HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1884-10-16, Page 1Vol, XII., No. 8
--Just Received--.--
O OOQ7 . .,TE+ S and 0000A,. °*
All kinds of FRUITS, ORANGES,
-. 1,.1; Car. ,, FI`Y.NDY1' _ • 1 ' ,
toots. ins,. pvevalowck,7ir,xeter.,
fWaflci' Ala. •I.uxlo DIVORCEe 'oR
pe. • reshhng thro'sghon4 the
Ousted Staten sere Canada for desertion, nau-
etc. Advice free. urcase and address
ATTO$NEV W World Building, 1267
Broadway, Nowr •
wANT-L1 At,e, „IR/II:is
. " MINN'S
ENT 14. New & Superior Canada Maps & Chart
AsPaFingav anY agency in the world, iso
full ticulars, tree. adddress, 11. e. TV
,IRP Plrblisber 888ltichtnond-st. Lofdon, tint
KIN , DIiTT1ST, 1.s. D.8
04 to 10
(1ie o.
Teee411 sac
:li>' DICAI,
tboCOnatyafHuron. Of4ee, oppasito to
P.tt,araduatsVlctorlaVuiveriity' cltiit>
andreatdeuce, floutalar t.taboratots.l•:areter,
rill~. J. A. ROLLINS, ill. tl, P. S
0. Otlare. Afatu $t.l:xoter,Ont. Residence
ha usoreeoutlyorcupied by P. Mel"balli,pe,Fipq.
LUl'Z, Iii. A ,
. Odtewst Wsreetcieoce Exeter-
VF,lt91T) TrtnityColleg MetoberCollego
phrsictausbud surz;eont O.nt.,etileeliirkton.
.ENEY EILl3k;R, Liceused Auco5.• tlopeorfar Uar,Stophes and ;tte011ivray
Townshin!s. Sales conducted atmoderato rates,
091Oe--At 1'ost•odlee,Qredlton, Ont.
tate for the Reran 4Brio/man " Reviogs
fiaoiety. Lr w rates of interest. Apply to John
8ltacltutan, l: set er.
J. OLARJ , Agent for the Us.
Cotnpany, Residence-Farquhar,0 i U
'fi 6 Bishop of Huron ion tise :Evils of In,-
ssaSOPublliisersnd Proprietors.
public, Weenie It ispublic opinion
that fent him Bee, Let Christian
opinion way he must go and Ile will
haws to do eo in soft° of ltimeelf,
The following addreee was given byif the Christian ;religion does not call
Bishop Baldwin ata .Sand .of Hope ton ns tke a"'flee. to
meeting field in the !amorist!, Chao* everything for d3 ist, he woe �; much
at ,Loudon, in February last, The mistaken in alit atiing of the Gos-
Londan Free .Pers gives it as follows pal. To his min i was a opurious
'A His Lordsbtp Bishop Baldwin de- Christianity that or ewes to love the
tinted an isitpraaeavo addaess, ex reit- religion of Jesus Christ, stud yet that
lug the pleasure he felt Rt being pre- will not give op a luxury when hue.
sant to talk to the Band of Hope, He &reds are tieing led astray. It seem -
thought that aa a, very sweet little ei4 to hire the duty of Christian* is to
word -hope -there wain nothing like Geld on the work. He might be
hero. fie tlluetrated by a pretty wrong, but 11a wished during pile min.
story the traneformatiouof the ugly iaary here 14 Stand OM boldly and uu-
terpiller iuto 'he bsautffril butterfly flinobiogly on the Modules of abstin.
milks poor drunken man was epee and temperance reform. ' He
ifig, tow former, but the; wilco did not mead being temperate alone
+ ratised up and reformed .he be. but refraioiug altogether from the use
beautiful like the butterfly. A of it for the sake c>f hie tallow men.
tits ugly onlyiu his own eine, That Arta a small thing to do; he
re was leo pit .ear sleep that would do it for his fellow moo, for hi,s
Lord and for the sake of his coming.
