The Exeter Times, 1884-10-9, Page 8, . ORIGG
'wholesale and Detail
Round. the Country. 6 the Fillies McKenzie Aot in the old
oounkry, showing clearly tee good re -
liens t
eliensiaat, t cults, and instanced villages of over
600 inhabitants each wind* had been
Our Methodist brethren: field: a built: up enpruhibltion principlae.
meeting ou Friday, and among the He appealed. to the ladles, of whom n
business tranieetioua the little church , number, were present, to give their IL
(Q.e corner of Queen street became influence ie the work, ,
the property of Rev, Mr, Ball. Sere- Mr, Moir had. the closing epeeoh, as it
ice; will be held there nazi Sabbath waw his meeting, Ile stated that he
instead of in the B. C. church as for, agreed with, most of what 1r, Gray I
had said, and that if oompensation
PIPA NCT GOODS DEALER Rev. Mr Thompson takes Pomo* were made a great part of the fiiffees
NOT e+ goo of the manse this week,. We are 1 euoe would be removed, although lie
happy to ally his health is rf*proyiug. I could not ozalarede the prttleipie of
The first of a aeries of entertain', l ooerrion.
TEN CENTS per line ter $ret insertion, arid:
sertion I The per Ser noline Mr tices .pt cues
Satiate column,
Eft vitt Imes.
THURSDAY, GOT, 9th, 1581-
1.00.11.:'v WS, -IN shall be happy is re-
ceive at all testes, front any pars of the
County, items of local news, each aft ac-
eidtnts,er any interesting incident what-
ever, front any ot'eur subserebers or reA4-
ere generally for the purpose of rblic-
Local Ilap cn ncrs,
ments mentioned last week will be.
held on Friday evening, October 17th,
A goad programme liar beet* provid-
ed, and a good ticue is elipeoted, All
sire invited to attend.
The Methodist Sabbath school now
cheats of P• nit.
Was Graham, of Clinton, is nt
present visiting at lir, John Irvine***
laid, any of yon see the 604e° on it* the flail Hoorn et.lriesara. 'Cools 4tt a;ia rt-
Saturday night 2 leib's Hotel, ostensibly to disocas the Scott
The eeisees Kerr, who spent ek i Act, Previous to the opening ot the meet -
couple of weeks with f;ielztle here sud
at erohe,ter, left op litendti`y,for
then home:, in Brussels,
Rev. Ur. ,b[a+rris end wife are now
.- ori their way Houle from the old
wanted, pountry,
smart and intelligent lad to learn 'the) Bay. W, U, Gans, of Falitlxv►lle,
art of printing, Must have a fair education,l will asci* in tlla 3ietbodiek oliucoti
Apply personally to Trice Office, Deter. l
srevitles ` .11aV. Ur. Stewart, el olinteu, eau -
The best of feeling andorder pre-
vailed throng** the entire meeting,
aednot en offensive word passed be-
*ween the speakers. Great enthusi-
aane was manifested in favor of the
Act, and though therewrala no tlIIow of
halide taken, it was evident that fully
two-thirds were in its Tatar,
On Utalday night lestiii tweeting was held
here next .Sunday.
0. uanniug has put a tasty rtiuotWd the servi.oa in the Preslyteri.
eign in front of hie 'barber shop. sou church last Sunday.
Several. persons profess to have Mr, Angus McCallum is nuking
found religion in the Sulcation • Army *pion asthis talar budding a new frame
meetiut;e. Rev. J, T..LeGear, of Duugannou,
D. UeAnsh has opened a s•apair paid * flying visit to this circuit a
ehop in Faneon'e }dock. Bea3 1114 week er two ago,.
card in another column, Mr. and Mrs. Code and Mfrs, H.
In the liet of prize takers At the Soudan, of Eittiiy township, leave
Western Fair, wbieh we putiliehed fox some time been visiting friends
last week, we omitted the name of lin this neighborhood.
