The Exeter Times, 1884-9-18, Page 1k sP C I.A. IIiY A .0 -ma :semi , T . thr "HEW TO THE LINE, LET THE OUii'S FALL WHERE THEY MAY." Vol. XII., No. 4 1X WTB B, ONT., THURSDAY MORNING, SEPT. 18, 1$84. JOHN WHITE E SON PablIskers sad Ps'eystet re. —just Received– -- • ..----SOb1ETRINC} VERY FINE OUOOOL. —TES and 0000 A. All kinds of FRUITS, ORANGES, LEMON'S, FRGS, DATES, BANANA. At G. -A,. LY7.D E..&,...N'S. Z3 W. HALL, BARRISTER SOLI ITDR, etc ;Office In&seawa,ll's/Stook. Exeter. DENTAL. 1UVADPBS ABSOLUTE DIVORCES FOR persons residing throughout the United Stets* and Canada, for desertion, non, support,intemperance.erueloy,ineempatibility. etc. Adviea fres. Btate onrogeei and sddrssa ATTORNEY WARP, World Euildieg. 1367 BroadwayNew York. IWANTE Ater. 111 TS --to self TUINISON'S New Su Superior Canada laps & Charts As paying as any agency in the world. For fail particulate, free, adcireee,U.C.T iSON Hap Publisher 85eRiohtnond at..Landan.t3nt, T1NNENT tt TENNI'aNT, Valerie _.L nary Surf pons, Graduates of the Gutarro to, have op oa tee. atlica U at. treat xe. °`; meat i t OwnestieAn went DRi Teeth ex- Sire.+t. F.;c±• ter. Ca11e fro traotedwith a dtstanee ^ _ promiptly put pain. tended to. AHediciueator Horses, tattle, ,cc aiwayson hand. Exeter .u.totler Shop NSI.0 N,DENTIST, i.. D.S MEDICAL 1Jesretnoy ed to Post- Odkee1 look. ilYNDINIAN •--•CORONERFOR 1410VeuutyofHuron. Office, opposite to afr.i. ,.t.ling'satere.Eseter . W. BtiO\VNING M. D.. Al. C es • P.e,GradaateViotorierfnerereitc• Ofile —IN AU =PI0E--- audeeeidenee, Tion.. ler liahorator v. Exeter f'�_ R„.J. A.. ROLLINS, M. O. P. S 10/1 e G A.l 0. ()Mee, Mein St.Eseter,Olut, Residence h.rueerecontlyaxcerpled bx P. TTePhtllilte.Esq. Gustrrxlert supplied MOANS. ANS. TUUBS DAYS AND SATUBDAYS et their residene ��yy ILUTTZ, ,t1, I)., • • glister his residenet• Exeter. 011.11ERS LEVI' AT TRF SHOT' WILL RE CHIVE PROMPT ATTE TION. 11. IRVING, GRADUATE UNI .._M ti .,.x..i 1+ItSXTY TrinityCellegMemberCollege LARDINLJ l>uuKi4iatls end atrrGoont Qtr; ,r IIlaoHirktou ..CIIINE E. DAvis, Butcher & General Dealer iS PROPERTY Iali+s`I' The Be.James Vritebarel was a Sensation at Otteostst, p FOU SALE. A FrauteBansean Gidley.aireet and a half of tate hour in socialeirelee here is the meeting of 1h* Home lJliet:lou UOW-- woof land with good stable and a Aant.t�+ of choice tr ettreeL Avery at It. oeueoZ e, elopement of a sop, of Hen- John •tilt,' 11li!lee, slid to °PPty to toe oolnin4 ee e#1`n'y et`eeC liug. Posttntllster.Gsusral, with Eva fora grant of $150 in aid of the work For Sale. Potts* dsnghter of a rraallbF 1u11aber- men of the well known Arm of Penley A well Anishedandconvsnient Pwellingliou . aaa Pettee. He to only eighleeti ycdre end etLot onliuron Street, East of Him Street of eg*, au.d wbe i*only a mere child. For partteolarsepplyto They had been constantly in each itis. B V ELLIOT. GIher' 1 company for nearly a year p#at Saiicitorc.£o. end were to be seen logetber OR the Exeter attest, at wocial atseillbliee, the theet- re, et ohurch earl other public places. They called themselves engaged, end A Two Storev BRICK DWI:D,r.1'.G HOOESE, asked perneieeion of their parents Staff -Sergeant A, Wilson, of Sea. situate r on 1:3i!i•Pt.tlirentdy east of rho Presby. CO marry: This was forbiddou by the forth, lies been appointed on the Union Church, Exeter; together with three• quartoraosanacre ofleoe.good frame stable parents on account of their extreme Wimbledon team tor the rant year's anti driving house; splendid orchard of cholas yaaugirai+.baaringtreaa;htiead well and cis- youth. It waw thought in a whsle inatohee. tern. Snrtable fore gentleman's residence. the juvenile attechgleute would tfoar The Junior Beaver lacrosse club of Will be sold cheap ou terms to snit pnrobaaer, Poaaessim giver tat ::overeber, last, Portlier out but dale their parents were milt, Seaforth were defeated the other day P0Iticulars nu application to token, for oil Saturday neither at the by a Qedorich %tam, youthful: lovers were found. It bAs Mr. A Canino. of Seaforth, return - moo been discovered that they left ed Homo fro.0 Meuitublt leer week, the city on Fraley uiglit for Boston, hewing got through with harvesting where a rartied meter cf Mies Paltee operation on his prairie homesteacl. 