The Exeter Times, 1884-9-11, Page 6, Jay
tux• tie Watt editentan now mete nut,
ter, but whonee possessed influence on
i lliirll st et« T q sti" s\ e e 4ljkejll
felussll sige�lima ' +
j icaelPl ur onL Belk'. ail(t local of th tut s eta b gay's'
J and $10 each, tin( enough na.oney was
itation Theoa4 h. the Mails, raised inelfteen minutes to put the poor
fellow on his feet. Wall street has silts
Millioneares. says the Wow York Star;. oitmagb4 to zansIver ter, cud, is ••certainly
whileenjoy lug to the fullest po siblcex- nntitled'ta eretlitfor the noble deeds of
tent the luxan es• of life, also have their charity it is constatntly • engaged in."
annoyances and troubles. They become Russell Sage is' not credited with
masters of the exchau,gee, dictateprices, "throwing nmuey tyway," as' he teruis
establish values; they build extensive it, and Brokers rrenertilly .observe: ".A
yachts in which to t etveree every ocean num with who will wait in
and stream in journeys round thewarld; his office over half an hour to catch the
they drive trotting horses which throw 5 ceut trains on the Elevated Road,
the dust ui es of. all competitors; must be too poor to give ",money 'away
they, erect dwellings epou winds tail- for sweet elegity," James R. Keene.
lions of dollers'are expended, and ride hisfriends esee receives scores of beg -
about the -country. in private ears of ori. tint letters every defy; and Cyrus W.
,seleedor, aid. yet they are iyot .Fietd is the, recipient of were than any
happy, The tender, piteous and heart- man in Well street circles. He gives
searching appeals of the impoverished ewer Sae a day for charitable purposes.
classes reach them, sometiiuee by per. his intimates assert, and generally an-
sonal contact, but oftener through the sivers colrespoudents who solicit alms,
medium of the United States snails, It if he thinks it is charity worthily be -
is said of Jay Gould that his standing stowed; -lee told the looter during a re-
orders are that every letter which
beam gent conversation that while sometimes
the mark f genuine sufferingn�shall beney eni to unknown caesponlerats
submitted to him for personal action, who seek aid many be misplaeed charity,
and only tlroAe which bear un<lault�tad it was tts, ;< colu,Qlattou to know that sense.
evidence of having been written by wild of them, at least, were taught the valu-
lunaties or visionary men withisapraie. able'lesson that the world is not asdarh
tical schemes shall be consigned to the as it is painted, and mien of wealth are
waste basket. "Mr. Gould," s d a not al%catys insensible to the ueeessitiee
gentleman very elose to him, and dict of their less fortunate fellow (eiti7.ens.
has 1teoo ss to iiia xuail, "Is natttu:alty cit --- -- • ^
very ,onerous impulses. The outside NPa Renting,"
judges ham harshly, because they ""e Champion Snipe -.Hunter of
see hint mainly in Heavy tra;atotiane, America" haunts the Grand Pacific and
atter hotels daily, and be has done so
for the last two weeks or snore. "The
snipe -Minter" is noue of your fellows
who walk abet the marshes with ggun,.
powder a*4 whorl but he is the roan who
cept at a, profit, time he is a gambler on "snipes tIse soldier." .eThe ;srl eree" is
a heavy' scale) and at neeosatty must ` the veteran remains of a cigar• -ane
stop his ears to filo mail of the suil'eritgg. first 19 rsI(een faturalcad tu,satist;setion by
With speculators who'Iis awake nights the el glee owner and thrown upon
to devise schemes for his overthrow Ain dr, the graved or in the spittoon to be used
Gould has no sympathy. and he wastes no wort—so at least the man who dis-
no charity upon them when they cry for
quarter. because with the tables turned
they give none..,
"Is Air. Gou;d's daily zitatll large?"
"He reeeives scores of letters a day
on various subjoins, and from jell quar-
ters of the globe. Only a few days ago
one,eaMe from Switzerl:uu£, its which
an Impecunious dressmaker wantedhim
to aid in establishing her in Paris, 'Inhere
she aught cut into Worth and break his
'corner' in the dressmaking art. An he in marble hall or tobacco juice tes
mtnhitiaus Stuttgart student recently selatee spittoon. He pulls out his
asked for a small sum to enable him to pocket handkerchief, drops it over the
more fortunate rivals, Mil >t, London in his coat pocket, where he is held a
soldier in the Queen's Own watntedimon prisoner until some secluded spot is
ey to enable him to reach this country reached,. when huts bagged with the
and buy rr farm." previously captured game. ""The
snipe -hunter" sports an elegant nleer-
sc trim 01pr-holder, highly colored,
and from this the prisoners are in part
evaporated into smoke.