Thos. Bissett, Exeter, who obtained One of Me. Stephens' stallions
second prize for a driving mare, died ou Saturday just after arriving
The story "Lock fora Woman" home froal the Western Fair. The
was concluded in our last ieeue, and horae llad carried off the first prize
tbia week we commence the publica in his class,
tion of a new one, eutitled "the Ralf- An alarming ease of marriage fee
Caste," written by Miea Muloek. ver is reported in the village. Strong
symptoms have hoeu apparent for
some timo, whiub iu. all probability`'
will have terminated fatally ere this.
reaches .your readers. Tho authori-
ties should move at once and pre-
vent the spread of the plague.
A public temperance meeting will
be held in the age.oultural hall here,
on Thursday eveniug, Oot. 16th.
Live Scott Aot addresses wit bo given
by Revs. E. D. Fear, and C. l+letch-
Mr and lire, J. P. Ross, of Wiaul.,
peg, Manitoba, are paying a viedto
Their relatives and friends it* Exeter
and vicinity. They are not tired of
living in the prairie province yet.
Snfne misohievouely disposed per-
son or persons looked the SaTvatfaf2
Army in their barracks the :other
night and kept them inside until d
was their pleasure to release them.
legate adjacent bar appeared to be the
centre of attreettou, and as the Hall began
to tut such expressions as "We wont let the
d-. a Scutt Act men speak," "Let us turn all
the Scott Act glen out, and calling ont the
uawea at +titferent indiyideals known. to be
iA favor of the Act, applying insulting opi-
theta, tee., dm, might be later/din all dine-
Upon motion Jos. Gill emulated the chair,
Mr. Moir, of the Exeter Reflector being the
principal speaker, suggested, as he saw Dr.
Rollins and D. D. Wilson, Esq., of Seaforth
present, that they should have an opportun-
ity ct addreasiug the meeting ; and accord.
iugly it was arranged that each iihould be
allowed halt an boar to speak.
Mr. Moir repeated his oft told tale, doter -
ed himself -as usual -in favor of temperance,
fatly eu,iorsed all lois epppouente at other
mectiraga bad said re*;ardiui the anornaous
evils reaultiug from intemperance, and ad-
ded haat no wan deplored them mom than
he did. 1Fie then endeavoured to show
that prohibition Was A faiiure, nand compared
Prohibitory liquor laws with the Bine lana of
You will do well by calling and inspecting our
Carpets, Fine Clothing, Fashonable Millinery,
Silas, Dress -goods, Dress Trimmings, 1
osierq, Gloves, Prints, Cotton
iinells, and Napkins, Blankets,
Flannels, Rats c Caps, Boots a Shoes,
Go to OLIN'S
Mr. Jas. Easterbrook, of this place, er, The ,chair will be 000apied by
gatheredlast weekabout two quarts Dr.. Irvine, who will also give a read -
of beans of the second crop from the jug. The Winchelsea choir is expect.
ed to be present and sing -not the
praises of the "ruby wine," but of
that beverage which invigoratos but
does notintosicate. Au opportunity'
fall and winter wear. Boots and shoes 1 to speak will begiven to any "anti"'
made to order and repairing prompt- who may wish to do so. Come and
ly attended to as usual. get your principles atrengthened and
The Salvation 'Army still attracts your doubts banished, so that on. the
large audiences. The hall was well Both you will go intelligently and
.filled at all the services on Sunday. manfully to the poll and mark your
The soldiers ate now captained by a ballot for prohibition.
Mr. MaoArtney, who plays the lam
bontine welI and speaks with appar-
ent earnestness. Oran('
rapt Stock on Saturday afternoon ANTI -Score ACT MunTING.—An an -
=next at 2 o'clock p. m, (No night
sales.) and every Saturday at the
same hour till all is disposed of,
Premises for sale or to let.
Owing to a rush of business, I was
unable to prepare any hair -work for
exhibition at Exeter fair. However,
if you are in need of anything in this
line, give me a call and ,1 will give
satisfaction every time. 0. MANNING.
An entertainment in aid of the
Scott Act fund will be held in the
Maiu•street Methodist churoh to-
morrow ,(Friday) night, under the
auapiees of the Women's Christian
'Temperance Union. Addresses, mu-
sic, readings, recitations, &o., will
Compose the programme. An inter-
esting and profitable entertainment
is expected, ',,
Revs. Pascoe and Dixon exolintiged''
pulpits on Sunday morning, : It bee,
been arranged that these two •minis.
ters exchange pulpits the first' Sun-
day evening in .each month, but as
the saoramment was administered 111
the James-steeet church last Sunday.
night, the exchange was made in the
A Liman, Oct. 7th,des.eays :-Three
young boys -Albert Stanley, Fred.
