The Exeter Times, 1884-9-25, Page 1„HEW TO THE. LINE, LET THE CHI'S FALL WHERE THEY MAY.7 Vol,. XII., No. 5 EXETER, ONT., THURSDAY MORNING, SEPT. 25, 1884. JOHN WHITE a SON Priblr4lrere and Proprietors. Just Received- -SOMETHING eceived---SOMETHING VERY FINE IN---- O 00OL,e•ATES and COCOA, All kinds of FRUITS, ORANGES, LEMONi?, FIGS, DATES, BANANA .A,t G. A. , N'DMA N'S, LE w. HALL, ;BARRISTER SOLLITOR) etc :Atnae laSanaweW.Alook, Exeter. DENTAL. 1 I Ai%10 ABSOLUTE DIVORCES 1OR:sca pea residing throughout the United States and Canada tor desertion.,non- sopportdntemp nce.oraeitydnoompettiny, etc. Advieefrse. stateour ease andaddreae ATTORNEY WARD, World Betiding, 12e! Broadway, New York, KINSMAN 'DENTIST, Li. D.8 Iliaeremal ed to Post. Sloe Blook. Teeth en-. traotedwmth Ant pain. MEDICAL WANTE ” TtELT U MOR'8 New & Superior Cailadi Maps 16 Marts A.paylnaas any egonoyyin the world. For furl verticals xi. free, address,H. C.TU?4ISOW Map Publisher 288 Btab sond•et.Jondori, Dat, D11.11' NDMAN.--CORONER FOR - the GountyofHuron. Crtaoe, Apposite to is r.I.Oarliug'sitere,Exeter T W. BROWNING M. la. C !„r • P. H2OraduataVietoriaUniveraitii• OSIo andrestdenco. DairiuionLaboratorv.Eeeter. DR. J. A. ROLLINS, M. O. Y.8 O. Office, Main St.Exeter.Ont. Rosidoues boasorecently 000upted by P. AlePhtllipa, Esq. OtJ•LU'I'Z, M. D., . Qm ent.hisresidence Exeter. DR. IRVING, GRADUATE UNI VERBITY TrinityColloglden,berCollege puv'Wan sarwl cute rat Oet..rfltocKtrkton IMPORTANT NOTICEB. Trifle FaK SALE. A Frame House ou OIdsslyr•street and it. !salt acre ofland with good staple and a quantity otobo ;Y' trees. Apply aut. oeici4b till tw For Sale. Serious Conflagration. 1 Oue of the won- deedruotive fires that hoe ever occurred io this neigh• boyhood took pose Saturday after - peon ;East. About 4:45 p. W. the watchman iu the Great Western tar Shops discovered snide tutting from au emote box car sitttet- ed between two others in the centre of the repairing strop. Thz• o*r bad jttet been broulut iu from tree east for repsire, atld being off tate trucks it was found impossible to get it out of the building. From the cue erect ills shed tee dallies spread to tate' wood -working shop, the paswenger eoaoh shed suit iron ineehiue shop. all of which with most of the contents oomprising aeveral finiaite4 coachc; sud ma the Wale of the wrnkuneu. end it great quantity of seesoaeu Welber were destroyed. The cowp- t uy's fire urigada weir* early on the ground but the ttreaiure of water of the.tanks was too slight to be of ally avail and altbougb the otty brigade lent their wllliug aid they c.iuld do little good, as the city water was not connected with the company's plectra, audit watt not uetal•tho fire bed bur - tied itself out wheu they were able to get s good stream. Three immense buildings covering five or six aore+s are completely destroyed and a sant autouut of material also. The love is variouwly *estimated at between $150,000 and $200,000. Between 850 and 400 mon Ore thrill/ill Out of work. A well tlniehedandoonveuteut DweliingI3ouse and Lot on Huron Street, hast of Mein street Exeter. For particulars apply to Mat. B V ELLIOT, Solicitor !to, Esetax T/tin S OKE, COUNTY AUCTION e Y neer. spromptlyattondedto, Bayed ealessrranvedstthia office ENEY EILBER, Licensed Auc- tioneer for uo- tionoerfor tiny, Stephen •aucl MoGilivray Townehi,ps. Sales Graduatedis4'utoaeratereles. M ce-At Post -office, Orediton, out, 1 JFONEY TO LOAN ON REALES irl tato for the Baron do Erie Loan 4. Saving, Society. Low rates of interest. Apply to John Speakman , Exeter. N1 J. CLARK, Agent for the Us- 1\•borneandatbberth!utualFirelUsuranoe Company, Residence -Farquhar. Orders by mailpromptly attended to. os. HUDSON, COMMISSIONER in the Court of Common Pleas -Deeds, \mills, Atortgagos,Leaaes,and all forms of agree- ments drawn and executed according to law. OFFICE -Into° CentonnialHotolBlock,Hon- sail,Ontario. FOR SALE. A Two Storey BRICK DP/CUING HQilSE, eituatet on Alillet.direetly auto( the Presby - Wrists Church, Exeter; together with ,three- quarters of au acre of land. good frame stable and driving house; splendid orchard of choice youngfrait•basring trees; good well end cli- tern. Suitable for a gentleman's residence. Will be sold cheap on terms to suit purchaser. Possassi.,n given lit Y.ovomber,188t. Further particulars ou application to R. GIDLEY, Exeter P. 0. NrONEY TO LOAN AT 6 AND 61 per pant. according to terms. Private Funds. Applyto B. v.ELLIO'F, Octoberl5,'80 • Solicitor. Exeter MONEY' ! ! I can land any amount of Money on farm se- curity at 6,04 aid 7 per cent. according to terms PrivateFundeaspecialty. Chargesmoderate H W HALL,Barrmster,Exeter, GLINN ELLIOT, REAL ESTATE AGENT, Money to Loan un Farm & Town Property FOR SM L HA411"MILL atu125 sof LAND *Maenad. known Ratite Brook's ill, situated an east half °toast halt of Lot 0, Oon. 4, Bay, The anaobtnery ism good, working order, the boiler sod Angina being newly now. tin the land #bifra are two Frame IionseO, -a Brame Barn and Stable, and an orchard of about 2 acres. Terms liberal. Apply to T. L. ROOElis, Parkhill, or to J. SPACbMAN, Exeter. which resulted as favor of the Bears by 21 to 17. J. and T. -..Radbourne ie ill. best pitcher in the Lssgee, or, in fact, anywhere dee. 11is eider, le *hoot $5000. The Amor at aside, at hese ball matolup for a gold cup Between the Clippers, of $aatiltiotl, ani the Toren. los was played at Toronto an riatur• day Afternoon, and rosettes/in t. s &- feet of the Toronto' iy a ',ore of 18 to 8. A t;Ams al base belt was played in Windsor the other day, between the Wolverines, of Detroit, and the local leNlal, Gaarte was caned before the ninth inniuge ou soocnal of darkness, suint the eoare blending 9 to 18 in fa- vor of sue Windsors. At the Sbeepsitead Bay rues on Seturday,Elizabeth won the baadtoap ,eweepetake, for 2•year olds, oue t1t►1a in 1..481 ; Hiatt tc,Oic the toile and threa•eiglithe handicap for boreal that have not won during the . Valet- tut:. lo 2.841 ; Mies Woodford took the Great Long Island ;take,, two mile heats, in 2 84} and 2.81}, the latter being the fastaet heal, on reocrd; Disko Carter end testy were her competitor., Duplex won alba anile and one fourth handicap sweepstakes in 2.00 ; Burka Cookrau the Autumn steeplechase handicap over foil oouree in 6.204. The Windsor, Ont.. felt rates cow ;nepaed yesterday sal will be O000lud- ed to -morrow. Towbars' LxaMtrtlaaatitt►nti. find to the street all but two, Mrs. _ Gusty and her 9 -year old boy. They The fallowing are the departmental were found ou the roof,ahe boy nearly regulations in regard to the *noun* choked with smoke and the woman regulations for teachers : dying with horrible burns. After the: Car tbteachers oertifioatu the fol- fire was extinguished coal oil was lowing are the subjects, values and found aysrlrwhora. Alt 1110 gate waw mintnlum *umber of Marks limit must turned ori, The fire started in these be taken : placer. Sunday afternoon thirteen roughs 141N1'M rid 1 from the northern suburbs of Oh'e ego FARM FUR SALE. 140 aures in the Township of Stephen. being I0113, and part 01 12, in she flab conoesaiou. There aro %hoot 00 ores cleared, o1 good soil. Two Frame Outbuildings and a Frans Dwelling, Also agood .bearingorohard, Water privileges unsurpassed. On the hundred acres there is e. qusn.ityof Valuable Timber,inolud- ing Pine, Cedar and Ash. The property is sit- uated 7 miles from Exeter, and. 9 miles from Crediton. For furtherparticulars apply to W0LTIIEVITHICE, Crediton P. 0 - or on the pi midges. • Huron Fall Assizes. ' At the Auize•Court held at God. erica on Monday the first ease taken • up was Adair vs. Wade-.eduotion-un- defended. In throe case the jury fail- ed to agree, and his Lordship tried the case