HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1884-10-2, Page 2THE ONLY VEGETABLE. CURE f'OR Loss al Appetite, kilt i ,osteon, Sour Stomach, Habitual Costiveness, Sick Headache and Biliousness. • The:Rewhaven i'ishwlwes, s.inv,dingos the taault Sts. Marie aaa Most picturesque of all the figares /to Detroit Rivefs, be seen in Edinburgh are theNewhaTeafi.} .",Ca the SaulSte. Marie River there fishwives, Wath, •short, bhr® dose [area au►uzber of stores doing z' large. petticoats, reaching hare tto he'll, ' I bnsiness,'�v hose smtlggl ug is and nee kles; white blouses end gay 1* 1i}efs, been so open and denim that it is a big, long.sleeved cla•aks`of the same. i"nitttter of public notoriety. If the ens- bl°ue;iot,h, fastened at the. throat, 'tt,tu hoose officers w•tttt to catch smug. ori in li;xste; tkge �if^ix la;�re teat et. e G;u deia` lliver. fait►lids 73ay, Iirzaee• 13ayy married women frith ivlalte c:atrs, stand- ; iantl that looalitr a► g there. anti lice .will ins up stiff 2nd atragglat all a pazut on lithe Haat acct tgtiemt aia'tl of the Auaq eau the top of the heath; two big wicker-04t1S g.;;;011tifwnr*ilmedALtlaesQ laces work .creels, cite auheolvetheother. #u11 of ;tD the; eustum housex bot a'ro tela, pael:ett securely, on>tfeetr filo ad snwg�rle ov a ti t zu it ins • o e so shoulders. and held in plata by a stout ^r d et`. u l d h 1 tl pla'iilc tient it it; no secret Au Amer 11yingloosersleevt'a.tndarle.ha afthrown ler..letthem otothe ,SaldtSte. alarm. 1 i t th leather strap passing round fixer; fore- i it»an x>tlleittl toil the Canadian ,taiiicittis heads, they pall along at a steady, I about the smuggling, not 1,013 0, since, stridzug sant, up hill and do*uu, earl ins weights that it taxes a man's strength merely to lift. In fact, it is a fishwive's boast that she will run with 11 avurtlar without aping duty, - but the weight which it takes two men to lint i part* *494 hiig,�k•in the estimation of. on her back. By reason of titrs great the ad>xtitiistra#iQn, And the officers were strength on the part of the it omen, :ard coellen to leave them unmolested. theirirnmeniortal habit of exere'aing it; Eat So toe officer told me. Few' laces offer perbips also front other effuses far hack better opportunities for the ra c than in the earlier days of Jutland, where Dtatroit River. It has always been a these curious Newhaven lisle n ' folk u e harvesting place for the crooked dealers, said to hare originated. i is c a beingculiarl = adapted byreason of about that the Newhaven men ;are sin- the enrulr;erativeearrewees°tole river, u.larlt t'oorile and submissive rave. The its imager biding places, and its isl:attda wives leen a.1 the rttoney which Vivre- ,,nti ot,e1(5, Those engaged in the take ~that is ol►e sitasttfula its mast ►when ivsil Micro. ---a, sigulax re- any a beat crops meegeide a, vessel !cath, t1►rouglt the river hod an oflieer was sent to 4nvesti.ata, 1;14. found that ripe store had within eighteen ►cones taken at least $25,0QO eeiVe for the fish, and the husbands trade there etre very seldom suspected version of t niunttta. l: diel ntgt believe twa when it leaves a�siao" With (large of contrabanlR :end arti- was told rue, so I stopped three Balt- cies without ever beinseen by. the few wives one 'IV. Asti without auiucing officers of the carp. "g Many thQUSand matters, put the question direct to thein- gallons of spirituous liquor are sold Two of them were noun;, one old. yt•ztrly in the City of the Straits and. The young winner laughed saucily. ;and surrouptlit►'r towns that have never been. and the old woman misled, but they subjected to custom douse tact.. Much all replied unhesitatingly, that they had t of ilio the spending of all men* jewelry. and =any of the silk dresses that are seen on the streets have "It's a' spent i' the lroi:s," Elaine one, passed