A reporter tn.ekled "the snipe -bunter"
near the reading room of the Grand
Pacific, just its he had picked up it "sol -
and criticise hini: rattly as a sfleculster
ir1 enormous `values, They think -be-
cause he controls $80,000,01X4' of rail-
road, telegraph and stearriship securi-
ties, aud refuses to part with theta ex -
cards it thinks. The subject of this
paragraph is no outcast tramp in filthy
rags, but a respeetable appearing Ulan.
He wears good clothes, awl lie (Jetties,
in technical parlance, "a suipe and a
slang" , He is apparently about fifty.
five years old, with heavy board and
znvatnolee. ire aroars an exoellent over-
coat end boota,esud a sealskin turban.
His modus opersadi is very ingenious.
From afar he ,espies "the soldier," be
44 Brown's Household/Panacea', has no equal �
e eeeeeiegl� r tLi tern%I di6xtelrrttai t.
es aiateethes e b 0111,3 ets,sorf Owe. ti
#' '�F
eumaEism,fioot 4aclae�r."u1II Foand any ki�il
of a painor ache. "It will most surely quicken
the blood and heal, as its acting Hower is wonder-
ful. "'Brown's Irousshold Panacea'• being sok-i
nowledged as the great Pain Bel ioveroindof don i
blethestregth of another Elixir orLiniment
'• heifwer d, ou oia? anvil' fo.
iar4 r y
gij .5:
use when** '��,dar�,tr6a11��thB b&�i+:�cly.
in the world for Cramps in the Stomach, and i
pait49 and Aches of all kinds," and is fornee ey 1
all Drugs tat a at26 cents a bottle,
thrO4 gerr, i ." ,
Raving the atfao cg�trttid ee n it uperi.
ority over 1 of erg rind atter honoluds oif
tests of the most cbtuplicated end "severest
cases we could find, we feel justified in offering
to forfeit One Thousand Dollars for any ease
of 'coughs, colds, sore throat, influensa, ,oerge-
ness; bronchitis, coneumptiou iu .its early'
stages-, ,wlrooprng :061411,r,0014c A' fat
the throat analuigs, e e pt Asth a,
we only claim relief, that we.*met, ,cure,:with
West's Gough Syrep, when taken aeoording to
directioxrs, Sample bottles 26 r and 60_ cents;
large bottles Otte dollar. Genuutewrappers
only in blue,. Sold by all dr . tete. er • eat
'of ce N O.iVl?.S'1
11F stall an receipt r
top., 81 ec sit Ring' s eronto,')rat.
it is so agreeable thet'everian', infant will
take it. For coughs. acids, ltoatrseeieas, eroop
asthma and bronchitic, Hatlyard'a " Pectoral
Balsam is reliable for young or old,
Yeefig "li dYr }de net dettqutir, 4 i
West's Nerve and Arabs, Trent wo tt
Reseal* and 'all *et oust troll
J. W.Browaing's, Drutf S4ture.•• 5
What eyeerpereon'teetuld ow- h
outlets of dieteese from, the! syste,
bowelsand'thekid'neye, aoittists4 ra•
rills is the moat safe, pleasant all e' Co al
purifier of the system known; Try one bottle
and be convinced. For tale at the Golden
Mortar, J. W. Browning) prop. ay 26, Our
Neglecting a nonatipated condition of the
bowels is apt to bring ill health and great AO,.
u -
fering. Burdock Blood Bitters regulate the
bowels in a natural manner, purifyin the
blood and promote a healthy action o the
stomaob, liver, kidneys and Bowels.•
Bridgetfllsyea, Annie Reyes and Mary M.
Cabs, residents of New York, who have been
boarding near Catskill. were drowned while
bathing its Vatt►i I1 Ealt" + a y �"`AP
tried to tem theta b etre g ,
A positive cure for this dangerous aoinplaiut
and for all acute forms of Bowel Complain;
incident to Summer and Fall, is found in Ur.
Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry ; to be
procured from any druggist.
open a studio andxoampate with his prisoner. and victoriously deposits him
"What becomes of these letters?"
"Many of the cases are investigated,
and ie, t the writts� are dear�p!l tca.ha,tver-
thy of.eara�ihy` they are not t',nm
hand- ' lir. Gould gives away many
thousands of dollars ever year far char-
ity's sake. not ostentatiously, but in a
teluet way where it will do the most mood. dier" discarded, by Albert Pullman.