Cie ootillueuded it to all to Make it a
subjoot of oareful study and to live so
their lives could be real by all men,
and be hoped the suuliebt of God may
meet on every blessed effort that is go.
lag on for the redemption of man.
kind to the :fork of tempera.koe re.
Oit BALE OR TO BENA. there was not an eaaaut, 140 pathway
er o! oNr1143imRrna and f1 ate T as lllig. Q so steep the* it crogld not be overcome.
or with one lot of land. There area num. Another anecdote was related to illus.
eroffruit tree i.good weiland clitoris. Alco trate the feet Ihat rif as elan ie a
*dwelling bons* ,and stable together with S
lots oat the Opposite coater, for We For L... drunkard 0,11 isle {ijfe is gone, and ho
eartieeiam eep'y to ISAAC BA, WDEA�,1♦zetyr
.0„ Ont, tl told them to remember chef the
> Otitis is to be tenipor*le and
For Sala. take nothing at all. They Were pas.
---„ aii,ag'through on a journey and there
edaudoonecuteut Dwelling Bon were many temptations, but ,Testis.
aao,t ataaot
F+xet, ariliurou 84144* F44" (ifIlalnitreet Cbtist could give grace to recut and. Scutt .i .cc :Sows.
FOx,partia alexaapply to oyereome. He gave a story in refer.
ut[i. 8 V r LLI;)T4 eooe -14 A great serpent to which the The Scott Act wee Toted on in the
oficttorale, eo Ila laetd to Nitre a their sons. and count or Simeon on Thursday last,
_..-� las•tex P 1 B• p !county
OSALE. - •--. datigbaere to be eaten, Acid add that tn
and W41 c;trried by a ajarity of 1,-
III 1 is what London is doing to.day. It ; 200 ; Mao at bcaasteed, Quebec by a
ie giving yt:uug men every day to. be najority of 2455.. From this result it
eaten: up by, the terrible eerpeut-- la evident that the Ant will be carried
driuk-- and aornetimea young women, int nearly all cagrities where it is to be
too. He had soon in London, Toron. aOmitted.
to and other Maces, pot one but ninny
situate�oa Afillatidirectly lcastn the Presby-
terian Church. Banter togotlier with threo•
driving Iroise; splen i,3 orchard l stable
sousog frac'-t. ariug trees ; goad well and cis-
tern. Suitable for a gentieeuan'a residence.
Will be sold cheap on torsos to suit pnrckaaer.
Pessessian gtven 1st , eveenber,138#. Further
particulate on application to
At, OWLET, Exetora'. 0
young men—and excellent young Not Far trout Holme,
men, too -given up to be destroyed
by the serpent. He then addressed News Condensed
some remark to the older people. Au accident happened to a hide
girl of K. 11.Torrie', Colborne, last Sat
nrday. The child and her broths
were ase•sawing on n board, when th
giirr�yl. audsla�nly fell off and broke her
A. meeting of''the d rectors of til
Live Stook Association was held
Clinton, ou Saturday of last week
Aa there are not enough entries t
warrant them going on with the in
tended sale, this fell, it was decided t
adjourn the meeting until the 27th
` Oeoember, when;the prospects of hold.
ling a wide ill February will be cou-
The directors of the Ray Brancl
Agricultural Society helot a meetiu
at Zurioh on the 2nd lust., for t
FRESH MEATS ! He eaid be could not exaggerate the
lnflueuce of tho Bands of Hope scat-
tered throughout the country from
east to west. They were aware #bat
legislation. woo beiug eolinited for the
suppression of liquor, but it was ask.
