HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1884-10-9, Page 4.�� 4,����� � •����. CeRSlaas HoRsEe.--•Brand Mara, Tires. RulesII, Mex. Ingrao ; Foal, . T;RSDA�. OCT. p, 1884 John MoNevin, Alen, Ingram, Thos. Roue11; Fahy or chiding 8 years old, -� Alex. Foreayth, Robt, Cann; Filly or NOTE'S. 'gelding 2 years old, Wi..IifoEtven, Jas Wectaott,°Geo. Piewee; Filly or The law winch makes it oompulsory gelding 1 year eta, Jas. Uoir ; ar- for muurclpat: cou:oils to publish a rune horse 10 Mande ,high or aver, T. Statement of reeerpte and diabolic. Bissett, are; Robt. Elgie J. Snell, ioADs'rEAS.---Brood, puree Thee. rnenla of the year, should be di? Bissett, era John MONevin, Eev, C. 4=11010 as to provide that eeolx a ii Fletcher; Foal, Aloe. Munroe, Thos. statement Should be publiehea before g BiPeett, sr., Bev. C. Fletcher;. Filler the holding � f municipal ' electieus. I or gelding 3 yoars old, I. Handford, The nrunienpal financial year should . Jou Rowoliffe, .Deouard Hunter; FiI- end, ,say at the 30114 November, the .1ly or gelding 2 years t td, G. Shipley, accounts aho414tine° be audited and Wm, Hawkeltaw, Thos. Bissett, sr. ; Filly or gelding 1 yes, Old. Tboniae Thompson, John Taylor, D. Mc0o11 ; Tema of roadittere, Wm, White; Best eirrgie roadster, outfit, horsefed published, sa that before the el- ections io January the eleotore would have a olianue to criticize the expend- attire of last year, At present these eteterhente do trot appear "41 efter two rnonthe on Thortey'a improved tele hew couuail rs elected, whiotr food purchased from..fear, Hyadman, makes theca WIWI .less nasefut t.1KA donor of prize, Tltaa Bizsett, ir, they would he if pnbinebeal before the Single roadster, Wn . White, `''h;'Q, eleotiou$. 'Bassett, are; Thee. Bissett;, Sr, The Minie;er of Edrteetiena will Duca Cs rrn�-Catwaelrad stnoe tio0u have hie new sarins of readers Sell, 20th, 1833, Thos, Ramp, John for the public aol.00l8 ready. He has Wean* Thea, Buoion; 2•year old heir. lead there prepared bya number of Thos 11' "ell Jahn Glean* 2n4 P t and 3rd, 1 year old heifer, A, I,ltiott, gentlemen who Have Conaidorate ex. ' Latinxar:l Ilunter, ;:d. Qud 3d ; Helfer perience as teaclrere. The books ars, calf, altos, .utteaell, A, 14cott, 1'hos., now being set at' au1 l'iate8 of theca / 33.a88e11; Bull calf, John Glean, int Drapered. Soto et these plate° ire end 24 y Herd of 4 fenaalas Arad hull, will eelljto the publishers at cost price, Thea, Rusoall, JohO Qlanu ; Boal The pnbhetier on condition of getting t Durham fomalo, John,Glenn. .banal. will be bound to sell the books" G1a�Dg,-® cow. oalyerl iii "81, John at of beton it pries fixed by tete xin.'Hooper x Jane. Pickard; 2 year old inter. The agreetnoute between. the heifer, Chas Kidd, tut and 2nd; year- Miuister. Pia the I ubliebere ere now A lirg heifer, John hoover, Jae. Rick. being drafted, Tim result of this ,now ard; Heifer calf, John Basory, Jae. move is that there wilt be only. oue Pickard, Jas. Down; 2.year old steer, series. and the rivalry of publhshara a Tho8, Goatee, Jahn Hooper. Thounaa will be limited to underaellnng one t Shaptoa; i.yoar aid Steer, Jae Rick. nuchae, helots, the Axel urine and iu ; ard 16; and 2d, John Hooper ard the que'l4ty of the enntitng ache 44114- ' Vat az or seer, Thee. BalleantyUO, R. hag. Davie. Tiros. k;allerityue; Fant cow, f xa crlbatilt Show. 8 Jahn Gieun, iticind, Ravin, las. Pick. lard; Fat heifer, John Glenn, Duncan 'lleb:wen,2s1 and 3d; Herd of 5 ebip• Tino fall exllibit4on head in Iastrker, z ".cattle, liicbd..lavis, Jahn. W41 - on Monday and Tuesday, ander the ping , r he; Yoke or exon, Wm. Lamtnie, auspices of the Stephen and L.t►barne,l , :1.ericnitnral Society, was one of the' Einresss*B Stisl:p.