Porte and W. Scott -were going to
Exeter. when they met a ,bicycle ou
the street. The horse got frightened
and shied off the road, throwing out
the occupants. Mr. Stauley's ° leg
was broken in two places, The
others escaped unhurt. ,
Every bottle of Arnica &OilLiniment'(sold Wouldnot,do ,such :a orime,.,.,t;hat ..he
is warranted by the proprietors t0 give„eatis- was sp,gaild'ii,ndkind, but that it Was
faction or money will be refunded. the whiskey, and that in justice he
Survival of the fiteat. Down's Eifur has oilphiti punie h the
whiny and let
outlived every other cough remedy simply
beeauss it is the best, Pat go free, The speaker referred to
ono planting. The beans were of as
good quality as the firs; crop..
Just received at C. Eaorett's anoth-
er large stock of boots and shoes far
Auction Sale of the Drew Bank -
e New England States, appealing strongly -
the audience to stand up in defence of
theirlib t'ee.
ti -Soot* Aet meeting was held here
on Friday night last. As no anti -
Scott Aet chairman could be got, Mr,
Mollerd, acted in that capacity. The
speakers were Mr. Geo. Moir, of Exe-
ter for the Antis, and Rev. John Gray,
of Clinton, for the Aot. As the meet-
ing was Mr. Moir's, he spoke first,
attempting to ° show that prohibition
where tried is a failure, referring to
Massachusetts, Ohic, Michigan and
other states as examples. He even
claimed Maine, where the prohibitory
law has becortie .apart of the State
constitution; stating that it was be
cause the prohibitionists allied them-
selves with one of the political parties
and thus carried the law. Re also
took up the oomponsation question,
audendeavored to show that if the
.dot passed it would be an'ipjustioe to
those parties ,•epgaged in the. , liquor
Mr. Gray followed with an address,
in which he showed the evil effects of
the liquor ' traffics 011 sooietety
morally and 'religiously, and other-
wise. He said the contest was not
with 'hotels as houses of accomoda
dation and comfort for the people, but
with the bar, whore scenes are enact-
ed and language used that would not
be tolerated, or used in any other;.plaaoe
of business GHe; field ilia tiraffi'o ,was
responsible .foe ` great 'deal , the
cruse epmmitted, illustrating by an
anecdote xu which Pat' had been con -
vicfed"of committing a crime when
r runk. His wife plead earnestly with
the judge, saying that Pat himself
eet ngkl
To get value for your money and see what you are buying,
go to CARLINt ''S, as we have the hest lighted Store in the
er l,
He wits followed by' D. D. Wilson, who 1 air, Bolder and fewily have moved to
caatpletcly exposed laid fallacies, notwitb- Exeter,
standing the fact that ltt Walt ahnast coo* Vacant bouues in Centralia.
stautty interriup o1 with erica fro;n tlio Anti- During the thunder Storni On Saturday, a
party of" Give us more bear 1" ,• We Won't cots ori tbo furan of Harry ];awry, Stephcu,
Bear you 1" " Pat him out l" and a groatt k d kali a b •li 1 tn'
wase rue an.
deal more that was far too foal el:ltor to ro- ?1r. Matthew ltit'orloak halver6t a on the
rt or rep mance old Rodgers farm over 2,0x0 bueliele ot
grain, and 1.000 bushels 0f potatoes.
If you fail to do your ditty at the Scott
Act election, Who will be to blame if your
boys fall vietitus to the drain shop ? Why
should your boys escape if you assist in cot.
ting traps for other people'a boys? Do year
duty or retribution is sure to come in some
Rev". Fessant, assisted by Mr. Alloyr, is.
holding speeial meetings et Fairfield.
Begins next addressed us. He tried
show that the drunkards ware but few anal.
that the many should not give up tbtir privi•
loges on their account, stating that after fif-
teen years of practise as a physician be failed
to sec any harm in the anoint glass indulged
in mderatIon, That as domestic remedies,
whisker and brai,dy,.v gra often .useful. piling'
a place somewhat after the fashion of R. R.
