HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1884-10-2, Page 4they oleirrt should eland as follesve ' ' e,er !� iftr`U. Guarantee fund, $1,000, eubscribe,d �-- �- -^ by Itotelkeepera, an,erohante, and oth. pIUIieDAY, OCT. 2, 1834 ers, who expected to profit by the holding of the demopetratton, .When 1,186 banquet ticeets at $2 each, $2,272, nwaltiug a total of $3,872. From 011ie must be deducted .$750,, the price which it is Bald? that. Harry Webb --who• by the *ray blawea the failure of the commissary depart- meet at the banquet on the•nust an- TX31. DIFF" R1 N(ll ; The.Uureu E?post tin lest week's issue. thinks Canada w eld.,b.e better if Sir John Macdonald ho never ena- erged from private life, b +•< is eauaid enough to add that its, op ='ora ,ie •sot agement of the committee--tkwalhng shared -by a majority of Oen ,c4 taus. ° to take as a recompenae foe the food No the 'majority o naaiana lie did furnish. This viould leave a recognize m Jowl A. Macri id a surplus of $+2,522 to be paid into the true statesman, arid, recoan" patty fund, and winch rye complaiM.- rztug:nu uta would like to eek �.rianded over fact, they slave kept hior in power fpr `th the leaat.poeeihle i'lelay, the greater pari of the last 40 yeah in the Conservative party true merit 4141".°11 at the Western 41r. and ability are always, teepected. T!;v. The following —pet—eons in the county try follower of the leader or leaders of Huron have taken prizes at the is true to his trust, and no jealousies Western Fair, held in London last f or rivalries areindohtedits. Sir Johti"a ere o m. eeewsen, alintoti, 3rd urine E a tomperanee man of that town lino position hoe never been sought or for 0 red Astrachan apples ; 1 dozen reoQtvet4 the following letter ;-- 1 2utl, collection of Berlin wool work, A Wide awake Drug t $10 and diploma ; 1eugh Thompson M. 0. Lutz is always wide a, ake is husi- took the following prizes tor Durham. oattle a 2nd for bull 2 years old, 1st for cow, lst and '2nd for 3 -year old cow, 'gild for 2 -year old Leifer. Not Fax From Horne. News Condensed McGregor & McIntosh, of Bruce - field, have sold two of the imported snares they tient over to the Illinois State Fair, at good figures. A wagon loaded with manure rail over a four-year ofd child of Robert Bridgeman, West ',lissom', the other day, orushiog his skull. He died ef. for a night of intense pain, A young son of Dir, B. Mallory, of Blyth, was seized by convulsions one night recently from an overdose of eantiueuo. 1)r. Sloan sncoeeded in reeuseitatiog the little fellow. The Blyth Advocate of last week says Wanted by any of lite following s John ne3s,and spares_ no pains to secure, the Mets of very article in his line. He has secured the agency for the celebrated Dr.Eing's New Discovery for Consumption, The only certain', cure known for consumption, couglis,colda, hoarseness asthma, hay fever, bronchitis, or any affection of the throat and lungs. Sold on a positive guarantee,will give yon a trial bottle free. Regular size 31 3 swoommemmommmovin - DOWN&' ELIXIR �l ,tri .1 DOWNS' ' valla esr.r llar.seasua. e7ELIXIRQ Le Iles stood the test for F.tr�ry-TimEi 2 ib Ye Ons, and has proved itself the best cn remedy known for the cure of ,- 2 Consumption, Coughs, x ° Calds,whoopinj Cough and ail Lung Diseasesin young or old. Sor.n Eviaxvww iii . Price 25e and $103 per Bottle. UOvutvs' ELIXlle lelylh 22 September ��ifr e t weaned fruit, let prize, Mrs. Q n dear air eg filer ows 'How (differently things are done by 1Villia, Exetor'rta, Ilerbsou, clue, t ' take notice It the scot act Rafornoers. Hon, A.. Mackenzie rs tout' lst for rennet butter ; 100 lbs, passes there will be more that' the Hotel head and shoulders above any manflans, Jolan McNevan. Ktppeu, 3rd , p ltheirp t if y don't t , T i - lies ors lose roper y ou oft' and -p y. Reform party al- 3 begs swatter, iVm, Herbeon, Clinton, somentolots of l p waterunce intuits Tutt ` ' to the art 'rite Ilefor will loco lots of sleep tivatolitnfi take warning Having deckled to close his present stook of most in rota have nigra respect for 2d• barrel -:alt F. C, Rogdere, Brus. froom one motto kite+vs" and confidence in him than any other sola, def; leveeing, lei, Nettie Bur the above plows, will sell Man, The great buck of the Con- The list of •a,tt+vtettotre made by fiees, LItoknow • Tlxvs. Ward, ��ar- servatives havo a 144 opinion tlf hint, na, carried