednesday last to Dir. S:Cornish of Exeter, for $865. This is generally considered a fair price. Auction Sale of the Drew Bank- rupt Stook on Saturday afternoon next at 2 o'clock p. m, (No night (vales.) and every Saturday at the same hour till all is disposed of. Premises for sale or to let. The show business of this season has been a big one Ihrongont the pro- vince. Newspapers have contained little else but prize lists for the past three weeks. Last week wound them up. At the court held on Monday last to rectify omissions and other errors in the Exeter voters' list, the follow ing uamee were addedto the list : Ezra Spicer, e Walter Carley, John Mortimore and William Bawden. A great many of the so called bags of potatoes now beiog eold on the mar kat contain less than 1} bushels. and purchasers should be oareful to have all potatoes sold by the bag weighed before paying for them. Mr. Geo. Fisher, of the 2nd con- cession of Ueborne, has brought in his annual present—a bag of elegant apples—to this offioe, for which we tender him our thanks, and hope his shadow may never grow less, A court to hear and determine complaints of omissions and other errors in the voters' list of the mu- nicipality of Ueborne will be held at Ellaville to -day a* 10 o'olock a, m., by His Honor the junior judge cf the county court. Some enterprising person ought to erect a, roller skating rink in town, and iutroduoe the healthy exercise of ,kating'on roller skates. It is far ahead of skating on ioe, and is be- coming quite popular all oven Can– ads, GENT�EMEV You will do well by calling and inspecting our LARGE. AND VARIED STOCK .OF DRY GOODS ! IF YOU WANT Carpets, Fine Clothing, Fashionable Millinery, Silks, Dress -goods, Drees Trimmings, L'a°es, Hosiery, Gloves, Prints, Cottons, She thugs Table Linens, and Napkins, Blankets � t Flannels Hats Caps, Boots'd; Shoes) The farmers, of Ueborne may eon- gratulete themoeivee on the unusually large yield of wheat and older grain thie year. Although the prices are not so high as last year, the femora' prospects are g,00a and they should flud no difficulty in paying their taxes. Ur. James Ballantyne, the collector, will oommenoe his duties Go to CARI,iING't$. IF YOU WANT To get value for your moneys and see what you are buying, next week, and expecte to get the+ go to CARLI.tiG'S, as we have the best lighted Store in the money when he aide. village. Iltllckt tt. NO TROUBLE TO SHOW GOODS. DS. Oar l,oys amuse themselves with it tug of war these night.. Mr. LeOear and family have just 6 I. C`,ARLINCar become residents of our village. Mies Pettypiece, of North Grower, -F - w_ , TT is at present visiting at 4r. J. Clay- ready for the deposit of the sole ot these lender's, germs, which spread up the nostrils and Mies Ms Gilpin flat gone on a down fauces or back slug at the threat ; aau visit to Mende to Thornhill. ulceration of Lha throat ; np the euataohian tubes, causing d'Yalneae ; burrowing in the A new fence ie being plaoed iu vocal cords, causing hoarseutsa ; usurping front of the eohool property. r the proper structure of the branchial tubes,) Rev. Mr. Harris hoe returned from bis trip to the old 0cantry and is now a1 work again. Mr. Fear, father of Rev. E. A. Fear, of this cirouit, preached in the Methodist church here on Snuday moruiog last. Quarterly meeting services here 04 Sunday, Nevember 2nd. a1r. Peter Gowan has been engag. ed to teach the public school next year. There was no service held in the Preabyterlan church last Sunday. A. public temperance meeting was held in the hall here. ou Thursday night last, under the auspiies of the Kirktou R. T. of T. Society. The speakers were Rev. E. A. Fear and Rev. 0. Fletcher. The addresses partook largely ot the nature of the Soot* Act, and were fall of interest, as well of convincing arguments in favor of the Act. The principal