The Exeter Times, 1884-9-11, Page 7A Oountrywan Who ffad Rea thtt Paper&.
A till ,canstryreati,
ably si rt ttge, bent ''on' seelo
all thatwas on view in the shop win oyes,
and, the streets, attracted alarge crowd
When he.•reeXched, Morena,' tsctt'eet _ands
Broo,Awayyeetsirday morning. sterid the
NOW 'l. i'rrautae reeentir. .. ronng
;Mau dressed in the height of fashion:
and wearing a tall silk hat walked up to
the countryman Anti putting taut :ht
hand in friendly manner said:
"How'do, ilr...Davis: gland to see you,
How's the folks at home?
The countryman looked over the
young roan carefully, and being.'atjsded
that bree could take etre of himself, made
a movement. is if he was' about greSp
ing the young man's hand, but instead
of so doing he tock him by "the coat ORI-
lar, faced him about so that he looked
upotrtbo cid hall perk, held Min firm-
lv in position and then gave hire a kiek
which sent him sprawling into the street,
Another young; titan, evidently a friend
of the assaulted yorttit, rushed xap and
demanded to know the trouble. The
countryman had become warmed by this
time, and endeavored to inflict punish.
tient en lunniber two, but he p�t
The countryman then • walk
trtway, tutu,
nrti.. ,,......-
years for earthing, attd t .cut coniiden
men must try at new Bahian when the,
shop in this old sinner."
atAiads *171
tri, 4r1" ;a
Tit* wow:
rt.ioaOat; top dowb cit a b ot;etoTe tintith,ated,the,t
. w e v r4A4 Nowell,A of ¢tt0 will nos b ath
tt'a sn aLTtgrrt.Titoo lute reverse amt 11(T-Measri
of a. a ntto7 to ha*
wu AND ico ice
If you have a boll root a oaynot sod
=arse poultioe of it 1f the boil la on
Attuther man let hitt grin arid bear it.
It's good for the ey stem.
A relic hunt►:r--a fellow endeev'oring
t4i Capture a widow. past trains- .
stuck in the snow ultb no provisions
Longfellow evidently paid his fare
like st oxcart. Didn't he writs in
eellielor'," "Try not *epos, the Ohl xiiari
"Thank booms!" exclaimed at fond
father, tie ho pitted the floor at midnight
Stith hi, howling heir; "thank heaven,
you are not twiner -2i. Y. f,"eater, , -
**NOW is the three to subscribe." said
the oro roads editor, Al be lets his.
vaeplthy bride to the wartime register
:Putrid a pen into her treru ling
Shoham ssys he does 'wish the ladies
would give up their fondness for long
trains in somety, and run ttn ae0OUIMo-
dataatn tis canoe in aiw white ---an loch
above the floor for instance.
An Italian fruit vender, who a fees
years ago started business in Nashville
by opening tt peaunt stand, is now one
of the moneyed mt tt cif that city. ik
le one of tie: stockholders in the nett
baaak which will bo opened In :lout<ern
bor. Itavin.s sial,seribe+l *1V'J tu).
Dr. Ch's gtiai FIa ori Extir1
.4.0...44.4.4., e+Nf o.tor.ttwwtaroiso,.a
it Pricifs Impugn Yeast Gems -
trr Light, tis+lR+y lare.d,Tis• nett pry non genas World.
ettlestlfl- _ 3T, LOW&
I tetresting Items.
♦ ism ted, e,mlyusiastio auti-Scott° A
meeting wee Field at Oakville Teureday eight
wvidek was gddressed by R.. King Dodds,
k n's *IiettllE ive.
The bent salve in the world for Outs, Tinge -
NI, Sores. IIloers, Salty Rheum. Fkyer goner
Tetter, Chapped Banda, Chitblau4,Corns, an
all firnaRntnalone, ?! pros- ti
or AO RJ;y r
perfect • at g X1..14,ormoul res
Pr!oe25Benteper bbddxk Ford J31'drag-
late. .
