The Exeter Times, 1884-9-18, Page 8iteS s The so"diess r el a young as who hail Leen n lu a ": 110 hours, His s'>1n t ay Ha Pulse ems- art r gh , lie had no P `Bl ink tOO CII <_ J, 1Y of Wounds, and ii' .:Lill lie>•Sntlbred more water, and every summer the. list of from the bad 'use:l of trie' ltodics thandeaths from this cause is a long cue. from starvation. As soon tis he gained Excessive drinking of ice-cold nester be - his feat bel;an tae wo itlt t1Aa sol,• comes as fhnell of i habit as sews other eliers av tar se . eosin seas nuder forms of dr'irrk:le if -tee -cold water toe the ruista err still tri c:Leur hourn used to rrduete t4. perature of ordi- more 44•r3ten •d.:lnt3 tsnrsiu i9atllc n•Lry we11-learnt, eAhnJf-qnd-half,"e it out often s s l4., ar.: or apr"onu. }>4wra� readiily fasAwhe :ea into the stomach of soldiers suet a flour m,tlihef who w:4.s, erring be+e:east hey desey,lioar Zai yA'ars at the melting t of see (32 ), and was fx-tt L d beneath a 'reek. " The there will be PO danger of sunstroke mother urge.' the g!t•! to allow the sol - diem t., chug her out. even If her legs should be tarn oil: After two scours of hard work c..e gas was rese'tted. and sudden prostration in the hay Belli." Still better tlrttn iee-water is sotto: pre- pared drink, to be taken in moderate quantities. Nothing is better for those The linty 0, a nun was ttlunel in the who work in the bay and harvest field ruin:. s.ae h:tel in :ter ln>ri{eei these tin than than the old-fashioned "Switched." number 62. 51 4S.:,. llQ. ` Tnou,.suda This is water, sweetened with molasses.. in Ross- aA ;\,kp.l• N41: ti. 'Ir money':to which are added vinegar and ground on the ti tn) c•I'-. and the Royal lottery giti,;re . 1'�"e do not know of any &I.JJltte fins tAAa i hes .4 furl ➢x proportions. •. as the ingredients are now #LA an; •. ni cn. l,• ::. err.• or.t•r,i, of :alt: mokeI •,according to taste." It fs his •:r >i_ rc ts henry is a swot reefsesh!n>rtir.tngitt. and if cooled kink' son sors,'t ,•i n :;r>141.4 some 1.: :shinier a msdeeste klrrRntitt 4.)f tee, valises ^ t 1 hand : oared. It the' Prevent.".wt nnPlea,ant 14'aS. a n + . .. t s art :t 94'. \Si➢e ie t""t>t+. eeup !:il firing;, for work- metSor , , , r..';L.,,_•i„ l..e grater`, men ?n toetae•ttl l� • Iee:al�Vine'.8 ML1et icy andt e \\ �xlt tiArw`t)'P - 4'l -r. tett„ ++"ta t•eltti it. 4114 th4'n, st1Cae t I•e 4.a, Int t , . t\.:+ ..t'«kl •'<'.:bc^r It last 5114) ;t the instil of Oni! 01'more lemons.. „vola t: l'ilis may :deo he tetolert by adeitur est oakin nsotlt•ralt<t q•Aantitiees, and those slat' i',. d a. •4.l. '4.-' nitlii- like 14 1 at :eel Rit� ort.fE•r it 11:181V tit •- r "lig \. drink. k :, 4'"' harvest 3 rn . ran t 4.1 7l 1 r 1 t + n _> • .ia 4.l .0 : ih idle •t. ar. Anti.mlik. tilled "n it llet1 no-.41tinter, •,. t .t o l es r4 a eel � ld:�a 1 won,t e r, •1 :a; ! rt.•i. , k u ,• vassals : eekil�>:1. is an t xt�t•Ilt nt drink for the 4t11a1 1 0i - .# survivor; Belli.--sfinerasoos.1;Irie•e:iererfs', Says 4.t t* ecu t. robiat r!e ,):i vraluadel•'3 Tlie-""' " Oases Reform. leal \4 .st e\" tel 'ltentliUt One hears so tnuehofNihilism - in con - to kisi1it4sintsome in little lRussian fa,enNaples and land on sol.ary ;that little accth ounts abn of the vital noes. .;reforms which the Czar is really trying Survie.er- who wore buried for many Pto bring about. When serfdom was hour!: sioov zit ns "f i.