over the stream surreptitiously. anxious not to be thought too selfish,-•- . ots of wood burningropellers and ""ft's a' spent i' the boos, The then, steam barges that call at wood docks on they cam home au.' telt their sleep, anti' the Canada side of theriver bring :awa then tue,s Il be air again. besides the fuel, - many a jug and keg "It 'utl uever da for the husbands to stop in the city. an' be spendin' a' the anoaeey," added the old woman, with. severe eltz?ahasis. Whoever would see the Newhaven fishwives at their best must be on the Newhaven wharf by i t"yen o'rloek in the morning. on. a day when then the trav- elers come in and -the fish is sold. The scene is a study for ;t painter. The fi•ih are in long, narrow boxes, on the wharf, ranged at the base of the sea wall; some sorted out, in piles, each kind by itself: skates, with their long tails, which look vicious, as if they could kick, bake, witches, brill, sole, noun- dere. huge catfish,. crayfish, and her- rings by the ton. The wall is crowded with men, Edinburgh fishmongers, corse to buy ebeap on the spot. The wall is not over two feet wide, and here they stand, lean over, jostle, slip by to right and left of each other, ,and run up and down in their eager haste to catoll the eye of one auctioneer, or to get first speech with another. The wharf is crowded with woolen,—;an army in. bine, two hundred; three hundred at h time; white caps bobbing; elbows thrust- ing, shrill voices crying, fiery blue eyes shining, it is a sight worth going to Scotland for. If one bas had an affec- tion for Christie Johnstone, it is st de- lightful o-li;htful return of his old admiration for her, A dozen fiaees which might be Christie s own are flashing up from the crowd; tam understands on the instant how that best of good stories eame to be written. A man with eyes In his that are found concealed in advance of their Arrival- This illicit traoic is ,not confined exelusively to any one prob bs ited article. Many a good shit of clothes so es over the border either as A par tiou of the baggage of some member of the crew, or on the bel of the owner who goes ashore in an old suit and comes aboard with the ,new one ou and the old done up as a bundle of washing. Butter and eggs are smuggled over, not only at night but inthe daytime as well, and to a far greater extent than the authorities or the public have any Mea of. Smuggling was formerly car- ried on to a considerable extent on passenger propellers and steamers of both ntationalines passing through De- troit River, and even now a little is done In the same way. The evil eoin- menced Long ago, anti although perhaps not so openly as in days gone by it still hoes on from year to year without any t material reduction. Tho officials are powerless to prevent it."—Labe Capt- ain in Wee Courier. The Power of Water. The properties of water are only, par- tially understood by those who have never seen it under high pressure. The Virginia City Water Com any get their - supply from Nrtrlctte Lake an the Tahoe side of the mountain. They get it through by a long tunnel, and etre Hien on the crest of a high mountain Vopposite Mount Davidson, with Washoe al.lev between. To cross this valley Prominent aauong the 'greeteet medical die eoveries, by the many mento t has affected,, &taGreggr'at glvedp Garr¢ lett je lrar<p. *rib: s looted t Tile.;mi{ritteet1 ,ohtatten . lgsl Xr d, :if i 1►aa bee PomQim•`faNaxi feline o 0 jnr►ons, i 4teuts, 0111 Retere alt less,silp►octe.�.".{ia:►ly' ote:d to: this lSblie, �, tatedtent'ptissesses b penuliat adapts, bility io the various complaints for which it i. -been Velepalzuded* and its efixcaeylebeing , established by testimonials Hourly received.1 WO . are1.. +�'' . ar confident that. we have a preperation which we can offer to the public i with the assurance shot it will he felled not I only e relief but an absohitc enre for 7J!yspep- sia, Eiyer Vomplant, Indigestion, Constipat- ion and Impure Blood, gree trial bottles at J. W, Browning's Drug Store, 4 urn I*IPCOMI!oRTTQTHE su> .