ed by some what was the pee of pass-
ing a prohibitory law, as it could not
be kept. Then let every churoh do
its duty, and a public sentiment would
be built up that would soon bring the
You will do well to call, as &Unseat sola! b 1 desired reedit about. He urged every
them isi?reah and Tender, y church to look after and educate ice
SHELL & FORD, youog people, and there Wel,' no' be
'ropicrters. a public seniuntent al pro,.eut, but
pe ----r,
when these little ouea got to be men
J. Dou di
and women, they would demand a
Coprohibitory law and it would be kept
V inviolate. He said it must be appar-
ent to everyone that the temperance
)OF( sentiment is on the increase. There is
no candid person but Olin see it ; the
HI R i'r o N licensed victuallers recognize it; they
it are beginning to see that their traffic
oIITSTRIPS EVERYTHING FOR is at stake, and they aro beginning to
plead actually for mercy, and that
C1 1 EAP Goops! they maybeet live. IIs,Flontr6alire�J Lad witnoesed the decrease iu tbo
The undersigned wish to announce to the
inhabitants of Exeter and vicinity that they
thaa'6 o;,hene out a
Butcher Shop !
in. the building formeriy occupied by Eeiup's
Orders v ! Tobacco Store, where all kinds of Fresh !Meat
romptlti� attended to` can be had,
C in the Court of Common Pleas -Deeds,
RY11s,Aforteages,Leaeos,and all forme of agree-
ments drawn and axe cu Godaceording to law.
OFFICE -Lathe Centennial Hotel i3look,Hon-
sail, Ontario
per cont. acoor'ing to terms. Private
Funds. Apply to
OotoborlG,'90 B. V.1:LLI0'T,
Solicitor. Bxetei
I can lend any amount of Money on farm se-
curity at 0,0 a.id 7 per cont. according to terms
Private Funds a specialty. Charges moderate
H W HALL,Harriator,Exeter.,
Money to Loan on Farm & Town Property
At lowostrates of interest, dna on terms to suit
borrowers, A number of first-class Farms for
sale. :Mortgages b :light and sold. Office in
Fanson's Block Exeter
If you want the bestvalue for
traffics, and that traffic will continue
to decrease until it is doubtful if the
people will allow any rum chops to
1 I �� r p exist at all as they are now. People
NJ. CLAIM. COMMISSIONER BUTTER R t& EGGS will begin to ask what is tte worth of
. lithe Court of Common Pleas -needs, these taverna. They can ask what is
Wills, lfortgages, Leases,and all forms ofagroe .
meets drawn and executedaceor,ling to lawn, noTo--
MoYr:T TO LOAN onnuennarara. Parties wish -
chases orrowmoneyon offexiaccounexof isting rtgags-(� Doupe& Co's
chases-ofland,or to pay offesistingmortgagse �
willilnd a great saving by giving mea call Can
lend money ate and 0 per cent, according to
terms- N.J.CLAFII.
JLI i�WELLING HOUSE and one acre ofland.
situated on the Thames Road, 2i miles east of
Baeter• Geoff large frame stable and driving t
shed ; splendid orchard of choice fruit -bearing
trees; good well and cistern. Suitable for a re.
tired tanner. Will be sold cheap for cash, Ap
ply to THOMAS ALLIN, Exeter 0 iv 10-tf
Central. Shaving Parlor
For Clean and easy shaving, fashionable hair
cutting cbc.
ra- Clean towel for every customer,../
Next.door to Central Hote
the good of the grocery, the drug
store or any of the ordinary ocoupe-
tions of life and it can be answered,
but when a shop is epoxied for the
IUIRKTON. mere liaie of alcohol, the question
arises, what good is it 2 What be-
nevolent or necessary purpose is being
served by it ? Its only result is to
encourage idleness, to deteriorate the
manhood and destroy the soul. People
ac] ' a Old Stand. will say, "is this for the good of our
city ? No. If we were afhloted with
(2 Doors north of Post Office) small pox or cholera, if we suffered
all the pests of Egypt, they would not
Butter and Eggs Wanted' be as coxious as the taverns and rune
a shops of the present time.'' He had
In Exchange for Gooses. Been small pox in its most revolting
forms, he bad sat down with those
We have just received a large consignment suffering from the terrible disease,
of goods direct from wholesale houses which and the most it could do was to
quench the fire of the present. life.