➢ edit .t.aulti a abnlishi;t'1 the land was given to the 1 u 1 r 1 , , #sue r : -, are afraid ' freedman. under a Government mort- Io t•;eep u11818•r a tea, sod la1.n0:- sleep 'yf:igo. They were charged six per cent, .alone. interest, and were expected to erre their One • !lie last vlk t .ns f•a an -1 alit holding within A certain. nutnter of n l�' a. e 9 y 11 1t4+ 1'111 81 tor eightstrtrars.Except in a few inDtanee., the d are:. 1 , 4.;.4 4.1N. '1lea)an . a *running..e�ufranthisedandholdtr hate not been worked ii . el seer seven o' tight hours. able to meet their engagements. and t•©Leaatt i l,,r what they •unlr,se.i to ho have fallen into the banks of usurious u sun. li n'_ with the fr,,mklly words:. n:ekney-lenders, 44 'lin keep them in abject ••(�Ua^'l ,,:. ht1,1i U141 41 !.o•:r;.°.r,l,_e:" 11Th'meetly. The iliteWet hatred of the agine use -r surprise when nil y found; Z wo by the Russian peg -ants is attrib- the donkey. tie began to bray a. 600u utable h a great part to the fact that Iv as his ht •ret was uneuvrr'e.,1, unity Hebrews' are among theme who The ti;t 4.4.1;1 not he built again 44 hsavte profited lie the miser' of the Rus - stone,. Woodeni.'w-.ens ouiv aro per -.'•tan laborers. The three great reforms mitts,:. • all; the. Czar are, first, the snowier -in:: of the money payment of the- Govern. (4lcpa.. a Ster.aade. "meat for the use of the land. This went Vp Second avenue the other night into 4-4.1 't the beginning of the lire-e,nt tivt Vnutr_ men softly entered a vard,' year; hut, -of 4.',ltu",•e. It will take time for arranged themselves in semi-eirdle on the good results of this measure to be the gra • nod suddenly began to sing, !experienced. The next reform is ono in while a grlut'r and at banjo added their whish equal difficulty will be expert-, sugary nee! ': to the general sweetness. t enced in carrying nut. To save the pee - As the song was finished a sash went up pre from the usurel;a the Government is and a mage mint" voice called out:;about to organize banks to loan money "Sple'A•lid! Beautiful! Gentlemen, Ito a •rieulturis is et the lowest possible please repeat:" Interest. It• is this well -intended meas - The hand on the mass was only too urt whitll has e1os'dthe money markets happy to aeeon)mo&Tate, anti "Only a. of Europe a'►ainst Russia. In all human Pansy Blossom" went floating again on probability Alexander will fail in carry the night breeze. !uo• on this edit meant measure. The "Entrancin-positively entrancing!"'Hurd of his reforms is the rescinding of exclaimed the man at the window. the Moll tax. which pressed heavily upon '.Gentleman, I don't want to put yon to the poor. In its place he substituted a trouble, but if you would only sin; that grraduated income tax, rising from five over inn mere!" per cent. in the lowest taxable incomes The sting dragged a little: this time, to fifty per cent. on the highest; the Oh - and the alto voiceseemed to have swat- jeet of the autocrat being to discourage lowed a troche down the wrong pipe, aceulnulations of wealth in a few panels, batt it ended at lastand the old man en- and distribute it among the poorer pap- ooses', and called out. - ulation. • The greatest Communist of the • 1'That's what I call singing?. , that isl day is the Czar of all the Rosales. G,entli ai u. I'm no hog, but if I could This is why the Nihilists have the warm prevail upon you to render that delight- symppathies of . the nobles and very ful pot.m once more it would be a kind- wealthy. The outcome -of all this 4.4'i11 ness I nr•\t•r could forget!" ' be watched with great interest by all There was a great deal of cussing and who, while they distrust communistic growling in undertones, but the leaner legislation, would. not object to see it nave 4.t « kov, and for the fourth time tried in any country save their own. - the ne•,. e yirhooif was filled with dread- From Deniorest's Monthly. ful.. fist!. 1 pansy blossoms. When the------•�'-c last a..,4..