The Exeter Times, 1884-9-25, Page 5ZURICH t'slMJL SHUN. 141f eying raised lamistebi 48&4 W. r 4 Oar *T'rZNDANCS,-• orraN»W EXaDtIT Ili LUST DEPART$INT.--.TaOYOVGB S.ATISPAQTtQN OIYR/JU t SY THE AGtte.. UST Or n'RIZE wnueens. , Penhale 1st , ma 24; `iX rliQR The annual fall show of the Hay Brauelt Agrioultursl Sooiety Rae held in the village of Zurich ou Thursday and Friday beat, And, was in every re. speck a sucoeeeful fair, Oa Tbureday the articles in the hell were judged by the very efficient judges, who all say the exhibit was far superior to that of any previous year. The north side and west end of the hall were well filled with ladies' work, the equal of which is seldom seen at any rural fish , and mush discnesim, arose be Iween the judgoe in awarding the prise' ; whsle at the south side and east end were placed the dairy pro- puee and. 4onteette manufacture', of which there was a tolerably good die. play, especially in the, dairy produce The large exhibit of butter wee of excellent .quality. The centre stand contained the horticulturai products,1 vefreteblea, &o., of which there was also a good assortment, Never was there such a displ.ty of apples at any fair held under the auspices of thie eociety before. Before cenclndeng our comments on the exhibits in the hall, we might add that tete sett of eingle harness, exhibited and manufactured by Mr, llormeu Well, of Zurich, is worthy of sp,oial mention. It iy mounted with niakle fixtures, and is very neatly finished, He intends 'hosting the harnos+ at other places. The wet: and disagreeable :weather Friday afternoon detracted sotxsewhst from the onteido depertmsnts, but as usual, however, the lsoree•riug at- iraoted ixivalt attention, and the en tries for the different ularaee were larger than thoe* of a„ y previous year. In the draught and agricultur- al classes the show wits exceptionally good, their being keen oampetttiou, the judges, five in number, braving their bands full. Also in several in• stances there w.41 smolt difficulty in awarding prizes in the oarriai..e ota'ts. Oa the whole, however, the judges were highly commanded by tate epee tatore,for the manner in which they disoharged their duties. In cattle and eheep the entries were fair, and among the principal prize -wieners for sheep are Messrs W. Penhale and Thos. Clung, both of tilephou. Mr Wm. Wenn, CT,sborne was a prom flout exhibitor of cattle, and carried off numerous prizes. For further par tioulere commit the following PRIZE LIST : DRauolrT Heyns:, -Brood usare with foal, foal not judged with mare,Fran- cis Colemau,C, li Vaguer, Jas Load man ; Foal, Francis Coleman. Geo. F. McGee, Jas. Loadman ; Yearling colt, Francois Coleman, Thos. `hap. ton, J. Nicholson; Two year old radii. ing, Jas. Laartman ; Coo year old filly, John McGregor, Jas 'Sinclair ; Two year old filly, John McGregor, Geo. Taylor, Robt, Ferguson ; Spell of horses in harness and wagon, John McGregor, Alex, Flo +wan: AGRICULTURAL Honeas.-Brood mare with foal by side, foal not judged with mare, Jas. Leedom, Robt. Ferguson, E. Forsyth ; Foal. Robt. Ferguson, Alex. Monteith, Jas Crawford; Year- ling colt. Geo. Teylor ; Year old gel- ding, Thos. Shapton ; Two year old gelding, Robt. Albin. John. Mnusou One year old filly, Wm. Glenn; Robt. Attie ; Two year old filly, Geo. Tay- lor, Alex. McEwen, War. Glenn; Span of horses iu harness and wagon. Jas. Crawford, E. Gies, Hy. Bower. CARRIAGE HonsEs.