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The Exeter Times, 1884-10-9, Page 1
HEW TO THE LINE, LET THE own FALL WERE THEY M L° Von XII, Fix ' TEl a ORT,, T3TUBSDAY N- O iii: TC , Q "' ". a . , 4.' ,JUT'MATE & SO'+? Publishers acrd. I oprletora.. -4-11st Received---•� - '-_SQMETJ ING VERY FINE IN 1-1040014.A.TES and COCOA,. All !hide of FRUITS, ORANGES, LEMONS, FIGS, DATES, BANJtN Lgc W. HALL, I TER SOL ICI Q etc mince ieseanweneuneek.,Treater. TAL. .8 a'ana(Ilaii. The population of Brantford is 11, 783; total vallis) real end pereenel pro. party ani# texa4lile income *8j70,760,, 'the blink whose it 4ended. Their J1Smare, George find James Tait !nsfe grief viae beer rind for Weeks and Joseph Campbell threshed for they nung.around the hank doors, Mr. Jet Dauglse, lot 9, couoeoeion 15, titling their %lands ceriing the Grey, the produce of 17 acres, in the cashier. ',I heir min 1. gradually sonic short ipeoopaf f► hours. During 15 '.para: Winriepeg butchers named; under the etrsin, npfilit hecs.� i. minute' of Ili above tiros and when; Carson and, Wells Dave been caught dent to their lei til ibet >~ a :: the groin was. being taken from the t l` tri A ler b Imo d A "si! igr tli It s fWho R lbw stone � trtR ire e, rge rtuq ,Rr ftVB wets ma.. s't e- A' ' or} At Dna o * mow stn wR or Thr *woo of the latae Jou. 040'a far Under' the trePree n that 61 buelow the goo:), they thumbed been stolen receutl , 7'rtd dulolosed a t,4rrible. tate o{ : feet !DIVORCES Assovr'c>M yxvoliazata R r t nahaie of fiefs. pa^sona %gilding throusiaailr the Brrearre was on 'Tbursltay placed on God Ives ngishiug tkemt for sip, they a Mrs, Clench Rost her delight;.le,Of "Boit d States and f�Nsre,ttirr. fon detett4o non. � oda tQ e'Q oeteenice k. Teeth ex- ractedwith grain. snpp rt intim arnen7',irlcoeapstie,ititT, ' boerd the ;Gil :*sang, whish .sited Fri- waers fit to.xpi lh tthaW weginary S%. Msrye, al staled for N4W York an ire+r, eta dtteldr,s•etfor Montreal, rime* by!self fl . etion and feat. Thurideey Inst in the sieimibi. gent* litltlatrtif. a dr Geo rt$latlod wee float. If ti The b %Witt wee found w iso . The forte children were fogad 'insula for Hantlrarg. They had in the river near Hurley's *eel nearly deed from etssrvatiou, the alai- "quite au onthasiaatio +sand-ol1 When 40 14 Witttllsor OR WSdueeiley baa IN +taro kt►eelittg arrd pesaionetely leaving the depot at tat. Maya, They an identified by Dmfs!Flynt) to be exhorting the Almighty to forgive purpose re.idiugre Germany fur two it of his son.Joaapli, who dia!ep air- thorn, The aseisteiris offered woo res " or three pers. doting which time %tom Itis home sin or *bout opt. 'feared e4 au interference with the Wee /Nor* will go ander a thorough of God, and the neighbors Woes course of iestructiuu in the leading au oat On reiday two oftioere coilaerratory of muaio in hist land of ved the utast hotrl woman digging fainioua muaioimaa, see tbe'iack yard. and {erring etc- Advice ATTORNEY W Broadway, New, sr1 T .14 "iselfl TtNJfllliJ ear & Saperilrr Sistiz yrfps L Wba Yrtt ularidrai ddRai.ylen gliteTo eblisher hill Felmsond-sk.T.ten fon.Ont. :k1EDICdb NDMAN.- 00RONER 'UR wutyof Moron, (Mee, opposite to # wellfittishedaalr;ee,nrettlent store.F,xeter, j,� i at oniinroat'ger.et, /As 1110 BTT Ida Q1$ SALE. Fra.ioeReusealta Ridley -street and az half ere °f ieud with pend stsb4e and e. uansit�r lot choice frtnttrttaet;, Apply at O.O f X'8 diey'•atreet The body of a mei! veined. Jape input Mallin!; !rem Alluruette bleu fennel lying on * ireetle *bosh% tae e *der of a Mile east of the 0. P'. It. Von at llAtiaRti, JFrida ? 'rieoruitig tuppoesq to b*va been fitrnakc a train GOWiagw t. 