>?? xo ""Brown's Efousehord Bauacea" has no equal foxrelliovingpain,botbinternal and external 15 ourespaininthe Side, neon orbowe s,soiethroat Eheumatisnt, 3'outhacbe,I4umbage andany kind' Oa paiaer ache. "It will roost surely, quicken, the blood and heal, as its acting poweris wonder- ful.'R"frown's iEfcusahold Panacea' bein�aek- aowege4 es the great L'an Re eyer,auof don L blethestrength of any other Elixir erLinivaent bathe worid,abouldheinevery family handy for use when wanted,"asitreally is thebeatrenaedy in the world for Cramps in the Stomach. and Pains and Aches of. all kinds," and is for sale by all Druggistsat2a oouts abottle- $1,000 Vorfejt,, flaviat8 the *roost confidence in it superi. ority over all ethers, and after tltousauds of testa of the most eontplieated; and severest i i Cd as►offer u eases we could And, we feel just & g to forfeit One Thousand Dollars for any case of coughs ;colde,:sore throat, iatluenza, hoarse - Imre; bronchitis, coneumption .- in its early stages, wboopiug cough, and all diseases of, the throat mid Imago, exeept Aethena,fot< wlgieh we only elaitu -relief, that we can't Cure with', West's t.'ougli Syrap, when taken according to� directions, Sample bottles 26 and 60 rents;( large bottles one dollar. Genuine. wrappers ouly in bine. Sold by all druggists, or sent by .mail ou receipt of price. 3OUN 0, WEST tt CO.. 8I 4i 83'Ithie St. East, Terauto,Ont. 1l Yeuug lady, do not despair. Dr, E, C, West's Nerve cacti Braia Treatment will eure Ii steric and ail nervous troubles. Sold at d'. �iT. Ilrowuitt 's I?rtt Share, fr R.: r. Thele paepars tianit►iewntnitelenx le'rC Fi:.. O 1 .LEXION - ONE SINGLE, APPLICATION is warranted to Beautify the -Face and give to the F"adedor Sallow Com- plexion a Perfectly E'ealthy Natural and 'Youthful. Appearance, It Conceals. Wrinkles. reekiess,, Crow's. Feet, and the Evidteuec ox Age, leaving the S&in Soft, Smooth, anti Wiute, PRICE-Zeeents, Sent to any address. Postage' stamps taken. Address allletters. to CREME D' OR, Drawer 2,67$, Toronto B.Q. Askk your druggist for it. Wholeaelg by all whole- sale diuggists. Trade rk. smamansallillr TIME 8 until .st Jan'y,' 85 30 its. �c dol'k BLOOD BITTERS Cures .Dizziness, ,Loss of Appetite, Indigestion, ,TtiW ottsraess, Dyspepsia, Jawidiee, Afectigzas of the Litter. moi—11,hpqis, Pimples, Blotches, Soils, Itunwrs, Salt Rheum, Scrofula, Erzpsa wigs, crud all diseases arising from Impure Blood, Deranged Stomack, or zrrergular' u tion of. the Rotrel>, FCT�L NOTICE ! 'TiOrTIMEE PU II tt 500 Good Watches For Sale Cheap for Cash Drug g ,AT What every persousliouldltuow---Tbe;,xend utlets of disease from lite system are the 7 i clilb 0 boowelsaud the kidny, .ohnston's Sarsapataaall t the angst safe leasant and cifee a l r a a , p t m lnown. onebottle taIli$1ont purifier of thesy c Try and be convinced. For sale et the Golden Mortar, J. W.Browning, prop. ?y 26, Gm - head and a pen in his hand could not by a flume would be almost impossible, have done lens. Such fire, such lgoales so the water is carried down the moun- ty, such splendor of vitality, kindle the gain side to the bottom,. and crosses wornnamoon g them n's faces. woul i begnd a few to see Christie .the divide between Waslioe and Ealroad gle Johnstone dramatized on all sidoc.