HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1884-10-2, Page 1Vo3. STT.,,TO. 6 FIX --Just Received, --SOMETHING VERY FINE IN 0 V O A -TES and 000 All Weds of I'RUI S, ORANGES, LEMONS, FIGS, DATi3+ l3, BANANA . .t Grot. rzi\Ty 4 lE LUTE, LET THE CHIPS FALL WHERE THEA' . ONT.) TBUBBD.&y 1V4013.11111'a L,E ''.T W. HALL, BARRISTER/ SOLIaITeR etc :()Mises tnseetrevre +meaty, rooter L. INSIIL.AN, DENTIST. i,. D,S ed for Pock o mcoSioatt. eth, ex-; traotedwitla eat pale. rItt HYNDMAN,—CORQN.Eii FOR -see. theCouutteatHuron, Wilco, opposite to Ura-Clorlin; esterti,Exeter • T W, I31$OWNIN£ar ht, p., 11. G V • P.S,Graduate'Yictoriallntreraaty• Dido a a dresidarsoa, Ito iaionljaboratcrv. E;aeter. It, J. A. ROLLINS, itT. 0. S DI�QRCDpe onel ROES treegne t United States and Causd4 for desertion. axon. sapporkinteroperance.crtzeiMilloOmpasibintYr etc. Advice tree. State youreu 0 and address ATTORNEY WARD, Norte Building, 1287 Broadway, New York. le -to t , 'MEWS New & Superior Canada Daps & Charts �lspayingas nay organa 1n the world. For tall particulars,free. adoress,II.0. t'UNLSON Map Publisher 388titoh iond•st,Landoax Qat to gt,10 Blyth, and the deceaeed'ht aonepanied them as far as the comer of 11te property for the purpose of lay, ireg up $ome relit; on the road fence which had fallen down. They were Met by the elder Beamiyb, who asked' for the defuice ev_. suited front ie` tib cxy. Wm. Beaipteh, a yo the priaoner called sad gave quarrel,. Front ltxa T. 2e-. 1$£4 lrxTR 4 SON d Proprietors. R+lt rt lager Kett of antis!!, w on •of I the obaRlien was eppitistret what the row had beet: about on the ,ged,figjlt tellies n previous, Bentley, and asking if it) betwoed too taro soca of Beautidh aiad coilld not he eeftled. Mr. Mains, the the two eons of Mains tics daces d deceased, replied that it could. The that on the cuorfiiriq when the fight yr Rue se- says that immediately after- "a to have- takers P409* gr. *Otte k wards the elder of the Beamish boys, became enraged btreat> ee his soup did Henry James, cavae up and attack tha ;not evinces attrotng dstiee to ,.flgttet, deceased a blow with his. fist, uttering cad that hfain8 throw off hial cosi atui as Oath. At the seats tinge' the der, seabed at Henry Antes Rea;fais , and'; pix Lfrtntt (ati Seturdrsy and engitget{ cIezls,fn conversation. He auddenty lee.ar bar of gold worth $500 and ie his escape. A tramp named. Adams stopped air young lady nulled ,Strom, who Ws* riding- on a valuable horse neer Pitts- burg ou Saturday r:idht, cad ordered Icer to di,Jntount end give hire the,. aulear1. She refuted, when Adam* Remitted her offthe heroes and after beating her insensible rode away.. 1:41 WAS eubaequentiyreeeptured and narrowly escaped lyecbir,tf, The Jodywill recover.,S uri;tars *tole $,10,000 worth of ewelry from they atom of Michaels Brae., Greenpoint, L L, Saturday rnoruing, asaseg threw till Ilia arias, eee wee thea thus the light 041;40. Thi, ease .este ou ds, . James Beaamiah, They struggled to Beateleh,#he father, went down the ck rellmg on hit ba:the whiten sap u"° ia ve3tee,rex to eve• .ii,001 oottsid. cheated around stet tad the Waist by Harry fancy alatfn that the Pr�is'6"uer, slices j 04 rose where they fell the deceased purpose oflecu ne he then endeavor Two brotaere named ieltollegr,a.cx a teetmet.' ed to lit#attars ata, arable ez rat, mated about a wombs let a. Grriciltaattt behalf of his father, when the alder Mr, t7tler wode au eloquent sppeta 4ttlOQU oeu SaMurday alight. • 'Iahep PilOPEIITyI,Iaa' Beamialt:ardered hilt oft at tee sante to the jury On behalf of the priepaere fatzgbt with their irate but Were- of to u e of the expre;siou to tertvarda a?lyarated by another both. - #lis eau "Sock t t hire; a' ably rev b Olt SALE, fterwarde they drew knives end time melting s i u lire ; "l ick bis - -�rlint off." The witness • says he then happened to turn around, mad saw Willie Beamiehe a younger broth. er, approaohiag with tare atieks. At this time the prisoner Tbomee Manu- aaeh and the wi;nesa' brother were