HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1884-10-23, Page 1V01. XII., NO.. 9 a' HEW TO THE LINE, LET THE CHIPS. FALL WHERE THEY MAY." EXETER, ONT., THURSDAY MORNING, OCT. 23, 1884, — Just Received— ---SOMETHING VERY FINE IN --- OI 10OT4A.TE All kinds of FRUITS, ORANGES, LEMONS, Fi . FIGS, DATES, G'O(�TI S, BANANA At G. A. ET• TNDALAN'S,.. IiEGAI+. H. W. HALL, BARRISTERSOLICITORt etc 1 DI1Tfttep AfSOLUTE DIVQBeRS Felt pe36one residing throughont: the. United States and Canada for daeertion non - suppers intemperance cru tiMineompatibility, etc. Advice free. State yourcase and address ATTORNEY WABD. World Building. 1267 Broadway, New York, :Wilco in Si mwell'taltloQks E.. hetes'. DENTAL. KINSMAN, DENT 31 DICAL T. 1).13 He.sremoY ed to Poet - Pince Mock. Teeth ex- traotedwIth oat pada, DR. HYNDMAN..---CORO NEAT FOR the Gountyaflfurou. Unice. opposite to M r.I ,C ar, ingl a to re,Rx crew W. BJiOWNING M. D., M. t; P.`i,Qratduata\'ictorienolverstts• Otto andreaidence. Dom txttox(1.aboratorv, Exeter. DR. J. A. ROLLINS, M C. ,l. S O. oalee, Main St.F,xeter,0ot.Besfdence boueereeeutlyo€copied by P. Mol"htlllpe,Esq. el LUTZ, M. D., �.J a Moe at hisreiideuco Exeter. T\R. IRVING,GRADUATE UNI V f:R$ITY TrinityCo13egMembe!rCollege physicians tugawrgeont Out..rOle eli:irkton iMPORTAIST NOTICES. TBNRY EILBER, Licensed Auo. ttouoorfor Hay, Stephen, and McGfltvray Townships: Sales conducted atmoderato cerci. (ltticu-At Vost•offlee, Creiliten, Ont. irONEYTO LOAN ON R''ALES- .i tate for the Huron its Erie Loan +Savings 800toty. Low rates of tutored. Apply to John Spite kMen .Exoter. t J. CLARK, Agent for the Us. 1- . boruoandHibbert MutualFirelnaurancc Company, Residence -Farquhar, Orders by mailpromptly attended to. TOS. HUDSON, COMMISSIONER e in the Court of Common Pleas—Deeds, \Vi11a, Morta;ages.Leaao8,and all forme of agree- rnente drawn and exooutodaceording to law. OF1O -Intoe ContennialHotelBlook,Een- seas Ontario 1 f ONEY TO LOAN AT 6 AND 6} per cent. according to terms. Private Funds. Apply to n,V.ELLIOT, Ootoberl6,'60 Solioitor. Exeter MONEY -1 ! I contend any amount of Money on farm se- curity at 0, 0} a.id 7 per cent. according to terms Private Funds a specialty. Charges moderato H W HALL,Barristor,Exeter GLINN ELLIOT, REAL ESTATE AGENT, Money to Loan on Farm & Town Property Aslowestratos of interest, and en terms to snit borrowers; A number of first-class Farms for sale. Mortgages b-ught and sold. Moe in. Fanson'sBlock Exeter BUTTER & EGGS .1.\NJ. CLARK COMMISSIONER a inthe Court of Common Pleas—Deeds, \Vills,Ofortgagoa, Leases, and all forms of agree. —ooTo— inents drawn and executed according to law. MON= TO LOAN ON REALESTATT. Parties wish- ing to borrow money on account of recentpur• Doupe & Ci0'S chases ofland,orto pay off existing mortgagss J. willflnd a great saving by giving me a pall, Can lend money at6 and 6} per cent. according to terms. N.J.CLARi?;. KIRKTON. ANTE -to %ell TUNISON'S New & Superior Canada Maps & Charts As payingae any agency in the world. Far full particutare, free, address, 11. C. TANISON MapPubliebar 988Riehumnd+st.,Londou,Ont. PBQI'EATY ,ItaT OR SALE OR TO RENT. -..-.A 'tore), ands. half frame dwellinoonthe corner of William and Waterloo atreote, to- gether with one lot of laud. There are a num. er of fruit trees. good well and cistern. Also a dwelling house and stable together with 3 lots ea the opposite corner for sale Fcr full Particulars, apply to ISAAC MAIDEN, Exeter P.O., Ont. For Sale, A wellAn:ebedaudconventent Dwellhuggauia and Lek euUuron Street. East of hiafastreet Exeter, Far partieularaapply to MR, B V ELLIOT, Sotleitor&e, Exeter R A Two Storer IBRICE DWELLING IIOUAE, situate a on Milbst.directlyeaatof the Froaby- torfan Church. la,xetor: tegetber watt ithrtte- quertera of art acre of land. good haute stable and driving houin; splendid orchard of choice young trait -bearing trees ;good well and els; tern. Suitable for a genteman's residence. Will be sold cheap on terms to suit purohasvr. I'osieaah,rt given lit rbvomber,1 4. Further particulare on application to 1t. UIDLEY, Exoter. 