The Exeter Times, 1884-9-25, Page 4"h t'1rr Vous. •i'Hi7RSDAY, SEPT. 20, 18134 .HUYG'RI' BANQUET, The Toronto News speaks of the Ildowat banquet as " probably the this gueation, unless on the general ItIAEKBT EXPORTS, theory the► no upportuoiy, even the aligbte®t ought to be allowed to papa promoting partizan interests. That ie a game whioh two may play at if they will. But it will he ,found that when Liberal Couaervativetl think it, neoeeaaryto organize as demenstrat. tion to their chief, itis batted on more most gigantic and worst roauage,1 af• t fair that ever wound up a grand gathering of any kind. The commit (Correcte4st5o'clociitp m. Wedgesdsy'.) war'.re WEE4'r K'ilit*Who74 co 0 7e Sed . u70toe 7t Whito Wheat New 0 Ila to 0.76 Bed Wheat New ... ,.. .. 0 72 to 0 76 :rt kui0 WH 4'' Fife (slew) ... ... 0 72 to 0 75 $tsr1eaF .,. 0 4S to 4 55 este 026‘003e 780 so 740 x14vo200 000too aft 0 rift to 0.55 017 to 017 it1540010 500toSso 055 to 000' 000 to 009' 008 to 000 007to0Ott 089 to0E5 o28to030 700to740 500to600 Clover aeod tingible publ.ip aersiaee than any Tlmathy "• ... ... whioh Mowetietu bait yet rendered, seas ,., For under that regime not only have Ogg: t he sewage of the neat bean diasinat. Bdttet tee try to excuse the abominable way iu which the quests were need, by 1 saying that a thousand people were b hard .to satisfy. Tues is true, but be-. t fore over a tbou•aud tickets are sold at two dollars each, arrengemonts should be made. far attending to the g wants of the guests. People living in the pity were not foolish enough to go to the bauquet expecting to get s meal, but runts of leo eonntry broth - ern went there as hungry as wolves after the day's tramping and parading and the noise these starving electors • _ sewage c'ionsisrllbl.... .. ... .. ad but the proepecta of the future Potetoe.,per be,s ... lase been oo mortagaged that it +rill- nP1ela px h Y: ''' e difficult for any future administra• tleeee 866 Ib. ... or to aaoitpe fram the toils w}aioL pug sit' ::: :; :: have been woven oil so many hand. Oliwkenatiperpr with melt pervoree and ualignaot, iu- Bee •droeseAper10O ,� :siduensrino:7i°unit "drb.....heeppXeacia Wool per lb .,. Sunday 8ch.Ool I'ionic. " A day in the woods." A. realistic sketch in black and white. It is a: glad. picnic: party. The Sunday school has gone out into the leafy forest. The dark object 7o the heavens $00 miles wide made by pounding the rabies with the ;and 2,000 Holes long is a cloud It got llatldles of their ku.ivaa Waaappalling. istbereye Under tth greatoakyon rI'nare) tsar; 110 t1li;taltit7g their demand :can sea lira dinner, Tho large water. fee' viotuala, and the aaddeet part of proof mound fan tbo middle of rho table the story i'7 that they Trent away :'tor- i sullenly laughing at tho storm is a fruit roa►lul and hungry." : cake. The teacher of the infest class made it herself for the little unee. But t T.* 'TT , Winn struck the cape. It wire never Whet i� he raoa'er tat the top 7 of strike any"thiu;; else. There stands the 4aku wittlout a. dent, and under the ta- Elie 3fo wet tleeue:teettr*tiost caittrrlil 1n . hie, shattered and blighted, lies the last set:"s lluro7t tie;11<etl crowing i thunderbolt. Under tlrwt cedar tree is a for :' } Ing dog. Ile got in the way and the Jud snout In the Algoma election wrapped ydrapery 14ayperton tlritonsnerbueta 0 00 to 0 7s Woo per cord ... "." 3 00 to 350 500 to 600 650 to075 090t0:1, 90 0504ew0?0 c 0 19 to 0;f1 ate!, +4f O ►r►r E 7 0010 800 x vi DOWNS' ELIXIR ma'i'ms UMW; Has stood the test for ,FIFTY-T11lta;i r Aa;s, and has proved itself the best remedy known for the cure of Consumption, Coughs, Coids,Whoopin� Cough and all Lung. Diseases i" luting or old. SuL»> Lt :;s:k wn:.x;.. wilco 25c. and $1.0 per Bottle. 