aouflling. George Maine seemed to get the upper hand, tied Willie IteanueIt went to pull hint. off: The witoeoe darted. to tt t hie brother and as he did eo be beard hie father scream. On turtling around he atm the father of the Reemishee with a stick iu lhfa jr,ItLouut thee adt#xesrlod the jury, e eildence; and erg. ing.theruetoldo their ditty lrreepeotive of any feeling of sympathy that they might bevel towertle the ptioeeere. There not being time for .Ilia Lord- ship to charge the jury, the court a:l- eourped and the jurors were kCpt lea auatody until !fond y morning. After the apsuiIi of 'the court ©tel b k'rema1 onsooaa,(lid} acreofidntl•with goo 4sea of choice trait trees. Apply Willey -street, nd a quant!ty R. CARLEY'S For S Awell flniehedandconvenient Dwelling Hout4114o Exoteet onliuroza Street, Eavt of Mani to sots Vox particularsapnlyto MR. > Y' FtLLf IT, soiteitortto. Exeter D0. Office, Main st.F.xotor,9nt. Residence OR S ALE, houtterecontly ecaeal,icd by Y,. McPhillips, Esq.. LU'1.'Z:, M. D. • {)nicest hisrosiloaaoe 1;xeter. 1)R. IRVING, GRADUATlil UNI ilu"sioin:.a t tad swrgeant Cueffirkton t'P.IISITY TrinetyColle;ldemberCollece I�fPORTANNteXICE . TAitIES OKE, COUNTY ItUCTION. e ueor. Salespromptlyattondoilto. Dayeot salesarranrodatthie office 2 EN1ti' EILBLE, Licensed Auo, L tionocrfor Hay, SStephen mud MoGillvra owuehips. Sales ooaduoted at moderate rates f iB `:e—At coat-oAfuc, Crediton, Ont., 1[ ()NEI! TO LOAN ON REAL ES• 1 tate forthoHuron . Brie Loan I'Sevin gs Society. Low rates of iuteresi. Apply to,Tolan t3packrrlan, Exotor. ser J. CLARE:, Agent for the Us - esti • hernoandltibbort ItutualFirelusurancc Company, Residence -Farquhar, Orders by niailprontptly attoridodto, ,-O5. HUDSON, COMMISSIONER 1 in tate Court. o1, Qoraraoa' fleas—Deeds, Wills, luortgagos,Leas©s,and all forms of agree. monts drawn and exeoutodaacording to law. . OFFICE -Intoe ContonnialHotel Bleel:,Hon- sail, Ontario. ;����/''' ONL''Y TO LOAN AT 6 AND 6:} per cent. according to terns. Private Funds.Apply td Ontoberl3,'m0 B. V.13LLI0T, Solicitor. Exeter NONE-"' I can lend any timountof Money on farm se- curity at0, 01 a.id 7.per cent. according'to terms Private Funds a specialty. Charges moderate Ft W HALL,Barrister,Exeter. (LINK• 'aLLIOT, REAL ESTA.TF AGEIsTT, Money to tom on pard & Jowii Property Atiowest rates of interest, and on terms to suit borrowers, A number of iirst•olass Farms for sale, Mortgages b-ught and sold;` Mime in FansonrsB1ock Exeter , • J. 'CLARK. COMMISSIONER N • intim Court of Common Pleas -Deeds, Wills,i?fortgagos, Leases, and all forms ofagrae• 0 ments drawn and execufedaccoriing to law, MONEY TO LOAN ONItEAtnsTATE. Parties wish• ing to borrow money on account of reoen t Pur- chases ofiand,or to pay oft existing mortgagss willdnd se- great Saving by giving me a call, can, lend moneyat0 and 0i per cent, according to terms. • N:J.CLARH. ATwo Storer lJRICb: DWELntwQ HOUSE, situate 1 oa51i11 t.directlyseastof the Proshy- torlon Church, Exeter; tegec4hor with ;three- quarters of an acre of land. nope! frown. stable and driving honed; sptendid orchard or choses young frail-b3ariag trees; t of d';well and els. tern. Suitable for a geutlou,a,' ,resiaouco, Will bo sold cheap on teraua to an ogasor, Possession given ist November, a" arnica'particulars on application to It. GIDLEY,,1 r. o, FOR SALE. SAW MILL and 25 =olio LAND attache known as the Brook'a Mil situated ou ea half of cast half of Lot 4, 0 ' 4, Hay, T machinery ie.0 good world t. ear, the bol and engine, boiug nearly ,1so - on ie-„ ;,there aro two kramo Ho ,. q and Stable, andan orchard of abont 2 acre Terms literal. Appp1ly to T. L. BOGER Parkhill, or to.1, SPACE.U&N,Txotor. Huron Fall Assizes, The case of McLean vs. the catlnty of Huron was resumed at the openiu of the Assize Court Thursday morn ing. '1'he ease ocoulaied the greate part of Wednesday. This aotioi3 i brought by Air. & :tire. McLean to re cover damages for an accident \Ohio occurred at Duulap's gill. The hors eels unable to hold baok the bugg !riven by