The Exeter Times, 1884-10-2, Page 8•
O it I G G
town to etay and could not be ki ked
out, the orowdoshiote was very order-
ly during fife sweeting, was .dismiss-
ed by the ."God•bleaa,you,' captain,
VPholese,le and. Retail On Sunday =riling the soldiers held
a "knee drill" service; at 11 a. m.
holiness meeting, and in. the after
noon and evening what, the captain
calls "God•glorifying and devil --
defeating aerv'lgee. Tie army, head.
ed by the bend paraded the street be-
fore the nelellujah meeting iu the ids
k filled o av ud t h e a b l ft
TENOENTS per hue for flrst insertion, and
FOIJA Ct%NTS per line for each subsequent in-
sertion will be charged for notices appearing
iu this column.
xefrt Mmes,
THURSDAY, OCT, 2od, 1884.
Don't forget that the btepheu and
lesborue fair will be held in Exeter
next Monday and Tuesday. There
are a large number of entries iu the
deferent departments, and they still
continue lc come in, so that the show
will be a good one,
. feroleants and others who ere in
want of priutina ot any kind will do
thealselves, justice by placing their
indexesindexesat the TIMES oflioe. Our ;ma-
chinery being run by steam, -and
ternoon, The bearrac a was g ail unt auae.o ype, we eau
the door at heti' nubile services on turn ant good work on the ellorteat
Sunday, notwithatapning the fact possible notice.
that a silver oo heathen was taken at It was thought that No.2 fire en
the door, Ail the warriors but four gide would 'leave to be ayerbauled, as
returned to Luoan on Sunday night, it could not be made to work, but on
Those who remained are still carry. Friday night last a Special meeting of
ing oil the fight. Ties following are the fire, compapy was called •and an,
a few of the rules which the captain other Arial given it, when it was made
says must be invariably observed by to work satisfactorily, in fent 'even
those attending the army :. No ebew, better than ever before. -
ing tobacco, tea talking or laughing, Oa Tuesday morning a young child
no going in; or out: when °anyone ie of it r. d'. Prima, narrowly escaped
speaking or praying. eublie •txleetinge being poisoned by drinking some ua-,
will be held every night in the week pltti,a. The child eras playing rn the
1.04-'4.I:, h'RiTS,—lac shall ire happy to re except Tueoday and Thursday, awop were its father wee Working, and
ceiie at all tidies, frons ens, part of the at ed byflew until it hal
County, item of local steers, such as aG•
idents,or any aaterestina incident iaAat- revitreWile unuo
taken the liquid. A deotar was sum-
crcr,,erom any of our subscribers or read. ". Revu, l?asaoe and .titakgou will alt- monad, who attended to the olild,aute
ors generally for the petrpote ,of peens, obange pulpits next Sunday evening' it ie now recovering.
at fon. A number of eportem@u went to It will be seen by the list of Huron
– Grand Bernd. this week to• participate prize.wiuuers at the W.eetern Fair,
in a deer bunt. wbioh we publish etsewbere, that
Diphtheria it; in toted, and the Mrs. John Willie, of this town was
health officers have done their duty awarded let prize for a oolteotiou wf
in the matter. canned fruit ; Ireonerd Hunter took
Fait days will be a convenient time a prize for hie • saddle, florae, cud
for subscribers to call and pay op Thos. Russel, %of the Thames road,
Local Ilappeninl!s..
A smart and intelligent lad tc .learn the
et of printing. Must bave a fair edueation,
Apply personally to Thee Oftice, Exeter.
C. Soulor's Removal. •
Mr. C. Senior has removed: Ilia
photo, studio to the premises lately
known as the Royal Hotel. He has
refitted the building in such a shape
that ha oaa eafely say that he has one
of tbe beat lighted galleries in Cana,.
da. leaving prebend new emery
and other requisites he is enabled to
turn out work superior to any ever
done in Exeter. The display in Lia
show window is a sufficient guarantee
ae to his ability to turnout first-class
work. Picture frames and mouldings
always 1n stook, . Note the place, one
door eolith of Grigg's tailoring estab
In addition to the information we
published in our las% issue in regard
to the examinations for second and
third class certificates, we give the
followtng, obtaiued from the depart–
ment in answer to enquiries (1) All
candidates, whether they hold inter–
mediates or not, will have to take
the full examination. (2) 'Candidates
may write for a second without
having taken a third. (8) Walter
Smith's Intermediate mane' will.
suffice for the next examination in
drawing. (4) It is not the intention
at present to prescribe any text book
on the principles of reading.