10500 ItOelentrel.
Ow will pix the) /these reward for l.. -
ease of Livetneemplaint. D3'ulmepsia, Sick heed-
athe.Ledisestien, VemAir41011 or Costiv
we cannot curewith Wesre Vogeteble'LIT
Pitta, when the direotiotisareaericklycemplied
with. They are purely Vegetable. tied ties
fail togire 114144n. Sugarooptoil.
boyoe, eonta-twang 30 Ville. 25 cents. For
by ell Druggists. Beware of counterfeits
Imitations, The Genuine n annfaotursd only'
by JOFlN o. Ism= et C0?.. 'The Pilt ms.
ere," Sl 4 8,,7baff etroot Estif TtuowtOs Op
Fres trial ego Keit by mad prey real
raxeelet of a hreo cent stomp.
Diphtheriabsa agaizr''brokett out et Remit
A7er'a Agee etre sots Geed,, on ;.he line
end biliary apparatus, an drive* cot the m
anal poison which indpoes liver to mplairtta
billows cUiiovrdeza. Werratitoel to Dare,
toy refuuded. '
sit Vor.rezo little Co., lttarsitall, Miab..w
1, DJt.Tarea'icRT taztaxaet Erxeeso.V.Ltsat
ARP Emterxee Aertrewess on trielfor
t!iiirly diryei to Mall (young or oh) who ere el-
5iated With rter,one debility, lost vitetlity
enol kindred troubles, guaranteeing
speedy and complete restoration of he:shit an
nuttily vigor. Address sat above. N, B. -
risk la 11141IFF441, Rh
.-riatkiaixicurret1,a thirty dayaa'trialisatllow
Wm. Stevie. who keeps a low rum *hop a_.
Otuo villo.11,1., wet shot sed killed Friday
by Itis son Huhn. An old feud was the eattRe
MePregor c Parke's Carbolic, Cerate will
euro tiny case of Pimples on the fees or Rwtagh
Skin on either hands or fate cad ltutve tl:i-m
soft at allot. It will also heal any sore when
all ether preparatiouat. fall. Thouwtnda have
ted it.' Ask your thugs* for Metirecer 44
e'i Carbolic+ °erste, affil de net be pearm
to take .ttntthiarp craw 014 404 to be es
1t is but 25 mute per box 4,4; 3. W
s DEStore.
ways ocenniand respect, ata the
rkr'a Extract of Wild Straw,
loos, for 25 yevirs that hie
h remedy wth 'tire people.
r Cholera •dfditi h, Dysentery, Iliarrhli e*,
Cholic and all Vowel eampleintae.
A.tawen Twat epexo zon. Why de so Many
People we set around us,aeent to prefer to sot
ter and be insolemiederablo by indigeittaon.oan-
atipation. dlezinbse,Lose of aupatite. Wining
up of the teen, yellow akin, when for 75 cents,
we will Nell them tihiloh's Vitalizer, guaranto
ed t.. mire them. • Said by J; W. Browning,
Exeter. a a W.
Foster, Bleakman es Co., Limiter dealers
Big Rapids, Melt, have Udell. Lisbilitiei
3100,000; assets about the name amount..
Fluid Lightning is the cute fi'r Teeth.
ache, Aeadacbe,the E
'arache and Nearaligie. It
does mut take a day or Lour to cure it. but in
less than a minute all psiuis gene. Thorns.
ands Iowa testRi iter nicritt within the last
year. FluidLiglrtuingls sierra positive cure
for 1Uieumatiem. The worst possible cases
have been permeneut1y cured be one week.
Prioe 25 cents at J. W. Drowntug's Drug
Store. 3
Ten prisoners out of 17 in jail at South
Bond, Ind., escaped Thursday night by sawing
off bars of a ventilating register.
By taking Ayer's Sarsaparilla many a poor
sufferer who submits to the surgoon a knife be.,
cause or malignant sores and scrofulous swel.
