The Exeter Times, 1884-9-25, Page 6Wbep, symptoms of *nebula appear in any " Gie*pIing Gula from, take Ayer's Ague Ceres to ,prevent the 6.094 xiuega]r can be made of honey lis . tiii to b eXaingi>*eli an ezx .tn lzealtork Gray*. hpiaxestoreti, t of as it surely awill be bosihtinuey tile' ca lint 1. acoom ishntaeut. Perhaps a Siam ISM over 41,005 miles of file 1 ! p: tis. We nee of this remedy. A cure is warranted xul tlrstitt hes been laid in Iltinvi;. i do not Innow. every iustaxxce. 6 What is a giggle? Scientists—that is Holloway's Ointment an4Pitts.--•ltbscesses. An effort is beim glee° to establish 1 to say, anatOIUists. professors of fatci- Erysipelas. Piles,--linvarving sneeers always, as State texperiment station In ssue"l- a otos y. psychology. phrenology, physi- attend.' all who treat these diseases "'circling gap, ol<),ry, tail some of the other olalgttls - to the simple printed diregtione Wrapped round, I',lris ant ,eon aci ,ertiste thztt lie Izlie;ltt explain the cause of from their .each pot and lana. Riley are inealeable to the wit! su Ii• » le nidi eel! t'he tiileples F l i , Jt from . _ unug and timid' whtlso" are some., pp , ! • p several tots u e ,.ix ply practical points they umy desire ata napoleon °piece. i of vier+. Th .y. naught e "elaiii wh;• ti. cal eudanseof]t i 7 hough apparently lo- i One of the Jeannette survivors is a hen produces :eggs and why butter is an cal, diseases of this the tt aro essentially j Wheeling. (l Via.) >? named, IFattter extract of eqw, But the Ise giggle is a �lrseveraiice,nz d triS ;se hut ag g tleezt@ata YiilQe ably IS,beck ,who denies his identity. !very difibrent thing. The giggle is a thethmost diffident to conduct guy ease to a A fareisr in Clink county, Ind,, cress between as sore heart enol an ac- happy Issue without exposing secret infirmities, works a farm of 1,:,0+? acres, which he rive and bounding appreciauion of fun. l to auy one. The ointment checks the Meal owes. without being able either to read Your giggler is never demonstrative. inflammation and alleviates the throbbing i air write. i He can not he dt'manstrntlre-mit is not pains. These dirsetione WO eleaily, point out 1 pis the sly ,joker, wbeu and how Uolloway's Pilin are to be taken, �, lady in Newport. art. R. I,. now ati:er in has Ii:tttirc. Ile four -snore tears of age., has lived all though he thoroughly enjovs the roar- that their pnrlfying and rep listing powers her life in the house in. wllielt she, was Ing cartoon. He Is a onseraativee He may assist, by adjusting and strengthening the born. expresses himself in few words Mizen, tconstitution Murderers in Franes, if hey have , at ones intervals, he finds it necessary motley. y. a: a o•np..11 e 1. under the taw, to do that daring thing. to pay a large stair to the family of their He is the man who in every proces vuttms. . slop brings up the rear, and who never Talo Jew in Great B train are said to has a friend to walk with hiul, He is have more eitilt1 -'n who can read and the odd man at the dinner which re- write. in proportion to their number, qguires partners. He never dances. He than any othee denomination. ' doesn't swear because that would at - d t' ;,, x ,i,':s,.vI;,egi�lautlre has made tract attention. .He is white-faced and Long Branch a city of the fourth class, passionless, though, of course, he gates. het it will continue to be a ,eeond-elass war to 11°.ei%ee when he is alone by watrrin, plate, as heretofore, 1 tearing his hair. F 111 ! A, Faun+xlraaia m:aniifactalritle* cam, iu ea ! ,a o n tted tea tnaution the ally lift: hou'x it all ate lit nuc licenses. somewhat important fact that no lean pally severer tulles of flit* establish- ^'�ggl�''; Your ;igtder Is, after all, a