over agaiu without a jury, as eeseing the damages at $400. Vrnstoue VS. Vauetone. Action to recover money lent. Undefeuded. Verdict for plaiutiff for $1,697.60. Consolidated Baukve. Boland: Ad - J. CLARK. COMMISSIONER1 mimed to the Oouaty Cour.. N• in the0onrt of Common Pleas -Deeds, JOhneuu ve. Scutt. Referred. Wills,Alortgages, Leasos,andall torms ofagr•e t . Hay vs. Pollard. -The defendant moats drawn and execnfedaocording to law. was a deputy -Returning Officer at the 'At lowest met of interest, and on fermate suit borrowers, A number of first-class Farms for sale. Mortgages bought and sold. Office in Fanson'sBlock Exeter MONEY TO LOAN ON REALE4TATE. Parties wish- ing to borrow money on account of recent pur- chases ofland.orto pay off existingmortgagss willend a great saving by giving mo a call, Can lend money at6 and 64 per cent. acoordingto terms. N.J.0LARS. FOR SALT.-TWO-STORYFRAME TWELLING HOUSE and oue acre ofland. situated on the Thames Road.2}miles east of Exeter. Goodlarge frame stable and driving. shed ; splendid orchard of choice fruit -bearing trees; good well and cistern. Suitable for a re- tired e ply totaTHOMASiALLIN. sold for each, 19-11 • --TRY- v. M.&NNINCI Central Shaving Parlor For Clean and easy shaving. fashionable hair cutting &r. s3 Clean towel for every customer,' Next door to Central Note THE WATERLOO MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO. Established in 1803. HEAD OFFICE - • WATERLOO, ONT. This coni any has been over Eightteen years *successful operation in Western Ontario,and continues to insure against loss or damage by Fire, Buildings,Merchandise, Manufaotortes;arid all other descriptions of insurable property. In- tendinginaurers have the option of insuring on the Premium Note or Cash System During the past t^n years We Compaily'has ,sued 57,006 Polioioa.covering property to the amount of $40,872,038;' and paid in losses alone $709,752,00 AssetS, 5170,100.00, consisting of Caeh in dank, GovernmentDeposit,and the unaeseesed Premium Notes on hand and ib'iorce J. W' War. ionN, M. D. Preeide}•tc .o. 51. TAYLOR, Secretary J .B. 8v anus,tnspeotox: (MARIA Si S2 ELL Agent for Exeter and vicinity, election in February, 1883. He oloeed the pall for Mill an hour iu order to take dinner. The adj 'urn- ment was with the consent of the agents of both candidates. He is now suedfor$200 penalty for infringe- ment of the Election Act. His Loldahip held that as the poll had beau closed or adjourued by the defendant he was liable to thapeaaity; that elle assent of Ibe ,agent nt the candidate was not binding on the can dictate. He said he regretted to have to decide agaiust the defendaut, as he !hough% it was a hard and oppressive action on thepart of the plaintiff, es- pecially when. his agent had assented to the adjournment. Hays vs. Armetroug.-Thi.r w 05 an lotion against the defeuda:,, ,o reoov: er the penalty'as ,... rimed by the Election Aol for u • •:,, inplianoe with the order of that uuty Judge': to pro- duce 'the ro-duce'the ballot papers made on an ap- plioptiou .for as recount. ,The action dismissed with Costs, on ,the ground that the OOrendent had not 'been 'pro - Orly served with notice 10 produce the ballot paper,. TheGrand Jury have found a true bill for murder agaiest Beamish and his two sons:' 'L'he trial will likely takerplace ou 'Thursday or Friday. �CIrfef Justine Wilson presided. The War. Sir Mvelyn Baring telegrephe frown Cairo that the Mak of Denote has received adyioes from several souroee that Gordon gained too great victor- ies, and taiga of Khartoum wa+t raised August 80th, four dart after Golden's last message. The "audit. of .)Angola telegraphs the world preasntedis the same as be- fore. -in physios itis the same as for the third.alese, with the addition of elatioe and hydrostatics. In °am t.:reason Rodgson's Errors in English ix recorslalooded, For meek' the