'When Iasis o wee louder the iud,aeuce of liquor tacutt'e 13tixikieg House at Oekvifle *s been closed far maim4 twu ar three all heliumaaal being auspended.: banking Immo is * branch t'a 1>lkukiug house at WiUgheu, rhuob C. Tait Scott is proprietor, ora was * run on the beak an Tuead$y of hist week, Caused by si4. might charging the proprietor wit. d. The mauager, E. E. Scotto, left by the fre% traits for Toronto ou.a Wednesday morning end haw uolt yet returned. There ie considerable oft• aitoment *mong the dope:atora, those principally interested aro ,arliri. opsly looking for Iiia return A mixed•op ohne was settled ensi. aab'ly at c8ahra'n'a detective agenoy, London Beet, on Saturdays. The trouble was between two Weetwiaetor featilies ustued Griffin and u unroe, ' There WOO 130 lean thou 5 charges end doubter -charges, and more would have been laid had the various .mij Oretee employed been +rifling to take them. Ur. Frank Love, counsel for Butcher Shop ! ono of the parties stated that the �1 w in the building formerly occupied by I%enip'a Tobacco Store, where nil kinds of Fresh Neat can bo bad, sotnethiog ilPi�Al among inside, r 4Jaborno Council* in, time tit' re+veut a horrible Titov lirtd daairi�, to ruse% the th of Chris. Schirmer wee to avionr', kfrt.eoltreolt bile hely ilii Filo!] ws* lei do the !till it wise to be followed. by, e repreeaut*tien of Herod'a of tb4 children. Dr. Gar. lilt fl}frtesr', reported these Judge Osilbrsitb sod the �ol fl *re now io cue. Ilhcieiop of the L. W. BROWNING M. D., M.0 P.S.GradnateVrotartatralserltdt.• t9?a aside:tea.I1orr:utorLR horstetY.Faster. "FIR. J.. , ROLLIN%, M. 0, P. S U. Office, main 8t.F.xoter.Ont. Residence houaerecentlyocoupled by P. aMc1 htltlps,E1q. f i LUTZ, M. n., 'V. Ofllceathis residence Exeter. R. IRVING, GRADUATE UNI VER$i Y'AripitycollogMentberCollege pevsielaneandstrreoonr Out..emae'Efrkton i MPORTANTrtUT1OES, .bilal.-: vFM.`.?�'-�'^c+.•".Y�.,YM.a"-.,7^.'o iF.a�.:--.".' _er ENEiF ''II,E3l✓EZ, Licensed Au tioneerfor tiay,Stephen and 9tc0illvrMT Township": Sales oonduoted ai moderate rates. Uiflce-A ost•oalao. Croditon, Ont. ONEY TO LOAN ON REALES.. tato tor tboBuren Erie Loan <r, Savings Seeiety, Low ratosof' interest. Apply to John Spaekmen,Exetor. OLARK, Agent for the Us. L\•borneaudliibbertIttntualFiretuanrance Company, Residence -Farquhar, Orders by matlproniptly attondedto. For ptsrtienter lipply'to Ale. $ V EI,ritor. Selfcitor,i cEget, 'OR SALE.. 1 Two Storer le 14"]OT.r iT tl l#UDSE,. ata! ea Sillbstalimetly east el tbn Presby.. tirrfan Church, Exertor; te„ ot9:er with three- quartera of an acre of lauct.reed frame stable and driving house; splendid orchard of chola° oungfrail-barring trees; goad well end Or - em. Suitable fora gentleman a residence. !VIII be sold cheapen terms to suitpurcbeaer. Pessesal,rn amen lit Y.ovember,1'R3f. Farther particulars on applfeatlon W It. OII)LEY, Exetterl', O. T0$..• HUDSON, COMIIMSSIONEB' CP in the Court of Common Pleas -Deeds,' Willa, Mortgages,Leasoa,and all forma of agree - manta drawn and executed according to law. CFFICE-Iutno ContennialEotelBlook,Eon• sa1l,Oeta rio, { 11 Doupe Co 6 AND 64 por cont. according to terms. Private Fonda. At+pBy to V.ELLIOT', Octoberi5,'80 , 'solicitor, Exeter E The undersigned. wish to anuonuee to Om Iahabitanttof Eager and vicinity that they Lave open out7"- The Council iourumeut. Minutes of pre unit. Melted bpi," Halla, seconded by >I. llersley.tilttt. the "went of Darien & Min, stem iia-ristera, Goderisl:,-atrtouuw.9ug to 35.Q41 for the defence of the ropesl of the township of t„'abatarn . as. inst the + E'alslilixstitioa of tit© flaunty Cf norm). be pa1LL--tarried. Moves! by James ftpekoey', sec*nde.1 by I. Halle, that Thos. % igorr be paid these= oS S1i2.3.,"r, for nut of house. errteitiag and tri an; also eti for relief, to provide pr wiaiene arta other nece5saariefi for jos. Hewitt and wife -- Carried. Mored by James 'Whey, ae'aunded by ._Hervey, that Mfrs. Johne receive IS for .-•-Carried, cued by T. Shier, seconded by J. Hack- , tbett the Woe soil Ur. H. Idorney ho a %notice to examine the laridge.eta Clena:'tt. ,t and make the neces$ary repairs.