--- Brood mare with foal, foal not judged with mare, A. Ingram, Alex. Munroe, J. Nichol- son; Foal, Alex. Munroe, A, Ingram. J. Nicholson ; Year old gelding, Joh e Taylor ; One year old filly, 0. Davis, Henry Wurm ; Two year old filly, Wm McEwen let and 2d, A. Johns- ton 3d; Span of horses in harness and oarriage,Jas. Lnadman; C. Davis; Boggy horse in harness and bungy, Bissett Bros., Jae. White. T. Essery. JUDGES rot Hoxaxs.—A. Young, of Seafortb; Wm. Dickson, Brucefield ; W. Cook, Varna; D. McCallum, Dash. wood ; H. C. Beacon, Goderich. THJROUGHBRED DURHAM CATTLE.— Milch cow in milk. or in calf, Wm. Glenn; Yearling heifer, Win. Glenn; Bull calf, John Voeler. OTHER THAN THOROUGHBRED DURHAM CATTLE,—Milch cow, John C. Kalb- fleiscli, Duncan eloEwan 2d and 3d; Heifer calf, John C. Kalbfleiaeh; Bull calf, Wm. Glenn, R. E. Snowden ; Yearling heifer, Jacob Roedder, A. Dugulson; Two year old heifer, John Manson, James Fannon; Pair two year old steers, Jacob Roedder, bat and tad; Yoke of working oxen, A. Dugulson, Jacob Roedder, Jas. Fan- non; Fat cow or heifer, Duncan ,l4Mo- Ewen. est and 2d, Jacob Roedder 3d; Fat ox or steer, Jacob Roedder 1st and 2d. LONGWOOL SHEEP. Aged : rani, Wm. Penhale, Dungan McEwen ; Yearling ram, Wm. Penhale; Ram iamb, Wm. Penhale let and 2d; Pair. ewes, Wm. .0(`' e, le: PitCto ewe lambs, Wm. Penhale:' Vend 24. Foe Wool, Sr.AOed ram, J. Cooper, Noah Fred; Ram -iaurb, Jas. Cooper let and 24gars eats having raised lambs in 1884, As. Cooper Pair yearling ewer, Jas. Cooper; Pair ewe lambs, Jae. Cover, Noah Fried; Pair fat. 'beep, Damen illoBwen, let and 24, LARGE Bann .e'Ias.—Spring boar, Wm. Penhale; Spring pow, Philip Hang lot and 2nd. Bauman Pies., -Spring boar, W. Pentads; Spring pow, Thos. Ching, Wrn, Penhalo. ►LUPFQLY Pas. --,Aged boar, Thos. Ching. dur,rtiMeN:s,.-..,iron >ulow. North America's,' Mfg. On,; Iron belted plow, North American Mfg- Co. 14 and 24; Gaug plow, North Ainerioau Ilk. Vo. ; Carriage, Fred Hee.; Covered buggy, John pichert; Phmton Fred Hees; Set buggy harness, Hermon Well; Set horse shoos finished for use from the hemmer only, Jon, Deichert, Exraaa.-- Paietet4 sign, !leery Rau - 441; Bird osge, Henry Randall; Cook- ing Move Robt. Burwell 1st and 24 ; Parlor stove, Robt. Buswell; Cooking stove, Rob*. Bus wel 1. GR*re-.s'a'te Wallah' white fall wheat, Wm, Johnston, A, Johnston. C. Wagner; Two bushels red fall reheat, E. hetes, Win. Dle.Sweu, Mex. Moiwen; Two hnehele knife spring wheat, Fleury Cook, A. Johnstou Two budhete apriug wheat any other variety shalt Fife, Jos. Hodgson, W. Belt, Jae. Cooper; Two bushels 2 row - ea barley, Frannie Coleman; Two bushels 0 rowed holey, Alex, Ingram, B. O'Brien; Tiro birdie'. blaok elate, John :Belt, Aiwa Karcher, A. Johns - toe; Two bueliele common white hate, A,. Iugreaa, A. .Johnston, Thiamin MoEwou; Two bulimia white oats any other variety, Wm. Bell; Two bush. Week eye inarrow fat peas, Win. Bell. Win. McEwen: Two bushels email white vette. Relit. McAlliater, Henry Cook, ll. 0 Brien; half bushel clover geed, Henry Otto; llalf bu+hel timothy need, Nueva \\ cEwen, A. Jolluitou; Flax seed (extra) H. Otto, Grain Judges.--11~u,uat i!Ilrues, Jun, MoNeezu, Noah Fried. 