uncut, and. thinks it Isar, solved the tem;tri, >ot often a woman, for your wo- leratteee problem for its employes. Jnlnn laughs and doesn't carts who hears it. She has lived long enough to know A. faro bank in Arizona, has a trap , that she had better have her entire fun, flour In the door through which the or let the fan entirely alone, n is only players; can let their watches down into the girl who giggles. It is merely that a pawn shop underneath, without lefty- bona which hw8 not matured, that , their ;ka tS , thought which soars only to the bonnet, In Henry county, Irollaaa, the "Black that bent .which has not become eon- Swentp." widish eovcred un acre about scions of the fact that it is beyond criti- tart+ miles square, has been drained, and cisni, that doubt, winch is nursed only it 15 worth.ill pernere. It wagformerly by the girl who has not had several en - worthless. gagements, nod accordingly is not eon - A LaCrosse county, Wis.. farmer who vineed that her reputation as a charm - had a lepte d a heti from a charitable in- Ing rson is established. 5titutivn slit the lai'tl tongue with a 1 tad, accordingly. that the gig. pair of selssorc heeallse he eeau ht him gle is unbaked dough, undeveloped art. 111 8 Ile. uncooked Peal, Incipient laughter. It 1't i Ile st> lin ,* an the river r at Shippen- belongs never to man or woman; but port Ky.. n liabeertnan brought up a merely to girls. It is pulseless. but not rubber evereoat etlntaiuing zi pocket- soulless. The fun whieh inepit ees It has ' outlets 0(diseave :rens tate aysteua are rise book, in whielz were it Pt greenback been driven back by timidity as with Lo.tclaautl tlxt: kitt,ty . dohnetou a Bassos• and t a $241 gold piece. a sledge -hammer, but it is there, It rnlitt a tit+ most xafe, plesasaut and 110 bo nal Thole :are 1.104 foundlings at a single has no sinew, but it promises. like purifier of viueei+tera'or s*. Try One bottle. ' " the tenderness of the willow, to � amd lie . ,T, W. Browning, For prop nt the Golden lnsta-altinn in New York c'lty, and the � young matter, J: W. i3rowning, prop. jy 26, Gm- eolle' 'Uen has Bleep math* xvithin two develop, for it is full of sap. It is'the 1 years. Most of them were left upon the brief sous of a. bird in the night. It delortt.'p of wealthy residents. sometimes discourages the one who There are tw enta•-t11rt'te ttelvpluout� ex- wouttl win laughter, but presently it chati,eK with 1,fd.Ny teelephusue8 in Mee- will Tread itswing, and shake Its sides, ice. In the tlty of �leeydee there are 00 knowing what it laughs for, and staving subserihers and $2,111),(Kat :are invested little thought of what the world thinks in telephone stocks in Mtesleo, Thi. pastel castle :are made at holy- oke, 'Mose., by forty glen. who turn out about 11 million daily. They have di - GLEANINGS. REST AND OQ1U!ORTTO THES17rrERlledo '4 Brown's Household Panacea" bas no equu.l farrelievingpain.botb interostand external It curespaiu in theSide,baek orbowsls,sorethroe t Rheumatism, Toothache.Lumba go and any kind .S efwpsinarache. It will most surely quicken the blood and heal. as its acting power is wonder. fol. "'Brown's llousebold Panacea' beingaek- uowledgedas the great Palo li@ll@ver.aud of cion bletbestrengtbofany other Elixir orLinimeut intize world,shouldbe in: every family handy for usewbenwaptedl'aa treallyzsthebeStremedy in the world for Cramps in tli,, Stomach, and Pain%anti Aches of all kinds,"" and is for sate ey all lrttggiat s at4�'S 6onto R� ixottle $1000 Forfeit. Having the utmost confidence in It superi- ority oyer all others, and after thousands of. testa; of the most complicated • and severest cases we could find, we feel justieed in offeriug to forfeit One Tbouaand