off 2nd 'prize for a two- gtviog him credit for being lib wholly year:old oatrriage. eeaMou; Thos. Hr11, self—made man -a man of uutirang Eguiondville, took 2d prize for a two. energy, honesty of liurpoae and ac year old filly • dohs MoNevin, Flip• knowledged ability, And yet tee the mean and unjust 2 -year-old stallion (roadster) 3rd, treatment he received at the hands of brood mare, with foal by aide (road• his party. Jealousy, rivalry And ster) god ; Leonard flaunter, of EU - Ambition 4epoaed him from the lead- ter, took 3rd prize for saddle horse ; erehili and altrta*t frani public life,+ George Taylor, Eippen, let for year. What olaauoe have honeaty, truth or ling stallion (genorel purpose), let abittty when wren like Charlton, M. for 2•year-old filly (heavy draught) ; pen, obtained the following prizes LI C"amerou Ct;soy, lercier, d;a atm lames h' gmoudville lst for Initgistrates in tile -county, for the last quarter, is the largest she; has ever been publielhed for some time, being FOR $13 CASE, and $14 Qui TIME .p01t 30 DAT% double that of the precediug quarter, The plow cat; be seen et the building optic's and embraces 130 oases. In the list i to Baedasnes 111tuble shop, (.A, few door there are only 13 drunks, a amalier south of the market.) tiuniber than usual, while there are Points and repairs. always kept in atopk, about 80 oases of a*eaault, and l0 Parties irttcndiug Making a ptrchaae will do well to call early, �ipril a0 S. PO 'ELL. breaohee of the liosttee sot. Clinton. this time taloa the lead with the greatest number of oonviotioi�a, there being 25 ; Blyth and Gocterioh follow with 10 each ; Seafortb had 15 40* t'l- ' ., c Elliott,, ' d Brussels and Eaetar, 18, \'Vingham at leadershipa and cabinet Positions , team to harness (general purpose), a 21 , and other tease a few cash, f ji,sliea toannounca 10 the inhabitants of Every petty Reform politician mia- epeoial for beet team in harness, a f' takes hinted!' fora iaeaveu-boat states- sulky tray rake, valued at $30; J, The amount of the fines imposed was Exeter and vicinity, that bodies opened out* than. foKay, Kippen, god for agricultural $dal. It is evident frorrr this that Bat the Conservatives do tltiuga team ; R. J. Turner, the magistrates ef the county have different,l •. The have a better a Bruoefiold, fat bad plenty to do during the data three y y P for best English cart stallion ; Alex,1 nonths� prectation of the fitness of things. Forsyth, Brusefield, •8rd for 2 -year i Genuine merit is never hidden under old stallion (heavy draught); Francis Mr."\V, Camera, of Tuakeretuith, a bushel in order to gratify petty party Codeine:), kiillsgreon, 2d for yearling who recently went to London Eng., to the 4ot']ter Store North of Snmwell ambitions. A monopoly of that kind -with over 100 hoed of cattle, returned' p y stablon (heavy draught) ; George on Tuesday of last week, accompanied I & Pickard'?, whore be is prepared to snake of thing is left to the Reformers, Tbeabold, Clintou, 8rd for heavy Praught stallion ; Ualquhon, Dow & by Mr. Hunter; mobs lead gone av+r all l:inds.o'ordered work. CANADA'S Plitt« 1.lice.li, Porter, of Corrie took the following on a pleasure rip, Mr. Gudtuate Two months hence forty years w ion r kr three-year o heavy have elapsed since Sir John Maledon- draught stallion ; Thoe ; Calquhocn, and, dtsoouragIug, and afhrme that Repaint; promptly attended to. - into pubhe 'Vein Clarinda; Gerrie, , 2y r_-- 8 -year _,d heavy eaktle can be sold to as good aclvau- aid tage in llioutreal as they can in Lou' GEO. MANSON, dou or Liverpool. Messrs, Batten. type & Shilliuglaw, who shipped after Late Manager O. Eacrett's Boot and Shoe he did, lost nearly 40 head on the Cstablishnient. voyage. Thos. Dinaley, who 'mom- lllay 14th 84. panied Mr. Cudmere over, returns this ' week. LOOK HERE! It is reported that the now uotort- oua 0. G. Martin, alias W. A. Gar - laced, lately of Blyth, charged with offering counterfeit money for sale, flat, to familiarly express it, "jumped fat, animal from life, tat, lanascape, his bail," or, in other words, be did 1st; J. Biggins, Clinton, 1st for; not put in an appearance at tho oonrt watercolors and lst for still life; Thos,, of Assizes, as required, and the bail Ward, Varna, 2ud for chicon roots •money was forfeited. It is said the Robb. Moore, Zurich, 3rd for 12 tur- timouut fixed as hail was ridiculously nip beets ; made good passage both ways, but Sewed work a speciality, ill prizes: 2ud for heave draught etaI-1 founts the Bnglish markets very duff 1' 3d th - r Id l v a, movement was recently ivaugurat,. t draught stallion ; Thos. Fussell, of ed to fittingly celebrate the event, and Exeter, took 3d for Durham buil, let has 'been fasten upwith marked en. for ..year old Durham heifer, 8rd for 8 -year old Durham. cow; Ii, Snell & thusiaam in Toronto, 11loutreal and Sens, Clinton, carried off the follow elsewhere; Indeed all over the conn ing prizes ehoep in Cotswolds, try there exists a alrobg desire to one let and two lads, in Leleestere, one 3rd, in Shropshire Downs, 3rd; honor Sir John on the occasion, and John Hooper, Clinton, 3rd for Slarop- wuatevor fore( the celebration may ?hire ram lamb; W. 11. Creswell, of faith, there is no doubt that it will Seaforth took the following prizes in prove of suoli a nature as will demon- the fine art department : any subject, strata to the veteran premiei that never at any former period in the his- tory of the country did he occupy a stronger poeiticn in the esteem and the affection of the great mass of the people of Canada than he does at the present time. Already the Junior Conservative of Montreal is'ut work. arranging a banquet to Sir John, which gives promise of being an im- posing demonstration as regards at- tendance and an enthusiastic ovation in honor of the distinguished guest. In Toronto, too, a banquet projeot is on foot, which no doubt will be a graud success. Often in the past has Bir John Macdonald ,received practic- al evidence of the people's apprecia- tion of his services—and the fact that he is in office to --day and has been so many years the ohiefipolitical control- ler of the destinies of the country, is tThos. Evans, St, Marys, 2nd Eng- ihsbest proof appreciation—but g lish draught cart horse; Jas. Wallace, is safe to say that. the approaching if such anon will exoel in enthGranton, 3rd for heavy draught year- usiasm, ling stallion; P. Whelihan, St. Marys, if such be possible, the most eignifi took the following prizes : diploma aan- demonstration of the peat, for Percheron brood mare any age, let for Peraheron brood mare with The Toronto WOWS says : "Certain foal by side, 1st for beat Percheron members' of the Mowat demonstration foal, 1884; Mrs. Wm. Bigg, Granton, •committee,are anxiously awaiting a 2nd prize for display of comb -honey; settlement of accounts, which eo far Wm. Matheson, Liman, 1st for col-. has been delayed. They know how leotion of Indian curiosities Mrs. Wm. McLeod, Lucan, obtained prizes they should stand, but for some- in. too numerous to mention for fowls; ,explicable reason no time has yet Mre. A. Warren, St. Marys, received been found to count the tickets or 1st urine for. collection of Marigolds,. take any other steps towards squaring 3 o1ost 1,•Somees, St. Marys, got up. These members claim that they fen* 1 lU,,three 2de, and 3rd and a are being unjustifiably kept in the dip' DA for Leicester sheep; W. Oliy- dark by the leaders of the movement. er, St. Marys,' obtained the following When the demonstration was under prizes for Lincoln sheep : two ; 2nds; consideration it was agreed that any Mies Jennie' Creighton St Marys surplus after expenses were paid should be turned over to the general party fund. It was agreed that the profit on the sale of badges should cover' all expenses outside of . the banquet. In other• words, . 10,000 badges were gold, each of which cost pis dents and sold for ten cents, leav- ing a bulk profit of $400. 'This,: it was intended, should cover all the ordinary expenses, and it is supposed. DOWT Ask me to stay at home Fair Days; T do want to go out to" the Grand Re -opening at .RANTON BROS., Exeter, for they say that is the place to see the style. Such, Lots of Dress Goods. 