Nerjsat. Muetc Course part M iii rtaaaaiionsd. In the other subjects the work is the same fres halals prescribed f 4r third- dare, ,in Addition to the reinuasual Wren- lioueo above, iihty par neat. of the te- tal is retluired Nevada B, and siltty per went. for grad15441 41.aN Amerlea,u. Au eleborale and well-plsnoed ai- temut et emu in a home full of people was brought to light in Chi eatgo on 1latorda7. The diabolical crime, however, ama0attried. The only result was the killing of a woman, the wife of a meltwhom the palms arrested, 3hargeawith awing fire to Atte house. The woman eau Mee. Gusty, wife of Leo. (rusty, a e■loon keeper. The fire was discovers(' in his howls. lie lived on the asoond floor with his wife and child. Boren lodgers 000upied the email door. Early In the morntog *pollee officer sew gonna in the house and gate the sierra. He and another oi'fioer went Into as sdjotaing roam and swooned the iamates. Tben ,.,endue to the roof they went to the rescue of the occupants of the burning building. They, however at the first alarm .had the authorities at Cairo that a mos eaotaa.0 . Gault. ItEIQUIRED, visited the outlyingtown of Nil*$, Roading.cral .. 50` 95811B1. tenger from Gen. Gordon brought Reading principles of 50 20 where members of the paarty had :been oigt,teeu. dispatches. Two of theta 1i gtlitenhg'"�"r a'"itiitiiir -""'' "ilia 445 worsted in a fight the previous Sun - se were for the Sheik of the Kebbish Englisblliterature l00 45 day. An attempt of the swag to Com osttion and,practical tribe, which were direoted to the 0011• 1 ngluh,....., 100 in-law of a Sheik, who, however. had Dictation.,.. 5e been previously publicly ezeouted by nt�alarlitlimat�urationl75 order of the Mandi's Ameer. iu order ittsti..le to Overawe the people and compel Siiaemxi,Engllshand Cana -75 : them to join the Mandi. The Amaer, Geography 75 with many chicle, was afterwards Drawing ...................„ , It ook-keeping...• ,5 killed iu battle- Physics.., • 75 The messenger who brought the Those who chaos, to take dispatches reports that on the 24th will be allowed a bonus not to of July Geu. Gordons troops slaught• 50 marks to be added to oleic ered the rebel army which had been gate. sent againsthim from Kordofan. Another battle was fought August 80, which resulted in Gen. Gordon forcing the rebels to raise the asige of Khartoum, and daring which Sbeie Sidi, his son and their followers were killed. The above reports are confirmed by Khatem Elmoce Bey, who is hold- ing Hellish with Egyptian soldiers. The Shaggieh and other tribes have come in and tendered their sub -- mission. Senuaar is now in perfeot security. The population of Berber has re- covered from its fright over the anti- cipated deaeent by Gen. Gordon. '211e whole of the Shaggieh country is now tranquil. The chiefs are im ploring for mercy, and have made a oou,paot upon Koran to abandon the Mandi. The ootnpaot has thus far been observed. A despatch from Cairo says Aus- tria, France and Germany have in- strueted their representatives there to present a colleotiye note to Nubar Pasha, Egyptian Pr;me Minister, protesting against the enepenaiou of the sinking fund, which was ordered on the 18th inat. 35 ee 46 20 25 25 2t 25 20 20 20 musio exceed aggro. to addition to the minimum in eaob subject as given above, fifty per cent. of the aggregate is required to obtain a certificate. Third-class certificates will be renewed only on re-examina- tion. It will be seen by the above list that there is no longer the option of taking Latin. French or German ; that Al- gebra is no longer optional for female candidates, and that fonrnew subjects are required. The work preeoribed in the old subjects remaiue about the same, except shat etymology, Roman history, the eeooud book of Euclid, suras and qualratice in Algebra, are left off, and that Ayres' Yerbalist is reeoma.ended for e.iosuitatiou in oom• position. The new subjects are set down as follows : BEADING -The principles of eloqu. tion -consult Ayres' Orthcapiet on Prcnunoiation. Boos -KEEPING -Single and double entry ; commercial ferns ; general businet s transactions. Paysloe-- Hurley's introductory Science Primer, and Balfour Sewart's Silence Primer. Deawtxa-Freehand, practical geo- metry and industrial deeigng. ....