The Exeter Times, 1884-9-11, Page 5YOISON DOMINION_LARORATORY .• Copperas, the best and cheapest disinfectant at the COMMUNI I3ROOKLYN'S GREAT'CHEMIST. "This is to certify that I have ruade a careful analysis of DB. PRICE'S CREAM 3341Q110 ?QWDBR and also the .Royal Baldu,g Powcler.tt "I find that ,DR.,PRICE'S POWDER R is inane of pure of to be obtained." - object contains no Carbonate of ,Ammonia, but one-half as ranch starch as the Royal Baking Powder, evolves more carr bontc acid gas, both by analysis and by a practical test in X a the preparation and baking of biscuits, makes lighter, better o I.e.brik Cres J . We EI Q"�" izTrlR'CG, prop ! flavored, and, m my opinion, more wholesome article of food," "I regard the PRICE BAKING POWDER as superior TTOn4. Nterlos• r�LNNENT 4 TENNENT, vetsri• to the Royal Baking Powder for the following reasons nary urtieo#s, Graduates of the Onisrto 1. It contains Ito Ammonia,a substance which is not Veterinary . • GoilsiC•.T9xon-- , • to, have op. ea9d o cillos for the treat most of all , advisable in artii�les ()flood and unnecessary, if it is not pos> - 4,C ..00mestioe,e imot•,onHainitive• l injurious. street, lei. :.r 'lirrT 2. it contains less starch, and, therefore weight for A diatAna,._„1 ,.,�-•�-.pro;mptlY at N THE DOMI.NIO tencl.dtP. 7[edieinesfor Uozsts, Cattle, etc weight, ' N alwl►7�QA Inand, g t, cit?rttaclnS more of the active ingredieritl�.aalTi(1 is a'pirrer i a,rtiole, 3. It evolves Imre carbonic aoid gas, and, therefore more efficient, as shown by analysis and by experiment with a weighed quantity of biscuit dough. • 4. The ingredients are mixed in better proportions, so that there is less free alkaline carbonate remaining in the dough to impair digestion by neutralizing the gastric juice,, 5. It gives a lighter and better flavored dough, owing to the facts stated in Nos g and 4 above," "I know of .no respect in which DR. PRICE'S CREAM BAKING POWDER is inferor to the Royal Baking Powder.'r. I am very respectfully yours, . ELIAS IL BARTLEY, B. S., M. D., Cham st *the Dept. of Health, City' of Brooklyn. Lecturer on Physiological aucl z� � 29, I884 eel Chemistry ill the Lang Ilrfliud Mewl Hospital, aiedios1 College. Mt tiles Or Word fbr it. every Hees per Prue it. materials and mixed in the best obemical proportions Tor the IONS We welcome son nuinicationr • • sag su_ jest or genera interest; but tit e . tor does not bold himself responsible for opinione. of ogrreinondents. Ali Gomm cation* to be addressed to the Tame, with the writer'#. name Attached the mime will not he publish- ed eial.0 deslredby the writer et the article. To Viler of tho Eme1or Vow', Dun n Sat :--In looking pveal the colanlns of the Iffneefor oft ilia fourth ineteut, emitted* reply Hints* aha Sodomites, charging the editor of the Twee with bowing written the Qom• na.unioatiou signed "red," which apt. Pestered in your issue of August 241h, Now to commence with, I will take all the reeponeibility on myself. I say it was not Mr. Wilke who wrote the oomwunlpatiou, but Fred, une wbo *dueled the psrforitlauos of t 'Te+Rnaande utat tree. Andron the drunken froliok of aha Sodomites (psrl:ops unseen iu the dark,) Daisy have been* little inistdkeit As to how TILE EXETEB far the boundaries of Sodom extend. ad ; 1 Mot it extends farther eolith than ie generally understood, as there ie sen iudivtdgdlt dwelling toathward, who Mems disappointed because his name was not mentioned in comma. tion with the froliok of aha Sodom. itss. I might mention* few reasons why he felt Blighted. The Aral mey have been haunts his name did not 325 AOREC THE mon eta iftxoerd H►larsilG %W Wing to work. `MEN AND WOMEN can hove eles unt WORK THE YEAR ROUND, Good Agents are earning from Q1 to Der month and expenses.l ted. Steady who are SON Sc tWELLIN4TON,Toroato Planing Mili! SASH, DOOR, and I appear an print ; 2nd, it might hove been ?oceanc he did not abatein the luxuries of that Jay, or that he feels ALL !KINDS OF s little sore over the unsucosssful newspaper war be Hae engages in A. TT -p N ry• serge time ago, and, now seizes the .L .Lie 4T opportunity to Abuse the Taus amen without reason. I am willing to eel. law the boundaries to