HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1884-10-2, Page 74 r.ta,e•r Sun*ttty is the best nzt11 c' tl:ay. When. I. awoke tit earls I heard the throb (at the darnbuiea down in the pittee below, TAM la Xoung fiootet7, [Enter Thomas and Charles-] Thomas and Charles—"Get el eve ling, ladies," and the innumerable lime of triflic; ICItte—"How do Cltariey, Tone? Where y OULD SA y' TO and when I 1 l" t ' t I 'lll;if'“tlla laa a �,ou been teas age? 0,.( S. GJDLJY7, T l(l;t-'1"£'r#li4el>r, At•t.ttd 1.6 rrAiti.,re 1 oO e'e nt s ew e '" „ Soko ,eves swarming' lairs; are :alar Bill':' • V Sure enough' • i lkfm i llasl:phiaic�: 1' ,, .' y When we tit,stemdid:itt#e tlie.ihnOt1ey•tBr,'o n, Msns.in jnstPAW Diez•'leauPeet' throe.. the bttSin(,enof tsa(, Ater 1v',t$1 in- . 1 : Si } `, tali blast, The: biMrt;tar§..1 Vel vett; u1$':t , enonlaseele ea .e ai reat,fetLW fteo, t - about, the sue kc,-ehsir*Ua'rs *tut stor' ' -he? Did Ire. a Aou a leotul a on'nate tellers had already` formed rings of de- tempsychosis, or a <lissertatioU on flogs° lighted speettttors a worsen clad in legs as a remedy for the unsettled con, Coarse wane stuff; whit children-$1atlia Omni of the lebereneearleet''", on their Ir at t,,-; slntely, ltantlaorne Mow- l xte t,O1z, Toto; ycrtil.'re too hard ea ish n crviiants in cool, gauzy' 'robes; Henry. Yon shottiein't have said that g in g. cg But Iris t onversauon is. comely- urchins ra s lee zn and of- before uterine feria„ to aet its guides sellers of unto.- a little tedious sometimes," tractive goods crying . tlteir naerebatn- •Clearles•-•-''1t(:nes.;:. mist ” those ear intend pnrohas:up to rf so lronz the 40mM:4otmer, wee det4tti1 wino buys to sell aga,ila ou 144,3,4uirill" teawet a prtafit, wa '.;:bila t0 gitretite n?etre` asers the - beueet, which caunot• tett ;- to meet the vfewa of the Grangers- Our expenses - erelessthen Obese of cite manufacture, r OEM se »elan °""` '`f' IP r. eell..henuer , Ernbl.. e_ S of the Different eel. W Q IJ pct: ualtapecialattteutio tO eror'undertakluo d op er t eetteitr3htcirfs mere cor; pleetetberterget;•,tie we have addedsevrerel zrevr,designra of lute The beet agfttne uaskots ehrcads,arad every uneral requisite at tl'e toaeatpiice. s Our area Hearse is pronounced by compsteut indite), to 1)e econd.. to sore an the aroviuces Societies. <Use; cancels roaring; two donkeys Jtiseiibine--"Wtaat'S the news?" braying, and dervishes posturing -tne Thomas--"Ait1't any, C:larley, who J I 1 picture shifted,like the vita in a kale;• was thee girlyou was so sweeten in the doseope. Pere was z f ort esti. dervish' ear's;atternoon?" : ONDEB AKER AND arrogating, to himeelt the title of Sheriff Char es- "?Dadn't I mash her, of Il''g.n-atrs' with a vaarit"r'zted tut"bali, I thotaghr" - Fuuerafar faartafalied es.). his dress t,tieli,ty prang with ornaments, Josephine... 'Ola, you newehty boocoaatalacteatz?tthe very tow. and four ring, on "each titter- Here Tholraas .."Charley frets the budge ee est, rates" ofClndorttt iia were the unpleasant Iinil:e from the all of Its. gootsls large, coxa fete country, naso in dirty- embroidered Charles—"Where did you get those end we assorrad.une any robe,, with the bead all ; shaved except cigarettes, Teresa? Boss Goes!" p r P, uerialganylbing 't'Itomas---*`(hot 'eve in Now York, Can't get., A decent eigt►tette lit 1 o don, have tried 'em ail, By the way, Char• ley, lou want to try SI igglefritz's beer. Ue:tts anything. in town. Drank six gliases there last nieitt " Charles—.,Wito beat's this after- noon?" tfternoon?" i'IJotttas—"Tiie Long Stoekipgs.