7An A\ MILT. m19,1'acuil f situated Dauomotiled.1 resides, Both parents are greatly es- Mr. Vitale! Moran, the hallelujah cited over the affair, but have taken poet, has located permanently in Sea. uo Maps to follow the runewelo, The forth. There will surely be a notice. affair wee taut heist far s dee' or so able decrease iu the ponulatiou of Tema hi MAI. Apple t, T. "X« ROGElig, but Uwe afteruoou it leaked out that Seaforth in ocltt'ta uence. Parkhill. or to J. tiPAc:x'd1AN.Exeter. the couple went to ,ioutreet, where A great yetietyq of Seeds brought they were married on friday last oil from Jerueateuz by Rev. W. Header - FARM FOR SALE. !bola. he quiet after +rhiolt They seal dear son, late of I�irstou, were eowu by leis sates iu the Tor�ueaip of Stephen, being paha a note asking hie forgivneve, hiss ie light ea. and hie came to lot 19, and part na le. in the 9th coneeisfou, They* itis now on their wry to Boston maturity, i There are snout 60 eras cleared. of geed where the wilts dila their hone soli. TWO Ermine Outbuilding* end a Frame y )� y^ A youngmea who was gentling a► iDwelling. Al*,agoadbearingarchexd, Water moot). Load %iu lied on the town settles in privileges uuninp pried, On the lumina acres • therrvg�ieaeven ttyofValuableTimber,iuclud- "e"* - "" Vit. Mads the other day, wee caught e, ins Pipe, Cedar and Ash, The property to mit- 't'lie CllrinQac 'Wttr. with his foot so placed that the toed nates 7 turCa fr no l:xc ter, ami R miles frour 1trediton. For further ,tartieuler.nartily to ----- weighed some 100 ouutte more thou Wlf.Tlhl•.vi META iiC, ', t Crediton P.0 , DIED FBOU ITIS INJURIES. was in it, Ile was let off with a rep- . promisee. .Loo Chow, Sept. 16.—The British rimend. arun the , Lieuteusut whclwae I7ounded ,,when The granary c,f a well••khosrn lam - Struggle with et Bear. trio Britleh ship Lephyr, was fired er in Tuokeratuith was visited one upon died today. night recently by sneak thieves, who TWO A.. Vlelotan t tiD)ewta itty P.Ir.11all,named oame PAni.'i,aSelpt, 1.6, A, Hog Kong die- E grain.y had evil intentious on Ids Finding, however, that the pointed to visit the congregations of ^.,.. ()TZAw* Sept. 1d. --Tsar eeneetion Bethetlp mid Bayfield, before the FOR SALE. iu thee* oaogregstious. 1t wee de - ended to hold the next regular meet- ipg at Elppeu, tied to induct Mr. Aoheeon into the charge of Kippen *1111 iIiilsgreeb, should he accept the call. Not Far ]Pivot name. News Condeustere 10R SALE. ft. GIDI,EY, Faster V. 0. half of east belt of Lot 6, Con. 4, Ray, The machinery is.n good working order. the boiler and engine being ;neatly new. On the land there are two Frew, "'Queen, a Fraena Baru and iltable aadau alethia of about 9 acres f NfPORTANTrt°TIDES. TAMES OKE, COUNTY AUCTION - neer. 