The Exeter Times, 1884-9-25, Page 7The advance of civilization lass dons
Our Comm9n ],/edgers;111
much to piolong the average duration
of human life, Better food, better
houses, a greater regard for the laws of
health and, greater security against vio-
tenco of any sort have made life more
comfortable and reduced the danger'of
an early death, But there is such a
thing as going too far. Many new in-
ventions anti improvements are poli.
tivoly dangerous to human life. Our
streets have become unsafe for feet pas-
sengers and vehicles. The air above
them is filled with a network of wires,
carrying electric currents of deadly pow-
er. If they should break and fall in the
street, as might easily happen at a fire,
by a load of ice or other causes, it might
be instant death for a man to touch
them. If a stream from a fire engine
should play against two broken ends of
the wire the electricity would follow the
stream of water and kill the . firemen.
Again, the wires are so numcrogs in
many localities that it would be almost
impossible to raise ladders for the res-
cue of people cut ofr by the #tames.
This is the dangeraverhoad. There are
other dangers underfoot, A few feet
underground are pipes charged along
their whole length with steam at a
pressure which only a boiler is fitted to'.
withstand. The resttl> " d 1.4t. tiles%
pipes burst and sirteate havoc .an ir-
ruption of the street. This has already
happened several tinges. .Again, the
gas pipes leak, so that the ground Tee-
tames saturated with gas. This col -
Wets in the maulloles of the steam com-
panies and explodes with terrific vio-
lence when a 13lnrk reaches it, This
axon dangers are the dilileulty of cross-
ing streets through a jam of vehicles,
the slipperyness of coal bole covers and
the explosion of boiler under sidewalk.%
We are getting civilized out of existence.
happened P twice ast week. T[t;ire
l theca as an Qporater,
"Edison owed to work the other end of
circuit 'with mo," says a telegraph
pperetor interviewed In the Vicksburg.
11001, "'nn(1 f: kir+lv, hint when he was
in Memphie aches thirteen or fourteen
years ago. He always .looKett ratty and
never spent his Money on clothes, but
the reason was that be was always tink-
ering with some Hely contrivance or
other, and spent his money in pitying
for material to work out his invention.
He used to take press in :Memphis. He
was ee feet as they make 'ells. anti his
soh,' ucvtsr g lye. a ft 1, L'llpa editor a bit
of trouble. lir: had t way while wait-
ing for copy of drawing i:ar'icauures, il-
luslreting the ehameter of news he %vas
getting, and pull Ing then) along in the
3tatt('e:tit the ('t)pl' tit. stilt into tae Drees. l
sills lame tete of the peeves up there. I
forgot wild t, reds hot tl(.I it opened on
]lull anti 3a.1 a :`„till 1 deal to df with hk
bedsit tire,1 by use mune,ler, Edison
didn't watt the :fries ed tor TO print Ilia
Nally '(t;e(11L'(5 In h1, ti' '..setphie news,
Iv own drew teem for .ria wn amuse-
' thein. t \\gilt.:1 110 N t'ft 1',r 1 i+tt)n With
his sallow 1141441 n l;t', oil in the mid -
die of winter. the meneger of theotliee,
lintliu:,r he wit: an tailgut.. hired hint to
keen the repeaters in order, Edison
e.erkt',l a inert of two days, and Hien
was t':thief 1.1y the nittul'^t'rOf fisc 011100
ell in lisleeon tee sant.#11fIIIS Own.
+r 'l'a 1";;111 1 irlred }.nit 10 l: t'p taoSe re-
lrt Bier, in order,' said the manager.
'Yen did,' said Edison, "but I've put n
l.I0k oe two into them th tt will Leake
r ut.til keels them ell Lesin order.' From..
teat liar 1,i, 1..0111100 WAS made."
Tires' and Fina' Places.
