HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1884-10-2, Page 5YVISON, l�'LY YOISQV T --AND SPECIA2:" *OT2CE GREAT BARGAINS, SELLING OOT, IJP BUSJNESS! Copperas, the best and cheapest disinfectant at the fi Dm: inio a. Tgiiatfra'EO ?7, J, " BfQ'�►'TIrro Prop $ wP Cannata/rt. `l'be barn' of Robert Crox, 'atmer, Springfield,. Tres 'set on Etre by' a tramp named Kent, About $1',800 worth of grain was destroyed, besides a building worth $1,OOO, The tramp Rea lodged in •JrarPtoa jail. The ocrnuer'e jury . etuipanelled to euquirs into ;116,0440 of the death of young Carrell, a dell-boy't'tha, Grigg House, London, have brought.' itt verdict that feats was caalead by a pistol shot, mad they ore of the opinion that . be shot himself while erased ,with drink. r1 Winnipeg dispatch slays : Nor— man Snider, who has been missing for the pact weelt, hoe been fowl 'Worsteds, Overco .bingst Tweeds, Eta., 185----�Artiat ,-- —�xE oLn= ESTABLISHED HOUSE To the, Vroritt ags"C ,a With a First Oleos stack, end at prices that RUT COMPETITION. DAR b' M RY OPENING TAKES KACR Rina And SATURDAY, OCT. 384 4. TAILORING .DEPARTMENT Full of all Ura Latest designs in dead'in bas room with au empty re volrer by hie side.aind a bullet . hole And map RP in Iirst.claes style, and at prices that Cannot fait to please. Ad Creeds in us temple, The, doer was'locked MARKED IN AIN MIMES. �[ a ell the inside and hie valtiat;los an- o Trouble to Show Gf ods. touched, 'Ha Trac. a ,youlgg • ratan •af very temperate habits, and was to have bean marded to young lady in Bring along your Farm. Produce, for 'Which Kilttona. 1To was .A retired merchant, the Highest prices win be paid. formerly of the firm of Snider �+1• /� �1 twelve yea a bad from there itbork TAzi IS PICT ARD, EXETER. twelve years,. being from New dark State. No reason is aseignod for the not, except that :be abated ho last $11,000 recently iu acute real, estate NARK= REPORTS. he had pion ty of other property. _--... _._. dCorreekedt;i o'clookp.Lu, Wednesday,) transactions, bast it ie not kno,rn that SSPT. 220+3, 188L. _..,-,..,�....._,_.-_•. American, . VASA. WilEAT %VntttWUaa t . • 070 to 0 19 !— Red 4'44)84 "rQ t o a 7i A °hocking double tragedy was de- mite \Ytieat'vew • ... ogre toe 7e veloped at Dallas, Tex., the other Red Wheat how ., 0 ;2 to 0 7G day by a discovery in the woods, just SPRING wnr.Az beyond the corporation limits, out...... wl ... — •.0 ... •. 0 73 to 0 ,o .045to0 ki West Pork Trinity River. The vie. lima when first dlecovered lay eiclo by aide, the man's arms extended and 0414 0 29 to 090 Clover Seed ... ••. ..• 700 to 740 Timothy ' .'.0 55 5i to U GS POOR . . Corn uOoto0 ,N partly lying un that of Ilia love, as if Naga „• o 17 to u l7 in the agonies of death he wished to Dattel c 16 to 010 embrace her in a convulaive grasp. She was apparently about eighteen, wore a diamond br000h and was dross- 6 6a to 0 Gs Turkey per lb ▪ — 0 07 to 0 OS ed with exquisite taste, which bare no Backe porllr ;o to a PQ evidence of poverty. Ho au- Chickens peritr a:s to lloes,dressodpor100• • 7 Oo to ? SO geared a few years her eenior. Be- suof . 5 00 to 6 00 Hidesl•oubg, .. 6 00 to 6 00 tween them, 1a�4 a revolver with two ,+ greased ,.. t, 7u chambers empty, telling the story of sltoopktkina,oacb ... ... 061000t4' i 60 calfs ins , . ti f 0 to 0 70 murder and suicide. • Near by wag' �Poal per lb 610 to a 20 found a note, wratteu in a dear, bold ilaypertau , 7 00 to s 60 hand, saying : "As we oann*t be Woo "rex cord ::: s oo too os ap united in life, we will. be In death.": *' : ,,. The British Gram Trailo. 1+.�:etw Council' Doln rs.. London, Sept. 80.—Tho Mark Lane Ex- Plourperbbl.. ••. ... 6 00 to 5 so Potatoea,1 or bag ... 0 05 to 0 00 AppTrlea,per bag . , .., ,.• 0 70 to 0 76 UriodApplospr b ••• 0 00 to 0 08 Geese .per lb. The Council met by order of the Reeve at the Market Hdusb,: 26th Sept. tilt. Tho Reeve and Councillors Biseett and Dyer pro - sent: Minutes of previous meeting were read and confirmed. Mr. by Mr. Dyer, see. by Mr. Bissett; that, J, H. Hyndnpan be paid $7.50 for assessing and collecting water rates.