1.50 PIECES TO SELECT FROM. Wool Ottoman. Cords, Union Ottoman Cords,. Super Costume Cloths, Fine French Goods, I Serges, Vietor'ias, Plaids, Brocades, &c. Over 50 pieces Velveteens from.? ?, 5c a 'ard. up, &c., ttc. Big lot of new and slice goods in. Ladies' wear, at BANTON BROS.,. The Dress Goods House. Gentlemen. :--- We will be pleased to show you our :line . Suitings, Over - coatings, and Pantings, which we make to order in latest style, use good trimmings and a perfect ;lit every time. Head quarters for nobby Ties, Hats, (Dollars, and big range of Un- dershirts and Drawers— all prices. Call and see us whet- her you want to buy or not. Don't forget the grand Re- opening Fair day at Ranton Bros.' the place for fashion- able Clothing. OTHER PLACES. Miss Nettie Mofntosh.of St. Marys, let for painting on china; Miss Kate Junior, St. Marys, lst prize frr Ber lin wool and bead work combined ; Clara Gerrie+ , St. Marys, 1st for rag mat; John Burk, Leman, lst for Ca- nadian French stallion;; Geo. Duffield, Granton, let for 2 -year old general purpose stallion; W Casey, Biddulnb , lei for entire yearling pelt; P. Cur. tin, Adare, Ist and 2d for 2 -year old heavy draught stallion; Stephens & been sustained for superior fat cattle, Fatheringham, Woodham, 1st for ag- Some of the finest cattle ever shipped rionitural stallion, let for Percheron, from this.aection have gone this sea - a diploma for best Perchero4stallion; eon. Several lots have made from 1,000 to 2,000 ponude, and Archie Stewart, 71n con.. McGillivray has just bought D. Stewart's mammoth fiva•year old steer weighing nearly 3,000 poucds. Exeter27 Hath, 3881. low, considering the serious nature of the indictments. Martin's father, of Luoknow, and his uncle, of Goderich, were the sureties. Ailea Craig supplies the beat ex- port cattle in the Dominica. The farmere of North Middlesex should be proud of the fact that they furnish the beat oattle for the Liverpool mar- ket to be found in Canada. A de- cided improvement is noticed this season, and although prices have not HIS STACK OF CLOCKS 1S SPLENDID been all that could be desired, yet the reputation of Middlesex' supply has representing allmaktheleadingAmerican es. Prices Lower this Season than ever before Read R. HICKS' New Advertiselnen And don't be'wandering atout the streets n ; knowing whore to buy your Watche, Cloch & Jewelry His Stook is Now and Complete. LADIES GIVE HIM A CALL ! No trouble to showyou through, or get your Watch to the right time—if you have one ; if not he will be most happy to supply you. • REPAIRING .A SPECIALTY. Send in your sic-: watcher while there is room. r3R ememb er the Stand -ORE DOOR NOBTH or TTLEGBAPH OFFICE 1` RANE .LESLIE'S POPULAR MONTHLY. -- The ,October number is even more interesting than neual, the 128 quarto• pages being filled with articles, ator- iea, alcetehes,adveutures, poems, etc. by some of aur most popular writers. The illustrations number over i00,7,to- gather with a colored frontispiece, " The Intoxication of draught." "The house of Lords," by Noel Ruthven; A day at Chizelhurab, by Sarah K. Bolton; "An American Impresaario s Experience in British Burmali," by J. .Davis are among the 'elaborately illus- trated articles. The serial "A Dark Deed" is concluded,: and there are was awarded 2ud prize for 15 yds all stories and sketches by . M. Nolcott, AnAg- wool carpet, and an extra •for fanoy, assn James's Thomas, Imogene nom Dykes, eat. work; Mies Maggie Jamieson, St.+o , Marys, got 2nd for 15 yards white poetry by 1, 1. 'Parker. C, Grindrod, cotton warp, 2nd for 15 yards striped Susan K. Phillipe, etc. The great' cotton warp, an extra for fanny work, merifullyb of thiiated by.nheaznetseems,.andto be it crochet work 2nd, woollen. mitts 2d , ie really rethe cheapest 'and most polio. Mrs; G. Ross, St. Marys, ribbon em-lar:monthly p g published. A single broider"y, 2nd, lace pillow, 2nd, darn+� ing cn net, 2nd, silk on 'canvas, 2iid, number is sold fbr 25 cents, and -the Rine woollen mitts, •1st ; Miss Jennie yearly subscription is $2.50, postpaid. to have done so. Tip further a000unt Creighton, St. Marys, darning on net, MRS. FRANK LESLIE, qublsher, 53, 55 and 57 Park Place, New York' R. HICKS. THE EXETER Planing Mild! SASII, DOOR, and 9LIND !C!ORTI ALL !KINDS Or T U. R N IN G Done to order. Remeinbertthe place.. Dyer 4 $oward. STATION -ST. DRUG STORE A full stock of all kinds of Dye -stuffs and package Dyes, constantly on hand. Winan's Condition Powd- ers the best in the mark- et and always fresh. Family recip- es carefully prepared at the C sal Drug Store Exeter C. LUTZ Fontill Nurseries. 325 ACRES. a 325 ACRES. THE LARGEST IN THE DOMINION Salesmen Wanted, To begin work at once on Fall Sales, Steady employment at fixed ,salaries to all who ate Milling to work. MEN AND WOMEN can have pleasant WORK THE YEAR ' ROUND. Good Agents are earning from 3+40 to 375 per month and expenses.' r-Tetm,ando Milt free. Address STONE rt WELLINGTON,Toronto