11URTI°ULTURAL Pnonrcrs-..Cellae• tion of apples uained, nut leas than G of each, variety. um less than 10 var- ieties, one heal fall and one half win• i tar, E. Gies, Joe. Diller, Jacob Road- ) der; Four named varieties of fall ap- ples. 6 of aeon _variety, J. B. Geiger, Jos. Wild, C. \Vaguer: Four named varieties of winter apples five of each variety, 3. B. Geiger, A. Karcher, C. Wagner; Ftvta Nartliaru Spies Jou. Zeith J. J. Treumner ; Five apples, i3aldwino, John Stephenson, Aaron Ka roher; Five apples, Rhode island Greening', John Vtelker, Duncan Me .Ewan; Five apples, Suitzenerg, J. Stephenson, Jos. 1Vtld; J'tva apples. Newton Pippin, lin. Gook, Wm. Bell; Five 20 nz. Pippins, Jos. Wild, Wm. MoKie; Five Snow applea.G. Nichol. son, Alex. McElwee- Five fall pears. John &huail, Jacob Roedder; Five winter peara, Aaron Keroher; Twelve peaches, Jos. Diller, Jacob Ruby; Five golden russets, E. Gies, John Dei3her; Six 'lunches grapes, Joseph Wild, Robe, Moore; Bast oolleotion of grapes. G. Huubesher, Jos. Wild; 2 bottles home-made wine, A. Johuslon, Henry %Vnrm; Twelve red crab apple+, John 13011, Hermon Weil; Twelve yellow crab apples, Jos. Wild. Dun- can McEwen. ExTRAs,—Swell bough, Ely. Cook Hawley, G. Huubecher; Duthcess of Oldenburg, G. Runbecher; Strained honey, Jos. Diller, J. J. Treumner :. Honey iu comb, Jacsib Buoy; Canoed fruit, Jacob Roby, 4. Diller. HORTICULTURAL JUDGES,— WiIiiatn Turnbull, Usborne; William Wilson, Heuuall; John Alliston, Exeter, GARDEN VEGETABLES.- Halt bushel early or late Rose potatoes, E. Gies, A. Geiger, H. Vallaud; Halt bushel White Elephant potatoes. Wm. Brod. erick, Alex. McEwen, Jos. Broderick; Half bushel any other variety, Jos. Diller, A. Geiger. Jos. Broderick; Peck white beaus, C. Soldan, Duncan Ma wen; Twelve a wa yellow corn, Aaron Kercher, J. 13. Geiger: Six ears sweet corn, A. Johnson., G, Nta holson; Twelve ears white corn, Hy. Otto, ti. O'Brien;.Twelve large oniony, Jas. Wild, C. Soldan; Twelve white field carrots, Robt. Moore, Robt. Mc• Allister; Twelve rel field carrots, R. Moore, Wm. Broderick; Six red gar den °argots, Jos. Broderick, Robert Allis; Twelve Sweedish turnips, Jos,. Wild, RAI,. Alitn; Six yellow Maugel wurtzels Robt. Moore, Noah Fried ; Six red mangel wurtzels, Jacob Ruby, A. Geiser; Pumpkin, Wm. Broderick, J. B. Geiger; Squash, A., Johnston, Wm. Broderiok: 'Three water melons, Jaoob Ruby, A. Geiger; Three Musk melons,Jaoob Ruby, D. S. Foist; Three heads of cabbage, Jacob Ruby; Six blood beets, Robt. Albin, Henry Warm; Six rooted beets, dos. Brod- erd, Ed, Bossenberry;:Peek tomatoes, Ab. Geiger, Jas. Fannon Citrons, A. FLY POISON, FLY POISON imtORSM .A.N]7 CATTLE �'C?Ca o year old LARORATORY Copperas, the best and cheapest disinfectant at the Dominion, Labratory, .T, W. 13ROW2 INC, Prop Johosten., SVm. McEwen Six blank Spanish Raddiebes, Henry Warm, J.. Wild ; Two /scads. camliflowar, Robs. Moore, ilenry Cook; Collection of flowers of any kind, tp. S. Foist, J. Ruby. Domes= Measueaexuens.