'Saloepeomptiyattondedto. Dayeef taleserranredatthie otilce ILTEN.LLY EILIIER, Licensed Ante • tioueertor Itay.Steplieu,and arcGi11vray '1 oWaishilpa. Sales conducted at moderate rues. llfltee—:1t l' oat•odlee,Credlton, Ont, TefONEY TO L0A.N ON REAL ES- .LT.L tate for the Huron . Erie Loan ' Smythe* Satiety. Low rates of intereei. Apply to.olin packnann,l.xoter. N r J. CLARK,, Agent for the Ue• wbnrneandHilbert a rutuslFireltlauranec Company, Residence -Farquhar. Orders lye ^r inailitronptly ,tttondodto. TOS. HUDSON, COMMISSIONER in the Court of Common Pleas -floods, Wills, 11ortcages,Leaees,and alt forma of agree- ments drawn and executed according to law. OFFICE -Lathe CentouniulHote113loek,lien- sall,Ontario. T,ION +'Y TO LOAN AT 6 AND fie per dant, according to tonna. Private Funds. Apply to B. V.ELLIOT, Octoberl5,'80 Solicitor. Exeter L. FARMERS, THRESHERS, AND to Kingia ui from S.yractlse tri hunt Patch sage emu bete Olen of (;tint• granary doors were all securely feet - mid about T- o'clock in the evening, 1Celeug, and search upon' Yemeni thus end took therefrom a buffalo robe, i n s v t Hoy. s Neva,Tbi front to White Lake paigo ?IOW Id tl tppaeed to it i eued,they went to the driving shelf Maceniery by nieceLerdine.g LA IUDIN E as they were getting out of then boat torcing the Cbiueee army eutlthtvard buggy midden, sheep skin and wbi11, Has boon yictorfou•atalt the leading e=hilitpon the e1islrt*, they were stattied by I where lila hill tribal are h+lrltile. Ttsi91 The harvest home festival held at tiananndirdnetrtalfairssinco 1878,carryiu&ort a noise in a thicket nota dozen yards Campaign will probabtq be a failure, Greenway on Thursday evenitzg wets hits prism:nr and i ri e lubricaalt in tor. owill out- tee ay. On looking bellintl they be ' As 1,000 troopsfromT'onquiu is iuRd-1 a very interesting affair. The weft - went lard, seal or canter 011, and warranted not held a bear and two cube. The mo. I equate to take Kolung and the rued to tidier was tuo warm for comfort. to ting or gnat the Unset machinery' Yea will Neve mc+idy_byu,,ingthin00. Tey�it owl you About 200 took dinner, anti when the will testify iu its favor. Beware of imitations ladies gathered up the fragments they -sisimrseere un awLTnY- found they had enough edibles left to supply atl many more. The murio by the Mallin quartette wee shalt where she fell, .hinkiug 111;tt lee SHANGHAI, Sept1G.---A monster e. The speaking was amn2. snnitgellenland inatruotive. Proceeds, �$62.bad slot her through the bead, but maser meeting took place to -day, the On Wedneed.y morning of last nO snntler had he reached the trete whole English community taking part week the stables ill conneetiou with then site appeared at the root of it, the prolonging of desultory hostilit- the Alma Hotel, Seaforth, had a uar- rrttlking erect and frith part of her ies to Fiume was strongly deprecated roti escape from destruction by fire. lower jaw carried away. As quick as The effect was said to be ruinous to About half•paet five in the morning Belittling rhe was upon him, and. commerce. The meetiug resolved to when Dlr. Brownley the proprietor, quicker still, Parable! wit upon the urge th home Government to make got up he was startled by observing ground, but be bugged her blusely and seized her hair with his teeth, so that she could not get at bis face with her olivineHer mouth WAN harm- less, Viele, hearing the crie.; of his companion, was soon at his side, rlfie in baud, but he dare not fire in- to the bear, as cue minute Parallatl was on top and next she was upper - moat. They rolled on the ground like two doge. Seeing that Ills gun was cf no use, Viele threw it down, and seizing a huge club, watched his opportunity and gave bruin a terrlfio blow across the beck, which almost paralyzed her for a second or Iwo. During this brief interval Parshall drew hie kuife and buried it in her just below one of the fore pews. An- other struggle commenced, this time the bear succeeding iu grabbing. Par - shall by the shoulder and whirling him about len feet, when he fell upon s knot and hurt bis side. Viele being nearest to her she rushed at biw, when he ducked, and seizing her by the middle raised her upon his shoul- der and than Balled npuu Parshallso take his gun and shoot her. The lat. ter got his gen. but before he got close to the brute she had ripped all the clothes of Viele's back, and was attempting to sink her teeth hitt, Dial, but as her lower jaw was gone she could not do so. 