HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1884-10-16, Page 6.Y POISON, FLY Y()ISUN �sF'Ec=ar, avorricm ..-L 9tIL .1)(CIAIIN ION LABORAT()R I GIVING UP I3USINESS 5 Copperas, the best and cheapest disinfectant at the Dominion , Ziabzate y, J. W. 3333.0 2 'IZT, Prop ---AT TH — Uig QF ' 4 TQ vs FEATS The Accusing Woad o04 tismt Zed deter' to Commit l3nicid;e. "I was just thinking," said Captain R. cr.Linden, superintendent of rink: ertou's Detective ,Agency. of te. wonderful will poweriind untiringpat severance of Allen Pinkerton,feYerryy Mately ssoeiete4 wit him, woulered be-' Hove that any person could possess such a patients persistence, which Sur- mounted obstacles that to ordinary men would appear lko impassable mountains, Major Pinkerton was n roan with a big heart. I don't think he knecr how to do a mean thing, Re was on of those honorable, fair-lalind_ ed men, who, while giving ever ybttdp 4. 1E384. =THE OLD— ESTABLISHED HOUSE To tlas .. rolat as 'O'sua2. With a First Maim sleek. And at prices that .DEFT COMPETITION', TAILORING DEPARTMENT Futi of all the Latest designs in their due, exacted the sameforhimseIi, g lr orsteds, Overcoating �, TweecIb Iu mettora of business he insisted oft i , } G,, getting every penny that belonsed to i A ad mace up in Firstelass style, and at priced that cannot fail to Please. Ail 6o0dR 1 hive. and once he made a promise it MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES. Was lived up tQ it it cast hint every penny lie awned iu the world. His obecame your friend 1 1. s and dislikes were intense. If he TroubleGoodss. Bring alouce your Farm Produce, for which tit? ,Ia ousT OF CA.L1 3 NT on the part of your openly could the $�,ghest Prices will be paid. �, . Fart but if he ti.sitkatt ; change It S opinion; a. you, neither argutuents nor entreaties could shake him an iota, FAMES PIO KARD, EXETER j kerion a perseverance old ingenuity were the accrete of his suc- `"A�j erPita ` ce3s in all his undertakings, If he 92t1¢i 19f, ons plan he immediately resorted to , T , au, sre rod. MAItT3IEl?, could not accomplish his purpose by :, .a. _ .. _. another. His mind WAS wonderfully i ithpcosti adults and children. t b fertile in expedients. and It was a rare ailment. e1)r, Hcny Baxter's`!. an irzke Bit- t. MAP>?rl;r,—Mrl ax;r s,- On the 7th inst.,t thing for hire to fait when he had once lila will cure costiveness and: prevent t1, , tbo pareauage, Crediton, by the Bey, set his mind upon success. You can diseases which result from it. John ve11e, o of has ready tact and Air. Andrew Maguire, of MARKETREPORTS. Biddutph. tcorrectodat3o'clock p.m. Wednesday.) - 5 treonag,,, EraBs. �3t the Ito% par, r at,1, wn3:ir sottnf:r�, c, reiiitnn by the Itev, d. Veale ivaitt ikon a a;0 to 0 71 both of the township of Stephen. lieu 0 7q ee a 7a p p oral some Klee. capacity for planningin the case of the colored murderer Johnson, of South Carolina, who killed an eueniy under the most brutal circumstances. Major Pinkerton was pretty positive as to the man's guilt, but it was impossible to obtain a complete chain of evidence,. With the natural secretiveness of his race, Johnson refused to fall into any of the man -traps laid for him and make a confession, which was Pinker ton's object- After weeks of patient but abortive work, a novel plan was h upon. The murderer was surprised one morning when he went to take a plow into a field to find it spattered with blood. In the open field where a l ~� IdcOillivray, to Mies M. E. Mcrae. of ; Mr. Ni n1, Mitchell, to Nim Alice Fvene, Matto 't4hoatyety 0 •d to 0 70' Red Whoat Now ;. o ;.' to a 7u Survival of the Mess. Down's lr lf:tir haw �iramowns#.n lnntliyed°veryether cough remedy simply Fife tnutl ,,. ., a 7d to 0 74.1 because it is the best, ttarlo ' „. -$! ,3i133II.I.Et MOUES. Cet* ver Seo Tlmotlty 1 .S c0 cy; 7 h most interesting feature of the recent Peas .•. ' 0 08 to o OS � exhibition at ]Montreal was a company orcol- Corn U oo to 0 ; orod, OU()o Singers engaged in manufacturing SgSs . c ii to 0 17 envie tin delighting Groh! Coin Tobacco, owds ofs spectators hatter [fatten hatter arbbl.... .,. .., , s 15 toe. 6o 1 with exquisite soutbornmelodlos, A gotdmnd• p°tatoes,per bag „ 0 9 to 0 al and a special diploma were awarded to this •• 0 AO to 0 3° 1 thanks ottthe comnuttee i endered to the Altl ••• • 0 On to 0 08 at.is along the course he was to plow. When nneka for xo 0 Of:. , AO went back to the stable he was t li r px ',: ... ,.; o :� to 0 So is warranted b theottle of yproprietors ttoa 4 n ive satisireent d Chickens e n money xvill ` e startled by seeing the bloody imprint ofoCe,•txoseedl1en'lOq' oo to 7 s0 :adieu g liana las vary hoe, or rake, or other farm im- • 7Jto0a, O'.gtoo^ 7 to 7 itt1 1 cs,porbag he vests to work the murderer found Drio0Al,plespr b Turkey per lb .., ; . 