The Exeter Times, 1884-9-18, Page 9Qf tt gal nGl� e(� du the Frontier. I Met "Q14Abese" at Laredo. Tea„ for the brat in 1874. His friend gave rile the history of hie trouble with a certain longhaired fellow, "Sturgis Is a gambler," he said, "and when be first came here, everybody was afraid of lulu, and he sorter run the settlement. Old Reese was away then; 31e Name back here about two months; tsgo,. The day he returneti he was passing +along the street, when be suet a little boy crying. Old Reese Is very fond of ichrldren, and titer all like !lint. He picked the .Mae fellow up, dried his tears, and inquired the cause of his trouble. Between his sobs the boy told his story. He was the only son of a poor widow w+lnlan who lives down by the river and does washing for the gamblers, Early in the sprung Sam Sturgis had wnpoyed hila to attend to his horse, promising to pay him $2 a week for los stnvicea. Glad to be able to help his mother. the little fellow took, charge of the gambler's eabal1o, and groomed and fell hirnfor sixteen wetoks. Then Sturgis sold the animal, and the boy's services were art longer required. Ile had just been is ti) ask; Sturgis for his pay, and the gambler had not only 11/4 not phial birn.,but bad pitotled him out of the casino. "kis kicked yell. dial ito ?" said Reese, and Biose blue eyes of his snapped. "Yes, sir." faltered this bay. " "And he won't pay you your money?' it 'No, sir,' whimpered the boy, 'and Mother needs it.' s"•I think he'll pay,' answere4Reese, *You run right hone, now, anti I'll be 4IQWn to.st"O you K eiently anti bring the money.' "Sturgis was ppretty flash then and was running a big «au e. Old Bettie went down to see hiw. Well, sir, it's only about a week ago that be recovered from that interview and was able to be about. Old Reese walked into the saloon, called for pen and paper and made out the !glowing !rill : 9atu81urt1ie. Laredo. Tex.. Auttust4, 174. To the a fdew Whine* KM, Dr. To herding pony, sixteen weeks. at S per'lcte4 ,. ,. i Gil To letektnif t.tu,t'l.a 1 ti by he 'innee for bis money. 51 W To cost of vullevuiou 40 00 j tt strive 1 payt:tent Idea walked to the table where Sturgis was dealing monto and !raid tide bill before ldm. "Stttrgie," he said. "fray this little bill awl I'll receipt. it." The gambler glanced at the papers juniped to hia feet, jerked want iris raiz sboott"r and ,old, "l'lI he tissal if Iths" 1 "I think you will," cried Reese, aud he knocked this fellow down.. Before be Moult! regain his, feet old Reese was upon him. Iles jerked the six-shooter out of Stnrgi°•' hand and beat Liao over this head with it until het cried for rlu,'1'e'y. "Will you pay the hill ?" asked test*. raising the six-shooter to hit him agin, „"1`e, ," And ire paid it.—eorrespon. dote Times. UM tiu Bran•. *.'.4t ed asaiesolutelrpure reu,�Ore tb.coVersad emelt j t wet A s be r°r1i. eunwatiree µ}tate mown et ammonia. DOES NOT CO°NM►. ire runevuertews mel tilt=V R sans etveir lOs r to amtinonImmo for a quarter 9C* MOM. 14 lens 14o44 the co,, 4n,erx" reliable teat,. TNE TEST OF THE OVEN. ?RICE .1)Alii iii PO j CO, rfriceS tai ha ern g Extract; rommiown. dF1krWs7„sl7tllglta141.Wk tr.,,tMa. Price's Lupulin Toast aims or l.t; ; ai xRii st e7Ati T a s be- Itee FOR kALE 13Y .GROCERSt, OfilOACV. RT.. 1.01310 - LIGHT HEALTHY BREAD QUtf. lira. atrdeses Advice. "Will litaxt�s Webster Finback please step ills way?" asked the President, as the meting opened, Brother F inbaek, who has been every quiet. but deeply interested member of the club for the past two years, ad - winced to the desk, and Brother Gard- ner eontinned: "Moses, 1 l'arn dat you am on de pint of removin' to 011ie?" 47i'es, silt." "You