take in this person, which like some others of the Sodomites falls far short of the in. noaept creature known as the "frog," which hu not fallen into the habit of drinking fire water, and the bar. ./ nony which prevsile among them may be observed by any one who may ohznoe to paha Sodom M night, when their "sweat tongs may be beaid, every note being distinct and clear. Let nue give a note or two : SAM -- Site; Sam- -mile, then in a lithe lows er thus, Gillis --Gillis ; More grog--' w° more grog ; • whiskey all gone— gone,l when a voice from South Sodom, but not of the frog kiud, is heard saying "the whiskey is not all gone in Sod. ora ,yet, and had Staalaftes incised me to share in the quart bottle,whion they have already acknowledged they had on hand, or had they even celled on me to draw up articles of agree. meat, hold the stakes and keep a general record of the proceedings, I would have brought on my supply." Now, let me tell this little Sodomite to keep cool, for nnlees his supply of that which seems to be very neves. sary for some of the ottizens of that ancient city. ie very -large, II will sooar be exhausted and 'another hasty run will hare to be arranged. If a batty trip is necessary again, we would .sug- gent that this little•big Sodomite' drive his fast horse and not startern% a man half naked. .Come .all ye Sodomise End learn from the outcome of that night's froliok not to touch, taste or handle the coursed stuff, and then. your will raise higher; in the estiwa- Icon of All. " Riudly, enter my name on your hist sea regular . subscriber to your valuable paper until further notice. Yours Truly, FRED. Mrs. Clench .and her two 'dough - ism of S1. Marys, leave far Germany th r latter and of this, month. The East Middlesex Reformats met o n Saturday afternoon, and nominat- e d over 100 delegates to attend the Done to order. Rentemberitbe place. Elver ft =award. STATION 5T. LOOK HERE! Read R MKS' New Advertisement And don't be wander -In gat out the streets not ]mowing whereto buy your 'Watches, .Clacks :& Jewelry His (Rookie New and Complete:. LL;D1ES GIVE .HIIrr A (,ALL No trouble to show you through, or set your Watch to tboright time—if you have .one; if not he will bo most happy to supply you. 111N STOCK OF CLOCKS 1S SPLENDID representing all the leading American makes, also Race for Pacers and Trotters. All for Prices Lower this Season than ever before=:+prizea. Send for a Prize List and Programme, Huts stood the :art for FiFr'tr.T.narit YEAza, and has proved itself' the best remedy known for the cure of r;= o Consumption, Coughs, o Coids,Whoopin g Cough and all Lung Diseasesin young or old. Sols, gram kw:mat:, $2.04 Iter 2,7441 +. DOWNS' EU Western Fair lace fa can ortbe Royal, top down, on a hot stove until heated, Ga7iada's Great Exhibition hen remove the cover anti smell. AND IINAU:efar4L R.'ir1erltrslr. I,flNDON, '• C,Q NADAa SEPTEMBER, 22, 23, 24, 25, and 20 0 $i7,O04.00 IN PRIZES, 12,000.00 iu Excises of 1888 11,049 00 in 8peoiale by Friends of the Western Fair 1 OPEN TO THE WORLD 1 The Western /Pair for UM wiltfar surpus all its predecessors. The prises aro lar this new features and novelties to ba introduced will make it the roast attractive exhibition ever hold in Canada. Wait for ib. Ped- en, Prroogra the Beut other infrormat on r queir E R.110nINSON GEO, bleBROOIS President. Secretin, TIIM lt'Y Tf3 ANNUAL EXHIBITION —or Tiff— Southern Ce tins' Fair Association, Will behold at tbo City of sic, T.HOMVI.&S, • —oN— Tuesday, Wounesday, Thursday t Friday, Sept. 30th, Oct. lst, 2nd, d 3rd, '84 OPEN TO THE WORLD. A Very Liberal Prize List. A. NtThtBEB 01 SPHOIAL MIZE.% . Special .A.ttractions ; Running Race ; Prizes for Lady Drivers with Double Team; Farmers' Premium Race and Trial of Speed for Gentlemens' Bond Horse ; REPAIRING A SPECIALTY, The Oddfellows' Band in Attendance. Send inyour eickwatcher while there is room. • r3Remomber the Stand—ONE Door; Nonra or Tansontrn OFYIen.