ini– tialled argamente used by the cbampi- one of the cause of the antis in Huron were clearly, honestly and logically dealt with and proved to every un– prejudiced mind to be groundless. An invitation so speak was given to any anti who wished to do so, but silence was the only response, the wind hav– ing been completely kncoked out of the party who came with the inten- tion of speaking against the Act. Dr. Irving presided over the meeting, and also read a few extracts from a pam- phlet written by an eminent English physician. Splendid music was pro- vided by the Misses Kirk and Miss Viokers. The meeting was dismissed by Rev. Mr. Fear pronouncing the benediction. A $20 Biblical Reward. The publishers of Rutledge's Monthly offer twelve valuable rewards hi their Monthly for November, among wbiob is the following : We will give $20.00 to the person telling us in how many languages the superscription was written on the cross over Jesus at the time he was crucified, by November 10th, 1894. Should two or more correct answers be received, the REWARD will be divided. the money will be forwarded to the winner No. vember 15th, 1884. Pers�ins trying' for the reward must send 20 cents in silver (no postage stamps taken) with their answer, for which they will receive the December Month - Ly, in which the name and address of the winner of the reward and the correct answer will be published, and in which several more rewards will be offered. Address Rurasoox PUBLISHING COMPANY, Easton, Penn. • 1" What is Catarrh ? Catarrh is a muco-purlent discharge cans. ed by the presence and development of the vegetable parasite amoeba, in, the internal. ming of the nose. This parasite is only de- veloped under favorable oireumstances, and these are : Morbid state of the blood, as the lighted corpuscle of tubercle, the germ poi- on of syphilis, mercury, toac mea, from the etention of the effete matter cf the skin, oppressed perspiration, badly ventilated leaping apartments, and other poisons that re germinated in the blood. These poisons eep the internal lining membrane of the b 8 s e a k 0oee in a constant state of irritation, ever ending in pulmonary consumption and death. say a crap a um ,sen male to discay. 9f tt t 1 1 er a remedy for this distressing disease by the use of inhalants and other ingenious de. Voters' List Court, views, but none of these treatments eau do a particle of good uutil the parasites are eilhsr destroyed or rem.ived tram the mucous tis- r , J)UG LUST. (la or about the 27th Rout,, a dark Collie Dug with briadla colored iege, abort tail, long flair. and white mien his no M. from the preiat#re Of Jai. Hoagies, loth, con 1, Stephen. Any per. sou returning thin dog will be suitably reward. al, Persons found herbaria, it atter this ties will be JA,S.iiODOINO,Ceattrarille. Q sue. Some time since s well known phyeieien of forty years standing, atter much experi- menting, succeeded in discovering the ueoes- sary combination of ingredients which never fail in absolutely and permanently erten- eating this horrible disease, whether standing for one year or forty years. Tnose who may be suffering froni tate above disease should, without delay, communicate with the busies nese managers, lllessrs. A. if. Dixou & Son, 305, King street west, Toronto, (,auada, and get full particulars and treatise free by en- closing stamp.--Torauto :hail. Charles Wood, the trainer and jockey, is said to be richer even than Archer ; to be worth 400,000. A London Correspondent says it "is curious to reflect, that the ownere for whom Wood toss principally ridden, Sir John Astley and Sir George Chet. wynd, have most certainly not made $100,000 out of the turf. Both, on the contrary, have found racing a very bad game." Jac Eye -See and Phellas will re. tire into their winter quarters at Rae 0100. Scott's Emulsion of Pure Cod Liver 00, with Hypoplrosphltes, In Tubercular Diseases of the Lungs, Dr. John Babington,Cone nna,Mich,. says: "I have prescribed Scott's Emuition, with sat- • isfsotory results in Tubercular diseases of the lungs, and Mesentery glands ; also in Neuralgia due to defective nerve nutrition." 