Huge, might be saved, mined and whole. This
will purge out the corruptions %Odell pollute
the blood, and by which suoh complaints are
arigivaled and fed -
The wild Strawberry Plant possesses rare,
virtue as a cleansing, cooling, astringent ante-
septic, and heating medicine, and when com-
bined with other valuable vegetable extris .s,
as in Dr. Fowler's Pxtfactof Wild Strawberry,
is au unfailing remedyinall Bowel complaints.,
Holloway's Pills and Ointment. -These re.
medics are unequalled throughout the whole
world for bad lege, wounds, foul sores, and ul-
cers. Used acoordingto directions given with
them there is no wound bad log, or uloernua
sure, however obstinate or lona standing,- but
will yield to their heeling and curative .proper -
lsthaw, wool ota#ra. ClueappU.
*t+#+*partner r
dry Mop It eist in the wet
reeledbq this east 14 11991. white and wtu[i►;
some itke cur Grandmother's delicious bread,
P*O'A1110 aY
Price Baking Powder Co.,
vartnof Dl, Prlca's Inial F11101111Extracts,
t:higas:N W. $t... l.ouitt, MO.
A Monkey on they Rampage..
Mt'. K iNtrun Kiefaber has lately re-
turned from :t trip to Central America,
stirs the Dayton. (Ohio) .D.amai'ruf, anti
he brought with him; as a memento of
itis visit, several trijaieal lairds and at
ppaith'ul mly Breit. Slie(`itnUai of the mon-
key tribe. *The l'atte'r has been confined
in a cage and pieced on exhibition at
y the Third street depot restaurant, of
which Mr. Kiefaber to the proprietor.
The monkey has attracted much atten-
tion and ntitny visitors. About five
o'clock yesterday morning he succeeded
in aponinr. the door of his cage, thus
see ,ring the ,freedom of the entire es-
tablis.hlnent. He made.the most of his
liberty and proceeded to inspect his new
possessions at onee. On the counter
there stood an image of a coal black
monkey holding?t platter on which were
piled a lot of oranges. The tropical
monkey surveyed his darkey counter-
part at first with curiosity, then with
growing anger, aroused perhaps by the
stolid indifference elf the black monkey,
or may be it Was the inborn prejudice
of the lighter Aces against the :darker
cropping out in, this connecting link be-
tween the bipeds and the quadruped.
At all events his nnger soon grewto
frenzy, and, with a shrill scream; lie•'
seized the image by the throat and dust-
ed it to the .floor, ,when ,it broke into
countless pieces. Elated witk his suc-
cess, he next seized a plaster of
a child bearing; aloft a basket of fruit,
and the child shared the fate of the
black monkey. On. the cigar counter
stood a bronze kerosene lamp with a
highly ornamented globe, used for
lighting cigars. • His uionkeyship in-
spected this, smelled it and expressed
his disgust by- sendiatig the lamp after
the plaster images. Canned goods,
fruits, candies and other wares in turn
attracted, his attention, • and were scat-
tered paremiseeuously around the;..floor.
• .Finally he found a basket Of eggs, pick -
,ed one
ick-,ed'one np and: examined it', citically..