1+CJkVe'.Y t UXIR ,411 aSts1AAO The Seeg, Willer "low;. ■s1 Eery bottle of Arnies & OiILinituent sold. is warranted by the proprietors to give satle- f5eti00 97 Money will be refunded, Snrrlsaal of the Attest. Donee Elixir has outlived every other cough remedy siwply beetle:it it is the best. VERT' IRENI'AREABLE IlSCOT1 R1'. Ur, Geo, V . Willing, of Manebeater, Mich- writes : "My wife Inas been almost belplessfer Frye Sears, so helpless thist she could not tarn he storm saved them, See, the light- over in bed alone. She used two Bottles of Electric Bitters, swd is 40 801101.3 trapr44''otl, that she it aide new to do iter own work." Bteotric Bitters will do all that is aleime>ei for there. hundreds of testimonials attest theirgreat curative powers. Only fifty cents a bottle et C. Lutz's Drug Store, uperinteutteot felled Mini to the earth wit13 ono hloty of a biscuit. The 14311 • H ensaI I Salt c festers trra r eel iu the ghoul of a water -soaked lined duster, leading ` t1.e way to the cars, is the teacher al c young ladies' bible class. Ilk he. ! Shareholders' Meeting'.M.W-. 7 Cabe. wbicb vus to have been given' en Saturday at ()egoode halt, has been ' t poet,poned till the lfitl1 November. thence wall that class is gone forever. Tee youug ladies wait never be Info to The Canadian I'eClfte railway' cam- look' at hitn again IA 1t num thintin; how are doing a'weeat deal tosser+lF lle looked on this ceinisatte rp in the, patty li hickory tree ^i ou secs a ;lief-'triekeni lltiut iw; the North-west to the notice fate peering d`uwn. It 1* titer snaeer n-" of intending aulittrauts int l enro, e, tendent. He climbed. up there to fix the 8 suing, and before they could throw Mein The.v hod a beautiful exhibit of the prudncttone of Mauitoha at the Fores- try exhibition in Ediuburgh, for which they obtained a silver medal, O t. the rope the storm Caine up and the plena: adjourned sine die aud•ine return. And lie is waiting for the Iasi straggler to disappear before he hollies down. Ile line otliuiateit at Surds+• wheel pit'niei The Grits have 13ad is great, deal to often enough to know better than :lido down a stied -bare hickory before for an say about Ur.'.'1owat'ei "triumph" in creta lace. The n1a:t %tilh the; umbrella gutting the Boundary onse eettled by M under his :lrlu is the treasurer. 11e i, a getting drenched. hut he sloe; no; raise' the Privy Council. Now let soma; the umbrella. Ile knee's there i' :i ne me good Reformer puitlt ant a single 1u• tt painted on the inside of it, 1ne ter ;ht stance when 1Ir, Mowat ateid be life of hint he emit remember tt•,i,i;e wauted the tiueetton settled tint way; P name it i . no is w.t' .ti:t_ I1 '. ('411000 and a single :17stsuce where Sir Johnto,tiVts the0 tunbrell a ton It angler.--lt. Macdonatd said he did not. 1 _ In an artiole last week :went the res. 1 Thera is a yon lade here, sats the Ut it Patchw-rir, lguation of Lyons and the unseating i Sait Icahn Ilcra.'cl,' who 'has been work- of Dowling an error, which Gould i ir.- eighteen months on a quilt. Titer: are about 9.7.000 places in it now, and it is not tet completed The quilt is regulated by her be:tui When she tae- 1 gan her heart wvas chirruping to her of sotnebody. and the quilt grew wonder- fully it=s nnd all the colors were bright doubtless be patent to all our readers, ! (cc'lrred. We stated that Lyons'' resignation prevented the exposure of the Ottawa G iverninent, iustead of the "Witmer)" Government. The After awhile her friends noticed achange proof-reader iu hie hurt oyorloolted , in her face. that her work progressed the error. We have received a copy of the ess rapidly, and that sober shades were being introduced iu the wonderful crea- tion. After it few weeks more the work to ped short, like grandfather's clock, Wishes to announce to the inhabitants of Take notice that xe, ( on011; Me A. F WA:4 of the town et G,nt?erieh.*ud w1r,- 1..31,71 AL floor, of the town'of Feaft°erih, shore. borders int the Housall Halt dorsal ituy for over ono -fourth iii, vett:* thereon, do l7ereuy calla (lanorat 76041ngofthesbaroholeler. otth0 said. P Company at Buttoine." 73x'1, to the 'Village of llensall. en IIONP 3 . the 033* day of O('TO. ITER, lent, at Due O'clock Ie. tie , tar rice put roa.ei h Of the ole+atlun of Atrectors andather O eery of the Company. rocousiaor and pale a l3y"lsw 10 Frovidefor tt:e appointment of live 1i -treat- i ore ins toadof three, AS 41 present; to hear the report of 358004 I. Carter and au) other Mlle - oral et the Cu eau) mud to take+ sne1► oat it thexaou as ms► ant.