•--•Aged ram, Vr. the', U. Snell & Son, Deuce!, ,heat aua;ce:3aful over lieh in cannon,t , tion with the eooiety, Every depart.: McEwen ; Sbearling ram, fi m. Pen. Ment. with very few exceptions, was bate, Louie Gooawiu, Ram lamb, JI, well fuled. The entries far the inside / Snell & Son, Wm, Penbale, Louis department were numerous and all . Goudwie ; Pair Swan having raised dame were well repreeeuted. Ie i latnba in '84, Wm. 1 euhale, lot and the ladies' department there never a 2nd, Louie Goodwin 8d; fair shear - lingo, H, Buell & Son, Louie Good- win. Win. Penlnalo; Pair ewe lambs, H. Snell & Son, Wm. l-Ponnhate 2d and 8rd, was such a selection at any ptevioue show, and the judges found it difficult to thorcughly esamiuo everything in this department.. In fruit there was a slight falling off, many varieties not being represented. The Manu. featuring department was well filled with firet•class. articles Among those worthy of special mention, were those exhibited by W. D. Weekes. In the space wbich he had reserved for himself there was a mantle piece of superior finish, a tomb atone elegant- ly carved add finished ; one bust and two medellious, each rerfectly rep- resenting the person for wbom tbey were intended, also a number of sketobee in water colors, crayon and pencil. Grain was well represented. the root and vegetable exhibit sur- passed that of any previous year. The outside show; especially in horses, cattle, sheep and pigs, was pronounced by the judges to be al. moat equal to that at the Western. Want of space prevents further come 3oa=rnnowN.--•Aged rain, R. Cress. well, Geo. Plewes, 1caah Fried; Shear- ling ram, John Hannah; learn lamb, John Ifanraah, B. Cresswell 2nd and 3rd; Pair ewes having raised lambs in 1881, John Hannah, R. Cresswell; Pair Sbearlings, U. Cresswell, John Hannah_; Pair ewe lambs, R. Cress. well, John Hannah, R. Cresswell. Sunoosmau Dowers. -Aged ram, H. Snell & Son, Jas. Cooper, S. Doupe; Shearling ram, 13. Snell & Son, Wm. Cooper; Ram lamb, H. Snell & Son, S. Doupe, Jas. Cooper ; Pair ewes having raised lambs in 1884, II. Snell & Son, Jas. Cooper, S. Doupe; Pair shearlings, H. Snell & Son, James Cooper, Wm. Cooper; Pair of ewe lambs, H. Snell & Son, Jas. Cooper, ANY OTHER BREED. -.fair ewes bay- ing raiked knobs in 1884, H. Snell & Son; Pair shearling ewes, H, Snell & went. Below will be found the Son; Pair , ewe lambs. 11. Snell & PRIZE LIST, Son, S. Donee; Pair fat ewe3, Dun- t can McEwen, John Hannah; Pair fat; IMPORTED HEAVY DRAUGHT HORSES. D M' Filly 3 years old Wm. Elgie, Alex. Forsyth; Filly 2 years old, Samuel Smilie; Draught taam, W. H. Ratteu- betry. DRAUGHT HORSE3.—Brood mare, Chan. Monteith, Ww. Cprnish, Jas. Loadmau ; Foal, Wm. Hooper, Jas. Loadman; Filly or gelding, 2 years old, J. Hawking, John Chambers, B. Fraser, Chas Kidd; Aged sow having Smilie; Filly or gelding 1 year old,. littered in '84, 1 or more of her pigs with her, Geo Plewes, let and and; Sow littered in '84, Geo. Plewes, Chas Kidd. BExxsnixas.