Irequently he receives letters from,ntctt The reporter asked:
who have gone down in the many ""Whet da you do with the cigar
Wall street upheavals. If their failures stumps yon pick up here?"
were due to natural causes, and the ap- Turning indignant) to the reporter,
plicants are worthy, they frequently re- he said: "What do indignantly
mean, sir? I
eeive vald from an unexpected quarter,- never pickup cigar stumps, sir."
little realizing that Mr. Gould is their ""But I saw ou just pickup, the re -
benefactor ff'he *mild send money' nudes of a o`keee that ,Mr, Tallman
to every personenialuemnd- feinele, who threw okay* and bide it in" your pocket,"
applies by letter or in person, Mr. Gould said the reporter.
would he kept busy writing cheeks. "Yes, I pick up cigar stumps some -
Mr. 0:P. iuntineton, who is Christ- times,"
ened Central. Pa lee Huntington be- "But I have seen you do it regularly
Ccense he is president and master of the for two weeks; what is your object?" •`
entral Pacific Road,' is probably worth "The best and largest of them I sinoke
$15,000,000. • He fits also in receipt of myself. I use the ashes, as far as I can,
begging letters, principally, be claims, for cleaning teeth. The rest I grind up
from the article which appeared in the and 'make into smoking tobacco and
"Star. His letters are from all portions Ti,snuff. etole-,eco is sou eitafter, and
of Europe' and the United States, and I can sel"h tel ream makeffor'thirty-five
contain bequests based upon were` im- cents 'a'mete�, and I can gather in sev-
aginable scheme. The bulk of his ap; eral pounds aday."
peals come from the Pacific coast, from "Do you need the money?"
men who are sure, if they only hada ",Tot particularly, but it is cheaper
few of Mr. Huntington's dollars, they than buying cigars." And thee the
could soon develop mines of eintald "snipe-huhter"'slipped away before the
wealth, make' Western prairie lands reporter could' propound another gums -
blossom like the rose or fill their ranches p p p q
with the cattle upon a. thousand hills. tion:
Mr Huntington, his friends say. ,is not "Knew How."
ee have enitbbec ,l i -fifty times,"
much given to charity, anti tosses beg: said a yoting lady to lter lend; as they
ging letters away without reading them were riding down town in an Indiana
very closely. Avenue car, "and he don't seem to
Henry Clews, another ten -millionaire,- tunable to it."
is beset with appeals for money, mainly "Why don't you tell him plainly that
from public institutions. Men who lost
their fortunes when he had $7,000,000
swept away by a single legislative net
have often found in Mr. Clews a friend
of full sympathy, and there are plenty
of operators o* Wall' street to -day the
foundations ofA ose fortune. were laid
with the assistarici"giVenireely by Mr.
Clews. ""Thi '=++iii h" .men ` of Wall
street," he said to a Star reporter, "as
a.rule ere very. lavish in•their gifts for
charitable +purposes,` very few being mi-
serl "' .,
"Do you have many aliplioatiens by
mail for aid?" •
"Scarcely a day passes that I do not
re.cer� fitter'' Vskeig for meemy " ,he
users kl', a i ne time `fin reringr..:
letter bearing the words "Young Men's
Chris an ociatto ''.'. itt the .Bead.
Mos o t egg dr
e s cdme;from:
wom` vlfo oliclir i't or sodiettig's o u
all kinds nd amee.: I received one
n }lV� tttifulth` etd,'us�e?
tune• 6 e .s6 igty indnageir
Sisters of Char ty."
his attentions to you are•.obnoxious, and
that. you do not love him," said her
"1 have intimated as much on several
occasions," replied•`the miss, "still he
persists in ealling -pen me. I have
ltbout •eoneluded +tcf' - 1144 him, him, Lnd then
get diYo,5c dtote., t 1liof him."
"`B f eiveyr ,4dhhe other, "who
is the man?r'
"Why, he is thatlittle.tailor on Dear
'horn street;" replied the .girl.
`"That• settles rt," ,said her companion.
"You will be obliged;to marry him, for
ef'tliere is any one -on -earth who knows
how to successfully 'press a suit,' it is a
tarlol e -National Weekly.
Magnanimous M6 ses:
Mose Veriteteidas up befor .tee po-
i.ilk (et oX. tibus,"h •" t t beating
elierit#ver t demadIt .r - i
, rut o1
the hoose, , ecompaniae by similar
of er•i•}r urea; lay lr.eec tri it cs at
10,4e re,� of e gt -tee e'fife eti re'
the home f her parents; in another
"How do you treat such citedeeleee Pri town., s was promptly fined $10
• If the letters bear evidence.& gond; a'' df hds'tg,^ `ehieh be paid.
lnenese , 1''seed- to trust 'orthp: ; person to '• `..A ' nowr,,,y our ,,Honor,". he. ,said,
make L i investigation, and if his' report •ppleddinal'y "Would you -thhj :ivritin' a
is favorable I give what .I tbink:is-prop- letter,to my wife?"
er under the circumstances."'t 'r" : - • "Whet eha1i I Say for you in a letter
to your w'_e ],' i
"Do you not rereeive appeals fro
broken-down broke :?"
