HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1884-10-16, Page 2A Little Boy -Loves ermine. A face to•da*; on; the street 'I met, Now steeply brorzed and bearded grown. With a took. in the eyes 1 cam"t forget For its a viseire 1 have known; Long years aso +vLien m step was $eery When lrigia;y niy sec -metal eyes C0111d value; This ver' mw 1ehaneed to meet Was a little boy leveret mine- Did ineDid he reesil in' when we passed So ue;rr upon the crowded street? We troth or us sere walking fast. When our t ip ,a €;antes chanced to meet; t c e.s iv I But 1 sew les }e-. g e. h" 4 A swift and recti, u smgsage. And 1 seal raysea. il@ busnot forgot, d'k.slittleteF-:overof Wee." Ab, what bas happened in all these years of rapi.i ever sq.:meting Ufe? Has it been a Lesson of bitter tears. Or tlereest strum e' tseery strife? Or hare happy wire and children made Itis 1pe`ci E. t curs seem so sereno That tlzeo, t r..e o, ese tlegg)n t0#adet As if; alas. they'd never been? Olittle bey -lever of mine Tre se ;; , s we t s. Nippy though so short Bur tee ;sew et thea memory still sloth shine \\ sti in r_•7i herrn,' most tender thought; when we teach the other shore, I'aa wait To n eel Qa , rt [' * n Zig;;, But lei eenge ging. > let at the Bea'U1A l Gale, This tit t toi ,over of mine; -WI .rcamspert I3reaRfastTgb;e, Tlir' I+e't'L Side the Better, Tisco it .... 1' et the face is the right; astatisties prove the paradox. Artists always put the best touches, finest shat s;. aroyl Most sielie;sto tants on the .` t,., e 4 profile. lett r i the 1 >futrkc, Aetora, acts resaes.:au,i pttblt,u singers always make harlf turn to tiro rig ht when they wish to impress their audiences. Young ladies ai+'visnas of bewitching their gentlemen friends always walk on the rigiat hallo side. WhyP i3ceauao science has shown that the lett side of the face is the mere llenutitul, or les* ugly. Toe° left hand is more magnetic than the right, the left breast; has . wore graceful contour than the oppo- site, and the glance of the lett eye has a bewitelaitue power of which the right is hopt'.t ea.\ hula:Nutt. °.plan theme will bear intrude expansion, but we forbear to pursue it. The remarkable part of the pow wells Gown fact is that the drseu: r, wan made by the Chinese. Inthe v ca: 9SX lila Hipp Fy Foy had a faulty et 17 daughters They were all; left -Landed, Ala were greatly sought in marrig ss by members of the royal bouse:aoid. So irresistible were the 'charms of these moon -eyed maidens. that every rune who looked upon thein becarue enslaved. ".Lo save the Erupira front Interneeiue war for their pos- session, the Emperor made an edict that the daughters of Alt Ii1ug Fy Foy should he allowed to have 18 husbands each, but that in the future all left- handed gids should be strangled at them bath. ---,tiara FrancscaNews• Islas. Towing- a. Hana.Vat. Our train stopped at n way stationl. by the side of the track, stood a, hand- car, with the name "The l3ixd” pminted on it. The seatien boss and his men were there waiting for the passenger to get out of their way. "How did you come to I1ame your ear that? was asked of the boss, who puffed At Ids black clay pipe and replied; 'That was the result of an incident, your honor. 'Twas a good many years ago, whin I was a green'un on the section. One evening I was in a hurry to get from the 542.E mile -post, where we had worked tiutt day, into town, Ye see, I had a rirrul thim days—the same what's now down. there in the cabin attindin' to the kids. It happened the track inspector washelpin' of me align a bad en ire, and so whin No. 8 collie along he signals her and nets aboard, , it being a Saturday niglit and him anxious t'i git home over Sunday. yo know An idea struck me all of ar sudden, and r.o 1 said 'Got out the rope, byes. and nitc'li her on behind.' The boys did it, too, and soon wo were whizzing toward toxin. 'Tho 'tabes won't be sold this night,' said one of the byes !elm:full4. 