Every house should 'have in the prin-
cipal, or living room, at least, a fire-
place, if only for use in summer, or in
the warm months. There is rarely a
month in which there is nota long,.and
cold storm, or if itis not cold, .there is
an all-pervading dampness, which re-
quires a fire to remove it. In the North-
ern States, the present month and the
next are among: themost, enjoyable,: as
to weather, of all the twelve. Yet cold
storms of several days duration are fre-
(•iitont, and if there are not such storms,
warm, genial days are followed by chilly
nights, -bringing a change so great, that
only the most robust can endure it; and
the foundation of serious illness is often
laid at this time. At this season a fire,
especially at night, is often needed for
both comfort and health, and no house
should be without a provision for it.
While a fee in'ri` stove is vastly better
than none at all, by all means, Where
possible, have it in an open fireplace.
Aside from its social effect, the air of
cheerfulness which a fire on the hearth
brings with it, such a fire also beings
ventilation, a change of air, a removal
of dampness and stanatiou, such as a
close stove does not afford. In' our
climate we rarely have a month, even
in summer, in which, a fire is not at
times needed. Were the provisions for'
making it more general, we should hear
much -less of em al >,ria. t' Mal -aria
means bad air; good air conics with an
open fire, as well as brightness and
cheerfulness.—.A.eierteals Art rioaclturist
for September. .
A chemist of Vienna has invented a
glass which contains. no silex, potash,
soda, lime or borax. In appearance it
is common crystal, but more brilliant,
it is transparent;.` wbite.ancl clear,' and
can be cut and polished. It is inselulele
in water, and is not attacked by fluoric
acid, but it can be corroded byhydro-
chloric and nitrie'acid When in'aa state
of fusion it adheres to iron, bronze and
A fact that should be borne in mind
by those engaged in horse training is,
that thehorse has e very ;acute faculty
for understanding and interpreting the
tone of, the voice- If you' talk ,confi-
dently, the antnikl acquires conittleneee.
if your voice shows fear, he notices it-.
and is afraid.. Tall;; kindly to ; your
horse and be' sure that he understands
the meaning of the tons if not of the
rtxpris advsrtissd as obsoletely para
}r"laeon ran top do}xa oli a bot stale Q instil heated, thea
rsraeve the cot or and ,�neil A eh rntet wW not bo ry-
�, glared to detect the presenco of ammonia.
Inn million homes fora gtterter or a rectory tt fiat '
stood the eoceurnern" reliable zest,
PRICE Ba,7`11, 1ttiii' P OWDAg CO,r
*tunes- or
DF. Price S ileciai FiaYorlaa Extracts,
Prime's Lupialini Yeast Gams
or Light, Igaalthy Dread, The nett Dry nog
TAA0la the World,
CHiCACO. OT. 4011111..
interesting Itezus.
The tenacity with which people abide by i
their early, faith in Ayer'e Sarsaparilla can
only be explained by the feet "that itis tliebest
blood uaedieiue ever used, and is not approach•
ed in exeellenee by any new Candidate for plzb-
lis favor -
The Best Sa Sera tl�1C�ti� rid So r Outs, Bruise
es, Sores. Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores,
Tetter, Chapped bands, Chilblains,Corns, attcl
all Skin Eruptioue, and positive'•y curse Pike,
or no nay regttirgd, It is, guar ueteed to give
perfect satsfaekiou, ar looney refunded„
gistsPrice 25 emits per boa;, For sale by all drug
$ 140 Reward.
tom' We will pay the above reward for any
ease of Livercomplaint, Dyspepsia,Sieh head.
Wee, Indigestion, Uonstipetion ax Costiveness
we cannot eurewith West's 3i'egeteble Liver
pine, wben the directions are stricklycomplied
with. '1"Itey are purely Vegetable, and never.
fail togive satisfaetiou. Sugar coated. Large
boxes, containing 30 Pills, 25 emits. Icor sale
by all Druggists. Beware of counterfeits and
Imitations. The Genuine manufactured only
by JoaN 0.'S1i`F,sT & CO„ ',The Pill mak-
Ors," 81 at 83 King street Had Toronto, Ont,
Free trial package sent by mail, prepaired on
receipt of a three cent stamp,
Airs, A O'Brien, S72 Exclesinge Street, Rut -fain, was suposei ie be dying with aousuulp"
tine and abandoned by her physteiau, She
suffered torribiy and was reduced iu flesh to
ninety pounds. In this condition she resorted I
to Burdock Mood. Bittern, and ggtrw enjoys per,
feet heaps) and weighs one hundred and forty.
six. She 1Ldl1 gladly answer enquiring suffer-
ers on receipt; of U', 8. I'uetage stamp.
