The Exeter Times, 1884-9-25, Page 8.i, GRI+
Wholesale and Retail
ing to the ttublio Mud, OT.011,14i.Og child,
ren of the infected homes from pub
lie school. Whooping cough at any
seeeon of the year is e& dangerous visi-
tor to a family ; but it is pertioelerly
to be guarded ,against et the approach
of winter, Many people make light
of it, but phis arises from ignorenoe
Of its cllarset•r. FrOlid the returns
of the Regietra4r Geueraal of the I'ro-
vintR, we !seat that thedeaths from
`rboopiug sough. for 12 were 1.89,
measles 76,, typhoid fever 180, eoarlet
fever 048 end small pox 16, Our
Zurich fair last Fade'', We also' •
a►J ford lute received '
leave that ?Jr,r, R. FrigMe
the sage'hie fine South- '
d:owo (sheep.q
Messrs. ell sad Those spent four { rits ' .Q 'z-2^ _
Mays at Lake Smith dunk shooting
last week, but ort account of the, water
being low they head rather bad !Wok,
Ur. Bell bas rutted his fault to
.'151r. KoTeggeet, of Ueborne, and iAe
teedi retiring al Sarnia.
Mr, Remy R iperl, 'who has been a
!resident ;at this village for about 27
year', died on !Saturday last. He was
readers will see from this the _neoes- t one of the pioneers of 13tepheu, end
tatty of r kia�g emery prso ptiort Pig a}iris% was 70 yarn of age.
the epretad ai the diasaaa►,. ewe-
TBN Cl; NTS penins fax Intineertien, and zgv3tiaa,
fill,ucl**� 's x ttnexoxereuti xb ;44Z Least yeer"�e aayereoati ere be inning Our fel, will be held October 9th.
saxtion wtil tt9 glraxate� t"arr' aoktGelp a$t+earitaat g
0 be taunted up and worts.
Read Sam_ell a't. Piekerd'e change
in this Colanut,
THURSDA)1,. SEI,,T, 24, 18$4. iia: cense admired 'twhali, 019 leave41ra4 a l'e'e ones wne,ke !!tett to Oast'$.
Ames !of ad,fertiseineet title " week. Note.
their millinery opening
wad 10th.
Mr. John Hazlewood has gone on
a trip to Manitoba.
Our village is inions it tailor.
The statism ween e�en*diau scenery i , .. Af r'. 0414 hire. Callender hexa $
1.0031. NXWS.-- ire shall be happy to re-
ceiwe at etl tires, frota any Parer of the
Ceenty. iron; .P,f legal name. stwh a; oe-
cidenteer arra iattcreatine incident whet.
ever, from any cif our sut?,tcrinare or woad.
ere 9cacrazlty for thr retiree of pantie.
4 4mart and intelligent lad to !esus the
azt of printiug. Must WW1 a Nit edaaatiatt,
PPiti Itersoually to Tratee Qitice, Exeter,
Lovers of "murphiee" will arta year
realize all .,heir fondest hopes, '1'he
crop in this section is !sags While ibe
,lrtstity ceuudt he surpseeed. Ilvery
man is braggiug %het his are little a short distance weet of tans etaatiant,
larger, tc few more to the hill and War atruo); by lightning 1[on4ay fore,
mealier in the pot. thou hie neighbor"at noon teed oonsidemb1y diettered, 4
gin to ttlrzt"-is etthande . 'lir, J.D , Sperling: is building a
Attention is directed to J,,-f.'iolk-
ard's olutuge of aalvettieement. The
old reliable boos* is to the front with
tc large stook of 44(1Sonable geode.
Merohanle and Qthers who wish to
tie# buteiness ehculd ed;vertiar in the
'1'J.MZS, and thee make their buetneaie
known to a isrge number of people.
The crowd of people from Exeter
new trim Rouse in the village.
Mr. W. A, Deeps id rctaktng ar-
rtangeitueute for building a new frame
Rause ten hie farm.
l;dueatioualaerutous will be primate
ed in the Methodlet oburob next Sun-
day by Ber. Mr, fdilt►ia in tate morn-,
ing, and bfr. Wetton iu the evening.
Don't forget the review Services in
the Wddteru ftrir thio year is Very the Methodist Sabbath school next
Il, on aoaouet of the disagree-- Stlndrty,. oolllmettoing at 9 o'clock
iecers* N. J and W.J. Clark. who There are ane or two young mom in
here about trio weeks ago fur this neighborhood who are destined
Portland, Oreguu, have reached their to get themselves into serious trouble.
destination. and our readers way ea -
and that to read a aketcii of their trip , latest freak wee the breaking down
eltortl,'<; en Sunday eteniag feet of aeon) ebade
A tree m kir, Isaac Cnrtinfe field, trees in font of Mr, Stacey's farm.