«ur :ae�cesasry, .net ter the tranlaettou ai a;;srle other buatrese as mAy le. gaily come before tho nie4tiu2 (4E0133711 Aron%\. WUUe1.LA41 3d. GRAY. hated the 1313 day of Septesuber.1884. FRESH MEATS ! The undersigned Isiah to announce to the iuhabitaut* of Exeter and wieiuity that thin' have opened out a Butcher Shap ! in the building formerly occupied. by Itemp'a Tobacco Store, where all khulsof eresh Meat can he had. You will do well to call, as all moat sold by ' (i ■ 11 V C Q G th t m is Freels and Tender. SHELL .i: FORA. I'rourleto taxing decided to clogs his present stook of the above plows, will sell FOR $13 CASA„ and $14 Oil TIE FOR 90 DAYS. The Flow earl be seen at the building oppos 1 le llattdtus]t1MiLie tllop. (A few door south et the market.) Pointe and repairs always kept In stock. Parties intending making a. ptrehase will do well to call early. April10, S. P0WET44,. RA,VarG DOC British t'olttuibin. i iALEJ TEND ffS, aridness:I to the undersigned, and endorsed "Tender',; for Crating Lack, lt, i3.. will bo received At this e3Ace until SA.TCAAAA• the 4th day of Septeu7ber.3881.iuctn.irely, ear the construe. tlo.r and completion of the partly finished Graving Doek, at Lscjltln*alt Harbor, British, CColunbia, ce Faq c IV A rAP * • 6 0 0 .44 0 4,4 According to p1104 and enocifeationa to be seen on and after 34034xy'.tbe 1st tieplererber, At tbeDeparinient of l'ultlio lV ke, Ott6wA, and on ap hcation to Oho 1iou..3. wF. '7ratch. Yicturia, 31, G. 1'orim73 teadariugere rirtillett that louders will not be considered union-oruade ors the print ed forum oupulial and prices 'seised to the wheleof theitesue stated therein, aaei 44e1e4 wins their actual MiKuatures. Each tender must be ascampi uiedby an es - centred bank chorine for tho sin:; of A7.300.Cr. outdo palabletothe order of ilio lionor*Lle the Minister of Public Works, whish will be l forfeited if the party decline to enter iota a' ct+ntract When omits. nt+ou to do .o, ar for. ase fail to tom�,lete the work gontract.oei 763 the tender He not accepted the cheque will be returned. The ISeparfluent *311 not be bouudto Accept fila !arrest oe stns fonder. Ile order. F.11, ENN1S. 1 Department of Public Works. i Secretory. Ottawa. SthAug ,18731. i t `FOO* Iso 3 Steele, Dakota, Herald, sent us by j and wee laid away for six weeks. Mr. N.J. Clark eyTleu passing through But one morning the lady had daafter e though danced late, *he was up on his way to Oregon, and on looking bright and early, the neglected quilt over it we noticed a page advertise was brought forth, the sombre tints ment of lands to be sold far taxes. were all unstitebed, more bright colors Surely the people are fools to allow were produced, and as the quilt grew their lands to be sold for texas if Da- rapidly under her deft hands, it shone kola ie such a fibs country as some like a wreath of wonderful flowers under of the Canadian Grits claim it to be. Prohibition has just scored a de- cided triumph in Blaine. The 'Maine law,` whioh has hitherto been a simple Act of the 'Legislature, and come - (pettily open to repeal at any time by the same authority, was this fall sub- mitted at the State election as an her eyes, and the sone* in her heart took on the tone of the lullaby which the I & Pickard's, where he is prepared to make mother bird sings in her nest. But this, all kinds o: ordered work. too, stopped after awhile. The sombre hues were recalled, and every bright square was embossed with a dot ofI Sewed work a speciality. brown or sable, until the effect was that of a half -mourning robe. Then a new 'Repairing promptly attended to. over eame, a grave and thoughtful Exeter and viomity, that ho has opened oat a Boot and Shoe Shop in the corner Store North of Samwell looking gentleman, of mature years, and for a fortnight the work went on in silence. until a border of old gold sur - amendment to the constitution, so rounded the quilt. So it has gone on that it might be placed beyond the ever since; .sometimes progressing with wonderful speed, then, like Penelope, the work which was wrought with songs by day had been obliterated with tears by night; sometimes it has been laid away for a week at a time. The reporter saw the young lady at work a few days ago. The quilt was nearly complete, only a few patches re- maining, and meanwhile there was a look of resolve around the mouth, and a lovelightin the eyes of the,yoan g lady wonderfully