'This beats workin' of our passage all to the devil,' said another. At first we enjoyed it, but purty soon we got to going faster and faster, when it we'nt so funny. The handles of the machine went up and down like mad; we had to let go our hold, an' if one of 'em had struck a man of us it 'ud killed him dead. Wo had to hang. about the edges of the car an' it bobbin' up an' down an' junipin' around like a rubber bail. I had just whipped out my knife to cutthe rope with, whin, begob, a wonderful thing took place. The hand -car just raised up herself off the rails and sailed right. out behind like a flag. Up in the air like a streamer, three tut if an inch from the track—an' it's the God's truth I'm tellin' ye—we Sew along like a birrnd. The handles stopped workin', 'cause the wheels didn't touch nothin' but air, an' the danger of beige brained was over. We was arunnin' a mile a minute thin, an' for six miles we sailed in air lik a balloon. When she slacked up we was so lucky as to have the wheels of our hand -car come square down on the rails. Th'ia 1 eut the rope, glad, you kin bet, to reach the end of my first and last journey in the air. That's how my car come to be named 'The Birds'—Chicago , Bernd "Train -Talk." interesting items. So.eailed natural religion. the apotheosis of moral abstractions, exists only in books. Re - are have positive religions.—rano" Eaton. Buekklen'Q Arnica Satire. The Best Salve ail the world for Outs, Bruise, gay Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum. Fever beree, Fatter. Chapped hands; Ctiilblains,Corus, and all Skin !eruptions, and positively curls Piles, g or Po pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunlded., Price 25 cents per box: For sale by all dru-L gists. $s5U0.4letVa'sd. t.; ---We will pav the above .reward for any ease of Liver complaiut, Dyspepsia, Sick head- ache, Indigestion, Voastipatiou or Costiveness we.caatuot cure with West's Vegetable Liver Pills, �l;e*ar tired:,eet'o,rs;trastzkllyecamtalled with. They are purely. Vegetable, and never fail to give satisfaction, Sugar coated. Large boxes, cot:taiuing 30 fills, 25 cents, Ver sale by all Puggists. Beware of counterfeits and Imitations. The Genuine aalauufaetured only by JOtt i C. WEST a CO., ''The Trill mak- ere." elle 83. King street East Toronto, Ont, Free trial paekag,e cent by mail prepaired en receipt of a three cent stamp, BEM.A EAR R RESTORATION. Ilra. A O'Brfcn.172 .Exchange Street. But. fato, was supposed to be dying with cousun*- tion and abandoned by her pbysleian. She euft'ereil terribly and seas reduced in flesh to slimly pounds, In this condition she resorted to ileureleek 131004 Sitters, AO new enjoys per of 't laeaitlr tired neighs oleo funucired and b3Y, fort $i, will aianew4r eu 1R'rarR sales- eta tif t -eta ea receipt of 17. S. legetra stamp. Oaths let of October tine Tomato milkmen raised the ,price of milk to eenSulners 4 cents per gallon as hag been usual ht forager yeas The prise per quart aril pint is 7 and4 cents "respectively. George hull, expressman. about 40 gears of ago. white drinking at the bar in Finish's salouh, Toronto, _fell on the door, expiring al- most instmutlF, Appoplexy is supposed to be tote Cause. Are you troubled with Salt Rheum. Rough Hands, or Old Scree Qf zany kiud that taunt be healed ?Even though it ba of y eais atau- dfng i'detiregor.k Parke's Oarbolio torah' Hill cure it, Beyond the abadow• of a doubt it is* the best healing ewupouud ever known. Boris. Festerings, Frost Bites, Burns or any tide Trouble. are alaao enrol by it. Sold at 25 cents by J. W. Browning, Draggict. 4 A. peculiar virtue in liver's Sarsaparilla. its that while it eieans,ee sad purges the bleed frees all votruptiona and itupuraties, at►cl thereby este Dart disease, it buihis up and in. vigorates the whole system. and males one youuit Reale SAVED FROM TIII; SCALPEL. !. 