Gunner .N'fvay atteplptat
ea osai►pe from
battery at Kieeetoe on Saturday, but was
defeated in the attempt, He was toned in
plain clothes, arrested and court-martlalcd,
Fluid Lightning is the only cure for Tooth-
ache, Headache, Earache and Eenraligie, It
does not take a day or boor to cure it, but in
less than a minnte all pain is gone. Times -
ands have tested its merits within. the last
year, Fluid Lightning is also a positive cure
for Bleutnalietn, T'he worst possible casts
have been permanently cared in one week.
Price 25 eeuta at J. W. Ilrowning'a Drug
Store. 3
A.. Toronto lady, hire. Berkeesbaw, con
traeted a disea€e of the truce joint and was
advised to submit to a surgical operation by
the best physiolan attending; all other treat-'
menta having failed, schen Hagyerd's XeUnw
Oil was tried and epecdily efiteted a care. It
is the unfailiug remedy for accidents and eta-
erecueies.aud is for internal and exterual use,
-:� THIIiTI' f3AXS' TetIAT'a.
The best dry hop yeast in the-worid Bread
raised by this yeast is light, white and whole-
some sills cur grandmother`s deltolaus bread.
Price Raking Powder CO.,
trial for
'fust VOLTAIC BELT Co., Marshall, „If
I�, � `'�']' /� ''(� 'T'�^ Q tet' � �7-� '�'j''[' i^�,
a SMT 'Y .A.T 1,,.J +.A BL ..i O E Y ERY- l A < >! J»
The Great Frena Lotion tar Beau ' " ;
the Face,
cation .fete the moststabbarni zed;and.
rough hands beautifully soft and white. Be.
member that" 184Yri w" iir nota paint or
powder that Ale lip the pores of the stip, and.
that is injurious to the skin hut new and
great discovery, a veget-rble liquidt, thatcauses
the cheek to Flow with health, the neck, argils
And hands to rival thel,ily in whiteness, xu.
nossibla o detect IA the .beauty it confers guy
arttecinl character. It cure* Greasy Shia,
'reckles, Wrinkles. Pisuples, xllaek Heade,
Crow's Feet, Blotches, k'aee Grebe. Sun Burn
Tau. ii►ntworm chapped x.1,434.800)erChap
p54Lips, nal,ber'5 Itch,. Tatter. dq, It tt,oeg
the pores, oil glands, and tabors trona the !war-,
i44se#egta of powdsraend, aoaroatio wadies.
vented ;;s 11 )w' ' 6Os the akin, and wsilare npre.
soft, emoott t*L Ate: impartipg a delici441a
sottnesg;.p alitl b e althy.natur,
al. and yoi}tR gtp a pee ly rbe best face
lotion that *1. 1 ever produced, We will
send .a a4gaca k4x "'to 407 address on re,
ceiptofprite,0t kYlae#orderingmeatgoutbi
Address all lettere to the
71 MAYA n street, Toronto, Out.
racier and Reception Boom for Ladies.
a'>'S are,
Fo s,
an'I'rs 01 tr. Vice's Mud ria,VOrin 'Ellractswind lln.Drs'a OZ1VIDnA.T#D l,zisarao.Volxilo Barbwireand C�t( p e� strip 1� ' ri 7� 1
tiicaao. Ill. 8t. *ansa. Mo. . d 13 V eel i7 ,tri fenoin s.
Tit AND 'Llyr4cxnta Arrr.Iat:cltn on
keter (loops'. 'Liberal Distribntions.
.During; the winters of 1871-5, 1875-0.
Dud 1870.-7 the sufteriug of the poor in
New York from privation, cold, end
went of employnlcnt were unpreceden-
ted ill the history of the 'deetropolis.