will take your certilieate'long wida.ou, an' you will keep your mem- bership wid us jilt de same; an any time on kin raise money 'fluff to take rti freight train an' cum cp an' see us you will tind a hostile welcome." "Yes, sah—Ize much obleeged, replied Moses as he wiped a. tear from his eye. "An, now I want to say a few furder words toort," resumed the President after a solemn pause. "You ata gwine to cut loose an' sail in tie company of strangers, an' dor' am a few things you would do well to remember. "Remember dot a lawyer will work harder to cl'ar a murderer dan he will to convict a thief. "Remember, dat naybur who offers you de loan of his hoe am fishin' around to secure de loan of your wheel- barrer. "Remember, dat you can't judge .of de home happiness of a man an' wife by seein' 'eon at a Sunday skule picnid. "Remember, dat while de aiverage man will return you de k'rect change in a, business transackshun, he'll wa- ter leis milk an' mix :beans wid his cof- fee. "Remember, dot atl de negatives of de beat photographs am total -felted, an' .de wrinkles an' freckles worked out. "Remember, dat society am made up ..of good clothes, hungry stomachs, de- ception, heartaches an' mixed gram- mar. "Remember, dat people will nebber stop to queshnn de (ref of any rumor or scandal affectin your character, but it takes y' ars to"satisfy' em dat your great grandfadder• wasn't. a pirate 'au' your great grandmudder de leadin' gal in a fifteen -cent ballet. You kin now sot downs an' close your eyes an' ,veiled: aa'. digest, an' de rest of us will purceed to carry on de usual programme of de rueetin." Nine thousand !Marshal Niel roses ow one vine is the ,record tor one year made, by a grower in Netdhol t, R. I. • A New York lawyer, after waiting in a restaurant for more than a quarter of an hour for a dish of soft-shell crabs he had ordered, went to the telephone, called a `district messenger boy, and sent him to hunt. the waiter who had • t taken his order. The twat dry hapzeast fa the world. !;read raised by this !roast Ls VOL white and whole - same like our �raudatothtrr's dellcleas bread, ••�•• CROCER5 SELL THEM. �•�, retsina es TNS Price flaking Powder Co., Iifali'fha e1 Dr, Rim's ZNCiai rlayani¢ Exl'acls, Weever 11/. tilt, tonna. Ma, " , s acs and cow letU res troubles, guaranteeing laud kindred tro +restoration of health and manly} vigor. Addresspas above, N.11. --No rtelt Is incurred. as thirty days' trialisallowed, Wm. Slavic. who In eps a law tutu shop at Olneyville,11.1., WAS shot and killed Friday by Ilia son Juba. An old feud was the cause "Blood -food" is the suggestive uatue avert Riven to A, er's Sarsaparilla, because of its blood.enriening qualities, In a bicycle race at Philadelphia the outer night John lePrince went tau milts iu 5,50, beating the record 10 s:cconds. TO THE LADIES. McGregor .e l'arke's Carbolic Cereal will cure guy case et Pimplea on the face or Iiouph Skin on either halide or face end heave them soft as ails. It will also heal auy sole when all other prepuratians fail. Thoustuuls bane tooted it. Ask your druggist for McGregor fit Parkes Cirrhotic Cerate, and do not be per- suaded to take euythkng else claimed to bo its good, It is but 24 cents per box at .1. W Browning's Drug Store. 3 Asswr.re vane avxsrzox.