-six to Nothing --regular • whitewash, Catch= email 'a an awful luntl'er, and Slick poundal the .Yeller L.'g, all over the field. But we roust begin;:, Charley, Good -by, Joe; goodAy, Kate'," (lit:tales-- "Good -by , one tong curl on one side, -a leek ;oft. for Lord \lnhonter to null trek, wearer up to heaven, The higll Civilization and lack of self- onacietisnti ., of these poli- p!ale are shown by the fact that every - hods may wear any ureas he chooses, or none, ;tad 14at1'aet no ;attention, In the town it was Sunday, also, and just Its lively, The Jews forts rt con- siderable portion of the population, and are in appearance the most decent and thrifty. We'were admitted to serene} Jewish houses, built with open courts, in the .Moorish style, which were ox- ceedin1ly neat and comfortable. The women who ave a reputation for beau- Bate and Josep&ine-••"Goad-lir., lighter thanthe d of t1 . h " C.R Thomas. ,,, 1 Charles.] ] al fondness for j'awelry. Totw,ithstand-. in; their wealth and. orderly behavior, the Jews are lifted bynobody, and the Moorish merchants, who ate no more scrupulous than othertravelers; always regard the Jew ns dishonest. In no Oriental community dues the Jew rise above this prejudice. On a street corner .was a roulette table in fabs operation, whirled by mit honest. roan front. ,i'1ala ar who coveted, our good opinion, without expeetiner Its to join his gtuue; supposing that, as foreigners we looked down, an he did. Wa5bington s► Oity of Shall re momiea. upon these ignoble surroundings. There 15 no such thing us rxtrave 'You ought to be very good here," I .r;anc(a in Wastaint;t;aneethat is. New ' said, "with three Sabbaths ---the Tics- `yot'k- or cve'n I'uil:td('il'nia. extr ava- len Friday, the Jewish Saturday and granny. Washington is a eity- of ,mall the (`hristian Sinden" outgoes and stuu,l.•conomies. Some of. "Olt, yes," replied the devout Span- the latter nre'very funny., There is my lard," giving the wheel a whirl; "but friend the prc►tperou lawyer, who pay's Moors Ito keel? Sand y. And. (stdtr a ho#1 nears -stunts five cent:s a day for sutldeniv, tri it it were a new tttouc'lat) the .rivilege of rending all the morning "Christians no kc4•p it, neither', dews now papers. at takes one he pttyu roust keep it; 'binged by their hiw." the r.+ewsmtin another nickel.. There is M1 a left this iutrodueer of Christian ray flieind, his wife, who always seeures ways whirling his wheel and gathering a dec4•letion on the medicine she buys in the stray coppers. ` How mtle,1 gin it by premising to return the bottle, This is to gambh, with the 111oorlsh copper lady is also met of a number who sell is a question. Having need to 1i11 my their o d dresses and what not of fie pocket with it to satisfy the be ars, r inns to a shrewd old colored aunty in a received front a money;-ehanger a largo smart rad and yellow bandana, who in bowlful: of it, in exchange for a peseta, turn sells then: "on time" to well-to-do n silver piece worth twenty emits. servants. A prosperous merchant,w:horn Tangh r, for (borate', scenery, novel I know, thinks nothing of paying his enterta!nnu'nt, is a delightful water res- own flare when he takes a party of la- ideuee. In two wtud::a, at any