Engaging Teachers.
their back subscriptions, was alae a prominent prise -winner for ' 11+' you WA.NT
Sportemen report game very scares cattle.
Don't forget the Auction of the
Prow l3ankrupt Stock this (Thur8-
day) afteraoun at 2 p. m„ when a
coal eto'e, a wood atowo, a lot of
pipes, and a consignment of patent
When visiting the fair on the 6th and 7th you would do well
by calling and inspecting our
(;carpets, Fine Clothing, Fashionable Millinery,
Silks, Dress -goods, Dress Trimmings, Laces,
Hosiery, Gloves, Prints, Cottons, Sheetings
Table Linens, and Napkins, Blankets,
Flannels, Rats & Caps, Boots, Shoes,
. Goa to C LINS •'S.
this fail. There are very few bleak
The Exeter ;Aeronauts are all pre.
pared to do a big bneinese the days
of the fair.
laoap Year ie feet alippiug away,. apring beds will be :offered. Also a
gitla, You'll have to put in good aol- lot hof Ready --made Clothing, d&ue.
id work now or many of you will be Sales also on Friday and Saturday
left single another four years. at 2 p. m., and at 7 p. rn. ou Sat.
The uew stone crossing north of Seine Tuesday evening after the fall!
Mr. Pickard's entre_ ie a vast improve- show. Grand bargains may be ex --1
meat on the rickety old one, and is fleeted.
appreciated by podeetrians, While working in the field with a
R, Hicks will wake special discount young and spirited horsy ou Tuesday
to all 'who will favor liim with their of leaf week :lir. 0. Prouty of. the
patrounge during Exeter fair days. 4th conceo8iou of stephon met vrith
Money raved is money gamed. an accident. Tne colt kicked nim an
Maggie Itranlese, aged 14, bas re, the face, kuoakiag him d,otvu. Ile
aeived her 2nd class B certificate. lay an the ground, for a long tune iu-
All the candidates from. Exeter, ail sensible, Ills son, wondering what
in number, obtained certificates, kept hie father 6a long, went to see
Rev. leer. Feasant, of Centralia, ao• what was the matter. He aseieted flim
copied the pulpit in the It1ain-street up and took him to the house. He
Methodist ohurah last Sunday morn- was unable to get around for about
lug, and Mr, 1)irkaon took Mr. Feass a week, and stin feels the effect of
ant's appointment, the kick.
Ladies, attend the grand re -open— Pearson & I{ano's' Ilumpty dumpty
ing at Manton Bros', fair days, All consolidated shows exhibited in Exe
are welcome. October fashion aheete ter Wednesday night of last week.
free. 150 pieces drags goods to select 1 The weather was very disagreeable,
from. • but between seventy-five and one
Gents, when out to the fair, nail hundred people attended, Although
and see Renton Bros.' store saudhave they did not parry out the programme
a look. at Ilieir suitinge, uuderolot11– as advertised, the greater part of the
ing, &c., &o. It will cost yen notal audience seemed to be satisfied with.
ing, • All are welcome. the.perfortnanco, which consisted cf
•.lust received at 0. Eaerett`e anoth- singing, dancing, getting off 'talo
et large stock of boots and .shoos for jolces, dancing on au enchanted globe,
fall and winter wear. Boots and shoes horizontal bar performance, and con -
made to order and repairing prompt- eluding with a take -off on Barnum's
Iy attended to as usual, white, elephant, whiob elioited con -
R. Hicks' Jewelery Store is the siderable laughter. The horizontal
place to -get your spectacles. The bar performance was very good,.
awrence is the beet spectacle in
town for the; money. Oita early and Round the Country,
gall often. ,No trouble to wait os '
A tea meeting will:he% hard in the
Methodist church, • ; Crediton, :neat
Thursday; 'October ,8th. Addresses
will be delivered by a number of
ministers. Admission to tee., 25 and
15 cents.