- eked away the old matin Clap- pelt his hanaisee.tld ;me i:timed: "Better and better: You have my The Traly Hoaestduror. hear:f i. titan.;,. Tile old woman Is Some difficulty was experienced in obtaining a jury, and the eonrt was get- ting tired of the tedious proceedings. "Call the next juror, Mr. Clerk," said the solicitor. for the hundreth time. The clerk called out the man, and an old man with an honest face and a suit of blue jean elotties rose up in his place, around her!"--- Detroit Free Press. and the solicitor asked the following - - --•••- • -S--- - customary questions: "Have you, from having seenthe rime committed, or having -heard any of In some exeacations on tae site of ' the evidest•e delivered under oath, the old Norman Castle at Bungay, Eng- formed or expressed an opinion as to land, the other day, the workmen came the guilt or the Innocence of the prison• on a slab of stone which was found to er at the bar. ?" weigh over a half a ton. This, on re- "No, -sir." moval, disclosed a spiral stone staircase. "Is there any bias or prejudice resting At its foot was a vault. forty-eight feet on your mind for or against the prison- long by thirty wide, supported on two er at the ✓ ows of Norman. columns.. Judging, . "None, sir." frotheretnains- of- chains and fra - "Is your mind.perfe m ctly impartial be - merits 'of bones at one end of th&va`urt. ' tween the state and. the:;aocused?" it is presumed that it :' was used', as Otho "It is." • dungeon.of the castle, in Which itYs':xe : "Are you opposed -to capital pnnish- corded that Sir Hugh Biggott practiced ment?" great cruelties in the reign of • King "I'm -not„'.+ Stephen. In 'the remainder of the vault .All the questions had been answered, were portions of armor, fine battle axes and the court•was congratulating itself fn wonderful preservation and a crock on having another juror, and the..solici- or. earthenware vessel containing alarge tor in solemn tones said: gttantity of silver coins, the value - of "Juror, look upon the prisoner -prig• which -itis impossible to judge, their oner, look,upon.the juror." - weight alone being over thirteen pounds, The old nnan •adjusted, his spectacles, • • and ppeeringly gazed at the prisoner fot full half aminute; when -he turned 'hie eyes toward the court` and earnestly said ' "Judge,-I'll-be•condennned if I don't believe:hes' guilty!" • It is useless to add that the -court was considerably exasperated at having lost a juror, but the -most humorous inclined bad a. good laugh out of the old <man's premature candor.- $llbert:n-t 'Georgia) south. by a t f w'ilfetror" i t•e i a• ort 1180 : deaf, my darter is in Pontiac, and the hired gal quit yesterday, or I'd have 'em all -t:,:k their heads out to thank you in person! .Good night, gentlemen -good night, and if you see lit to come tomorrow evening I'll hay die old woman sot up with a hedquilt wrapped Affluence is always within the easy roach, of the British literary, mau. A11 Ise has to do is to visit America and go Home and write a book giving this bloom- in' country partieular fits. This will make him solid with his com- patriots, and cause them to come down. handsomely. Then, after 'a year or two, he pays