rate, we dies down -town iu the street car and did not tiro of it, and e'nt'ry day became letting each of his fait companions do wore in love with tht, e3,'S tenni of ex- the same. A street railway president, istenco there. The broken country in so they say, sometimes utilizes his ettr- the el.irec.tion of ('apt Sportel isinviting riage homes on '+rate line," and the both to the foot -peri mad the horseman, president of a steamboat line did, and I end the ont'•a'1e , when they'' are not think does, save his board by riding up paying thew week visit to Morocco,• the and down the Potomac on ono of his capital, mit.. WWI some gond society'. steaniors. This is a town where the We went one day to the brl:iiatatton of leaders in politic.,, fibaaace and jonr- the American consul; some two' miles n:tlism luncleon milk andpie in a dairy, 'atit on the road to Cape Sportel, tvlaich ride in three -cent ears, drink five -cent is laid ottt on one side of a glen; shelf soda water, and patronize barbers who ared from the prevailing wiud, but open shave for ten cents, where men of all to the ocean breezes. fere in a pretty sorts of prosperity dine for a quarter, and refresh their minds in the evenings ty, are of light complexion—numb Should think you might step longer. .er )8 lien -••-an ratany` hour... dt and tar es, tltem have line eyes,and 411 the nation- I{ate...-,"Tone's a Wee fellow, isn't iter." Josephine -What :t alde adid eottvur ntanialiStt" Kite. --'•0h, yes; Tont e5n talk on aaev subj'cl." dosepiaine- "llt, islet nitwit liko Hen- ry." ls•ate--"*No. I h�alat' trot. No matter whet. cum,. ub' '1'onr'I server last for a ;Yore, 110'., so get er 313111e•41 An 1 slam sane learn. set to e`a t;%!.tiro;; with lil.trt." oriental cottattt e, with au extensive. gar - len, blooming the winter through with at the hospitable newspaper correspon- flowers of every sort; fragrant with the dent's offices, which stand open from orange, the banana., the pepper, and the sunset almost to sunrise. T supposed 'ecacra trees, one aught. forget that snow ' everybody within SOO miles of Washing - and ice and "blizzards" and polities I ton knew all this Itntil I saw that poor and all the discomforts of civilization in Setior Berea was charged with extrava- the temperate zone exist. --Charles .Dud. 'ey 'Varner, in d uuu t. At/antic. y re High -Toned Lobbying. The'ehtss of fine high lobbying hard. modest entertainments had he not been ly ever gets into the newspapers, be- ' a representative of "royalty." •He lived cause the agent is hidden, so to speak. like it Washington gentleman on his in that upper crust of society, and twenty thousand a year. He could not takes care to keep out of Congress un- have lived as a New York gentleman less in the most ,approved company. on any such sum. -Cor. Philadelphia Some years ago there Iived ,in Wash -Record. ington a widow aud her daughter,. the latter very accomi'lished ' an mu•sic,, Where Gypsi's Originated. and they first oceupied,part of a house In: "N:isb''S" account of ids visit to and then a whole house, and'it,was'not ,. the little village of Stalieweissenbiirgh,' clear what their game was;` bo pre e the Bttngary, he says: •'We came to a coup young woman Was entirely•too praetieal where the women were ravishingly to look after Matrimony, as' was . seen Y by her cutting' all' the- `young "dudes'' beautiful, and the `middle, -aged and old