Every da, during these lung winters,
from 3 - inthe
f m o clock afternoon until
g n ngl
6:80, Mr. Peter Cooper sat 111 his office
or library c11 Lexington avenue, :lents no
one, however shabby- in dress, was re.
fused admission. On the table before
him were piledhuudreds of newly coined
half -dollars and piles of one -dollar
greenbacks, and these piles were repien-
rsh d every hour e c a.g} 1 i ga 1 1} the servants in at-
tendanec His rule was to give every
applicant half adollar in any event, and
if the case seemed to be a specially ur-
gent one, the douceur Was doubled,
with a request either to write a history
of the case, have it eanthenticated by
some clergyman other authority, and
send it in for further consideration. As
early as :b:30 o'clock in the afternoon
crowds of poverty-stricken people—men
and women or every nationality and
position in life ---might be seen gathered
in front of the Lexington avenue resi-
denee,. and the amount expended often
amounted to $200 in a single day, ir-
respective of the special cases that were
more carefully inquired into, and in
which special aid was given. �llost of
the applicants were strangers, and many,
of course, were downright frauds. But
the old man proceeded upon the prin-
ciple that it is better to be deoeiveit by
many than todeny one deserving suffer-
er. He could afford, he used to say, to
give half; a dollar to anybody who asked
for it, irrespective of the merits of the
applicant, and time did not permit him
to inquire too minutely into the circum-
stances. His heaviest week during any
season; aggregated 81,500; it was con-
siderable money to .spend on mendi-
cants; but, as the old man said, the
ministers would take care of those who
belonged to ,their_, denominations, and
some one must take care of those who
were neither Episcopalians norMetho-
dfsts, Presbyterians nor Catholics. 1
was those who had no religious affilia-
tions who, were niost liable to suffer
without any resources or. remedy; and
it was ,for this class that he kept up his
'distribution of half dollars.—New York
Vig ler Women.
A wm
igaker'ta'lked me into a secret
thirty days to men (young or ohs) who are at -
aided with nervous debility, lost vitality
and kindred troubles, guaranteeing
apeede and complete restoration of stealth and
manly vigor. Address as above, N,11.—No aO a U `
�LasE week a lady arrived at Kingston from cn A Arisk, is Weaned, as thirty days" trial iselloweda �
TMlontreal, by the Grand Trunk. In the res.
tauraut at the depot She left a valise which
coutaiued batmen 33,000 and. $1,000, The
lady telegraphed ih
1 od frog
e. u .Pq o t 1 "t
1 r u e for i ,and
rejoiced on beiug notified that it was safe.
It was forwarded to her.
l,feGregor Le Parktes Carbolic Cerate will
cure any case of Pimples on the face or 'lomat
Skin on either hands or Ince and leave them
soft as silk. It will also steal any sore slilol
all other preparations fail. Thousands has
tested it. Ask your druggist for McGregor le:
Parke's Carbolic Cerate, and do not be per-
suaded to take anything else claimed to he tae
good. It is but 25 dents per box at J. W
13rowning'a Drug Store. 8
ANSWER Title QDEtTgoN.--Wily do so many
people we see around us,aeem to prefer to suf
ter and be made miserable by indigestion , con
stipatiou, dizziness, loss of appetite, comin
up of the Poop, yellow skin, when for 75 cents
we will sell them Shiloh's Vitalizer, guarante
ed to cure them, Sold by J. W. Browning
Exeter. E 0 W,.
The recent strange planetary movements
and electrical phenomena have developed the.
fret that the earth is passing through a dang-
erous period when atmospheric influence will
seriously effedt human health. Fortify .he
weakenedsystem with that grand tonic regu-
lator, Burdock Blood Bitters, and avoid ma-
larial blood poisons.