-- Vaberno, Oct. 4th4. t to day* pursuant the membors Ile titt4 read:a n. derioh on Oa it will reeieve petieutia et t of J.1 R. Miller. Id Mr. lyeulder, on the It lx eon., Moteillivritt,wee found dead. in his bed on Mooday morning last. He !tad been ill fora cot 1ple of yoare. Mr. Wro. Seats, of Eaat w'lY,itliame, ptlotted 20 Om of�l otatoetr !silt sapriug find. has 18 bushels air the result. One pafatoo nleainred,1Q/e18 inches iu cire.urelem s. Phero is 14e Irish- men who oan boat that`? Two Stratford men got lost in the Ellice swamp olio day recently and You will do woll to cell, as all meat sold by them le Frost and Tonder. SNELL & FORD, i'roptortors.. MONEY II I amnion(' any amount of Money on farm se- curity ate, 6t aad 7 per cent. according to terms Private Funds a specialty. Charges moderate H W HAtL,Barrister,Exeter. (1LINN ELLIOT, REAL ESTATE AGENT, Money to Loan on Farm & Town Property At lowostratos of interest, and on terms to Suit borrowers, A. number of first-olass Farms for sale. Mortgages b-ught and sold. Office in Fanson'sBlock Exeter • J. CLARK. COMMISSIONER N • inthe Court of Common Pleas -Deeds, Wills, Mortgages, Leases, and all forms ofagrpe meats drawn and oxecufodaccorling to law. MONEY TO LOAN ox anALEBTATE. Parties wish- ing to borrow money on account of recent pur- chases ofland,or to pay off existing mortgages willfind a great saving by giving me a call, Can lend money at6 and 6i per cont. according to term. N:3.CLABK.. FOR SALE.-TWO-STORYFRAME DWELLING HOUSE anaoueaoreofland. situated on the Thames Road, 21 miles east of Exeter. Goodlarge frame stable and driving shed ; splendid orchard of choice fruit -bearing frees; goaweI1 and cistern. `Suiteblefor a re. tired farmer, Willbo sold ohoap for cash, AP ply to THOMAS ALL/N, EseterP 0 iy 19-tf O. M NNINO'S Central Shaving Parlor For Clean and eatiy shaving, .fashionable hair cutting &a. r Olean towel for every customer, Next door to ,Central Rote )OF( OUTSTRIPS EVERYTHING FOR CHEAP GOODS! If you want the bestvalne for y R, Homey, seconded. by T. Shier thio% TIles. �cl !lin be appointed sanitary In- spcetor for tbo toe ship of Hoban, and that said Inspector prat nuiltir the inetruetions of the %erotary of the Hearrl of ideaith, and that a lay -law bo drafted con3rulipg said, cop. lxrintment.---Carrie4. Mored by H. Harney. sroa�udod by 3.. Hackney, that this s otmeil da now adjourn to were rn the ist Saturtay iu November at 11 °Meek tt.'rn:-Carried.. N. 3. Cann., Clerk. cause of the trouble was w><ti some reports i f The Britis Gratz' Trade. whish the Griffin boys claimed. the wandered about all night. In :lie . Munroe boys had circulated about a morning they found themselves near Loudon, Oet. 7,—T.beMork Zane Express slater of theirs. This story came to a,itouse, and. got fee line! warmed, u: ita weekly review of the corn trade, says: the ears of the G1116,1211-, and, meeting Jules Mario ()liver, of Downie, lair —The autumnal weather for the past week the Mllunruea, they demanded that last week for Einga ou Medical 001_, has bean accompanied by but little rain cou- y eequeutly goon progress has been made in they prove it. This the Munroe boys refused to do and * light onnu. J. Oa lege, whore she will take a course in medicine properatory to ilcr departure several subsequent occasions the to ladle atie a miaaiouary. fight was renewed wherever any of Mr. John. .Slack, rind Mr. John the parties met, and John Griffin, 1 Weir, of St, Marys, wore on the train father of the Griffin boys, becoming which WAS wrecked near Pickering. alarmed lost murder should bo com- mitted, laid information before Squire Smith "againet Dunoan''and Archie Munroe, on charges of assault and abusive language. The Mammas then laid similar informations against Fred.,and John Griffin before