—Why do so many People we sec %round us,seem to prefer to suf fc: r and be made miserable by indigestion, con- stipation, dizziness, loss of appetite, coming up of the Poop, yellow skin, when for 74 cents, we will sell them Shiloh's Vitalizer, guarante ed t' cure them, Sold by .3, W. Browning, Exeter. it o w, DANGER IN 'PIE AIR. The recent strange planetary movements and eleetrical phenomena leave developed the fret that the earth is passing 'through a dang- erous period %ellen atmospheric influence will seriously effect human health. Fortify :ire weakened system with that grand tome regu- lator, Burdock Blood Bitters, and avoid ma. lariat blood poisons. ,,,,The Governor-General has consented to open the Provincial Exhibition at Ottawa. His Excellency attended the Toronto Fair on Monday. it ifootiton,11. J., WM.'W, baser, am ee, centric old assn of 74., 'atteutated to kiU ilia wife and deugktter, arid then kill himself. The wife wilt probably recover, but it is tnought the daugter will die, Buckien's Arnica Salve, The Beat Salve in the world for Outs, Brtue- ea, Sores. T.loers, Salt Rbeem, Fever Sores. Totter, Chapped halide. Gia ilblaius,Gorns,and all Skin Eruptiona, and positively curs Pilaw, or no nay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, ..o uaottoy refunded. Price 24 cents per box. For sale by ail drug-: gists. $1504 I,ire\viiv4. lC- `We wilt pay the above reward for any, case of Liver complaint, Dyspepsia, Sick- head= ache; Indigestion. Uonsttpatien or Costiveness we cermet eurewith West's, Vegetable Liver Pills, when the directions are strickiyeomplie4 with. They are purely Vegetable, and never Lail togive satisfaction. Sugar coated. Large boxes, containing 3U kills, 24 oauts, For sale by allAruggiete, Beware of counterfeits and Imitations. Tho Genuine manufactured only by JOON C. WEST ct CO., "The Pill Peak - ere," 81 it 83 Xing street Eget Toronto, Ont. Free trial package sent by melt prepaired on receipt of a three cent atatnp. REMARKABLE ltirSTQRliTIU:i. Mrs, ,A Q'Brien.372 Exchange Street, Buf- fato, waw sappgsad to be dying with consump- tion awl abandoned by her poyslcian. She suffered terribly and was redhead its !Taub to ;suety pounds, In this condition she resorted to Burdock Blood Bitters: awl naw eujays per• test stealth and veleta one lmndeed anti forty. eix. She willgladly renewer enquiring rafter. era on receipt of U. €<. Postage stamp, The heated spell in New fork hes broken. Them were several deaths from late pretty*, Hone. PLEBS ItI(.IIIT�UING. Fluid Lightning is ilia only etu'e fur Tooth - he, Headache, Faunally and Nentalfgie. tswit uut take a day er neer to euro it. but in less than a minute all pain is gone. Thouta adds have tested its merits within the last year. Fluid, Ligbtuiog is also a positive cure for Rheumatism. The worst possible cases have beets permanently eared in one week. Price 25 cents at 3. W. Browning's Drug Store. 8 SAVED FItOj% Tll.i. SCALPEL. A Toronto lady, Unt. Rerkenehaw. coil, traded a disease of ilio knee joint aud wan telvit:ed to twubmit to u inrgicel (potatiouby the beat pbyaiolan attending; all other treat- lacuts blunter failed when 7iiyyaad'a Yrih+zty Oil was tried and eptedity reit' eked *cure. It is the Qufaihnfi reauw:dy fur aceideuts anti eel. ergeneies. awl is for internal and external use. ON THIRTY DAYS' TRIAL.. Tilt; VOI.TAKI Uaaw C#., �f:krahaih, ]IHch.,ivil Rend J)n.I)Tx'aGr rrua:ahls Fl,ecTso-VOI,TArt: Betas A,:) St,aexxiq Ar>er,IA'.elta on trialfor !Shirty days to uteu (young or els) Arlie are af- frote' with nervous lost vitality Dints er,Lt n it k's °. In making a la :t is well to mad. loot that the work i•. to he At me for man! tolirs. and Ibut in no p:u't of the grounds will thorough preparation. sleep tilling of the stili. and abundant a 1e- ti Y . fertilizing. . n better t t e t t1i.atr ,pert". In a dawn of at t.'t .iti'er:thle extent, it Is a u$—tako to suppn.e teat it iq ut"t'tessarr to redutee the sttrftt•ee to a detttl level. For small trr:t„ taltatt'. nu small jrlttces. this may be deskrahte but a large lawn appears to tltueh better adv'antarro if the suriart' k gently undulating..