1'. 0. FRESH MEATS 1. The undersigned wish to announce to the inhabitants of Exeter and vicinity that they have opened out a Butcher Shop ! in the building formerly occupied by Ramp's Tobacco Stare, where all kinds of Fresh Meat can bo had, You will do well to call, as all meat told by them is Fresh and Tender. SNELL d: FORD, Propiertors. J. Doupe & Co )0F( K I R E T O %! OUTSTRIPS EVERYTHING FOR CHEAP GOOPS! If you want the best value for FOR SALE.-TWO-STORYFRAME DWELLING HOUSE andoue aoreofland. situated on the Thames Road.2} miles east of Exeter. Goodiargeframe stable and driving shed ; splendid orchard of choice fruit -bearing trees; good well and cistern. Suitable for a re- tired farmer. Will be sold cheap for cash. Ap ply to THOMAS ALLIS. E.ceterP 0 . iv 19-tf --TRY— C. MANNINC'S Central Shaving Parlor For Clean and easy shaving, fashionable hair cutting lac. Clean towel for ovary customer, Next door to Central Hote THE WATERLOO MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO. Established in 1863. HEAD OFFICE - • WATERLOO, ONT. This comb any has been over Eightteen, years n successful operation in Western Ontario,and continuos to insure against loss or damage by Fire, Buildings, Merchandise, Manufactori *sand all other descriptions of insurable property. I. tendin6insurers have the option of insuring on the Premium Noto or Cash System. During the past ten years this Company has ssued 57,000 Polieies,covering property to the amount of $40,872,088; and paid in losses alone $700,752,00 AssetS, $176,100.00, consisting of Cash in Bank, Government Deposit, and the unassessed Premium Notes on handand in force 3. W WAL mus, Id D. Presidert. C. 141. T'AYLOlt, Secretary J 13. Hron s,Inspector. CHARLEII SNELL, Agent for Exeter and vicinity, Clearing Sale 1 $ack'S 016. Stared. (2 Doors north of Post Office) Butter and Eggs Wanted In, Exchange tor Goods. We have just received a large consignment of goods direct from wholesale houses, which we will sell at very close prices. Splendid yalne in Cashmeres, Velveteens, Grey, Scar- let, Canton and Homemade Flannels. A nine lot of table napkins and covers. Splendid Wincey, Grey and White Cotton—very cheap Also Tweeds and Ready-made Clothing. A lot of groceries to bo sold cheap. In Boots & Shoes we have added some new lines, and are prepared to se11 the bust, goods at close prices: Farm for Sale, or Rent. Farm of 100 acres, 70 cleared Bank Bern 60x40 ; Good House and Orchard. , Price, $4,500; 41,000 down. Rent, $240. Apply to JOHN MATHESON 1OEN ATE & SON Publtehers itnd Proprietors. Canada It is expected that the Isocal Legis latera will meet January 27. A Kingston woman hes been fined for selling taffy to a youth on Sweaty There are 27 itndenta iu the volleg• late cissas for women et Mc(*iIL Uni- versity which opened ora the 616 inst. A fearful accident happened Sao. day in tihe house of Stttraielana Cher. aloe, of La. Boone St. Aline, Que., byt', whist► three children are considered. fatally woapded. The parents went to church, leaving four yonngaters iu the house, rias eldest only eleven. Oue of them felled '. ceuitltsr of gust pow. der, and commenced' playing with it. She throw scab on the fire, when the canister exploded, sad tole olntdree's clothes were quickly in ilswes, Ee- fore seeistatuce arrived three were eo terribly burned that the doctoral hod no hopes of their recovery. One alone partially eaoaped. At 2 o clock >lfoildey moraitlg fire broke out in Jas. Iiartaey'e large brick store and dwelling, which Lisa gained great headway and euteuded to a frame building ill the rear before the alarm was gtveu. Campbell's hotel and stables were on fire before the brigade got eteanl up. Next, ou the east, Sherliag S;. toores ()look caught, and all became ft total lose, Stocks and furniture pretty well eav— ed. Oa the we Adams" fancy and fn llieery store it badly damaged. All frame buildings in rear of Adana', Taylor di Lea, and Alex Featbere$an'a are burued. 