0 07 to 0 0 l obs- Co, for their attractive exhibit, LITPLE FOOLS OF BLOOD lienee lb a.•il hand, on the stable door + ploment that the man pinked up had blood on it. When nightfall came the murderer was so paralyzed with fear that his teeth were chattering and he was afraid d. He believed that the spin t of his go to victim was haunt- ing him. The detective and his assist- ant noted these symptoms, and were confident that the right plan had been struck at Iast It had been after a fashion, and there was a horrible proof given the next day. Johnson was found in the barn with his throat cut from ear to ear. He had killed himself rather than endure the tortures of s guilty conscience. I need not explain that the blood marks which frightened the murderer's guilty soul were the work of the detectives and not of spirits. "It was in that kind of detective work that Major Pinkerton excelled. He could change his tactics so that the man or men he was seeking would be led into a trap when they really thought they were getting out of one. There are scores and scores of such in- stances, but they have all been pub- lished from time to time as they oc- curred, and I do not suppose would interest you. It vena one of Major Pinkerton's rules to conceal nothing from the public of public interest, after the work was done, and it was another inflexible rule to tell the public nothing before the job was finished or while it was in progress. From this he never departed, and his sons, William and Robert, who are their father's success- ors, will adhere to it as rigidly as the founder of the agency did.' —Philagiei, phia Press. John Hope, manager or Bow ,Park Farm, Brantford, on Saturday soli u young calf named Duke ofBrai,t, nine mouths old. to Rigdon. Pastel) & Son, Blandenvills, I11., for $5,000. Efidesrouhg, ... ... ,,. „ 00 to 0 00 ' dressed ,,, 0 0 0 00 Sheopskina,cath .. ... ,.. 0 90 to 100 Calfskina , 0 00 to 0 7e Wool per lb .. .. '.' 0 30 to 0 to Haypertou ... "' .700 toa00 unionst,erbush ." , 0 GO to 0 75 Woo per card .. 3 00 to 3 50 I1E34SALI, 0IARIiE'rS. Fall Wheat per bit ... $+ 0 73 to 0 75 Surtn • " Farle Ba ley (eedina) . , 0 44 to 0 49 White Oats, "' "' 0 28 to 0 00 331ack Oata appper bbl. ..."' .. 1 00 to 1 0000 Potatoes per bh ... ... .... 025 to 0 52 The British Grain Trade. London, Oct. 13.—The Mark Lane Ex- press in its weekly review of the corn trade, says ; Tho weather was stormy and unusual- ly cold. The rain fall has improved the seed -beds for the crop of 1885, but has pre- vented threshing, thus lessening farmers' de- liveries and enabling sellers to maintain their rates. Sales of English wheat for the past week were 73,368 quarters at 32s 20, against 71,060 quarters, at 40s 8d for the corresponding week of last year. Trade in foreign wheats was stow. Water- side stocks have increased, as compared with 1883, but the floating bulk is decreasing, owing to the action of the American and Russian exporters. Cargoes off coast have not improved. there were seven arrivals, three cargoes withdrawn, three sold, includ ing one of No. 1 California at 355, and fo including two American, and cargoes overdue. Wheat ou passage is dui and prices are above buyer's views. "Flour quiet and steady the increase in imports checks the trade. Maize is scarce and high- er, barley steady, and oats firm. cc X J w DOWNS' /�yy ���T�y N. $. DOYI`Js ' MUTABLE 3 1,s SIC LIXIR 0 Has stood the test for FIFTY -TIMEX:, Z YEARS, and has proved itself the best CP - remedy known for the cure of 'LI Consumption, Coughs, ( Colds,Whooping Cough and all Lung Diseasesin young or old. SOL» EVERT n•itl:u::. t Price 25c, an $1.00 per Bottle. DOWNS' ELIXIR isills The Seegm,iller Plows. S. POWELL Having decided to close his present stock of 1 the aiiove plows, will sell FOR $13 OAR, and $14 On TIME FOR 80 DAYS. The low can be seen at the building oppos oar i to Bnt,rtnE Mai We Shen. (A few door 15 south of the market.) 1, Points and repairs' always kept in stook. is Parties intending making a ptrcbase will do well to Dail early. April 10, S. POWELL. Live Stock Market. London, Oct. 13.