suggestit-e'of a feeling in her heart that there was to be no more ditching of the train and.no more wash- outs; that everything was running on fast schedule -time and that she was al- ready preparing to whistle down brakes owe, young man, 'and henceforth to be his conductor forlife. power of the State Legislaturefor amendment or repeal. The vote was nearly two to one, the majority for the amendment running close to 50,- 000. We notice that Mr. Fred. Green is somewhat exercised about the Sodom trouble which, for the past few weeks has been raging, Aneye-witness to the whole affair wrote several short • articles, whioh were inserted in the TIMES, condemning the conduct en: acted, and signing himself " Fred. Mr. Green must remember that there are more 'Fred's' than ono, therefore we clear him of any blame. He states that we said Fred. lived within nue hundred yards of the spot. This is not so. We stated that 'he was not more than 100 yards from where the burse was stopped by the almost naked individual.' We might say, that perhaps .the was within a few feet of the spot. The Toronto Telegram observes that after the demonstrations in Mr. Mow- at's honer are all over he will probaly begin to auk himself what they were all about. And it will be difficult for him to find a eatiefaotory answer to A Startling Discovery. Mr. Wm. Johnston, of Huron Dak., writes that his wife had been troubled with acute Bronchitis for many years, and that all rem- edies tried gave no permanent relief, until he procurred a bottle of Dr.King'sNewDiscovery for Consumption, Coughs, and Colds, which had a magicaleffect,and produced a permanent cure. "It is guaranteed to cure allDiseases of Lungs, or Bronchial Tubes. Trial Bottles Free at C. Lutz's, Drug Store. Large Size 01.00. 5 More people, adults and children: aretroub led with oostivenesi3 than with any other ailment. Dr. Henry Baxter's Mandrake Bit- ters will cure costiveness and prevent ;the diseases, whioh result from it. GEO. MANSON, Late Manager C; Eacrett's Boot and Shoe Establishment. May 14th 84. Read R. RICKS' New Advertisemen And don't bo wanderingaLout the streets not knowing whereto buy your Watches, Clccks & Jewelry His Stock is Now and Complete. LAMES GIVE HIM A CALL ! No trouble to showyou through, or sot your Watch to the right time—if you have one ; if not he will be most happy to supply you. HIS STOCK OF CLOCKS IS SPLENDID representing all the leading American makes. Prices Lower this Season than ever before REPAIRING 'A SPECIALTY. Send in your sick watcher while there is room. t'Bentember the Stand--ONEDoo NORTH CleariB g Sale 1) OT TRLEGRAPH Orrxen4 Back's Old Stand. (2 Doo ,e north of Post Office) Butterand Eggs Wanted In Exchange for Goods. • We have just received a large consignmout of goods direct from. wholesale houses, which we will sell at very close .prices. Splendid value in Cashmeres, Velveteens, Grey, Scar- let, Canton and Homemade Flannels. A 11100 lot of tablenapkins and covers. Splendid Wincey, Grey and White Cotton—very cheap Also Tweeds and Beady -made Clothing. A lot of groceries to be sold cheap. In Boots & Shoes we have added some new lines, and are prepared to sell the best goods at close prices. Farm for Sale or Rent. Farm of 100 acres, 70 cleared ; Bank Barn 60x40 ; Good Bonse and Orchard. Price, 84,500 ; 01,000 down. Bent, $240. Apply to JOHN MATHESON. May 29th. Exeter. Exe ter37,ngth, 1884. R. HICKS. THE EXETER. Planing Mill! SASH, Woos, and BLIND ?ACTOR!! ALL !KINDS OF TURNINGU Done to order. Bememberithe ilaee. neer t ECoward. STATION -ST. ca be sure to oall and see us when Ladies and Ge 443 0 fal 0 CEN TRAL DRUGSTORE A full stock of all kinds of Dye -stuffs and package Dyes, constantly on hand. Winan's Condition Powd- ers the best in the mark- et and always fresh. Family recip- es carefully prepared at the Gw ral Drug Store Exeter C. LUTZ. Fonthill Nurseries. 325 ACRES. 325 ACRES. THE LARGEST IN THE DOMINION Salesmen Wanted, To begin work at once on Fall Sales. Steady employment at fixed ;salaries to all who are twilling to work. MEN AND WOMEN can have pleasant WORK THE YEAR ROUND. Good Agents are earning from 840 to 875 per month and expenses.' s-Termaando utftt free. Address STONE te WELLING TCN, Tore nth