Balboa for any case of coughs, cattle. sore throat, influenza, Imam - toss; bronellitis, consumption in its early stages, whooping slough, •and all diseases of the throat and lungs. except tsthma,for which we only claim relief, that we can't euro with West's Cough Syxxo, when taken aceordiug to directions. Sample bottles 25 and 50 cents; large bottles one dotier. Genuine wrappers i only in bine. Sold by all druggists, or sent by mail on receipt of price. JOHN tJ. WEST sts CO„ $1 .e 83 King St. East,'.t'erouto,Ont, I tet Tradede Mark. OOt.DEN CREAM, .A OP.ED� D'ORi Tb a besvpreparetien gown to scien eeforbeautifying the COMPLEXION ONE S;NGLE APPLICATION is warranted to Beautify the Pace and give to the Fadedor Sallow Coni. piexten a, l'erf'eetly healthy. Natural and Youthful Appearance. It Conceals 1.Vrini les. Freckles,Grown Peet, and the Evidence of Age, leaving the Skim Soft, Smooth. and White, Pli<1C8--;A cents. Sent to' any address. Footage stamp' taken. Address all letters to Drawer 2,678, Toronto P.O. tllr;,A�aB l+'" OR, whole- sale +s druggist 'for it, Wholesale by all whole - TIME S until lst Jan'y, 85, 30 ots1 B.Loot) Cures Dizziness, L, os l of Appc;tite, IizJiyt st,plt, Buiousness, -dyspepsia, ,Jaunclieee, Affections c f tlto _Liver and Kidneys, -• F ) r r � ' Boils, r Salt etc adtz • • .1J e l t tett/1' • Nli u alt 111 S4 u! dz a Rheum, Pimples, �'tll } Blotches, )/� er [ct C , Erysipelas, arta' all diseases aridity from Impure Blood, Perim:: 1' f,',niaela, or irregular er,'tiazi cf the Bowels, EciAL NOTICE! TO "ME PUBLIC. 500 G For Sale Chea.. for Cash 1 1T,_- - Iir dc; not des air. . D. (.. Tong litdr, d p West's Nerve and Brain Treatment win cure ilye,tcrla 1114 all ut'rvo is trophic i, 5aldat J. W. llrawn&ug's, Drse Store'. 5 aeliao e � t ow--The"rnzzrITTgr301(1d �1t111itevtx} 1><rsellshoeldl 1 . t of the pretty sight and sound. Mrs, Caudle in hili, the ile cl)tl.unl titin of writnlle Ii�'ia-wu troubled herself 10th Ivith P r> her husband's actions. They usually paper by from itl:.,01X},Ot10 to ',5,000,.- slept along the opposite side of my little tNa a yt+are room, Night atter night, hour after 111=••heeting fart treys look rather to stetting woodroots than a large top, A small well shaped tree, with food roots, will stem outstrip a larvae one with an insutiieient root, and will make a thrift- ier tree all the way along. Tie' 1.4w.! thinks 1f ehiltlreen would wear w.) )11.11 nt'\t the skin, and wear Ion ea clothing, su q)ending it from the should.•rs, we would hear more of bois- terous health, and les of back aches and pains. A member of the Western New York Foxiness ('lub sprayed Ills oreb)ard with a1 snip' iim of paras green, to exterminate the c':1's?.er-worn and reports the apple aphis. whiteia had formerly infested Itis trees, had wholly disappeared. The mnseunz at Bleatling, England, cont:a1T1 among it; curiosities a bridle formerly used t,1 stop tike mouths of scoldialer women in that town. There is a tradition that it was an effective in- strument. A letter has been reveiv ted by the sec- ret zry of Castle Garden from a man. in Cin '::esti asking him to look up a J wife for him ammo; the immigrants, as be 1 tt'laed. the courage to ask a woman to marry him. 