• " R. HICKS. Exeter, Aug. 97th, 1884. • Britteh Columbia. CIEALED TENDERS, addressed to 17 the undersigned, and endorsed " Tender for Graving Dock, B. 0.. will be received at this office until SATURDAY, the 20th clay o1 September, 1884, inclusively, for the construc- tion andcampletion of the partly finished Mowat demonstration and the Indus- Graving Dock, at Esquimalt trial Exhibition at Toronto's next Harbor, Brltish•lColumbia, week. The usual cheap rates tor the According to plans and anecifecations to be seen on and after Monday, the 1st September. at the Department of Public Works, Ottawa, and on application to the Bon, Z. W. Trntch, ,Victoria,. 0. Persons tonderingere notifYed that tenders will not be considered unless made on the print ed forms Supplied and prices affixed to the Whole otthe:items stated therein, and signed with their actual signatures. Each tender must be accompanied by an Ac- cepted bank cheque for the sum of $7,500.00. made payable to the order of the Honorable the Minister of Public Works, which will be forfeited if the party decline to enter into a contract when caked upon to do so, or if he fell•to compplete the work*, contracted for. If 4tho:teudir, bene a o•Ptod the cheque will be, te' nra`ed,�' . The Detree t will not be bound to accept the lowest or any�tender. 'rater c4.1491$7. rotary. delegates will be secured. A number of the friends of Mr. S. Morrison. ,of Seaforth, who 'bels- been employed as a olerk in the dry goods department of Messrs. Doman & Punoan's . establishment for some time, met at the Quein'e' hotel on Friday night, 29th ult., to pay a pawl. ing tribune to their young friend. Ref' Father Shea ocet ied;,, the ohair; and, , a very enjoyable "eve g' wile, Mr. Morrison was also presented with a pusMiii&a 'dtid ,iphein ' as •.a� toketrcif ih e Mere 41ii'kerhioh4,-he held. Mr. Morrison has gone to Ring • Department lea. Departma teihblcvsks, a les HENRY 1iBOWN, RAIN A. KAINS, Presideni. Secretary. GOD SAVE TEEQUEEN. THE GREAT Industrial Fair I AND SEME-CENTENNIAL EXPOSITION 1884. Of Live Stock, Poultry, Dairy, Agricultural and Horticultural Products, Implements,* and. Manfaetures of all Kinds. TORONTO, SEPTEMBER the 10th to the 20th, The largest Prize List in the Dominion. • Prize Lists and EntryForma can be obtained fromthe Secretaries of all Agricultural Societ- ies and Mechanic s' Institutes, or they win be sent anywhere on application by post card to the Secretary, at Toronto. Entries close Aug- ust23rd. fib is will be the GRANDEST ; EVENT Or Toronto's Semi-Centennini year. AN IMMENSE PROGRAMME SPECIAL ATTRACTIONS, to being pre ared.for that limo, Cbeelr rates and Excursions on' all' 1taafiWa e. 'ho beat time to visit the oily of Toronto. Wait for it • 7.71 WITHROW. President. H. J BILL, Manager and Secretary, Toront PRICE; BAKING POWDER CO. Exeter Butcxrer Shop R. DAVIS/ Butoher & General Dealer rx tan sums or -- Customers supplied TUESDAYS, THURS. DAYS AND 8ATUBDAYS at their residence, ORDERS LEFT AT THE SHOP WILL RE OELVB PROMPT ATTENTION. MESE ;ATS The nodersigned wish to suuounos to the inhabitants of Exeter And vicinity that they have opened out a Butcher Shop iu the building formerly occupied by Kemp's Tobacco Stora, where Ail kinds of Fresh Meat can be bad. Tow will do well to call, as all meat sold by thew is Sresh and Tender. SNELL.t FORD, Proprietors. PIIOTOGEAPILTI PEOPLE OF EXETER AND VICINITY When they visit London Fair time or any other time, should avail tiiemeelree of the opportunity, and eel!, et • Frank Cooper's New Studio Where *wary facility is at band for first-class Portraiture—AIiL SIZES—including Copying, Coloring, •tnd Enlarging. In order to keep.up the reputation of this splendid Gallery, Mr. Cooper is very careful in allowing only first-class produttttons to go out. " Competent Professionals "' ti At the head of Each. Department. PRICES MOD1 RATE, STUDIO:—Fitzgerald's .New Block, Dundas-st., near cor,. of Richmond—South side. SUBLIM RT &LL!RTI The undersigned begs to intimate to the people of Exe- ter and surrounding country .that ho has better facilities fo turning outfirst-class than heretofore: • Pictures taken in all .the Usual Styles of the Art Life -Size Pictures in- oil Colors Crayon, or Sepia DONE ON SI CfTEST'NOTICE And at Lowest Possible Rates,' ill Work l. S: --Engraving. on Gold, Silver, or Ivory also Gold or,rSilver Plat tig clone on, theshortest`. notice, W. T JOHNS,