—Aged boar, Dougall Bros., Thos Russell; Boar littered in '84, Wm Taylor, Wm Penhale; Sow and 1 or more pigs littered in 1884, Wm. Penhale let ani 2d; Sow litter- ed d in '84, Wm. Penbale, let and 2d. Recommended --Poland China, Wm Parsons. POULTRY.—Pair light Broil nias, J. Down, F. Beattie; Pair dark Brats- Mas, A. J. Wilson, A. MoMurchie & Co.; Pair buff Coohins, A. Wilson, John Herd; Partridge , Outline, S. Beattie, Geo. Knight; White Coeh- ins, A. J. Wilson; Pair Plymouth Rocks, S Beattie, kat and 2d Pair colored .Dorking's, WH 1VIoLeod, let and 2d; Pair 'blank breasted red Game, A Bissett, I Carling; Pair of any other variety, W. H. McLeod ; Silverspangled Hamburgs, J J Pick- ard, John Herd; Golden spangled Hamburgs, Wm. Folland, F. Beattie; Pair pencilled Hamburgs, J J Pick- ard, Samuel Stantake; Pair Black Hareiburgs, A J Wilson, 'John Herd; Pair Houdans, John •Herd ' ; 'Pair W 0 black Polanda, F Beattie; Pair of any other variety Polands, A J Wil - weathers, nnoan ' enwen. LARGE OR MEDIUM. PiG8. Aged boar, John Hord; Boar httered in 1884, 3. Herd, Jas. Snell; Aged sow littered in '84, one or more of her pigs with her, John Herd, Jos. Bawden; Sow littered in '84, Jas. Snell, John Herd. SUFFOLSB.-Aged bear, GOD. Plewes, Peter Case ; Boar littered iu'84, S Wm. Cornish, John McGregor, Rich. Hueter ; Draught team, Chesney Bros.; John McKay, Chesney Bros„ Lady and gentleman rider, Jane N. Swan, Brucefield; Maggie Dagg, Lu. can. AGRICULTURAL HORSES, -Brood mare, -Jas. Loadman, let and 2d, William Hooper, 3rd; Foal, S. Doupe, John Taylor, Stephen Hicks; Filly or geld- ing 3 years old, Jas, Frayne, Wm. Hooper; Filly or gelding -2 years old, -Jas. Hawkins, Jas. Loadman, Wm. Connell; Filly or gelding 1 year old, Thos. Cawley, Jas. Logan, Alex Mc- Donald Agricultural team, John McGregor, Thos. Bissett, sr., T. M. Kay; Foal sired by Glenlee, James Moir, Wm. Jeckell; Foal sired by En- terprise Wm. Hooper, And. Buchan. nan; Foal sired by Craigmore 'Bob, Jas. Leaman, Ge. Millar. GENERAL PuRrosE.— Brood mare, Win. White, Jos. Cobblediok, 2d and ad; Foal, Wm. Taylor, Moil. Hunter, Jas. Moir; Filly` or , gelding 3 ,years 'old, Riche. Hunter, Alex. Mubroe ; Fitly or ,gelding 2 years old, J. Simp. son, W. J. Pearson, John Hooper; Filly or gelding 1 year old, Richard Hicks, Leonard Hunter; Team, Jas. L admav,,'Thee',Qhing, John Row - (stiffen. eon, Gee, Knight; Pair white Leg horns, F Beattie. Wm Foltaud ; Pair brown bighorns, ; Fs Spicer, 1o.; and 2d;; Pair bison Spanish, F Beattie, John Herd; Pair American aettbright F Beattie, .b', Spicer; Pair any ether erriety fowls, John Fiera, Wm Fol- land;'fair turkeys, John Herd, let and 2d; Pair geese, John Herd let and 2d; Pair Pekin Dutra, James Loadman, John - Herd; Pair I ouou ducks, John Herd, W. H. McLeod ; Pair Ayleabory ducks, W H McLeod; Pair any other variety ducks, W H McLeod; Ps;r bantam, 'F Beattie lett and 2d; Beat collection pigeons, P Beattie, B V Elliot; Beet collection caging birds, W 8 Sweet, Jae Tons. Gaxc>rat.