Stroh conduct cannot be overlooked
ioh tenger, even if the misereaute
one of reepeatable paroute. If
r Parente do not look After them
some true else Rill,.
eau Seeetne.
Fall seeding is now completed. The
recent rains have been of great ser
vice in getting in the seed, The
drooping apirtta► of the root emu bars
also been greatly revived. Young
glover is starting again and beginning
to show itself. to !sally fields through
out the minty fall wheat has grown 1
above the ground.
111•01Mt WNW..
mood .Cattle.
The question often arises with farm.
ergs whether it paps to raise cattle or
not. The follaiviog will suffice to
show that it pays well : The oth-
er day Mr. 3obn Heywood, of the 84
concetlsionof ijsborne, sold to Meters.
Oke h: Davie ten :head of young steers
et $72 per head, thus realtzlsg $720
for the lot. The animals. averaged
1,452 pounds. it pays to raise good
Mr. W. 3. Collins, who has occu-
pied 5. position as ealesmau in Mr,
James Pickard'' eetabliallment for
the past three or foor years, left for
Seafoetii on Monday to occupy a sim-
ilar position in Mr. Pickard''
attire in that town. Mr. Collins is a
genial good fellow, an oxaellent'aloe-
man and made for himself a host of
friends while in Exeter. Seafortb
bas a good citizen in the parses of
Mr. Collins.
Loot Out for Them.
Those of our readers who haudle
five dollar notes should cut this out.
"A well -executed photographic for-
gery of five dollar notes on the Port
Hope issue of the Bank of Toronto
has been deteoted iu oironlation.
Eight of these forgeries found their
way into the Port Hope agency and
one into the Standard Bank al Toron-
to. The counterfeit is not very well
executed on the baok, but the front
has a gennil:e .appearance, barring a
carnet) greasy covering, which, how-
ever, makes detection harder."
A Legal Change.
The law relating to arrest has been
changed in the Procedure Act- Here-
tofore, many criminals escaped while
warrants were losing made out for
their arrest; escapes in this mauuer
are not now likely to oeonr. Seo. 2,
of Chap 26 of the Procedure Act reads
as follows :--" Any person found
committing an offence puni shale
wither upon indictment, or upon sum-
mary conviction, may be immediately
apprehended by any constable or
peace officer without a warrant, or by
the owner of the properly on or with
respect to which the offence is being
committed, or any servant, or any
other person authorized by such !own-
er, and shall be forthwith taken be-
fore a justice of the peace, to be dealt
according to law."
• whoopingCough.
There aro, we understand, several
oases of whooping cough in town, and
we are pleaded to learn that the Board
of Heaths has taken prompt action to
confine us much as possible,; the: dig
ease to the houses in which ii origi-
nated or nest made its appearance,;.
by plaoarding the !lodges as a,witen=
was standing talose by, best was
1 injured.
We have received a oepy of the
alsdecino Diapatalr. Democrat. testees xo art
lids contains or, teeter ou the poll- p p y.
Cousiderable repairs are coir being
wade in connection with the public
' "Q'L?" , POClMICT5.
Ladies, stow as the evenings are becoming cool, ;you will •
need an EVENING SHAWL. We have a fine line, which
we offer you CHEAP. They are 'beantjes,
Our UNDERWEAR DEPARTMENT is full, and give4.
good satisfaction.
We have a lot of CLQTRING in all the latest and new-
est styles.
A. full line of .DAPS u11 •the latest and newest styles—
both in SOFT and DERBY. Before making your purchase
it will pay you to call and see ns,
In GENTS' FURNISHING 000DS our Stock is tom.-
1 situation of the country, written ctrrangemeute are being wide fur
Air, 3. Buckingham,.a graalnate •, holding a temperance meeting in the
f this ofEeo.The letter le lengthy hall an Tburuday evening. Oct. 16.
cd well written.
Mr. Barnett, formerly of St. hfarye,
tt succeeded Happy Bailey to the
reepousible potation of captain a t the
Salvation Army, and he and his sub-
ordinates still continue their ° warfare
spinet em. A couple of eohliere from
Lucian, ane a volored brother. lout a
helping hand in the battle on. Sunday
The Stephen d; Uaborne Agriout-
aural Society's fall fair will be held
at Exeter on Monday and Tuesday,
October 0 and 7, and if the weather
is fine there will beet largo crowd in
attendance. Business men should
embrace this expellent opportuntty of
adverttaing. Get your fair printing
done at the Truss office, where it wits
be skilfully executed at "fair" prices.
As harvest is over, farmers and
others should take advantage of a
cheap trip to the old country. Mr.