and dandies and'going only `.amen; ones exceedingly homer, a country the senators and chiefs of:, the navy and people of which are perfectly; Oriental army. Sirlidetilv:' thery disappetir0d in face, 'feature and figure-where.eve- from Wt gin& ori, and, rtlre,te' the story, d 3 ourselfg frits ta rni-haong abarous look. apeople who deu was told thin' the young woman had all unassisted.talten the contract, to pass ,a limit in high colors and startling con- lard re- treets—a restless, lithe and quick -eyed comve�s 01100.000 ftaitu and ad'then wore k.a N. Y. people. You in- no 'Murray' or Tribune. 'Baedecker' to assure you' that. they era .. _ Orientals in origin, and that this is the A young merchant wants to know how fountain' head of Gypsy don;. • You be- long a surety-isgood on a, nate. .Welly gin to See men in tight breeches You generally as Mao' as the note or theatre- Gouts that tit the eelf tightly' and Come ty lasts. We don't know much about to the knees;: the farmer, -with an bli- the length, but we 'tan tell' you about mense, overcoat made .of the skinteof how' often a surety is good on a note. sheep, tanned with .wool on; thg dwel- Once..,.:,.Inst. opce Qrily w;a-rfs t Ybu ler.in • the viliteges. - in tight breeches can t c:ateh him a second, tine; yoiYng,.; „Mai curious patches, cut into fanciful. man.-.Hawkele. figures; sewer; on the;1t;", always a; but-' ton of another dolor`In' 't�le center of the patch, end invariably a 'velvet vest or :Waistcoat of some brilliant hue.. You. see et!erybody- with peculiar hats, with a}l,sorts of feathers in them, and .wo- men, dressed in . as many . iielors as is possible to crowd into a dress,.the h?tad- kerchief aliout the and 'the' haif- L c , turban about the head, of the brightest Dolor's the dyer's skill •makes possible." Bance. Senor Barcaarould have found great difficulty in getting the patent medicine millionaires of the'east or the pork and lard kings of the west to his The railroad restaurant on the Chi cago .nd Alton road tt Jolieit;s keptliy a veteran baiter. A' >.sprigjrtly ^young traveler conap1a ned of one of his pies the other flay, The. ole; lin ebecan[a. angry. "•Yoting'Man,''he s d'sever'ely,` .I made pies beforo .,.y,o' were born." Yes, responded'tiie traveler:; "'Igttese this must be ;one of those sena pies.'-. !`peek.' ail iaa hue w end:it co tbeira tIventagetea give ale a onlll and exarotnej tet tttaaySCIVOF, er �E�.n.iwlr�'' argehave oelttus Waln@utand Rosewood Caskets; also leonine of every descrip. tion,. A complete stook of ftobes and Trimmings assay an Deihl. The latess styles of Chamber and 1.'Irler Ruitp All ki d o. kinda f Furniture .t the 10:rostrata*. f'illlt+a,13E,a t7rlt1Alf',SIF l ' ¶L'UECOUNTY }►lace--.Nearby`opp site lfea?ola's Tobacco Store.*SIaiu-street, Exeter, sTO +T" SP ata ea Office T e '�" a,b2o.. . KING'S .EVIG `Wm the name formerly' given to Scrota$ because of a superstition that it could be cured by a Icing's tozlcit. The world Is wiser now, and knows that SC:R.� FULL can only be i•nred bF a thorough purl8ce- tion of the blood, It thi- t ueetu tett. tbe disease perpetuates, he tt*int 11)100.It geseratien ;titer g. tµre,tion, Macrae 1.5 earlier syluptoru.i,i.: developments are Eczema, Cutaneous ]bruptionle, Tu. mors, lloi'.s, Carbuncles, Er3-a -,•elan, Purulont Vlcerti;, .ervous >Stad irltj� steal. Collapse, etc. .if allow(•(1 to eon- tinue Itheuntatts1u, •$erofulqus,t=nc tarrii, Kidneyanti Ulcer 1)1FeR*es, Tubereulazr nsAititptlsrrr, mid uni- ties other rrm ^erous or fatal maladies, are• produced b y it, Ayers $a ap 'l a If If the met/ po potter/4i and ak"orl reliable ocoed-,puri yEatg medicine, Is i. ko rde4:t- ttal an alterative Haat It er.(d :+res from the system Hereditary Scruteda, and the leased poisons oli eontree us Ili+eases and mercury, . t the saute time it en rights and vitalti es thv Faland, r(3storfn� healtllfaui action to the vital ur es arts( reJtt; a:la;;,,,,,e,;the entire sy keln, Isgres>< Regenerative Medicine Is composed of the _genuine ,Fianduras I aasaperflla, with epees-l3ock, .ytfl- lingfa, the Iodides o f a'ofasilfum nail .Iran, and other iuereeients of gnat po- tenet' cerefuiTYy and eci{atiilealh' coin- pouneled, Ire formula ID gt-neratfy lcpowu Ito the uletileal profession, mai the twat phyWhdans ecustantly Iareoeribe AYEIt'S 1141154Par ti.f 4 ars au. Absolute Cure 1S,LIGS earning dost:, For all diseases caused by the Litt:Alan of irkiOn,1.Yoocikain iYtsx:7t the blood, It is concentrates; to the btib , ealseaiand I,iaruviuo ,.. ... .,.f&1S It,na Scopral est practicable (kens, far beyond. any Soiutb,eastand west,inaluding faoudn,. HnaAiltou Toronto AioutresI at it ° other preparation for which like efi Cts. 4laa,iduitvdRtstes.litieliukiandinreignmalls an 0 oath. eaatitnd hes n is A, ut. 0 Gil +( m t, ,. AOTtli and O 4t.iuclstd tngooderie11, Wiughettu,iaincardine and (tt1pointouorth,F 1 Stratcold,Terouto, Montt )'astern States., G)C,Otl..,na 4,20 1R, m North .„ .5Q p. Ar. 5,00 p. 71n' .,. ..,,oat; p. Rt, 110 p. nal Hal .. .m. :,.t0 p. ria. MONEY A11Iat:BBR Issued and paid on and from any Mone OraorQoce in the 0aruiniaa of Caun,lu,Creatnritainant (relaid raritish India, Newfoundland,uermauy.,lustria, ftaIi , Australia and the 'United States., POST QUINCE SAVl 1f:s18ANE. Deposits will bereceivetlatthis eflleefrom ts1to03W.Dopes ftorsobtaining the toastmaster, Conerers tipeciai"permission can dopueit 51000, Denositason Savings Rauh actOmit receivetdfrol>a a.rn.to4p.m. Office hours t. ane 7.30 a. *n. to pain, ' Lettersintcntled for registration must bo posted l5 minutes bet0re the closing of tech. mail, . N 11 -.Itis particulars -requested that the renders of matter will kindly odd tho mimes of th coon ti tothe all es es D:Jo1iNs, Postmaster. I`PCI iNtePILES-SYMPTOnSINDCUI E The symptoms are mestere; lila perapir- ation, intense itching increased by watching; very distressing, partieuiar at night; seems as if pin -worms were erawling iu and about the rectaau, the private parts are sometimes af- fected. If aliowed to continue very serious re- sultsmayfolloty. "SWAYNE'S OINTMENT./ 18 a pleasaut, sure cure. 41.180 for Tetter, Irh, balk -Rheum, Slabi•llead, Erysipelas, Barbers' Iteb, Blotches, nil seals -crust Skin Diseases,. Box, by mail, 50 Cts,; 3 for $1,25. clddress, DR. SWAYNE a SON, Phila., Pa.' Sold by Druggists. ADVICE TO MOTHERS. Are you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by asicli child suffering and crying with pain of cutting `teeth? If so, Bond at once had get abottle ofMRS WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP' its value is incalculable. It will re- lieve the poorlittle sufferer immediately. De- pend upon it mothers, there is no mistake about it. It euros dysentery and diarrhoea, regulates, Hie stomach. and- bowels, cures :wind 'colic softens the glues, reduces inflammation. aud gives tone an i energy to the whole system. Mna. Wr)onotv's SOOTiri1G sutur FOR j. CHILD_ nE1 Tarwu io is pleasant to the taste, and is the prescription et ono of the . oldest and best female nurses and physicians ia, the United Status, and is for sale by all druggists through- out the world. Price 25 yenta a bottle. TENNENT &C, TENNEN'r, Veteri- nary Surgeons, Graduates of the Ontario Veterinary College ,Toron ened an office went of all ima1R, on Main to, have op - lot the treat Domestic An street. Exe- , ter. Calls from a distance _. promptly at ended to. Medicines for Horses, Cattle, &c 1 always on hand. Health -& Happiness for all. WILL, CURE •OR RELIEVE , Biliottsnes's, Headache, Dys- 'pepsia,.' Indigestion, bizzines, Jaundice, bropsy, . Fluttering Of the Heart, And every species of disease arising front. Impure Blood, &c. &e. •'' rselikaa,n a1' THa i Climax Chemical Company MONTREAL. a AICA d L an UI LINIMENT CURES ALL Pain n Pains and Aches, AND 18 THE MOST PERSEOT ram? EEDICINE in the MD 1, SOLD &f ALL DEALERS. PRICE, 25 AND 50 CANTS PER CTTLE >1 "l: 4 �• O i "en ily3i; RE NSALL PORK PA OKi N:G HOUSE Having ooiumeneed busines't 10r the Fall and Winter Trade We areprepared topurehaseanyquantityof Pork ,subject to the following regulation We will take off two pounds per hundred if dry, and three pouutllf soft. Shoulder tact: twenty-five cents'. If any of the 1. ang guts are left in, 25 eentsextrawill be de ducted. No proK will be bought at any price • Wewant all :Hogs Cutting right through breast t o heal, and Hams opened out to tail • G; & J. PETTY. are claimed, anal ig therefore the Ghee test,. al Well as the best block put'iflinme(II- dare in the world. Ayer's Sarsaparilla PREI'.trED UL Or. J. C. Ayer & C all, Mass. o.,`Loyv (Analstical Chemista,], field by all Druggists; price l;l; elm Mortice for ►, THSTOP L IzFa,for tea m orho, Caads, A,thtaa Rat Cossutaptlow hsi turn rise for prlo8R compounds. The gentile's a. s,l4r s.a'..,t►On Was* aal.aa ar pro ,*re4 anyf� by FraaG IP. 1[IesviankCA. teiapre)'rletcre, .�mgoets,:itsene. To pro. ter: yourself tram tmpalaaoa examine 111 bottle 104 lhrr rep ngwe of 1'. b. 1*1nrtean. Druggist, 4o5nsta, 1184,. ax: 1041.11711* the glue of the Wait. A reward of SHOW raid is offered Ar a belter arttrie. We stso ones* reward • *15.on, tents smatter of Ray nasal ei.7rtna halt N6 •invtornmonista ofrR1N cores is �Rethrea.nd': LnAF •«4,108 as the rano length of tine. *'or sato by an ru, -:rico Druggist* and ooaatry [maters. wrier, 10 had 30 $;-l.0). 0::25 prr e". is,BMN, s. 0Aa4\1i 111805.. '111. a,5.J*.,�rytiMlr.alo Agsls 11' ;!,sad., WOR11N POV.721)1.':= . Ara pleastuet to take, Contain their own etfoetaal TO r:4RMER�! GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES, NOAH FRIED. --OF THE— Dashwood HE Dashwood Flouring Mill Wishes to return thanks to his numerous• customers, for the past liberal patronage. given him, and since making' im- provements, which is a• large swing On fuel, will do •-C -H 0 P .P I 1V GF— until further notice, att`the following -step : - - OATS, SIX CENTSi PER - BAG, And dor all other grains (Peas excepted), SEVEN. CENTS PER; BAG. TUESDAY, THURSDAY d SATURDAY, Are my regular grinding days TERMS . - ; Strictly Cash. B,—Tlotu• & Feed sold at; a close mar- -. gin. Don't forget to give us a call 1TO. .21 TRIED, Dashwood, Feb'y 70, '84