"Very'fre. uentl , ,ti4 WA etlre n coin
i — ge 1
conspictous in Wyk iu�
hut are now penniless, appea forsex
isneq,yand,few of thenk are turned away , The census of missions to bo taken
1efripty aided- a �°Tliiti. is `tbe�,'eofnin;bn 'neat yexi v4liki »ie iiecesaid,.:shoye an in-
experience of Will sieve men-oemeans. areaser 2410,000-gatimUlr st� �a>ls in`.
Only a few days age it .db4eeei'pp"tion fist' yleli'4ted` B'unnal*s fo! bire•lii
WAS cireular xn b F jahang —Gen• years -500.0,00 in all.
ed the Judge.
ir, that if she will
ill be forgiven."
• LV.J ,of 1.p()Gf.t.."
Sour Stour :_`i,
Sick headache and Biliousness.
Pike, 23. per bottle. Sold. by all Druggists.
•:....•+[.r7...v1,7s772111.+74-7.V.4•.......-era: 7 .
How Lost, Bow Pestosed.
We have recently nnbliahoda new edition o
ontheradicalandppermaacntouro (without me-
&leino)ofNervousl)ebility,kfental and physical
Incapacity impediments to Marriage, eto.,re-
suiting from excesses.
Price, in sealed, envolope,ouly 6 cents, or two
postage stamps, •- •
Tbecelebrate dauthol afthis admirableeuay
clearlydemonstratos,from thirty years' success-
ful practice, that alarming consequences may be
radically cured without the dau exons use Of in
tern aimodicinesorthouse, of the knife;; Point -
oat a, mode of cure at oncesimple Certainand et-
fectual,bymeaue of which every sufferer,lnomat-
ter whathis condition may ctirehimaelf
ohaapty,privateIy and radically.
t Th lecture should be lathe handsof every
youth andevery man in the land.
Pont Office Box 450 -
Agitating the Pablic: miud at present is where
can they get the best Bread, but this matter
can be settled to the entire satisfaction of the
people of Exeter and surrounding country, by
calling en • • •
the:oldestabli"s_`hetd eled;1YiTigib ikeiy,'}vhere.
they will find just what they want.' --
A Superior quallty�of Great'•always on Rand
Ali a first—Claes— stockof B,iisow'ce; Bees,
CAKES & iccl<iartany, which will: be sold
'cheap. While opponents have started busi-
ness, and sold out, andleft the place, Mr. Bell
has been found at his post,;.during the past
eight years, ready to attend to the wants of
the Public.
Owing toiuoressuig biis}neeu; Air•13e11 ria
found it necessary to:'remtvO etore•eitene.
roQdions premises, and has,, fulded riargely to
stock'of Groceriesi,aifd we1l=,ifeeff on hand:
Sugars, Teas, Coffee, Syrup, and everything
usually 'mind ' ifs a'first.olsss'.Groceryl •Store.
All kinds of li'arltl i"roduce tak-
en in exchange for r400ds
tib I Ak4 , .'':t,_,,t
REMEMBER THE STAND ,`J,outhcoti'6 taboo;
FodY` i"i64,1'1.orf h l'OifE'<Sf b f
Thebesterelarationknowntopotence forbeautifyingtee
APPLI i •. i w to
es Wfy f ac x d give t •'1 1'61althr 4vyi w on "
ppearance. It Conceals Wrinkles. eckles. Crow's
sot, and the Evidence of Age, leaving the Skin Soft,
ticeihrand White.
PRICE -0 nts, Sent to any address, Postage
stamps tak dress Il lett s
Ct1E ' R, r et' ,$7 T f O.
Aokyo dna ist o it.all of b n
sale s ]� 4
IMES until 1St Jaa>O' , SJ 30 Ctrs
.?,yS "e "esi,stfa� auurdcT
.a, $ dAsj e,�nse i• onxo:fhe
tag.I.Siutecl Ko1 m
Botches, 7o:sJlumars, St laeum, fid f4c ,
ii »?j
, rom. Zntpure vac
afnged Stomach, or li r tdr ('zottali of the : `owers,
Barb wire and steel strip fencifigs,
P1'CK iL--fl.D.
s Bas
i- d` FIELD
' r. ,
off Yry IW n12er;a tla.sf•�
a:lot ai1•to ; e i z tGek,e oxeiitel�ii--el
lse..i :`-
br:„ ..,e,"asyot .:,„ ' iapttc4g eQrxect a.l. oocsitcla's$-
wr„.„,,,,,„.....,...,,.„,.ci4 P...1;.;;J:i ' ,
L,; ::a a,s":yr.,tt,•SF