Squire Peter, and still a fifth wee laid by Fred. Griffin against Duncan Munroe for assault. All the parties agreed to settle, pay the costs, withdraw the counter -charges. tell no more tales BUTTER & EGGS and not fight again. They were ao• t.1 oordingly bound over to keep the peace and allowed to go. —00T0- 3. Doupe & Co's ?TIiE;WA'XERLUO MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO. Established in 1803. HEAD OFFICE. - WATERLOO, ONT. •fihis comkany has been,over Eightteen years •`nsudoessful operation/ in' Weatern Ontario,and eontinuea to insure dgainstloss or'damage by Tire Buildings;112erchandise,Manufactories ,and - all other descitllitlans ofinsurable property. In- n,e tend'ngiui;erstfiavo'the option of insuring 0n the Premium Note or 0tish System. During the`paet'ten years tis Company has slued 571O116; I'blieies,covering'prOperty to the amount of $40,812,0$8; and paid in losses alone $709,754,00' .A,ssetS,'' 8:176,100.00, consisting o/ bash in Bank, GovernmentDeposit,'and the uriossessed Freminniotesonbandandinf°T'e- 3, W Wen nEN, W 1). Preside, t. 0. te. TAYLOii, Secretary a' B. Hvogss, Inspector. CHARLES% SNET.L, RIRKTON, Clearing Sale ! Backs Old, Stand. (2 Doors north of Post'Offioe) Butter and Eggs Wanted In Exchange for Goods. We have just received a large consignment of goods direct from wholesale' houses, which we will sell at very close prices. Splendid yalue in Cashmeres, Velveteens, Grey, Scar- let, Canton and Homemade Flannels. A nice lot of table napkins and covers. : Splendid Wincey, Grey and White Cotton -very cheap Also Tweeds and Ready -macre Clothing. A. lot of groceries to be sold cheap. In Boots & Shoes we have added spine new lines, and are prepared to sell the best goods at close prices. Farm for Sale or Rent. Farm of 100 acres, 70 cleared ; Bank Barn 60x40 ; Good House and Orchard. Price, $4,500 ; $1,000 down. Rent, $240. ti Apply to JQ:C1a r�r N MATHESON. Exeter. Agent for Exeter and vicinity, May 29th. Mr. Slack was out about the head, but neither gentleman Wise injured serio ally. The Oddfellowa of Goderich, have draped their lodge room in mourning in memory of the late Major Cooke, who was a member of the order. Mr. John MoFaul, son of Mr. L, Menial, principal of Seaforth pub- lic) School, has gone to Toronto to prosecute his studies with a view to entering the medical profession. A man named Dowling fell from a scaffold at the red mill, Seaforth, on monday morning of last week and jinjured his ankle so severely that bo American. I will be unable to work for some time. Among the the heaviest prize trkers A. construction train with flat cars 1 loaded with piles, left Washburn Fri- day to repair a washout south of that point. Tho train was running fifteen miles an hour when it atruok a wash- out just north of fiPike creek bridge and the engine plunged headlong Tato it. As the engine made the plunge one of the rails Iran up through the boiler and fire box, letting the leteam and water escape:into the cab scalding inmates. Men with flesh hanging in shreds from their faces were lying on the grass or among the ruins. Par- ticulars of the railway accident near Bayfield say the crew of 22 men were riding on the engine and tender, when the engine plunged into the washout. Every man was killed or injured. Two were killed outright, and nine others badly soalded,four died betore morning. It is ;believed that three more will die from scalding. The timely interference of the au- thorities at Erie, Ya., ou Friday, prd- vented' a horrible tragedy; for which arrangements were being made by Mr. and Mrs. George' Sohreck, and John Pliok, all three' of whom were driven insane through the wreck of the Erie County Savings Bank by its rascally manager. Solirek, his wife and little children, and their friend lived on Myrtle street, and had,$118, savings of four yearn, ',deposited i in the Michigan