¶1'ur- loos niixtur'» of seed are offered by the seetbnen. Str,ne of these seem to be well considered, but anything more un- suited to our climate" than the -French Lawn Grass," eau not he imagined. Probably not tt third of the kinds of Trawls it is said to tontaiu will survive in our climate. 'lilt best lawns we et- er had were sowo with "KentucltyBlue Grass". and -Rhode Island Bent" (a variety of Ret—top). in both cases a small amnia of "White Clover" was added. For strong soils, the former, for light and sandy ones, the latter, writ Her dotlbt give s atisf:retion. Iry buying grass seed for a lawn, look well to its quality. Some seed of "Kentucky Bine Grass" (the same as June Grass") sells for twice the price of other,. and is Worth four tunes as mut:h. Chaff does. not always cover seed, and the samples should be carefully inspected. The ad - rice to use front three to el•'et 141:44c1$ of seed to the acre, is founded upon the uncertain quality of the seed. Probably four bushels of fairly good seed would he ample. The seed -should be divided into two or four equal portions, and the staving made, after thoroughly prepar- ing the soil, in different directions. The seed may be brushed in, but at this sea- son, a good roiling will give a sufficient covering, Where the lawn borders on roads or paths, or on shrubbery or oth- er plantations, it will be best to lay a margin of turf, six inches or more in width. For small areas, the laying of sods is advisable, and this may be done now, as well as in spring. In most lo- calities, a common, or the road -sides, iylll'l 3u bila' afford a fine, ',close turf. 'The'soil„in this case” shouldbe as thoe- oughly prepa`tred asifor seeding; andthy. turf well beaten down, to bring its roots in close Contact with the soil. If nec- essary to cover steep banks, sods must be used. These may be held in place by . the pie of pins; plasterer's lath split, is the best. these \nal. deeay by the time the 'o.1 become; well estab- lished.—•American agriculturist for August. The bicycle is invading the South. It has rolled through Georgia. One has just reached Mobile. and nobody can be' foutld Avho can ride the fiery, un- tamed machine. The reason given is that the streets and roads are, too sandy. The real trouble' probably is that there is not enough "sand" in the young men. Dr. C. E. Page, of Biddeford, 14ie., makes the' statement that he bas means of knowing of over5,000families in this country who adopted the vege tarian diet for curative purposes, after becoming diseased under the universal meat' eating, and they rarely have oc- casion to call adoctor into'their homes. CRUELLY MURDERED. In the province of Ontario every -year thous- ands are being slowly murdered by taking un- suitable untried noetrums for such complaints as Costiveness, Indigestion, Liver Complaint, Kidney Troubles, etc., who might easily regain lost strength and energy by using McGregor's Speedy Cure. To convince them that such is the case we will giro thema free trial bottle' at J. W, Browning's Drug store. Price 50e. and' 31. See testimonials from persons in your own town 3 A FACT. Thele are oils white and oils black, Put up in bottles short and tall, But iiagyard's,Yellow Oil, for pain, Is the very best oil of all. It cures Rheumatism, neuralgia, deafness, sprains, braises, coutrsoted cords, sore throat, frost bites, barns and all soreness of the flesh. It is for external and inteenai use. °A., CARD. To all who are suffering front the errorsand intliscrotieteofyouth, nervous weakness, early deeny,lossof manbcod, Sco.,I win gend areceiu hat will cure you, risen OF CHARGE This great