HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1884-10-16, Page 3I$lanshard Fall Show.
The Directors of Blaasharti Agrx-
oulturel Society have reason to feel
glad et the success which attended
their shnw tide year. It was Held on
Friday last. The weather was flue,
consequently au .exceptionally lama
crowd awns present, as may be Iluowu
from the fact that over $200 were
taken at the gate. Every class was
ive11"illed, and, oompetitiou in most
cases was keen. The show in the
Ball was superior to that of former
years, while in the outside depart— John Callender; straw °utter, Jobu
naeuts there was nothing laakintg•t Moore& Son; nett litsree"shoes, J, Mar-
`Tho horse ring "soled to bo the $hail ; get wltiflletrees and neckyoke,
centre of .attraction, and the an1ma1'i Bailey ,e A dereon; grain crusher,
Jas. Conn; Lady's Friend waster.
T. W. Doherty; Binder, Jas. Conn ;
wrought iron tepee J. G. Germano,
butCachins, F. D. S witzer; pair
Polands, Cleo, Bentley ; pair baric -
yard fosle, F, D. Switzer; pair talk,
oys, neo, Bentley, "Johu Oopelend ;
pair comino4 geese, Bonbon Shier,
Rout. Doupe; pair o,amuien ducks,
It A, Switzer, D. J therin;bttm ;
Hol;dune, Goo Bentley.
Iexpeasiarlxs,---Cbvered carriage, W,
Moyeelst and 2d; single epee buggy,
\Vui. Moyes let and 2e1; lumber' iia.
gee. Bailey & ,Anderson pair iron
Barrows, John Callender ; fatiuiug
A. McNterohie lst and 2d; lend roller,
exhibited were of >i superior class.
The directors and secretory of this
society dews;ve credit for the manner
in thiol they conduct their show,
never failing to give satisfaotiou. The $ Oiled. —2 bush, white fall wheat,
followine is the WO]. Hansell, \Vin. Stacey; 2 bash.
]'laza trier : red fall wheat, Witt. Stacey, Francis
HeasEsa,—•^Heavy Draught, ---Span Kirkby;; 4, bush. spring wheat,' A,
e a Kirk, Wm. llazlewood; 2 bust,. six,
rowel berleyWm, Haazlew ro1, F, D,
Switzer; 2 bush.; large ,ata, Robert
Doupe, co.eBentley; 2 bneb. e4in-
inon white oats, S, Loupe, Reuben
Shier ; 2 bush. common black gate,
S. Doupe John Al:arahall; 2 bush,
t?illall peas, Geo. Kemp, A. Doupe ;
2 bush, large pone, Jonathan Shier,
4t, Brewer ; buati. flex seed, Wtu.
1-lazlewoad,. 11'. 1), Switzer ; sample
flax. in straw, \\Tin. tleelewooil, H.
A, Switzer; bush timothy edea, A.
Skier ; half lin th. beans, \\'nti. Hazle-
wood, Thos. Hyde ; 12 care Iridian
cone, Jae, G. Sbobntto n, Franeie
Rooms erin Vsa gUIMES,•--l3liehol
Beauty of Hebron F. D. Switzer, Geo;
Bentley; built. White Elephant, .Ed,
Afel.tay, Win. Saatt ; bush Campton
heavy draughe horses iR hepta e,
& inat NetheYa,ott, Thos.. Evans ;
brood mare, having foal ;in 1.684,
Relit. D. RV, \\fico, Oornzab, 1.'. Cr.
Brise ; tfto year .gist filly or gelding,
ROA. D, Bey ; ono year old, liobt.
Damson, Wm. Cornish ; foal of 18134,
RoAA. Daween, ,` irolit. D. Rey.
GlaNeeter, PlIftr sg,-•=Span of homes
lit harness, Samuel Nethercott; broo3
mare, beving raised font in 188.1, (leo.
Golbolt, F. D. Switzer, E. Break ;
two year old Ally or gelding, 0. 0
Switzer, Mex. Kirk; a no year old,
Bob".. Calgau, Iio bt, Dews= ; foal
of 1884, Robt Colgan, Geo, Godbolt.
Alfiren <tfieele---Span harass, Hy.
hale ; brood mare having reieed feat,
S. Pouliot John H,zlewaad, John
Kerslake; two year old gelding or .Elly,
Win. Cornish, Wry. Belford ; auo
year alai gelding or filly, Gee. Sperm, surprisc, Alex. 'lira; bush. Early
Jos. Moose ; fuel of 1884, S, Doupe, J Rene, 1f. D. Switzer, A. Doupe; bulb.
Wm, ,Belford,
Snout. L'Rtzss,-- ttajet foals, prize
given by Colquhouu, la,,rtor;& Dow -S.
Doupe, Wm. Belford; Challenge Nate,
larize given by Stephens & Fathering.
item -»l). Jahustou, F. D. Switzer,
Jail, Shipley.
RQAnseaits.—'--Brood mare, John
McCurdy, Win, A1.oseop; one year old
riage harneas, daeob Taylor 1st and
2d; collection drain tile Jas. Coley ;
sowing laleghine, Chas.' Copeland ;,
Maple Sugar (extra) l`. Doupe, C. C.
Lends' Won —Pair woolen home
Spun wicks. Miss M. Jamieson, Mrs
Hyde, Mise M. Jamieson: pair woolen
home spite etoohings, Mise ?d, Hyde,
Mrs. Hyde; pair woolen mitts lie mo
spun Mius Ann Sample,' S. A. Shier,
Alio Ann Sample; pair fancy Books,'
Ed. ?nosey, A. Dawson, Miss ?L'
Hyde; pear fancy etaokiflgs, Wiliam
Jawieem let and 2d, .dies N, Hylde;
pair fanny uaitte, ,Alis Ada Croight `st,
Wm. Jamieson, 2t and 8d; epeoitneo
braiding, Aiiss Ada Creighton, Miss
L. Rodger; gent's hantl.zuade aklirt
Airs. Ilyde. Miss M.klytle, A Dawson
gent's machine -made shirt, A Doupe,
A Dawson, Chas Copeland; croohet
work, Miss M A Switzer lst and 2d,
'M.iss 1ToQallum; embroidery on mita.
in, Chao Copeland, Ada C*eighlton ;
embroidery on worsted, Miss :t1 Ja.
nlieson, Miss Ada. Creighton, Mies
Murray : patchwork quilt, Amos
Danpe,.Jena(hau. Shier, loose Hyde;
home• made coverlet, Id. /i. Switzer,
Miss J Jalli.ieson, Mica Ada Creigh-
ton ; child's baud -made dress, 'Strati
Roadllonae, S A Shier; ohiltl's meati.
ine--made dress John. Colby, Charles
Copeland, Mrs St John; ornamental
needle work, Miss Ann Sample, Mrs
M Murray, John McCurdy; fancy
knitting, Alias Switzer, Alice Gowen,
Mia Ann SaMOle; rag met. Miss
13witzer, Jonathan `Shier, Win. Kirk;
home-made carpet, A Doupe, A Dew --
eon, Wm Staoey; kph quilt, Thos
Hyde, Aliso Ada Creighton, ,Hies M
Jamieson; crystal painting, Mrs Jas
Conn, Miss Al Switzer 2d and 2d; col,
tuotion paper flouter,, firs Jas Conn,
fifties Ann Sample, Mies Go4va't; shell
frame, Miss AI J`auaiesan, Mtge Al
Switzer 21 and 8d ; hoe work, Mies
Ada Creighton, Afrs Jas Conn, Miss
McCallum; feather flowers, Mies I
,laankesou: bar home -wade soap, Jon-
athan Shier; hair wreath Mrs, St
Jolla ; Berlin wool work, for framing,
Aire Turubulk, Miaa Alacrity, Miss
Gowen ; embroidery in cotton, Miss
AI Jamieson let and 2d ; pair slippers
wonted, Mrs. Turnbull, James
Moore, Mies Murray; soli. oushion,
Chau Copeland, Ada Creighton, Rev.
Jars Items: tidy in cotton, Miss Hyde,
Mies &nu Sample, John Gelidity :
tidy in wool, Miss Murray, George
Yieltors, Miss Murray : bat, Oitiadian
straw, \Vin Kirk, D. Brethour, 141rs,
St Jelin: tufted counterpane, Miss
Sraoui s. --Plaid all wool, George
Sperrtn: hand -made ehirt, Miss Ada
Creighton: fret work, Chas Oopetand:
crochet lane, MisejM Jamieion: brae!: -
et, John McCurdy: briioket in wool,
Miss Alnrray; breokot in folk, Miss
Ada Creighton; hand -painting, Rev.
Turnbull: paper flowers, S A Shier
rag mat, Wm Kirk : woolen twat, A
Dawson out flowers, Rev Tnrn bell ;
wire and wool work, Mrs St John :
wool work for framing, Wm Stacey :
Zephyr work, S A. Shier : sofa rug,
Rev Jas Harris: wool work on canvas,
Miss Ada Creighton : Crazy work,
Mrs St John: white quilt, A Doupe :
plain woolen socks, Francis Kirkby :
tidy in cotton, Mrs Hyde: cotton em-
broidery, .Miss M Jamieson : woolen
quilt, Miss M Jamieson : log cabin
quilt, Miss Hyde: coverlet, Wm. Han-
son : coverlet, Miss Hyde ; embroid-
ery iu talk. Miss Ada Creighton :
smoking cap, A Dawson ; silk em-
broidery, Chas Copeland dressing
case, Dr. Irving ; fancy table matt,
Miss Murray: child's crochet cellar,
J Wilson: sofa pillow, Mrs bt John.
Collection house plants, John Viz: -
Grain and Roots.—John \Nilson,
pounds, "\Vw. Stacey, F. D. Switzer; }3lanshard : J.,s. Beavers, S. Marys : ,fig
5 pounds table butter, Samuel Horne, Jolla \Niles, Fiirlarton; Purchase's should look io the Label on the Pots and Boxes. If the a,.dr• A 4 04 04
D ane: 12 pounds or upward dairy • Fruit, Dairy Produce, &c.—Fred. 53r", Oxford Street, London, they are spurious. t •e? oo,4 f `x'40
Leto Rose Miss Mary Hyde, F. D.
Switzer; collection 3 of emits kind.
Wm, elperee, F. D. Switzer; 0 Swed
ish turnipa. ..:Harriett, F. D. Switz.
er; 0 field garrote, Pat O'Brien, Aaron
Sawyer; 6 gardeu garrote, Geo. Viols
era, \Vm. Radgee; 0 mangol wurtzel,
Geo. Spetrin, Win, Rodger; 6 onions,
\Vtn. Spence, Jas. Blaakwetl; 0 blood
colt. John. Oopeb nd ; foal, John Mc beets, Geo. Sperriu, Reuben Shier ,.
Curdy, J. Melaou; span of carnage 3 heads cabbage, \Vol. itodgtar,
lioness in harnms, V. St. Oluir, Johu' Daweow : 0 tomatoes, Win, Ilazlo.
Callender; weed Mrs. M. Turnbull; I heads
tlopaland, John Gnitondac; Horse in
buggy, Jas. Conn. John Sleek, Barry oanliflower, A. Dawson ; 3 heads of
Sarnweil; eaddle horse, Eli Birch, .Dr.
CATTLE.---Tliorouglibred Durham --
Milch cow, Jacob Tayl'ar, John Hoop-
er, Henry Hale; two year old heifer,
\V. H. Gill, Hoary Bale ; yearling
heifer, Jas. ,Johnston, John Hooper ;
Bull calf, W. H. Gill, John Hoover
Heifer calf, L. Yeungetola, \V. II, GUI.
GRADE.--Mile11 aow.Wm . Rodgers,.
Jahn Hooper, Henry hale; two year
old Leifer, Henry Hale, D.Fathering-
laaln; year old heifer, Henry hale,
John Hazlewood; heifer calf, George
Giil, Jas, Hazlewood ; Pair steer
calves, W. 1i. Gill, John EIazlo sood ;
pair two year old steers, John Slack,
John Hooper; pair one year old atone,
John Hooper, John Heziewocd ; fat
cow or heifer, Wm. Spence, Wm.
Rodger; fat os or steer, John Brock,
celery. Alex. Kirk, L' at. O'Brian; cit-
ron, Wm. Kirk, `Vrla. Ilazlowood ;
pumpkin, Wm, Manson, Sperling;
rratorinelon, J. G. Shoobottom, Ll,
Brown; 6 parsnips, Thos. Ilyde, N.
EXTRAS, —Kidney potatoes, 1), Bre
tiler; beans, F. D, Switzer; globe`
mengels, Geo. Sperriu ; son flower,
Adam Shier; squash putnplcia, Win.
Spence; squash, Adam Shier; bag of
flour, Alf. Brower
Fitilir.--12 Northeru Spy apples,
\Vtu. Badger; .t2 talrnan Sweets, F.
Kirkby ; 12 I3ftiidwins, N. Shier ; 12
snow apples, John Copeland; 12 R.
L Groonings, Wm, Beavore; 12 King
of Tompkins, Reuben Shier; 12 Alex-
ander:, Wm. Hanson ; 12 twenty
ounce Pippins, Wm. Hanson; 12 G.
Russets, Ed. McKay ; 12 Ribatou
1st and 2d.Russets, A. Marriott; 12 Spttzonburgs,
SEEEP.--Ram 2 years old and over, wm• Henson ; 12 Yellow Jellflower,
Thos. Ourrotley, \Vm. Somers; year- Reuben Switzer ; 12 Sweet Pecs ap
old ram, Thos. Currolley, Wm. Sum pies, D. Brethour; 12 Pomtne Gris,
ors; ram lamb, \Vm, Somers, Thos. A. Doupe; collection apples, 8 of
Ourreiley; pair breeding ewes, raised eaoh kind, Ed. McKay, Wm. Beavers;
lambs in 1884, Wm. Somers, Thos. 12 orab apples, Mrs. Jas. Conn, Geo.
Ourrelley ; pair shearling owes, Wm. Vickers; open air grapes, any kind,
Somers, 'Phos, Ourrelley; pair ewe Mise E. Kirk. A. Doupe; 12 plums,
lambs, Wm. Sainars, Jonathan Shier ; 12 fall pears, Miss
COTSWOLD.—Ram 2 years old and AL McCallum, Wm. Hanson; 12 win -
over, \Vm. Spence, Alex. Kirk; one ler pears, Mrs. L. John, Nicholas
year old ram, Alex. Kirk, lst and Shier ; 20 ounce apple (extra) D.
2d ; pair ewes having raised iambs in Brethour.
1884, IVm. Spence, Alex. Kirk; DAIRY PRODUCE. ---Keg butter, 50
pair sbearling owes, \Vtn. Spence,
Alex. Kirk; mar ewe Iambs, \Vin.
Spence, .El. A. Switzer.
1)o\vxs.-Ram two years old & over,
C. O. Switzer; one year old ram, S,
Doupe; rain lamb; 5. Dou,ae, let and
2d ; pair ewes having raisers lambs in
1884, S. Doupe, 0. C. Switzer: par
shiearling 'ewes, 0. C. Switzer ; pair
ewe lambs, T.:Melson, H. A. Switzer;
GitADie,:--k'a:ir ewes having raised
lambs in 1884, Thos. Curre11e9y, Wm.
Spence; pair sli.etariiag ewea,,S. Doupe;
pair ewe lambs, Wm. 'Sponse, S.
Doupe; fast sheep, Wm. Somers, Geo.
1 -loos. --Large breed --Aged boar,
J. G. Shoebottom; breeding sow hav-
ing raised pigs io, 1884,, Jas,. Ht zle-.
wood, leased.2t1•;. boar pieeundor one
year, Thos. Hyde, J. G. Shoebottom. Shier; attuned cherries, Mrs. George
SMALL BrnnsD.—aAged boar, E. Spar.Bentley, Miss Ada Creighton; .Canned
ling, 'Thos. `Staoey breeding sow gooseberries, IVire. Hyde,. Mrs. A9..
having raised pigs iu 1884, William Turnbull ; gauped ,„strawberries,•, 0.
Stacey, John Copeland'; boar rig ma (; Switzer, "Miss Makgie "Jamieson
der 1 year, W. R. Marshall, saw un- oalined'raspberries, Miss Ads Creigh
der 1 year, Win Starlet' let arid' 2nd. ton, John Mo(ardy;'canned 4ori'iatoes,
Fowna.=-Plmonth rooks, F. D. S. A. Shier, M. Turnbull; jelly, C. 0.
Switzer let and 2d; pair black Brah. Switzer, W. Johnston ; photograph, ness,and spares no pains to secure the bets
mac, Ge'o Bentley, `Reuben Spitzer ; Mrs. M. Turnbull, Wm. Stacey; oil of very article in lits, line He has secured
pair black spaeish fowls, Geo. Bent, chrome Mrs. 14%.° Tur►ibull \?V; A„ s Discoveryagey for the umeelebio . The Bl -y certaine New
, Consumption. The. only
ley let, and 2d; pair Dorking., Geo. Beattie; pencil drawing. Sarah Road- cure known ior.00nsumptton, eoughs,colds,
Bentley; pair'l:aegliorne, C. 0, Switz house, - Rev. M. Tiirnbull; portrait, hoarseness asthma',hay fever, beonol itis, or
er, F. D. Switzer ; pair game fowls, \Vtn. Stacey; double lett carriage on A positive gugranteeaffection of the oWill give yat arld on atrial
C. O. Switzer, ' M. MoDermid;'`pear heloses, Jacob Taylor; single set oar- bottle free. Regular 'dee $1; 3
V. I Z" L11ID Z'
The Great Yrenoh Lotion for Beautifying
the Farre.
It, conceals tbeevidenoo of age. Onoappli-
cation will make the uzost stuib,ruty red and
rough Mande beautifully eoft and w'aite. Re-
member that MAY DEW” is not 14 paint or
powder that file up the pores of the s -in, anal
that isaujurioue to the ekiu hut new and
great dfaoovery, a vegettbfe liqurd, thatceuses
the ebeek to glow with health. the neck, arms
aria bases to rival the Lily in whiteness,
uosr.iblo to detest in the beauty it confers any
artificial character, It cures Greasy Skin,
Freckles, Wrinkled, Pimples, Bitch Heads,.
Cross'& Feet, iltotehea, Face Grube, Sun, Burn
Tan.Bingworm, Chapped Hands. Sore or Chap
pedLtps,l3arbor's If ch, Tetter. 4c. It frees
the pores, oil glands, and tubes front the iAjnr-
lona effects of powders and cosmetic washes.
13y its use ea redness and roughae.s aro pre-
vented; It beautifies the skin. antiwillrMIROit
soft, smooth and whit„ ; imparting a doliei044
softness ;.producing e. perfectly healthy. natur-
al.and youthful appearance. 7;he best face
lotion that the world ever produeed, wo will
send" A LABOR BOTTLE "t„ any address on re-
ceipt of nrice,$1. Wiaenordeting mention *hi
Address all letters to the
71 Young.street, Poronto,Out.
Parlor and Reception Boon l r La lies.
Barb wire and steel strip fencings
Purify the B3lcod, eor•reet all Disorders of the
They invigorate and'restore to health Debilitated Constitutions, and are invaluable in all
Complaints incidental to Females of all ages. For children and the aged they aro priceless
Is au infallible remedy for Bad Legs, Bad Breasts, Old Wounds, Sores and ricers. It is
famous for Gout and Rheumatism,
For Sore Throats, Bronchitis, Coughs, Colds, Giandrlar Swellings, and all. skin
it has no rival ; and for contracted and stiff joints it acts like a Charm.
The Pills and Ointment are sold at Tnoaras Iioraow. y's Establishment,
t, 0
.pro 40
diseas` o /0 +.4o
rho° 4. °+; od•
(533, OXFORD -STREET), LONDON ; • e J -1e 4
fid` ao 4 cS'
also by nearly every respectable 1 endor of Medicine, in Boxes and Pots, at 1 13,d., 2s... , 4. or,yO
4s. e41., els., 22s., ancl33s. each. The 2s. 9d. size contains three times the quantity de e. t Qar,. , ,
is 1 jti, size 3s• ta size fiftGd.
o tines the the qaof the smallest Bales ande sixteen ; the 22s size tPcttn,t ; and t'b oar ori e ror
S quantityf , O t
Full printed directions are affixed to each Box and Pot, and can be ilea ii< True 1 i ft e el* `1,s,' .
matte cheese, A, 0, Snarling, \Vm.1 Gotlbe)it, Uaborne : Ju;inr Doupe, -- --per
Stacey. Rirkton : John Allison, Usboruo.
1T1acELLAxcous.—Maple sugar, J, : Lithos' work.— Mrs. 1I. Turnbull,
Gourley A Shier home-made bread ' I irktou Mrs. Jos. Beavers, St.
Mrs. Jas. Conn. Miss 11, A. Switzer; Marys ?Jr.sJohn 'Wilson, Blanch
10 yards home made shirting, Miss ard.
Ann Sample; pair all wool blankets,,, Fowls and Iuiolements,.-•J no. Begg,
Alex. Kirk, Thoe. Hyde; pair, union' .Mitchell: Thos. Mo0loohlin, Usborue:
blankets,: i 1VIls.e A.u' bein;lle I Miss `B,obert Shaw, Hibbert.
Maggie 'Jamieson ; .5' pounds Bogey Sheep and Hogs.—Rich. \Vitltin
in sections, `Phos. Bentley, .bliss E. son, Logan Sam. Cornish, .Exeter,
Kirk; jar strained "honey, 'Miss E. Horses,—Ja.i. Barbour, Hibb.art :
Kirit, Alex. Kirk; extracted honey, Francis Oliver, Hibbert : Jas. West -
Geo, Reo tle7b
est-Geo,,Reutley, o.auned; peaches, Jap: oott,'Exeter. • •
1Vfc0urdy„F iD•,`Swltzer.; canned pears . • Oattle,--John Hunter, 'Osborne,
Mrs.; St. Jofine; 1VIrs i4I. Turnbull The other names could not bo obtain.
eluded plutiis. Jonathan Shier, S. A ed by our reporter.
The secretory will be at Kirl.ton ou
Saturday. Nov: let, for the purpose
of payi)ag prize money. All persons'
who have been awarded prizes ebr uld
make'a note of this.
A Wide Awake Druggist
Mr. 0. Lutz is alwayswide awake in bap)...
LIAM kir R
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