State Fair, held at Kalamazoo, were John Avery, of Clinton; and David Fisher, of Goder- ioh. Some wag evidently with a good. deal of nerve and in possession of a clear head, plaoed a large sized pump- kin on the iron ornament on the top of the tower of W. Andrews' new building, in St. Marys, one night last week. Mise Jones, eldeet daughter of pro- fessor Jones, of Seaforth, who has been a prominent member of the Sal- vation Army since it commenced i'b that place, has gone to Toronto. She has gone into regular segvioe, and will be given a commission and a charge of her own. On Tuesday' evening of last week Archibald Mc(orvie, woll known as a constable, was killed by the cars at Luoknow. It is supposed that owing to financial troubles he grew, despond- ent and flung himself before an approaching traiiir,' as a release from this world's ills. Mr. Thos. Govenlock, of Seaforth, was as passenger on the ill-fated train which rolled over the embankment at Pickering Station, on the Grand Trunk Railway, and was so badly shaken up that ho abandoned his trip to the Old Country, on which he had u started, and returned to Sealarlh. fall cultivation, Sales of Englishwheat were 76,940 qrs, at 32s 4d, against 80019 qrs. at 40s. 2d for the corresponding week a yearago In foreign wheat trade sellersheve been f:rin- er, although, arrivals continue on a heavy scale. Off coast cargo trade luta beonlcontin- od to the scale of ono cargo from Australia.. There were eight arrivals for the week, of which two were withdrawn and five remain,. Twelve cargoes are due. The market is slew and dragging. Off foreign wheat trade rates are unchanged. Flour is difficult to move at late rates. There is nothing doing in bar- ley andprices are unchanged. Mediterran- ean quoted is. dearer; oats 6d. .dearer for foreign; beans are in large supply and is, 6d lower; peas are unchanged. LIME IN BAKING POWDERS. Prof. R.A. Witthaus, M.11., Medical Un% - varsity. Buffalo, N. Y., who is the highest authority, says that "Calcium Tartrate (im- properly called Tartrate of Lime), advertised as the lime found in Baking Powders is de- rived from the wines that produce Cream of Tartar. It is a constituent of the grape and other frnita, and is'absolntely pare. More people, adults and children. aretroub led. with costiveness than with, any other ailment. Dr. Henry Baxter's Mandrake Bit- ters will cure costiveness and preyent tha diseases which result from it. NEVER GIVE UP, If you are troubled with low and depressed spirits, loss of appetite, general debility, dis- ordered blood weak constitution,headache,or any disease of a billions nature, by all means procure a bottle of Electric Bitters. You will besurprised to see therapidimprovement that will follow,you will be inspired with new life; strength and activity will return; pain and energy will cease, andhenceforth you will re - ince in the praise of Electric Bitters. Sold at C Lutz's, Drug Store. 6 AN ANSWER WANTED. Can any one bring us a case of Kidney or Liyer Complaint that Electric Bitters will not speedily cure ? We say they cannot, as thousands of cases already permanently cur- ed and who are daily recommending Electric Bitters will prove. Bright's Disease, Dia- betes, Weak Back, or any urinary complaint quickly cured. They purify the blood, regul- ate the bowels, and act directly on the dis- eased parts. Every bottle guaranteed. For sale at 50c. a bottle by C. Lutz. A Wide Awake Druggist Mr. C. Lutz is always wide awake in busi- ness, and spares no pains to secure the bete of very article in his line. He has secured the agency for the celebrated Dr,King's New Discovery for Consumption. The only certain eure known for consumption, oougbs,colds, hoarseness asthma,, hay fever, bronchitis, or any affection of the throat and lungs. Sold on a positive gusrantee.Will give you. a trial bottle free. Regular size $1 3