Luny Johnston, a member of the Salve
tion Army, at Albauy, when entering the
hall where the meetings are held, was struck
on the head with a "billy" or slungshot,
and, it is thought, fatally injured. Iter
assailant is unknown:
In the province of Ontario every year thous-
ands are being slowly murdered by taking un-
suitable untried nostrums for such complaints
as Costiveness, Indigestion, Liver Complaint,
Kidney Troubles, etc., who might easily regain
lost strength and energy by using laloGregor's
Speedy Cure. To convince -them that such is
the case we will give them a free trial bottle
at J. W. Browning's Drug store. Price 50c.
and el. See testimonials from persons in
your own town .g
There are oils white and oils black,
Put up in bottles short unci tall,
But Hag aril's Yellow Oil, for pain,
Is the very best oil of all.
It cures Rheumatism, neuralgia, deafness,
ptaibs,'bruises, contrscted cords, sore throlit,
rest':bites, burns and all soreness of the flush
It is for external and internal use. "
.- 0 AR'D:
To all who are aufferiugfron the ervor•stucl
ncliscretionedfyouth,nervousweakness , early
decay,lossof manhood, dsc:;I wi11'send• areceip
hat will cure you,F1'.L1 OP OHAI.tGE This
reat remedy was:dtscovered'by a missionary in
onth America Send aself-addressed envelor
pthereel TosEpiTINN'AN Sfa*1o...D,NaxbYor
the other day, It was becoming fash-
i.onabld, he said for "women;to wottr
wigs, Wigs are not Worn to. coker up i
balduess,oi' because tlieih.air 'thin, brit •
to save trouble and as a precaution
against accident. A. woman who has g
straight, hair, is, just noLl out of f'asbiou
as far as her head noes. • uSlib must
crimp her hair and paste it into little
waves and puffs around',her fotehea.'
and down the sides of her head `' This t
requires great care,' :inti t1(egptes htgr in
densome after: time: 1 e&idt{s;buil' thiol 1
is not inclined to curl at all is apt to
defycrimping pins 'and pomade ;and'
straighten oat et ane inoppeetunecmce
ment. The evi;gmalter, therefore
, iSae
come , to a the rescue of women so union
ttul`ate as to have'rebellious li ear., 11c
makes wigs ,that may be worn, on the li
front of the head, between the line of the
Take some gentle opening medicine, ` bathe
he feet in warm water, . adding a spoonful of
ustatid ; remain indoors equalize the cireu-
atib4t`''' with' warm bath , and friction ; drink
warm 'ginger `tea, and take Hagyard's Pectoral
Balsam, the most' perfect and the safest cough
clue that can be prootived, '
The remarkable case of W. A. Edgers, of
Frackville, wdo suffered from disease pf the
yer and kidneys so badly, that all hope of re -
every was abandoned."' He retrained ten and
hi;teen dare -without action of the bowels.
our bottles of BurdockBlood Bitters restored
im to perfect health, which he had not known
for twenty years before.
forehead and. the crown. The false,hair t
is crimped and never straightens Out. : h
Purify the Bleed, correct ail Disorders of the
They tevigorate and restore to health Debilitated Constitutions, and sere invaluable in all
Complaints incidental to Females of ail ages. For children tine the seed they are priceless
Is an infallible remedy for Bad Legs, Bad Breasts. Old Wounds, Sores and Ulcers. It is
famous for Gout and Rheumatism.
For Sore Throats, Bronchitis, Coughs, Colds, Glandular Swellings. and all shin disease
it has no rival ; and for contracted and stiff joints 1t acts like a charm.
The Pills and Ointment are sold at Themes's Establishment,
also by nearly every respectable Vendor of 1tiledicfne, in'Boxes and Pots, anis. 1}d., 2s. 9d.,
4s. 6d., lis., 22s., and 33s. each. The 2s. 9d: size coutaius three times the quantity of the
is led, size ; the 4s. 6d. size six ; the 11s, size sixteen; the 22s size thirty-three ; and the
33s size fifty-two times the quantity of the smallest Boxes and Pots.
Fell printed directions are affixed to each Box and Pot, and can be hail in any language
t Purchasers should look to the Label on the. Pots and Boxes. If the address isnot
533 Oxford Sheet, London, they aro spurious.
a jii, �l�, minim`,