us'.' asecond visit, and on re, turning to his native heath he , writes- a second book, in which he takes back all the misrepresentations, all the satire and all the lies in his first volume, and gives us taffy instead. His second book consequently takes here, as his first one said over there. -$cyton Treo:a :-• -e When a certain bachelor was marrleu the members of the Bachelor Club broke him all up by sending him as a wed• . ding present a copy of "Paradise Lost." C ANA CO troll TO wrrE girl 41 IUNETWateivistItalt1410,1004basnoegaliJ,j relievagglittin,bettilottwoatactIl external tt' cureepain iu the Side, back orboweis,sorothroat k Rheumatism, Toutnaeho,Lumba go and any 'dud i of*pain ormite. ••Itwill most surely quicken the blood Awl teal,as its acting power iswonder. i fol. "'Brown's Household Panacea' being ash-, nowledted as. the• lieve'rof.di i. blethesareligth of i• :lair: immet i intheworld,shoultibatt?tle l•y tamalyFtaody terf ict+wboawantodl nit • ist,hetre�ifreuagdyy! in the world for am�"• `ln the Sto1nach,and' gains and Aches e, le s tgdq, akdla farsaley� ail Druggists et85gents %IOU"-, r $7 000 `o feitt. l; fiaviug the :tttuost oolxf Baan a in it super% i t ority over all others, after ilaortaanr ; tests of the moo bairn •i fed- mill severest cases we could firsd, we it's:Si ed in effeskig i to forfeit One Tho end: Btatlars for any ,ruse ofcoughs,colds,asl {tirrY ,;u ueliza, hoarse- I TIMES cess; brouehitia,-Sohentapriou in its early 1'' E stages, whoops the throat and' , eft and all diseases o4., _ . , a_. we only claim r Vest's Gough 8 e Mark. LA, CI t BI p10B,, Thebastpreparationlarown to soiencetorheautifyingthe CON _, : =ION ONE SINiGLE Beautify the Face an piexion a Perfectly Appearance, It Con Feet, and the Eviden Smooth, and- Q tints, *Metiers to r , go PRICE -5Q cents; ,mut 4.O any addrebg, Posta t netakeii. Add CREME 0' OR, Onnver 2,678, Toronto P.O. Ask your druggist for It. Wholesale by all wbole- sale deemed& ■ rt s•> CATION is warranted to', to the leadedor Sallow yr 1,c Com- Natural,and Youthful 1 WrinklesFrecsof Age. leaving the a m Crow's : eft Asthana,for skim") , at we can't eure with hen teken aeeording t4 directions. Salaip.e bottles' 25 and 50 cents; largo bottles one dollar . Genuine wrappers l only iu blue. Sold by all drisgriste, or sent' by mail on receipt of pr^ae. JOHN C. Nun.; &( a. 814.t, 84 Poing Bs, East :Terento,Ont. 11,vvica;e s O4lrt.ezent.-Sores, Woulnhs VI- ek'ratlona and otltt;' aL,-, :l` -os tattling tlr *kin ' are eapable of tweedy atueu,itnent by this cools! MR alitl le:Qua unguent. which has called t forth the lcu•leect rush. front Tenons who lead euff,4red fes scone front lad less, abscieses, }and chrome > lire 111e.: r:4.. after eve"ly leu a of cure I had !see j asst away. None Wittl:o'e who ; liava experienced the saaathme effects of this ointment eau form an idea of the comfort it. la stows by restraiiuug ieflalusuatiou and ill -1 la} Inc pain. Wlrt-nota-r Ballots ey'A Olutaut:r't I Dias been once use4 st tins entable:bed she own 1 worthsand has again been eagerly i.inigirt for1 as the easiest and safest remedy for alt ulcers ons complaints. in neuralgia, rheumatism ane sone. the earue application, property used, Iores wonderful relief. Tonna lade, do not klesrair. Dr, I. C. j West s Nerve and Brain Treatment will care 1 Myst 0.1.4 and nil nervous trou1elea. Soblat J. W, Ilrowak'ug's, Diu Store. 