•- .Light -Braba ae, James Down; dark Brahma*, .Dyer & Row. ard; Buil Coohius, P Beattie; white Oochtus, . J Wileott; Partradge Co- onine, F Beattie; colored »orkioge, W ki 5lieLeod; blk broaeted, game A Biotite; 8 spangled Harnburge, A Nelson; G spauole4 Harmburge, J'*bn Hard; Cr Pencilled Hamburg°, 3 J Pickard; black Rainbnrge, A J •W Bon; Hou.daate, John Herd; black Pelona, F. Beattie; Golaoo Polanaiie, A 3. Wilson; white Leghorne, F, Beattie; brown ,tsegtierne, E Spicer ; Black Spau*sli, F de.tttie; Turtteya,. John Herd; goslinge, John Head ; Reuel) dtrckiiogs, Win II McLeod; Aylesbury Ducklings, W II McLeod ; Pekin »noklrnge, 1+. Beattie ; ban. *tame. F. Beattie. DeoreEarnNra.---Donble top aarriace, Fred fleas, John Campbell; Pbmton with top, John Mettles. Frail. Iles', Ti Braund; Top buggy, aired, Heat:, D I3reund, II Oautelon. Open baggy,,. earl epringa, H Oantelou,1 Haudford, Joe Smith; ,best buggy, petard gear, D Braund, II Cetutelou, Jos Snrittl; Pertiand outlet', John Dignan, D. Bravura; Piave box. cutter, J. Down; sett heavy bob.sleighs, Jae. Dolma, 0 Breund; Iron beam plow, W 11 wisliv;l.to auuounce to the inhaitants of Verity, Win Gardiuer, eubaort plow, W II Verity; horse sites, 1Hand- ESeter and vicnu3tr, that helms otaenicd taut a ford let and 2nd; horse hoe, W H ire,. let stud 2a ; 2 hares oultivator, tV 11 W 11-1 pricy Int .cud 2d ; gang plow,3at o an Sho 6 op Verity ; pair iron harrows, I Handford ;holler, \V IT Verity; horse hay rake, John. Elliott & Son; Turnip iu the corner Store North of Saniicell'. A GREAT DISCQVEBL Mr. Wm. Thoruas,of Newton,Ia.,says: 'My ' wife bus been seriouely affected with a cough for twenty-five yoars, and this spring more severely than ever before. Shelled used snany remedies without retiet,and being urged tctry Dr. King's 11''ew T iseeverY, did so. with most gratifying results. The first bottle relieved her Tern? a»ueh,aud the *mud bottle has ab eolutety eared her. She has not had such, i good health for thirty years." Trial bottles free at 0 , Lutz's Drng Store. Large size 1,60 6 LIXiR. w 11 -as stood the rest Y. fiat r: z %o Walks, and has proved itself the bet , remedy l:noi4ai for tete care of Consumption, Corals, and ori Lung Pis :a,3icni.. your!: *'r oIal. �..,... :R 7:ice kG., at 74.7 egmiller 1a z'4Wz decided to close his present steak o1 the above plows, will evil FOR $13 IIASR, and $14 Qin TIM FOR eta DAYS. The plow eau be aeeai at tete bwldi,og oppoe i to p, (A few door south of the market.) route anti ro ike always inept in stock, 1'artihs intending xna3u►g a pt:+ccbase wall do I Apri11(n welt'tP calf early*3, IL'QWELL, Q* .. . 414$40471, send .hili, Jaa- Pickard; turnip cut fi laekard'e where he is weltered to make tar, W 13 Verity; ftnniug mill. A,1 ' p Mcllerehie & Co„ Jag. Piokard ; all kinds o: ordered work. single reaper, .las. 'loris; single plow• er, 1.) :Jaxtvell,: ran. Torn; horse f'uik, Se\ved Fork a spew a.Iity. Bissett Bros„ grainseed drib, lieu. Sou & Co; Pump, A Rogerson. Repairing promptly attended to. Bitiyele race, G. Johnston. Exeter, W. stonewall, ifeuaall; Velonipede race for boys under 10 yearn, Trios. Cave, Exeter, Thos. Tyndall, Exeter. GEO. MANSON, Late danager e. Barrett's Boot and Shoe Establishment. (Isar; & SEEDS.: Two hush. nvhito May 14th 84. fait wheat, Robt. Moore, Thos. Goatee; e Two bus. rad fall wheat, itch.. Bell, I -400K �..t Dinneen ltiali;wen, Johu I3e11; Two�{} �,(, bus, life wheat or Lost Nation, Jas. Airth, John McI1ahon, Jas. Load - man; 2 bus. any other vsriety, Robs. Bel., Ben. Smilie, Wm. Bell ; Ttvo bus, 2.rowed barley, Dougall Bros., \Vm. Jaol;oll; Twu bush. $•rowed barley. Sol. Manning, Alex. Ingram; Two bush. large oats, Wm. Bell, Jno. Bell ; Two bush. common oats, Dun• can McEwen, Alex. McEwen; Two bush. blank oats, John Bell; Two bush. large peas, Wm. Bell, Robt. McAllister ; Two bush. small peas, J as. Airth, Wm. Jaehell; One harsh. timothy seed, Duncan. McEwen, Wan. McEwen; Hatf bush. fax seed, Cbas.. Dorward; Barrel merchant's flour, John MoNevin, Jaa. Piokard; Bush. beans, Duncan McEwen, Wm. I%Io- Ewen. HORTICULTURAL PRODUOTB.—.Four varieties winter apples, five of each, named, Rebt. McCord, Wm. Bell ; Four varieties fall apples, five of each, named, John Allison; Best colteotion of apples, five of each variety, 17 varieties and no more, John Allison, Jacob Roedder; Five Rhode Island Greenings, Riehd, Hunter, Jas Eth- erington; live Northern Spies, Ben. Smillie, Thos. Ellerington ; Five Roxboro Russets, Robt. McCord, Jno. 0. Cameron; Five ..Spitzenbergs, T. Allis, Wm. Jeckell ; Five Baldwins, J. J. Pickard, Wm. Bell; Five West field'e Seek•no•furthers, S. Madge, John Allison; Five snow apples, Thos. Ailin, Ralph Keddy Five fall Pip. pins, Jae. Etherington, Wm. Bell ; Five Colveats, Ralph $eddy, Wm. Belt ; Five ' King Tompkins, Wm, Bell, J. J. Piokard; Five Alexanders. Geo. Stacey, Simon Jory.; Five Ca- nada Red, Jae. Halls, -Ben. Smillie ; Five Swear, Jas. Airth, Thos. Allis ; Five Ripaton Pippins, Wm. Bell, Geo. Stacey;' Five Wapner,: B. V. Elliot, John Allison ; Five 'beat Seed.. tinge, Wm, Jeckell, tat and 2d; Fiv Swayzie;Pom"me Gris, Jas. Horton; Fallawater (extra) Jas. Creach. PEARS. -Two varieties winter'peare, J. J. Piokard, Jacob Roedder Two varieties fall pears, B. V. Elliot; 'Ii'i;ve Flemish Beauties, B. V. Elliot ; Five Duchess A>;gouleme, Jas. Panama Five Sheldon, Alex. MoEwen ; Five Louis Bonne d'Jersey, , W. S. Sweet, Simon Jory. Continuol on page 5. Read R. HICKS' New Advertisomen And don't bo wandering al. out tho streets not knowing whereto buy your Watches, Clcckw & Jewelry His Stock is New and Complete. LAMES GIVE RI11I A GALL ! No trouble to show you througb, or sot your ZYatch to tho right time—ii you have ono ; if not ho will be most happy to supply you. HIS STOCK OF CLOCKS IS SPLENDID representing all the leading American makes. Prices Lower this Season than ever before REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. Send in your sick watcher while there is room. r: .R.emember the Stand -01;B Coon NORTH OF TELnGBAPH OFFIcn R. HICKS. Exeter27ngth, 1884. THE EXETER Planing IYI111! SASH, DOOR, and ALL IKINDS OFF T U R NING Done to order. Bememberlthe plaee.: Elver 4 3o'vtsard. STATION -ST. Et' 0 CENTRAL DRUC STORE A full stook of all kinds of Dye -stuffs and package Dyes, constantly on hand. Winan's Condition Powd- ers the best in the mark- et and always fresh. Family recip- es carefully prepared at the C. ral Drug Store Exeter .:LIU TZ Fonthill Nurseries. 325 ACRES. 325 ACRES. THE LARGEST IN THE DOMINION Salesmen Wanted, To begin work at once on Fall Sales, Steady employment at fixed salaries to all who are twilling to work. MEN AND WOMEN . can have pleasant WORK THE YEAR ROUND.. Good Agents are earning from $i0 to 878 per month and expenses.' R rermsandq utdt, free. ,Address sT(1 OME1 1NGTONadront*