He tried to bite it, but his mouth was
not large enough to encompass the egg,
so -he threw it on, the; floor where, of
•course, it was broken, The monkey
was attracted by the golden yolk. He
got clown from his perch and examin-
ed the thing closely,;, •;thoughtfully
scratched his head, then returned to the
basket of eggs. Hetaoli up another,
looked at it,,then at the One spread out
.upon the .floor, and:evidently concluded
thata broken egg .was • 'lyctter than su
unbroken one,: and . he • actetd; promptly
on this conc1i ion lane by one the; eggs
were fired at the stove, at the walls and
at various objeets,:, and a rn r tlE few•
minutes the interior of the resta itint
looked as though i had beenuthroug tin
't ui .e a crow;
h' tli' 'u ke 'lir thts ime q �
Singular 'tot of Damp W"a'hpr on
Old Dag Etc,
Acorrespondentat East St. Louis, '114,
writes: A woman, the wife of a promi-
nent railroad plan, living on Collinsville
avenue, in the k olirth aware!, in this city,
is straw„ e'ty and "ii:taizreeablv 1ttllietetl,
Several years ago echo had the misfor-
tune to be bitten by . it dog, and, though
the bite' wile not a bad. one, it drew the
blttdui; and she !indite killed. The
wound he'rde'd all rightw het the. effects
Imre not die eppeart'd. Whenever cloudy
weather prevails- or it is raining the
woman is 1n great nliserv, At such tunes
she is very nervous, anti cannot remain
in the hoi1 or sle'e'p nt, night, as $ho has
to be constantly morin about. She
talks by'liter-wally, and ini:treines site is
being pursued by dogs intent moon bit-
ing, her, and conducts herself as if ward-
ing them off or trying to ret out of their
way. She tries to get her mind off the
subject, but; she. can not, anti will burst
into tears and cry piteously. When the
weather is clear and fine, she is not
troubled in this manner itt ail, but •sbe
can tell when cloudy or wet weather is
approachines as these unpleasant symp-
toms begin to ' develope.' A reporter
met the lady at Collinsville avenue re-
centll-, the being in conversationwith a
friend. She had one of thea fits liken
her, and stated tha*;she"Jladebeeri"4 Ag
front house to hoose all d's'v in a vain
endeart'ir to get the ill feeling away from ties. Many poor enterers: who have beeu pa -
'her, As she was standin&g:e!kiiwto'het tients in the large hospitals under the care of
friendshe tvoultl eonverse a moment or eminent surgeons, and have derived little or no
so all right, when suds •enly she: would benefit from their treatment, have been ther-
utter tt•°shriek, elutcla,lner arm with the onghly cured by Holloway's Ointment and
Pills. For grandular swellings, tunit,rs,scuryy
and diseases of the skin there is nothing that
can be used with so much benefit. In fact, in
the worst forms -of disease, dependent upon
the condition of the blood, these medicines,
.slia'nd of the other arni and pinch it; ter-
rii111y.. ',Then she would 'complain that
the dogs Were after her and -commence
cri'ine and 'appe:ding for protection.
The case is a peculiar one, -and there is usedoonjointly, bre irresistible.
danger that.hydroplioobia may result. John Graham, arrested for steeling, commit.
711.--7-7-t . ted suicide in a Cincitmsati police cell the.othar
:'They tell of an.Ohio woman who ' is day. ..
so gentle-minded°.that she has never CRUELLY MURDERED.
ePen been known to have An ,obstinate in the province of Ontario every year thous -
cough. ' • ' ands are being' alhiwly murdered:by taking un-
There are about 4,000 Mennonites, or suitable untried notitrums for such complaints
Anabaptists, in Manitoba, 'divided into ens Costiveness, Indigestion, Livor Complaint,
ten' -or t Welve, villages, and occupying.
the richest land. The eaine•soven years.
ago, .a.large reservation being set apart
by the: government for their exclusive
use. Their 1a11guitge is a mixture of
Kidney Troubles, etc., who might easily regain
lest strength and energy by using '11cGregor's
Speedy Cure. '1'o eonvinee:them that such is
the case we will giro them a free trial 'bottle
at 3..W. Biowning's-Drug store. Price 50c.
and 91. See testimonials from persons in
Russian and low Dutch. and their eus your own `town. 3
tonus and habit? are priniiievt ti tlie•ex- A STRONG ENDORSEMENT:
treme ' .bey are not at .all eleetinly, The Clergy, the'Medical Faculty and the
living •utitltia the :same root with pigs, people aa pretorse 'Burdock Blood Bitters as
cows,' '.horses and poultry, and ,keep the best systenn reueveting, Quoit purifying
aloof eirotn ,the settlCI..e, Their elders tonic known, Its work bears out their best
decide, minor disputes, but the power lestirhony.