McLean, and the*re•utt wa be occupants were thretiu down an •mbankment some 60 feet, the huge s badly wreoked,'but the. horse re- po severe' injurielr Mr, Mc �eceived slight injuries ; g J 14Irs icLean's injuries were of a more se sous character,' but the doctor who %%tended her stater: that she had en ,iroly recovered at about the end of %he fifth month. Mr. MoLeau ars claims damages for another sadden which occurred by the breaking of 'A Midge. Verdict for plaintiff. • The three prisoners, Hunter, Sontes and Herbert were arraigned on the barge of rape, end pleaded not guilty The case was • traversed to the next assizes, because'of'the illness of the party upon 'whom the offence was committed, T11E BEAMISI3 MURDER, The murder trial of the Queen ve. James Beamieh, Henry James 13eam- isl , and Thomas Manuaseh Beamisil was taken up. The prisoners, a fath. er about 60 years of age, and his two sons, aged about 18 and 20, are eharg. ed with the murder of William Mains, a well-to•do'farmer of the township of Hullett. The Beamish family are well•lo-do farmers; aud have hitherto borne a good character. The ease is one of a' very distressing character. he father is a tail, delicate -looking man of respectable appearance, wear• ng a 1cng white beard. His two sons are respectable looking young men. Their farm is nearly` opposite' that of deceased's on the G;oderioh and Clin- ton reed. The'unfortunate' occur- rence was the result of a quarrel. John Mains, a son of the deceased,` was the first witness called.: Ile re. !abed the circumstance of the quarrel between his brother George and the prisoner Manaseh, which' took place at, Blyth on the 24th of May last. 'Pile parties did not enter into, a fight, but bad words passed. On the °26th (May he" and Ins brother George aslaad cash other. Beth were badly rounded. At Jeseyvilte, J'li,. ou Saturday, Fred Shultz, a German about 4e rests old, in a dri nkeo quarrel with his,srife, shot her in the eye, and, placing the revolver to his owls heed, killed himselfinsteutllr, The wo Monday fnarniIlg Tia Tao ship etharg cannot recav(lr, mtaz: ed the jury alt, deet !an ' going ov At Ma lily: ie-. E.y", ou Baturdayt er the evidetico in aepetee, is chargeJamee Shipp shot. wee rather a sins! the i�P orad ell kz o wound. R prisoners. ed B- S. $savers, ft well hOawu flu:'i- The jay retired for tibaut an haat nese man. • Shipp is e, batt character ae1a had been ordered to leave the coanty by the regtilatora. He: ie atilt at 'ergo, Henry White induced Farmer Iiowward.'RVhipp..aorwill Ford, Ky., to go into his (Howard's) baro and get` soruo artiste he inked the loan of,. then followed Birt! into the bare read brained hive with. a cart rung. White has been arrested. Fifteen months Ha Own fate.. He sat holding his fa, ago White was a BitOatininaian$, lulm thor's head and stn in p EZethiug bite with g g Baptfet preaober, rn: fioclt cold water while ilia j,lry were out, la horribly excited aver the eoatdat send triad to acmfor.. 'trial, b • a n oaased by, his he hoped the jury would t 9 „xi it :Arrest And, h,avo tads -east 1 y 1 d al e e, melee. • ed' a fund to pay laleyere to try ane - !rand eat did stat a;ea flim atttiko. Tee and returned with a verdict of utas. witness eve he denoanded that his slaughter agetust all three, ream. father should be let up, when Henry '° mending Thomas to xltea'ey, James Beaniish replied he vroutd let The father, ,Tamed Reamialt cow - lam up;** scion as he .ald enough, J pletely broke dower duriafi the charge The witness replied Unit hiafether llacl and hie moans could be heard all v said that lung ago. The father was er the coiartrooul. His sou, Henry ,lot up and started down The road and Sautes, acted very kindly to his tech - returned -in a few miautse with hie er. Ile aeemod, to pay ruora atteutiou shirt off. The witness was engaged to oaring for hie . father tbao about in a acufllo with the prisoner Menus- sc' see. M. this time, but :shortly •after he J hie tattler returning with hie ahirt oft, tor. i"e,rabserved Henry Beamislt