'Their atocke are badly damaged by removal. Total loea about $60,000. Some time ago Albert Davey, with his wife and family, lived on Simms Avenue, about a guitar of a>ti mile from Grillis. He wanted to sell hie, dwelltug, but the wife refused to eign. her dower. Davey threatened her withviolence, acid site left him, telt.' ing the family with her to a friend in Campbellford. One night euort y afros when she had moved into another house with her Mlle ones, four young men forcibly entered the house and brutally raped the old lady. Warrants were leaded. next day, and after roves• tigation they were committed to jail to await trial at the AssiZea. Two friends of the prisoners called on Mrs.. Davey lately and offered her WO if one would leave the country i 1 testify at the trial, After same hesita- tion she complied, and at 2 o'clock Thuraday morning the two man drove her array, audgave the eldest girl $10 to say nothing about it. Two hours afterwards Davey came to the house and took the children to Orillls. On Friday he got drunk and made state • manta which canned his being locked up On enseicion of murdering her. American. W. H. Vanderbilt has donated $509,000 to the college physicians and surgeons as a building fund. Martin Harrison killed his wife and was killed himself at Hartford, Conn. last night in a jealous quarrel. Mrs. Benj. Brooking, of Quineye Mich., while on her way to church Sunday, was struck by a passing train and killed. In an altercation at Waylans, Ia., Tuesday evening. a man named Buble was stabbed and kilied by R. Kenneey, a well-known citizen. Dr. Somerville, of Duckbill, Mise., missing several days, was found in a pond yesterday with his hands tied and hie head beaten to a pulp. No clue. Damage by forcer fires in Southern New Jersey was over $10,000. Oue church, several buildings, and im- menee cranberry oroherds, have been destroyed. While Elijah Kirk, of Shelbyville, Kv., was watching an opportunity to kill Robert Clark for circulating evil reports about his daughter, Clark opened the door and:riddled Kirk with buckshot, shooting his head nearly off. The boiler of a threshing machine on Leech and Nichols farm at Bello mia, Minn., exploded Monday, killing Tbomae.Evender, the engineer, and five others ; one person Wee b illy in- jured by being scalded. A shocking wife murder occurred its Providence,R I., at noon on •Mon day. Terrence Comiskey, an 'iron. - molder, visited his wife at 82 fine -et, and drawing a revolver, fired' at her from the streets Ile then battered down the door and entered the house, limlatr, enc hall entering jai; hack of the left ear, another the forehead, the third penetrating the left breast, He was drunk when he committed the deed. Not Far From Mule, completed the ,job. The prisoner ie News condensedMr. J", Ferguson was severely kick. ed by vena of his hawses on Wednesday 8th incl., from whish Fra fila beau said up for about a week. 1�tii a angled to sae ham up sad, around again, at. aha?ush he lied* very narrow escape, Robert Taylor, of Hulls"t, was Oa petition praying fax filo exercise of executive clemency in the vase of the Bsamish priaauere ie being air.: enlisted. Ii. ie intended that the ;sign- aturesgn- staree of only a limited number ofpramiueut a.itixenA. bra