Belongs. •to the people, without whose '(i t�C•C'
Cpnst nt elle business of itllpnrt triee'etin • To all w• ho are guttering trona tlie errorsand
be zrl.n•! •. indlscretioneofyoutir,nervonsweakness.'edrly
-The aggregate wealtt. of Lila State of decny los .ofzniinhodd,'&e.,1 itillitehd arecoil,
'NewtYorI. i, esatixl:ted at•• $7,000.0(1. hat will cure yota,'+F1tEEOF CIIAIiGE .•:ti1`hia
000:•,: This is about '•e.severetll:of the
grestremody vreg'diseovered bl�Jt miseioniiryin.
6onth Atnerica Sentidsdlf-Da
mnveto a
.estiniitted. ,wealtltor the whole XJnited to the Pon' Tq..rrPX:Tis>erax,.Slµrt"1n?'D,Nilyr('r.t
Stat •l %iili,t>lt U Vanderbilt Issups city"
" se�. din •.the best this
acdiunils' tc bre AN EX-ALI)EItMA�7 '1`,I1T�D IT.
TQ the Fant as U.aI
With all the latest Nov
cap get everything you want
at prices to suit the times.
No trouble to show Goods.
Purify the Bleed, corset all Disorders of the
They invigorate and restore to health lnebilitated Constitutions, and ata'- invaluable in all
Complaints incidental to Females of all ages. For ehildrtn an -1 the Niel they are- priceless
Is an infallible remedy for Bad Legs, Bad Breasts, Old 'Wounds, Sores and 'Ulcers.
famous for Gout and Rheumaitism.
e r q a Worth $14.0;000,000, . Tlus ' •oultl 'make Lx'Alderman 1a loi;; al Toronto, tried Tian
' . 4 p s - Yard's red.
toad:beeyi,at��aet@d:tci;,tii@want%wq,,&n• himtar''ti'§r,sscirof�t4ouGdnc�fart�-9ixth area.Ycll�wOrl�fi;rRhe'ttti"itsm. it'cu
the -sl ect;ators were enyoyin& the rScene# at•t of 'till the tt intlth of the . Empire 'him after eil�otber� r'cniellies• had failed,.
:itnmetiSoly•irhen a,:rear, lot•°opeptd'"shite,':�atid: o"f hbU'tt.;oee.hnndted.;and Aehtanis tremedy`for'Sible;Headaebe;Seer
'a0 an en1P1Pye mads,;ttttt;ati pearai•.nce -).twenty-sectend.part, of that of the; whole 13totnaeh,Dispepsia,Indigealtiou,Constiiatien,
n e r i - nalee'' witscountry. i at s- to• sa . th:et t.lais inaii- o : 'd Licei Biliou tress, ha., no' medicines e
on ;the scene,, ,>`he;mi9ch e'F i et That i Y •;T, epi e
•captured. and usi,ried' into ignaiiiinions idual, in.a pop. lation of,ovt�w uO 000, ecyual teiDr Baxter's Mendraake Bitters, °5
ca tivit :0 ,Mr•.Kie eberhes a monkey ?lei he United St teS, S'e�1- 25 cents per bottle.
p y
for sale, and we give Britt' i4sid ettise- escn r wee �i.l .the .<l'itw•" ineftI'iei�.,e� _•
went free of charge. nearly 200,000 me 1.
It is
FOR DISORDERS OF- TIth CIJitST 1T 114.1 i tT i[OM,.
For Sore Throats, Bronchitis,'Conghs, Colds, Glandelar Swollings. ,and all skin disease
it has no rival ; ami for contracted and stiff joints it alas like a chant.
The Pills and Ointment are sold et THOMAS Hor.r owax's Establishment,
also by needy every respectable Vendor of Medicine, iu poxes and Pots, at ls. led., 2s. 9d.,
4s. 6d., ll,s., 22s., and 33s. each. The 2s. 9d. size contains three times the quantity (Attie
is lad,'size.; the 4s. 6d. size sig the 11,s, size sixteen ; the 22s size thirty-three ; and the
8 33a size fifty-two times the quantity of the smallest Boxes and Pots.
Full printed directions are'affixed to eacb Box and Pot, and can be hau in any language
!R" Purchasers should look to the Label on the Pots and Boxes. if the address is not
533 Oxford Street. London, they are spurious.
ndertak erd
1 "'C•