striking rt s, l iv g r 8 h e ruF viblr1'iis flet, white ]ie (his father as lying in a fence corner at the side f the road. The rbw soon ended. Mr. Mains died about 10 o•olook th1►t night. The wltuess was subjected' 'tc is searching aross•osamivation by Mr, Ogler. olHe admitted tent his father was of a.paesie,nate` diepasition; that Henry James. Beamiell we alwvaya considered to be the. quiet ot,e of the Boamiall family ; that the father wan a quiet, respectable wan ; that be supposed his (the wituusa') father y when, lie returned with his shirt off e during the row, did so with the Mien - tion of renewiug it, Y The court ;,adjourned Until 8, a M. Friday. s•_ The carte' was resumed on Friday • morning. The Crown put a number of witnesseth the box, who gaye their account of ° what took plede at the ' quarrel between the parties, which resulted unfortunately to the prison • ° ars. Evidence eetablishedthe fat that t the fight on the morning of the 26th of May was the result of a deliberate challenge, to fight on the part of the deceased. It appears on Sunday, the 25th, the two younger prisoners were • on the road, opposite the deceased's house, and while they were having some words with Mr. Mains, Main challenged the prisoner, Henry James, to fight, and have it out ea the spot, but Henry James refused, saying he would net fight on Sunduy, but that he would meet him in the morning. They accordingly met, aud' Mains re• beived such injuries as to cause his death on the evening of the sante day. The evidenoe goes to show that Mains was a,Mareof violent temper; that he. 0 d a 0 11OR SALE;-TWO•STORYFRAME DWELLING ROUSE ancioue riore ofland, situated on the Thames Road, 21 miles east of Exeter. Goodlargeframe stable and driving shed ; splendid orchard of ;eboice fruit -hearing trees; gooctwell nd'cistern. "Suitable for a re. tired farmer. kVill be sold cheap for cash, Ap ply to THOMAS ALLIS.Exeter P 0 iv 19 -ti MTi`i 1\TC ---'s�TRY�7T��+ry c . Central . Sha .ring; Parlor For Clean and easycuttinshavig�&c.ng, fashionable hair" rst- Clean towel for every customer,T ,Nest door to Central Hate HE WATERLOO MUT CTAL FIRE INSURANCE Co, Established in 1863. • HEAD OFF/CE WATERLOO, ONT. Thisoonmtany has been over Eightteen years aa. successful operation in Western Ontario,and continues to insure against loss or damage by Fire ,Buildings,MVoro andiso,Manufactoaies,and all otherdeacriptions of�frfsurable property. In- tendinginsurers have the option of insuring on the Premium Note or Cash System. During the past ten years this Company has ssued 07,040 Policies ,covering property to the amount 'ot$40,872,088; and paid an glosses alone $700,752,00 AssetS, 561.76,100.00, consisting of Cash in /Sank, GovernmentDeposit,and the unassebeed Pretax -tun Notes on hand and in force J, W WAY, vEN,M 1); Presidea.t, 0, M. TAr.,ora, Secretary J B. Ilunnns,Inspector. CHARLESt SNELL, Agony for Exeter and vicinity, 0 were etartrug from their father's peace n one ocoasion threw one of his ahil ren --a little girl- into it creep ;'o pother occasion, he threw another oto a %eater barrel ; on another o.• anion he tied one of his boys up in barn. The cross-examination of 90111of the witnesses shows them to be dim posed to give rather a one-sided ac count of what tools plane. Some o them saw and heard a good deal o what was done and said by the pris avers, but they were uoable to re member much that was said or don by the 4ecertsed. The mediaai testi tnony is to' the effect than death wascaused by a blow on - the head: •.Teo cou=t•adjourned until Saturday morning. • g The ease was resumed a • ai u ,on aturday morning.