But when he was brought to sue young
men formed -in the; likeness :of God—
endowed with all the noble faculties
and perceptions with which they were
burn—become a wreck, when he sash
them lying in the ditch he. saw that
the cause was the rumehop, and the
man who keeps bile rum shop has to,
face the curse. His traffic is the
moral ruin, of his ,neighbors-ai Ile
prospers they must go down, and this
success is the moral degradation. and
ruin of the nighborhood in which he
plies hie trade. Ile asked what is r
Clearing Sale
we will sell at very close prices. Spjendid
yalne in Cashmeres, Velveteens, Grey, Scar-
E WATERLOO MUTUAL FTRE let; Canton and Homemade Flannels. A nice
lot of table napkins and covers. Splendid
Wincey, Grey and White Cotton—very cheap
Also Tweeds and Beady -made Clothing. A
lot of grocories to be sold cheap. In Boots
& Shoes we have added some new lines; and
are prepared to sell the best goods at close
Farm for Sale or Rent.
Farm. of 100 acres, 70 cleared ; Bank Barn
60x40; Good Ileum and Orchard. Price,
$4,600 ; $1,000 down. ,Rent, $240.
Established in 1883.
This ooml,any has boon over Eightteen years
n successful operation in Western Ontario,and
continues to insure againstloss ordamage by
Fire ,Bnildings,Merchandise, Manufactories,and
ail other descriptions of insurable property. In-
tending insurers have the option of insuring on
.the Premium Note or Cash System.
During the past ten years this Company has
ssued 57,006 Policioe.eovering property to the
amount of $40,872,o3s; and paid in losses alone
AssetS, 8170,100.00, consisting of Cash in
Bank, Government eposit, an d theunaeeessed
Premium Notes on hand and in force S; W Wen
Apply to
DEN,lsf D, President. C, M, TAMon, secretary JOHN .MATEESON. the duty of Christians in this matter.
J B. Huones,Inspector. OHARLESi sNELI,, h t
Agent for Exeter and vicinity, jlfay29th, I Exeter .t'he rumeeller is the creation of the r
ease were .hewn, nue of wbieh /alto
very peoixllar, the patient having lead
kli000ggtes for several weeks,the hie.
cough oeeurring as often as fro ESO..
t to 100 times a minute. A ease of
contracted liver wasjpresented aaoolne
ponied by au extensive eruption of
the akin. A eompouud fracture of'
one of the bones of thehand, with a
anorteuiog of the finger oeo,eteeeet4 Qt
an inch, wets eilawo, aud the atone.,
woo; broken in
several pieces and ex-
posed. The wound healed at once
and the bot:ss are nailing ad without
Rain *nd very little soreness. A
cane of blindness fram'coageetlou of.
the blood vassals was shown, la which
scute roars ago one eye became blind
and a abort time 1400 the other was
attackedand oomelets blindness CO -
lured le three or four days. A ease
of ulceration of both lege, of some 8
years standing', w#e exhibited, 4aid 10
11;Ye origioated from typhoid fever,
and one of extensive inilamznatien of
ilial skin commonly called salt rheum..
A very iutereating case of looked-
jaw, wet reported, ,arising frotxt, a gun.
Riot wound, of the thigh, resulting iu
death --the only medicine of any use.
was chloral hydrate, which kept Bim
somperetively ettty until he died, .i
ansa of COUrtllttians after confinement
was reported, where life eras barely
by the Otte of a rather new remedy
called pilocarpine. The assooletion
was coustentty occupied with oases
and reports the whole afternoon, and
this was one of the ,must euoceeeful
meetings ever held. and the promise
seems likely to slake next Meeting
equally interesting.
Foreign Briefs.
It is staled that Queen Victoria has
requested Gladstone to submit to the
Cabinet t!.1:
he quattiou whether spseiat
powers cannot be oont'errod upon the
e Prince of Wales to enable him to par.
oipitate in the conferences of the s,lv.
ereign of Boma,
e Dublin Mail says Capt. O'Shea
aE visited Gladstone in Scotland and ar-
ranged a fres#, treaty between the
o Fernallltes and the Government, by
1 which the latter agrees to recall Lord.