•- For second•claes certificates the subjects and marks are : sporting Brevities. • They say that when W. H. Vander- bilt parted with Maud 8. he fell on her neck and wept. This is one of the Vices touching iostanoee of water- ing : etook in the whole Vanderbilt his- tory. A Boston despatch says Henlan has cabled from Australia to have two new rasing shells built for him, which evinces hie intention to make. e long stay abroad. The Maple Leafs, of Guelph, and the Bayeides, of Hamilton, played a gacne of base ball at the latter place, on Saturday, which was won by the ?temple Leafs by a score of 7 to 6. The Stars and Kelly's' cigar factory employee, Loudon, plr,yed•a game of base ball in Kenstugton on Saturday, SUBJECT, VALUE,. Reading. oral 0 Reading, priuci plea o1.... 660 Writing -....... .... '75 English grammar 400 Oomposition ander actioalEnglish literature...200 . Engli160 Dictationsh 60 Mental Arithmetio 75 Arithmetic, Mensnrttion200 Algebra 160 i English and Can,.150 Drawing ............. 7 Book-keeping Chemistry 75 'Physics 75 5 Gegraphy • adian ..100. 10 75 0 MUM REQUIRED I 9s 20 90 75 50 20 20 45. 46 25 25 20 20 20 wreck vengeance on individual, who incurred their enmity ledto a disturb- ance bordering on the proportions of a riot. Sunnis, clubs and pistols were used with eerioas effect to a number of combatants. Aa far as reported only one mau was killed --Joe Chitral, a Miles gardener. The invaadere es- caped from Niles in a wagon, pursued a long distance by a crowd of infuri- ated citizens headed by local consta- bles, but were finally captured by Lakeview police and lodged iu the village jail, where it ie feared violenoe will be attempted. ,4 Not Far From Homo. News Condensed Thos. Dodds, 7th con. Maintop, was severely injured last Friday by a horse kicking hits. The steel. caulks penetrated the lenge, inflicting severe butnot necessarily dangerous wounds. On Saturday a little daughter of Mr. Harry Griffin, of Mitchell, fell in- to a newly dug well of 21. feet in depth: Her Dries were heard by Mr. Harry Gray, who lowered a rope, and had ber pulled half way to the top when ber hold gave way and the poor little thing fell back again. In the eeooud attempt he succeeded in rescuing her, notmuoh the worse of her perilous fall. W. H. Taylor, of McGillivray, lost aoalnable three year old horse valued at $200, on Monday morning. In the morning he was not r ni with the other horses, and on search being made it was found that he had fallen headforemost into s well and was completely covered with water. He had been watered at this well during the rammer, and had doubters gone there in search of a drink with the above remit. This makes the seventh horse lost. by Mr. Taylor i 1 twelve • In addition to the above any oan d idate may bake music (75), and Li tin; French or German, •(each 150 and the tnerke will b3 lidded as a bo- n Up to hie total. In Algebra, Euclid and chemistry years. 441 is e - Scott Act Notes. The following date have been fixed upon for polling on the Sool1 Acb : Simcoe, October 9; Brnoe end Prince Edward County, October 30, '. Votes for the repeal of the .Act will be taken Oharlottown, P. E. f., on Ootober 16, and in York, N. B.,`on.Ootuber 80. Scott's Emulsion of rare Cod' Liver 00, with Biypophosphltes, Por Wasting, Delicate' Children DR. N'SB$R'AND•Elt, Ot. DOB` Moibds, lowa: says : „I have used'600tt's Emulsion, and Aud,at'satisfaetory in every respect:' Ohildren take it teaeily with excellent results"