- ,valley., then up again to the required September Atlantic. height in iron pipes. the depression created in the line of carriage is 1,720 A Little Reliant:,,, feet, and the pressure on the pipes is The Washington blur has the follow- 800 pounds to the square inch. One iMarriage:, as 11 inches in diameter, and is ng account of a romantic` Last evening the neat lithe Episcopal quarter -inch iron lap welded, and 18 church, South Washibgton, was filed feet long, with screw joints. There is to overflowing, to witness the weddingni little trouble from it, but the other of Mr. Peter McCalmon,of the protineg which is twelve inches in diameter, and of Manitoba, and Miss Lizzie A.Gabriiel, 1 is riveted pipe, makes more or less trou- of this city. There is a little romance hIe :all, the. time. The pipe is laid with connected withthese parties. The groom lives, as stated, in the province the :wain down, and whenever a crack` is made bythe frost or sun warping it, of M.anitoba,where the bride has e, mein or from any other cause, the streanl ried sister living. Through the sister 1)0111Eforth with tremendous force. If the groom, about four years ago, heard t, joint is broken open, of course the of Miss Gabriel, and a correspondence was commenced, during which, not- withstanding they had never seen each other, their feelings toward each other inch in diameter, and yet the water in became more than simply friendly. The the flume was lowered an inch and a half by it, and the pressure went down fifteen or twenty pounds. Captain Overton says that fifty inches of water went through it. It has been probably whole stream is loose and goes tearing down the mountain, but usually the es- cape is very small. The break last week was less than five -Merlins of sV hearts of the writers glowed with love. Portraits were exchanged, and minute descriptions were given of each other. The result was that a few months ago they became engaged to be married, on a ear in cutting out, and was made b condition that there was no change of y. oy feeling after 'personal interview. °The a tittle stream hardly visible to the na- young lady in the meantimemade prep- ked eye, that escaped through a joint arations to take a leave -of ` absence. The groom about 'the first t the month arrived here. Being desirous of seeing the lady, he wrote a note to her, which she failed tp receive until- `Monday of last week. when she promptly sent him directions to find her place of residence on Missouri avetfiigr, .and he called that evening. Theft chains' of love. woven through the'art of the mails; lyere more firmly riveted at ; this meeting. The young lady's friends were highly pleased with the gentleman. The result was that the couple concluded that it.was useless to wait longer, and preparations. were at once made for the' wedding ;' which took place last °veiling. White the ceremony . was being performed, some mischievous boys tied a string of tin cans under the carriage and such a ,Gazette. din was made as they drove away that the horses dl f • ht d d it' was with difficulty that they were re- strained. -0 and struck the pipe two or three feet off, eatingaway the iron until the ppres- sure inside broke it throug,h. When such a break occurs the, noise can be heard for half a aline, and the earth shakes for hundreds of feet around, A break the size of a knitting needle, will cut a hole in the.pipe +in: half an hour. Such breaks 'are repaired 'by putting a band around the pipe; pouring,i'n .melt- ed lead, and tamping it hi • Such a stream bores through rock'' like a sand blast. The flying water is as hard as iron, and feel:; rough like a file .to the touch. ' It is impossible to turn it - with the hand. as it tears 'the flesh off the bones, and if the"fingers aro stuck into the stream, with the point up, the nails are instantly' turned. back, and some- times torn loose from the flesh.—Reno were badl ng en° , an If our middle-aged readers will allow their minds to recall the scenes 'of, say three decades ago, they will agree witl us in our 'statement that the 'most des- csinr ttioii'in the world at that, ,f ex.istenve was wearinga, r ]k!