---reit yds. fulled sloth, G. Nioboleau; Ten yds, eetinett,i A. Johnston; Ton yards of homne•made flannel Mies Mary Mc. E'reu, Robb. MoAlliater; Ten yards home-made flannel colored cotton and wool, A. Johnston; Pair blankets, Mies Mary Mermen, John Bell; Pair men's balmoral aloes pegged, Justus tioedding; Psir men's dress alkane or gaiters, eewod by band, Robt. McCallum, Wm, Ball. Robert Carlisle; Ten pound. butter soffit/lank- ly salted for table use. Robb. MoAltis-. ler, hobs. 13811, Wm, Beall; Rowe. - made cheese, not lees than 16 pounds, Robt. Bell, G. Nicholson; Five pounds honey in comb, Wm. Ball; Loaf of boree.made bread, Win, Bell; Loaf of baker's bread, Chao, Brill. k'ouzsur,-••-Bamburg hens, Joseph Diller; Pair Mueoovy duoke, J. Hodg- oon; Pair Any other breed ducks, 3. Hodgson, Tbos. Ching; Pair geese, T. Ching, J. J. Treumuer; Pair turkeys, Tboa. Cbiug; C•'lleotioc of pigeons, Justus 1 1884 Roodding; Ono pound home-made white wool yaru, Miss Mary 111oEsven; Wm. MoE wen. Exams---13edroonr suite, Hermon Well; Parlor emit°, Harmon Well. 1,ALIFs. Wong. --..„Crewel Work, Jas Fauson; Tufted quilt, Robt Carlise, Henry Cook; Knitted quilt, James Willi, Henry Magee; Berlin Wool wreath, Justus Mt Wok, Jae, Fauna's;. Log eater quilt, Mies DaryMoEwou, Jas. Fauson; Petalled quilt, William Bell. Miss Mary MoErven; Quilt 'ow- ed d on ,(round work, Mien Mary Mc- Ewen, U. Zeller; Home made cover- let, Wm. Broderick, Henry Randall ; Hoare wade matt, Henry Otto, James Fansou; Five or wore yards home- made rag oarp.it,Cbae. Brill, H, Cook; Painting on velvet, Noah Fried, Ber- lin wool work, Wm. Hodgine, Miss Knott; Berlin wool pillow cushion, Miss Knott, Robt. Ferguson; Creel -let work, Miss Mary MoEwoa, Jos. Zet• tie; Alum beeki,t, Jae. Fnnson; Hair wreath, Miss Knott; Wreath of teeth ere. G. Nioholsou; Braiding on a wreath, Justus itlelliok; Braiding on aottou, Mies Diary ;MoEsveu, Dlise Knott; Braiding ou dress, Dunean Me[ wen; Card board work, A. John, stou, SYm. Bell; Honitou lane, Robt. Ferguson, Miss Mary McEsve1 Mot- , . elt, C. Miller, Henry Cook, Collection of rabbit,. Geo. Taylor ; Pair Guinea law's, Henry Volland, J. J. Treum ner; Pair leghorus, Jos. bludgeon. EXTRAS. --.Rabbit. Fred Hemheoher; Bob tails, Jos. Hudgoon; Pair Ban- tum', Wm. Broderick; Plymouth Rooke, Thai. Ching; Owl Jos. Ruda - The amount realized at the gate was $178, being several dollars is mesa of last peter. The membership has also increased largely, the number th . year being 188 Atilt.. 1884. 18E OLD (ESTABLISHEDHOOSE To tine F'ront as Visual. With a First Class stook, •ustl at prices that DEFY COMPETITION. Onb ILUNERY OPE C TARES PIA FRIDAY And SATURDAY, OCT. 3 e 4. TAILORING DEPARTMENT FuU of all tba Latest designs iu 'Worsteds, Overcoatings, Tweeds, 1.41,(,!.., Aud made up in First•clat s style, and at prices that cannot fail to please. Ali Goal Go :r1ARKFD IN PLAIN FIGURES. No Trouble to Show Goodss. Bring along your Farm. Produce, for which the Highest Prices will be paid. JAMES PICKARD, EXETER. SEPT. 22nd, 1884.. toes in Berlin wvoel R obi• Btliisa ES"aTABLISUED 1872 Knott; Leather work, Justus Mellioli, Miss Knott; Comb work, And. Sohn. store; Lamp mat, Miss Knott, Noah Fried; Cross work, Jas. Fansou,• Bead work, And. Jolmuston. G. Nicholson ; Shell work. Justus Mellick, Alex. Mo. Ewen; Chemise, James Fauson, 1Vm. Bell;; Generation of buttons, Jamas Murray; Gent's dress shirt, Miss Mary ma ;'wen. Dnncan McEwen; Tatting, Miss Kuott, Duncan McEwen; Bun• broidery in silk, Wm. Bell, Miss Mary McEwen; Embroidery iu mush°, Jas. Fanson, Wm, Bell; Wool stockings, Hiss Mary McEwen, Henry Cook ; Cotton stockings, Miss Mary McEw• en, Wm. Bell; Knitted wool mitts, John Valker, Mies Mary McEwen ; Knitted socks, wool, Miss Mary Mc- Ewen, Hy. Cook; Bonnet, Win. Brod crick; Paper bracket, G. Nicholson, Jos. Zsttle. EXTRAS.