Relief, and that if the Scott Act was passed
the public would be inconvenienced by not
having easy access to them. Ho also ptetur-
ed a case of urgency, in which a man might
die before liquor couldbe procured, as Exeter
would probably be the neareat place at which. At the regular meeting of Loyal
it could be got. Orange Lodge No. 216, Greenway,
The Rev. Mr, {;xray, of Clinton thou took the township of Stephen, the follow -
the platform to bo interrupted and insulted ing resolatiou 'Was prised : "Resoly-
es had been the previous advocate of the ed Teat this Loyal Orange Lodge,
Scott Act cause. a1 Tr, Gray in opening pro- '
ceeded at once to confute the statement that No. 219, use their influence in helping
probibitiondid not prohibit, by citing in-
stance after instance in England,. Ireland and Middlesex. R. C. WiesoN, W. M. i
Scotland where it had been tried andproven' Roux. Hvrcn1NsoN, Seq."
to Succeed. He,also jogged Mr. Moir's mem
ory on the feet that while he had pledged Arraugemeuta are being made to
himself to stand or fall by Maine and Halton teat the Soott Act in Frontenao and
he was here to niitht to plead for the tolling Kingston.
cause. Halton, despite the most unscrupn- The Canada Temperance Aot has
lous and powerful measures the opponents
could take, and come out Stronger than ever, been declared iu force in Artbabaaka,
having more than doubled the majority in DIED.
favor of the Aet, while Maine had by more
than atwo-third majority, upon a distinct PENBSLE.-It* Stephen, on the
vote of the people, made total prohibition a Wm. Penhale, aged 53 yearQ.
part of the constitution of that state. With-
out setting himself up as an authority he
cited the names of numerous scientific cele-
brities, among them Baron Liobig, Richard-
son, Carpenter, Lees, and others, who were
universally accepted as authorieties by the
medical profession and whose opinions were
diametrically opposed to those of his medi-
cal friend who had preceded him. Re showed
that there was more nutriment in a two and
a half pound barley loaf than in $258 worth
of the best Bavarian `beer, and asked could
we as Canadians afford -even if this was
the worst of it -to use such costly food. Mr.
Moir had told them that drunkenness, and
especially domestic drunkenness was to be
more rife among the people than ever -as
soon as the Act was passed, and he believed
his friend, the Dr., bad echoed him, and yet,
he found his medical friend deploring the
fact that in the moat urgent of cases no
liquor would be obtainable. . He left it be-
tween them to reconcile their inconsisten-
cies. He wondered, what they were all to
get drunk on.
Mr. Moir intclosing gave some statements
regarding the crime in Halton, when the
meeting was brought to a close, a show
having been called and declared favorable
to the anti -Scotts.
The effect of the meeting, however, will be
to hurt rather than help the party, for, al-
though I say it in` defense of our village, a
good deal of the rowdyism was,imported,
still the decent and intelligent' part of the
audience were auythiug but favorably•im-
pressed by the oonduot of the gang. 1 am
stating only a patent fact . when I' say that
meeting made votes for the Scott Act. More
than one who was was either unfavorable to
the Act; or undecided before that Meeting,
concluded there that tthey"could 'not allow
themselves to be ranked with a,party, who,.
while they were shouting for ' liberty, would
not even allow freedom'of"speech; and" dis-
cussion; It is'asad eight to, see men' like
those who addressed that 'meeting espousing
such a cause, and ' countenancing a traffic
that unfitted their own ` friends to_ perform
this duty of citizenship as became ,the eiti-
zene of a free and `civilized` "country: Had
they but thrown their.influence and weight,
into the right scale, how much` good might
these gentlemen have done to those whose
maudlin Dries and cheers disturbed that
Scott Aet Notes.
t0 carry the Scott AO in Huron and
2nd inst.,
MoNDAr, Ocr. 20. -Farm Stock, Implements
eze., the property of John Payne, lot 30, S.
B., Hay. Sale at one o'clock. Philip
Baker, Ano.