�.,:, of tgouser:. solo bJ ei itlder rinWo The father of the high schoolgirl had. a long discussion the other night with a politician,' and,after the latter had one, the, girl remarked, quoting from Shak- speare:' "He drawetli out -the thread of his argument." "Well," replied the map, 'I",doil?t understand the dead •langjiages, bat if you are trying to say. tlikti'a ids a crank, , I'm with you every tiop. ”:---011 0,ity Derrick. •- MAN'HOOD How Lost, How Rtestosed. Wehave recently published it new edition o DR. OTJLVEBW LL'S CELEBRATED ESSAY onthers,dicalaudpormaiaentcure (without me diclne)oftervouslgebiiity,,lfcntal and physical Incapacity impediments to Marriage, oto.,re• suiting front excesses. Price, in sealed envoi on e, only a cents, or two postae'e stamps. The celebrated author of this adm irable es s ay clearlydomonstrates,from thirty years' success- fulpractice, that alarm ingconsequenoesmaybe radically curedwithouttho dangerous use of in tornalmedicines or the use of the knife ; point• oat a mode of cure at once simple certain and o f- t ectnal,bymean s of which every suffe:er,lnomat- terwhathis conditionmay be,may curehimsell ch.taply,privately and radically. K3'Thi lecture should be intbe handset every youth and every man in the land. Address THE CULVEBWELL MEDICAL•Co 41 AN ,N r.,NEW YORK Pont Oiiice Bos 450 REMOVAL.! REMOVAL ! THE GENERAL QUESTION Agitating the Public mind. at present is where can they get the best Bread, but this matter can be settled to tht' entire satisfaction of, the people of Exeter and surrounding country, by calling on JOHN EICL7a, the old established and reliable -bakery, where they will find just what they want.. A Superior quality of Bread always on Hand P � Y Also a first-class stock of Buscurr's, Butts, CASES & CeNIrEOTtoxeus, which will be sold cheap. While opponents have started busi- ness, and sold out, andleft the place, Mr. Bell has been found at his post, during the past eight years, ready to attend to the wants of the Public. CRdC�R3�� ' Owing to increasing business, Mr. Bell ha' found it necessary to remove to more ''coni; modions premises, and has; added largely ,to, his stock of Groceries, and wile keep, . on. . hand Sugars, Teas, Coffee, Syrup, and everything usually found in a first -plass Grocery, Store; All kinds- of J?'arm Produce tak- en in exchange for aG'oods, REMEMDEn THE STAND :—Sontheott'e Block, Four doors North Post. Office. ..., 'JOHN BELL, t'ronrietor Old Sol.— "fiere, 'Mother Earth, these Eclipses and Spots have about used me up. Regulate .your movements hereafter by this, 'and don't depend on mens Big Offer during Fair Time ELGIN, W ALTHAM, . HAMPDEN, and ROCKFORD WATCHES, KEY & STEM-WINDERS, ALL THE LATEST IMPROVEMENTS AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES The above Watches aro all Good and Reliable Time -keepers, and are warranted in every respect to bo equal to any watch in the market. We ,specially invite intending purchasers to inspect our stock. by so doing they con save money, as we guarantee our prices 10 per ;cent. below the Grange. Very Large, e- Assortmentof Clocks to be sold at Close Prices.. JE WEL RY-A full and complete stock of the choicest and latest designs. • NECKLACES & LOCKETS -A' very fine assortment and at all prices. A. large stock of WEDDING RINGS always on hand and made to order. • lir Silver-plated Ware and p, p Spoons we are selling off .at Wholesale plias going to make •tx clean sweep of it. SPECTACLES; to suit all sights.„It.isvery important; that:: spectacle. Wearers should be properly suited, , ' We fit all our spectacles by the Optometer which is the only way of beingproperly fitted snit the sight. Su come along and secure the ,bargains Come One; Comae .All.. Will be happy to see you Clocks, Watches, and Jewelry Cleaned and Repaired n, and at reasonable prices the best manner- p . THOS. FITTON, Watchmak,o r & Jeweller,,