—Carried. A By-law to confirm appointment of collec- tor of rates for 1884 was duly read and pass— ed on motion of Mr. Bissett, seconded by Mr. Dyer. ` Moved by Mr. Bissett, see. by Mr, Dyer, that this Council adjourn until call of the Beeye. M. L''ACRETT, Clerk. Exeter School Board. , At a meeting of the School Board, held in the Secretary's Office, on. the 26th Sept. All the members being present, the accounts of R. Crocker, for cutting and piling wood. amounting to $7,50, and A. Cottle's, for re- pairing ladder and roof of School -house, amounting to $4, were ordered to be paid.. Messrs. J. Pickard and C. Senior were ap— pointed to oversee the construction of an ash house. The present staff of teachers was engaged for 1885, as follows :—Mr. Thomas Gregory at a salary of $690 ; Miss Dickson, salary $310 ; Miss Vosper, salary $290; Miss Heise, salary ,$275 ; Miss -Cooley, salary $225 ; Miss Heiyer, salary $250. Mr. A. Robinson was re-engaged as caretaker ; sal- ary $175, JOHN BANTON, Secy. Tuckersmith. Mr William Copp, the well-known brick- layer and contractor,has disposed of his farm in Tuckersmith. He has purchased the residence of Mr. J. H. Dougall, in Harpurhey, paying for it $1,500. He will occupy it. Mr. Robert parley has rented his farm on the l3th concession of Tuckersmith, to Mr. Jacob Latta, for five years, at a rental of $180 per year. The farm contains 50 acres. Samuel Carnochan has been appointed. collector for 1884 at a salary of $90, On Saturday Mr. John McKenzie, was threshing on the farm of Mr. John Stevens, and got caught in the machinery. He bad several ribs broken and is otherwise seriously injured. The attending physician gives but little hope of bis reeovery. 'y ' JUBILEE smog-RT.-- The INogRS.The moat interesting feature, of the, recent exhibition at Montreal was, a company of co1- orad xubile a Singers engage d (11 manufacturing the celebrated Gold Coin Tobacco, and at. the sometime delighting the crowds of spectators with exquisite southernmelodies, A gold med- al and a special diploin.awere ,awarded to this popular brand of• chowing'itabaebb, 'an'd'the thanks of the cotmitbeeiteu ex'etr,.to the Ad. ams Tobacco Co. for their attractive exhibit. press, in its weekly reviow of the grain trade says:—Sales of English wheat the past week 77,689 qrs, at 33s per qr, against 72,844 qrs at 418 per qr the corresponding weeks of last year. Barley -Tending downward and the crop of 1884 below mediocrity. Peas-Tend- inginfavor of buyers. The market for for- eign wheats is unimproved, andthe supply oppressively large. The market for flour is against sellers. Maine was weaker through- out the country. Barley is still stilling at very low prices. Oats dull. Off coast oar - goes are'quiet. Eight arrivals for the week, seven sales, six cargoes withdrawn, ono re- mains; sixteen cargoes due the ensuing week. Live Stock Market. MONTREAL. Sept. 80.—The exports of cattle last week were 2,602 head, against 1;491 for the pre- vious week. This week there has been an active demand for shipping cattle, and ex- ports have bought freely. Transactions for the past two days cover nearly 100 head, at prices ranging from 4ic to 5lc per Ib live weight, as to quality.. Tone of market is firmer, late decline has been partially recov- ered. Export sheep were dull and inactive at 3}o to 4c per lb, live weight ; the offerings were light. There was a large run of hogs to -day, larger than'for several }weeks •, the demand Was fair and prices weaker at Gc to 6}c per lb. The receipts of butcher's Battle at Vigor market were large,'nurpbering 500 head ; the demand for all but best was slow and market easy. Prime steers and heifers brought4o to 4ic per lb live weight ; • some good animals brought Sao, and there were sales of inferior down to 2c. About 500 sheep and lambs wore offered, for which there was fair demand. Lambe brought $2 to $4 eaoh, as to quality. T'RESR MEATS ! The undersigned wish to auuoltuco to the inhabitants of Exeter and vicinity that they have opened out a Butcher Shop! in the building formerly occupied by Kemp's Tobacco Store, where all kinds of Crests Meat can be had. These are Solul. The best loodpurifier and systemregulator eyer placed within the reachofsuffering hu- manity, truly is Electric Bitters. Inactivity o the Liver, biliousness,jaundice, constipation, weak kidneys, or any disease of the uriarny prgans,or whoever requiresan appetizer,tonic or mild stimulant, will always find Electric Bitters the best andonly certain cure known. They act surely and quickly, every bottle guaranteed to giveentire satisfaction ormoney refunded. Sold at fifty cents a bottle by0. Lutz. 4 Every bottle of Arnica 4 OilLinintent sold is warranted by the proprietors to give satis- faction or money will be refunded. Survival of the fitest. Down's Elixir , bas outlived every other cough remedy simply because it is the best. You will do well to eon, as ell neat cold by SNELL.c PORI), Proprietors. them is Fresb, end Tender, Hensall Salt Co'y Shareholders' ;li(etitlggg,. decided to close up our business Sia EXETER NORTH, we will on t Qetobolr, =prow() e to offer the whole of our entire Stock of Dry -goods, Groceries, Crocker;y, Boots &e .nes, Eats 8^ Caps, Beady -mace Cloth .x g, 1 Bardware, Patent Medi .nes, ,eke AT IL GREAT REDUCTION. $t or i flake notice that we, Gronon �a-- I;tivna, of the town of Godoricb, anti, NtL• LLAIL ah GaAs, of the town [of Scaterth, share - holden in tbo Ilonsall Salt Company for over one-fourth iu value thereof, do honey call a General Meeting of the shareholders of the said Company at Iiodeins' Ball, in the Pillage of lieuaall, on MONDAY. the 6th day of OUTO• BEE,1884, at Ono O'clock p, m , far the purposes of the election of Directors and other Officers of the Company, to consider and paea a By-law to provide for the appointment of Rye Direct. ore instead of three, as at present; to hear the report of James I. Carter and guy otheroffle. ere of the Company, and to take such action thereon as may appear accessary, and for the traueaotion of such other business as may le- gellycome before the mooting GEOILGF ArcETvAN. WILLIAM M, GRAY. Dated the 15th day of Septomber,18&i. JiDoupe & Co )OF(— X.IRH T O N OUTSTRIPS EVERYTHING FOR CFIEAP GOODS! If you want the best value for BUTTER & EGGS —•eoTO— J. Doupe & Co'S KIRKTON. Iloalth is Wealth. We take this oaiortunity to tender our thanks to rotas Customers for their liberal patronage during the least l peri years, and hope, to see' you all again. soon, to secure some of the Special DarEn$ which -we are O!cring As our Stock Trust be disposed of in at short time, it will be sold regardless of wast« This will be A RARE CHANCE TO MAKE MONEY Y l,AY3;IG IN A 000D STOOK 41'...—. FALL W NTER GOODS A5 our Stock is well selected and principal), Stapleit, it will b. to y the Goods before purchasing elsewhere. DR. lt. C. WES is NEnvs; AND BRAIN 'TEAT MHNT, a guaranteed specific for Hysteria, Dia ziness, Convulsions, Fits, Nervous Neuralgia, Headache, Nervous Prostration caused by the use of alcohol or tobacco, Wakefulness, Mental Depression, Softening of the brain, resulting in Insanity and leading to misery, decay and death, Primature Old Age, Barrenness, Los -of Power in either sex, involuntary tosses and Spormatorrb Ma, eausod by over-exertion of the brain, self-abuse and over -indulgence, One box will cure recent cases. Each box contains one month'streatment. One dollar a box, or sixboxesfor. five doliers; sent by mailprepaid on receipt of price. We guarantee six boxes to VIM any ease. With each order received for six boxes, accompanied with five dollars, 'me' will send the purchaser our written guarantee to refund the money if the treatment does not effect a cure. Guarantees issued only by J.W BROWNING, Sole &dent ler Exeter, ox interest to eitunine ie, Come All, and bring your ft',ielads along. B1 and Eggs taken as usual, y party desiring to lease the store can get immedittte pos- session by purchasing the Stock. CURBELLEY Sc CO. October 224d,1881. ESTABLISHED 1e72. SAMWELL AND PICKARD Desire to call the attention of their customers to, and ask their inspection of their large and Complete assni tint of Dry Goods Etc., for the fall trade of 1884. Our stock is, we believe,' well assorted and carefully selected. It consists in part of the following : All -Wool Dress Goods, Plain and Fancy Dress Goods, Black and Col'd Cashmere, Black and Coi'd Silks, Ottoman Cord Silxs. Staple Department. Shirtings, Denims, Cottonades, Table Linens, Table Napkins, G-rey and White Cottons, Shirtings (plain and twilled), Cotton Bags, 'SLACK AND COLTVELVETEEN S and prices.riety of shades Your inspection of these goods and prices will convince you they are right, as they have been Imported for this season's trade. Our Millinery Department is still under the care of our MISS McINTIRE, and the stock in this department will --if possible—be more attractive than ever this season, embracing all the latest American. English and French styles of Shapes, the latest shades in Silks, Satins, Ribbons, Flowers, Plumes, Tips, &c., &c. Our Gland Millinery Opening will be on the Gth and 7th OCTOBER, to which you are cordially invited. No trouble to show goods. In OUR TWEED and GENTS' FURNISHINGS we show choice lines of English,. Scotch, Irish, French and Canadian Tweeds, English, Scotch, and French Suitings, English and French' Trowserings. Hats, Caps, Scarfs, Ties Shirts, Braces, Hosiery, Etc.We have a good cutteron the premises, and guarantee a fit in every case.. Our stook of Blankets is very extensive in white. in Furs our stock is complete (pay and brown) in Boas, Capes, Sets etc., c&e„ also Bobes in Buffalo ard. Wolf. Our Boot and Shoe department will be found fully as- sorted in Ladies', Gents' and Children's 'wear, also a full assortment of Trunks,: valises, and Satchels;• .. GROCERIES �AND �' P. E E NEW ..'D RESH. RD.,.