We call' the attention of our read -
It is also to be Loped that ers to' the; advertisement of Currelley
nose boards who fix the summer & Co., of Exeter North, wife are re
vacatilna at four' weeks will mend tiripg from business. They,' are'ene-
their ways In that partici lar,'so that !refiring geode in order to get rid of
we may soon have uniformity all
over the province in the matter of
Mr. .A.'Q.'Bobier, of Centralia, has
removed to Exeter, having rented
Mr. Terry's new residence near the
Come to stay. station. Mr. Bobier is an -enterprising
1t was rumored in town het week businees'mau, and we welcome hitrt to
that the Lucen Salvation Army would our village.
open fire in Exeter. and on Saturday Read 14r. ]Carling's change of ad
evening two leads of them, in; uding veriisement in another. •solum. He,
the members of the band, put in an as offering special bargains% all lines
appearance and took possession of of dry -goods. People visitiug the
the barracks; in Drew's block. The fair should make it a point to call and
baud played two or three appropriate get sante of the bargains.
selections on the street and attracted The big steer, ""(several Piolcard,"
a much larger•orowd than could gain recently owned by ?ver. James; Pick–
admission to, the barracks, wlliah was, ard, cf thin place, but now the prop.
almost filled before the nand hod fin -
of Mr. Groff, of„ Gue111h,• weighs
isbed playing.' After order bad been 3,100 lbs.' This -eminent is the lsirgeet
restored tbe services were opened by
"knee drill" and singing Then the
soldiers were commanded til` fire red
hot shots at the hearts of sinners,
which command they obeyed with
cheerfulness by one after the other in
quiok succession relating their experi-
ence'and exhorting sinners to get the.
salvation which makes them so happy
and light–hearted. A few of the
Exeterites also assisted. Afton the
offering bad ;been taken up, several
more songs sung and a few annouce-
ments made by the captain, among
the latter being the emphatic declare.-
tion that the army had come to the the committee.
Mr. Roland H. Fried, boon keeper,
who is leaving the employ of au ex-
tensive manufaotoryin Grand Rapids,
Mich., returns from that city to
Dashwood this week. He intends
coming by way of Elsie, Mich., where
ile will 'speud it ' few days with his
sister. He will also remain in De
trait for a short time, where he will
refreshen his memory of pleasant col-
lege days. by a visit among his con-
temporary graderates. ° His many.
Dashwood friends will gladly weloome
the return • of his smiling face, and
wish him a repetition of the many
happy hours beneath the parental
roof. It certainly will be ,a pleasure
for Mr. Fried to remember .the'many
warm and attached friends, he has
met and become acquainted ivith'dur-
iug his stay in tthemetropolis Of west
Michigan. .i ''e -
sten all
Building operations are still.' the
order of the day, yyet we araitr.eteed
of more dwelli!igs, tome families hav-
of the kind in`•Canada 'or the United ing to find accowmodatio t atethe ho -
States. tela nerving to the^o-l�ack of liaup+es.
ThisL t Sa urday Lb members of'St.
is the happy (?) time of the Pau I's Sunday, souanT, row.ingr to:the
year when a man gette:h upon a step inclemency 'of the ;,weather,;"= held•their
ladder; to put' up'a',s'tovepipe and the 'picnic in Mr, Coxwortlt'e skating
step ladder kiaketli nti behind and rink. A most' enjoyable "'time was
ataudetll him upon hiaear and falleth spent In t e evening a committee
over upon him, and cau'eeth him was formed .to coniluot _ a series of.
inucu woe. d readinge,'reeitietions, etc. ` 'Tho 'fol-
Messrs, Thos. Gregory, of, Exetex.,.„towing .officers were elected : Mise
and G. W. Holman, of Winchel; ;Bertha Wilson, `President ;' Miss
sea, members of the text. book• coni:', Mary `Wire -President ; lilies,
mittee appointed by.the Wsst Huron .Jennte ' McPhee o'n, Secretary; Miss
Teachers' institute"Were at Ciotou Aggie Wright,• • reaeurer.' " :The en.
oe Saturday atteudi"ng a meeting of tertainments will be held every fort-,
night during the fell and winter. The
To get value for your money and see what you are buying,
R NG'S, as we have the best lighted Store in the
price of admission will be '10 cents,
Any who well loudly awned iu the an•
dertalting will greatly oblige•by Wend-
ing in their names to the eeoretary.
Tho date for the holding of the first
entertainment will be wade !Hymn
next week.
Gr dud Bend.
NAlaxow EsaAPB.—A few days ago
while standing on the seat of a row
boat on the Aux Sable river, Edith
McDougall missed her footing and,
full overboard. It appears the boat
was not very firm, and the olljld
slipped, falling headlong into the
water. Fortunately she rose near
enough the boat to grasp the end
where she clung, calling wildly for
aid. Her certain, Willie Fulton, be-
ing near, ran to the rescue, and she
was safely landed, but not without re:
caiviug a great shoals and a severe
Duck hunting is in full force, an
Lake Smith and Burwell, and the
sportsmen travelling thither aro num:
Brous. Iver. R. Fulton shot a great
many on Saturday and pronounced
thein in good condition. Ile considers
the prospect§ in a few days will be
much better than the present, for
plenty of game. Deer hunting has
also commenced, and a number of
sports from Exeter passed through
here on their way to the hunting
grounds. They expect big luck.
r. avy, of Newburg, is the guest
of Mr. & Mrs. Irooside, of this place.