3. Speakman can furnish tickets, per
Allan Line, to England, Ireland or
Sootlaed and return to Exeter, for
Mess than $42. Parties not wishing
to return after the close of the St.
Lawrence may returnby way of Port-
land at the same rate.
Auction Sales in Drew's Block, Bee -
ter. -The balance of the Drew bank.
rupt stock and a lot of choice new
goods bought specialty for these sales,
will be rushed off at once, commenc-
ing on Saturday nest at 1 and 7 p.
m.; also on Monday, 29th , 1 and 7;
Tuesday, 30th, at 1 and 7; Wednes-
day, Oot. 1, at 1 and 7; Thursday at
1; Friday at 1 and 7, and Saturday
at 1 and 7 p. m. A good sewing ma-
ohiue will be offered at eaoh afternoon
Bale until all are disposed of. On
Wednesday afternoon a Targe coal
stove, original cost of which was $40,
a wood stove and a lot of pipes will
be sold. Don't mise this chance.
Round the "Country.
AcclDENT.On Mondsy last a cow
belonging to Mr. J. 1+'ink, of the 14th
ooneeseion of Stephen, was struck
dead by lightning.
Mrs. N. Pried and son • Johnnie
have just returned from a visit to
friends'' ie Elsie, Mich.
Dashwood is now for the first time
supplied with a dregs maker's shop.
The Misses Ruthing have opened up
next door to Wesloh & Wurtz's boot
and shoe store. Lames, give there a
Now girls, fix up your bangs and
mother Hubbards, for the boys intend
to take in the shows and excursions,;
and of course will expect you to go
Mr. D. Lobel, of Burns, Mich.,
formerly of this l,1Aoe„,. is visiting his
old friends here.
Mr " Johu Voeler, of the 12th con.,
haa.sol'd.` hire thoroughbred Durham
calf, about 7 months old,.fpr tido ps ug
sum of $100.. r.,Iteooll 1st prize at the.
The Other Story.
But when you come to see our BOOTS a SHOES you
will tlud they cannot be beaten for styles and prices. We
warrant them and lave up to the warrant.
i a full and varied. We sell Teas and Sugars as cheap as
any house, and with Iess BLOWING.
Oar Canoed Goods are the best we can buy ; we do not-
otdeal in the seconds.
We have just .received another lot of 50 boxes A.-1 fruit;
which we offer you at $1.25 per box 1.26 lbs.] Call early r
they are going fast.
We wait your Butter and Eggs and anything else you,
have to sell. Oall and secs us
Highest cash price paid for Eggs. I. CARLING-
two elopement cases on Friday at slid
Zurich. i night. We regret to say that enols L ,'R13zNE
BRtltee,-Tho firet day of the show
as well as the weather, was fine,--
&iaoy friends wore vieiting Zurich. --
The Merchants had a ,rata day last
Friday. -The Scott Aot is not yet in
forte. -During show day the towns-
people did not fail to make, as uoual,
et granddisplay of bunting and ever-
greens. -Prot. Stoner, Gay, Outgo,
together with Bunch and judy's horn
of plenty, filled their appearance, -
Sorry that the engagement of e, brass
bend was omitted for the ooaaeion of
the fair.
That ahaw was replete in all its apart-
umnts, and not was wanting to make
eaoh entry toll. To the right on the
l grounds we find i3r, Fred. Hess wit u
a number of handsome carriages. He
elbows no one elegantly painted lop
buggy (single); au open pluton of
modern construction, and a double
top extension carriage, built after the
American pian. It was built for H.
Happel of this place. From this de-
partment we pass on to the agricul-
tural ground, where the display of
Implement was grand: Next is the
stook. Iu this there might have been
a greater show ; but what was on the
ground reflects muoh oredii,upon the
owners, as well as the breeders. The
whole of the remainder of the out
door exhibits are also worth of men-
tion, but time will not permit your
correspondent to further particularise
Upon entering the Crystal Palace -to
the (root -we see the stove departm't,
in which Mr. R. Buswell has a good
display. Mr. B. is 10 be oongratu
leted upon his success in the menu-
tacture of stove furniture. In the
grain department we feel assured
that the farmers who exhibited are
not ignorant in the selection of the
various kind of grains. There are
lnauy articles worthy of mention here
bat they are too numerous. The
painting department by H. Randall,
will, we thing, bare comparison. He
exhibited his sign, the design of which
upon one side represents a landscape
in the distant Nerth-west, a rising
village:ou the lake side of Wolobong,
the dook, the lake, two steamers, it O.