solicited and. thus far there Ilea not bear erne reins• ai, '1'uaedgy t�1;�roaghi. to CZoAarich ,jail. by (mutable Britian,. charged with aetiug bre to Rinburn cheese factory 00 the night of the 13th suet, The prisoner admitted that he audettvored to set fire to the factory by pouriug oil ou the Agar and along the wenn. clotting, and that Ae rive alit* applied a watch; but he said hie match wants out, and man Warned Bowie evidently insane, and le seized at the opinionjthat his wife hie beeu:unfaitb- fui to him. Stuart setting fire to the factory he attempted to commis aut• aide by eboating, The bullet went through under his chin and came otit at the aide of his cheek. *porting llOrevitles. Boston tranaoript ; The baseball catcher will. Alertly go luto retire. meat to grow a new crop of fingers. & snow alae club has beau formed be Canadians in Mionoapolia, Minn., with 30 members to start with. Coyne and Lewis ran 100 yards at Dresden the other day, for $150 a) norm side. Coyne won by about four yds. l A big race for $500 a side is on be- / The y, L. L. S. gave their first entertain- tween Hunt, of Port Perry anti Fogg, meat in Hodgius' hall on Tuesday evening of Uxbridge. The distance will be I last. Notwithstanding the unfavorable wea- 100 yards. then, the hall was fairly filled, all those who Hugo Rarthol, a native of Sa,;oa appreciate talent turning out to patronize B y: the new society, which bids fair to be not recently completed a jourilay ut 2,800 only a source of amusement but alto of mu- • miles in eleven weeks Over roads, on dual irttprova�mont. The chair was ably filled bicycle. by Dr..MoDermid. The programme was eacohently fill. ocv The foot rave set do,vu to come oft ing their next edentertainmTisasenietyt on purpose githe llth of at Pitttebnrg last Monday, between November. Boyd and Creamer, did not come off, Don't forget the meeting for organizing in owing to the latter being sick. connection with the Scott Act Campaign, It es five mile race at Boston recently, will be held in the Methodist church to -night between K. A, Skinner on roller (Thursday.) skates, and la'. D. btamoke on a bi- cycle, was won by Skinner in 17 min. 22 seconds. Teemer has aocopled Gaudaur's challenge to row a three mile race with turn on Creve Couto Lake, Oos, 22, for $500 a side, Teemer gives Gouda= five seconds' start. The stallion Napa Chief bit and terribly mangled a man's hand at Petalum, Cal., recently. It was found necessary to choke the vicious brute almost to death before he would let go his hold. At San Francisco, a trotting match for $8,000 between (any Wilkes and Adair, reapective strains of George Wilkes and Electioneer, the former won iu straight heats. Time, 2.201, 2.21+, 2.19+. Two rival clubs near Detroit were to have a game recently, and one of them secured a professional battery. The other, not to be outdone, tele- graphed for Weidman and Bennett, of the Detroite. Weidman struck out 20 men and Bennett put out 23. The two made seven of the tau runs. Fully 3,000 spectators gathered at Charter Oak Park, Hartford, Conn., Tuesday afternoon to witness the at- tempt of Maud S. to beat her reoord of 2.091-. The wind was unfavorabte, striking the mare straight to the fade. She trent the first quarter in 33I, the half in 2.061- and the mile in 2.12+. The coming fight for the light weight championship of Canada, be- tween George Fulljames and Harry Gilmore, the ,,resent ohampiou, is exciting much interest anion.; the sports all over Canada and the States, especially so :among those who are lucky enough tobe honored with an invitation. The spot for the fight is known only to the "knowing" ones, , of the remarkable changes in New Saunders Sellars, the young Eng- York since his boyhood. The num- her is profusely and