--Mre. • McDougall- and family, of
Exeter, who have bean spending.
several months here, returned• home
last week.
Our publte school was visited by
Inspector Miller, recently, and the
usual number of promotions were
made, fully keeping up the oredit of
the pupils for industry. The follow–
ing names constitute the list:—Sens
ior'third and junior fourth—William
Fulton and James Ferguson ; junior
third to senior third—Jane Mitchell,
Jennie Revile, Edith Schlemmer,
May F. 'Robinson, and William Mit:
clleli ; senior second to junior third
Andrew Ferguson, Cyrus tsreea,
Abraham Musser, Edward Diejardine
Scott's .Entulston ot Yore
Cod Liver 011, inti, Ifypoplboeplbxtes,
In General Debility and Emaciation
,es a most valuable food and medicine wbore
the appetite is poor, and the ordinary food
does not seem to nourish.the body. This is
easily digested and assimilated and given
strength and vigor to the enfeebled body.
Western, ret London, from September '22 i to 27.
Grey, at Brussels, October 2 and 8.
Hullott, at Minton October 1 nun's.
Stephen and U1rborno, et Exeter, OotoborG & 7.
South Huron, atSeaforth, 0otebor 0 and 10.
South Perth, at St. Marys, October 7 and 8.
sarinoat.. i'e1r, th,et Stratford, Onto bor 2 and 3.
Fullerton, at Fullerton Corners, October 9.
Northern Fair, et slits% Craig, Sep.20, 20, and
Blan shard. at Kinston, October O and 10,
Southern counties Fair, at Sts Thomas, Sept.
30 to Oot,3,
Fnlli.+r, Ocr. 3,—Farm stock and imple-
ments, the property of Conrad Iiubn, lot 19,
eon. 0, Stephen. Salo at 1 o'clock. Henry
Eilber, auctioneer.
bleb men will save money, and save their
Machinery by using Larding,
Has been yictorioueatall the loading exhibi
tions and industrial fairs since 1878, earryingoff
first prizesand medals au every instance. 1t
has nnw no equal as a lubricator, and will out-
;wooar lard, sealer castor oil, and warranted not
clog or gum the finest maohinerv: You will
save money by using this 011. 2'ty It and yon
will testify in its favor. Beware o1 imitations
MCcoll Bros. ix, Co., Toronto
J. EILBER & SON, Crediton
Tagg St,Marya Carriage Manufacturing Com-
pany, anEnterpris emanaged by capitalists of
that town, is meeting with great suceese, hav-
ing already sold over twenty-three thousand
shares. The surplus stock of the Company
amounting to $106,000 will be divided on Oct,
22nd, Shares are $2 each, and all those de-
siring to, participate in this Grand Division,
should •buys share at once. Address: R: A.
L. Warmm,sec'y; St.Marys.
and Adelbert Mollard second primer DvEpr�lTTto Hoped book–Lena Robinson; first ! iJ
primer to second primer–Georgina 1
Brenner, James Fulton, Maxine
Granton and Alfred Granville.
Mr. Anthony Allen ham rented hit
tavern in Colborne township to a Mr.
Zandt of Zurich.
The youngest child ' in Mr. Wm..
Nayeed:family, Lobo townehip, was
drowelod,:the. other day in a large pail,
of water, into which i6 accidentally'
4"Joihtl Batee, of Luau, was remand.•,
"ed to jail on Saturday by Squire Stant
ley , and Reove.Elhvoed, of Lucau, on•
apharge'of committing an indecent'
assault ou.• Maria Wrigbt, of that
pace. ': he prisoner is :a single man
aged 28, hailing from' Eo'ston, and'
has been;empley'ed i,u the of,
groom fob some:: time.•;
By:addtessing GEO.1'. RO WELL'.t CO., 10
Spruce St.,New.York, can learn the exact cost
of any. proposed Sino. of ADVERT>SING in
American /Newspapers. r 100 page ramph-
Exeter, Butca•er, Shop
Butc er & General Dealer
---IN ALL ZIxDO or—
Onstoine s supplied TUESDAYS, TRUES-.
DAYS'tteie SeeT'1J$DAAS at •their residence.