—John Swan & Son's weekly report says: 91e supplies of home - fed cattle were very large in Edinburgh this week, which met by far the worst trade of theseason, at a reduction of from £1 to £2 a head from last week's currencies. In Glas- gow there were large supplies from Ireland, and, on account of the late arrival of two steamers from Canada, the number from that country was shorter than anticipated AN END TO BONE SCRAPING. There was, on this account, a rather better deEdward Shepherd, of Harrisburg, Illinois continues e8 very trade inthe meat market says r "Flaring received so -much benefit contation very depressed,ei ghe current top e q rotation for carcasses being 6d per lb. Fat from Electric Bitters,I feel it my, duty to Iet cattle being scarce in some country districts, suffering humanity know it. Helve had a there is now a considerable attendance of running sore on my leg for eight years ; my buyers from a distance. The English mar. doctors told me I would have to have the kets have nearly altogether been worse, the bone• scraped or leg amputated. I used, in- supplies being in excess of requirements. The stead, three bottles of Electric Bitters and trade for the best quality of sheep and lambs seven boxes Bucklen's Arnica Salve, and, my in Edinbur has been rather better, and leg is now sound and well." prices were from is to is t;d per head higher Electric Bitters are sold at 50e, a bottle, than last week ; second-class sheep made and Btr klen's Arnica Salve at 25e, per box by about the same. C. Lutz. coo. 421.60411. Wishes to announce to the Inhabitants of Exeter and vicinity, that lie has opened out a BooiIAShoo Shop in the Horner Store North of 'Samtvell & Pickard's, where be is prepared to make all kinds of ordered work. • Sewed work a speciality. Repairing promptly attended to. GEO. 1VIANSON, Late Manager C. Eacrett's Boot and ,Shog Establishment. May 141h 84. As we have decided to close up our business in EXETER NOBTH, WO win on the let of October, commence to offer the whole of our entire Steck of Dry -goods, Groceries, Crockery. Boots ec ShoesHats ec Cape, Beady-rdade Clothing, 1 Hardware, Patent Medicines, ex AT A GREAT REDUCTION0 T Fe take this oAbortrt,tity to tender our thanks to our numerous Customers for their liberal patronage during the ,fast Eleven years, and hope to see you all again soon, tosecure some of the Darlai:: NM In arc worm i As our Stock must be disposed of in tt short time, it will be sold regardless of cost.. This will be A RARE CHANCE TO MAKE MONEY FALL- BY LAIN' INA 000D STOOE 4F^-. ,..._ laic. WINTER GOODS Amour Stock is well selected and principally Staples, it veli be to your interest to examine the (loads before purchasing elsewhere, plc Ono, Come All, and bring your friends along. Butter and Eggs taken as usual. ny party desiring to lease the store can get immediateos- session by purchasing the Stock. P CURRELLEY Se CO. October 2nd MI. ESTABLISHED '"i,ABLISHED x072. SAMWELL AND PICKARD Desire to call the attention of their customers to, and ask their inspection of their large and Complete assortm't of Dry Goods Etc., for the fall trade of 1884. Our stock is, we believe, .well assorted and carefully selected. It consists in part of the following : All -Wool Dress Goods, Plain and Fancy Dress Goods, Black and Col'd Cashmere, Black and Col'd Silks, Ottoman Cord Silas. Staple Department. Table Napkins, Grey and White Cottons, Shirtings, Denims, Cottonades, Table Linens, Shirtings (plainand twilled), Cotton, Bags, 'SLACK AND COL'D VELVETEENS InnurpTiteevsa.riety of shades Your inspection of these goods and prices will convince you they are right, as they have been Imported for this season's trade, Our Millinery Department is still under the care of our MISS McINTIRE, and the stock in this department will—if possible --be more attractive than ever this season, embracingall the latest American. English and French styles of Shapes, the latest shades in Silks, Satins, Ribbons, Flowers, Plumes, Tips, &e.,'' &c. In OUR TWEED and GENTS' FURNISHINGS we show choice lines English, of Scotch, Irish; .French and Canadian ' Tweeds, English, Scotch, and French Suitings., English and French Trowserings. Hats, Caps, Scarfs, Ties Shirts, Braces, Hosiery, Etc, We 'have.a good cutter on the premises, and, gust antee,a fit in every ease. ' Our stook of Blankets is very extensive in white. In Furs our stook is complete (g: oy and brown) in Boas, . Capes, Sets' &e., &e' aanlso BSatcobheeelis,n•B6ffalo and Wolf. Our Boot and Shoe department will be found' Tull aa. sorted ,in Ladies', Gents' and Children's wear, also afall assortment o1 Trunks, ':PBlises; . GROCERIES NEW' AND PREM... 11''i+L PICKA;]