'Wolman and The Homy. Mrs. Florence M. Adkinson, in The Indianapolis Sentinel, deals with the men who fear women are endangering the home in the following terse fashion: "There are a few facts which. if daily considered, would serve to allay the fears of those who imagine that the wo- man movement threatens the home. First, the home with all that the word implies, its rest, its beauty, its comfort, its shelter, its brooding spirit, all that renders it pleasant to body, brain and soul, has been chiefly evolved through the thought, affection and labor of wo- men. As a rule, men have shirked their share in the building of the home, especially in the finer part of the work, as they have shirked their moral re- sponsibilityin the developing and train- ing of the race. Second, the .strongest instinct in woman is the home instinct. She may elect of her own free choice to be childless, but not to be homeless. Men live in camps and elnbs, more or less content, but the fondest dream of every wandering woman—high or low, rich :Iv poor -74a of's*. „home all her own,' her castle; ,whhi h. if she chooses. she they bar and bolt against the world. These warnings from men to women regarding the preservation of the home are supremely ridiculous in face cif the facts that men are far more gregarious than women, and much legs disposed to rigidly preserve the privacy and ex- clusiveness of home." The proboscis of a bee must be insert- ed nserted into live hundred clover tubes before one grains of sugar can be obtained and there are 7000 Braine in a pound. The most remarkable thing about it is that the busy bee doesn't get discouraged and resort to the nefarious practice of adulterating. its sugar' with glucose.— hour, I have heard her, In the peeuliar sing -song tone of her race stud sex, lee- ttire thn silent governor, The dankness l would mow'deeper, the eml)et' 4 on the- hearth he+ •11081111 fade to agile,, but the theme lost neither interest nor yoke. It used olee- Iy to provoke mot and In my own WI- 1 gunge, hope1etzaly striving to sheep:I would sometimes cunt' hotly the pelt te.- teuey of the Zuni Caudle and the sillentxe of the matrimonial stole. "'Ilol the +� •l younger brother is, thoughtful; to -mor- • HowJ,OS'�- row win fix his bed better," it would. sty; and the governor, tilling the ex- (Lmtion with 'the most perfeet under- standing of the situation, would n'itu'it- lttte, "Humph:" but n0 more. L'ntli3 turbetl, the current wuulti then flow on until later, by considerable distance of the star;, the tone would die away. A' moment of dead silence, then a cough from the governor, followed by the bland inquiry-: • "Is that all?" "What more should I say, talkless?" the old woman would reply, in a most injured and ill-epntrolled tone. "Well, then" (with a yawn), "let's go to sleep, old girl (o ka-si-ki), for it s time, and the younger brother is rest- less." estless." With which he would turn over, cough again, and Iapse into silence, hopeless to the tongue -weary woman, as evinced by her long, -continued, half - smothered sobs.—Frank, 2L Cushing, in the May Century. THE ONLY VEGETABLE CURE FOR t.:43 of Appett;:t 14,, ,,e; ; t;cn, Sour Ston:;:st, liwal:°:JJ Cosfivone33t Sicklloadache and BJliousnoss. falces 2.. perbItale. Bid by all Druggists. A R.imarkable Admission. "Were you acquainted with the mur- dered man?" asked the prosecuting at- torney of a witness for the defense in a murder case. The willingness of the witness to say all that he could in be- half of the prisoner was very apparent, by the way. "I know'd him; he was de honestest, best"— 'Never mind about his honesty. You say von knew him." sah, an' Ise proud ter say I robber know'd sick a noble"— "Nobody asked you about that. Whitt was the condition of his health? Was' he not in robust health?" "No, salt! He was de feeblest niggah I eber seed." "He was killed by the accused, was be not?" "'I can't say so, sah. My idee am dat he was in sich bad health dat, eben of he hadn't been killed when he was, he wotild. hob seined' anyhow 'at least two dtty-s nreyiou's; sah."