1. hereby given that a Court will be held ;pursuant to the 'Voters' List act,' b ' llie Bon or, the Junior Judge of .the Conuty Court of the Counts of =iron, at the TOWNSHIP HALL, ELIMVILLE, ......(11:(........ THURSDAY, 23rd day of OCTOBER,1884 At le o'clock a.m.. to hear and determine com- plaints of errors and omrseions in the Voters' List of the municipality of teborneforltk+l, required to attend at thus me time and place N, J, CLASS, Dated 2nd Uct.,1881. Glary;. LARDINE MAOfflNE OIL 0 FARMERS, THRESHERS. AND Mill men will save meney, and save their Machinery by using Laraine. LARDINR Has been viotorionn at all the leading exhibi Uinta and industrial fairs since 1878, carryingoff first prizes and medals in every instance, It has now no equal as a lubricator, and. will out -- iwear lard, seal or castor oil, and warranted not to clog or gum the finest machinery. You will cavo money by using this Oil. Try it and you will testify in its favor. Beware of imitations —MANUFACTURED ONLY BY— SALE REGISTER. TUESDAY, OCT, 28.—Farm Stock. Imple- MCcoll Bros. tc, Co., Toronto. menta, &c., the property of David Mill, lot —FOR HALE BY - 14, con, 11, township of Usborne. Sale to BISSETT BROS., Exeter ; commence at 12 noon. Oke & Brown, anc- J. EILBER & SON, Crediton ; tioneers. MoDONELL & WAUGH, Hensali THURSDAY, OCT. 23.—Farm Stook, Imple- ments, &o., the property of Jacob Midengar, lot 19. con 14, township of Hay. Sale to commence at 12 o'clock peon. Henry Eilber, auctioneer. FRIDAY, OCT. 24.—Farm Stock, Imple- ments, &c., the property of John Cook, part lot 9, con. 11, township of Usborne, Salo to commence at one o'clock. Henry Brown, auctioneer, M'O'SIC. Mr. F. Ruse is prepared to give instructions on Piano, Organ, Voice and Theory of Music. For terms apply at J P. Claike's Store, or at Mr. Brown's, Miller, Eketer. Repairing Shop. D. McANBH wishes to inform the ueo3le of Exeter and vicinity that he has opened 8 shop in Fanson's Block, where he will do all kinds of Repairing on the shortest possible notice, and at low rates, such as Gun, Sowing Machine Lock and general repairing. Machine Needles and Oils always on hand. Saws Sharpened, Give him a Dail. Satisfaction guaranteed, AL11Lt1 LADIES' COLLEGE, ST. THOMAS, Ont., has fully organized courses in Liter- ature, Music, Eine Arts and Commercial Training ; a faculty of 17 thorough ly qualified and experieucedteachers; the finest buildings mid furnishings for the purpose in Canada, Rates from *38 to 845 per term; inclu.iing music and Drawing, with Literary studies, only 5190 a year, in advance, .A11 its rooms except five aro already engaged for tbo Winter term. Students may enter Oct 0, Nov 13 or Jan. 2, 1885. For 40 -page .Announce. rnent address Principal AUSTIN, 13.D THE St.Marys Carriage Manufacturing Com- pany, an Enterpris enlanaged by capitallscs of that town, is meeting with great success, hav- ing already sold over twenty-three thousand shares. The surplus stook of the Company amounting to 9106,000 will bo divided on Oct, 22nd, Shares are 32 each, and all those de- siring to participate in this Grand Division, should bny a share at once. Address : H. A. L. WHITE, Sec'y, St.Marye. AUVEft'PI9ERS 13y addressing GEO. P. ROWELL & CO., 10 Spruce St., New York, can learn the exact cost of any proposed line of ADVERTISING in American lvewspapers. rn100 page Pamph- let, foe. Exeter Butcher Shop R. DAVIS, Butcher & General Dealer --IN ALL HINDS OF— M EI la' Onstomers supplied TUESDAYS, THURS- DAYS AND SATURDAYS at their residence. ORDERS LEFT AT THE SHOP WILL RE OEIVE PROMPT ATTENTION.