1 Spenser and allow the Crimes Act to
a°f in return for the support of the
Irish party on the Franchise Bill,
The marriage of Miss Ida Theresa,
daughter of Capt. Foote, U. b. navy,
to Lord Montagne Parfet, son of the
1111Marouitt of Winchester, was oelebrat-
hg led in London on Tuesday. Minister
Lowe' and a large and fashonabla au-
dienoa were present. The presents
were numerous an costly. Queen
Victoria sent an antique diamond
bracelet and gold breakfast service..
The Prince and Princess of Wales•
seal* diamond neoklace and ladia.
The French Chambers: reopened
Tuesday. The Minister of Marine in-
troduoed,a credit of 10,800,000 franca.
for exoenses of the o,,erations in Ton-
quiu for the last three months of the.
present year. The Mininiter of war.
introduced a bill for the organrzrtioxi,
of the Colonial army.
purpose of makiug arrangements for
the payment of prizes, and winding
up the business of the society for the
year. 11 is pleasing to notice that
the late exhibition has been a success
financially; and that after paying all
the prizes awarded and other eahen-
nes, there will be a handsome surplus
left in the hands of the treasurer..
Annie Wright, who, it will be re•
membered, deserted her child at Olin
ton station, was brought up before
Judge Ooyle, on Monday of last week.
His Honor taking into consideration
the loug time she was in jail, released
her on her own hail in the suni of
$200 to come up for sentence when
called upon. In discharging the
prisoner His Honor advised her at
some length on her course of life and
admonished her to keep away from
the reputed father of her deserted
The several committees of the Un-
ited Methodistchuroh, together with
the chairman of the district, the Bev.
IsIr. Gray of Clinton, met in Hensall
on Friday last to adjust and finally
settle the church and parsonage pro-
perty, there' being before the union
tsvo churches and two parsonages.
After a lengthy diseussiou, character-
ized throughout by a friendly spirit, it
Ives arranged that the church last ere
ected and situated on Nelson street'be
that retained by the body for public
worship, and that the old oh nrob
ilnowe as the Bible Christian proper-
ty, bo at once disposed of by sale to
the best of advantage, and as the pro-
perty is well situated itwill no doubt
be quickly purchased -
The Huron Medioal Association
met at the Grand Union hotel, Clin-
ton, on Tuesday the 7th insi;:, Present,
Di Williams, in the chair, Drs. Sloan,
Young, Campbell, Elliott, Gunn,
Hutchinson, Nichol and Worthington
a case wait presented in which an
opening had beer' made between . the
lbs to let out a large quantity of mat-
er iu a young boy—he will probably;
ecover l'wJ cases of nervous die..
Prohibition in Parliament.
On the 26th of last March, Prof.
Foster made the following motion in
the House of Commons :—
"That the object of good government is to
promote the general welfare of the people by
a careful encouragement and protection of
whatever makes for the public good, and by -
an equally careful discouragement and sup-
pression of whatever tends to the public dis-
advantage.That the trafao in alcoholic li-
quors as beverages:is productive of serious
injury to the moral social and industrial wel-
fare of the people of Canada. That despite
all the preceeding legislation the evils of in-
temperance remain so vast in maimitudo, so -
wide in extent, and so destructive in effect, -
as to constitute a social peril and a national.
menace. That this House is of the opinions
for the reasons hereinbefore set forth, than
the right and most effectual remedy for
these Evils is to be found in the enactment:
and enforcement of a law prohibiting the int
portateon, manufacture and sale of intoxi-
cating liquors for beverage purposes."
Mr, White, M. P., of C acclWeil,
moved the following addition to Mr,
Foster's motion :—
' end this House is prepared, so soon ;Is
public opinion will sufficiently sustainstriu-
gent measures, to promote such legislation,
so far as the same is within the competency
of the. PCrliatneut of Canada."
This additionto the main rnothon
was agreed to bi' Prof. Foster and hi
friends, and tlet motion tuns amend-
ed. was adopted by the follo.Vin,.; Vote: