HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1884-10-2, Page 611V MtY AGNES i''1.l•MI.Mi,
Siteur and 1rrr€, " .t''.11104 IHr-
to weer that. frighteued face for. He
has returned, but not to trouble you. I
deaaltt:if ha_will giver troublra.." you or any
one more. An accident has happened
to the yacht."
She stands silent, bale, looking at.
hinai, waiting for what mkt come nest.
xi,r:f.•," One ,\'fight's 1lr/,trtrl,' " -1entnight-it\rasVeryfo;gy,'
you May .ranaember, One wf the great
paaseny,er steamers of the Sound ran
her down and sank her. Three of the
&even eu board were, drowned -the
il mike eves a.e„ as tlzr etc"x�:rst• may boats.etherYnu"rengcCoibort the othe
vuer ofmthe
that t ever looked ►
1 vet Av,Auorr NorFeltia• yacht, inx$moll: the Lost,. and fromh what
is Hard, I blink bis, guest, Sir \ ane.
"^ 011 Miss Snowball! dear .3liss She site time, feeling suddenly sick,
Snowball! it's all riglit-it's him 1 it's and faf,'nt, unable to sneak a word,
him!" "'Ills bodies have just been recover -
And then before her, tall, strong, ed • they lie, as yet, at a water•sido
handsome, b4atzded, resolute, good to hotel, awaiting, identification, I am on
.see, comes George Valentine, my way to see, and it may be, to idea
The quick revulsion of feeling the tify your husband. Try not to be over-
su;lden joy*, takes away herlast reinnaait cola@ by this shock. I will keels you in
of strength. She holds oat both hands, suspense as short a time AS I can. Once
and would fall, so dizzy does she grow, I have seen the bodies I win return
but that the is inhis aryls, bel t.against lists,+"
his loyal, loving begirt, Ile departs. ' It is al, bright, starry
"3Iy little Snowball I my dear little twilight, the street lamps are twinkling
girl!" he says, and stoops end kisses in the April dusk, as he strides rapid]
the pale, ehenged face, mere toadied by alone, H bana. a coupe presently, an
that change than line cares to slag*. is firiven to his destination. He' finds a
"• I -how foolish 1 am," she says, and crowd already coegregeted, and -lush
laughs, with eyes that brim over; "for• excitement, the palter ou band to
give rile, M. Paul. Ibarebeeuwretched preserve order, Ile shakes his way.
and nervous lately, and tbd shock eta through the throng to the ghastly room
seeing you " I in which the three stark bodies as yet
s)w ti , b?as ofd, siring ha-':; in hue lie. The 1;0,444;4 1Iool1s the dwell up•
chair, covers ber face with iter hand,, I turned faces ; the drowned ewe lie silo
gall. for a little, utterly breaks down,,by side awaiting removal, The first is
" Oh, I beg anur pardon." she says.'a, slender, .lair -haired, fair•lnzistached.
"tlo not uliu•l usetwa}. 1 he a31 young mazes -Lionel Contest.: The
right in :i lzla;alt.-117,, Ouly it s o trill* i second isas Newnan ; the third -=b0
heel; the olid times, aald•-oh'! how good, i dregs back shd holds liisbreatlr. Ther
bow guisl it is to see a friendly face before him lies his €nc,iriy-slutinan who
atgeizo-." has hatted law, who his worn his title
" That is a pheasant hearing," be says f and used his wealth, who has done his
cheerily ; so yon were afraid uy letter i beat to break little Snowball's heart
wasall a mita;' My dear child. I have i Vane Valentine, stark and dead!
known for over a week you were here.1
If you had been discovered by that
•oilier, I was Always ready to come to i
the resew. Mk toor little Suowba111
Info lists gone ha r ly with you. I tear,
.suise 1 saw you test." s" Eli£ I CEASE To WWI ; n% 3zr eunuy 1"
Tears, Marti to- Bold beet, spring, to ,
for oyes once more; they f 1I, they over. , It is a May day, cloudless, clawless,
dew, • sunny, breezy. Isle Navin lies like an
" 1 any eery weak; 1 -ever used to bo ' k iuerald Isle iu its sapphire settiug, in
a eryiug animal,' she says at last, try. 1 the dancing waves of flay Chalette.
, r.. 4ite.
I' A, T h
heaths have been dilmk, and toasts re -
ao,""ry'Orilliance in her eyes—a rose spt)nded to, °nnd; speeehes, de, a?itl
and a star herself, as so it seems to blushes blushed, ltnd tears `wiped aawaY`t
afternoon, and hearty train tune, and
Captain John Madonald, who catches, a
with smiles to chass-, them,andrit is
limpse of th sssuuny vision, and Comes one heart there is beating
, , beating -ah I
r'oolkle yatJhoevre,! " ho Incoshadnd nosttadnodnse and
the before you. game -Tell, it's no ntal is hearts havebeaten for all time ; w 1
tallclllg; non •t' tits` niiglzt•have-been s<. " plea,!~ still. in.tha,tt da.y when all time shill
Yon loak'liko a rosob'ud yourself, Snow- end.. Others discuss the coming arrival,
ball- ueen lily and rose lo one -and 1naay irriva s•it bo, only"niadanio" says
will outshine my, Inno herself, if you nothing. A .deep permanent flush burin
(hell take care. Nothing else le St. on her cheeks, a brilliant feverish lig11
Glides, of course, will have a ghost of *in ill her eyes, her pulses are throbbing
chance near on." ikvith sickening sapidity at times, 'and.
" What a charming courtier, you are, then aqaa��zn seeming to stand stili.
Johnny, retorts "madam "' derisively. Wri11`�lao con a-awiil he•cenie? Hvery
Such delicate Battery, such subtle feverish beat of her heart seems beating.
compliments. If you cannot acquit. .tut that question, She bas n,onseonhins
yourself More creditably than this, sir, ;ince that day, so long ~ - 11, �s'o lon ,
you had better leave it to those who long ago -tinder the trees of Valentine
understand the busiliess, Outshine By which it will be seen, by all whom it
your Inno, indeed! Yon know ;very may concern, that it is not Sir George
Tomo\sell if the Veg Aphrodite rose from whose coming, or non -coming, is setting
the surf there this moment, you would they nerves and pulses in this quiver.
consider the goddess rather a plain= She breaks away from it all, presently
looking young woman compared to your -the paste,. the laughter, the music-'
Inno, "1744 of€ a little, and let Ino And, goes ort;, It is a little out of the
look at you." ordinary, this wedding -the day -tile
• John Macdonald, does as he is bid, last 'day for so •long, is spent leytthe
and Laughingly "stands at ease," and Happy pair Here among their relatives
folds his arm, and holds himself MAY 'and (rends. •• This `evening tbcy go oln
" y beard tlati big allipr waiting out there is
I really do not think; limo need be the stveam, ready two spiread her wrliite
verY�nruch ashamed of v morns ou this I wings for South America, tho first thing,
ing, She saps, ""y I hope you want; to.niwrraw molning. -
hounder about and be awkwaard,Johnny, The shriek of . the incoming 441anal drop the ring and turn a bright reaebes Dolores as she stere get into th,, 1
r!mewl at tho wrong time, and make a + Arden. That shriek, listened for an
:guy of yourself generally when we get R lay., comes to her like a ,shoots at hist.
to church, Pere Louis will be sure to s She turns white in the May sunshine, ;
laugh at you if you do -you know Ilia ; and cold -what if it Las - not brought
dreadfully keen souse of the ridiculous , himra after all! If itis so she feels she
always ; and with the sisterly, motherly a must bear it, just at first, alone, vett
regard I have for you, my dear boy, it ' under all those eyes in there, and se aim
would pain zue to sea the finger of rise- hurries on, and down, aimlessly, to the
bility pointed at you on your wedding.pleads Dolores.
v stere edge. As she stands alto cath sec
ration,ill} ?"day, You with try and orest yourselff isle I'erdrix, its tall lighthouse piercing
;' ?Omen be eourteougr she must be hob'.
tYliotherhex''l 1 th ke hamtb e o b wly e
I care nouloro than the angels above.
incl I U give my heart to my lady's keeping,
Andover ber etrengthon mine shall lean,
And the stars shall fall and the saints be weep.
Erg I cease to love her my queen, my
queen!" ,
And all 'this 'tiffeei"' 1311 ' i, Rene, °I
nave not asked you once if you love nae,
ay queen ?"
Who is it talks of brilliant flashes of
•ialence? Dolores does not answer -in
.voialsr-ala "Reale does not repeat Ina
question. They rise -as the sweet Song
end., and turn to go back to the house;
and who needs words when hearts are
tilled with bliss? k or lova is strong,
and youth is sweet, and both are theirs,
.,nd tboy-ase taut+,.tcr to part no =ware
T1iE .ESD.
• aN THE
• ;R'
ores, the hazy' blue, its long strip of hard' 1
ea, jig "s ayg Captain eat- bomb; the smoke iding up from 'than
g " avith your ziayternal .little peaceful cottage. And as oho ..
GIL'l?TFR r.+,It« eye upon me, how can I fail2 Tett : stands, some one coulee up the path,
o'clock, Snowball," pulling out the per, "Anel ft le Sir George valentine, and.
petual watch ; ""Took abarp, will you,1 none 1
like a dear girl? Have you bad any. "garden
she -tyke down an the low gr
thing lir. the way of breakfast, or avill y,ou ,vall, =flyovers her face with her bands,
wait for the breakfast? It, takes plftee. Ile has not eome 1 At last she is alone
yon know, at eleven.! with her itzButallt she has so
I know. I will net be late. T will haped, ae stor,, ;ed for, lite coming, so
use to laugh through the ,heg drops. It is vet early morning not quite take a cnpl of tea, please, alta.=alis. IA sassy hungered. far the siglit of his face, the
Tee, life bas gem hard, but I did not nine o'cistek, but even at this nlatntnlal --nothing -mare, Flid yau' -5110 asks sound of his voice. All her life elle has
mind en greatly until I foiled him Hera i hour, the shrill• itelicd Freudi-Cana- this carelessly. hen face averted while ".loved. pain and laicism itnot.eitiieen s to
actor mitt'. We were getting along so , !lily- ioioe of old Ma'am Weesy rinsed an sipping her tea-"" did yell Melva the 9 her she has never known how she has i
nicely" I was almost quitereeoneiled Ile -1 tete surety air in accents of. heels ria* letters you looked for last night after I loved him until this bitter hour. "Rene
fore haat, liut, M. 'au1-1 nuns eall l punch. The yellow,plainted kitchen is left --from M. Paul, I =cane" ' -my love -Ilene I" she says, and
you ply the old name, may I not?? --1 '! one Emil of eastern sunshine; the rows "Ono from M. Paul -Sir tleorgo -Val' 1 etrotelies out her arms assionately;
would rather die than go hack. You of burnished tin and copper make the entino rather ---zone front Rene. Sir ""why have you not come?
will not let him force me, will yon ?" s beholder wink again; two huge family George's letter is all right -what might i Have tier words evoked him. A Line stag hay;.. 'cants bask in .rout of thepolished cook- be expected from such a thorough :noel # reed step, a voice, a call, "" Snowball l" I
"" :sly dear girl, yon shall no. bal
go k inn ;neve ; lath:; of geranium; and Mink fellow. He ;will come -will be :here by a, voice that wrould call her Mick from
-no." lie answers, " no one shall force roses on the window sills scent the air ; , the afternoon train (Ty.V.I to wish ea the dead almost it eeenls to Ler, in the
you against your inclination. You !MVO , .a fritgranco as of tea and toast is in the i felicity and all that. But it will bo no ;wild. incredulous joy, of that moment.
zlotl ` n t fear I think Ile atznas,pliere. i f I `f 1' fads to p ut fel an
nng O ear tin . ell o a taro i ,ono nal s >
ltas been in search of you ; he certafuly, l ezisofteuetl by all those mellowing in- a appearance.”
Mao, has not as yet found you. 1101 fluences, Ma'am lV t"e' a stands. with " You still hope, then, that he znay
traced you, a; I dill, to Loudon, to hands on hips. and pours forth a torrent Homo ?"
trays, to this city°; but I have been of abuse in mingled French and Eng. + '" Well, you see, 'while there's life
more fortunate tha'z be here, turd have
discovered you. He is not in New York
toela }•." The yacht started ou her trial
trip this eternal !, to be absent a
iislz. Jeluilua, Ann stands near and .1 there's ]lope, as they say, ami the very
listens and laughs. The culprit out iu fact of his not having written encourages
the hop -wreathed porch, tries -also iu; me in the belief that he may be an his
1week; foreign accents -- to inakte himself • way. I lzavcu't seen the clear old boy.
so your enforce ii imp+rise nhez t may end heard. . • for years ; it will spoil even my wedding -
for the present. I mem to take you for "" sure, thin,'twasn't my fault --that 1 day if he fails lie now. .Beady? cine
a drive this afternoon -oh, you musti I may uivir av it was, ouia Watisyl It i on then. -
II will have no rt-f�.'aa1, 1 vzz quite was all the ;loin an' the divilnieut av 1 They go. As they enter the boat, Cap
alone in New tori,; our good friend Masten- Tohnny lA lnm"^lf av ye 1 taut Macdonald, tales from his pocket a
a , lint y e, an divil onower S� ord av ye ro +says,
it was better he should not accompany 1 abuseI'll take tins blissid day, av ye cross. It is a capital letter, front the
me. I dispatched to him the moment I i 'wor twice the ould eatamoran yo , prince of good fellows, and there is a
Rene is in Rome, back at ldswork. He don't Whinezue, Thea he is now, fora- letter, and hands it to her.
'Wanted to come, For obvious c uses ' , " Valeiztiue"ti " lye "" reafl,11 as we
discovered you. I any to write to 111n1.
at length tonight. have you any Ines-
sages, Snowball ?"
No ; Snowball has none -her rennin.
brances, and she is well -nothing more.
" Yon have done nothing in the mat-
ter of your claim to the title and estate ?"i
she asks, after a pause.
" Nothing ! and mean to do nothing,
for the present at Ieast. Rene told you
that, yon know. The exposure of my ( Instantly all trace of wrath vanishes that among the prim old Queen Anne
life to the world would be no easy thing as if by magic from the face of Ma'am gardens, up and down the leafy, lofty
ere 1" .message for you."
With which Tim stamps away in• For M. Paul Farrar is Sir George Val-
dignantly,and another manly form takes entire at last, in the sight of all the
his.place, world, and reigning.Seigneur of Mator
new -comer; "what the duso, Ma'am name, lost once for a woman, has been
Weesy, are you and old Tim kicking up
suck a clatter about at this time of
" ! bon jour, M'sieur Jean !"
" What's the ran: ?" demands this Valentine. T o great fortune, the old
regained. • His claim was sufficiently
easy to prove; many still remained in
Toronto who remembered George Valen-
tine perfectly. And so it came to pass
for a thin-skinnedfellow like me to bear ; Weesy; her coffee -colored visage beams avenues, t trough the empty echoing gai-
I doubt if any fortnue could compensate with joy and pride. Tim has only for. lerios of ltlanor Valentine, Sir George
for it. There would be &prolonged eon. gotten madam's bouquet after all, but walks and smokes andmures, alone.. He,
teat, no end of names of the living and M. Jean has it, she fails not to per- it far more of a. favorite rvitlt the resi-
the dead dragged in the mud of �a public mina dent gentry than the late baronet ever
court and a confoundedly public" press. "Madam nearly ready,MissHopkins ?" was; people -women particularly -thick
No ; Sir Vane must remain Sir Vane,
I suppose, until my moral courage grows
a good deal stronger. Now run, and
wrap up ; it is a jewel of a day. Your
imprisonment has lasted long enough ;
we are going for a drive to the Park, in
this line frosty air."
She obeys. Oh! the relief of feeling
her great enemy, is no longer in the city
-the relief of . feeling she is free to he
out once more.
"And I will have supper ready when
ou come back," calls aft r h
mi ime Ann. " wish it was this time to -morrow;" are the faces•of .little children brighten -
he says. it is a pity, a man still m the prune o
"Nearly ready, Captain John ; dress- life, still unusually handsome'antt'attrac-
ins. I will tell her you have come, and tive f should apYiear to think so little of
give her her bouquet:" . marrying and giving the Manor a mis-
" And I will give you some breakfast, tress. But George Valentine, smoking
M. Jean," suggests radiant Ma'am his solitary pipe, and dreaming his own
'Weeny. ; dreams of future. and past, known he will
No, M. Jean says he doesn't want never marry -his one brief, disastrous
anything. His appetite has deserted experience has put an end forever to all,
him this morning, it •apppears ; he looks thought of that.
and feels nervous and fidgety, andkeeps And yet through these dreams he
pulling out his watch every few minutes dreams -through these visions he sees
y e tem Je-and al -aiming at it with impatient 'eyes i arising in the clouds of Cate ish-there.
It is an .afternoon never to be for- he growls inwardly, "all the to•db over, ing the dusky Manorrooms; he hears
gotten, all the more enjoyable for the
. gloom, and terror, and hiding, that have
gone before. Dolores'enjoys it thorougly;
the fleet horses,•.the"rapid motion, the
sparkling air, the gay equipaes, the
bright, sun -gilded park, the crisp, cheery
and Irmo and I -dear little soul ! fairly. their gleeful shouts up and down these
out on the blue water, witli all the star- 1 deserted garden •walks, where no child-,
ing eyes and gaping tongues left behind. ( p o f o
It's a capital thing to marry the girl of
one's heart, no doubt, .but it's a very
p'" Dolores -my darling !" the voids says.
And it is Rene who stands before her.
Dolores! my own, my dearest! e�uriv.
, again on tlzo garden wall, dizzily. Joy,
rapture, amaze tills her. What she says
is in a weak voice
" I thought you wore not going to
1 come."
Ile laughs, and seats himself beside
her, possessing himself of the two
small, fluttering hands iu a strong, close
"" iiecauseZ aientinecame in first alone?
A,tE "$
Tams a Z e eon
iii >a «43raxwgta, pia„Ant of -mkt.,
Cswams,al'wddlwar.,.trc..aa clelle,tterrl aedteat*
urealyeetbe la•mitteet^trlstl,latAey'mremtatrle-
Pa:'iax9 .Y YM
Price Baking Powder Co.,
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1.1011T REALM , READ
!viola Ink! 5 ' wa west at last!„ tic cries. „ \ Y)
She all s from bins and rite dorun �� �
1 I met old Tim at the gate, and of course,
had to step a minute and shako hands.
with the dear old fellow. I just glanced
in the parlor, kissedtho bride, onsets.
1 latex the bridegroom, inquired for you,
and: was directed here. I carne I saw
i -have I conquered ? Snowball, my.
little love, my life's darling, how good it
i seems to sit here beside you, to lookat
•you, to listen to you once more I"
"I really thought you were not com-
ing!" In this supreme hour it is all
Dolores, ever fluent and ready, can find
I to say. But, oh! the rapture, the un-
speakable gladness thatfi.Ils herheartas
she sits•
Thought I was not coining," laughs
Rene again, "anima mia, it has been all
1 could do to keep from coming any time
the past year. I held myself by force ---
sheer force of will -away. It was too
soon, out of consideration for you, but
you do not know, you never can know,
what the effort cost me. And those
letters, few and far between, formal and
friendly, I used to tear up a dozen drafts
of each, an which my heart would creep:
out at•the point of my pen ! Thought I
was not coming 1 Oh I you might have
known me better than that. And now I
have come, arid for you, my long lost
love, never to leave you again -to take
you with me, my own forever, when I
' go."
Rene, silent habitually, can talk, it
seenis, when he likes.
":I have the programme all' arranged.
Our wedding takes place -.well,' 'ydu
shall name the .day of course -but iii.
June sometime, and there lisacs be no
talk of elaborate trousseau or delay,
because I . have neither the time nor in-
clination to listen. We .will be married.
in the little church over there, and Pero.
Louis shall perform the ceremony. Then
we go to' Valentine for July and August,
. Paris for September and the autumn,
and back to Rome, or hbme; Carina, in
, the early winter. I have it all arranged,
you understand, and it you,know.any
just or lawful reason why it should not
be carried out, you will be : kind enough
to state •it: now, or forever' after hold
your peace." - •...
• "" Seine' one is singing. Listen=—"'
'is Dolores'' still inconsequent reply; " it
, is luno -has she not a charming voice ?",
1 ''through tbe open Windows the teti-
der refr•ain of the inucli anti: 1ovo=song,
MVIy, Queen?"' coinee to the happy lovers
sitting hero.
ish footsteps hay tr dden rrm re than
half a century.:" Sometirl,es tliesebabies
of his fancy look at him with the dark,
considerable bore getting the prelimin- I solemn, handsome eyes of . Rene Mac -
talk, the deep, mellow laugh of her arias safely over. T'llgo down to the donald, sometimes the long tresses that
friend. beach and smoke a cigar, Weesy," he , wave ni the wind 'have the ,pale• gold
For the next two days life takes in• its •. says !aloud. heat zee Madam is .heady sheen of little "Snowball Trillou, 13nt of
bright collars, pear departs, . care ie call z>ie, will you e.' , these idle pictures he says nothing,
For •Dolores=once Lady Valehtine- " patient waiters are no losers." ' • He
is " madam " here, and for the last,four- bides'his time and hopes. •
turown off. Dolores lives iu t'ze present,
and en!oy s it thoroughly. "M, •Paul".,
comes sally, and the lost bloom of hap-
piness seems to return at his bidding, as
if by,magic.
But eon ,' the third day he does not
come. The forenoon, the , afternoon,
pass, and do not ; bring him. Dolores.
alarmed-solittle startles her
now -when, just' -at dusk, he presents
himself, but with a slowness of step and yy
a' "alt of face all unusual bad d th of "madame' =whose' blue eyes' , are a
'•. 'y o i" trifle dill, to be sure -the. ; bridegroom
Somethin tins' happened she g
teen mputhshes hidden 1i,'amlf'anci her
sorrows and her wridowhobd in the sea- And now it is`'ele*en; and the bells=
girt sechisi'on`, se often sighed for, of Isle wedding bellsare ringing oiit; their.
Pezlbrd., George Valentine broi,ght and jubilant ,peal• Pere I,ouzs, m `s11> plice
left her here when he departed to assert and stole, stands%within AL, altar rails,
his rights,. and proelaim•his identity as and Captain John Macdonald and pretty
the nest in succession to Valentine.: Innocente'Desereant; . in `hep glistening
And now, standing before'the'dressing, bride's robe and veil, kneel ..to receive
glass in her little room, she is robirig for' their nuptial benediction.' It is all oyer,,
a bridal, and feeling as if the past year n,bride has-been, glken away, and 'even
had dropped awn from her life like a raiderthe,severe matrimonialSinspectioii
dream, and at it' is the jubilant
girl, Snowball, who sings softly to her-
self, and smiles back at her own fair
image In a mirror. tis John ac-
donald s wedding•day, and Innocents
esereaux;is e' bride, It is a very
fair and girlish Snowball who comes
". o Y
as not distil -label' himse1 b an
cries, m ulcg alarm Sir Vane has g Y y
r when andhow shanS earliestmeet her?
returned ! th I • J h MAC. notable l7nru Tarr ie. Zt lt3 all Over, to ,Gap What are this words, that; she first • '11 say?
"" Sir Vane has returned-yes."g taut John's , unutterable., relief, for even • By viitt narks;:nazi• I le'ard to greet here
stands' holding ' . nitl er Bands
�e ,l , g. b.t; .
to a "''tar who 'plows '•the 'Nater" to b0 I know not now. it.*Iill;come some day
' D th b `d I Waththas self>aame sunlight shi , eig upon hot
looking down at'her -wdh Vis grave, dark the Centre and focus of Borrie' fifty pairs shining aown`bn liiir ren tgte e e ,
eyes. b,. .. , ., . • of feminine eyes.must be rather & trying She is dtandingsome`where-Lshe r wi11 honor:
•down starts, mkroses in, her cheeks, • She that I;wait for -my queen, my queen!
°" Delores`,' dear child; mere is tothine - P. •; ., ordeal. The breakfast' is." oyer, "too,'
The l,r..[ dr hop yeast in ins ,oraeiu. Bread.
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sickness. a 'tri..; C:1:. '.ieiY 1'1_t ror•AL has
well proven ie.! el. .:••ydt, a forty years' fight
with throat and :u, g,liseatses, and shouldbe
taken in all cases u ithont delay.
A Terrible Cough Cured.
"In 1a`, -d 1 tool: a severe cold, which affected
1 h and ,••• lout i terrible con a passed
�m ]m. 1 , e
night after ni••bt withoetb sleep. cough,
gave nto ux,. `1 tried ikYEa'i3 Cn uunr PEC-
o•ait.►L, which relieved my lunge, induced
sleep. and afforded .me the rest necessary
for. the recovery of m strength. By the
. continued use of the P=TORAn a perma-
nent one -lav •II'ect,ed• I am. now 02 years
old,. hats end hearty, ty, and am satisfied your
Cn iuty 1'i:cauaAr:saved me.
':-•' 1loanoE FAuu itorliER."
Iloolcingliam, 'Vt.,:July 15, 1882.
Crohn. -A Motheir's Tribute.
"W1 halo in the country last winter my little
boy, three years Old, was taken ill With croup;
it seeute 1 as if bo would' die'from strangg-
lation 1'nu a+r' the family suggested the use
of Avl it :s_ t ln:nRY PECTORAL a bottle of
which ivati allays keptyin the house. This
was trim in small, and frequent: doses, and
to our ileilgkt in Ices'than half an hour the
little p sued was breathing costly. The doc-
tor sn l tl.ac 11 f.•1::•:a.nv rlttTORAI, had
saved tui tl ta.it b , 1:1••. Can you wonder at
our gratitude •.' Sine( rely
l -Its. I . },,t GEDNEY:"
152 ``est 128th $t., ?yea' ler::, in ay 18, 1882.
• • "I have used Avr1 s Ct:lsunt PECTORAL
in my Tam Ity fur 511' ' •! } 1;1111, and do not
hesitate to ]couonnee li tit: a est effectual
remedy Tor' coughs and colds ire have ever
tried. 1..1. (}itn1-n."•
'Lake Crystal, :Kinn., Aluaciti3,,1883.
"Iscfl,rel for oiTiltyc 1s from Bronchitis,
and aft& tr1•i,!e iu.alty;rt ies with no suc-
cess, 1 tis uurc i by. tine tagl. eC .1 vLR's (illEn• -.
'Rl•11, 1 Il IL. 1051.1•1! WAL»EN."'
13yhat .r, Bias., April tt 1882.
s;lvmloncll 18 ,ruse of'AiEif6
?litany 1,,.e 1 n _ C, Tic ring 1,18 I do that
lilt for` its use1 siiouldJong siuce:huve flied
from lung troubles;, : E. nr4opon.'
Palestine; :Ceras, April 22, 18•82; i •
I6o case of.aneaffection of the tl,iroat Or
• lungs exists which cannot be greatly relieved
' iiarthe use of •Ar h's 'cimeeY:. 311iTO1tdL,
&nil ii will aiedtti, cure when'tili'e disdase f;.
not alreacjy,,iioyo„ad ihe,coxitroX of xuedicin e. ,: .
Dr J.0 Ayer&Co , Lowell; Masa.
bold by a UDruggteta,