-•Brooaded oushtou, And. Johnston; Wool work bracket, Robt. Boswell; Drawing, Robt. McAllister; Berlin wool slippers, Justus Me:imok ; Crazy tidy, G. Nicholson; Cushion toilette, illiss Mary IIIeEwen; Knitted insertion, Robt. McAllister ; Silk sofa ouehion, Jas. Fauson; Vase of dry flowers, Justus Meilick;'1'wine brach• et, Miss Mary McEwen; Darned net collar, And. Johnson; Brocaded skirt, Win. Bell; Hair -pin lane, Jas. Fanson; Patched quilt. Wm. Gleuu; Crazy patched cushion, Noah Fried ; Croch- et quilt, Henry Volland ; Cotton and wool blanket, G. Nicholson ; Colored ell.weol flannel, Aud. Johnson; Faa• tory blankets, Aud. Johnsen; Slmpper case, And_ Johestou; Apron, Thos. Stergeou; Paper wreath, Justus Mel lick; Single yarn, Robert Carlisle Handkerchief, Jas Fauson; Knitted pillow shams, J'Iobt. Ferguson. Night dress, Thos. Stergeon; Knitted tidy, E. Gies; Knitted tidy, M. Zeller; Crochet tidy, Thos. Stergeon Cover- let, Geo. `Moir; "Photographs, Chas. Senior Heme•made coverlet, Wm. Broderick; Berlin wool motto,•Heury Cook; Window blind, Henry Randall; Berlin wool 'wreath on wire, Robert Buswell; Coverlet all wool, E. Gies Case millinery, Jas. Murray; Factory coverlet, Noah Fried. JUDGES, -Mrs, W. Mack, Hay; Mise Bell, Hensen ; Mrs. 3. Murray, neu- rall. DAIRY PRODUCE.—Fifty pounds Balt butter in tub, Bent, Bell, Wm, Bell, Jas. Cooper; Six pounds fresh butter, SAMWELL AND PICKARD Desire to call the attention of their customers to, and ask their inspection of their large and Complete assortm't of Dry Goods Etc., for the fall trade of 1884. Our stock is, we believe, well assorted and carefully selected. It consists in part of the following : All -Wool Dress Goods, Plain and Fancy Dress Goods, Black and. Col'd Cashmere, Black and Col'd Silks, Ottoman Cord Sil.Ks. Staple Department. Shirtings, Denims, Cottonades, Table Linens, Table Napkins, Grey and White Cottons, Shirtings (plain and twilled), Cotton Bags, 'SLACK AN1 COL'D VELVETEENS andprices.iiety of <hades Your inspection of these goods and prices will convince you they are right, as they have been Imported for this season's trade. Our Millinery Department is still under the care of our MISS. McINTIRE, and the stock in this department will—if possible—be more attractive than ever this season, embracing all the latest American. English and French styles of Shapes, the latest shades in Silks, Satins, Ribbons, Flowers, Plumes, Tips, &c., &c. Our Giand Millinery Opening will be on the 6th and 7th OCTOBER, to which you are cordially invited. No trouble to show goods. In OUR TWEED and GENTS' URNISHINGS we show choice lines of English, Scotch, Irish, French and Canadian Tweeds, English, Scotch, and French Suiting:, English and French Trowserings. Hats, Caps, Scarfs, Ties Shi:te,`Braces, Hosiery, Etc. We Lave a good cutter ou the premises, and guilt entee a fit in every case. ' Our stook of BlanhCets is very extensive in white. In Fursour stock is complete (g' c,y and brown) in Boas, Capes, Sete &c., &c,, also Robes in Buffalo ard Wolf. Our Boot and Shoe department will be found roily as- sorted in Ladies', Gents' and Children's wear, also a full assortment of Trunks, Valises, and Satchels.