—'texas Siftifgs. .No Iowa etironicler, of the doings , of tornadoes has equaled the artist in Georgie who records that "a gentleman from. Dooley was in town last week, and in speaking of the story in that county said that the strangest 'thing that hap- pened there was that a kettle was over- turned and the bottom blown clear through itself, resulting in .no damage to it, but turning the legs on which it stood on the inside. New legs Will have to be put onit•" BOW Resttonn& Wo have roCeutivpltblishel1a nen sedition o 1111. O')LA'Elt8i tL':i CELEB1*ATE1) ESSAY on the radicalandpermanent ourn (without ine- dicluelof Nervous 11ob11tty,Mental cud physical ttcapaeity impediments to Marx loge, ote.,ro• suiting from excesses. Price,iu sealed envelope, only G cents, or two posttest. stamps. Thecelebrate dauthorcfthis admirablcossay olearlydemonstrates,froul thirty years' IUCCCPS tulpractice, that alarm iugconsequences may 12e radically cured without the dangerous use,of in au ode of cure at once simple cines or the use of the aiin Point - out et - fee t tectaal,by*meaus of which every sufferer,lnomat. ter what his condition may beemay curohimself ehaahly,privately and radically. r1'Tlzi loctureshouldbaItalie liandsoievery youthantlevery mania the land. Address THE CULVI~IRWELL MEDICAL Co' 41 ANN T.,NE W TOR Post OA]ce Box 450 REMOVAL 1• - REMOVAL ' THE GENERAL QUESTION Agitating the Public mind at present xs where can tney get the best Bread, but this matter can be settled to the entire satisfaction of the people of Exeter and surrounding country, by calling on JOHN MOLL, the old established and reliable bakery, where they will find just what they want. A Superior quality of Bread always on Hand Also a first-class stook of BIIBCQITs, BUNS, OAKES dr Commotion/my, which will be sold cheap. While opponents have started busi- mess, and sold out, andleftthe place, Mr. Bell has been found at his post, during the past eight years, ready to attend to the wants of the Public. C110OZRIE9. Owing to increasing business, Mr. Bell ha found it. necessary to remove to more come modious premises, and has added iaagely to his stook of Groceries, and will keep on;hand Sugars, Teas, Coffee, Syrup, and everything usually found in a first-class Grocery Store. A.1I kinds of - .Warn' Yrociuce tak- en in exchange for Goods, IimMEMBEn run STAND :-SOuthcott's B1oCk, Pour doors North Poet Office, IOMN BELL, 11orr, Herald. �' " i ,1 Old Sol.— "Here, Mother Earth, these Eclipses and Spots have about used me up. Regulate your movements hereafter by this, and don't depend on me." • Big Offer during Fair Time ELGIN, VV�lE"LTIal&M, HAMPDEN, . and ROCK1I'ORD WATCHES, KEY & STEM-WINDERS, ALL THE LATEST IMPROVEMEN TS AT GR EATLY REDUCED PRICES The above Watches are all Good and Reliable Time -keepers, and are warranted in every respect to be equal to any patch in the market. We specially invite intending purchasers to inspect our ,tock. by so doing they Can save money, as we guarantee our prices 10 per ;Dent. below the Grange. Very Large Assortment of Clocks to be sold at Close Prices. JE WE LILY -A full a1�d. complete stock of the choicest and latest designs. NECKLACES &. LOCKETS -A. very fine'assortment and at • all prices: A large stock of WEDDING RINGS always ells ..hand. and made' to order. Our Sil v tr-plated Ware and Spoons we are selling off at Wholesale Prices—going to make a clean sweep of it. SPECTACLES to suit all sights. It is very important that spectacle wearers should be properly suited. We fit all our spectacles by the Optometer which is the .only wway of being properly fitted to suit the bight. Se, cotyle along and secure the bargains, Coxae One, Come All. Will be happy to see you. Clocks, Watches, and JewelryCleaned ;and Repaired itt p the best, manner and at reasonable prices. nronietor THOS. PITTON Watehniaie' &;eweller 1'