P. R. train landed with N. P. paints
and oils for himcelf. The other aide
is the rising sun, the lion and orown,
the unicorn and commerce. The body
of this scene ` represents the artislio
studio.- He also exhibited a rustle
window shade, for which he received
two special prizes. The perambul-
ators took in the light fantastic toe at
each of the hotels,' enjoying themsel-
ves; after their owe way. Much credit
is due the chief ol-police, Mr. E. Bos-
seuberry and his assistants,' for the
manner in which they discharged
their duties ; ,and to say more, the
good citizeos of Zurich have pleasure
in saying that better order was never
observed on any former occasion. It
ie currei lly.reported that theme were
Peepeconduct is too eommou here of late. OI f
tel apart when the Gap!. is row.
The President, Seorotary and Direo.
tors of Ode show are to be eongratu-
!tiled upon their manegemsut of af
fairs in general. -goer,
Western, at Landon, from September:a to 27.
Carey), at Brussels, October 2 and 3.
Uullott, at Clinton Octoaer 1 an a s.
Stephen and Urborne, at E oter, Octobers S 7.
South Huron, at Soafortb, October 0 and 10.
South Perth, at St. 'Marys, October 7 and 8.
North Perth, at Stratford,Octobcr2 and 3.
Fullerton. at Fullerton Corners, October 9.
Northern Fair, at Ansa Craig, Sep. 20, 80, .and
Blanchard. at Saikton, October0 and 10,
Southern ComittesFair, at St. Thomas, Sapt.
30 to Oot, 3,
Wznxr.anAx, OCT. 1St,-Faznt Stook, Im-
plements, &e„ the property of Andrew Bell,
lot 19, North Boundary Stephen, Sale at 1
o'clock. Jae, Oke, auctioneer.
FnIDAY,.oar, 8.—Farm stock and imple-
ments, the property of Conrad Kuhn, lot 18,
con. 6, Stephen. Salo at 1 o'clock. Henry
Eilber, auctioneer.
SsLLens-HenllEss.-At• the residence of
the bride's father, on the 15th inst., Mr.
Geo. Sepals, to Miss Maggie Rarkess,•alt
of McGillivray.
McQoroo-O'NEIL,-On the eth inst.., by
Rev. P. Corcoran, Mr. John McQuigg, of
Detroit, to Miss Katie O'Neil, eldest
daughter of Mr. John O'Neil, of McGilli-
To -day is ours, why should we Dare ?
To -day is ours, why should we fear ?
To -day is ours, why should we sorrow ?
For the gods belong tomorrow.
Therefore for to -day, ebew GoldCoin Tob-
acco is the best.
Tam St.Marys Carriage Manufacturing Com-
pany, anEnterpris °managed by capitalists of
that town, is meeting• with great success, hav-
ing already sold over twenty-three thousand
shares. The surplus stock of the Company
amounting to 5108,000 will be •divided on Oct,
22nd, Shares are 52 cath, and all those de-
siring to participate in this Grand Difiision,
should buys share at once. Address •'$.;,,,„
L. WEITE, Sec'y, St.Marys.
By addreseing GEO. P. BOWELL & CO., 10
Spruce St., New York, can learn the exact coat'
of any proposed line of ADVERTISING in
American lrewspapers. as. -loo page Pamph-.
let, lOc.
Exeter Butcher Shop
Butcher & General Dealer
^•--•IN OLL . KINDS Or—
Customers supplied TUESDAYS, THURS-
DAYS ARD SATUBDAYS at their residence.
Mill men will save money, and save their
ttaebtnory by using Larding.
liar been victorious at all tho loading exbiba
Mons and industrial fairs siueo 187N'. carryiugoff
arntprizes and medals in every instance. It
hoe now no equal as a lubricator, and will out-
wear lard, seal or castor oil, and warm atoll not
to clog or gum the finestntacbtnery You will
nave -money by using this Oil. Try it nud you
will testify in its favor. Beware of imitations
--1rANoE, CTunZD ONIX n:-
1M[Ccoll Bros. a Co., Toronto..
'—Hoa BALE nT•—
BISSEr.[„T BIIOS., Exeter ;
J. EILBEI; t SON, Crediton ;
Mo.UONELL es W&UGH, Hensall'
JiDoupe & Co
If you whit the bestvslu. for
. Doupe 8 Co's.
Southern Counties'' Fair association,
Will beheld at the city of
ON—Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday & Friday,
Srpt. ,30th, Oct. 1st, 2nd, tf 3rd, '84
A Very. Liberal Prigg List.
Special A.ttractions :
Running Rase ;, Prizes for Lady Drivers with.
'Double Team ;''Farmers' Premium Race and
Trial of Speed for Gentlemens' Road Horse.; 0'
also Race for Pacers. and Trotters. All for' -
`Send for a Prize List and Programme.
The :Oddfellaws.'• Band. in , Attendance,_:
Presideni., , • Secretary...