'faking quick aim, PersiaBeet a ball through her heal, and Viele held her upon his shoulder till she kicked her last. Both young men: are very powerful, and either would ,prove a match for a small boar. At the conclusion of their fight they loosed for their wounds, and it was found that Viele's back was slightly lacerated and that Parshall, besides having n epraiued ankle, had several scratches ou the back of the neck and head. His etde wee also injured. The anima they thought would weigh abont 180 lbs. tiler t etriediately rose acs her bind lege, her had and neck just ,;bowing tug above a it'lieu tree. Instantly I'atsholl seized hie gun a* d fired, and Co , Toronto.; down went bruin. Patehnll leaped out of the bust and ran towards the Tamsui is it mere ravine. The Chinese have ordered eight launches capable of carrying eight;tou guns. Ohiuese operations iu Toupin nae beau suspended, riioTEBT AOAINBT THE POLICY OP FBANehr' NMCcoll Bros. a —POR tALB nY— BISSETT BROS., Exeter ; J. EMBER & SON, Oredlton ; 141oDONELL & W AUGH, Hensel) JJDoupe MONE' ! ! —)0F(— I curity at 6, 64 mad 7 per cent. according to terms can lend any amount ofHoney onrerrese- li 1 R RT 0 N Private Funds a specialty. Charges moderate H W HALL,Barrieter,Exetor.• fLINN ELLIOT, REAL ESTATE AGENT. Money to Loan on Farm & Town Property Atlowoetrazos of interest, and on terms to suit borrowers, A number of first-olass Farms for sale. mortgagee brught and sold. Office in Fanson's Block Exeter ' J. CLARK. COMMISSIONER N • intbeCourt of Common Pleas -Deeds, Wills,hfortgages, Leasee,andall forms ofagre° menta drawn and executed accoreing to law. MONEY TO LOAN ON RBALESTATE. Parties wish- ing to borrow money on account of reoentpur- chasoa olland,or to pay off existing mortgages willfind a great saving ny giving me a call, Can lend money ate and 61 per 'cent. L6RSgto terms. FOR SALE.-TWO-STORYFRAME DWELLING HOUSE endure aore oiland. situated on the Thames ltoad.2}miles east of Exeter. Goodlarge frame stable and driving shed ; splendid orchard of choice fruit -bearing trees; good well and cistern. Suitable for a re. tired taTHOMAS ALLI8. E.ceteprP 0 cash, 19-tf p --TRY— v+ MANNINC'S Central •Shavin Parlor For Clean and easy shav fig, fashionable hair (nuttir� Clean towel for every onstomer,i Next door to Central Rote TTFIFI WATERLOO MUTUAL FIRE .L INSURANCE CO. Established In 1863. HEAD OFFICE - - WATERLOO, ONT. Thisoomtane has been over Eighttoen yearn a successful operation in Western Ontario,and continues to insure against Wes or damage by Fire,Buildings,Merohandise, Manufactoriee,and all other descriptions of insurable property. In. tending insurers have the option of insuring on the Premium Note or Cash System. During the past ten geese this Company has aimed 67,096 Policies,covering,property to the amount of $40,978,088; and paid in losses alone 9709,760,00 Asset$, $170,100.00, oon.isting of Cash in Bank, GovernmentDepoett,and the unassessed premium Notes on hand and in force J, W WAt. DAN, 71 D. PrestdeLt. C: AL. TA*Los, Secretary J. or. Exeter and vicinitj$ARDRBt SItELL, OUTSTRIPS EVERYTHING FOR CHEAP GOODS! If you want the best value for BUTTER & EGGS �. Doupe & Co's KIRKTON. THE FiFTH ANNUAL EXHIBITION —oF TAB— Southern Counties' Fair Association, Will be held at the City of ST. T.EIOMAS, —oN-- Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday .& Friday, Sept. 30th, Oct. 1st, 2nd, cf 3rd, '84 OPEN TO THE WORLD, A Very Liberal Prize List. A NUMBER OF SPECIAL PRIZES. Special Attractions: Running Raee ; Prizes for Lady Drivers with Double Team ; Farmers' Premium Race and Trial of Speed for Gentlemens' Road horse ; also Race for. Pagers and Trotters. All for *prizes. Send for a Prize List and Programme. The 'Mellows' Band in Attendance. HENRY BROWN, JOHN A. KAINS, Presideni. Secretary. GOD SAVE TREtaUEEN. r.n effort to procure a settlement of the difficulty by meditation. JAPAN NEUTRAL. The Jepauese Government has pro- claimed its neutrality in the Franco- Ohiuese war. It is expected that the revision of the treaty between Japan and the foreign powers will be conclu- ded in October, and other important privileges be granted fureiguere. a dense volume of smoke rising from the north side of the stable. On in• yesligstion he found that Boma mis- creant had bnilt a fire of some hay against the side of the baro which had ignited the boards. A few pails of water were sufficient to extinguish the fire before any damage was done, but had it not been noticed for a few minutes longer nothing could have saved the building and it is likely the hotel would also have been destroyed, its it is connected with the barn by an open shed. The fire was nndoabt• idly the work of an incendiary. TIME, ITS VALUE. To -day is ours, why should we care P To -day is ours,'why should we fear To -day is ours, why should we sorrow P For the gods belong tomorrow. Therefore for to -day, chew GoldCoin Tob- aseo is the best. - 9.' most painident happens& at Forest on Monday morning at the establishment of Messrs. Soonler 4k - Sons, carriage manuigoturere, oat Main street, whereby Mr. George Soonlar lost his life. Three men, de- ceased being one of tram, were strik- ing a wee of iron, sod George Soou- lar was in the act sof dbaliug the iron' a blow, wheu his sledge was hit by one of the others. The handle of Mr. Scoular's own sledge struck lith with greet violence on the chest, caus- ing death in a very few minutes. Mr, Scoular was a young man in the prime of life, highly respected, and leaves a wife and email family to la- meut his paetnatnre and sad end. Tho bereaved family have the heartfelt sympathy of the community. s• -«e++ Presbytery of Huron. The Presbytery of Hurou met in Willis Onuroh Winton, on the 9th inst. Iu the absence of the Modera- tor, the Rev. A. D. MoDoneld, of Sea• forlh,,was 'chosen to preside. A re- mit from the General Assembly was discussed, and, with a slight amend- ment, approved of. A constitution adopted by the oongregatien of Willis Church, l,linlon, was presented for the approval of the Yre ytery. 11 - was agreed to ref o a oommil,ee with iuetructious to report at the next regular tnesliu,i. Arrangements were made for holdiug a Sabbath school oonveutlon in oonneetion with the January meeting in Blyth. It Was agreed to raise the mission station at Hillegreeu to Ohs rank of a congrega- tion, to be assuoiated with the con gregation et Kippen,and Mr. Th. nip - son , of Brueef[eld, wee instructed to complete the orgauizatiou of Hills- greeu. A. call from Kippen and Hills - green to the Rev. Samuel Aoheson, of the Presbytery of Lindsay, was sus- tained, stud Mr. Thompson was ap- pointed to prosecute the call before Th Presbytery, at its next session. thee Rev. A. Stewart and Mr. Robb, of Seaforth, were appointed to visit the eungregatioue of Bayfield Road and Berne, to snake inquiry respect- ing their failure 10 raise their minis- ter's salary to tate required minimum. OTICE.--I heceby forbid all par. 1. tier against giving credit to my daughiletr Emms Jane Edworthy, and after this date •Y will not be responsible for any debts oontrtgtlb- ed'by her. ONO. EDWOIITIIY. Exeter, Sep. 15,1584.