Scott's Emulsion of Pure
Cod Liver 00, with Hypophosphltes,
Very Palatable and E,ficatious in Wasting Di-
Dr. C. T., Bnoulssa, Rochester, N. Y.,
says : "After having used Scott's Emulsion
with decided benefit upon myself, I have
taken great pleasure in recommending it
since in the various conditions of wasting in
which it is indioated." 'a
Repairing Shop.
D. MOANSH wishes to inform the people of
Exeter and vicinity that he has opened a shop
in Fanson's Block, where he will do all kinds
of Repairing on the shortest possible notice,
and at low rates, such as Gun, Sowing Machina
Look and general repairing. Machine Needles
and Oils always on hand. Saws Sharpened,
Give him a call. Satisfaction guaranteed,
on or about the 27$b dept„ a dark Could Ileac
with brindle eel ()red Iegs, short tail, long hair.
and w.b,te ttp an his nese, trent the promise✓! of
Jas. Uodgtas, 1ot8, con 1, Stephen. ArtyPer•
sou returning tlate dog will Ivo anitablyreward,
ed. Persona foundbarboring it atter ibis ue-
ttco will be prosecuted as the lav provides.
JAI4. •I ODOINS, C4utralla I'. 0
Out., has fully organized courses in Liter-
ature, Music, rine Arts and Commercial
Training ; a faculty of 17 thoroughly qualified
and experienoedtoaehers; the finest buildings
and furnishings for the purpose in Canada.
Bates from $38 to $48 per term ; inolu.ling
music and, Drawing, with Literary studies,
only 8190 a year, id advance, tm-All its
rooms except five are already engaged for 'the
Winter term. Students may enter Oct. 9, Nov -
13 or Jan.. 2, 1885. For Announce.
mentaddress n' -'
Prmci al AUSTIN, E. D. Exeter Butcher Shop
Voters' List Court,
Is beeoby given that a Court wilt be held.
pursuant to the 'Voters' List ' e* by Ills lion
or, the Junior Judge of the County Court of
the County of Huron, et the
--0i —
THURSDAY, 23rd day of OCTOBER,1884
At10 o'clock a. in,. to hear and determine com-
Taints of errors and mullions in the Vetere'
lot of the munielpnlity of tlsborno for li381.
All persons having business at the Court are
r(wore ctto ettendatthe semotire oand place
Dated 2nd Uct„ 1884.
Mill men will save meney,and save their
Machinery by rising Lardine.
Has been yictorioue at all the leading exhibz
tions and industrial fairs since 1878. carryiugoff
Snit prizes and medals in every inate.nce. It
has now no canal as a lubricator, and will out-
wear lard, seal or castor oil, and warranted not
to clog or gum the finest machinery. You will
save money by using this Oil. Try it and you
will testify in its favor, Beware of imitations
MCco11 Bros. 12, Co., Toronto.
—Fort BALD BY-
J. EILBER &SON, Crediton
Tmt,St.Marys Carriage Manufacturing Com-
pany, an Euterpris omanaged by capitalists of
that town, is meeting with great success, hav-
ing already sold over twenty-three thousand
shares. The surplus stook of the Company
amounting to 5106,000 will be divided on Oct.
22nd, Shares are 32 each, and all those de -
ailing to participate in this Grand Division,
should buy a share at once. Address : H: A.
L. Warn, Sec'y, St.Marys.
By addressing GEO. P. ROWELL & CO., 10
Spruce St., New York, can learn the exact cost
of any proposed line of aDVEB ISING ” in
American /Newspapers. pagePamph-
let, 10c.
that a Court will bo held pursuant to,
"the Voters' Lists Act" by His Honor the
Junior Judge of the County Court of .the
County of Huron„at the Court Boom, Exeter,
On the •
20th.'TRAY . OF OCT,, 1884.,,
at 12 o'clock, noon. to hear • and determine the
several complaints of errors and omissions in
the Voters' List of theMunicipality of Exeter
for 1884.
d.11 persons haying business at the Court are
required to attend at the said time and place.
Dated at Exeter, this lst day of October, 1884.
Clerk of said Municipality.
.DA V .6S;,'
wGene ,, •.a
Customers supplied TUESDAYS, TEURS.,
DAYS AND SATUBDAYS at, their residence.'