'roseate lady, Mrs. Berleusbaw, ecu traded n disease of the lues yoiut and was advised to submit to a surgical opeaation by the heat physician attending; all other treat- entes liming faded, when Ilagyard's Yellow t urOil was tried acrd speedily til, etecl a cure. It stn the unfailing remedy for accidents and em- ergencies. and is for internal and external nee. ON TUIRTY DAYS' TRIAL. , Tun Vuareic .Berl' Co., Marshall, 1fiolt„mil' aeuu4 Dn.Psu's0nxsnnz,Tsu Baserro,Voarnlc? 'e YAM IMO ELF:CTaie APPLIANCES ou trial for hirty tlstys to melt (yowls; or els) who are at- , Meted swathnervous debility, lost vitality and Mildrud troubles, guarauteein epcedy and complete restoration of health an manly vigor. Address as above. N.B.—No risk is ire urri a, as thirty days' Walls allowed Many forget that the hair and scalp need eliansing as well as the hands aid feet. Tx. teusive vise of .`dyer's hair Vigor bus proven that it is the best cleansing agent for the heir, that it prevents as welt as removes dandraff, cools and soothes the scalp, and stimulates the hair to renewed growth :tad beauty. ANSWER TIrAl goES2r0S.--illy d0 BO many people we sec around us,seem to prefer to sof fer and be made miserable by iudigestiou,con- stipation, dizziuess, loss of appetite, earning up of the Poop, yellow skin, when fors ceuts, we will soli them Shiloh's Vitalizer, guarante ed t, cure them, Sold by J. W, Browning, Exeter. r, 0 1P, DANGER IN THE AIR. The recent strange planetary movements and eleetricul phenomena bave developed the Int that the earth is passing through a dang erous period when atmospheric influence will seriously effect lannan health. Fortify the weakened system with that grand tonic regu- lator, Burdock Blood Hitters, and avoid ma- larial blood poisons. A FACT, There are oils white and oils black, Pet up in bottles short and tall, But Hagyard's Yellow Oil, for pain, Is the very best oil of all. It cures Rheumatism, neuralgia, deafness, sprains, bruises, contracted cords, sore throat, frost bites, burns and all soreness of the flesh. It is for external and inteznal use. Prominent among the greatest medical dis coveries, bythe many cures it has affected, Mci1regar's Sgee a leads the vats, Sub ectad to the1 eh**, r. . k0,7 la, it hek . bee igu h 1 4fFA,M in, iuraous ogrs7�`4pte eharee rirde the worth. Jess 2j l4os .,fatly o#Area • tQ ties 31 e public,. y iugLetbeut'pessossee ft peculiar adapta- hiiity is the various complaints for winch it has been compounded, and its etfieacy as being established by testimonials'- ouriy receiyed. We are therefore confident that we have a, preperatiou which we can offer to the public with the asstirauce thet it will be fonu i not slily a. relief but an,abselute cure for :Dyepe e#a, Liyer t, ompla:ut, Indigestion, Coestipa = ran ;nd Impure Blood• Free trial bottles at T. W. Browning's Pug Store, 4 REST AND COMFORT TOTux SIIFFERuNo 13rowua's household Panacea,"b a s no equal forrelieviugpain,hotlainteruxland external It cures pain in the Side, back: orbewels,aore throat Rlreemati spa, Tootbaclte,Lurnbs,go audway kind cif apainersmile. "It will most merely quicken the bleed and heal. as its acting power is weeder- fal, "'Brown's Housaliol4 Pauacea` beingae . nowledg. 4 as the great Vain $eller ex,au 1 of don tale thestrength of any other Eli;ir or>ainiruent Rutile world ,aheaWdlie inevery ftamily'handy ter use wben waisted Sets Itreany: is ttte beetremedyr in the world. for Cramps: in the stemecla. and Paine and Aclaem of all kinds." and to forsiala by all »ruggiats at25 cmita e bottle. $J.000 Forfeit. Basin; the *moat coni Bence in tt superi• ority ova all others, and after thousaaada of teats of the most complicated and severest Mies we could find, we feel 'ostifed in offering to forfeit Otte Thaussud Do Tera for any ease Of couples, colde, sore throat, *allusion, hoarse - awe bronehitla. coacnesplion In its early stages, wheopiag cough, and all dilieasee of the throat and hangs, except Aethree,for which we only claim relief. that we ellu't