handsomely il- lustrated as usual. Price 25 oelits a number, $2.50 a year. Wits. PRANK grrofeisiottil, hie only object in raciu being to galea the championship of the world. Ho is unquestionably the iatlest amateur in America, today. The terrible stud >unnatural strain upon a pitaber's arra is well shown, rife tl'e Boston Herald.. by the an- preoedented number of accidents re ported. i3aarcely a week psee,tsthat. eosuo pitcher does not break an arta. The last ease is than of Ed. Erosions, of Siwbury, Ya., pit*her of the Cats,- wisea nitre, who broke his right arm above the elbow, while in the vat of thresting the bell. The profits of the American Also. ciatiau club* for the present season are estimated to be as foliose r— Athletio, $85:000; St. Louis, $40,000;, Ciooinnsti, $25,000; Louisville, $8,- 000; Oolumbue, $$,000 Metropolitan, $8000; Brooklyn, $,10,000; Allegheny, $8,000; Richmond, $1,000; Balli. more_, $15,000. The Indisnapolte and Toledo *tuba will close the sea- son with about $5,000 chart. James Mace will not Bail for Am- erica until after the fight for the hasvy-weight chawplonah.ip of Eng- land between Wool( Beudoff and Joe. Huifton, on Oota1er 2511i, Ile ex. peat* llalifton to win, and it ie more than likely that he will briag Ruifton with Kira to America. Mace *eye there its talk of Alf. (reeafield'e cora ing to Animas' to fight anybody who araute ro fight him. A cricket maiol took place between ladies and gentlemen and ladies near Salisbury, in Euglaand, a few days ago. The ladies played with unusual pluck and skill, under the able cap• tainay of Mies M. Curzon; but al- though the oonditione of the match obliged the gentlemen to bat with broometioks sod to field and bowl with the loft head, the tatter ware viotorious by sixteen rune. A. metals between two teams of ladies is au- nauuced to Dome off shortly. Clinton. Mrs. Thomas Fortune, of Clinton, com- mitted suicide on Friday morning last about seven o'clock, by taking a dose of carbolic acid in, milk. She died about five hours atter taking the poison. The cause is sup- posed to have been temporary insanity. She leaves a family of five children, the eldest being nine years old, and the youngest a baby of six months. The husband is an in- dustrious man, and an employe of the hard- ware establishment of R M. Racey & Co. Much sympathy is felt for Mr. Fortune and the children, Rev. Samuel Acheson, of Wick, Ont., has received a call to the Kippen and Hiilsgreou Presbyterian congregations. FRANK LESLIE'S bUNDAY MAGAZINE for November ;will prove of equal in- terest to the young and old, the read-• er for amusement only, and the thinker—in feet, to all classes ; for in it may be found something to in- terest all. The opening is a careful' study by the Rev. Geo. T. Rider, of the University system of education ash illustrated in the English 'Universi- ties of Oxford and Cambridge. Air article ou "Hymns and Hymn Tunes" by D. E. Hervey, is both historical and critical. Dr. Talmage has a trenchant expose of the imFosture of Spiritualism, and in the home pulpit he preaches on the Christianized Vote. The Carter Family. Joseph »arnby, and John Francis Barnett, are treated in the Sacred Musicians ses. A charming Southern story eutieritled ' 8ophy," is ooutributed by Mrs. Aaetaide 0. Waldron; and there is a notable article, "Troubadours Trouveres" with a portrait of Freder- ic Mistral: The Rev. Geo. W. Nichols contributes a twelfth letter to the Collection Basket, this time treating hell amateur bicyclist, now ,in this country, is the son of a magistrate and a member of the firm of Irving & Sellers, of Preston England Young LESLIE Publisher 53 5J 1 57 P k May 29th. Exeter He took aim at her and shot ber three Sellers has no taint of aha" amateur, Place, New York. 1