remedy was•diseovered by a missionaryiit South Aineritrt Send aself-addressed envelor.t to the rev rose;YHTIN MArr.Statin..1),NewTorie HOW TO CURE ACJ,LD.. Take some gentle opening medicine; bathe the -feet in warm water, adding a spoonful• of mustard remain indoors equalize the circu- lation with. warm bath and friction drink warm ginger tea, and take Hagyard's'Pectoral Balsam, the most perfect and the safest cough: care tOntcan be procured, A CELEBRATED CASE, Thremarkable ease of W. A. Edgers, of yranlviile{,w-do,sufferecl from' thiseate of the ]ilei tlitarl 1dduoys so`iladly that all hope of re °ovary was abandoned. Ho remained ten and thirteen nays without action :of the .bowels. Font bottles of Burdock Blood Bitters restored him to perfect health, which he had not known for twenty years before. N VALU" 7.: 6 EVT•ERY LJT, Y MAY • EW. Tho bat hreuthe cl notion for Blair. Lam. it coneeala the@vid4nee Of eec., title at'pU- •. 44414O 12$11 maim the most atabbornly red ;and rough hands beautiful! soft and w'�to. Ite• mer ober net" MAY DEM" to nota paint or powder that fllr up the pores of the Akin, end (bat fennel—ins to the skin but a nein end teat disoov ery, a veeet a If9,utd, tet 0A11469the cheek to glow with health, the neck, arms: poosssible to deto tect in Iebeaut W it�conf sera any artificial character, 15 nares ilreasy alevines, Wrinkles, Pimples, Zgliok heads, Croire Feet, pTan Ringworm, Chapped Banda, Smee ot A Csun hp ped Lips. Barber', heir, Tetter. ,tc. It trees the pores,oal glands, and tubes from the inlur- RinseSeotsofpowder;And cosmetic washes. Renta use alt redneS, and rename,* arc pre,. Tonto ; It hee„,otdes the skirt. and will melee it oF°dllyeaynaTsostn p oi poriezthlth3.. al,andranthtul appearance, The hest ties lotion that the world elver produced. We will send +" A r uaoa eo 'rr.n"tn any address on re. oefpt of prica. $1. Whenordering mention 514 paper. Astdrette ell letters to the bMAYPEW AGENCY. 71 rogue --street, Toroute,Ont, leerier end lteeeettoa ltoo'n for Ladies. as USD Effillt611111 ! �zcaysE To the Front as Usual With all the latest Novelties in all Devartments T e place to get everything you want at prices to suit the times. COME ONE, COME ALL Notxoub e to show Nhow Good s. JAMESPICKARD. �C .�,�L.Ds RENOWNED REMEDIES. THE PILLS Purify the Bleed, correct all Disorders of the LIVER, STO1IAC11, KIDNEYS, AND CWELS, They invigorate and restore to health Debilitated Coustitutions, awl are invaluable in all. Complaints incidental to Females of all ages. For children and the aged they are wireless THE OINTMENT s an infallible remedy for Bad Lsga, Bad Breasts, 014 Walnuts, ts, Sores and %'leers. It is famous for Gout and Rheumatism. FOR DISORDERS of TEE CHEST IT snst N0 2i n.tz. For Sore Throats, Bronchitis, Coughs, Colds,Glandrlar Swellings, and all skin disease it has no rival ; and for contracted awl stiff jciuts it actslike a charm. Tho Pills and Ointment are sold at Taenias Horaowax's Establishment, 78 NEW OXFORD-STREETIate (533, OXFORD -STREET), LONDON; also by nearly every respectable Tender of .Medicine, in Boxes and Pots. at ls. lid., 2s. 9d.. 4s, 84., 11s., 22s., and 330. each. The 2s. 9d. size contains three times the quantity of the 1e lid, size ; the 4s. 6d. size six ; the lis, size sixteen ; the 22s size thirty-three ; and the 33a size fifty-two times the quentity of the smallest Boxes and Pots. Full printed directions are affixed to each Box and Pot, and eau be has in any language RW' Purchasers should look to the Label on the Pots and Boxes. If the address is not 533 Oxford Street. Loudon, they are spurious. WILLIA11I DREW Undertaker an Cabinet*rnaker. I _ 7 ONE DOOR NORTH MOLSON'S BANK