cure with West's tough $yr'A, whew taken wording to directions. Sample bottles 25 and 50 celut.a; large bottles one dealer. Geuuiva wrappers Only ire blue. Sold by Wee. (Islamists. or sent5 0 bg snail Dia xeeipt Qf Fzle, JOHNU, S4`Eiaood Watches CO„ 81 it; 83 Zing, Si. East, Terontc,Qnt. N REAM, 7fultektPreI0F11 00,n lltot adoneeforbeautifyingthe COMPLEXION ONE SINGLE APPLICATION %s warranted to Beautify the Face and give to the l! adedor Sallow Cone ' plexiort a Perfectly Healthy. Natural and youthful Appeearence, It Couceala \Vrinklee. I r'eeklee, crow's set, alio snbEvfence of .Age, leaving the Sklx Soft, 11,104-50 cents, Sent to any address.. Postage stamps taken, Address all lettere to CREME l3' QS. Drawer 2,678, Toronto P O. Ask your druggist for it, Wholesale by All whole• Gale druggists. TI: IS until I st J'au)TI 85130 Cels. Burdock BLOOD 1TTE S Cures Dizziness, Loss of 4 ... >= pie#rte, �nc?rgesttvrr, tlaouszaess, / ,pyspepsa,.•Tauitcfice, A�'ec#ivnsUf the ,4trera>Icf.�e,lne,�, Am les, .Fn'lotohes, Roils, Humors, Salt Rheum, Scrofula, .Ertsr leas, an rcfl diseases arising from. Impure Blood, Deranged Stomach, or irregular aurora, of the Rowels. CIAL 1OTIC N; TO THE PUBLIC ]:offing lady., do not despair. Zai E. O. West s Nerve and Brain Treatment will cure hysteria and all nervone troublga. Sold at For Sale Chea. forCash J. W. Brown:ug s, Drug Store G 01 Wbatevery persousbouldk new Thearand' ! 1 Qutletec of disease frees the system are the iriTT0 bowelsaud the kidue'g. Johnston s Sarsgtra- y t d Mecum' t f lea tum au c ill. is the most sa e r a . puratler et tile ss, stem known. Try wro bt+ttici ., and ire convinced, For sale at the Golden Sorter, 1. W. Browning. trop. ay. 2G, Gm- A new dish with which epicures tempt fate and give an impetus to stomach anodynes - is composed of sliced . oranges, sliced pineapples, sliced bananas, sliced hard-boiled eggs, sliced cucumbers, vinegar and sugar.' r« _' called a fruit salad. A lady in New York City has just finished a silk quilt composed of 14,000. pieces, each about the size of a 10 -cent piece. The pieces are hexagonal. and there are on an average ten stitches on each of the six sides, 'which makes the total number of stitches 420,000" It has taken Mrs. Collins seven years to make this quilt, working on it during her spare hours. It has been valued by a dry -goods house on Broadway at $500 or $600. 0. B. Osterhaut, of Cobourg. has been ar- rested and held on a charge of stealing a one- thousand-dollarbond from a Toronto banker's office. Wife—What,s the mattter now, John ?; Husband—Oh, that neuaalg:a and .tooth- ache near ]tills me. Wife --Why don't yon go to J. W. Baown- ing's Drug Store and get a bottle of Fluid Lightning ?. You know it cures all such things as Toothache, Neuralgia, Headache. Lumbago. Earache, Sore Throat, etc. It giyes instant relief. 4 HOW TO CURE A COLD. Take some gentle opening medicine, bathe the feet in warm water, adding a spoonful of mustard ; remain indoors ; equalize tho circu- lation with warm bath and friction ; drink warm ginger tea, and take Hagyard's Pectoral Balsam, the most perfect and the safest cough cure that can be.procUred. A CELEBRATED CASE. The remarkable case -of W. A. Edgers, of Frankville, wdo suffered from disease of the liver and kidneys Bo badly that all hope of re- covery was abandoned. He remained ten and thirteen days without action of the bowels. Four bottles of Burdock Blood Bitters restored him to perfect health, which he had not known for twenty years before. ' Holloway's Pills.—Liver, Lungs and Kid- neys.