3 R`itat every persoliarlloulttlanvr--Thesrand t outlets of disease teem tin+ *.tern are the bo.wels:1 11 the kidneys. Johnrtou'r, rs3,,a- I ritla is the nlok.1 ado. plea*ant and effectual purifier •at the 9,.:tin lai,wii. Try •.ne bottle • 1 Mortar. J' told bo . W. Drowning. pVititv.I. Fr -1 rop• at. 110 26 Gita. Try Asses Pills 9111,11,E enrol. Misery is a nmol w 'r t ted..-t-ri1 ' the nu>. hi t to testy Arl.1 mind canesd 1w habitual r.enatie 1tiso. The regain' use et;#ser's (.at1s:chi fills in mild doses will restore the torpid \.*eere 4.,a healthy 1 aetiell. Thal ONLY VEGETABLE CURE roe 1- s-fAppt ll wl :l:tl Sostivenv,:, Sick Headache and Biliousness. S. p^r tinkle..S t i by alt Drhggists. AA How Lost, How Restosed, .NHbOb Wollave recently published a now edition o DR R: t; Ia\'I•;1tw.ir*.L's CEI,7CBit vr1-:I) ESSAY onthe radical andpernlanent cure (without mo- (Heine)ofNervous Debility. Stental and physical Incapacity impediments to Marriage. etc -re. suiting from excesses. Price, in sealed envelope, only cents, or two Postage stamps. ' The celebrated author of this admirablcessay olaeakrlydemonstrates,froua thirty years' success. ful practice, that alaru ingcousegnences maybe radicallyeured withoutthe dangerous use of in ternaime;lieinesorthe use of the knife; :Point• out mode of euro at once simple certain and of- feotua i,by meana4f which every sufferor,inomat. ter what his condition may be,may oourehimself eh aaply,privately and radically. rieTli lecture should beinthe handsel every youth and every than in the land. Addre s4., THE GULVIiiRWELLMEDIUALeCo Al ANN T.,11P•W TORE Pont Office Box 450 REMOVAL ! REMOVAL ! TAU 1st 85, 30 as. Bub duck BLOOD TT',s Cures Dizzine.A. I.os if Appeti'te, Titdi jestwn, i liotts*es, -Doprpsia, Jaumii ee;.:t„ reet;onsof the Zirer and Kidner, Pimples, Blades, Brits, fitauwrs, Salt. lac1er?,,Scrofetla. Ery$iprias, anti ali'di,,ra&es arising from Impure -8109d. Deranged Staniarb, or irregular aa'tion rf the &trek. STT BROS. HEADQUARTERS r c4. war e,, Spades, Hoes, Faks, Scythes, Bay, wire and steel stnsp fencings Spooltal 1103.0 (of' CIIRAP AT BISSETT BROS. sty to? BflVEEL ,1111 richino 1 GENERAL DEALERS THE GENERAL QUESTION Agitating the Public mind at present 1s where can they get the best Bread, but this matter can bo settled to the entire satisfaction of the people of Exeter and surrounding country, by calling on • J'Oh31\T B LL, the old established and reliable bakery, where tpey wlll find just khat they want • A Shpt ser quality of Bread always os Hand Also a first-class stock of BvsourTs, Blare, CAEEs & Cc'NPaclriONARY, which will be sold cheap. While opponents have started buki- ness,.and sold out,,andleft the place, Mr. Bell has been found at his post, during the past eight years, ready to attend to the wants of the Public. CROCERIEO. Owing to increasing: business, Mr.. Bell ha found it necessary to remove to more com- modious premises, and has added iargely- to his stook of Groceries, and will keep on hand Sugars, Teas, Coffee,_ Syrup, and everything nsually.found in a first -plass Grocery Store. All kinds of Farm Produce tak- en in exchange for Goods. REMEMBER THE STAND :-SOuthCott's Block, Four doors North Post Office.,• • STAP2.M-- AN17=- DRY- - 000DS ==MADE- CZCY1'H2NGt- Hats, Caps, Boots & Shoes GENTS' FURNISHINGS, ItLRFft1 Ano liNTEIS tztoo arrro \v/\l AVM GARDEN and FIELD SEEDS, FTC., ETC., Full' Lines in ' all Dep rtrra.exsts. Do not fail to examine . our stock . before where, as you will find prices correct and purchasing : else- Goods fiirst class; Inspection Invited. JOHN BELL, Drourletor SADIWELL & PICKARD. 1 e'