` The greater part f the . day was occupied : in taking idence for the, defence, Tue theory advanced by the medic: l'' Eel+linear fol view of his case. get Lu:tu out on a writ of tintless oer- Hie Lordship aeuteneed the tether hams and henry to twenty years In Ell© penitentiary, and Thomas to five years, • Sporting Brevities. henry, on being asked 'hat he lied to s, etIthe head oflll which arJe Ja`- to, say, said he had committed his Bye -See and Phallar. These two Daae to Almighty G d, who alone, cut hien it song. Ho prizes Beatles knew all truth, and who would acquit' • out ou the great dap of judgment of being the cause of Ur. Main`s death. Tile father had to be supported by his son while he received the sentence of the•:wert. THE CASE OF T. C. SC )rT. The Grand Jury found a iruo bill against Charles Tait Scott, a private butter, of Wingham, on two cases of fraud. He did not appear when called to answer these indictments. His bail was estreated. William Deacon, of Winehani, was his bail for $500. ()rime in the States. At Nashville on Saturday Sana Lee, a Chinaman, shot and killed William Warford, lumberman. After the mur- der Lee dragged his victim to bis house. An old feud was the cause. People are greatly etched. On SundayNeliie Quaolrenbush, aged 17, wept to Colambs, Neb., with young clerks. She went to their rooms,. where ate was drugged and maltreat.. ed by the clerks and their friends for two days. She became ill ane- died.. The guilty parties were arrested and there are th recta of lyuehiug. Wm. McMahon, 0ompoeitor an the Washington Post, had his throat out ou Friday night. during a dispute, by George Hough, and died next morn- • Mg.. cMahon's friends live in Buf- n filo. Hough it also a printer, and bears the reputation of being a quer. rolsome and, dangerous man. Both a had been dritiking. e Lon Immel, of Bee Camp, Ind., • seduced , Mies Brinson, and finding • she would soon become a mother, de- f ooyed her into the woods, Attempted f to murder her, and lett her for dead, • She waafound with three ribs -broken - • and otherwise injured. She will prob. 0 ably die. On Friday night, in the 'house of Mrs. Kingsbury, Smithboro; N. Y. a quarrel arose between two men, Oh; 9. H. Pickering and Addison .ItIciLand, when Pickering•shot MoLand proba- bly fatally., Aires Kingsbury in the hip and her daughter in the ankle.`' Pick- ering fled and has not yell been fl S 0 ev ought: thief rt ' " . entered a " k o erg oih0.ainn at $50,000. Whet ha would take for jay -Eye -See is not known, but the gelding is probably worth -about $50, 000, though it is not improbable that people speculating on the turf would gyve hitu„twice as much for him, Jay. Eye -See would not be worth $500 were he to brea}c down.. Shoeld Maud S. meet with m'teohance and be nor longer a trotter, she would still bet immensely valuable as a brood mare., CT Mr. Case's fast pacer, urgle, worth about $10,000. The Wisconsin turfman has a large breeding f;.rm near Racine. Frank Work owns Edward and Dick Swiveller, with the fastest double harness record in the world, 2.16,, He one time valued them.at $50,000.. but they are not for sale. Maud S. and Aldine made 2.154 driven double, but there was no purse for or 'bot ou the performance, and though lsuthen- tic it is not on record. The moet famous stock farm in the world is Woodbur, near Paris, Ky. Here Maud S. was bred, here her sire and dam live, and bare Lexington. died. On this farm Harry Basset was raised. The iuvestmg ent in running:. and trotting is .$80,000. Scott Act Notes. Voting ou the Scott Aot will take place in 28 counties in Ontario on 10' of October. The Anti -Scott Act part wilt hold a public meeting at Grand Bend to -mor row (Friday—,):evening, to be addressed by Mr. Geo. Moir, of Exeter. The voting on the Scott Aot ~fie Huron county will take place on the 7th' of November. Mr. A. S. Mus- grave, of Btuevale, has been appoint- ed returning officer. The time for working is short, and no doubt both parties will work energetically, .Bayfield. The Rev. A Anthony, an American missionary, will preach n the Bafieldnata Eng- lish lish church' and also in Goshen and Varna. next Sunday. Collodion in aid of building: a church for the, Indians. < . The extension, pf the Toronto Grey and $rube .Railway"te Goderich seems: to he ex- ercising the people of thkst'town considerably,' While our people are <pito inert over the en- - n- ibdu3es ,'ixt set' SA' eel teJoe^e