—Most diseases of these depurative or- gans arise from obstructions, over the removal of which these celebrated Pills exercise the most perfect control. A course of them is strongly recommended as a remedy for such chronic affections as liver enlargements, con- gestion of the lungs, torpidity of the kidneys, and, other functional ' disorders, whieh cause much present snffering, and if neglected, lay the foundation of organic diseases. Hello-. way's Pills aro specially adapted for the young and delicate; their gentle and purifying action ranks them above all other medicines. In in- digestion, nervous affections, gout, and rohn- matism these pills have achieved for them. selves universal fame. They expel all impuri- ties trom the blood, and thus restore cheerful - nese and vigor. THE ONLY VEGETABLE'' (JURE.L' 1 FOR L.:43 of A;ap t;t:, Sour Stemzel, Costivdne;z, Sic: Headache and 61{iousnacs, i P i ; .es per butte. gill by all Druafee, How Lost, How Reston& lVohave, recently published a new edition o DO. Or1I,VTIi\ViILL'S CELBBItiiT1:D ESS.tY cattle raaicaland norm anent cure (without. 7ne- dielne)of Nervous 1)ebiltty,Afental and physical Incapacity impedimenta to Marx lge, ete.,ro. sultiugirom eveesses. Price, in sealed onvolono, only G cents, or two postneestainre The celebrntedauthor ofthis ' arhnirableeesay olenriydomonstratos,from thirty yenta' success- ful practice, tig alarm, may be radically cured without tbe dangerous use e3 in ternalmodicinesorthe nso of the knife; Point-; out nano do of cure at one simple certain and of- f ectual,tay moans of which every sufferer,laomat- torwhathis conditionmay bo.may ourehimeolf ch 3aply,privatelvand radically. t3Tbi lecture should be in the handset every youth and every man in tb a land. Address TRE+, CULITBRWELL IIIEDIUAL'Co 41 ANN r.,NEW YORK Post Office Box 450 REMOVAL ! REMOVAL ! THE GENERAL QUESTION Agitating the Public mind at present is where can they get the best Bread, but this matter can be settled to the entire satisfaction of the people of Exeter and surrounding country, by calling on JOXIN BELL, the old established and reliable bakery, where they will find just what they want. A Superior quality of Bread always on Hand Also a first-class stock of Buscurrs, Elms, OASES & CONNECTIONARx, which will bo sold cheap. While opponents have started busi- ness, and sold out, andleft the place, Mr. Bell has been found at, his ,post, during the past eight years, ready to attend' to the wants of the Public. r.,CED OEILIZ E . Owing to increasing business, Mr. Bell 'ha found it necessary to, remove, to more ,com= modious premises, and has added iargely,,te his stook of Groceries,, and` will keep on. ,bend Sugars, Teas, Coffee, Syrup, and everyihh g usually found in a first-class Grocery Sibre, AU kinds of Farm Produce tak- en in ,exchange for Goods. REMEMBER THE STAND :—SouthCott'e Block, Four doors North Post Office. JOHNBELL, Proprietor Oki aR'r11.-- "Here, Mother Earth, these Eclipses and Spots have about used nie up. Regulate your movements hereafter by this, and don% depend on me:" A BIG OFFEF?J ELGIN, WALTHAM, HAMPDEN, and ROCKFORD WATCHES, KEY & STEM-WINDERS, ALL THE LATEST IMPROVEMENTS AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES The above Watches are all Good and Reliable Time -keepers, and are warranted in every respect to be equal to any watch in the market. We specially invite intending purchasers to inspect'onr stock, by so doing they can save money, as we guarantee our prices 10 per ;cent. below the Grange. Very. Large Assortment of Clocks to be sold at Close Prices. JEWELRY -A full, and complete stock of the choicest and latest designs. NECKLACES & LOCKETS -A very fine assortment and at all prices. A large stock of WEDDING RINGS always on hand and made to order. Our Silver-plated 'Mire and Spoons we aro selling off at 'Wholesale Prices—goingto make a clean' sweep, of it. SPECTACLES to snit all, sights. • It is very important that pectacle wearers should be propel]y suited. We fit all our spectacles by.the Optometer which is the, only way of being properly fitted to suit the sight. Su come along and secure the bargains Come One, Come All. Will be happy to see you Clocks, Watches, and p Jewelry Cleaned and Repaired in , the best ianier and ,a: reasonable prices. THOS. FITTON, Watchmaker & Jeweller.